The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, February 17, 1898, Image 8

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I j
f r
BOBEBT GOOD Editor and Publisher
Official Paper of Chery Coun
ty Nebraska
100 JPer Yeur in Advance
Kntored at t be Post office at Valentine Cherry
roiiiity Nebraska as Second class matter
The question of buying the old
school house for court house purposes
is being agitated again At the re
quest of a reader we suggest that all
interests address toe county commis
sioners on thss matter before their
Ineetiug the loth of next month
JuTthink what an easy job the ed
itor must have who has no opinions of
his own the editor who sayso is
never challenged because he always
waits for a conclusion -and then says
Idcld you so the editor wfeo -is a
philosopher inasmuch as he believes
that what must be will be and what
has been was Btit we dont envy
him his glory Hather than be a sec
ond fiddle editor we would hirestobeat
tbe dium for the Salvation army
AVe don t enyy the fellow who dare
not express an opinion if he ever haa
one Auburn Granger
The editor of the Papillion Times
Howard says
The democrats of the stateare
iiing togive the pops every state office
if only by so doing we can keep the
Wall street crowd out of -place and
tpower in Nebraska
In view of the fact that bout half
-and the best appointive positions in
the state are filled with vdemocrats
that they have one placed upon the
state ticket that they had the populist
endorsement for president and will
get it again no doubt carrying with
it the entire federal patronage the
self denial and self sacrifice of the
democrats is enough to wring tears of
pity from -an Egyptian sphinx At-
Teinson Plain Dealer
The Minneapolis Tribune exultantly
shouts -Before the passage of the
Dingley bill sheep in Ohio sold for 50
-cents a -head Now they are worth 4
per head
Well what of it Does the Tribune
mean to say that the Dipgley law has
added this extra value to sheep It
-seems hat a few months ago weheard
-the -Tribune and other papers of its
-political faith declaring in thunder
tones that value cant -be made by
law -Certainly tne Tribune -would
have us believe that it is engaged
4n the repudiation business to the ex
tent of repudiating its cwn declara
tions What has the Dingley law got
to do -with theories of sheep We
-ask the esteemed Tribune this
tion iuali seriousness Has
the Dingley law added to the value of
sheep Has the Dingley law added to
the value of wheat It it has why
cpukUit not add value to silver or de
tract from the value of sgold World
The editor of this paper acknowledges
the receipt of a number of copies of
Hon W L Greenes speech in con
gress January 31 on payment of U S
bondsrand these speeches have been
sent to a x number of gentlemen
throughout the country who are inter
ested in the question Among the
many other sharp things said by Mr
Greene In his speech we find the fol
J3yrtiie act of February 15 1862
the present greenback currency was
created and in the House thebiil pass
ed making greenbacks a full legal ten
der When this bill went to the sen
ate a formidable lobby composed of
the same class of men who are now
clamoriug for national hnnorand pub
lic faith were found thundering at the
doors of the senate demanding an
amendment What was it They
wanted to insert this simple clause
Except duties on imports and interest
-on the public debt The senate so
ameuded the bill Here was the first
blunder the -republican party made
By means GfMbat mistake the people
have been from then till now robbed
and plundered of their substance by
these same defenders of national hon
What was the result These men
demanded all the way from two to two
dollars and eighty live cents in green 1
ibacks for one dollar of gold Then
they cared nothing for the nations
fconororthe nations credit Then
tbey were coiniDg money out of the
Wood and the tears of our people
Then the government might have
gone to the bottim of the sea if it had
not yielded golden blood under the
thumbscrew of these money sharks
Tbeee men took the greenback pur
chased with gold at about 35 cents on
the dollar and with these same green
backs bought government bonds at the
full faca value of the greenback- so
that theBe bonds cost the gold gamblers
gbout 35 cents on the dojlar in gold
Ti y1
Dissecting Table
Some people seem to ihink ihat if
you dont belong to their church you
taue no interest in church religious or
