The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, February 24, 1898, Image 6

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    Sill tmw WWM Wcmb mmM
st i i riiis was tne
W of G troop F
irst Cav
G troop be it
known is just now
very comfortably
housed and the en
listed men are having a better time
than the captains used to For G troop
has seen some of the hardest service
known to the regular army It has
served all the way from the fiery plains
of Arizona to te moisture and frost of
Washington It has gone to more old
forts and there builded new ones than
any other organization that ever rode
horses But it has been well command
ed from the far away time when R F
Bernard was captain and Happy
Tack Kyle was second lieutenant not
to mention Mr Winters who was first
lieutenant down to the present when
gentlemen as modest and a whole lot
better accoutered take care of the for
tunes of company G
All that has nothing to do with the
romance The man in the case was call
ed Big Smith The first name be
longed to him of rights for he was just
as tall and just as heavy as the maxi
mum cavalry limit would allow and he
called himself Smith because that nev
er had been his name
Big Smith was from Dallas and he
was about as good a type of the genu
ine Texan as a man would find in a
months travel He Avas handsome af
ter a virile and un Bostouese way and
Iiis voice was of that deep and mellow
quality which suits itself to nonsense
songs for the pleasing of women He
knew enough to gdt along Avith the in
tellectual and Avas able to buy enough
to get along Avith the other kind He
Avas at his home an altogether accept
able fellow
Her name is another matter Besides
It is another name now anyway And
there is no use bringing her into the
romance of G troop any further than
she is Avilliiig to come It seems there
Avas some sort of understanding fol
lowed by a misunderstanding between
them and Big Smith shook the dust of
Dallas from his shoes Avent down to
Garveston and enlisted in the regular
array He must have regretted their
quarrel a good deal for the regular
army in 1S71 was composed in lanre
part of about the hardest lot of men
that have got together for military pur
poses since Mr Falstaif joined the
forces of Henry IV Once in however
there was nothing for it but to stick
and Big Smith addressed himself to the
task of waiting
He made a good soldier and Avas pro
moted As a corporal and later as a
sergeant the only complaint against
uim was made by the tailor It took
too much buff flannel to make his
But he was a very good fellow
gives to drink pay day as became a
frontier warrior given to lighting occa
sionally when that seemed the proper
escape valve for abundant energy
However he never failed in the one es
sential He did his duty- He could
ahvays be relied upon His fort was
Iimia in the hottest oven of Arizona
where the Coorow Apaches frequently
made the camj still hotter
Sunday inspection was the same there
ns everywhere After the roll call and
scrutiny on the parade ground the men
repaired to their squadrooms and each
one stood at the foot of his bunk while
the officers AA alked through glanced
about for signs of carelessness and cor
rected or commended as the jkse might
require and then Avalked out again
Often citizens visited the officers at
Fort Yuma and the privilege of attend
ing in the squadroom inspection was
prized The soldiers Avere so interest
That Sunday an unusual number of
women Avere on the balconies in offi
cers row while the routine Avent for
ward on the parade ground and there
was a general offer of an even bet that
some of them avouUI come doAAn thi
line with the captain
And some of them did They were
very interested The soldiers stood
there so absolutely oblivious of any
presence so erect and formally mili
tary so painfully clean with their
bunks behind them rolled up and the
folded blankets ranged on top the little
personal vanities of eacli man on the
wall at the head of his bunk an hi
kit box open at his feet
Big Smith had a number of bcoks
that were not often lent One was a
collection of verses with a Dallas book
sellers card for a mark The other Avas
a Aery stilted and tedious account of
the Avauderings of a queerly fortunate
person with a habit of alluding to him
self as a much enduring man No
one but Big Smith had ever looked very
deeply into either
The first sergeant came down through
the squadrooms at the head of the
group of officers and Avomen his brass
and braid as fine as skill could make
them his saber clanking in a very om
inous way
Tention he called as he appeared
at the door of Big Smiths squadroom
And every soldier added a little starch
j to the general stiffness of his bearing
The officers did their customary quick
sweep of the room and its details but
the women unused to such things tar
ried a little longer
Why there are books said one of
the visitors Big Smith looking
straight ahead as a soldier standing at
attention should heard the voice and
the red blood ran down and his face
grew white as a rain washed bone
But he did not waver
Yes they read assented the cap
tain a little proud of his men
Why its Homer exclaimed the
same young woman scanning the title
a little more carefully
Is it calmly inquired the captain
