The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, March 10, 1898, Image 4

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Petition of tho Dons Was Merely
Suggestion to This Government
Was Never Made as a Demand
Incident Believed to Be Closed
Spnin Withdraws Her Request
Spain has withdrawn her request for the
recall of Consul General Lee It is be
lieved the incident is practically closed
Minister Woodford notified the govern
ment of the fact late Monday It is now
staled that the request was never put in
-the shape of a demand but merely as a
suggestion on the part of Spain and when
she found it would not be pleasantly re
ceived by this country she promptly re
ceded The Spanish objection to Lee is
based largely on his sympathy for Cuba his
utterances of which found their way intc
print It is understood the Spaniards alsc
take exceptions to the friendly relations
between Lee and the correspondents oi
papers which have been decidedly un
friendly to Spain
The complaint against the sending oi
relief supplies to Cuba in war vessels was
made through Du Bosc the Spanish
charge daffaires but when the matter
was fully explained to him he expressed
his entire satisfaction with the present
arrangement and remarked that he would
withdraw his request
The fact that Spain merely intimated it
would be pleased at Lees resignation
without actually putting the request in
the form of a demand made the matter
more readily adjusted Had the recall
been demanded there would have been
nothing for Spain to do but withdraw
Lees exequatur but as the matter stands
he can still remain on duty without humil
iation from Spain
Operates Extensively in a Xumbei
of Western States
George Crall a notorious and clevei
pension swindler has been arrested al
lloilen Kan by a government inspector
Crall is wanted it is said in Iowa Mis
souri Nebraska and other states He
saiied under numerous alaises chiel
lunong them being those of E S Wright
J B Allen andG AT Brown Cral
claimed to be a pension examiner lie
would hunt rrp ignorant pensioners and
tell them he had been sent west to exam
ine their cases He would claim that the
persons pensions Avere in bad shape and
likely to be cut off but for a certain
amount of money he would fix things all
light iu the pension office Government
inspectors have been on his trail over six
United States Supreme Courts De
cision in the Nebraska Case
The supreme court of the United States
decided the Nebraska maximum freight
rate case Monday in favor of the railroads
The opinion affirmed the opinion ol
the circuit court of appealsof the Eighth
district holding the Nebraska law tc
be contrary to the fourteenth amend
ment in that it authorized the taking ol
properly without due process of law and
was therefore invalid This case was in
stituted to test the validity of the law
passed by the Nebraska legislature in
preserving maximum rates for the trans
portation of freight by railroads within
the state
Dynamiters in the English Jails tc
Be Liberated in June
A London cable says The six remain
ing Irish political prisoners lying in Eng
lish jails convicted of dynamite offenses
will be released in June This informa
tion was given by an Irish nationalist
member speaking on the authority of the
cabinet minister The periodic review of
sentences in the case of these men takes
place in June and their physical condition
is such that they must be released on i
medical- certificate of Home Secretary
Appropriation for Defense
Chairman Cannon of the appropriations
committee of the house of representatives
introduced a bill Monday entitled Mak
ing appropriations for national defense
It reads There is hereby appropriatec
out of any money in the treasury not
otherwise appropriated for national de
fense and for each and every purpose con
nected therewith there is to be expended
at the discretion of the president and re
main available till June 30 1S99 59000-
A Long Telephone Line
The longest telephone line will soon be
in operation It will extend from Sat
Diego Calto Nelson B C nearly 222
miles It will be twice as long as the
longest line heretofore found practicable
that from Boston to Chicago VbywayoJ
New York
The Persian Revolt
A Teheran Persia dispatch- of the r8tt
inst says The governor of the province
of Keiman routed the insurgents at severa1
points in Persian Belluchistan where it if
expected order will be soonj estqred
Strike Declared Oft
The strike at the Pepperell Laconii
cotton mills at Biddeford Me has beer
declared off and the operatives will resume
work under the promise that the mills will
not be the last to restore the old rate o
wacs About 3500 hands are affected
