I V r r w 1 K STOCK BRANDS Metzger Bros SBgii Vr a j -V - v Tld cry 1 - wrs VSZiS zss Jtaime tn Horses 1 A Up Pullman Neb Cherry Co Ilratul on left llo and thigh Kannark square crop riuht ear Southern branded l cattle have but one brand on leftside Native cattle liav 3tIirniX wittl don and Snake Creeks same brandion left thigh 7 tit SUCH ifilt I a owl - J r 11 rtH4 kj rvilv r Kcinun mi uuuiiiiiiiimi leading to me arrest and nal convict ion of auv person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand Joseph W Bownct P O address Memiuau Nebr Itiglit ear cropped Hole hi center of left ar Itange l uke cieek S I I tce UM m iuh nftnifftTir VTWWirJ MpVN William M Dunbar Lessee from Heine Kroeger Cody Neb UfJn Kitlier side Alsr Jat k LePoint Ilrrriniui tl Carle branded on lelt tSomeon lujiaisu kannark round boo in center otliMt cat Also use 5EFSS on And siilu W 55ia rwa j SO William F Schmidt 4 Bosebnd S I On leftside Horses branded same on left hip or shoulder Range on Horse Creek low Oil right heft ear ot cattle Split Kange bead of Hay i eek Henry Pratt Rosebud S I Leftside Horses same on left sltdiilder Deeihorn clip some cattle William Shanren Cody Net Dulap underside oi neck I vlT inTifSSSa on rlulit side Kaiw Lake Coin ana Hear creeks Charles fl Fan limber y fifcyT Diownlee Xebr Kitiier right or left ide on cattle Horses same on lelt shoulder Left ear cut oil or cattle Kange Loup river Marshall it Wolfenden Kennedy Neb Some son the left liip Horses on left shoulder Krand is small Earmark Quarter -clip heliiiul half cir cle forward on lett ear Kange Lone Tree Lake Louis F Richards t Meiriman Neb Charles Benard Rosebud S 1 Kangfi Hig Whiti and Iad Rivers W It Kissel Krownlee Neb Tniy i - Also some below lett bin Also IS right hip Kange Kissels Kaueh Wheeler Bros Cody Neb Ranee on the Snake Itver and Chamber lain flat Taj Charles C Tackctt Rosebud 5 D Range head of An telope near Bt Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh m 1 ESS I T Q J TO PBISON FOE LIFE THE JURY DECLARES LUETGERT GUILTY OF MURDER Verdict Makes the Penalty a Peniten tiary Term Prisoner Appears to Be Satisfied to Have Eecaped the Gal lows Guatemala President Slain Takes It Calmly Adolph I Luetgert the Chicago saus age maker is guilty of wife murder Af ter fire hours of deliberation the jury agreed upon this verdict Hulf an hour before midnight Wednesday each of the twelve men rose in his seat in the jury box in Judge Garys court and declared that beyond the question of a reasonable doubt he believed the prisoner had taken the life of his wife Louise Luetgert on the night of May 1 The prisoner sat without a sign of emotion and met the caze of each juror without a tremor If anything a look of gratitude and relief was noticeable on his face lie had ex pected the death penalty if convicted The first intimation that a verdict had been arrived at says a Chicago dispatch was brought by one of the bailiffs from the jury room on the sixth floor The jury wanted to see Judge Gary This was shortly before 11 oclock The scene in the court room and States attorneys office was instantly changed from a rol licking gathering of those connected with the case to an anxious expectant crowd States Attorney Deneen and Mr Mc Ewen came into the court room promptly and took their places at the west end of the counsels table which they occupied during the trial Mr Harmon Mr Ke hce and Mr Iteise gathered at the oppo site side William Charles was nearby with an anxious look on his haggard face Behind him sat Arnold Luetgert the de fendants son equally agitated Dr Reise and others interested in the defense were grouped about them In the midst of them a chair was left for Luetgert Inspector Schaack Captain Schuettler Wf Ik ADOLPH T TUETGERT and many of the officers who have work ed on the case were on hand Judge Gary arrived at 1120 oclock and he promptly ordered every one to sit down and maintain silence The last strain of the trial had come and the si lence became oppressive while the wait for Luetgert and the jury continued No one ventured to break this except Mr Harmon who objected to the draft from one of tie open windows and asked the bailiff to close it Luetgert came into court closely guarded by five bailiffs and took his position near the private entrance to the court room Attorney Harmon re quested that he should take his place with his counsel and the prisoner complied He was looking pale and anxious and showed the effects of the severe strain under which he has labored Juror Snow was the first to appear a few minutes later The solemn expres sion on the faces of the twelve men seem ed to show that they had decided on a verdict of guilty Juror Bachelor carried a bundle of papers the instructions and verdict Another wait of five minutes more silent than the