v 49B THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT EOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher Oficial Paper of Cherry Coun ty Kebraska iOO JPer Yeur in Advanee PUBLISHED EVERY THUKSDATf Entered at t he Post office at Valentine Cherry county Nebraska as Second class matter A flag staff surmounts the postoflice the weather bureau aDd the land office but the Indian- supply depot has neither staff- n or flag Steps should be taken to have a large staff erected on or near this important government office A little row has been starred down in Holt county by the two factions- of the populist party One- of the factions is booming M P Harrington for the gubernatioral nomination and the other is standing by Superintend ent Jackson who desires a second term While looking over some old papers the othet day we ran across a relic a copy of the fist ticket we ever voted It was a- primary ticket and as we looked over the names thereon what memories floated through our mind How proud and manly we felt as we walkedjto thejpolls in that eastern city wjth thegconsciousness that we were then a full fledged citizen of this great country I How carefully we looked up the record of every man whose name was on that ticket Our readers will forgive us if we say that we placed more valuejupon that vote than we did upon all our worldly possessions because what true citizen is there who did not at Uptime he first exercised his rightJofsuffrage feel that same way These and many other thoughts flittedSthroughour mind as we looked at thatcoldandf creased and worn bal lot and thenfeame a rush of iudigna tionjatzthe thought of how many peo ple there are in this county who be lieve or rather profess to believe that we are andalways have been a repub lican 2seed we remark dear reader that theballot we are talking about is headed Democratic Ticket Tne woria Heraia of Jbeb 13 con tains an account of how two ministers in Missouri turned the tables on a lot of young bloods The young bloods gave a dance and as a good joke invited all the ministers of the town To theirsurprise two of the ministers accepted the invitation ap pearing on the scene of the festivities after the dance had nicely begun The clergymen said they had come as in vited guests and asked the courtesy due them as such One of them read a chapter from the Bible and the other offered a fervent prayer after which they sang one of the good old hymns which always makes a person long for a better life Concluding their portion of the entertainment the two men of God left It is related that they did Hot condemn dancers nor denounce dancing but held out inducements for better living and exhorted the young people to think more of the future and leBS of the present It is further re lated that although the young- bloods affected to be greatly amused over the occurence the dancing hall wasdesert ed long before the dance program was finished Moral Persuasion is bettei than condemnation Xiobrara Falls Henry Grooms will move to Sparks in theuearjfuture W F Meltendorf and wife visited in these parts Sunday Lon and Charles Mosher have moved to the Ballard house Several parties are making use- of ivinter leisure by hauling wood John Lansing is the proud possessor of a fine guitar which he recently pur chased Did you get a valentine if you- did not ask John Ormesher to loan yon one Mrs Bertha Reese was agreeably surprised not long since by a brother and family whom she had not seen for several years Doc Johnson and family came across the river to visit friends and lo when they meant to return their boat bad sailed without any cargo They remained over night and procur ed another boat and went across next day Dr Walter Tucker was called out to administer medical aid to Mrs Cather ine StewarK who has been ill for some time Grand Ma Stewark as every- one knows her is 89 years old but with the aid of Dr Tucker is rapidly regaining health and strength Everybodv complaining of bad colds t3 isual Bad Boy rirr About two weeks ago a smooth gentleman entered our sanctum sanc torum and in his smoothest and oilest tone introduced himself as a traveling man and said that he obtained all his transportation from newspaper men on bis route and that he was paying the highest market price for editorial mileage In proof of his assertion he showed iwa book which he said he had purchased