The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, March 10, 1898, Image 5

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Metzger Bros
i -Br in i ii i -
T E7 1
L 1
S H Wl 1 1
- Jf7Aj 1ml
y iin
Rosebud S D
Left side
Horses same on
left shoulder
cUp on
some cattle
mbJ J1
Rosebud S D
On left side
Horses branded
-same on left hip or
Range on flose
y - -
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co
JJranci on lert tide
and tliijjh
Eannarlc sQiiare
crop rlKht ear
bouuiern Drandca
iCiiUlu have but one
I brand on leftside
Native oattle liave
It It coat wattle
Ilanue on liunloii and hliake Creeks
Horses have same brandon left thigh
A Rctaara of imt will be paid to any
person for information leading to flit arrest and
final conviction of attv person or persons steal
ing cattle with above brand
Joseph W Bownct
P O address
Merriman Nebr
Highf oar cropped
Hole in center of left
Range Lake creek
1 JL Wl
William M Dunbar
Lessee liom Heine Kroeger
Cody Neb
DUn Either side
Jack Le Point
Merriman Neb
Cattle branded on
left side Some on
Kafmark round hole
i n centcrof left ear
Also use
And kgsfl side
swMnU nn flfFitr cIIq
Bear creeks
Left ear oi cattle
ifange iieau of nay
Henry Pratt
William Shanp rcn
Cody Neb
Dulap uudei side ot
llange Lake Corn ana
Charles II Faulhaber
- f -
Rtiy vrr
Ji3 vtJ3t yfettUKJKBfL
Hrownlee TVeur
Rlther right or left
side on cattle
Horses same on
left shoulder
Lett ear cut off of
Uange Loup river
jMarshall Wolfenden
Kennedy Net
Sonic s on the left
Horses on lclt
Brand is small
Karmarl Quarter
clip behind halt
xle forward on lett car
Range LoueTiee
Louis F Richards
w nisis
3i 3
C Bithl ft
j IMcirtinan Neb
Charles Benard
Rosebud S D
Range Big White
iand 15ad Rivers
W E Kissel
Brownlee TCeb
Also some below
lett bin
Range Kissels
Wheeler Bros
Range on the Snake
3tver and Chamber
lain flat
wg inWhiM -
Charles C Tackett
Rosebud S D
Range head xt An
telope near 3t Marys
Horses branded
on left thigh
William F Schmidt
Warlike Spirit of the People Has Some
what Subsided
Verdict of the Naval Board Is Pa
tiently Awaited
Two Weeks May Elapse Before Official
Reports Arc Made on the Maine
Disaster Belligerent Congressmen
Claim the Silence Js Ominous Mean
time Uncle Sam Will Be Prepared
for Wa
The naval court of inquiry in the cifee
of the ill fated battleship Maine is pro
ceeding1 as a court martial and keeping its
proceedings to itself The Secretary of
the Navy says that he has no informa
tion not given to the public that he knows
nothing of the character of the evidence
taken or the opinions or conclusions of
the board of inquiry What is more to
the point Secretary Long intimates that
he does not expect to know anything
about how the Maine was destroyed until
the board of inquiry makes its report
which may be not for two or three weeks
With such positive assertions from Secre
tary Long there cau be nothing but spec
ulation in Washington as to what the ver
dict will be There is plenty of specula
tion and little of it is now in line with the
accident theory
In the absence of exciting news from
Havana there has been a noticeable cessa
tion of the war talk in Washington The
conservative attitude of the President has
reflected in Congress and members who
first would listen to nothing but war are
now disposed to wait patiently for the
actual decision by the court of inquiry
Members of Congress says a Washington
correspondent are gradually coming to
see that events are moving fast enough
without any assistance on their part and
that if an outside explosion is proved and
an indemnity demanded Spain would
nearly certainly refuse it and thus justify
the President in interfering actively to
preserve peace in Cuba It is said at both
the State and Navy Departments that
there is no disposition to delay the publi
cation of the finding of the board but it
is more than hinted that in all probability
the board will merely present the facts
and say that they are too vague to make
a positive declaration one way or the oth
That contingency will produce new com
plications and it is probably this which
has induced the President to say positive
ly that there is no immediate prospect of
any war between this country and Spain
for if the board of inquiry is not able to
reach a positive finding it will be exceed
ingly difficult for the State Department to
formulate any kind of a demand upon
Spain The President will not precipitate
the country in a war unless the facts are
such as to justify him in the eyes of an