first occurred while Luetgert was being brought over from the jail Juror Bolek bowed his head as if suffering from the long strain Juror Loebs face was swollen and red as if he had been weeping Judge Gary addressed the jurors Gen tlemen have you agreed upon a verdict Juror Bachelor rose and replied We have your honor The momentous piece of paper was handed to the clerk who read We the jury find Adolph L Luetgert guilty of murder in the form and manner charged in the indictment and fix the punishment at imprisonment in the peni tentiary for the rest of his natural life A look of intense relief a tthis announce ment passed over the face of the prisoner who seemed glad that he had escaped the death penalty Mr Harmon promptly rose and requested that the jury be polled This was done by the clerk and each juror announced that he concurred in the verdict Mr Harmon then gave notice that in due time he would file notice for a new trial The jury were then discharg ed by Judge Gary That is only half a victory and half a defeat said Mr Harmon It was un justifiable from either standpoint and a compromise We asked for an acquittal or a conviction and there could be only one conclusion if he was really guilty Luetgerts lawyers regard the verdict as a compromise on the part of the jury and look upon it as a victory for their client Luetgert was immediately surrounded by his friends as he stood up in court and they shook him heartily by the hand and congratulated him that he had escaped the death penalty They plainly showed their satisfaction with the outcome of the trial The big prisoner all this time was close ly guarded by bailiffs who when the short scene was over led him back to his cell in the jail A four story rear tenement in New York City was destroyed by fire Seven families lost everything they owned and two children were burned to death They were Tony 3 years old and Michael a year younger the children of Fillippo Spoint a bootblack living with his wife and three children on the top floor Second Officer Tobias Torresen of the 6teamer Vigilancia was missing when that vessel reached quarantine at New York from Tampico and -Havana It la he was carried overboard from the V l J 7 f V tCIWl ta t arurrviieij i BARRIOS IS SLAIN President of the Republic of Guate mala Slaughtered President Barrios of Guatemala has been assassinated La jo Arriaga the Guatemalan minister to the United States Wednesday after noon received an official cablegram from the minister of foreign affairs of Guate mala announcing the assassination of President Barrios and the succession to the presidency of First Vice President Manuel Estrada Cabrera No details whatever were given The dispatch came TPl PRESIDENT TOSE I BAKHIOS from Guatemala City the capital where President Barrios has lived and the Gov ernment departments are carried on It added that entire calm prevails President Barrios was a man of wide attainments and marked executive abil ity He was comparatively young being only 42 years old The six years term of service for which he was elected termi nated March 15 next but the national congressional assembly already had ex tended this term for a further four years The new president Mr Cabrera is a man of prominence in Guatemala and is ouof two chosen by the congress to fill the presidency in case of a vacancy The system of the country is different from that in the United States there being no vice president elected with the president The duty of filling the executive chair de volves on the congressional branch and accordingly two vice presidents first and second were designated some time ago They are eligible in the order of their choice When the excitement of the tra gedy has passed a presidential election may be held The assassination of President Barrios probably is due to the revolutionary feel ing which has been growing in Guatemala ever since he declared himself dictator last June One of the first acts of the rebels was the assassination of the pres idents brother in San Jose and the mur der of the wife of the jefe politico of Quezallenango Following closely on these two crimes came the capture of Plaza San Marcos by the revolutionists To the dissatisfaction since President Barrios proclaimed himself dictator the bad financial condition of the country un der his rule has added fuel to the flames of discontent The dead dictator had been straining every effort to restore peace and harmony but had been thwart ed by an assassin MASON WANTS A WAR Introduces a Resolution Demanding Uof Spain Immediate Peace in Cuba In the Senate the other day Mason of Illinois presented the following Resolved That the President of the United States is hereby requested to no tify Spain and the insurgents that the Cuban Avar so called must at once cease and be discontinued and