l t a LW t w T V A - - A Young Womanhood s Sweet young- girls How often they develop into worn listless and hope less women because mother has not impressed upon them the jrou an imitation be hones cJTkJ importance of - - attending- to physical de velopment No woman is exempt from physi cal weak ness and per iodical pain and joung girls just budding in to woman hood should he ffirided EiaBmEsTTs x ly as well as morally If you know of any young lady who is sick and needs motherly advice ask her to address Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass and tell every detail of her symp toms surroundings and occupations She will get advice from a source that has no rival in experience of womens ills Tell her to keep nothing hack i ITnr slnitr Csssv told to woman not to a RSIfW man Do r Dt ViTif I UtlU14Jl UV tails thai she may not wish to men- 13 f nnlf which are essential to a full understanding of her case and if she is frank help is certain to come m H rrrftrsaiTi -hit imv ui hiiiii i nr twt ti twrrwrff The Best gI lifEES O I Saddle Coat 1 E jf 1 LMUiuwunui nai I 1 lliii ML in I l - r rB i I Keeps both rider and saddle per- iB 55a fectly dry In the hardest storms P Qi3S Substitutes will disappoint Ask for gSSs rRm Pih Krnnri Pnmmnl Slirbnr E l P jit is entirely new If not for sale in 2Vfg your tew n write for catalogue to KlA J TOWER Boston Mass garden Flower with a world wide reputation Catalog free to all JAMES J II GKEGOKY ASOX2Iarblehcad3Iass 1 MSsfrgsfea In S or 4 years an Inde pendence Is assured ifyoa tako up your 1IOI1K la WcMtcrn Canada thclaud of plenty 2f illustrated pamphlet cli Inc expert cnec of farmer who ba o become wealthy In Inc wheat reports of delegate etc und full infor mation as to reduced railway rates can bo had on application to Department Interior Ottawa Canada orto X Iartliolomew DcsHIoincs Iowa D II Murphy Strat lord Iowa VV H Kojjers Watcrtown South Dakota V V Uennctt Xcw York Life Iildg Omaha Xhraska Ben Iavics 151 East Third Street St Paul Minnesota Agents for the Government of Canads JSSK FARR3 CEH RSI K2a 1 Bt ji tjas m ij saEa Salters Seeds are Warranted to Produce E Walter rUiTsvilc Pa astonished the world 17 crovrinciO bushels Salzers corn J Hreidcr SlUhicott Wis 173 bush barley aad P Slunot Randalia Iowa bt growug 19t bush fcalzers oats pcracrc Irjou doubt wrltcthem w c w lsli to gain 150000 new customers henca mil scud on trial 10 DOLLARS WORTH FOR 10c 11 rVis of rare farm seels Hoc Pea Sand Vetch 40c heat hheen Kane Jerusalem Lorn etc IR4 eluding our mammoth need iatawue telling au sjry about the Jliw cold prises tor best name ror our Arf new marrclous com and oats rrooigics kv aiso simple oi same au loaned you njioa receip or but iuc postage pouureiy worth 510 to get a start 1UUUIW bbls beca Ioiatoes atsiaoabbl J So tikis ftraet cgetabla - jn1 CI fV U M CtLUIi i ieaee CCias smvV Pntln or vCo SLvar bwua MAt t imri i Mpitwuir ly mr amnn adv alone Ja tsiipSdS No nN TRADE MARK3 AVRIT1XG TO ADVKRTlSEKa WHEN pleuso say you saw the advertisement En this paper Never Too Sure Against the probability or possibility of mischance or accident we can never be too sure But if we should stop to consider how great Is the clianca c sudden death we would be made xoo timid and unJiappy Caution is Beedeu not to be foolhardy and precaution xo know what Is best to dowhen an acci dent happens One day this wiater two men were walking and oao aid Were too timid in treadiag oa slippery places I tread firmly and nevor tuink about them and so escape a fall Never be too sure said the other it is that that throws you off and makes the fall the harder Tust then they came upon a place covered with thin snow where kids had been sliding The first speaker slipped and came down with his foot turned and badly sprained his ankle He was a cripple on crutches until a short time ago hav ing used many things without benefit Up to that time he had not used St Jacobs Oil which when used cured him completely so that be walks as usual There is a probability that for the rest of the season he will walk cau tiously with the precaution of having this great remedy ready for use Passing of the White Rhinoceros The white rhinoceros has bocome nearly if not quite extinct There are two stuffed specimens in England and one iu the Cape Town museum It is the largest species of