id R ft fc tr T The Governments iCSiain The commissioner of the general land of llco has Mihmlited his report to the Secre tary of the Interior Compared with last year It shows a decrease of aJOS homestead entries isrejHtlnr acres Quite proportionate to this Is the falling off in gen eral health when no effort is niad e to reform Irregularity of the bowels This can easily be accomplished with the aid of HostetterB Stomach Hitters also a remedy for malaria dyspepsia rheumatism and liver trouble Twenty two pons of China are open to foreign residence where Europeans are allowed to own land ou which they live Given Awny For only three dollars a genuine guar anteed watch worth S300 with your order for three dollars worth of any of our music Send for catalogue of our 5 ceut and other music All sent by mail pre paid Agents wanted F P Deax Sheet Music Store Sioux City Iowa Some men are bora great some achieve greatness and some become al dermen A LETTEK TO WOMEN A few words from Mrs Smith cf Philadelphia will certainly corroborate the clam that Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is womans ever reliable friend I cannot praise Lydia E Pink harnsVegetable Compound too highly lor nine weelcs I was in bed suffer - ing with in flammation and conges tion of tho ovaries I had a dis charge all the time When lying- down all the time I felt quite comfort mmm dwfcirn 2Z1Z 6dWZa mg R2ff5Hi 9H0 M in jg flr Ys 9ft fwE V WCv rtWMLT a W able but as soon as I would put my feet on the- floor the pains would come back Every one thought it was impossi ble for me to get well I was paying Si per day for doctors visits and 75 cents a day for medicine I made up my mind to try Mrs Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound It has effected a complete cure for me and I have all the faith iu the world in it What a blessing to wo man it is Mrs Jennie L Smith No 224 Kauffman St Philadelphia a In JJ or 4 yearn nn Inilo pcndcncc Is assured Ifyo j take nj your HOME la Western Canada the land of plenty B2f Illustrated J nnmnTilnta MvTinnvnn1 forff yiwS cnco farmcra who hav ItfrffifffffvB fifl become wealthy In row Ins wheat reports of dclccntcn etc and full Infor motion ttft to reduced railway ralcM cun bo Lad on sppUcaUon to Department Interior Ottawa Canada or to X Bart Iiolomcw Dcs Moines Iowa X II Murphy Stratford Iowa W H Itoerrt Watcrtown South Dakota W V ISennelt New York Life Bide Umuhn Xcbraska Ken Davies 154 East Third Street St Paul Minnesota Agents for the Government of Canada SkJvlERL WILL KEEP YOU DRY Dont be fooled with a mackintosh or rubber coat If you wantncoatl that will keep you dry in the hard est storm buy the Fish Brand I Slicker If not for sale In your I town write for catalotruc to A J l uwtK boston Alass m ss WHEAT 40 cts a Bushel With Salzers new crea tions in isprinc Wheat to be sown before April 35 you can raise wheat at 40c a busheland make money How Why Salers Mar vel Wheat jias a record of i0 bus per acre in Iowa Illinois Wisconsin JUin ncbota Mich lnd etc OATS 209 Bus Per Acre Salters Silver Mine OatB still leads tho world with a record right here in Wisconsin of 231 bushels per avire in 1K90 What more do you wish Bont this heat all You see Salzers Seeds are bred up to bijc yields S400 in roUI we pay for name of our new Oat wonder BARLEY 1 73 Bus Per Acre Jno Brcider M ishicotr Wis qrrew in 1S9U 173 busc aixcrsSilverCiiuc liarley from ono meas ured acre sworn to by live witnesses Thats meiise lint von sec zers Seeds aro bred to Tha ts why you et tuch IIj yields CORN iXV 1CR hns nornpro Hintd nzZZt voxderful Well Salzerc Seeds aro bred to yields POTATOES J 1057 Bus Per Acre W V SVJWV J VIA b UJ llcvoit its too bie But t Salzers Seeds are bred to oigT yicias GRASSES Tarjjcst growers of fresh live tirasses and Olovnr r SixxXa in the -world hnncn r or seeds are guaranteed ou can Det on our clover anil Grass Need growing- And su h yields C tons of hay per aero VEGETABLES Finest earliest to be had Our Wisconsin S eed cant bo heat Why bny your seeds in stores -when for less money you