charitable work We submitted this
to members of three different denomi
nations and they all agreed with us so
it must be so
It seems to us that the morale of a
place is not raised to ahy great extent
bT circulation of those horriole
tares commonly called comic valen
tines and the people who send them
through the mails lay themselves open
to the suspiciou that they are lacking
m decency
There is a wise provision in our laws
that no man can be arrested and tiied
for a crime without having the bene
fit of legal advice If the uian is too
poor to employ an attorney the court
appoints Jne to take his case and the
attorneys fee is paid by the county
This is simply justice and is a wise
provision though it costs the county
considerable sometimes to defend ihe
criminal it brings to the bar of justice
We have often wonered just how much
the county was called upon to -pay at
torneys during the year and the other
day we took the trouble to look it up
During the years 1896 97 nineteen
claims were fiieti -against the county
by six attorneys These claims ranged
in value from 35 to one attorney up
to 415 for another This latter sum
is filed in eight claims The nineteen
claims amount to a total of 104500
and all but three of them were filed
for services In defending men charged
with crime Two claims amounting
to -225 were lejected by the commis
sioners and one for 75 was cut to 40
thus leaving a total of 785 which the
county had to pay If then
we add to this amount the salary of
the county attorney for two years
1300 we find that the county has
paid in that length of time 2u8500
for legal services
Valentine Neb Feb 14th 1898
To the editor of The Valentine
Democrat Your ioimer courtesy
in giving me space in your columns
assures me of room for this short letter
It has sincerely grieved as well as wor
ried me to see our two local papers
engaged iu a political fight when they
ought to have been standing together
fighting the same enemy The public
in general and myself in particular
do not feel it is our fight and were
it not for the fact that success for bi
metalists in Cherry county depends a
jgreat deal upon our newspapers I
should not interfere but patiently
await the end of the fight or of the
paper We will soon have another
countv convention called -and
mv opinion necessary that
it is in
lsts oPCherry county should get to
gether before the coventions as the
actions of our editors greatly inter
feres with this plan I ask of you as
a democrat to cease hostilities and to
make a treaty with our co worker and
assure you of the esteem and good will
of all bimetalists of Cherry county for
Mich action on your part Hoist the
Hag of democracy with W J Bryan
and bimetalism the paramount ism
for 1900 and both populists and demo
crats will rejoice with yours
M Christensex
In deference to the wishes of this
writer we have this week killea a
two column article Whether or not
it will be resurrected depends upon
our friend J
W L Oyster and wife spent Tues
day in Woodlake
Mrs F D Valentine made a trip to
Valentine last week
Jean iEdtvards attended teachers
association at Valentine Saturday
Herbert Daniels of Simeon was
visiting in Woodlake last Saturday
R N JJruce gave a pleasant little
party to a number of friends Wednes
day eve
Mrs G Williams and Erastus
Stevenson spent Tuesday with their
relatives at tins place
Ivan C Shaul who has been
absent on a visit at Hot Spring S
Dak returned tae fore part of last
W Honey returned from Omaha
Friday evening Mr Honey sold his
cattle to Jos Leader for 4000 and
the transaction caused a temporary
postponement of his trip south
Woodlalce Oracle
The postoffice has laid in a supply
of the new one cent stamps and postal
cards The new stamps are green in
stead of blue hut otherwise are the
same as the old ones The cards are
smoother than the old and are plainer
no flourishes being indulged in ia the
printing They bear the portrait of
JeffepBon in the upper right fcaDd cor
If the young men wisU to know
which of the girls have holes in their
stockings all they huve tq o is to
keep jtheir eyes open according tp an
exchange which says that a girl who
giggles in church is almost sqre to
have holes in hpr stockings for she is
not worth a darn
Harmony School Kofrs
Allie Fowler from district 56 is
staying at her uncles Daniel Fowlers
and is attending school
The visitors this month were Lillian
Stoner Mrs Daniel Fowler Mr and
Mrs It F Petucrew Mrs Jennie
Spratt Dora and Lunie Fowler Ora