of one of our metropolitan newspapers We informed him in language which was perhaps more forcible than polite that we were not engaged in violating our advertising contracts in that way It is well known that many newspapers do dis pose of their mileage after signing a contract to not allow it to be used by any one not directly connected with the paper but we think the practice a very reprehensible one- and feel that any newspaper man who does so places a very low value upon his honor It costs the village of v aientme about 1200 a year to run its system of water works exclusive of the in terest on bonds and the department is not self sustaining especially during the spring and summer months when lawn sprinklers are at work Water is furnished to the consumer for res idence purposes at the rate of 1000 ayear In spite of these facts ther3 jare people in town who actually steal all the- water they use This is a shame and disgrace the- man who steals water from the city is no better than the man who steals coal or wood from his neighbor Every time he steals a barrel of water he- makes it necessary for the pump station to use a little more coal aud as the deficiency in the water department must be made up from other sources he steals from the community at large Just yes terday we saw a party hauling water away from a hydrant in a barrel and investigation disclosed the fact that he was and has for some time been doing so without the consent of the village or any of its oflicers This party must take a tumble to himself or there wilnbe trouble the village has iput up with this pilfering long enough and the marshal will enforce the ord inances made for such cases Otuer parties are engaged m using their neighbors hydrants after dark and in tfte early morning hours- when they think they are unnoticed but they may find out their error some day This is intended merely as a warning if we learn of a repetition of the flag rant offense cited stronger terms wiU be used next week Kennedy The spelling school at John Shores lst week proved a success J A Gee and Jas Steadman were inr Valentine Saturday on business Mrs M Dunham is visiting her daughter Mrs Myrtle Steadman of Pass Agnes Piercy and brother -Leonard visited friends at Pass one day last week One of W E Waites men passed through Kennedy on his way to the county seat Mrs Gee and daughter Marion spent last Saturday with Mrs T Johns of Pass The dance given on the 18 by A C Ayers was fairly well- attended con sidering the weather Dell Rowley and wife arrived on the 17th from North Platte where they have been visiting with relatives Frank Kime and wife returned on the 17j from Cody where they had been visiting the latters parents Miss Jennie Sanford of Virden Canada arrived on the mail Friday evening She will make her home with her father Lincolns birthday was fittingly ob served by the school in district 31 C A Gee- teacher The unveiling of Lincolns picture by Edna Walling- j ford was quite impressive h S Woodlake Milton Latta made a flying trip to Valentine Tuesday Several of the young folks enjoyed themselves out at Mr LeacHes lake en Saturday skating Born to Mn and Mrs Oliver Hall a 114 pound girl on Sunday evening February 20 H E Dewey went to Valcntlne on Monday Quite a number of young people went to Johns town to attend the Woodmen dance there on Feb 22 Cnas Murphy returned from his visit on TuesJ day He reports having a splendid time witb his old friends and relatives Mrs Coryell has been down to visit her son Lon Lester for the past week but is home again Mr and Mrs J A Enderman are expected to leave in a few da 3 for the south Rev Campbell of Biownlee was seen on the streets on Tuesday Batcii FOR SALE Three sets of harness and three buggies at a bargain to make -room for new goods J W SMYSER Valentine Nebr 3 fT rRiMfl O FAR MO njccrtina Table svnniiU wLLnllmU jjKp Miss Jean Edwards made a trip to her home at Ainsworth Friday J R Parks is once more a citizen of our burg having recently returned from the Black Hills Mrs Bailey the organizer of the Royal Neighbors nl America organ ized a lodge Saturday with rwenty two charter members Woodlake is thinking of organizing a militia compan to tench the un speakable Spaniard that it is ill work to tool with Uncle Samuel Mr and Mrs C A Johnson and Mr and Mrs C M Bailey boarded the east bound passenger Sunday morning