Coal for the Naval Fleet
The Norfolk and Western Railroad has i
contract to ship 259000 bushels of nut coa
from the Pocahontas mines West Virginia
nn fhn orders of the United States navs
Idepartinenfto various ports to bedesig j
Lncigcrt Begins His Life Sentence
in the Illinois Penitentiary
Adolph L Luelgert was taken to the
penitentiary at Joliet Saturday to which
he was sentenced a short time ago for the
term of his natural life Luetgert re
ceived with a smile the command to pre
pare for the trip to Joliet and left Chicago
iu apparently excellent spirits nc was
followed by the cheers of many of the jail
prisoners who shouted their good wishes
after him The prisoner was taken down
by Jailer Whitman alone He seemed at
first to be glad of his release from jail and
laughed and joked on his way to the train
He was quiet however when Joliet was
leached and broke down when the prison
gates closed upon him He sat in the
wardens office with tears rolling down
his face unable to say a word
One Woman Perishes and Three
Other Persons May Die
One of the most exciting fires the Pitts
burg Pa department ias ever been
called upon to light occurred Sunday
night when one woman was suffocated
and five other persons so badly burned
that three may die Three families were
penned in a ramshackle building the
stairs being xiaten away by flames while
they slept The- building is a three story
brick tenement old and shaky The fire
started in Harry Levins dining room in
the rear of the first floor It burned
through the door and up the stairway and
in a very short time the building was in
flames Only lightning like work of the
rescuing firemen prevented a tenement
house tire-
W Buzzell and Mrs Marsh to Die
for Murder ol Lattcrs Husband
Mrs Isabella A Marsh and William C
Buzzell who about a year aeo were
jointly convicted of the murder of George
Marsh of Northfield Vt husband of the
woman by poisoning some ten months
previous have been sentenced to be
hanged The supreme couit has sustained
the decision of the county court in refus
ing another trial and the two conspirators
were called up and sentenced to be hanged
at the state prison at Windsor February
3 1899 The only chance now open for
the doomed couple is to appeal to the leg
islature and as i unanimous vote is re
quisite their chance is slim
Knocks Btirley Out in the Second
Round at Hot Springs
Kid McCoy knocked Barley out in
the second round at Hot Springs Ark
Friday afternoon The fighting was fast
and furious The knock out blow was a
left hook on the neck which floored
Burley and he was counted out
Whisky Wager Is Fatal
Walter Green a colored man died at
Troy near Piqua Ohio from the effects
of drinking ten glassesof whisky Green
stood in front of the bar and offered to
drink eighteen glasses of whisky on top
of a pint bottle he had just emptied for
the sum of 2 Allen Dunlap a youth
who recently inherited a -fortune put up
the money He poured the whisky for
Green who drank ten glasses and then
fell to the floor
Coal Dealers Indicted
The federal grand jury at San Francisco
hasjeturued atruo bill against the eight
wholesale andt500 retail coal dealers who
-were members of tlie coal combine re
cently dissolved by United States Judge
Morrow They are charged with a viola
lion of the trust act which violation is
made by statute acriminal offense
Big Prices Paid for Cattle
The auetion sale of pure bred Hereford
cattle at Sunnyslope farm near Emporia
Kan closed after 150 animals were dis
posed of at an -average of 432 per head
The top price was realized for the prize
bull Salisbury sold to Murray Beecock of
Keswick Ta for 3000 The bull Kcepon
was bid in by C S Cross for 2500
Four Negroes Drowned
As the Boslonia steamed out from her
wharf at Cincinnati tor Louisville eight
colored roustabouts were thrown into the
river Four were rescued and four were
drowned They leave families The
gang plank broke Ten other roust
abouts were starting onto the plank when
it broke
Luetgerls Life Task
Wife murderer Luetgert of Chicago has
heen told the task selected lor him during
his life imprisonment It is the intention
of the Joliet penitentiary officials to man
ufacture sausage for use in the prison and
Luetgert will be given charge of the work
The information pleases Luetgert
Cuts His Employers Heael Off
In Somerville County Texas Ilarvey
Laue a farmer was killed by Henrv
B widow a farm hand He and Lane
quarreled near a wood pile Burklow
seized an ax and severed Lanes head from
the body Burklow fled to the woods but
was captured and lodged in jail
Czar Prohibits Festivities
A dispatch to the Lokal Anzeiger pub
