THE WORLD OYER LATEST NEWS FROM EVERY LAND UBS THUESTON DEAD - SENATORS WIFE EXPIRES THE YACHT ANITA Slates war aj II 1 Jll III 1 ON Vas a Member of the Congressional Party Which Is Now on a Visit to Cuba Apoplexy Causes Her Sud den Demise Other Items Dies While Visiting Cuba Havana Consul General Lee received lhe following telegram Monday1 evening from Walter B Barker United States consul at Sagua la Grande The wife of Senator Thurston died on the Anita today Shall give every attention and wire you from Boca Barker Meager advices say that Mrs Thurston died of apoplexy about 8 oclock Monday morning when the yacht was in sight of port The Anita left Matanzas Sunday night with all the congressional party ex cept Congressmen Smith and Cuinmings who went to Sagua The passage from Havana to Matanzas was very rough and that to Sagua even worse It is thought that this together with the rough passage down the coast may have hastened the end but nothing definite is known as to the circumstances of Mrs Thurstons death or as to the time and place of the funeral POWERS FEAR WAR Think the United States Is Trying to Force Spain to Fight Londox The Paris correspondent of the Times says According to informa tion obtained from good sources the Aus trian emperor is making great efforts to induce the European powers to present to the United States the danger to Europe of heir carrying any further their interfer ence in Cuban affairs Emperor William is warmly seconding the offorts of Emperor Francis Joseph The American govern ment is aware of this situation The Vienna correspondent of the Times telegraphs au abstract of an article in the St Petersburg Novoe Vremya which lie thinks deserves attention as giving an accurate account of the views and inten tions of at least three of the great powers The correspondent says The article asserts that the TTniiPrt are well aware that in declaring ainst Spain they could not count upon the approval of any of the European powers All it alleges would sympathize with Spain if not actively certainly by categorical protest against President Me Kinleys conduct This is also well known at Madrid Therefore continues the Novoe Vremya writer it is hoped that Spain will not fall into the trap laid by Wash ington for she has so far no serious grounds for declaring war and measures should immediately be taken in order that She may not have such grounds ia the future The European representatives con cludes the article will notify the Wash ington government that it is their opinion that war is not desirable that it is to be hoped that President McKinley will realize the disadvantage of such general censure and will not allow himself to be figged into war by American speculators CHALLENGES BILLY MASON -Spanish Editor Sends a Deli to the Illinois Senator Washixgtox Senator Mason on Tues day received the challenge sent him by the editor of the Spanish paper El Cardo The document is printed and is signed by editor the Marquis de Alta Villa The challenge is fora combatwith swords and is preceded by a column of personal abuse The American people are referred to as a people who deal in pigs and whose flag is the almighty dollar The senator accepts the challenge in a jocose spirit He says he will have to see the marquis before he decides to accept but that it scarcely accords with Spanish modesty for the challenging partv to name the weapons as is done in this instance Assumes Charge of Pest House Washixgtox United States Army Surgeon Westheimer has been sent to Middlesboro N Y to assume charge of the pest house there where several cases of small pox are confined with 400 suspects The community is almost demoralized over the situation Condemn Martins Acquittal New York At the Central Labor Union meeting Sunday a strong protest in the form of resolutions was entered against the acquittal of Sheriff Martin and his deputies by the jury at Wilkesbarre Pa and against the court proceedings holders Wages Increased Rocic Istaxi 111 The Rock Island Plow Company has raised the wages of the molders in the shops 10 per cent The increase effect 500 men and under the new scale the men will receive on the average a day Souvenirs for Omaha Expo Philadelphia Final arrangements were completed Monday for the manufac ture at the mint of the souvenir medals that will be used at the Omaha Trans Mississippi Exposition which opens June L Nephew of Bcrnato Shot Cape Towx Africa Wolf Joel a nephew and trustee of the late Barney Barnato the South African millionaire was shot Monday morning by a fonnei soldier Carry 350 Klondikers Seattle Wash Three steamers the Protection Tillamook and North Pacific have sailed for Alaska with 350 passengers New York Banker Dead New Yokk Francis II Harris pres ident of the Nassau Bank is dead Liberal Wins in