the genus 9400 FOR NEW NAMES The Salzer Seed Co want suitable names for their 17 inch long corn and White Oat prodigy You can win this 4C0 easily Catalogue tells all about it Seed potatoes only 150 a barrel Send This Notice and 10 Cts in Stamps to John A Salzer Seed Co LaCrosse Wis and get free their great seed cata logue and eleven new farm seed sam ples including above corn and oats positively worth 10 to get a start cn Cant lie Done Archie I always thing evening dress must be so trying to a lady of humor Bertie Why Archie Because she cant laugh in her sleeve A GREAT TIDE OF PROSPERITY Canadian Ioan Companies Getting Money on Mortgages that Had Been Written Off Probably in the history of the conti nent there never was such a tide of prosperity enjoyed by any country as the Dominion of Canada is being fav ored with That portion of Canada known as Western Canada is attract ing thousands of people who are seek ing homes on the arable lands of that new but rapidly developing country Possessed of exceptionally good rail road privileges the best school system in -the world churches in every small settlement while iu the towns and cities all denominations are represent ed and with markets in close proxim ity to the grain fields most of the re quirements for a comfortable existence are met The development that is now taking place in the mining districts gives au impulse to agriculture and good prices with good crops bring about a state of affairs that the crowd ed districts of more populous centers are taking advantage of The Associat ed Press dispatches a few days since had the following telegram Toronto Feb 4 Special Loan companies that made advances on Man itoba property years ago report that the returns from the West during the past three mouths have exceeded ex pectations One company has taken from Manitoba over 20000 interest and discharged mortgages many of which had been written off a year ago Directors of leading loan companies are takiug a greater interest in business of their institutions and are inquiring in to many properties on which advances have been made The climate in the Western provinces of Manitoba Alberta Assiniboia and Saskatchewan is excellent there being no healthier anywhere The Canadian Government is now offering special in ducements for the encouragement of settlers and they have their agents at work throughout the United States for the purpose of giving information and distributing literature Among those going to Canada are many ex-Canadians who have failed to make as good a living as they expected in the United States If a man has a little money and doesnt work he is rated as a capital ist FOR SO DAYS YOU CAN TRY IT FOR 25 CENTS CURED nr DffiSSlJSi SPENT HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS TRYBfG TO GET WELL BUT ALL m VAgftH USED 5 DROPS FOR TWO RSOKTHS AND IS 55W COMPLETELY CUEDo THOUSANDS OF GRATEFUL LETTERS RECEVED OF WHlCH THE FOLLOWING ARE SAMPLES Grlnnell Iowa Nov 17 1R7 To tho SWANSON RHEUMATIC CUBE CO Chicago HL Gentlemen I will stale that I had the Rheu matism oer 42 years Suent over S60000 in trying to get well but all In vain until my brother-in-law gave me ono bottle of 5 DROPS on trial last June I used it for two months and am now a well man I certainly believe it is al you claim for It and fully worth the money to anyone I hope tho public will benefit by my statement of my own case and anyone wishing to write me w ill receive an answer N Wittaiioth CRUTCHES DESTROYED AFTER ONE BOTTLE Regent 111 Nov 12 1897 SWANS0N RHEUMATIC CURE CO 167 Dearborn St Chicago 111 Sirs My wife hasVensutferlngtwo 5ears with Rheumatism She could not get about at all She has used about one bottle of 5 DROPS and can now go about without crutches 1 never liave found anything that did her so much good and I hope to be able to continue the treatment until she Is entirely well James Williams As a positive euro for Rheumatism Sciatica Xeuralsia Dyspepsia Backache Asthma HavFever Catarrh Sleeplessness Nervousness Nervous and Neuralgic Headaches Heart Weakness Toothache Earache Croup SweUlnff La Grippe Malaria Creeping Numb ness etc etc FIVE DROPS has never been equaled uK n D flDC taken but once a day is a dose of this great remedy and to enable all sufferers to make a O Ufiuro trial of its wonderful curative properties we will send out during