can buy them delivered f rco of us 35 pkjrs Earliest Vegeta bles fei0O postpaid For 1 0c Stamp CN and THIS NOTICK wo will send yon 11 Rnro 1 arm cced Sampes and our Orcut VAll f ftuOK f3Scnd this no tice along lOHitf A SALZER SEED CO C J LA CKOSSE WIS RUTH She stood breast liigh anions tho com Claspd bj the golden lipht of nioru Like the sweetheart of the sun Who many a glowing kiss had won On her cheek an autumn flush Deeply ripend such a blush - lii the ml nf brown was born Like ted gro vn with corn Round he her trusses fell Whi h blueljst none could tell But long voMed tt light That had en all too bright And her hat av itn shady brim Made her tressy foreheid dim Thus she stood uniid the Btooks Praising God with sweetest looks Sure I said Heavn did not mean Where I reap thou shouldst but glean Lay thy sheaf adown and come Share my harvest and my home Thomas Moore THE RUBY HEAIIT UXT JESSICA had been round the world more than once She had been w hat is vulgarly called a globe trot ter Iu her day she had collected many rare and curi ous and beautiful things but now she was an old woman and her time was come to die in the great silent house filled with the furni ture that had belonged to Aunt forbears many score years ago and enriched by the spoils of many lands brought home by the energetic hands of Aunt Jessica herself There was one treasure above all that I coveted and that I would have sold my soul to have had for my own my cousin Edith As for the money well 1 am not more disinterested than mo t people but 1 would rather have had Edith without a penny than all Aunt Jessicas money without Edith William and Bertram and I were sit ting in the dining room Edith was above helping poor aunt in the hard work of dying Three raps came on the tloor Wt knew they were a signal -that we were to go up and that aunt had asked for us and up Ave went I have left everything divided among you four she said and the ruby heart is to go to whichever of you three boys can liud it She spoke slow ly and with difficulty 1 remembered the jolly old days when she used to come and see us at school and tip us and I wished that death and time could have been more merciful She went on You know it has a charm to make you happy in your love It would have made me happy but he died and it hadnt a chance to do its work and now my times come it has been weary waiting And with that the first and last hint we ever had of a romance in mj aunts life she turned her wrinkled old face to the pillow with a sigh like a tired childs and yere were only four of us left in the After the furore and the reading of the will Ave three in set to A ork to find the charm I shall take the library and aunts bed room first said Bertram As these Avere the rooms she had most used I imagine be thought be had made the best choice You other fel Ioavs can arrange as you like William chose the drawing room and the guest chamber and they took the whole day searching systematically inch by inch for the ruby heart I be gan to look in the dining room but Edith came in Do you care so very much for the ruby heart said she I confess I should like to find it I answered Shall I help you to look She pulled out a book or Iavo from the shelves in an aimless desultory way and then said Its very sunshiny out of doors dont you think So Ave went on the river The nexa day I began to look for the heart again Edith sent her duenna companion who had once been her governess to ask me if I did not think it would be nice to drive Of course I said I thought it would and off Ave went That evening she asked Bertram and TviUIani if they A ould like to come out next day to see some ruins Thanks said Bertram but I think my first dr io my poor aunts mem ory is to finu that heart Besides -aid William avIio never had much sentiment like Bertram its Avorth thousands of pounds I believe To say nothing of the charm I added But youll come Wilfrid she said looking at me with her soft gray eyes Of course I ansAvered Bertram and William scowled at me They would have given their ears their lives