They were bound for New Orleans to witness Mardi Gras carnival W Honey left for the south the fore part of last week In a letter recently received from him he states that he is much pleased with his visit to Ark ansas He visited with ye editors brother at Ft Smitnr and they rode over the path of ruih wrought by the recent cyclone WoodlaJce Oracle JIM JPrices for Feed Bran bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton Shorts bulk 60c per cwt 1100 ton Screenings 35c 600 Chop Feed 70c 1300 Corn 50c Oats 80c Appointment ot Administrator In county court within and for Cherry corfnty Nebraska in the matter of the estate of Peter Christiansen deceased HanneM Christiansen having filed in my office a petition praying for the appointment of herself as Administrator of the estate of Peter Christiansen deceased all persons interested in said estate will take notice that I have fixed Saturday March 5 ISOS at 9 oclock a m as the time and my office in Valentine Cherry county Nebraska as the place for hearing of said peti tion at which time and place all persons inter ested in said estate may appear and show caue if any there be why such Administrator should not be appointed Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court this 14th day of February 18US SEAL W H TOWNE County Judge U S LandOffice Valentine Nebr I Feb 23 1898 f Complaint having been entered at this office hy Thomas ACarr against George M Eby for failure to csmply with law as to timber culture entry No 5033 dated Oct 30 1885 upon the nS ne and enwk section 10 township 30 range 29 in Cherrv county Nebraska witn a view to the cancellation ef said entry contestant alleg ing that the said George M Ebv has failed to plant or cause to be planted any part of said tract in trees tree seeds or cuttings and has wholly failed to cultivate or cause to be cnlti vated anv part of said tractin the last nine years of entrvandsaid trcct has grown up in ras3 and weeds and has been wholly abandoned and claimant has failedto cure his laches to this date The said parties are heiehy summoned to appearat this offlc e on the 30th day of March 1898 afll oclock a in to respond and furnish testlmcoy concerning sud alleged lailure o Xa 5 J A KIKE Recover 52 J5 US iWrriMgmritirrgv irg aJsannat3msa SALE To make room forour SPRING- AND SUMMER STOCK we will sell all our JSli Precinct The spring crop of calves have be- gun to ripen J F Steele was down on Uie river one day last week Chas Rickefctsus putting up a new house F R Yanish is head carpenter T B Nichols is doing a job of plas tering for F H Robinson this week Several of our voung folks attended a dance at Pete Germans south of Merriman Monday night 5 The first emigrant of the vear went jtbrough here last week going west to sgrow up with the country Alex Morse received a letter from his brother in the Klondike last week It was not a letter to encourage Alex to start without delay for the gold fields Sandy At a sacrifice All BROKEN LOTS OF OLOTHINQ BOOTS AND SHOES GO REGARDLESS OF COST STINARD THE CLOTHIER Simeon Charles Latta and family were visit ing with C W Bennett last Sunday M L Walker and II S Lock wood were on the Snake for timber Monday Anna Sageser and Mrs Yingst were visiting in our neighborhood Satur day Coin Ainslie erected a windmill on his place recently This gives his place a good appearance Isis Lincoln will commence teaching the Carson school soon A number of the Simeon pupils expect to attend Messrs Johnson and Elliott are look ing for homesteads tnis week with the avowed intention of making a home for themselves and Carrie Morgareidge will leave this week for Sioux county where she will spend the summer with her sisters She will leave a lonely heart behind Eh Charlie Jennie aud Rose Morgareidge and Maud Bennett were in Valentine Sat urday to take examination Miss Rose is thinking of teaching a spring term near Woodlaue Still skating is the rage around Simeon young and old alike being afflicted quasi with the dreadful fsci nation The -Big Alkali is a splen did place for the sport We aie expecting a- series of revival meetings as soon as Rev Smith gets located in his new home at Woodlake If we succeed per capita as well as Valentine we will rejoice Umsopogas FINAL PROOF NOTICES Claimants and witnesses in final proof case notice of which appear in Thb Dkmocuat will receive i marked copy