Shephard James and Fred Fowler
Lizzie Hobson has been sick and
out of school several days this month
Arthur Graeff from district No 56
is attending school
The school observed Lincolns birth
day last Monday February 14 The
I program was as follows
Sonc Battle Hymn of the Republic
Reading Letter of State Superintendent
Recitation Lincoln
Reading The Religious Character of
President Lincoln
Recitation When Lincoln Died
Song Che Star Spangled Banner
Select Reading Lincolns Mother
Reading Exti act from Gettysburg speech
Song America
Tne following programme will be
ine had a good tiuie
Jefferson Winship
down from liwin ou
rendered by the school
Friday Feb
Singing Swing my Baby School
Recitation Leon Pettjcrew
Recitation InaSpratt
Song Irene and Allie Fowler
Composition Mabel Spratt
Recitation Fla7el Pettycrew
lccitation John Hayter
Recitation Alary Hobson
Recitation Flossy Jaycox
Dialogue Lizzie and Grace iiobnn and
Stella Spratt
Recitation Rose Fowler
Recitation Ora Hooper
Recitation Vannie Hooper
Song School
ICemtalinii L l lit- 1ei t civw
Recitation Willie Pettjcrew
Singing Mabel and InaSpratt
lhe following is the monthly report
for January aiKl February
Number ol days taught 20 average
attendance 16
Those not absent nor tardy are
Clydye Hazel and Leon ietrycrew
Ina Mella arid Mabel Spratt Grace
Hobson and Flossie Jaycox
Those absent one day are Irena and
Rose Fowler M L Herring
Xiobrara Falls
Olla Brown spent Sunday with the
family of It Grooms
Lafe Johnson spent a day with his
daughter Mrs Winnie Grooms
The fiue rains of the last days make
one feel like bepinmg spring work
Cattle in this vicinity are dying of
blackleg Henry Grooms has lost
fuir head and John Adamson one
Mr and Mrs Doc Johnson returned
from town last week where they had
been nursing Mrs Jack McHardie
The hop at John Adamsons on the
5th was well attended also the one at
lit bCliuui hotter on Hie 12iti liVien
R Grooms and J Adamson wein
over to Crookstou Fridav to attem
the M W A J ad Boy
Eli Precsisct
Jim Hunt went up the
river last
Hugh Bovil and wife went to Chad
ron Saturda7 on a few days visit
Arthur Holtz of Gordon came down
last week to work for F 11 Yanish
Alex Morse was drivimr an asent
for some Omaha grocery firm over the
jountrj last week
F H Kobinson and sister Mrs
Bovil made final proof on their home
stead labt Saturday
Henry Peter Peterson quit tending
Xicks sheep last week and with his
on his shoulder slowlv walked
away and he never came back
aud wife came
a business trip
SIM Aiices for Feat
Bran bulk 50c per cwt 9 00 ton
Shorts bulk 60c per cwt 11 00 ton
Screenings 35c 600
Chop Feed 70c M 1300
Corn 50c
Oats 80c
Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases
notice of which appear iu Thk Dkmocuat will
receive a marked copy of the paper Should any
error in description of laud or sjielliiiK of names
be discovered imtice shoulo be sent to the land
oflice aud this office so correction can be made
Land Office Valentine Xebr
Feb 14 189S I
Xotice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final ptoof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Apr 5
It98 viz
John Henry Porath of
RigH Nenraku
TT E 03M for lot and seKiiiwy section 4
tow nship n range 30v
He names the following witnesses to prove his
eouiiiitious residence upon and cultivation ol
said land viz
-Herman Riego Christopher Dittmer 1cter
Ricge aud Charles Sudke all of Riego Neb
i u C K GLO VKR Register
ffifffifefFft i i n
Before purchasing your warm footwear you should see our line of
Itiahawaka knit suow excludinr boot and Banigaii overs
Boys Pants 25 30 and 50 cents per pair Boys Suits 75c Sl 00 and
8150 per suit A few mens 800 suits for S6C0
10 suit 750 1200 Buit 900
U h Land Oilice Valentine Xebr
Feb 7th 18v i
Notice is hereby iiiven that the following
named settler lia fil d notice ot his intention to
make final proof in suoport of his claim and
that said prooi will be made efore the Register
or Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Apr C I8t8
William E Wait of Chester
field Nebraska
II E N 8993 for the ijjIneliieinw sec
tion 31 and rnvJ iinvJi section 32 township 30n
range 3Jw
He names the following witnesses to prove
ins conttnuous residence on and cultivation of
said andviz
Robert b Gillaspie James L Gillaspie John
Shore Thomas Kiizhenrv all of Chesterlield
3 3 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr I
Feb 8 1893 f
Notice is hereby given that the following nam