anything in short but their chances of a ruby heart Avorth thou sands of pounds for the privilege that was to be mine to morroAA To be in love with cousin Edith was a mode a fashion among us Besides Edith Avas uoav an heiress As soon as I have fulfilled dear aunts last wishes said Bertram he talked the silly fool as if aunt had wished him to find the heart I shall be only too glad to accompanj my cousin Edith on any excursion she may propose So shall I said William So Edith and I went to the ruins alone together I hope it does not seem like disre spect to poor aunts memory she said as we drove snugly back iu the dog cart bitev irr 6 mlrs w ke fhjji j But I couldnt bear- to stay in the old house alone where she was so kind to me Its better to go out and Im sure she would have wished it I felt that it was foolish of me not to make an effort to find the ruby heart So next morning I got up very early and came doAvn before the seiwants were about I had pulled out half the drawers of the Chinese cabinet anil looked into them when my heart leap ed into my mouth at the touch of a hand on my shoulder Ediths Still after that wretched ruby she said Hoav you waste your time Why Dont you think I shall find it I dont know she said looking at me with her eyes Avide open but I dont think you avIII find it there be cause Bertram has been through that three times already Did you ever eat strawberries before breakfast and So A e went into the kitchen garden and ate straAAberries till the gong rang for breakfast Bertram and William Avere getting quite sulky and saAage from the non success of their search and the little time I had deoted to It annoyed them I believe said Bertram with an air of gayoty a little overdone thai Wilfrid thinks he knows where tin heart is and that he can put his hand on it at any moment I wish I could I said So do I said Edith almost in the same breath You AA ish Wilfrid to find the heart said AVilliam Why Oh no I dont mean Wilfrid I meant at least Well avo shall all be glad when its settled one way or tho other shant Ave I had never told Edith I loved her because I didnt Icuoav how my aunt was to leave her money and if Edith was to be heiress of the whole but anyone will understand my reasons It Avas a week after aunts funeral that I went into the rose garden where Edith Avas snipping roses into a bas ket Ive been looking for the acrain I said but I havent heart found it No she ansAvered and I dont sup pose you Avill Would a Gloire de Dijoi be any compensation She began to stick one in my coat a she spoke Her slender waist in Its black goAvn Avas very near my left arm Avhere she stood I AAill take the bud I said but not as compensation for the heart Dont you think she asked me that it might be possible to live hap pily without a charm to help you No I said not AAithout a charm to help you But ruby hearts are not the only charms In the world My arm fell on her Avaist Let them find their ruby heart Let them chop it into pieces and divide it betAveen them and sell the bits said 1 And you are content Avith what you have she asked I am content with what I have 1 ansAvered and my other arm went round her They never found that ruby heart though the poor old house was tapped and tested from top to bottom At last wearied out they took the portion of goods that fell unto them and went fortunately for us into a far country And Edith and I were married We didnt go on a wedding tour but came straight back to the dear old house On the evening of our Avedding day Ave walked in the moonlight through the rose garden to listen to the night ingales I stopped to hold her in my arms on the very spot Avhere I had first kissed her and the light shawl she Avore round her head and shoulders fell back Whats that you haA e round your neck I said for something darkened amid the Avhite laces on her breast She did not answer I put up my hand touched Avith a thrill the Avhite ness of her neck and found in my fin gers the ruby heart Then she gave it to you I said It is yours She gave it into my keeping an swered Edith dropping