overwhelming majority of the people He
evidently realizes however the strained
relations between the two countries and
the active possibility if not probability of
a dispute arising which could only be set
tled by a show of force on the part of this
The Presidents desire for and belief in
peace has not interfered in any way with
the orders issued to the army and navy to
put the armed forces of the country into a
condition for active service It is dis
tinctively announced that this is the ounce
of prevention rather than the pound of
cure and that the preparations will con
tinue until all possibility of actual war
has been disposed of
So far as the general public is concern
ed the war scare has subsided for the
present at least There may be more ex
citement when the report of the court of
inquiry on the Maine disaster is received
but it may not be easy to stir the country
up again Besides it is now pretty well
matter to be rushed through in haste All
the investigation the court has so far been
able to make in Havana was of a purely
preliminary character The members will
now have to carefully and patiently watch
the wrecking operations for further evi
Secretary Long does not profess to be
lieve in the accident theory as he did for
several days after the Maine was blown
up Other members of the cabinet be
lieve as does Secretary Long that the
ship was blown up by design The ex
perts in the navy also believe this or now
profess to believe it but they will await
facts before expressing positive opinions
Method in the Silence
It may be truthfully asserted however
says a well informed Washington corre
spondent that nine out of every ten mem
bers of Congress believe there is a deep
significance in the seemingly dilatory tac
tics of the administration in regard to
the disaster They believe that President
McKinley and the members of his cabinet
are not so much in the dark regarding the
information secured by the court of in
quiry as is indicated by the official bulle
tins anJ that there is method in the si
lence Many of the members are convinc
ed that the President is playing for time
and that every minute is being utilized
to make preparations for war Other
members believe that the President has
received word from the court of inquiry
that the explosion was an accident and
that he is taking measures to have it ap
pear that the court is making a most ex
haustive and deliberate investigation in
order that no cry may be raised that a
snap verdict was returned
It is believed by some that Spain is pre
paring the way to contest any finding
that the battleship was blown up by acci
dent With the wreck sinking deeper and
deeper into the mud of the harbor it may
be difficult to prove any assertion to the
contrary It has been asserted by Span
iards that there were mines in the harbor
x3 - r ft
If mmrsM
y 7 if Mill tUftL2ifw ir v f Jy ijllhi imrn -
understood that it is going to take a long
time to get at the facts Secretary Long
received a letter from one of the officers
at Havana in which the statement was
made that so far the result of the investi
gations made by the divers within the
wreck has been rather unsatisfactory
The writer explains that the water of
Havana harbor is so foul the divers can
not see their way about and have to de
pend upon the sense of touch It is un
derstood the writer of the letter was rath
er pessimistic as to the outlook for getting
at the actual facts
At best it is going to take time to ascer
tain the truth and the country will have
need of -all its stock of patience The
court of inquiry will return to Havana
to be present after the wrecking opera
tions hav4e been started Although no
official news concerning the movements of
the court has been received the authori
ties thinktne court will need at least two
weeks and perhaps a much longer time
for completion of its nvork This inquiry
the conservatives say is too important to
be rushed -through Too much depends
upon its results Most serious is the re
sponsibility which the members of this
court have assumed As high minded offi
cers they are naturally eager to acquit
themselves with credit The issue of war
or peace between nations may depend
upon their verdict -and this is no trifling
and there has been no denial until Senor
du Bosc made the unofficial assertion Sat
urday Shortly after Blanco became cap
tain general of Cuba there were reports
from Havana of explosions in the harbor
wliich excited people but were explained
as caused by experimenting with explo