tto next thirty days 100 O00 sample bottles 25c each postpaid by malt Even a sample bottle will convince you of Its merit B St anl cheap st uvdlclno on ear h Largo bottles 300 doses si00 for SO days 3 tmles for 250 Not sold b druggists only by us and our agents Agents -wanted in new territory Write us to day SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO 167 169 Dearborn St CHICAGO ILL with a MsfS akL y wm lp SE 4r fesSc V 7 ST Jbibow grease little soap used to be the thing to clean house with Now-a-days its Pearline Pearline is easier and- quicker and better than el bow- or ease One reason why millions of women prefer Pearline rather than anything else in cleaning house is that it saves the paint and woodwork But the principal reason of course is that it saves so much work as Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you a o iUUV i VJ r FALSE Pearline is ncYW peddled if vour grocer sends isazdit bach JAMES PYLE New York I rf5vflrr rfiSrV SuiSvS c rn j i nt ys ZTs3KS French Chewing TaiTy To six pounds of sugar add three pints of water and two pounds of glu cose Boil slowly to the crack degree add one scant teaspoonful of soda dis solved in a teaspoonful of water and pour out on a greased slab or pan As soon as cool enough to handle pull it then cut off into bars or let harden in a mass and break off in lumps Crust for Pot Pie Take four and one half cupfuls of lour and add to it two even teaspoon fuls of cream tartar and two even tea spoonfuls of soda and one teaspoonful of salt Sift twice then rub in a piece of butter the size of a walnut Mix with two scant cupfuls of buttermilk work into dough with as little handling as possible roll out and cut as you would biscuit put into the kettle and boil for twenty minutes Potato Pudding Pass boiled potatoes while hot and In the mealy stage through a sieve and mix with them a little butter sugar two eggs to six medium sized potatoes three tablespoonfuls of cream and the grated rind of a lemon A pudding dish is buttered and preserved plums or peaches spread on the bottom The potato pudding is poured over and baked in a moderate oven Serve hot with powdered sugar sprinkled over the top Prune Pudding Wash one half of a pound of good sized prunes through several waters cover with fresh cold water and let soak over night cook slowly in a dou ble boiler until tender Add one cup ful of sugar and set aside when cool enough to handle remove the pits and cut the prunes into small bits Add the well whipped whites of four eggs stir lightly together turn into a pud ding dish and bake in a moderate oven until well puffed up When cold spread one cupful of whipped cream over the top and serve Why Kerosene Lamps Explode Prof Kedsie explains tho manner in which kerosene lamps usually explode as follows Where the vapor of kero sene is mixed in proper proportions with air a truly explosive mixture is formed which will explode with the force of a gunshot when fired by llame This explains why a lamp is in more danger of exploding when only partly filled with kerosene because a large amount of space is filled with the ex plosive mixture Many persons on leaving a room turn down the lamp to save oil but such economy is very liable to cause a lamp explosion which is anything but economical I knew of a case in Char lotte which illustrates the danger of this practice A lamp in a store was turned down during the absence of the clerk A person passing saw the lamp explode and by promptly breaking open the store he extinguished the fire If a light is not needed in a room either extinguish the lamp or leave it burn ing with the usual blaze Farm and Fireside Sonic Uses for Honey For human consumption no article can be found more delicious than hon ey and none more beneficial to health The following are a few of the many good things that may be made with honey as an ingredient Iloney Fruit Cake Four eggs live cupfuls of Hour two cupfuls of honey one cupful of butter ono cupful of sweet milk two teaspoon fills of cream of tartar one teaspoonful of soda one pound of raisins ono pound of currants half a pound of citron one teaspoonful each of cloves cinnamon and nutmeg Bake in a slow oven This cake will keep a long time Iloney Cookies One quart of honey mixed with half a pound of white su gar half a pound of butter and the juice of two lemons