London 1oxdox A parliamentary bye election was held in the Slehney division of the Lower Hamlets London to fill the va cancy caused by the death of the late con servative member for the borough Prank Wotton Isaacson The election resulted in a victory for the liberal and radical candidate Prisoner Cremates Himself Mookeiiouse Mo Hess Smith mar shal of Morley was locked up in the cala boosefor being drunkv He set fire to the jbuilding and was so badly burued Unit he Jdiedsix hours afler - 3 - y BUYS TWO WARSHSPS Negotiations ivith Brazil for Two Cruisers Practically Closed Most of the time of Fridays cab inet meeting was taken up in the dis cussion of measures which have been put into operation for the acquisition of naval vessels by the government One of the members said after the meeting It is now altogether probable that we will secure two vessels that are under construction for the Brazilian government It is not possible at this time to say just how many ships in all the government will be able to secure It has options on a number that have been offered but nothing is likely to be definitely accom plished in the way of securing them Un til an examination is made into their con dition for which purpose a naval officer has been dispatched abroad The fact is notorious that there are not a great many really good vessels to be had but 1 should notbesurpiised if we were able to get a half dozen formidable ones at least The 50003000 appropriated for war prepara tions will be expended in this country ex cept such of it as may be used in the pur chase of ships and in the acquisition of munitions of war not obtainable here The two warships the Amazonas and her sister ship now building in England for Brazil are the vessels referred to above It W3S stated at the cabinet meet ing by Secretary Long that the naval attache at London Lieut Colwell had almost completed the negotiations for the sale So far however the final notifica tion from him that his offer has been ac cepted has not yet reached the navy de partment BLEW UP THE MAINE Army and Navy Register Says There Is No Doubt The Army and Navy Register pub lished in Washington is a conservative organ of the military establishment It never slops over and its utterances are in variably inspired In its issue Saturday the Register had this editorial leader double leaded The Register is in pos session of information the correctness of which it has no reason to question in the least that certain evidence gathered by the court of inquiry at Havana has come in a semi official form lo the president from two prominent members of the board The information has been in the hands of the president for some days and has served to occasion unusual activity during the pres ent week The information is to the ef fect that the Maine was destroyed by a government submarine mine planted in Havana harbor and deliberately exploded More than this it appears the Maine was purposely moored in the vicinity of the mine and that the explosion occurred at the moment when the ship had been op portunely carried by wind and tide directly over the mine NEW MILITARY DEPARTMENT Includes All States Near the Scene of Possible Hostilities The secretary of war has decided to issue an order creating a new military de partment including within its confines that part of the country which would be in all likelihood nearest to the field of possible hostilities The order will create a com motion in the south The preseutlepart mentof Texas is abolished and the head quarters which have been at San An tonio Texas for so many years are aban doned In place of the old department is created a new one the department of the south Gen Graham at present com mander of the department of Texas will command the new department which will include the states of South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana and Texas All of these states save the last are at present attached to the department ol the east under command of Gen Merritt of New York St Louis Woman Burned Mrs Helen Schwann of St burned to death while lighting stove She spilled some of the her dress while filling she struck a match to light to Death Louis was a gasoline liquid on the tank When the stove her dress ignited and her screams attracted her three small children who attempted to pull the burning clothes from their mother The woman was burned to a crisp and died in terrible agony The three children were all badly Tb urned about the hands and face Ex Confederates Banquet Them Colonel Knauss of Columbus Ohio and a party of union veterans of the late war were banqueted at Charleston W Va Saturday by the ex confederates of that city Governor Atkinson and other state officers partook of the banquet and re sponded to toasts Colonel Knauss has every year since