f t i I M n Y Established fc 1780 Bakers Chocolate tf celebrated for more j than a century as a delicious nutritious 3 and flesh forming beverage has our well known Yellow Label ff on the front of every package and our trade markLaBelle x Chocolatiereonthe 3 back gi 3 g WALTER BAKER CO Ltd NONE OTHER QENUINE MADE ONLY QY Dorchester Mass 5 jt3t3j3itSJt2tat3t2t2t2tit5tSt Not So Great Simkins Niagara Falls Is certainly a wonderful example of natures handi work Timkins Oh I dont know Its merely a drop of water When a Girl Grows Up She has ceased to believe theres a man in the moon But she cant set out of her head The old idea that there is oue In hiding under the bed A New Crazy Sect in Connecticnt A lot of fanatics In tbo State recently iin merscd an old rheumatic woman bodily In the water to heal her as they said She nearly died In consequence EIow much bet tcr it would have been to have treated the poor old woman for her Infirmity with Uos tetters Stomach Bitters which not only cures rheumatism but provents kidney com plaint and remedies dyspepsia constipation liver trouble and nervous prostratiou Give It a systematic trial Shortleigh My Uncle Frank is a veri table Klondike Longleigb Why hows that Sbortleigb Plentv of wealth but cold and distant S400 FOR NEW KAMES1 The Salzer Seed Co -want suitable names for their 17 inch long corn and White Oat prodigy You can win this 400 easily Catalogue tells all about it Seed potatoes only 150 a barrel Send This Notice and 10 Cta in Stamps to John A Salzer Seed Co LaCrosse Wis and get free their great seed cata logue and eleven new farm seed sain pies including above corn and oats positively worth 10 to get a start cn Dental science was utterly lost to the world during the dark ages or for about 1000 years and was only restor ed in 1700 Mother Grays Swoet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse in the Childrens Home in New York cure Peverishness Bad Stomach Teeth ing Disorders move and regulate the Bowels and destroy Worms Over 10000 testimonials They never fail At all druggists 25c Sample FREE Address Allen S Olmsted Le Eoy N Y A New York watchmaker recently ac complished the feat of drilling a hole through a common pin from head to point We will forfeit 1000 if any of our pub lished testimonials are proven to be not genuine THE PISO CO Warren Pa Pious Russians do not eat pigeons be cause of the sanctity conferred on the dove in the Scriptures Mrs Wliislows SooTntNQ Svaup tor Children toot lime sottfus the gums reduces inflammation allays ram cure wind colic 23 rents a bnttlo P ENSIQNS PATENTS CLAIMS J O H N W MO R R I S WflHBWIffl 0 a Late Principal Bxajabitr XT 8 faaloa wiir 3 jrs in last wax l54iudiotia claims attr m R00FIN0 Tho best Red Bop Rofla tor 1 ct nor ui foot cam aid cam lariated substitutes for Plaster Pamela froe Vhti ay Manilla Kootinc Co Camden N CANADIAN CREAMERIES How They Are Operated and Made to Pay the Farmer A s p o ndent of a Brown City Mich igan paper writes as lows An in d u s t r y which is proving very advantageous to tho settlers of North Alberta Canada and Is truly a boon to the farmers is the establishment of creameries by the Government at regular distances apart The Government furnishes the entire plant puts It in and operates it without direct cost to the farmer From the sale of the butter the Government re tains 5 cents per pound the balance going to the farmer This is continued for three years when the Government turns over the plant and business to the farmers giving them a clear title of It Thus these creameries are put In at a minimum cost to the farmer and paid for in a way that he least feels it When we were there butter was selling at 21 and 22 cents per pound Cheese fac tories were being established too along the railroad and much of the freight loaded on the cars on our return trip consisted of butter and cheese as it was in the best season for milk The produce found a ready market in the mining and lumbering towns and dis tricts beyond the Rockies through the British Columbia country where it was we were told difficult to supply tho demand The Klondike is another field now open to the Western Canadian farmer for all produce