her chin till her lips rested on my hand but she left it to the man who should find it And I have found it here The Argosy Once Wastf2 Modern man is gradually AA aking up to the fact that he can utilize every thing Coal is not only a source of heat and light but a storehouse of colors tastes medicines perfumes and explosiA es From 140 pounds of gas tar in a ton of coal over 2000 district shades of aniline dyes are made The same substance furnishes qui nine antipyrine atrophine morphine and a host of other drugs Of perfumes there can be obtained heliotropine cloAe queen of the mead ows cinnamon and bitter almonds carnphor and wintergreen It gives to us bellite and picrite tAA o powerful explosives and supplies extracts which cannot be told from currant raspberry pepper and vanilla Scientists also get from the coal tar benzine and naphtha and the photog rapher gets from it his hydroquinone and likonogen It gives forth paraffin pitch and cre osote material for artificial paving saccharin -which is 300 times SAveeter than sugar lampblack material foe red inks oils varnish rosin and a great supply of ammonia Mr Holiday So you think that you would like to take the position of su perintendent of the works Dont j think It better for you to seek a re humble place at first Rollo Why sir you have told me that there is al Avays plenty of room at the top Surely you would not have me crowd the worthy men who are lower down Boston Trauseript A BENEPACTKESS KIND ACT From the Evening Xe rs Detroit Mich Mrs John TauSev of 1M0 BokeMtreet Detroit Mich is one of thofbfncn who always know what to do i5uble and sickness One that is a itJOSEllO those in distress To a reportor3tKsSnl I am the mother of ten chinlren and have raised eight of them Several years ago Ave had a serious time with my daugh ter which began when she was about sixteen years old She did not have any serious illness but seemed to gradually waste Jiway Having never had any con sumption in n ir family as we come of til Most of the Time She Was Confined to Bed good old Irish and Scotch stock wo did not think it was that Our doctor called the disease by an odd name which as 1 afterward learned meant lack of blood It is impossible to describe the feeling John and I had as we noticed our daugh ter slowly passing away from us We finally found however a medicine that seemed to help her and from the first we noticed a decided change for the better and after three mouths treatment her health was so greatly improved you would not have recognized her She gained in flesh rapidly and soon was in perfect health The medicine used was Dr Will iams Pink Pills for Pale People I have always kept these pills in the house since and have recommended them to many people I have told many mothers about them and they have effected some won derful cures Every mother in this land should keep these pills in the house as they are good for many ailments particularly those arising from impoverished or diseased blood and weakened nerve force Postoifice Penmanship I never say anything write so badly as this fountain pen of yours ex claimed Mrs Dukanc avIio A as trying to write a letter No replied the patient manThen you ought to try one of the pens at the public desk iu the postoffice Pitts burg Cnronicle Telegraph Change in the Program Smith Isnt SmaAvley a lecturer Jones lie Avas before his marraige Smith And now Jues He is the audience THE NEW WORLD Interest Is Aroused in the West r 3 Canadian The hibirs grains gr ex- of and a s s es roots and v e g e t a bles t li e product of t h e f e tile lauds of Westeru Canada which were made at he several State and county fairs iu some of the Western States this fall have awakened consid erable interest in the lauds which the Canadian Government has opened for settlement and which are given free to settlers The agents of the Govern ment who are to be found in these States are Hooded with inquiries re garding the conditions on which these lauds may be secured Large numbers have located on these lands during the past year and send back to