the war decorated the graves of southern soldiers who died while in Camp Chase Shark Hunters Are Drowned While endeavoring to harpoon a large basking shark two miles outside Monterey Cal Monday afternoon two boats con taining seven Japanese nsnermen were capsized The shark completely de molished the boats and four of the fisher men were drowned The others clung to pieces of the boats and drifted ashore - President Is Congratulated Many congratulations are coining to the White House and the state department from all parts of the country upon Ike patriotic spirit exhibited in dealing with the latest phases of the Cuban question Most of them are official in character but many are personally directed to the Pres ident Old Time Stage Driver E B Evans who was the oldest stage coach driver in the west was buried in East St Louis Sunday He had been known for years to hundreds of persons on both sides of the river Until old age crept on him he was overseer of the Na tional Stock yards He was 91 years of age Saginaw Car Lines Are Tied Up All the street car lines in Saginaw Mich are tied up People are walking Ninety conductors and motormen struck Saturday morning The men demanded regular hours and pay for overtime ELEVP LIVES LOST FIRE IN A NEW YORK HOUSE Refuses to Talk ol Parker Tells LODGING There Were i05 JJodgers in the Buildinc When the Fire Broke Out Senator Proctor Refuses Talk of His Visit to Cuba to Bowery mission Fire The Bowery Mission Lodging House in New York city was destroyed by fire at an early hour Sunday morning and eleven lives were lost The property loss is 15 000 There were 155 lodgers in the build ing when the fire started and so rapidly did the flames spread that many of them were unable to escape The cause of the fire is unknown The Bowery Mission Lodging House is conducted by the Christian Herald In the basemenjt of the building there is a cheap restaurant while the ground floor is used exclusively for mission purposes The four upper floors were filled up as a cheap lodging house with accommodations for 153 males who paid 15 20 according to the or 25 cents each location of the rooms Almost every bed was occupied When the alarm was given and the inmates aroused a wild scene of excitement ensued Those on the lower floor got to the street safely by the stairways while those on the upper floors groped their way through the blinding smoke lo the metal lire escape in front of the building The majority of them only saved portions of their clothing while several of them were naked Those who made their way to the street by the fire escapes were superficially burned by excessive heat of the iron ladders which in many places had become red hot from the flames within PROCTOR RETURNS His Cuban Visit of Suffering Senator Proctor and his companion Col Parker who have been spending some time in Cuba returned to Washington Sunday Senator Proctor said that he did not desire to discuss his trip at present and that further than to commend the good work Miss Clara Barton was doing in Cuba he had nothing m the way of an interview Col Parker said We went to Sagua la Grande Matanzas Cienfuegos and Artemisa province of Pinar del Rio The stories of suffering in the Island of Cuba have not been exaggerated It is intense over every portion of the island The reconlentradoes are gathered into the villages where they can be seen in all their pitiable aspects it is periiaps greater in Matanzas than elsewhere What impressed me most and would doubtless impress any visitor to Cuba is the utter desolation of the island Miss Barton is doing great work among tiie reconcentradoes and is to be praised for her heroic efforts in that direction We were well treated by the Spaniards In regard to the question as to whether the impression prevailed in Havana that the Maiue was destroyed by external influ ences Col Parker spoke guardedly He said however that the same impression prevailed there as did here There was little or no war talk and the de Lome in cident was not mentioned there during his visit BISMARCK UNABLE TO WALK The Iron Chancellor Growing More Feeble Daily A Berlin cable says Prince Otto von Bismarck the man of blood and iron whose mighty arm forged the German principalities into a great united empire is now a helpless cripple The sad news comes from Friedrichsruhe that until death brings relief the greatest living statesman is doomed to a life of dreary inactivity his sole diverson con sisting of being rolled around his garden in fovorable weather in an invalids chair The prince has lost the use of his legs Like a tiny infant he cannot stand on his feet and it requires the strong arm of lov ing friends and relatives to lift him from the chair to his couch or bed After All Sardine Factories S G Stevens of the Brooklyn Packing