m f SiSfflllffiiiffiffiffiKffiHSffifflfflffiffiffiBHIlSI 33 S 2Q 47 Adventure in Valparaiso O W to HfflfflHfflSffiHSffifflaSfflffifflfflffifflffiS Twas a bright morning in the sum mer of GO said Capt Handy that Jack Bolles and I a couple of boys not yet 20 years old were discharged in Val paraiso from the whaling bark Golcon da of New Bedford with a hundred and ten dollars apiece in gold condors in our pockets All the romance of whaling in the South Seas and its at tendant dangers which had tilled our imaginations when we shipped as green hands at the 190th lay had been ef fectually dissipated by the greasy real ities of blanket and hawse pieces cutting up in the blubber room down scraps and trying out sup plemented by a ten hours pull in the boats every other day poor food and rough if not brutal treatment from the officers So as we stood that morning on the jetty clinking the money in our pock ets and watching our old ship disappear in the offing we felt indeed monarchs of all we surveyed At last she was hull down and turn ing away with sighs of relief Ave clat tered once more up the ill paved street to the Consuls office where we had been paid off and inquired of him when we could take passage for home We learned much to our disappoint ment that there were no ships in port bound for the States nor would there be any except an occasional whaler Tor six months to come We must resign ourselves to the in evitable said Jack and the next question is Where are we coing to stop The Consul assured us that an Ameri can named Henderson kept the only decent place in town outside of the rough sailor boarding houses and rec ommended ns to go there We found Henderson a good fellow who gave us a large room with two beds in it and after seeing our chests safely stowed away we strolled out to look at the town and incidentally to get work After walking about the city for an hour or two Ave descended to the first or commercial sireet to look for work Being young persistent and fairly Avell educated Ave Avere lucky enough to find employment with tAvo English firms branch houses of London and Liverpool traders Ncxr morning we Avent to work and for a couple of months our lives moved on tranquilly enough In the evenings after supper Ave smoked our cigarittos and managed Avith the aid of an old grammar to learn a little Spanish Occasionally on moonlight nights Ave Avalked out through the toAvn but Ave never went far as Hen derson Avarned us that it Avas no un common thing for a stranger to be found in the outlying parts of the city Avith his pockets rifled and a dagger Avound in his breast One evening my superintendent dis covered that a mistake had been made in the outAAard manifest of the ship Lord ralmerston and noting that she Avas lying off and on Avith her an chor atrip ordered me to board her as soon as possible before she squared aAvay for old England and rectify the error So without delay I hurried to the embarked and in a half hour climbed up the side of the Palmerston My business detained me longer than I had anticipated and it was fully 9 oclock before I stepped to the side As the tide Avas on the ebb my boatman had to land me at the nearest point and I figured that I had about four miles to Avalk home It AA as moonlight but here and there the dark shadoAvs seemed to invite the assassin and as I hurried on I cast many an anxious glance behind me I had reached the outskirts of the city and Avas congratulating myself when suddenly from under an overhanging balcon a woman darted forth and clutched my arm crying out in piteous accents Per el amor de Dios Senor Amer icano Por el amor deDios Forthe love of God Senor American Que quiere coumigo Senorita What do you AA ant with me lady I replied as I stepped under the soli tary lamp on the corner and looked at her more closely She was dressed ia somber black and the mantilla she wore Avas so draAvn oAer her face that but one eye AA as A isible that single orb however shone Avith singular limpidity nud beauty She Avas evidently greatly excited and as she Avent on in her voluble Span ish I gathered from the little I kneAV of the language that her father AA as ly ing at the point of death in a house near by and she wanted me to go with her to his assistance Why she AA auted me to accompany her I could not un derrand therefore I asked her Avhy she did not appeal to her OAvn people She replied that she and her father aa ere strangers AA ho had but recently come from Santiago and that there - were so many Jadrones or robbers among her oAn people that she dared not trust them and in a still more urg ent tone begged me to go with her Truly he Avho hesitates is lost for as I thought of Hendersons Avarning the lateness of the hour and the Avoni ans singular persistence and faltered undecided she dropped her mantilla and in an instant every scruple had The light from the moon il lumined a face perfect in its classic beauty and as innocent as that of the Madonna and -as I saw the girls tear stained cheeks she awis only about 1G and looked into her beautiful implor ing eyes I threAAT caution to the winds sailor like and motioned her to lead and I would follow A look of joy overspread her face and she fervently murmured her thanks as she guided me up the dark