of the farm and the officials in the Department of the In terior Ottawa Canada are kept busy sending out literature describing this great agricultural country The agents of the Government throughojjf the United States are also supplied with literature which they distribute free On Board tbo Local Im out of sorts this morning said the conductor after he had finished col lecting the tickets Ive got a bad fit of the blues So I see replied the brakeman as be sized up the conductors new uni form Why dont you patronize some other tailor Probably a Windovr Pane Doctor What seems to be the trou ble Freak Ive got such an awful pain in my stomach Doctor What is your occupation Freak Glass eater in the museum Doctor Oh that throws more light on the case 100 Reward 13100 Tbo readers of thin paper will be pl6ttse to Ienrn that thcro is at least ono dreaded disease that science lias been ablo to ara in all its Btayts aisd that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Curo is tho only positive uro now known to tho inodicsl fraternity Catarrh bring a constitutional disease requires a con stitutional treatment Hulls Catarrh Cure is taken internally noting directly upon tb9 blood and mucous surfacos of the system thereby destroying the foundation of tuo disease and giving tho patient strtnjtb by building up tho constitution and assisting nature in doing its work Tho proprietors have sb much faith in its curative power a that thoy offer One Hundred Hollars for an- case that it fails to cure Send for list of testimonials Address F J t HKNEY CO Toledo O 3 Soia by Druggists 75a Said of the Skyscrapers Diggs Do you know where Dis myths office is located Biggs Not exactly but Its In one of the serial buildings on Dearborn street Diggs Serial buildings What do you mean Biggs Why ona of those continued ptory structures of course TO CUKE A COID IN ONE DAY Tako LaxaUvo Uranio Quinine Tablets AllDrmnrls refund the money If It falls to cure 25c In all their wars the British have won tbe splendid average of 82 per cent of their battles It Keeps tho Feet Warm and Dry And Is the only cure for Ohilblains Frost Bites Damp Sweating Feet Corns and Bunions Ask for Allens Foot Ease a powder to be shaken Into the shoes At all druggists and shoe stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N f Mar not thy salad with overmuch ol vinegar nor the salad of thy conversa tion with overmuch sarcasm MtWWMtWQQ6QQQ9Qi9l VERY MUCH THE SAME IN EFFECTS ARE USE X S FROST BITES CT lAnflBQ fill AND THEIR PROMPT SURE Oli UNUUUU Uli CURE 13 THE SAME Minna w m qwwkw JOc JjSlllS ALL 25c 50c mM DRUGGISTS B gsB APOLSO ivS LIKE A GOOD TEMPER IT fe - SHEDS A BRIGHTNESS EVERYWHERE 9 to I to 5 4ja fmff Guarant td vs v vcihCiNKnnon V rs1 7 r Al 6URE YOURSELF Uso Big S for unnatural discharges iullaciuutions irritations or ulcerations CltlTC nt m I c m s TtoiiKri hbb jPrevenu common Painless and not astrin THEEvASCKElllCMOa Cent or poisonous Sold by nraeslsta or sent in plain wrapper by expresn prepMfl for f 100 or 3 bottles J276 Circular sent on rcqueit SCCtIlIlCa ll4CIllC0Sr3v 9 i n i K H fa 5 23 al Bapr A few HfcB at m Ola Bd llo w to crow wheat nt 40p n bn and 531 bus oats i f 173 bus bailey and U00 bus potatoes per acre- 5 rVSSE OUR GRKAT CATALOGUE mailed you t f with 11 irrn kcJ snmile upon reccipof THIS XOT1CK ami lO cent In stamps J IJOIIS A S1L7KR SEED CO IA mnPSE WIS CS J iciftliiliiitilioav IIKNTJON THIS PATEB rva no t uinM niav J4fe FLIGHT OF BIRDS The Speed of Trucks and Swallows on the Wins There has been some difference In the conclusions oi observers as to the relative height above the earth and more especially as to relative velocity of movement in the semi annual flight north or south of some of our migra tory birds Judging from all that has been ob served it seems probable that the ve locity of some of these far rnivelers has been exaggerated Careful measurements by means of the cloud theodolites used by the ob servers at the Meteorological station at Blue Hill in Milton a few miles south of Boston have shown that the observed flocks of northward going wild geese wore at an elevation of 960 feet above the sea level and that the velocity of flight