Company at Brooklyn Me has secured an option on all the sardine factories in the state fora syndicate of English cap italists There are fifty three factories in Maine and Mr Stevens has an option on them for ninety days at a figure represent ing nearly 1500000 The English syndi cate represents a capital of 3000030 China Is Helpless The British minister atPekinSir Claude M MacDonald visited the Chinese foreign office and lodged a strong protest against the cession of Port Arthur lo Russia saying it would destroy the balance of power in China The Chinese officials however declared their inability to with stand the Itusssian demands Four Year Term for Congress The house committee on the election of president vice president and representa tives in congress has favorably reported to the house the joint resolution amending the constitution providing for the election of members of the house of representa tives for terms of four years Norway Gives Suffrage to All The committee of the storthing Ien a pointed to revise the constitution of Nor way has decided by a vote of 5 to 2 to rec ommend that universal suffrage be granted to all men above 25 years of age 150000 Baltimore Fire The tinware and japanning establish ment of Keqne Hagerty Baltimore was destroyed by fire Sunday Loss 150000 covered by insurance Duelist Shot in the Knee In a duel fought near Budapest Deputy Ivanka shot Privy Councilor Szalavtski governor of Pressburg in the knee Capt Evans Retired Capt George Evans Tenth Cavalry has been placed on the retired list on account of disabilities incident to service Queen Leaves England The queen started from Windsor Friday afternoon for the south of France BRADSTREETS REVIEW Activity in Nearly All Lines of Dis tributive Trade Bradstreets Weekly Review says Con tinued activity in nearly all lines of dis tributive trade but more particularly in the larger cities of the west south and the far northwest continues to be the most favorable feature coming under notice That the demand for dry goods groceries hardware iron and steel and various forms of building material is relatively most active at the west1 seems evident at the slight tone of disappoint ment in reports from leading eastern markets where business is moving less rapidly than at the interior Less favorable features are few number ing chiefly a weaker tone in prices of a few staples hitherto marked by extreme firmness but chiefly perceptible in quota tions for some makes of course cotton goods print cloths raw wool the demand for which is reported slower than any pre vious time this year wheat which has been affected by war rumors and the growth of the impression that the worlds wheat supply at present prices will suffice coffee and sugar FIGHT IS DECLARED A DRAW The Foul Tactics of Sharkey Robs Choynski of Victory Tom Sharkey the sailor pugilist and Joe Choynski the veteran of a hundred fistic battles met Friday night in San Francisco in a twenty round fight for 60 per cent of the gate receipts un der the auspices of the National Athletic -club The crowd of 7000 people was kept waiting for over an hour owing to Sharkeys objections to the ref eree nominated by his opponent and his club Sharkey gave a disgraceful exhibi tion of foul fighting which culminated in his hurling Choynski through the ropes upon the chairs below the platform in the eighth round when the referee at t lie suggestion of the police declared the fight a draw It was apparent to the great ma jority of the spectators that had the fight been fair on the part of Sharkey Choyn shis superior cleverness would have re turned him the winner A Gasoline Tragedy While filling a lighted vgasoline stove Mrs Andrew C Peterson ofNNJinneapolis Minn was covered with ilamesV She died four hours after Her who was silting on the kitchen floor w5 also terribly burnedand died at the same lime as the mother Mrs Petersons 14-year-old sister Mada Baehr in attempting to extinguish the flames had her clothes almost entirely burned off and she too succumbed to her injuries Attempts Suicide Mrs John S Boyd daughter-in-law of1 Millionaire Francis Boyd of Milwaukee attempted suicide in Chicago by shooting herself with a revolver because she thought her husband had been taken from her Thursday Boyd disappeared and his wife declares that her husbands parents have taken him away from her because of their opposition to the marriage Mrs Boyds wound may result fatally Congress May Vote Thanks to Lee There is little doubt that a resolution will soon be introduced and passed voting to Fitzhugh Lee the thanks of congress for his able brave and patriotic conduct as consul general in Havana during the last two years This has been frenuentlv talked about and any one of half a dozen senators stand ready to present the measure Report