of the paper Should an errors in description of land or spelling of iiume be discovered notice should be sent to the land office and this ottlce so correction can be made U S Land Office Valentine Neb Feb 24 1898 j Notice is hereby given that the iollowing nam6d settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver at Valentine Nebr on April 5th 1S98 viz Sebastian Sebolt of ISTenzil Xeb H E 9417 for the sese section 24 nenwj i and n4ne4 section 25 township 34n range 32w He namos the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Joseph Uicri Kilgore Neb Michael Boltz of Nenzil Neb John Ferstl and John HofiHan of v alentlne Neb 5 10 C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Neb i Feb 21 189S f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler lias filed notice of her intention to make final proot in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on April 5 1898 Viz Lelia A McCloud of Valentine Neb H E 9627 for the neM section 23 township 34n range 29w She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon- and cultivation of said land viz Thomas F Kelly William Kelly William Cavanaugh and Mary Cavanaugh all of Croolc ston Neb 5 10 C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Nebr Feb 14 18J8 Land Office Valentine Nebr I Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice ot his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Apr 5 1S98 viz John Heurv Porath of Riege Nebraska H E 934 for lots and sejnwi section 4 township 33n range 30w He names the following witnesses to prove ins continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Herman Riege Christopher Dittmcr Peter Riege and Charles Sudkc all of Riege Neb 4 9 C R GLOVE Register U h Land Office Valentine Nebr Feb 7th 189S i Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice ot his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said pvool will be made efore the Register or Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Apr G 189S viz William E Waitp of Chester field Nebraska H E No S993 lor the njiieknenw sec tion 31 and uviinvjL section rtownship sou range 32i He names the follow ingwitnesse3 to prove his continuous residence on and cultivation of said landviz Robert F Gillaspie James L Gillaspie John Shore Thomas Fiuneurv all of Chesterfield Nebr 3 8 C R G LO VER Register Feb s lSw f Notice is hereby given that the following nam ed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Register and aud lieceiver at Valentine Neb on Mar L rd 1898 viz Albert W Hutchison of Penbrook Nebr H E No OllG for the snwiiielnw14 sec tions and seJ4swl4 section 5 township in range 24 He names the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon- and cultivation of saidlanih viz Edward shackelton Iliilo Now man Hijali L Graddy anil John Hitt e ul ol Puum ook Nebr 3 8 - It GLOVEK Uegister U S Land Office Valentine Nebr i Jauuarvlts 1NM Notice is hereby given that iie following named settler has filed notice ot her intention to make final proof in support of her claim and that said proof will bemade betore the Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Feb 23 Ih98 viz Alice M Hopkins of Creston Iowa widow of Bierce E Hopkins deceased who made II E SS47 for avswM seisw and swse1 section township n range o0w She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz James B Cox Peter V Van Norstran and William S flatten of Crookston Nebr and James W Beed of Kilgore Neb Testimony of claimant will be taken before the clerk of the district court for Union count at his office in Creston Iowa on February S 189 52 5 C 11 GLO VLIt Register US Land Office Valentine Nebr I January 19 1S9S f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof iiraupnort of his claim and thatfsaid proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Valentine tNeb on Alar 2nd 1898 viz Mary Vansteenis formerly Mary Bro- phy of Arabia Kebr H E No J350 fortliewJswJi swmvM sec tion 17 and sehnek section 18 township 32n range 2Cw He names the followingwitnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said landviz Andrew Benson Francis H Higgins John P Heelan and Michael J Jordan all of Arabia Neb 52 5 C R GLOVER Register U S Laad Oince A7alentme Neb I Jan 18 1898 f Notice is hereby given that the following nam ed settler ha- filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that safd proof