the United States of America hereby declares and will maintain peace on the island This resolution is preceded by a long preamble setting forth the horrors of war as it exists in Cuba declaring that all SEXATOr MASOX Christendom is shocked by its barbari ties It sets forth the refusal by the insurgents of the pretended autonomy asserts that daughters of insurgent sol diers are sold into houses of infamy and women and children debauched and threatened beyond the power of language to describe It tells of the sufferings of the concentrados declaring that the flag of truce has been abandoned and the struggle narrowed to extermination or in dependence pointing out the necessary expenditure of large sums by the United States to succor its citizens in the island and quoting the Cuban paragraph from the last Republican national platform Telegraphic Brevities Cyclist Chase is so English that he ob jected to sailing for home in a boat flying the American colors Fire damaged the paper factory of S Frere Son in the Williamsburg district New York to the extent of 50000 Boissan Freres fancy and staple dry goods in Montreal have suspended ment and a meeting of creditors has been called The liabilities are said to amount to 110000 Seven members of the Covington Ky Council have been held in contempt of court and committed to the custody of the Sheriff for refusing to furnish the courtroom in that city It is reported that negotiations are pending between the Mexican Govern ment aud J and W Seligman Co of rew iorK looicmg to tun funding ot iVlex ipfc Jttlf cc ci r tfebt - Y 1000000 DE LOME IS HECALLED HIS RESIGNATION ACCEPTED B SPANISH GOVERNMENT Impertinent Spaniard No Longer Min ister at Washington Confesses that Ho AVrote the Canalejas Note Peace able Relations Are Not Affected Message Comes from Madrid Enrique Dupuy de Lome is no longer the Spanish minister to this Government His recall was demanded by this Govern ment when it was discovered he had writ ten a letter in which he spoke of the Pres ident of the United States as a low poli tician weak and catering to the rabble Such a letter purporting to have been written by him in December last to Senor Canalejas was published throughout the country Wednesday morning having been given to the press by the Cuban junta in New York who had received it by the hands of a special messenger from Ha vana where it had been stolen from Ca nalejas The following is the substance of the cablegram sent to Minister Woodford in Madrid by the State Department There has appeared in the public prints a letter SENOP 1E LOME addressed to Senor Canalejas The Span ish minister admits writing it It con tains expressions reflecting upon the Pres ident of the United States of such a char acter as to end the ministers usefulness here Jen Woodford has been instruct ed to inform the Spanish Government that the immediate recall of Minister do Lome is expected At a meeting of the Spanish cabinet held Thursday under the presidency of 1 he queen regent the minister for foreign affairs Senor Gullon read a dispatch from Senor Dupuy de Lome the Spanish minister at Washington saying that the published letter to Senor Canalejas was written by him and that his position con sequently had become untenable and he begged the Government to accept his res ignation The cabinet decided to accept the resignation of Senor Dupuy de Lome and the ministers subsequently met and decided to telegraph to Senor de Lome accepting his resignation and intrusting the first secretary with the conduct of the current affairs of the legation Senor de Lome sought to cover his re treat in an adroit manner by voluntarily tendering his resignation in advance of the Presidents demand for his recall It is now admitted that he cabled his resig nation as early as 10 oclock Tuesday night At 9 oclock he learned a fac sim ile copy of the letter was in the hands of the newspapers and an hour later he had resigned This step was taken to pre serve De Lomes status in the diplomatic service at home He hoped thereby to forestall action by this Government which would have made him ineligible for reap pointment in the diplomatic service again The President determined not to give the minister the benefit of this ruse and made the demand for the recall with a view of forever terminating Senor de Lomes usefulness as a diplomat The feeling Wednesday morning at the White House and the State Department was one of charity for De Lome Nobody doubted the letter was a forgery and State Department officials showed their sympathy for the diplomat to the extent of calling attention to the Federal statute protecting foreign diplomats from libel While all this anxiety was being shown for the Spanish minister he was crown ing his diplomatic career by misleading the President and State