and narrow street Here and there some building was fantastically silhouetted by the moon and among its grim shadows I fancied I could see a dark form mov ing but at the low sAveet sound of my fair guides Por aca senor This way sir all my suspicions would vanish and I felt heartily ashamed of myself and hurried forward in her wake Graceful as a fawn she bounded lightly up the steps Aiiich led to the street r now all my senses were on the alerty I felt rather than saAA her form as she mounted the steps and reaching for Avard topkyny hand saying Porque Why Porque no me A 6y Because I shall not go I answered sternly Asl spoke her fingers clutched mine and Avith incredible strength she strove to drag me forward but ignoring her efforts I cast a final look dowmvard and this time I saAV distinctly for the cloud had passed from the moon a man coming sAviftly and silently to AAard the foot of the steps With one glance at the girl whose face Avas now transformed by fury Into that of a demon I hurled her aside rushed doAvn the steps every nerve strung to its highest tension and ran at my utmost speed toward the city I heard a mans hoarse shout behind me and had reached the steps which led down Into the city In safety when suddenly I caught my foot stumbled and half fell to the ground Just ns I fell forward something grazed my cheek searing it like a redhot iron and fell Avith a ringing sound on the steps far below me Terror now lent additional Avings to my speed and I ne er paused until I fell exhausted through the portals of Hendersons home Managing to crawl up the steps I staggered into the Avhere Jack and Henderson sat anxiously aA aitlng me and sank breathless into a chair Their looks of astonishment Avere succeeded by those of horror as Jack exclaimed My God Henderson Look at the blood Putting my hand up to my- face I WithdreAV it wet with blood and Hen derson who busied himself in washing it away disclosed a cut two inches long where the knife had just touched me Explanations followed and as I ate the meal waiting for me I told the strange adventure to my Avilling listen ers As I finished Henderson who had listened quietly as was his wont burst out excitedly This explains it all boys Its no longer a mystery Pressing him for his reasons he Avent on to say that for the last two years foreigners had frequently been found stabbed in outlying and solitary parts of the city The victims were invaria bly Avell dressed but as no money or papers Avere 6ver found upon them in ATestigation had been of no avail But heres a clew which can be fol loAved up said Henderson and to- W1TH INCREDIBLE STRENGTH SHE STROVE TO DRAG ME FORWARD above revealing as she did so a beau tiful foot and ankle and I agile though I AA as could hardly keep up with her Panting with exertion at last we reached the top of the plateau which overlooked the town and my guide gracefully Avaved her hand toAvard a light like a star in the distance and murmured Ahi esta la casa Yonder is the house At that moment the moon sank be hind a mass of black clouds and every thing became dark about us but my guide pressing her little palm into mine advanced steadily toward the light Everything Avas as still as the dead and a damp and chilly mist pene trated my very marroAV As the moon shone out in radiant beauty my blood for a moment seemed to freeze in my veins for there before me gleaming brightly In the moonlight and winding like a serpent among the doddering crosses and mouldering graves of the Pantheon was tlie path that led to our destination The low lying AAall of the Pantheon lay directly in front of me and my guide quickly tripped up the steps which led over it beckoning for me to folloAV Though loath to go further yet the Avondrous beauty of the girl held me as in a spell and step by step I adATanced until I stood upon the top of the AA all As I looked downward I though I saw the gleam of steel beneath the steps and the shadow of a mans form crouching there I halted and called out to the girl Espera Wait At that moment the moon Avas again obscured and in the semi darkness for there was no street lamp there and morrow morning Avell consult the chief of police Bright and early next morning for we got but little sleep that night we repaired to the chief of police and to him I told my tale Henderson acting as interpreter The chief AA as very much surprised and pleased by my information and after cautioning us to keep silent dis missed us by saying wed hear from him in a few days Two days later the foreign element of the city was thrilled by another atro cious murder This time it was a rich young Englishman named Burton Avho had come down from Lima to visit some friends and who after spending the evening with them left about 11 oclock for his hotel Avhich Avas only tAvo blocks aAA ay Next morning his body robbed of all his valuables and papers A as found floating in the bay with a gaping dagger wound in the back Burtons friends who Avere rich and influential backed by the British Con sul made a vigorous attack upon the supine methods of the police and at last aroused the authorities to some thing like activity FolloAving up the clew received from me the Jefe took a personal interest in the matter and Avithiu a few days succeeded in cap