He was not just sure what Homer
might be but he gathered from his vis
itors tone that it was surprisingly
creditable to the owner of the volume
I canJt see the title of tne other
book said the lady leaning forward
and peering at the shelf on the wall
Smith hand down those books
commanded the officer but his tone
was kindly
Big Smith for once in his life was
clumsy As he handled the volumes
one slipped He stooped to recover it
but the leaves fluttered and out fell a
photograph the portrait of a woman
It fell face up on the bunk and he re
covered it in an instant
In that instant however the young
AAoman saAv it and the hand she had
extended dropped at- her side She
reeled a little said Why my in
an odd little voice and was conducted
by Happy Jack Kyle the second
lieutenant to the outer air
Big Smith put the books back on the
shelf and presently the guests being
gene hammered Billy Murphy the
bully of the squadroom without any
adequate provocation
That Avas the day before old Cachise
Avent up the Gila on the last raid that
he rode The man on post No 1 told
the sergeant of the guard when the
second relief arrived that he had seen
a fire far to the north but no one im
agined it A as a summons to the south
ern Apaches
Just after guard mount in the morn
ing Lieutenant Kyle rode east with the
Avomen visitors He AA anted to show
them some petrifactions and give
them a drink from the Aztec spring
While the bugler was blowing recall
from fatigue Happy Jacks horse came
galloping into the fort and the trum
peter changed the last note in the call
to the first note in Boots and saddles
They Avent out twenty strong Big
Smith in the lead at the side of the
captain whose guests were in peril
Two troopers galloping in the column
exchanged remarks about him
Wasnt fit to live with till he heard
hoots and saddles said one of them
Groaned all night
Always puts liis breeches under his
blankets and sleeps on them to keep
them creased said the other Didnt
take em off at ail last night
And they galloped along quite indif
ferent to danger only hoping now and
then Cachise would wait for them
They were untutored young rutnans
but one was a dead shot at thirty
yards and the other stood off a band of
Utes a day and a night one time in
the mountains
But when they came to the Aztec
springs and saw the Apaches they
head of the canyon Lieutenant Kyle
and the women Avere hiding
And Cachise had just fired the grass
Avhere the horses lay The flames Avere
driving up the cut as if it were a chim
The twenty troopers charged at the
Apaches and the latter fled Avith de
risive laughter The fire Avas lighting
their battle for them
Big Smith dropped from the saddle
and ran to the edge of the canyon
All right lieutenant he called
cheerily The man Avas strong and
virile again Avas even exuberant and
cheery Such Apache bullets as came
his Avay across the canyon acted as a
tonic and spurred him He dropped
over the edge crashed down through
the dry chaparral and guided by the
lieutenants shouting went straight to
the little group where he found two
frightened Avomen and a plucky officer
with both arms broken by a rifle ball
Big Smith put his arm around ono
of the Avomen and climbed with her
carrying her presently for she fainted
till the two untutored ruffians and the
captain could pass down a lariat and
lift her to the level
Then he tumbled back calling en
couragement all the time and stood
before the other woman Avhose face
was quite the Image of the one in the
photograph wrhich had tumbled from
the Odyssey to a bunk in the squad
room the day before
Her he took in his arm as the other
one and held her close climbing
through chaparral that was already
burning and over canyon grass that
Avas a carpet of flame rubbing the fire
from her skirts when they caught and
presently lifting her clear of the
ground and carrying her for better
safety speaking hopefully in spite of
Cachise and his frequent charges And
he yielded her up at last and went
back where Kyle game to the end
had fallen while trying to climb with
out aid from his hands white at the
lips and silent with agony
n i win mi i a
Cachise thirty yr rds away Avas try
ing to get a bullc out of his breast
clawing after it as savages do and
spitting out blood with his Spanish-Apache-American
curses That ended
the fight and no so daring adventure
has ever since come Avithin a days
march of Fort Yuma
The young woman came doAvn to
the spadroom that night where Big
Smith Avas lying a little the Avor1 Cor
his burning and knelt by the side of
his bunk to thank him The captains
wife came with her and poor Kyle
pale with pain sent his compliments
Big Smith rose up and tried to stand
at attention but they made him sit
down The untutored ruffians went
out of the squadroom and left them
while the bugles were blowing tattoo
So that Avhatever they said only she
and he and the captains wife might
tell you
They left when the roll call was over i
and Big Smith turning his face to the
Avail waited for taps and wished he
like Kyle could give his two arms for
the woman j
Anti tnat was tne romance ot u
Grants Name
Would -it have made any difference
in history if Grants initials had not
been emblematic of his country U
S United States They also stand