sives in the harbor where Spanish officers
were planting mines and torpedoes It
has never been denied that Havana was
protected by these modern defenses The
denial at this time is looked upon as the
beginning of more diplomatic maneuvers
by Spain to delay and escape the responsi
bility for blowing up the Maine
Excitement Is Abated
Everywhere in Washington abatement
of unrest and excitement of the past fort
night is noticeable and it is now quite evi
dent that the administration has settled
down to the belief that the naval board
of inquiry will not conclude its work and
be ready to report for two or three weeks
and that in the meantime the Government
and people can only wait as patiently as
may be for the verdict
The action Monday of Senator Hale and
Representative Boutelle chairmen re
spectively of the Senate and House com
mittees on naval affairs in pigeonholing
the recommendation of Acting Secretary
of the Navy Roosevelt for legislative au
thority to enlist at ouce 1500 additional
seamen deprived Senators and Represent
atives of an opportunity to discuss the sit
uation growing out of the Maine disaster
Naval preparations go on as before but
the diplomatic policy of the administra
tion with regard to the Cuban question
is held in abeyance Those close to the
President say that he is less apprehensive
of the consequences of the disaster than
he Avas a week ago These represent Mc
Kinley as being inclined to think that the
Avarlike spirit of the people which broke
out so fiercely upon receipt of news that
the Maine had been destroyed is subsiding
That the disaster to the Maine has up
set completely the Presidents Cuban pol
icy is indicated by the fact that the time
has already arrived when the ultimatum
of the administration was to have been
sent to Spain It was generally under
stood the Sagasta ministry would not be
permitted to postpone beyond March its
reply to the demands made upon it by
Woodford but the President knows no
more now officially as to whether Wood
fords mission is to meet with success or
failure than he did when the minister for
warded Sagastas first reply to his note of
eight Hour law is upheld
Important Supreme Court Decision on
a Case Appealed from Utah
In the Supreme Court at Washington
an opinion was handed down in the case
of E P Holden vs the sheriff of Salt
Lake Count- Utah upholding the con
stitutionality of the territorial law fixing
a days work in smelters and mines in the
territory at eight hours
Mr Holden was arrested for violating
the law and was sentenced to imprison
ment He brought the case to the Su
preme Court in an effort to secure a writ
of eiTor on the ground that the law was
unconstitutional in that it was calculated
to deprive a citizen of life or property
without due process of law The court
held that such was not the case but that
the law was an exercise of the States
police powers
Justice Brown said in passing upon the
case that it was not the intention of the
court to pass generally uponthe constitu
tionality of eight hour lawsbut that in
so far as State laws were exerted for
the protection of the lives the health or
the morals of a community there could
be no doubt of their propriety or of their
constitutionality There could be no doubt
of the exceptional and unhcalthful char
acter of work in smelters or mines be
cause of bad air high temperature and
noxious gases and hence the wisdom of
the State legislation The decision of
the Supreme Court of Utah was affirmed
Federal Officers Deprived of Their
Power by a Decision in Court
By a decision handed down by the Unit
ed States District Court at Kansas City
Mo by Judge John P Rogers at Fort
Smithj Ark the entire system of Govern
ment inspection of meat was declared un
constitutional The opinion of the jurist
is to the effect that Congress has no au
thority to create the office of meat inspec
tor and to place such an official jui the
packing houses in the United States to
examine the product before it is packed
and shipped or delivered for consumption
The opinion was handed down in the
case of a man named Harry Boyer who
was indicted by the Federal grand jury
on the charge of attempting to bribe a
Government meat inspector Boyer is
foreman in the fresh meat department of
the Jacob Dold Packing Company The
court holds that Congress exceeded its
power in creating the office of meat in
spector and that even if Boyer had at
tempted to bribe such an official he could
not be held as an offender His act the
court decided was not a crime against