lished in Berlin Xrom Warsaw says the
police have prohibited all festivities in
connection with the centenary of the birth
of the poet Adam Mikekiewz The pro
hibition has made a great sensation
Singerly Leaves Little
Letters of administration in the estate of
the late Wm M Singerly of Philadelphia
were granted Saturday Mr Singerly
died interstate The estate according to
the petition is valued at 25000 arid con
sists entirely of personal effects
Japanese Demand on7Kussia
A dispatch to the London -Daily Mail
from Tien Tain China says Japan
lias addressed a note to Russia demanding
an immediate and explicit statement on
the question of the continued occupation
of Port Arthur
Prominent TVlinnesotu Judge Dead
Judge Chase Vanderburgh a resident of
Minneapolis since 1856 and for ten years
justiceoi the supreme court of the state
Hied at his home of blood poisoning
LiywLjraMBCFiyyijiniM i p
Scuor Sngasta Also Asks that No
Aid Be Sent the Starving Cubans
in United States Warships Which
also Hcceivcs a Negative Reply
Spain Makes Two Requests
Washington March 7 The Spanish
situation developed two new phases today
when it became known that the Spanish
government had formally requested the
recall of Consul General Lee at his post at
Havana with which request the United
States had conrteously but firmly refused
to comply Also the Spanish government
had suggested the impropriety of sending
relief supplies to the Cuban reeoncentra
does on the cruiser Montgomery and gun
boat Nashville to which suggestion the
United States has given a like answer in
the negative
The first intimation of these steps came
in a brief and explicit cable dispatch from
Madrid Prior to its receipt however the
authorties here had been fully conversant
with the details although no intimations
had been allowed to get to the public on
cither subject The disclosures from
Madrid left no further ground for re
tcence in Washington and after a confer
ence at the While House between the
president Assistant Secretary Day of the
state department and Secretary Long oE
the navy department the following au
thorized statement was handed to the
press by Judge Day as comprising every
thing that was to be said by the adminis
tration on the subject
The president will not consider the call
of Gen Lee He has borne himself
throughout this crisis with judgment
fidelity and courage to the presidents en
tire satisfaction
As to the supplies for the relief of the
Cuban sufferers all arrangements have
been made for the sailing this week from
Key West of one of the naval vessels
whichever may be best adapted and most
available for the purpose to Matanzas and
Beyond the foregoing those who had
participated in the conference at the White
House would not discuss the subject and
it was staled positively that the authorized
statement comprised everything that
would be given to anyone
Scnor du Bosc Asks that the Ves
sel Be Apprehended
The state department received a call
from Senor du Bosc the Spanish charge
Thursday this being diplomatic day
Senor du Bosc has received information
bringing the record of thealleged filibuster
Dauntless up to date and it is understood
he presented a complete memorandum on
that subject with a view to having the
vessel apprehended While the informa
tion is asserted by the legation to estab
lish the recent expeditionary character of
the Dauntless trips it declares it was not
successful and submitted evidence to the
state department to show that the expe
dition proper failed to effect a landing but
that Gen Agramonte a Cuban leader got
ashore in a small boat and is now wander
ing in the interior without having made a
juncture with the insurgents
Contractors Working on Fortifica
tions Offered Extra Pay
It is reported at Port Townsend Wash
that contractors now constructing forti
fications for the government at Marrow
stone Point and Admiralty Head have
been offered bonuses to expedite the work
An additional gun pit not previously pro
vided for in the estimates for this years
work at Admiralty Head at the entrance
of the straits opposite Port Townsend will
be commenced in a short time
Murder at a Dance
Saturday night at Athens 111 Eli Gil
christ a gambler accompanied by David
Easton John Whitehurst and Thomas
Scantlin went to the house of Fred Imp
key to bieak up a dance A brawl ensued
John Windland and George Rickslraw
were shot the latter fatally by Gilchrist
Gilchrist was held by the coronera jury
for the murder and Easton Whilchurt
and Scantlin as accessories
Killed in a Street Battle
During a street battle at Texarkana
Ark Vinson Graviano was shot dead S
Graviano mortally wounded and Pete