for Uncle Sam and Unconditional
render Suppose he had gone to Wesfj
roint as Hiram and the boys had call
ed him Hi for short Suppose ha
had gone there as Hiram Ulysses in-
stead of Ulysses Hiram and the caJ
dels had called him H H G Hug
Would not that have made a change n
his career We never had a publiq
man to make so many changes in his
name as did Grant Hiram Ulysses-
Ulysses Hiram Ulysses Sidney and
Ulysses Simpson were the variations
NeAV York Press
Englands Bi 4 Merchant lUarine
The merchant ships of the Unit d
Kingdom have more than 1200uui
tonnage no European power has v
Avondered how ever the captain would j nuiCii ns 20fi0000
get out of this scrape There was aj
little gully full of dry grass and chap 1 You are always grumbling about the
arral At the mouth of it lay the two boys having dirty ham- Look at yoiv
horses both dead Somewhere be own hands occasion- pai ticulari
tween that point and the spring at the j duriug very cold weatLor
ft- W
beautiful Indian Legend Which Must
Have Inspired Longfellow
The Indian story of Hiawatha is
even more beautiful than that which
Longfellow has told so charmingly in
the justly popular poem bearing that
title but it depicts the hero as a very
different man from the bold and tender-hearted
warrior of Avhoin the poet
writes The Indian story though in
part fiction is founded on fact there
is no doubt that such a man as
once lived and that he played
a leading part in forming the compact
of the Six Nations says a writer in the
rittsburg Dispatch
According to the story Hiawatha
was the wisest man of the Onondagas
and when the different tribes Avere
troubled by the Hurons Avho lived to
the north of them and the Algonquins
who were their Eastern neighbors he
proposed a meeting of the tribes to
form a union for mutual defense But
the scheme was defeated by Atatarho
a great war chief of the Onondagas
who was jealous of dividing his pow
er and Hiawatha Avas driven out of
the tribe He did not give up the plan
however As he journeyed toward the
south he came to a beautiful lake
probably Oneida On the shore he
picked up a quantity of beautiful Avhite
Hiawatha living alone all this time
and never seeing any man learned
much lrom the great spirit It wa3
finally revealed to him that his people
wore at last ready to unite and he
hastened back to them Then there
Avas a great meeting which all the
chiefs attended Atatarho still sat
back defiant saying never a word
When at last Hiawatha arose and be
gan to speak the people Avere charmed
by his voice and listened in silence
for it seemed to them that he spoke
with the Arisdom of the great spirit
himself Lifting his strings of wam
pum HiaAvatha unfolded his plan for
the union telling off on each shell the
position and power allotted to each
tribe and to its chief Atatarho was
to be made the great war chief of the
confederacy Avhich shows that Hia
Avatha Avas something of a politician
and at this event he gave way and the
treaty was adopted
While the people were celebrating the
treaty Avith the usual feasting it was
observed that Hiawatha was sad and
silent Feasting is not for me he
said when his friends urged him to
join the festivities I am to go on a
far journey
At that moment a beautiful white ca
noe Avas seen approaching across the
lake driven by some unseen power
When it reached the shore HiaAvatha
bidding farewell to those Avho had
crowded about him stepped into the
canoe Avhich moved rapidly aAvay As
it reached the middle of the lake it sud
denly rose into the air Higher and
higher into the blue sky flew the white
canoe Avith its single passenger until
it became a dim speck and then van
ished altogether
That Avas the last of HiaAvatha but
the league Avhich he founded continued
for centuries and was never conquer
ed by its enemies and every year since
the wampum has been brought out at
the great council and the solemn rites
with which Hiawatha had instituted
the confederacy have been rehearsed
Harmless Respirators
Scientific investigations in regard to
the health of those engaged in the ari
ous industrial occupations have re
sulted in definite regulations public
and private which are of benefit to
the community as well as to the indi
vidual The fact is proved beyond any
doubt that sedentary occupations in
ill ventilated apartments and those
which expose the workmen to the in
halation of dust should be especially
avoided The different sorts of dust
vary too in their harmful effects
thus the sharp dust produced in the
grinding of needles and steel tools and
in the mining of metals is particularly
irritating and the mortality from con
sumption among operatives in such in
dustries is high but operatives thus
engaged may diminish the liability by
wearing respirators over the mouth
and nose while at work In a number
of factories in Massachusetts and pre
sumably elsewhere in Avhich consump
tion has made serious inroads upon the
operatives the adoption of measures
for the prevention of a dusty atmos
phere has secured a marked diminu
tion of the prevalence of this disease
among those employed in them The
fact also appears that o Avners and su
perintendents of mills factories and
Avorkshops can accomplish much to
ward the prevention of tuberculosis