Stir this mixture very hard then mix in gradually flour enough to make a stiff paste Cut into round cakes and bake in buttered pans Iloney Ginger Snaps One pint of honey three quarters of a pound of butter two teaspoonfuls of ginger Boil together for a few minutes and when nearly cold stir in flour until it is stiff enough to roll Cut in small cakes and bake quickly Honey Sponge Cake One cupful of honey one cupful of flour five eggs Beat the yelks and honey together beat the whites to a froth mix all to gether stirring as little as possible flavor with lemon and bake quickly Honey Tea Cake One cupful of hon ey half a cupful of sour cream two eggs half a cupful of butter two cup fuls of flour scant half teaspoonful of soda one teaspoonful of cream of tar tar Flavor to taste Honey Popcorn Balls One pint of honey Put in a frying pan and boil until very thick then stir in freshly parched corn and mold into balls when nearly cold Ladies Home Journal Uncle Henry Manuel and Aunt Rachel an aged couple live in Gaines ville Florida They do not know how old they are but their neighbors say they are about 115 years of age Uncle Henry married his Avife when he was only IS years old and he is two years her senior In some of the European art galleries the dust is removed from the paintiugs and statuary by means of an air pump a jet of air being thrown with great force ugaiusT the article which needs dusting A BEAUTIFUL ilRLS AFFLICTION From the Republican Versailles Ind The Tuckers of Versailles Ind like all fond parents are completely wrapped up in their children Their daughter Lucy has given them much concern She is fifteen and from a strong healthy girl three years ago had become weak and kept falling off in flesh until she became a mere skeleton She seemed to have no life at all Her blood became impure and finally she became the victim of nervous prostration Doctors did not help her Most of the time she was confined to bed was very nervous and irritable and seem ed on the verge of St Vitus dance One morning said Mrs Tucker the doctor told us to give her Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People which he brought with him He said he was treat- Discussed Their Daughters Case for Hows ing a similar case with these pills and they were curing the patient We began giving the pills and the next day could see a change for the hptter The doctor came and was surprised to see such an improvement He told us to keep giving her the medicine We gave her one pill after each meal until eight boxes had been used when she was well She has not been sick since and we have no fear of the old trouble returning We think the cure almost miraculous FRANK TUCKER MRS FRANK TUCKER Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of April 1897 HUGH JOHNSON Justice of the Peace These pills are wonderfully effective in the treatment of all diseases arising from impure blood or shattered nerve force They are adapted to young or old and may be had at any drug store His Brilliant Son A literary man in Boston has a son who is to him as the apple of his eye The other dajr he noticed a square hole in the trousers of his well beloved a shrieking hole just about the knee How is this asked the sire And the boy replied You know I have two pairs my best and the other I couldnt tell them apart so I cut a hole in the best and now I can tell em and know which to put on Boston Journal BKTTS3R THAN A SILVER MINE The editor estimates that the in crease in yields had by the American farmer by planting Salzers Potatoes and new creations in Wheat Oats Corn Rye Grasses and Clovers the past year amounted in round numbers to 50000 000 The reason of this is Salzers farm and vegetable seeds are bred up to big yields Salzer is the largest grower of grasses clovers and farm seeds in the world 100000 barrels potatoes 150 a barrel and up Just rend Tliis Notice with 1 0 Cents to John A Salzer Seed Co LaCrosse Wis and get their great catalogue and eleven packages farm seeds positively worth 10 to get a start with cn Monkeys Fond of Milk The tshakma a monkey of the bab oon family which is rather common in South Africa has become a perfect plague of the Transvaal farmers This ape has acquired the habit of killing young lambs not in order to eat their meat but simply to tear open their stomachs and drink the milk contained