Darigo seriously wounded The tragedy
occurred in the portion of the city known
as Swampoodle and all the participants
were barbers
Leases McVickers
Negotiations have been closed by which
McVickers theater in Chicago was Ieased
for a term of years to Jacob Litt of New
York Mr Litt will take possession May
1 Each of the interested parties declined
to give out figures
Reward for Bakers Murderers
Postmaster General Gary has issxred a
circular offering a reward of 1500 for the
arrest and conviction of each person who
participated in the murder of Postmaster
Baker at Lake City S C on the night of
February 21
Killed by Cannibals in Africa
Information has reached Brussels from
the Congo Free State that cannibals have
killed and eaten a Belgian official named
Nuehaus at Lukolela on the Congo west
of Leopold II lake
Big Bridge Blown Up
The Great iron railroad bridge near
guin Cuba known as the Pando Bridge
has been partially destroyed by the in
surgents who used two dynamite bombs
To Sign Able Bodied Seamen
Admiral Kirkland has received orders
to instruct the caotainof receiving stations
at Independence Cal to sign all able
bodied seamen he can pass
x Weekly Bank Statement
The New York weekly bank statement
shows a reserve decrease of 2186000
The banks now hold 20800000 in excess
of the legal requirements
Epidemic of Spinal Ieningiis
Claims Numerous Victims
Advices from Alaska bring further de
tails of a fearful epidemic of cerebrospinal
meningitis now raging in Skaguay The
disease is caused by old winds from the
mountains coming in contact with the sea
breezes which sweep up Lynn canal
causing very changeable weather and
large precipitation The ehiling blasts
quickly pierce theKIondikers particularly
up toward Summit and they quickly fall
prey to meningitis Last week Thursday
fifteen deaths occurred from this malady
Some of the victims are reported to have
very little pain They are taken dowi
one day with slight pains in the head and
through the body becoming unconscious
that night and dying the next day In
most instances they are buried in Skaguay
cemetery A number of victims of menin
gitis died along the trail after getting their
outfits well itp toward the summit Sev
eral men who arrived at Skaguay and
Juneau from Dawson last week report
that scurvey is prevalent there Four
deaths had occurred when they left and
dozens were laid up for the winter
Chicago Officers Seriously Wound
Dr Brooks in Self Defense
Dr Francis Brooks a prominent young
physician of Chicago was shot and ser
iously wounded Friday by Officers Burke
and Duffy who had been summoned to the
house by the family to control Dr Brooks
The mind of the young physician has
lately become affected by ovcrstudy and
he alarmed the members of his family by
his handling of a large carving knife
Officers were called for and as soon as
Burke and Duffy appeared Dr Brooks at
tacked them with the knife Burke fired
at him point blank the bullet striking Dr
Brooks in the left arm He continued his
attack however and Duffy fired hitting
the doctor in the side inflicting a wound
that may prove fatal
Springfield Ohio Mayor Ousted
The circuit court at Springfield Ohio
has issued a decree ousting Mayor John M
Good from office The proceedings were
brought under the Garfield election law
which requires candidates after the election
to file sworn statements of all their ex
penditures Judge Adams said the testi
mony showed that Mayor Good spent
28350 in the campaign which he failed to
include in his sworn statement of expend
itures and which included only 15 Of
the above amount 91 was spent for beer
Miss Willards Will
Tho will of Miss Frances E Willard
was probated in Chicago last week Most
of the estate is left to Miss Anna Gordon
but Miss Williards home in Evanslon is
left to Miss Gordon and Mary Bannister
Willard during their lives and will revert
eventually to the benefit of the W C T
U The estate is valued at 17000
An Escaped Robber on the Maine
A letter received in Omaha from Ha
vana shows that among the seamen on
board the Maine at the time of the disaster
in Havana harbor was a young man Pat
Ford who escaped from his jailer in
Omaha in January 1S95 with a sentence
of eight years for highway robbery over
Embezzler Gives Himself Up
Sherwood S Cunning teller of the First
National Bank of Cincinnati who was
arrested Saturday for embezzling 30000
of the banks funds gave himself up late
Sunday night He had been released on
bond Saturday night and his bondsmen
desired to be released
Fight Duel with Swords
Co Picquart who was disciplined for
giving testimony favorable to Zola in
Paris fought a duel with swords Saturday