among those whom they employ by the
introduction of adequate systems of
Aentilation and heating and by the use
of hard and smooth floors without
cracks or crevices
Iodine for Piano Players
A modest appearing young Avoman
entered a drug store in Madison ave
nue one morning recently and Avalking
to the end of the counter nearest the
prescription department mutely held
out both hands lOAvard a clerk Avho
chanced to be standing in that particu
lar place This clerk equally mute
reached behind a screen and brought
out a blue glass bottle from which a
brush handle protruded After stir
ring the contents of the bottle with the
crush for a few seconds the clerk
daintily brushed the tips of the young
womans fingers with the mixture
leaving a dark stain around the top of
each finger nail With a pleasant nod
of her head and low murmured thanks
tue young woman quickly Avithdrew
from the store and the blue glass bot
tle was put back in its hiding place
Observg a puzzled expression on
the face an old patron of the store
v had come in to get a cigar the
fk said iodine
Wlnit Cor asked the smoker
Prevent fingers from getting oore
L --
replied the clerk She is from the
musical conservatory Avhere she prac
tices on the piano three or four hours
a day In order to prevent the finger
nails from coming in contact Avith tho
ivory keys she has them cut very short
4 Brave Minnesota School Tcachatrf
Experience with an Ujrly Brute
Miss Martha Culver a school teaciier
who lives near Grand Rapids Minn
and Ave apply iodine to take the sore- j Is a heroine in the eyes of the residents
ness out of the ends of the fingers
after they have been subjected to three
or four hours of pounding Most piano
players you Avill observe have their
finger nails cut to the quick so that
no clicking sound is emitted Avhen they
strike the keys We keep a bottle of
iodine and a brush for the special use
of the pianoforte pupils of the con
servatory They come in here for
treatment two or three times a week
and pay by the month New York
S- V r v - v
The estate of Mrs Margaret Oli
pliant the authoress who died June 25
is under 25000 It Avas left to her
adopted daughter
An Oregon Boyhood by Louis Al
bert Banks is an interesting narrative
of the authors early life in the unset
tled Oregon of ante railroad days
Henry James whose recent novel
What Maisie Knew has had consid
erable success is giAing up his connec
tion as a correspondent of Harpers
Mr Bellamys Equality is likely to
be read in a greater number of lan
guages than any recent American book
One of the latest propositions received
by the publishers is for a translation
into Bulgarian
Gilbert Parkers new story is to be
called The Battle of the Strong It
is to appear as a serial in the Atlantic
Monthly It will be remembered that
the Atlantic printed Mr Parkers suc
cessful Seats of the Mighty
Louis Zangwill who has heretofore
written over the initials Z Z has
decided to use his full name in future
believing that it Anil cause less confu
sion Cleo the Magnificent is the title
of his new book Avhich by the way
does not allude to the French dancer
No one is quite sure just Avhat has
brought about the present Dickens
craze but one and all acknowledge
that they are reading or writing or
talking about Dickens The newest
London editions of the great novelists
Avorks are to be illustrated by Phil
May of the London Punch and
Charles Dana Gibson of the New York
Mr Gladstones recollections of his
friendship witli Arthur Henry Hallam
are announced as the leading feature of
the Youths Companion for 1S9S Mr
Gladstone calls Hallam the noblest
man he ever knew The general list
of contributors to the periodical for
next year is as starry as usual ranging
from the Duke of Argyll and Thomas
B Reed to Kipling Zangwill and Cy
Distance Mercury Would Reach
While almost any one knows about
the principles on which an ordinary
thermometer operates there are a
number of things about this apparently
little instrument Avhich are not gener
ally knoAvn and Avhich are of a great
deal of interest One of the most pe
culiar of these is the question of the
length of tube Avhich the mercury in
the bulb of an ordinary thermometer
Avould fill if it Avere stretched out in a
single column the size of that in the
Most people when asked Iioav long
this Avould be Avould probably say
from five to fifteen feet Avliile as a
matter of fact this couinn of mercury
Avould in an extremely delicate instru
ment be miles in length The reason
of this is that the column of mercury
Avhile it appears quite large is really
of almost infinitesimal size If the tube
of a thermometer is broken one is at
first at a loss to see where the mer
cury goes in but close examination
will disclose a fine line much thinner
than a hair running across one end
of a little slit in which the mercury
rises As it has its flat side toAvard
the eye it appears to be quite large
and the convexity of the outside of
the fube through which it is seen mag
nifies it and gives it that rounded ap
pearance AAhich is so deceptive The
reason why the slit is made so small
is to give the greatest ratio of result
for the expansion of the mercury in
the bulb Boston Transcript
A Chapter of Russian History
Here is a little bit ci Russian history