their friends most encouraging reports They say they have entered on an era of prosperity and are well pleased with both the agricultural possibilities and the climate The provinces of Mani toba Assiuaboia and Alberta are spe cially adapted to diversified farming In some parts the country is specially adapted to stock raising and it is be ing profitably pursued In these parts snow seldom remains a week at a time the warm breezes from the ocean af fecting the climate thus favorably When the desirability of these lands is fully known there will be a rush such as has scarcely ever before been known Information as to low railway rates illustrated pamphlets etc will be forwarded with pleasure by the De partment of the Interior Ottawa Can ada if you are uot in possession of the name of nn ncrent of the Government His Winiunu ilaii Does your wife ever ask you to go to church with her No I broke her of that long ago How By goins asked without waiting to be noxvare or Ointm uts for Catarrh that Contain Mercury As morcury -will surely destroy the sonae of amoll and completely derange tho whole system whon entering it through tho mucous surfajc ri Such articles should uever be used oxcept on tu eeciiptions from reputable physicians m tin damaga they will do is teufold to the good you can possibly derive frnrn them Halls Catarrh Uuro manufactured by F J Cheoev Co To ledo O containu no mercury and is taken in ternally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system In biuin Halls Catarrh Cure bo sure you get th geuuine It is taken internally and made in Toledo Ohio V 2 J Chenoy Co -Sold by Druggists price 75c per bottle Truthful Sarcasm Hall What are you doing now Gall Oh Im making a house-to-house canvass to ascertain why people dont want to buy a new patent clothes wringer Pisos Cure for Consumption is onr only medicine for coughs and colds Mrs C Belts 431 8th ave Denver Col Nov 8 1S05 Dont look for a leak iu the gas wltb a lighted candle the coroner mij you You could find it ht not be abe to but find TO CUKK A COLI IN NK DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All Druggist refund the monpj If It fail to run 25c Scotts Waverley Novels upon which his fame now mainly rests were all written between 1S14 and 1S25 It Keeps the Feet Warm and Dry And is the only cure for Chilblains Frost Hites Damp Sweating Feet Corns aud Bunions Ask for Allens Foot Ease a powder to be shaken into the shoes At all druggists and shoe stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y Adversity borrows its sharpest sting from our impatience Struck One Oh Jack I am so terrified when there Is lightning Get under the bed and it will never touch you But we have folding beds Very thing Chance for you to shut up Truth 5 DROPS Is the name of a sim ple but effective remedy Tor rheuma tism neuralgia asthma and kindred ailments The trade mark Is self-explanatory Five Drops make a dose The effect Is magical In days gone by other alleged cures have been marketed with the promise to take effect iu thirty days or more Five Drops begins to cure at once Immediate relief is felt The manufacturers of Five Drops have thousands of testimonials from reliable people copies of many of them gladly sent upon application In order to more effectively advertise its merits the com pany vh for the next thirty davs send out 100000 of their sample bottles of this positive cure for 25 cents a bottle by mail prepaid Large bottle 300 doses 1 for thirty days bottles 250 Those suffering should Avrite to the SAvansou Rheumatic Cure Com pany 107 109 Dearborn street Chicago 111 and take advantage of this gener ous oFer This company is reliable and promptly fill every order Gold filled teeth have been found in the jaAvs of skeletons exhumed at Pom peii OH WHAT SPLENDID COFFEE Mr Goodman Williams County 111 Avrites From one package Salzers German Coffee Berry costing 15 cents I grew 300 pounds of better coffee than I can buy in stores at oO cents a pound A package of this and big seed cata logue is sent you by John A Salzer Seed Co LaCrosse Wis