the Government Under this decision the
packers of this country may disregard the
meat inspection statutes with impunity
War Begins Between American Roads
and Canadian Pacific
Thirty six dollars was clipped from the
passenger rate of all lines between Chi
cago and Seattle and other north Pacific
coast points Monday morning The rate
hereafter will be 3150 Up to that day
the authorized charge was 6750 on the
same class of transportation On unlim
ited transportation it had been as high as
S150 The cut therefore is one of more
than 50 per cent
No higher charge will be put into effect
until the warfare between the American
lines and the Canadian Pacific is settled
either by amicable agreement or the back
ing down of one or the other interest
Prospects for yet lower charges are ex
ceedingly bright for American lines are
determined to make the fight a bitter one
aud the Canadian Pacific shows no signs
of weakening
The rate of 3150 will be applied
through Omaha Kansas City and other
Missouri river gateways as well as
through St Paul Through Missouri
river cities however single tickets will
be sold on the rebate plan purchasers be
ing obliged to deposit the regular rate
G750 with the agent who sells the
ets At Seattle 30 -will be refunded -to
them Three or more persons traveling
together may secure their tickets via the
Missouri river gateways at the flat rate
of 3150 Through St Paul all tickets
will be sold at the flat rate of 3150
This market alwavs keepa a supply of
In addition to a first class line of Steaks Itoasts Dry Salt StTeats
Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables
AtStetters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA
1 Hfc r ALAUfc SALUU1N g
Of the Choicest Brands
C H VOUXEIA President ill V XIIlllOLSOX Cashier
Valentine Nebraska
A General Ranking Husiness Transacted
Miuje nail Sells Domestic and Foreign Eaccliangc
Correspondents National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha
f 3fcAA AAA
g Js continually adding improvements ana it is now tne
aq best equipped and most comfortable
4 F4nt inH CnlH Watrr Excellent Bath Roam Two Samnle Roams
To keep our erreat factorv
busy and introduce early our
did 98 models we have concluded to
49 2
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extpnded customers consistent with conservative banking
Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonably
rates County depository
Notary Public
Real Estate
Valentine Nebraska
8QQOGO Bond Filed
SotiiJi of Court llouso
make a marvelous offer direct to the rider
For 3o days we will sell samples of our
swell 98 bicycles at net cost to manufac
ture and will ship C O D on approval
to any address on receipt of the nominal
sum of 100 if west of Denver 5 This
deposit is merely to show good faith on purchasers
part if you dont want to send money in advance send
your express agents guaranty for charges one way and
we will pay them the other if you dont want the wheeL
f RP f5 f fl N Highest grade embodying every late improve
CoULb meat of value V4 inch imported tubinc flaetf
joints improved two piece cranks arch crown large detachable
sprockets handsomest finish and decorations Morgan Wright
aaickreDair tires sinplnnrflnnhWnho hiVhimdaanmn
ment 8ecial price on sample 2900
CSSfiCP A splpndid machine equal to any for service and easy rnnning BestlHincb
11 seamless tubing two piece cranks arch crown detachable sprockets finely
finished and decorated Morgan Wright qnick repair tires single or double tube
high grade equipment Our special sample price A AA
BeSt medinm srado for incb tnbing striped and decorated arch
iMiuainAiii 11 crown dost proof bearings ball retainers best Indiana or New
Brunswick tires standard equipment Special price on sample I900
NOTE Choice of Color Style Height of Frame Gear etc Fully Guaranteed
You will be surprised at the appearance and qnality of these wheels Dont wait order
now while this offer is open Prices will be much higher soon You can make BP Alonev
as our Agent selling for us We give our agents choice of cash the frcs use of a sampla
wheel or gift of a wheel accordingto work done -
Do You Want Cheap Wheels
We have nnmbers of 1S96 and 1897 model wheels of various makes and ott tr er nt
somealitUe shop worn but all new - 5UW 10 1009
Wheels Slightly Used Modern Types 00 to 1200
Our business and reputation are known throughout the country References any oftEer
express companies or any bank in Chicago Art Catalomie free Rflcnm ntTan ot
The J L Mead Cycle Cv Chitatot