with Col Henry who in his testimony
against Zola denounced Picquart as a liar
Col Henry was wounded in the wrist and
Planning Another Rebellion
A dispatch to the London Daily Mail
from Hong Kong says the rebel chiefs
there have received a letter from Manila
soliciting their support for another rebel
lion against Spanish rule
Severe Storms in Persia
Terrific weather is reported from north
ern Persia the worst known for a quarter
of a century More than 100 persons have
perished and many others are missing
Chicago Cattle common to prime
300 to 57o hogs shipping grades
o00 to 423 sheep fair to choice 250
to 47f wheat No 2 red 100 to 108
corn No 2 28c to 30c oats No 2 25c
to 2Gc rye No 2 50c to 51c butter
choice creamery 19c to 21c eggs fresh
lie to 13c potatoes common to choice
55c to G5c per bushel
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
525 hogs choice light 300 to 425
sheep common to choice 300 to 450
wheat No 2 97c to 99c corn No 2
white 30c to 31c oats No 2 white 29c
to 31c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 373 hogs
300 to 423 sheep 300 to 475
wheat No 2 99c to 101 corn No 2
yellow 27c to 29c oats No 2 white 28c
to 30c rye No 2 49c to 51c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 250 to S475
wheat No 2 red 97c to 99c corn No 2
mixed 31c to32c oats No 2 mixed 28c
to 29c rye No 2 53c to 55c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 250 to 450
wheat No 2 97c to 99c corn No 2
yellow 31c to 33c oats No 2 white 30c
to 32c rye 52c to 53c
Toledo Wheat No 2 red 99c to
101 corn No 2 mixed 31c to 32c oats
No 2 white 27c to 28c rye No 50c to
52c clover seed 305 to 310
MilwaukeeWheat No 2 spring 95c
to 97c corn No 3 30c to 31c oats No
2 white 2Sc to 30c rye No 2 50c to 51c
barley No 2 38c to 43c pork mess
1025 to 1075
Buffalo Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
300 to 450 sheep 300 to 500
wheat No -2 red 99c to 101 corn No
2 yellow 34c to 35c oats No 2 white
32c to 33c
New York Cattle 300 to 350 hogs
300 to 450 sheep 300 to 525
wheat No 2 red 107 to 109 corn No
2 37c to 38c oats No 2 white 31c to
32c butter creamery 16c to 21c eggs
Western 12c to 14c
Mortgage Report for the Past Six
months of 1897 Shows that the
State is Getting on Solid Ground
Releases Exceeds Those Filed
Nebraskas Mortgages
The bureau of industrial statistics has
just completed the compilation of the
mortgage record of the state the only con
tents missing from the table being Banner
and Grant The period covered is the last
six months of 1897 and the record of
mortgages released as compared with
those filed is the best showing ever made
since the counties began sending in the
mortgage reports The total statement of
faun and city mortgages is as follows -
Kind Number Amount
Farm filed 5673 5576738
Farm released 8235 7557392
City filed 2252 1890830
City released 39159 42459IS
The total number of chattel mortgage-
filed during the same period is 89209
amounting to S22412212 Number re
leased 23788 amounting to 7416875
The number of sheriffs deeds and fore
closures for the six months was 808 on
farm property and 533 on city property
For the first six months of 1S97 the num
ber of farm mortgages filed was 65S9
amount 6267374 released 8001 amount
7210240 City mortgages filed 2182
amount 1883175 released 2996 amount
319S173 Chattel mortgages tiled 46
9S8 amount 12720240 teleased 22074
amount 6816845 Nnmber of foreclos
ures farms 1018 city property 741
For the full year 1896 the showing was
as follows Number of farm mortgages
filed 12695 amount 12033447 ielesed
12921 amount 11393455 City property
mortgages tiled 4621 amount 4411159
released 5453 amount 6SS4927 Chat
tel mortgages filed 94695 amount 19
472922 released 30819 amount 7337
018 Farm foreclosures 1421 city fore
closures 1353
State Wiil Appeal the Case to the
Supreme Court
After a trial lasting over thirty days at
Omaha the jury trying the case of the
state against the bondsmen of ex State
Treasurer Joseph Barlley retomed a ver
dict for the defendants The amount of
the shortage for which Bartley was sen
tenced to the penitentiary for twenty one
years was 551000 The jury was out
three days The contention of the defense
was that the money was not stolen but is
at present on depost in small state banks
which would fail if the funds were with
drawn hence it is impolitic to attempt to
secure it The opposition holds that Bart
ley squandered the money in riotous living
and speculations
Both Cases Started Wronjr
The supreme court at Lincoln recently
handed down decisions denying the writ
of mandamus brought to compel the So
ciety for the Home for the Friendless to