Against Powderly The senate committee on immigration has reported adversely the nomination ol JT V Powderly to be commissioner of im migration Senator Chandler united with the Democratic senators to secure an ad verse leport It is believed the report will be made the basis of an animated controversy in the senate Will Fight for Hannas Scat Mayor Robert E McKisson of Cleveland Ohio has announced that he would con test the election of Senator Hanna when the latter attempted to take his seatforthe long term Mayor McKisson was the candidate for the opposition for senator at Columbus last January Prof Horace Fenn Suicides Prof norace Fenn who formerly re sided in the Cnited States drowned him self at MARKET QUOTATIONS Chicago Cattle common to prime 300 to 575 hogs shipping grades 300 to 425 sheep fair to choice 251 to 475 wheat No 2 red 102 to 103 com No 2 2Sc to 30c oats No 2 25c to 27c rye No 2 40c to 50c butter choice creamery ISc to 20c eggs fresh fc to lie potatoes coniton to choice tiOc to 70c per bushel Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to 550 hogs choice light 300 to 425 sheep common to choice 300 to 500 wheat No 2 05c to 97c corn No 2 white 31c to 32c oats No 2 white 20c to 30c St Louis Cattle 300 to 575 hogs 300 to 425 sheep 300 to S475 wheat No 2 97c to 99c corn No 2 yellow 27c to 28c oats No 2 27c to 2Sc rye No 2 48c to 50c Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs 300 to 425 sheep 250 to 500 wheat No 2 red 97c to 9Sc corn No 2 mixed 31c to 32c oats No 2 mixed 23c to 30c rye No 2 53c to 55c Detroit Cattle 250 to 550 hogs 300 to 425 sheep 250 to 500 wheat No 2 95c to 97c corn No 2 yellow 31c to 33e oats No 2 white 29c to 31c rye 51c to 52c Toledo Wheat No 2 red 90c to 9Sc corn No 2 mixed 31c to 32c oats No 2 white 27c to 29c rye No 2 50c to 52c clover seed 305 to 310 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 92c to 94c corn No 3 30c to 31c oats No 2 white 2Se to 30c re Nol 49c to 51c barley No 2 3Sc to 44c pork mess 1000 to 1050 Buffalo Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 425 sheep 300 to 500 wheat No 2 red 9Sc to 100 corn No 2 yellow 33c to 34c oats No 2 white 31c to 33c New York Cattle 300 fo 550 hogs 300 to 450 sheep 300 to 525 wheat No 2 red 105 to 107 corn No 2 37c to 38c oats No 2 white 31c to 32c butter creamery lGc to 21c eggs Western 10c to 12c STATE OF NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM Liability of Commercial Credit Com panies to Be Tested Omaha Mer chant Has Sued Dun Co for Making a Wrong Hating To Test Duns Liability The liability of commercial credit com panies for loss sustained by mercantile concerns in sales to merchants on the strength of rating given by the credit companies to the members is about to be tested in the courts C F Gilmau of Omaha has sued the R G Dun Company for 202 This is the value of a bill of goods Gilman sold to a Hiawatha Ivan merchant on credit and which he was un able to collect The petition relates that the credit was extended on the strength of rating secured from Dun who was under contract to furnish the plaintiff ratings on all firms in the United States Duns rating of the Hiawatha merchant gave that gentleman credit for having 50033 above his liabilities and good pay The petition of Gilman asserts that the firm is judgment proof and nothing can be col lected on the bill DETAILS OF RECENT GOLD FIND Deposit One of the TJichest Placers in the West A placer gold field has been discovered along the North Platte River in Cheyenne and Scotts Bluffs counties that is believed to be a Klondike The field will it is be lieved cover from 3000 to 5000 acres and assays show a yield of from t to 730 per ton This field is along the north side of the river and is from 50 to 100 feet above the river bottom The deposit is sand and gravel lying on a bedrock of magnesia and soapstone The material sand and gravel with various specimens of rock are foreign to the country A great many assays have been made and five results obtained Assays from material eighteen inches under the surface running from 4 to 6 per ton and at four feet deep 730 per ton which is unprecedented for large bodies of placer mining With very little expense a large stream of water can be carried above the deposit The body of gold bearing material is about one quarter to twelve miles wide covering from 3000 to 5000 acres The natural condition is such that it can be worked hi hydraulic methods for less than 5 cents per ton thereby leaving an immense profit for Working The body varies in thickness fronivriv to thirty feet and promises to be one of thefet rlacT productions in the west Water can be had lheyeav for working Knight Convicted of Arson The jury in the Knight case at Blair was out only a short time when it re turned a verdict of guilty