therein Having acquired a passionate desire for milk and being unable to milk the sheep themselves they pa tiently wait until they see a lamb suck ing milk from its mother and take it away as they would a milk pail which was thrown away after the contents are consumed The tshakma then takes to the cacti thickets which are inac cessible to human beings and furnish at the same time a refuge and a source of food in the fleshy leaves and fruit for the monkeys The same ape has also quickly learn ed to distinguish men from women At the approach of a man they quickly flee while they allow a woman to come quite near paying no attention to them The farmers however have adapted themselves to the circumstances and when lambs are missing from their flocks they don the skirts and bonnets of their wives and taking up a gun start in pursuit of the mischievous ani mals Philadelnhia Record A Color Dinner An eccentric gentleman in Washing ton gave a Christmas dinner which was attended by Mr and Mrs Black Mr and Mrs Green Mr and Mrs Brown Mr and Mrs Gray Mr and Mrs White and Mr and Mrs Lemon Mother Grays Sweet Powders Tor Children Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse in the Childrens Home in New York cure Feverishness Bad Stomach Teeth ing Disorders move and regulate the Bowels and destroy AVorms Over 10000 testimonials They never fail At all druggists 25c Sample FEEE Address Allen S Olmsted Le Koy X Y Judging Other How long have the Hamiltons been married Not very long He still kisses her when he gets home at night Mrs WinsioWs Soothing Stbup for Children teething soitens the KumB reances inflammation ullays pain cures wind colic 25 cents a bottle Grieving for misfortunes is adding gall to wormwood ain fui Could Hot Move Without Great Suf fering Hoods Cured My shoulders and arms were very painful with rheumatism so that I could hardly move them without great suffer ing I have taken four bottles of Hoods Sarsaparilla and now find myself free from rheumatism MRS MARY A TUCKER 454 9th St Red Wing Minn Hod7s Sarsaoarillst Et Is the best in fast the One True Blood Purifier Hoods Pills cure sick headache 25c faa HERE AND THERE It has -always been Lord Wolseleys boast that when starting upon a cam paign his equipage is of the lightest consisting of little more than a tooth brush and a clean shirt The improbable statement is made that during the ninety seven years since the establlslunent of the State University of Georgia there have been only five deaths- among the students An ex sheriff of Michigan Is at pres ent using as an ordinary carriage a famous chaise owned by Gov Cass in territorial days The chaise Is said to be as strong as it was seventy five years ago able to stand fifty years more use It Keeps the Feet Warm and Dry And Is the only cure for Cullblains Frost Bites Damp Sweating Feet Corns and Bunions Ask for Allens Foot Ease a powder to be shaken into the shoes At all druggists and shoe stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y Something Unusual Blowell who has just related a story Why do you look surprised Dont you believe it Rowell Yes thats the trouble I happen to know that it is true Hows This We offer Ono Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last 13 years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obligation inado by their firm West Truax Wholesale Drugclsts Toledo O Walding Kinxax Makvix Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system Price 75c per bottle Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free Charity Thy Name Is Woman Helen I wondpr why Kate doesnt mind her own business Mattie She hasnt any Helen Business Mattie No mind TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take TaxaUc Bromo Quinine Tablet All nrucslsts refund the money if it falls to cure 25c Never Quiet She after the honeymoon Do you love me still He How can I tell I never used so quick a cure as Pisos Cure for Consumption J B Palmer Box 1171 Seattle Wash Nov 2o ISOo If we had to pay for all the advice we get there would be no money or less advice in circulation Abandoned farms cheap Wolcoxt Norwich Conn Dont use a gallon of words to ex press a teaspoonful of thought Those whose complexions are poor may rojolco in tht existence of Glenns Sulphur Soap Hills Hair and Whisker Dye black or brown 50c Impose not a burden on others