turing the gang which consisted of five persons the girl who was used as a decoy and four men It was estimated that more than two score foreigners had been murdered by this gang during the eighteen months of their sinister operations At the trial Burtons wal let and passport found in the robbers rendezvoits convicted the men and my identification of the girl completed the case The men were sentenced and gw PBmjmlwwaiii according to the methods of that coun try were shot three days after the trial Tho girl owing to her youth and beauty Avas sent to finish her days in the penal colony at San Carlos The years have rolled aAA ay since then years of danger and adventure Many a time during the war of the re bellion haA e I looked death in the face and yet my blood thrills when I think of that nights adventure In Chili Philadelphia Times SHAMED THE BURGLAR An Old Womans Appeal Induces a Midnight Slarnuder to Depart At the outskirts of Mount Vernon N Y lives Mrs Pardon Hazleton an elderly woman She has an income sufficient for her wants and lives alone save for a woman Avho Avorks In the house during the day Her neighbors knoAv her only as a Avhite haired old lady vrho never speaks of her antecedents From her however It Is evident that she has traveled much The house is mod est and not the sort of a place to catch tho eye of a burglar Mrs HazleUjr has in her possession certain wiluable papers in an important estate and she believes that the capture of these docu ments Avas the object of a straugei whom sho found In her room somj time after midnight She badlj frightened of course but raised hersell in bed and asked Avhat the man A ant ed He said he Avanted money and threatened to shoot her if she made ar outcry You AA ouldnt shoot me said Mrs Hazleton Why Im old enough to be your mother Is your mother alive No said the burglar- curtly Well Ill be honest Avith you con tinued Mrs Hazleton Theres only myself a helpless old lady in the house Surely youre too much of a man to take advantage of a woman an old Avoman The burglar stared at her complete ly unnerved He Avas a good looking young felloAv Mrs Hazleton says with a dark complexion and large eyes He hung his head in a shamefaced waj when she looked him squarely in the eyes He Avalked half Avay down the stairs and stopped Youd better come down after me and close the parlor Avindow Thats the AA ay I got in he called back Mrs Hazleton followed closely Good night she said as the man climbed out of the Avindow Good night said the burglar I wont trouble you any more old lady1 MEAT NOT NECESSARY Its Too Generous Use Break Down Americans in Middle Life Mrs S T Rorer Avrites on Do We Eat Too Much Meat in the Ladies Home Journal answering her own query affirmatively Meat she as serts is not at all necessary to a per fect existence Most people however look upon it as though it formed the only food upon Avhich they could work and yet many great athletes have never touched it Meat after it enters the stoma oh and is digested may be in jurious but for all this the ordinary American has made up his mind that lean meat gi os him less trouble than any other foot so he takes it in large quantities invariably breaking down at middle life with just such diseases as come from the over use of concen trated nitrogenous foods Children fed oil WLf jui e and bcel soups av tli Avhite ore id lose the A arious salts necessary to the bujjding of bones teeth and mus cle and the soda for the blood The outer part of the Avheat Avhich is so rich in these earthy salt is cast aside so that the child in growing gets Aveak bone structure as a frame for its lean flesh The stalwart men of Scotland find that porridge and milk contain all the muscle bone and nerve food nec essary for an active existence An excess of carbonaceous food on the other hand forms an accumulation of fat preventing tho complete nour ishment of the muscles The over fat person has bulk Avithout strength his vital power is always deficient Avhile the excess of nitrogenous food which he consumes increases the tendency to disease of a plethoric character show ing at once that the surplus is burned and stored the same as fuel foods Hard on the Irishman Gentleman to an Irishman Well Pat I see you have a small garden Pat Yes sir What are you going to set in it for next season Nothing sir I set it with potatoes last year and not one of them came up Thats strange how do you explain it Well sir the man next door to me set his garden full of onions Well had that anything to do with your potatoes not growing Yes sir Bedad them onions was that strong that my potatoes couldnt see to grow for their ej es watering Answers He Wanted to Go Back J H Hairston a colored convict avIio recently escaped from the Virginia peni tentiary has just sent a pathetic ap peal to the superintendent of that insti tution to get him back That official on Tuesday received n telegram from Hairston dated at Farnmlle in which he said Please send up here after me at once This is the first time in the history of the institution in which one of its escaped inmates indicated so much anxiety to return His wish was complied with promptly A neAV curtain pole bracket has an at tachment to hold a shade roller in posi tion two extension shafts being pro