on the first and second counts Last year the greater por tion of the business section of Arlington was destroyed by fire From the first it was suspicioneil that the fire had been pur posely set and investigation confirmed the suspicion George Knight who conducted one of the stores that was burned was in dicted on the charge of setting the fire and a woman Mrs Barbour was also in dicted as an accessory The woman was acquitted on trial and the first trial of Knight resulted in a disagreement of the jury Narrow Escape Two 7-year-old girls named Jennie Kelcer and Katie Ross pupils of Hastings fichool had a narrow escave from death last week On their way home from school they gathered a lot of stamonium pods and ate the seeds When the poison began to take effect they went into convulsions and uy me ume a pnysician coma ue sum moned one had lapsed into unconscious ness and the other was delirious An emetic was administered and each one voniUed up nearly a handful of the deadly seeds Antidotes were given and after several hours work the little ones were brought out of danger Has Earned His Freedom Patrick Ford au ex member of the Omaha city council applied to Gov Hol comb the other day for a pardon for his son Patrick Ford jr one of the survivors of the Maine disaster Young Ford two years ago was convicted of burglarly and sentenced to fifteen years in the peniten tiary He escaped from the Omaha jail made his way to Boston and enlisted in the navy A letter from him to his parents details his experience in the wreck in which he was wounded Gov Holcomb has not indicated what his course will be Wardens Report The report of the warden of the state penitentiary shows that on January 31 ttiere were 383 prisoners in the 4 r t i nui ami uicil uunng ueuruary seven more were brought in During the month the terms of six expired two were parolled two were commuted and one was remanded by the supreme court There are now twenty one prisoners out on parole Entertained by Deaf Mutes The students of the Nebraska School for Deaf at Omaha gave an interesting enter tainment at the Normal School in Peru one night last week The entertainment consisted of songs recitations panto mimes and tableaux It was interesting not only on account of the noveltv of the affair but for the wonderful proficicnev of those for whom nature had done so little New Play House for Silver Creek The Saladin Opera House Company of Silver Creek has incorporated with a cap ital of 1250 The stockholders are ten citizens of Silver Creek mostly members of the Saladin Knights of Phthias lodge of that place the object being to erecta combination lodge room and opera house New Matron lbr Hastings Asylum The announcement is made from the governors office Of the appointment of Miss Anna Burkett of Exeter as matron of the asylum for incurables at Hastings to succeed Miss Larson who handed in her resignation some lime ago i Three Bad Falls Friday J J Bock 08 years old fell from a scaffold and sustained some bad bruises about the headatFairmont W W Spade and T J Hill were working on another building when the scaffold gave way and threw them both to the ground and badlv injured them Building Boom at Humboldt Arrangements have been completed for the erection of a new Catholic Church at Humboldt A new double two storv brick business block will be put up as soon as plans ana speculations are completed iijKBajj4AsssfcsJsSSseK - Gov NO EXTRA SESSION ssesesaasaatStesBgKii Kolcomb Decides It Is tlcahle at Present Gov Holcomb says that an extra ses sion to pass a new maximum rate law is impracticable because most of the mem bers are farmers and just at present all are busily engaged in agriculture They could not attend without great loss to themselves rind to the states agricultural resources Then too a regular session will be held January 1 when a strong bill regulating both passenger and freight traffic will be adopted Kennnrd Gets Judgment A verdict has been rendered in district court at Lincoln against the stato of Ne braska andin favor of T P Kennard for 13599 being the amount claimed by Ken--nard for his services in prosecuting claims of the state against the United States Drowned in the A son of John Muller Missouri one of the old residents of the northern part of Cedar County while crossing the Missouri River at A ten fell through the ice and was drowned His body has not yet been found Nebraska Short Notes Fanners have commenced seeding in the vicinity of Weston Elgin is to have a creamery and part of the machinery is already on the ground A coursing match between Utica and Exeter dogs resulted in a victory for Utica The Leigh public schools arc preparing an educational exhibit for the Trans-Mississippi Exposition At the ditch meeting at Bayard the directors reduced the price