Department in order to gain a personal advantage This act of De Lomes was the prime cause for the President insisting upon registering at Madrid a demand for his recall It is not believed by officials of the administration that the incident will lead to any friction whatever between the two governments In that Kentucky entertainment with cards where eight people were killed somebody surely played the deuce Senators are worrying a good deal just now over their fences and constituents are worrying over senatorial offenses A Georgia postmaster who objected to the criticism of his management of the office got his gun and winged his critic Detroit has a bigamist with eight wives and the authorities are actually consid ering the infliction of further punishment A Washington special savs Cabltm from Havana declare that the city is as quiet as Philadelphia Perhaps theyre all dead S D Nickum of Indiana claims to have invented a light that will burn forever without costing a cent Hes the only man on earth prepared to fight the Stand ard Oil Company A 10-year-old girl has been expelled from the St Louis public schools because she is married This is a mistake any t wif e clearly needs to know more than she does The press censorship in Havana is now so strict that American Avar correspond nts who hope to keep up with the gams ire compelled to cable the details of riot dus outbreaks before they occur The visit of the battleshiD Maine to Havana was merely the movement of a pawn on the international chess board but it may cfnfc Spain to sacrifice a cas tii if prevervr Jnf CITIZENS - MEAT - MARKET GEO G SCHWALM PROP This market always eps a supply of FRESH - FRU VALENTINE T AND OQ0OvoOOO cOOOOOO crorcycfCfCfCf eye MM W E HALEY 1 m 3 F Ky g ga IL GAME In addition to a first class line o7 teaks Roasts Dry Salt Meat3 Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables AtStetlers Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA r 49 4 4 49 49 4s 49 49 THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGAFS Of the Choicest Brands NEBRASKA thy 5 0 b b VWSPVWW WW WW W W5 vwvv www fc ANK OF VALENTINE C II VOUXKIA President Jl V XIMIOLSOX Cashier Valentine Nebraska -I General Ranfciny ISttsiatess Transacted S tt as a ail Sells SPomestie and Foreign JEacchanic Correspondent Chemical National Hank w York First National Kank Omaha i ft R S c2 U 2 3 3 2 2 2 39 49 St 89 29 8 39 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 The DONOHER r 4t i i ontiiiually adding improvements and it is now the best or j nipped and most- comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NOliTlIWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Rooms b b b b b b 3bWWWWWWW 53PWWWW WWW5Bwe WWWWWWWWW 0HERRY 0OUNTY JANK Valentine Nebraska Every facility extpnded customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonably rates County depository E SFALIKS President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier Notary Public Real Estate ACTER Valentine Nebraska t 000000 Bond Filed South of Court House UR GRAND OFFER To keep our great factory busy and introduce early our splen did 98 models vre have concluded to make a marvelous offer direct to the rider For 3o days we will sell samples of our swell 98 bicycles at net cost to manufac ture and will ship C O D on approval to any address on receipt of the nominal sum of 100 if westof Denver 5 Thisi mm deposit is merely to show good faith on purchasers part if you dont want to send money in advance send your express agent s guaranty for charges one way and we will pay them the other if you dont want the wheel TRPfflN Heneat grade embodying every late ment of value V4 inch imported tubing flash joints improved two piece cranks arch crown large detachable sprockets handsomest finish and decorations Morgan Wright qnick repair tires single or doable tube hich ptoHr nnr ment Special price on Bainple S29 00 COSSflCK A flpendid machiQe equal to any for service and easy ranning Best 1H inch 1 - Beamlesstnbing two piece cranks arch crown detachable sprockets fineb finished and decorated Morgan Wright qaick repair tires single or doable tube high grade equipment Our special sample price 24 00 K WNQTKE BS8t medinm enWle fr 1Va tnbing sP1 and decorated arch r crown dust proof bearings ball retainers best Indiana or New Brunswick tires standard equipment Special price on sample 1900 NOTE Choice of Color Style Height of Frame Gear etc Fully Guaranteed You will be surprised at the appearance and quality of these wheels Dont wait nrrtor pHb much higher soon Yoq makeS Voney Do You Want Cheap Wheels We have numbers of 1695 and 1897 model wheels of various makes and -- nA osco cumottiiiuo auop wom put aiinew lJJ 10 SIOIH Wheeis Slightly Used Modern Types 800 to 1200 ww w wwwwW M The J L Mead Cycle Co Chicago