vided with sleeA es into which the ends of the roller fit No man is as good as a good bond signed by several good men WHAT MOLES MEAN This Writer Claims that They Influ ence Ones Life It is an open question Avhether moles on the human body -are to be consid ered as blemishes but an English Avri ter claims that there is no doubt Avhat ever as to their significance As physi ognomy is a knowledge arrived at by a careful consideration of the body in general more particularly the face so from the moles Avhich are scattered oA er the person do we glean an insight into the qualifications and attributes of the mind You will find that moles on the face ansAver relatively to the parts of the body the neck correspond ing with the thighs and arms and the ears Avith the ribs If there be a mole on the forehead an other will be found on the breast if on the brow near the right ear there will be one on the right side of the body if on the left ear then on the same shoul der if on the nostril there Avill be one on the shoulder blade or betAveen tho shoulder and elbow If one is found on the extremity of the face there Avill be another on the hair of the neck A mole in the IioIIoav of the ear poiuts to one in the palm of the hand but if on the back of the ear it Avill be also on the back of the hand and one on rhe bone of the arm below the elbow aviII have a corresponding one on the ankle bone the chin being the loAvest part of the face the feet answer to it Every one can test the truth of this them selves but it must be borne in mind that natural causes Avhich are the fun damentals of the science are not inva riably certain I assure you I have no moles I have been told but this is impossible every human creature Avhen it is born bears on some part of Its body the mark of the sign or planet which governed at the hour of its conception and nativ ity and moles are contingent on these Impressed by the influence of the celes tial signs and answering thereto not only in their formation and position but A arying according to the dominion of the several planets Moles are of three colors red honey color and black flat or raised like a wart those on the right side of the face or person being usually symboli cal of good Avhile those on the left mostly denote ills and misfortunes After a long and exhaustive study of the science I am convinced that not only the character tastes and disposi tion of an individual but the future it self to a great extent may be deter mined by the local position relation and general appearance of these nat ural marks and by them I can draAV a truer signification than a study of palmistry or phrenology Avould ever yield The reason is very simple for the moles which we bring into the Avorld Avith us we carry to the grave the toil of years is powerless to obliterate them Avhereas as you Avill readily see the lines on the hand deepen and change materially being largely dependent on the life age and occupation of the in dividual Avhile bumps on the head are quite as often due to accident as tq nat ural causes If the sun at a nativity be in Aries and ascendant the mark of that sign Avill be found on the head probably on the left ear When Venus is lady a flat Aiolet mark Avill be found on the thighs When born under Gemini the mark is on the arms If born under the first part of the sign of Cancer the mark is above the breast and has no feeling if pierced by a needle Those avIio are born under Capricorn haA e the sign on the knees When Leo is ascendant the marks are on the left breast If Mercury be lord the marks are on the left side or upon the legs The nativity being under Virgo there are black or reddish spots on the stom ach The last of the signs Pisces goA erns the feet and those born under this dominion are of pleasant counte nance brave and ingenious A man having a mole on the right side of the forehead Avill be exceedingly lucky to a woman it denotes gifts from the dead One on the left side of the forehead foretells to a man long im prisonment to a AA oman that she aa HI have two husbands and probably live out of her own country If it be in the midst of the forehead it denotes in a man a cruel mind and it shows a wom an to be foolish simple and idle A mole on the hinder part of the neck predicts a life but threatens un timely death by drowning A mole on both sides of the neekppposite to each other foretells dangers and perils with ill fortune A man having a mole on the left side of the upper lip rarely mar ries and in a woman it denotes trouble and suffering If on the under lip it shows her to be improvident and a man had best beAvare of her A mole in the hollow of the chin de notes a woman to be contentious and quarrelsome On the edge of the chin It shows good fortune happy marriage and a long life of whatever color it may be excepting black To possess a mole upon the throat is very unlucky indicating that the individual aa HI die by the hand of justice or should it ap pear as a wart he perishes by water On the right side of the upper lip a fingers breadth above the mouth a mole signifies to either sex great good fortune A woman haA ing it will be comely graceful healthy in body and careful for things of this Avorld she will marry well and live happily her best time for marriage