which thou canst not bear thyself FITS Permanently Cured No fits or nervousness after first day ujo of Dr Kllnos Great Nene Ite Rjorer Send for FREE S20O trial bottle an treatise Dr ILH Kline Ltd S1 Aich bt Philadelphia Pa AN CnatoniH Cnscs Decided The cencra appraisers of fotl passing through the Custom House have made sev eral decisions lately which until panned up on by the Secretary of the Treasury will hold good But while there 13 stability In that quarter no system falling In strength can be properly sustained without the aid of Hostetters Stomach Hitters a genial tonic and remedy for malaria rheumatism dys pepsia constipation and blllousuesa There Is at Oxford a portrait of Charles I composed of minute letters The head and ruff contain the book of Psalms the Apostles Creed and the Lords Trayer 1 yrj Y y iiii Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken it is ploasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys Liver and Bowels cleanses the sys tem effectually dispels colds head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation Syrup of Figs is the osiy remedy of its kind ever pro duced pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in ita effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most Dopular remedy known Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute CAUF0MM FIB SYRUP CO SAN FRANCISCO CAL LDUISVIUE KY NEW YORK NY 9 6SS23GaS30QaG3Qe IBMl Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You THC CENTAL COMPlNf TT UUnRAV TRCST N Best Couzh Syrnp Tastes Good D5e in time Soul w drncjst3 K5zs Oi re frife i s U tfjLm a yw w a j IWTOHK CITT W69 RBB 14 CEMTS EAST WEST HOME S BEST IF KEPT CLEAN WITH SAPOLIO V2fflJiS3m FVSaSSBP all ttj3fm ClieaDest ever zrown BEST the worlclnone other as GOOD war ranted to be by far the CHEAPEST Prettiest book In E O C the world I iibfaai tic and uDforlarcenackets Send yours and neighbors names for I my tseautnui illustrated taiaioue RHSHUmWAT KOCKTOra IU onnrmr mntti The be Red Rope Rooflne for 1 ct foot and nails included per sq VUB caps MUU U4U IUVUUVU fK 3 vnvrt1fiTffa fnr iMxafp p mr lA f rw lta Jftty Manilla Booting Co Camden J LUKtS WR AIL EtSE FAILS i tomers ana nnceoner 1 Vka h Vm Railhth TUg Early Spring Turnip Karliest Red Beot Biainarck Cucumber Queen Victoria Lettuce 15c i Klondike Melon Ific Turabo Giant Onion lie 2 Brilliant llov7or Seeds 15c 2 Worth 8100 for 14 cents t Abovo 10 pkgg worth 3100 we Trill gj mail yoa free together -with onr m great Plant and Seed Catalogue S npon receipt of this notice and 14c 9 postage We invito your trade tnd 2 know when Ton onoe trv Salzers flo - seeds yon will never get along with- i ont them Potatoes at Si 50 tt Ci cBbl Catalog alone 5c NoC N 3 JOlI1 A SAIJXa SEED CO LA CEUSSB WIS Z eaGcoX50frvas5jfGin OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OP THE WORD CASTORIA AND PITCHERS CASTORIA AS OUR TRADE MARK I DR SAMUEL PITCHER of Eyannis Massachusetts was the originator of PITCHERS CASTORIA the same that has borne and does now Sff fTi z 01h every bear the facsimile signature of ajfZ wrapper This is the original PITCHERS CASTORIA ivhich has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought 7jr s7 z on the and has the signature o f 2sXU2 wrap per No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas K Metcher is President March 8 1897- QijLta Do Not Be Deceived Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you because he makes a few more pennies on it the ingredients of which even he does not know The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE FAC SIM1LE SIGNATURE OF ST T- 4zz7tZ iJUtiZ IW1 IOK3tmMO qtW Oa 3 q m Whsoi400 How to crnn ntieat at40pa bu and C31 bus oats- j iii oun Darley and 1M0 bns potatoes per acre rSTSEK OUR UKBAT CATALOGUE mailed yon 6 1 arms reci sample npon receiptor 5 THIS JOTICE and lO cent- In stumps JJOIPt k SAI7KR FFFD 0 IA rKll5K WIS C5 i fmmm vRsaanaiDiDESBHMSRBiaaBs TTrito dpi 0TA223LL 7szi S C X u X In 1 to 5 dys itvsif nai to iimtare lipRT Vth VinufinAiiui 1 Get Your Pension DOUBLE - QUICK AsestTTabgtes DC 9 08 CURE YOURSELF JJsa Big Cr for unnatural discharges inttaminatione UU ui ulcerations of in neons meinbranea r ana not 3EvAN3CHUICAtCo gent or pobonoua oiu oy jymszisia or sent in plain wrapper 7 PrPB Prepaid for J100 or 3 bottles 25 Circular seat on reqnegt