that is not told in the school books and
is not generally known When Cath
erine II met her husband Peter III
for the first time his ugliness caused
her to faint It was only her ambi
tion to become czarina that enabled her
to go through with the Avedding cere
mony The terrible consequences Avere
inevitable Catherine forced Peter to
abdicate in her favor after Avhich she
murdered him But before these events
had taken place Catherine had taken
up with Count Soltikoff who was
doubtless the father of Catherines son
Paul Avho succeeded to the throne
only to be assassinated a few years
AVhftre People Live Longest
In Norway the average length of life
is greater than in any other country
on the globe This is attributed to the
fact that the temperature is cool and
uniform throughout the year
When a man is a loafer he is put on
tne rock pile when a woman Is a
loafer she is put in society
When a man makes a cent his kin
hear that he makes a dollar
of her section and she is deserving of
all the praise that has been lavished
upon her She had an experience Avith
a irildcat recently which proves her to
be a girl of uncommon nerve and pluck
Miss Culver is obliged to Avalk five
miles to and from her school every day
through dense pine Avoods and usually
has no other companion than a small
rifle Avliich she carries as much for
sport as for protection Timber wolves
are very numerous in the vicinity of
Grand Rapids and have caused the set
tlers great annojance and considerable
damage by preying upon their stock
Miss Culver is one of the few persons
who have encountered the animals at
close quarters and under desperate cir
cumstances Since October she has
killed Avolves lynxes Avildcats bears
moose deer and rabbits
One day while returning from school
Miss Culver had a tussel Avith an ugly
wildcat viiich cost her a deep painful
wound upon her right arm and the ruin
of a costly fur jacket Avhich came in
contact Avith the animals Avicked
claws She had heard the crafty step
of some animal in the thicket Pres
ently it came a big hungrj looking
wildcat creeping stealthily over the
tangled underbrush until it came to tho
clearing Avhere it stopped looking cau
tiously about as if it expected an en
jeniy Miss Culver took deliberate aim
and fired but as she pulled the trigger
jthe wildcat crouched down to the earth
and the charge just grazed its back
The school teacher rushed forward to
finish the job Avitli a blow of her gun
barrel but the Avounded animal sprang
into the air and landed with its fore
paws upon the breast and right arm of
his fair- antagonist tearing the front of
her jacket to shreds and cutting a deep
scratch in the arm Seizing the beast
by the throat and forelegs she succeed
ed by a desperate effort in releasing
herself from its grip and another
sweep of the gun put an end to the
She Saw the President and Shook
Hands with Him
Aunt Ann Landrain an old colored
woman of Ghent Ky had saved
enough money to buy her a good home
and furnish it very substantially She
had also purchased an upright piano
Just after the presidential election
when Harrison was elected she inform
ed the colored citizens of the town that
she Avas going to visit the President
says the Louisville Dispatch Her de
parture Avas a very quiet one the old
carpet sack in her hand and the dress
she had treasured for years She was
gone about four days and when she
returned her self important air told
you she had met the President She
said I des Avent to de house an
knocked on de door A yaller nigger
come to de door and say Who is you
and who you want to see and I sez
I dont want to see you possum head
I a rant to see yor master
II j tried to shove me back but I
swung my carpet sack and he left me
go I went on in through de house dea
as I used to do down in old Mars Joels
an a lady come laughin like an say
Aunty here dis way and -he fetched
me in to whar de Prcideut sot wid
some gentlemen He had whiskers and
body des like anybody else an I shook
hans wid him and tole him who I
wuz and when I tole bout beln de
haid cook down at Marse Joels on
Green River an how I made yaller
niggers stan roun like I done dat
Avun in de hall des now he laughed like
lie would bust He had em take me
and git me something to eat an I
didnt hesitate to drap some of de good
things In my carpet sack De lady
what showed me through avuz a mighty
good woman You didnt think I wuz
going to git to see him did you Wall
made up my min to see him an I
pushed my way through an I dun
made up my min to see God an Im
gAA ine to push my way right through
till I git to whar hes at St Louis
Globe Democrat
Famous Bible Distributer
Perhaps the most famous distributer
af Bibles in the world was Deacon
William Brown of New Hampshire
He began the Avork in 1849 and kept
It up till his death a few years ago at
3ie age of 76 During that time no
fewer than 120000 copies of the scrip
tures were giAen out by him and de
spite his age in the two years preced
Xig nis death he cam assed 239 town3
pd visited over 80000 families
An Arizona Strinjj Band
Tourist What is thzt crowd over the
Native Thats out string band
Tourist Preparing to give an enter
pinment I suppose
NativeYes going over the river to
lynch a horse thief
and facts are stubborn
wncsfcg 6ggg