ed settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said pi oof will be made before Register and
and Receiver at Valentine Neb on Mar 23rd
1898 viz
Albert W Hutchison of
Penbrook Xebr
H E No alio for the s4mvne4nw4 sec
tion 8 and seJiswh section 5 tovnship 33n
range 24 w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Edward hhackelton rhilo Newman Uljah L
Graddy and John Hitte all ot Penbrook Nebr
3 8 O R GLOVER Register
U S Land Ollice Valentine Neb I
Jan 24 1898 f
Notice is hereby jriven that Caroline Capwell
formerly Caroline Rothwcll of Pullman Nebr
has lilcd notice of intention to make final proof
before Register or Receiver at their ollice in
Valentine Nebr on f ueidiy the 15th day ot
March 1898 u timber culture application No
8241 lor lots l2andi I2nwkiOt section No 19
in township No 28n range 34w
He names as witnesses
John L Roseberrv aniuel S McCbiin
-- -- -- -v
jmiiu r leeuiau aim
man Nebr
l G
James HarHau all of Pull
U S Land Ollice Valentine Nebr i
January 18 ibOS f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named eltler has illed notice of her intention t
make final proof in support of her claim am
mat said proof will be made before the Retfistei
anil Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Feb 8
98 viz
Alice M Hopkins of Creston Iowa
widow of Bierce E Hopkins
deceased who made
II K 8847 for Wswii sesw and swseki
section township 33n range 30w
She names the following w tnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
aid land viz
Jamds H Cox Peter Y Van Norstran and
William b Hatten of Crookston Nebr and
James W Beed of Kilgore Neb
testimony ot chuniant will be taken before the
clerk ot the district court lor Union counlv at
his ofhee in Creston Iowa on Februai v 25 1898
o C R G LO VER Regi ter
US Land Ollice Valentine Nebr
Notice is
u s
laimirv in iris
herebv eiven thsit iin fniwiinr
named settler has tiled notice of his llitiif inti
to iniike Knal proot in support ot his chum and
1 thflt Cliff tirrff ti ill 1 I 1
u Ilmu ni uc iiiiiuc ueiore ine icesrisier
ami Receiver at Valentine Xeb on Mar 2nd
1898 vi
Mary Vansteenis formerly Mary Bro
phy of Arabia Krebr
H E No 93 o for the w2swi bw4iiw4 sec
tion 17 and seine4 section is township y2n
range 2Gw -
lie names the following witnesses to prove hh
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of
said land viz
Andrew Benson Francis H Higglns John P
Heelan and MichaelJ Jordan all of Arabia
5 C R GLOVER Register
Land Ollice Valentine Neb
Notice is hereby given that the following nam
eJ settler ha died notice uf his intention ti
make final proof in support of his claim ant
hat said prool will ie made belore Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Feb 25
189S viz
Myntiert Trajple of Kilgore Xebr
H E Xo 9119 for the sw section 3 township
i3n range 31w
He naniei the following witnesses to provi
his continuous residence upon and cultivatioi
of said land viz
John Ciasen and Frank Kludciko wski of If il
gore Nebr Kriisr Suliwieitukl and William
Uauofsky ol MeCann Nenr also
Juhu Clasfii of Kilgore Xebr
n E No 9317 for the w4sef4 section 32 town
ship 31 lot 2 and swneli section 5 township
33n all m ranireSIw
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
Alyndert Trannle and Frank Kindnil nrrsiii f
ifilgore Xebr Ernst Suhwieduaki and William
wauoisiiy oi iucuann Neb
6 5 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Ollice Valentine Xebr 1
an 8 1R9S f
Xotice is hereby given that Byron C Kline oi
Castaha S D lias filed notice of his intention
to make final prootbefore the Register or Re
ceiver at his office in Valentine Xebr on Sat
urday the latii day of February 1S9S on timb i
culture apphcati n No 7fil3 for the wswse1
sw4 and swse1 of section Xo 1 in towi -ship
Xo LOn range Xo jow
He names as witnesses
John A Gee and James W McKee of Ken
nedy Nebr William Steadman and James X
Steadmau of Pass Xeb
514 CRGiovkr
U S Land Ofhee Valentine Xebr l
Jan 10 1SD3 f
Notice is herebv given that Vndrew Benson
guardian of Julius and Oscar Siderstroni
minor orphan children of Gustes Sederstrom
lias filed notice of intention to make final proof
before Register or Receiver at their office in Val
entine Xebr on Saturday theltlih day of Feb
ruary ISOs on timber culture application Xo
7C9S for lots 2 and 3 and nclsw1i section N
it in township Xo 3in range Xo 28 w
He names as witnesses
Abraui Johnson Jolt i Adamson John Ferstl
and Edward Ormealjr 1 of v ntiu vbr