of water to SO cents in cash and 35 cents in labor per acre From the extreme western part of the state comes the report that more land will be put into crops this year than ever be fore Sheep in the northwest portion of the state are reported to have come out of the winter in good condition and with very slight losses Elmer the young son of Andrew- Nor wood living five miles north of Nelson has a broken arm the result of being kicked by a horse James Schua a young man living ner Leigh accidentally shot himself through the hand with a 32 caIiber revolver The wound is not serious The Norfolk Creamery Company has made a proposition to the people of Basseti to put a creamery in at the latter place Is is probable the offer will be accepted While William Hawley son of Rev George Hawley of Berlin was in company with a number of other boys jumping on and of a freight train he fell and broke his leg JMcojsgfesttenIS of Sheridan County nn5Pl roenlnlimt tHI Uiey WOUUl nol allow any more bills for fitTfYTgpVjk11 doned wells as provided by a law passerf V by the last legislature A popular subscription of about 1150 has been raised to send David Miller of Beaver Citj to Klondike the subscribers to the fundtoshaie in the profits of Mr Millers labors as a prospector and miner According to actual measurement there is a mile and 400 feet of corn cribs alongr t he B M track at the little town ol Atlanta in Phelps County and these In j audition to two large elevators are filled JL with grain Clarence Smith of Dunbar while play ing with a juck used to run an emery wheel caught his fingers in it causing the amputation of the first two joints of two fingers on the left hand By hard work the third finger was saved One of the largest crops of winter wheat ever sown in the vicinity of McCool Junction was put out last fall and it i now in excellent shape and bids fair to outyield the banner year of 1892 Farmers have already commenced spring work Nate Norwood of Edgar lost his watch the other day while working over the flour or feed bins in the iiill He doesnt know into which one he dropped it but some one who buys Edgar Hour or meal will find a prize in the shape of a fine gold watch in the sack Farm mortgages were tiled in Da we County during the last six months of 1S97 to the amount of 6022 while the amount of those released during the same period was 1S577 During that time city mortgages to the amount of 5t7S were tiled and 94 11 released While attempting to corral a big male hog Frank Diltrick of Battle Creek got his leg torn quite badly the hog doing the business with his tusks Frank went to town to have a doctor dress the wound and in the meantime his father thought he would corral his hogship but he also came out with a badly wounded leg The Atkinson roller mills are preparing to build a flume about a mile and a quarter -in length They will cut through from the river about a mile above the town lo the mill The ditch was surveyed several years ago and this spring will be put through The new improvement will give spieuuui power aim a much needed milling facility V The largest real estate transaction in the f history ot Saunders County was consum mated the other day The mammoth ranch on the Platte bottom north of Ashland comprising 2900 acres and owned by Ed ward Larkiu was purchased by William Humphrey for 120000 The purchase in cludes all the improvements on the ranch together with a fine herd of Hereford cattle Mrs William Pickering wife of a prom inent Republican politician living west of Ashland is making a novel exhibit for the-Trans-Mississippi Exposition It is a Mini ii 1UCIY -seven OIOCKS UpOHi which are embroidered the names of the president and his cabinet the Republican members of both houses of congress Re publican governors of the different states and the pluralities cast by each state for presidential electors in the election of lS9t Two wild cats were killed in the timber east of Elm Creek Burt Count v by Ed Johnson and Arthur Henning They weighed twenty five pounds each Tiie citizens of Crawford have signed at petition to Messrs E II Talbot and J E Leach Boston capitalists interested in thr Grable enterprises to establish hnnir n Crawford J Tne Beemer water works are now -in operation The cost has bePn in neignborhood of 3003 all paid with the exception of about 490 and without a cent of expense to the town For the second time within a month some unknown party the other mht threw a chunk of coal through the h frgo plate glass window of oue of SlantonV leading business houses The new crusher for the rock quarries southeast of Springfield has arrived It has a capacity of 100 cars per dav a couple of cars of iron for switches also are on the ground and when tw 1 -1 blast from 75 to 100 men willbeempioyJan y K Mi 1 u fi A