being between 19 and 24 and she will make a true Avife and an exceptionally happy mother COLOSSAL TREE IN MAINE Twenty three FcetEound Its Branch es Contain Band stand Jay Me claims one of the biggest trees in Maine It stands on the banks of the Androscoggin on the lawn of a space of ground 270 feet in ence four feet from the ground is 23 i feet diameter 7 feet About six feet from the ground there arc seven branches radiating from its trunk which are from IS inches to 2 1 Inches in diameter The branches spread oVer a space of ground 270 feet In circum ference or 10 feet hi diameter Where the branches leaA e the trunk of the tree about seven feet from the ground there has been erected a band stand Avhich seats twenty five persons A cooler place on hot days cannot be found A Boston gentleman was riding by recently and the tree attracted his attention He examined and measured it and was astonished at its dimensions He went away with the remark that if the tree was on his lawn J 0000 would nt buy it It was set out 42 years ago by Lafayette Bean on the day of his departure for California whence ho never returned Boston Record A book of stories for children by cne late Prof Drummoud is in preparation It Avill be illustrated by Mr Louis Wain Outlines in Color a companion vol ume to Vignettes of Manhattan will bo Prof Brander Matthews only book for the year The new volume like the earlier one Avill contain exactly a dozen sketches one for each month The Bookman states that Lord Charles Beresford and his eollabora teur Mr Wilson have discovered ovei a hundred hitherto unpublished let ters of Nelsons Avith which they will enrich the Avork upon the great seaman on Avhich arc engaged The Bowen Merrill Co of Indianap olis will bring out Mrs Elizabeth Cady Stantons new volume of recollections Eighty Years and More The same firm is to publish Miss Susan B An thonys reminiscences speeches etc which Avill form two volumes of 50C pages each W y Jacobs Avhose first long story The Skippers Wooing Avas recently published is engaged in writing one more novel Avith the flavor of the sea When that is finished he proposed in succeeding Avork to make a determined effort to get aAvay from boats and salt Avater Says the African Critic Unlike the old time grubs grubbing in Grub street for their grub modem men of letters thanks to the ubiquitous authors agent can afford to winter abroad Whilst Itudyard Kipling in search of sun shine sails for the Cape Robert Hi ali ens of Green Carnation celebrity Guy Boothy and Gilbert Parker have already left for Northern Africa Miss Braddon the novelist is an author whose plan of life might Avell be copied by younger and more aspiring Avriters She neA er alloAvs her pen Avork to interfere with her home life and her home a beautiful old Geor gian mansion dating from 1720 testifies to her own good taste and to her skill as a housekeeper Her oavu den i lined Avith books on the Avails and lota of fine china as fine as that Avhich sh frequently describes Avith gusto in hei books An odd piece of furniture is a sofa dedicated to the dogs of the estab lishment Of these there are two a black poodle and a fox terrier Bott of these accompany the authoress oc her long Avalks NOTES FROM THE KLONDIKE Some Choice NuSTets of News Gleaned by a Veracious Correspondent The Gold Mine Bank has moved all the gold dust and nuggets from its A aults to the Avoodshed and isuoAA stor ing such valuable articles as beans doughnuts canned goods etc therein Some miscreant with the roaring red hot furnaces of hell staring him in the face broke into the mission building Sunday night and robbed the contribu tion box of a paltry 275000 Avorth of gold dust which had been contributed that day to the fund for founding an asylum for delirium tremens sufferers If discovered the measly skulking co- yote will be hung in front of the Limbo r saloon in accordance with a promise made Aurora Bill the proprietor that the next necktie party should be held in front of his place Yesterday was a magnificent day The thermometer rose to 150 below zero and everybody took advantage of the pleasant weather to lay in a neAV supply of firewood There has been a great and much needed improvement made at the post office Dawson Dan our hustling postmaster has put in a number of boxes and the mail will now be regu larly distributed and handed out when called for -This is a great deal more convenient than the old method of dumping it into a cracker barrel and letting everybody hunt out his own Potash Salts for Manure Heaps Some of the potash salts which con tain potash that is not caustic are ex cellent to apply to fermenting manure heaps They will absorb the ammonia and as they attract moisture from the air they will help preAent the manure from being wasted by fire fanging The combination of ammonia from ferment ing manure Avith potash makes a ni trate of potash which is one of the most stimulating fertilizers known for all kinds of vegetation It seems odd that a woman can be a cracker jack cook for the heathen at church festivals yet always need a hired girl to cook for her husband TtTivn l lv l txi uvu LfiuLutris marry girls in the same family it is a sign that if there are any more girls in the family uwy are wortn going after y X X