upon receipt of 15 cents stamps and this notice cu God never made a 1iav Avithout also making a penalty for its violation Mother Grays Sweet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse in the Childrens Home in New York cure Feverishness Bad Stomach Teeth ing Disorders move and regulate the Bowels and destroy Worms Over 10000 testimonials They never fail At all druggists 25c Sample FREE Address Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N Y Judge not of men oi things lldH ions x at first sight MRS WIXSLOWS Soothing SvittP for Children teetliiritt sof tens the minis reduces in llanunation alLivs nain cures wlnil rrfilio - cents a bottle i FOR 14 GENTS We wiih to gain 150000 na w cai tomers and hence offer 1 flcir 13 Oair Rui nh 1 Pig Erlj Spring Turnip x arjiesi jea Ceet Bismirck Oncnmhpr QffMn Tnmim T V Klcndyke Melon lc Jnrabo -Slant Onion 15c BriUiMt irioner Seeds lc Worth 109 for 14 eents Aboro 10 pips worth 8100 wo will mll yon frte together with oar great Plant nnd Seed Catalogue eiDti upon receipt oi tnu notice and 14c 101 10c 9 10c in pottage We mrite your trade and ft know when yon once try Salzers seeds yon will never get alone with- Q iti IWM018100 aBblCatalogalone5c NoUN riirTTn BFn fw v - vi 1am IBUS3K TTIH tct 0ooieooet3fo Best Coogh Sjmp Tastes Good TJae i in time hold by druggists tm bUHtb WHtKh AIL FISF Fills Rheumatic Pains Confined to Her Bed but Hoods Sarsaparllla Cured Hor I was taken Avith rheumatism and suf fered a great deal of pain and at times I Avas confined to my bed I obtained only temporary relief from medicines and a friend advised me to try Hoods Sarsa parilla which I did and it cured me MRS P P HAY Centralia III Hoods Sarsapariila Is the best in fact the One Tme IHood Purifier Hoods Pills cum sick houdacbe 25c A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of Excollenco in Manufacture wait6rBaKerGos 5Breakfast JMSiS Nutritious i yGesfs Less TUsn BHE CfflT a Bop f Le sure that you get the Genuine Article made at DORCHESTER MASS by J WALTER BAKER CO Ltd J Established x73o I CLOVEN SEED G Largest growers of Griu and Clover Seeds 9 Q in Amurica 50U0 ncrcs Uur Urnss Mixtures last gn r a lifetime Meadows sovrn in April vrlll give a7 Jz rousingcrop in July Prices dirt chenn Mam w ninth ratiilorrue and 11 tilrcrp ras ftncl Grains tt KKEE for but 10c and this notice Catalogue Go JOHN A SlLZKR SUED CO LA CU08SE HIS lNB Qocoo saoooooooooooo39 ROQRNO Trie best Red Rope Roofing for 1 ct per i root cms and naia included Substitutes for floater samples free ilo lay Mnuillu Roollnsr Co Caindcn N J PRINTERS Issued Should Wi ite ror our nei lino of ETATIOMEPY samples The completes ever 8ioux City Newspaper Union Sioux City Iowa H AFTER NEARLY Pjj 11 The record is unbroken W kj The record still goes on JU H ST JACOBS OBL H f Is the Master Cure for S3 3 RHEUMATISM SVEURALCBA U O SCIATICA LUMBAGO U M CANDY gpz CURE CONSTIPATION J J 25c 50c gjgfei4gBsgg DRUGGISTS J A Handful of Dirt May Be a HousefuJ of Shame Keep Your House Clean with jkwe have m mim m L Alt ITo tt Barr7 Hiram Pr f 1600 Ai food Mil fjr ta tat hare told direct to the con ccser for 3 jean at choe K12 priwj fcinac tun tin Cestr i proiu Shiptnj wncro ior cuiTriaatisn ETerjrthiaj warranted I3ttrle3cf Vehicle k uyiea or liarans Tap liarae S35 to 370 Sarr3lZ0to1lZi Carria ge lliaetnas TriM tes Sprws ltoKi and Milk Wgona Saad for large free uanjajae oi ail onr ttylts v APvamV v A yV7 Ko CCS Surrey Prf rlfli t h -- ---- P ELKHART caioace axo HAgsssa ag c c w a pkatt bt elkiiast cm aocagsMi Life Life Life Cutlers Carbolate of Iodine Pocket Inhaler All drugglsta By mall 8100 Address W HSMITH CO ITops Buffalo X Y P m ENSIONS PATENTS CLAIMS PRS WASHIHGTOKDCL Lats Principal Zxaaiiar o S eotoa tout 3 rra la Iut war 15 adjadiearisx tlaiau attr S C N U - - 8 98 ocHEer CURE YOURSELF Lie Big G for unnatural discharges inflammations irritations or ulceration eaU eoaupn wtS0 yBSUtoeEtaw tooiHmCa gVnVoVpoiMnouV Sold bTDrarr V or sent in plain wrapper br eiDrem nrnaii II 00 or 3 bo t ties 273 Circular Mat oa request