will be made before Registt rand Receiver a Valentine Nebraska ouFeb2G 1S98 viz Myndert Trapple of Kilgore Xebr H E No 9119 for the swJi section C township 33n range 31w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz John Clasen and Frank Kludcikowski of Kil gore Nebr Rrnst Schwieduski and William DanoLskyot McCann Nebr also John Clasen of Kilgore 2febr H E No 9517 for tbp wlisel4 section 32 town ship S4 lot 2 and swKneJi section 5 township 33nall in range 3lw He names tile lollowimr witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud viz Myndert Trapple and Frank- Kludcikowski of Kilgore Neor lirnst ilnwedusM - William Dauoisky orMcuann iseu Q Ii GLOVER Register- HERE IS A 869 TG rn S OO Horses bailie as on steer left hip Also C on left shoulder IEWEST MODEL FANCY aud PLAIN KALAMAZOO OINTER FOR YOU i SSlllj pis Rpllgl BBS I Piltfi rrrrniT jjliflg ulllllll JA Construction and all High grade Typewriter Essentials T T t ABT BOOKLET FREE jam wjuiu aj crsyc SjPPjkB We have just receiretT large invoice of new shoes which must be disposed of in a hnrry so we can invest in other lines of goods Our new dress oods are arriv ing and will occupy lots of room We are selling rugs dirt cheap nowadays and the price of over shoes has gone way down though thev will be- needed for several months yet See the point CKSON BRAYTON Fine line of samples from which to get tailor made clothes Be Sntitft Premier typewriter Sr 1 Best Value Writing Machine fe Ffrsi n 7h Cesa TOwamIam fmuiHAM 47 - Earl Comstoclv3 Manager Valentine Neb Cattle branded 01 left side or hip Also aSSe2 r0ia t OnEachBaz t2y R KSriniESS5S vrti V n 23rf0Bsav wj saa r UAU i gggff3fla L a F l hi ft N 11 rr AGENT For taking orders for enlarge ing pictures from photo graphs or tintypes Work guaranteed Headquarters at Valentine House All orders left there will receive piompt attention 51 U S Land Oflice Valentine NVbr I Feb 23 189S f Complaint No 552l having been entered at this olllce by D B Stoner against Eugene A Irons for abandoning his- homestead entrv No 9935 dated sept 21 194 upon the nwswh and swnwJi section 17 and sino section 18 township 29 range in Cherry county Neb with a view to the cancellation otsaid entry the said parti js are herebv summoned to appear at this oflice on theWtth day of Alart h 189 at ll ocIock a in to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment 0 8 J A EIRE lieceiver US Land Oflice Valentine Neb Amencan Ssis MAKE H0tta Vi IPs C 2 n yto I Jan 24 Notice is herebv given that Caroline Cipwell formerly Caroline liotliweu ol imimai Nbr i ts iii u notice ot inltiiuiiii U make tiuil proof iciore UegMi r or ICt cdver at In ir office in Valentine Nebr on TiiiMkiy the 1 tn lV March ixn u timber culture aoplieation No v4l lor lots 12 and eiuw of auction No 19 m township No 2mi range 4w lie iiamt s as witnesM Join L IJoseberry aimiei S TtfcClain llen ainiu Freeman aud James Unman all of lull uian Nebr l G C 11 CLOVEli Register PMSSETC U 8 JUWMrO IREGT SHAPES ARTISTIO EFFEGTS All Lengths CORSET CO SOLEiMANUFACTURERS SOtD BY SYEP IIACSIES n W Improvements Hanest f fl f wx iunv a etsHJu lyytwiiKi 56V Syracuse n v tls31 Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets Now 100 John DeCorv Kosebud S I Some branded II 1 417 on left side florsej JD on left hip Kange in Meyer Co on Auteloix Creek S II Kimmel Kosebud SD AlsoB4TJ on left side Cattle undercut on both ears Horses branded 4 on left shoulder Hange on Antelope and Spring Creeks T U4Ul Louis J 1 tieliards Merriman Nek JilcNiit Bros P O Brownlee Neb Itight or left side Horses same on left shouldec Earmark Swal low tail clip right or leit ear Kange Big Creek Thomas Farren ioebud Sl 3 on left shouMer IJange head of AVitelope 3St275 Yt - i Tf m i rfii iu ui ennor leu ine or nip Horc es gmmmimmkmmdyBL I Charles Eichard3 yocR - c - -- -fit - C2ierrfHf2 OF 1 oam Hudson Simeon Neb lBJ Kir V Kt I Paul Didier Eosefcud S D Horses Cattle hole in each ear IJange Biir and Little- White Kivers T Pft htn nn M T d a - iv amiumer on norses Some horaes Lazy onleftsnouider i iiange between U Conlnil ITlli Kiver and Niobrara Kiver Left in ragged All eatile dehorned gsssssi Steadman Bros I5luesvi SSA rjc it Yif t1 rrt1 f jfIvrv I DG f rn itL Pass Neb jrana on Mhit right or left side Horses and snmfl cattle brand on left Ride aud bif B Piange Bnll Lakv and Wbvgpduea ifra V y s