51 4 C R GLOVER Register
Ajpoiitmesit of Adniiulotrator
In countj court within and for Cherry county
Nebraska iu thes matter of the estate of
Peter Christiansen deceased
Hanne M Christiansen having filed in my
ollice a petition praying for the appointmt nt o
herself as Administrator of thf estate Peter
hristianscn decoasel all prsonff interested
in said estate will take notice that I Save fixed
Saturday March o 1S03 at 9 oclock a m as the
tune and mv ollice in Valentine rherry county
Nebraska as the place for hearing of said peti
tion at whi h time and pac e all persons inter
ested in said estate mav ipps sr a ol show cause
if any there be why sach Administrator should
not be appointed
Witness m h md the seal of tu County
Court thii 14th dav of February 180
- County ludge
MTimTTrrrTT inrae
oJfaKJb IS
lp ill
tM5tv I ill
p sVJPitinnnr
Horses sameas on
steer left hip Also
C on left shoulder
For takino orders for
pictures iiom
phs or tiirypcs Work
gtiiiraui eecl Headquarters at
Valentine House All orders
left there will receive prompt
attention 51
EF3 fcra Safrwi
a b a ia V3 li
n w i t wjt
sraHr h
U f A
7- C XS 25 1
n li
iineriGaii Beauties
wMcawag TtywwfUjgwfiXMmM
wrr jvw ci zi r t vrz
iaSEgsg3s5ESl t IK K 8 Si I
rtffffiCii I tf 3 miri OUaS22S 4J h
wmlm wr
WmfAW oflAPeS
J IWeffegts
MmL All
W9 Lengths
dEWESi wkJk
mmm gobset oof
We have just received a large
invoice of new shoes which rausfc
be disposed of in a hurry so we
can invest in other lines of goods
Our new dress goods are arriv
ing and will occupy lots of room
We are selling rugs dirt cheap
nowadays and the price of over
shoes has gone way down though
they will be needed for several
months yet See the point
Fine line of samples from which to get tailor made cloes
9 k k
5 5tft - -OB -5
Ol r i
twprcoettcnt lbe Order
toe mtw rrenier typewriier
Best Value Wrltlni Machine
First in Improvements Honest
Construction and all High grade
Typewriter Essentials
Rosebud S I
Also B4U on left
of tte JJce
Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets
Co -
Earl Comstock Manager
Valentine Xeb a ft
Cattle branded oi isE5fH
leftside or hip A Is
v n w
a K Vi I w Vf 1 W W H
-- Si --x- m j v m
U S Land Ollice Valentine Xeb i
-Ian 111S9S f
Notice is hereby piven that John 1 Jaihs of
Geneva Iowa has filed notice ot intention to
make final proof befoie Register or Receiver at
their ollice in Vaentine Nebr on Saturday the
I9tli day of February 189S on timber culture ap
plication No 7375 tortile siv4 of section Xo 2
township Xo 34n rane No 23w
lit- names as witnesses
William Pettjcu w Milton E Hall Mifflin P
IroMiis and Kichard B Howell all of Valentine
le stimony of Claimant will be- taKen before
he clerk of the disti ict court of Frauklin coun
ty at Hampton lowa Febi uary 18 Ih98
51 1 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Oflice Valentine Xebr
Jan 7 1898
Xotice is hereby given that Mrnii S Welch
of Valentine Xebi has filed notice of inten
tion to make final proof before the Register or
Ueceiverat his ofhee in Valentine Nebr ou
Monday the 2Sth day of February 1893 ou tint
er culture apphcatioi Xo 8235 lor the lots G
f and eVjswJi of section U in township 31n
ang 28w
He names as witnesses
Thomas F Kelly William Kelly William
avanaujjh aud John JacKson ail of Valentine
51 4 CR GLOVER Itegister
John DeCory
Rosebud 3
r II
HTirxrx I
7 o n
v t ft I
Some branded
3f8fNf 9
ZU sm Premier typewriter go syranTlK
Now is the time to subscribe 100
417 on left side
Horses JD ou left
Kange in Meyer Co
on Antelope Creek
H Kimmel
Cattle undercut eir
both eirs
Horses branded 4
on left shoulder
Range on Antelope
and yping Creeks
Louis J lvichards
Merriman Neb
JUcNiit Eros
P O BrownleeXcb
Right or left side
Horses same on
Ielt shoiilder
hittiuaiK Swal
low tail clip right
or Ielt ear
Range Hig Creek
Thomas Farren
Rosebud S D
II 1183 either left
side or hip
F on left
Range head of
n I yv
i Ol I iif i
Wj wjsac
Lelt ears lagged
Rose7jud S D
Cattle hole in
each ear
Ranue Phr and
Little White Rivers
Cliarle3 Eichards
laierrirnan Xeb
oam Hudson
Simeon Xeb
Left bin on rattle
If t shoulder on
Some horses- Lazy
- lf Infl 1
i Range between
inijiuuii iiiii ritirt
TTvit1 ltt ft
All cattle dehoriipd
Paul Didier
I -DG n
Hr--3 f
i r r
c atfvceSjewstvisiS Srs
-v----- - rt vvvaHi5JT
Steadman Bros
M lcteS
- in aa jojts f Sas2EaS2KS
Pass Xob
Brantl on rpithrir
right or left side
Howes and somn
caiue brand
on left aide
and hip
ISanpe Bun Lnko
and NvainadiKe