deliver the home over to the state and
also denying the writ asked for by the so
ciety to compel the board of public lands
and buildings and the board of purchase
and supplies to pay over the money ap
propriated by the legislature for the sup
port of the home In both cases the court
decided that the wrong kind of an action
had been brought This for the piescnt
leaves the society in possession of the
home but does not give them any state
money for its support
Kearneys New Creamery
The incorporators of the Kearney
Creamery and Chepse Factory Company
met recently to elect officers and discuss
the matter of location The work of con
struction will begin as soon as a title can
be secured to the land and it is expected
the building will be done and in complete
operation by May 15 The cream will be
extracted with a separator and cheese will
be made from the milk Already 400 cows
have been listed to furnish milk for the
factory and it is believed that four or KQi
times that many will be secured before
the factory is in operation An expert
butter maker will be engaged
Burglars Tap a Postoulee
On Tuesday night an attempt was made
to blow open the postofhce safe at Calla
way The burglars gained entrance to
the building through a rear window
They succeeded m drilling a hole through
the top of the safe but did not get it open
A brace broken drill monkey wrench
m chisel belonging to a local carpenter
re found on the tloor and nothing
g from the otlice except a few loose
stamps and pennies Two trampish look
ing individuals were arrested and are now
in jail The stamps and perrnies were
founa in their possession but they stoutly
deny their guilt
Platte County Mortgage Record
Following is the record of Platte
Countys mortgage indebtedness for the
month of February 1893 Forty eight
farm mortgages filed 59617 twenty
seven released 25086 eight town and
city mortgages filed 6500 same released
ten 6125 ninety four chattel mortgages
filed 2173020 same released 105 23
Shortage Discovered
J JL Gilchrist the expert accountant at
Hayes Center has filed his final report
The amount that Mr Gilchrist found short
in the county records was Treasurer
193941 clerk 4S192 total 241933
Mr Gilchrists salary amounted to about
Injuries Prove Fatal
The injuries received by Conrad Sinner
in being run over by No 80 a fast freight
ou the Burlington ard Missouri railroad
in Harvard recently resxtlted in his death
Breaks Kis Collar Bone
JDr A R VanSickle cij physician at
Hastings fell from his bicycle a few days
aeo and struck on his shoulder breaking
ttn cellar none
GrraToing Must Stop
At the meeting of the city council of
3rand lslna recently the committee on
police and board of health introduced -a
report to the effect that all gambling
aouses in the city must close up and that
he ordinance regulating the evil be here
after strictly enforced at all times
Schrader the Healer
Schrader the alleged divine healer was
at Silver Creek the other day and spoko
at the hall He said some thought he was
Christ but he was frank enough to ad
mit that he was not
Sugar Factory for Aixbnrra
The Commercial Club of Auburn held a
well attended meeting one night last week
to discuss the matter of building a beefc
sugar factory After discussing the mat
ter in all its phase it was resolved to form
a stock company with a caital stock ot
600f00 and to build a factory A commit
tee of five consisting of Col 3L Bur
ress V II Kelliqar J C Dillarney L
W Kerns and A M Engels were ap
pointed to elicit subscriptions for stock
and sugar beet contracts
The University Ethtbir
The State University exhibit at the
Trans Mississippi Exposition will occupy
a space of 1920 square feet It will repre
sent the work of twenty two departments
The University exhibit itself will be a
miniature representation of Nebraska
energy and industry in all its branches
and will emphasize the leadinc idea of
Nebraska university work that it i a
school for workers not one merely of
literary polish
Nebraska Short Notes
James Brown colored of Fort Robinson
has been bound over to the United State
district court on a charge of selling liquor
without a peimrt from Uncle Sam
While Station Agent Dart was absent
from his office at Hartingtou the other
night looking after some freight some
person entered the office and relet ved the
cash drawer of its contents
A family by the name of Wilcox living
across the river from Grand Island had a
nairow escape from being asphyxiated the
other night One of the boys who had
been sleeping in the room where the base
burner was was taken sick in the night
and his mother being awakened by the
noise went to his aid After the boy got
over his sickness she was overcome and
fell which awakened Mr Wilcox who
went to his wifes assistance when he fell
On reaching the door they mauaged to get
back into their room without closing the
door Both became unconscious and were
found in that condition about 10 oclock
next day by their son coming over to the
house A physician was summoned im
mediately and soon brought them to
Stromsburgrs business men propose to
have the town lighted by electricity
Work is under way rebuilding some oi
the stores recently burned at Exeter
The Fairmont Creamery company is
making arrangements to put in separators
at Bower Steele City and Alexandria
Thomas Kmter of Dubois was chop
ping wood when a slick flew up ami
struck him in the eyer destroying its
ONeill is making an effort to secure a
flour mill Two have burned down al
that place but the people are of the opin
ion the third time is the charm
William Warney of Stanton who has
been playing Jack the Hugger until
the women and girls of the town were
thoroughly terrorized has been declared
insane and sent to the asylum
J E Hale informs us that no militia
company can be organtzedin Battle Creek
at present information having been re
ceived from Adjutant General Barry that
the state is not provided with funds to
support any moie companies than there
are now
The state board of public lands and
buildings has decided to lii ve a new water
plant put in at the i nst it xrte for feeble
minded at Beatrice Work has already
been commenced A 200 stand pipe
will be erected and an entire pumping sys
tem put in
The contract for the extension of the
present water system of Nebraska City
has been awarded to B P Egan Over
two miles of new mains will be laid
which will require about fifteen cars ol
pipe The work will begin as soon as the
frost is out of the ground
II II Bowker and L T Oviatt are twe
York old soldiers who have proffered their
services to Adjutant General Barry iu case
war should be declared against Spain
They do not ask for commissions but want
a chance to shoulder a gun once more and
preserve tho nations honor as they did
nearly forty years ago
In the action brought by James Cun
ningham of Hartingtou against F A Mc
Cormack cashier of the Iowa National
Bank of Sioux City for failing to release
a chattle mortgage which had been paid
Judge Plumleigh handed down a decision
in favor of the plaintiff for the full amount
of the statutory penalty and costs
The directors of the Mitchell irrigation
district in Scotts Bluffs County at their
recent meeting decided to call for bids for
enlarging the Mitchell canal from the
headgatedown to the junction with the
Geriug canal the notice being published
this week Pay for the work v ill be made
in bonds of the district at par value
James Briley an ex councilman of
York has been charged in the police court
with threatening the life of Alice Hawn a
woman who runs a questionable resort
In the complaint Mrs Hawn says she is
afraid Briley will burn down her house or
kill her Ever since Briley was a council
man and attempted to have her sent out
of the city the woman has been complain
ing against premeditated violence at his
hands Briley is a prominent citizen of
York and his friends think he is the
victim of an unsuccessful blackmailing
plot The case comes up in the court on
March 18
A brickyard is one of the new indus
tries that will be started in Ravenna this
The Business Mens Fraternity has made
a proposition tothe people of Norfolk to
build an opera house which is being looked
upon with favor
The six inch howitzer has been turned
over to Captain Patrick H Ruddy of the
North Platte light artillery and tho
weapon has been housed on the premises
of the captain
The Lincoln County jail is at present
without a criminal prisoner The only
occupants are old Jimmy and Tom Mc
Graw the former being incurably de
mented and the latter in a somewhat simi
lar condition
Ex Gov Crounse of Fort Calhoun has
just returned from Fiorida His orango
orchard which was greatly damaged by
the freeze several years ago has come out
and this 3rear brought in cry satisfactory
Brewster is making an effort to secure a
canning factory
Large hunting parties composed of
neighboring stockmen are making life an
uncertain quality for the gray wolves over
on the North Platte River in Kimball
County The animals have been doings
much damage in that part of the country
this winter
The industrious hens of Furnas County
contribute 2000 per week to the wealth of
the county as is shown by the shipmenfe
of cackleberries by the merchants of
Arapahoe Holbrook Cambridge Edison
Oxford Stamford Beaver City Henrflev
and WHsonville