was 443 miles an hour This also is about the height -at which a flock of wild ducks flew and their velocity was 478 miles an hour These velocities are nowhere the speed with which wild ducks have been credited for these swift birds have been said to fly at a rate exceeding 100 miles an hour That ducks do at times exceed the rate noted by the Blue Hill observers seems very probable but it is by no means certain that they ever fly at such a velocity as 1008 miles an hour as some observers have asserted Just what velocity would be requisite in a duck striking the heavy projecting glass of a lighthouse to drive his bill down his throat may bo a difiicult problem but tho fact itself has been noted in tho case ol at least a num ber of ono flock qf duoks that had been flying southward on tiieirautumnal mi gration and were picked up at the foot of the light house tower on Anastasia Island near St Amjustine Fla Sweeping in tho darkness of a cloudy night he ducks had followed the in creasing beam from the light and dashed down upon the thick but clear glass wall with the effect above men tioned Very likely a velocity of GO miles an hour would suffice to drive a ducks bill down its throat and it may be a question whether the duck ever really fly at a much greater velocity than sixty to seventy miles an hour There are other migrating birds no tably the swallows that seem to fly at least as swiftly as the wild duck As to elevation it seems probable that few migrating flocks of any kind travel at a greater height except in going over mountains than atout 1000 to 1500 The smallness and indistinctness of high flying flock of geese seemingly so far up as almost to blend with the gray sky and to render their far cries almost inaudible would all be produced if these large birds were flying at an elevation no greater than 1500 to 1800 feet AFRICAS NEW RAILROAD The Sleepers are Fxcquently Jjaid Di rectly on the Grround It was in the second week in Novem ber that the opening of the railway constructed by the enterprise of the British South Africa Company and its r gcfflBjj T HOW SLEElEBS VEBli LAID financial allies conoLcilng Mafekiflgi the administrative headquarters of the British Bechuana Protectorate and thereby also Cape Colony with the cap ital of Matabeleland was celebrated during several days with all tbe eclat that official authorities could bestow upon such an important occasion Tie presence of many promient official with a numerous gatherirjjg of eminent colonists gold mine proprietors land owners merchants and bankers from different towns and provinces Includ ing Johannesburg and the Transvaal and with some ministers or leading members of the colonial legislatures made this assembly fully representa tive of the most influential elements of A FREQUENT SIGHT European civilizing progress Accom panying pictures show the loose meth od of much of the construction and the natural consequences thereof An Ambiguous Term Tommy Paw teacher wants us to give a definition of a patriot Mr Figg Well a patriot is a man who does something for his country or does his country for something I am not just sure which Indianapolis Journal The Happy Man It is said to console a man who he loseshis money that he is now in posi tion to find oat who are his friends That is no consolation a man Snappi est when he doesnt have to know who his friends are Atchison Kan Globe It is not difficult for a man to be a womans ideal if he lives in another State There are usually a few flies on the honeyed phrases of lovers f - n ARE YOU TO LIVE IN ALASKA Conic IJcquircinentH that Will Ec Found Indispensable The universal article of diet in that country depended upon and indispen sable is bread or biscuit And to make the bread and biscuit either in the camp or upon the trail yeast cannot oe used it must be baking powder md the powder manufactured by the processes of the Royal Baking Powder 3ompany miners and prospectors have itarned is the only one which will stand in that peculiar climate of cold md dampness and raise the bread and biscuit satisfactorily These facts are very important for every one proposing to go to Alaska and the Yukon country to know for should he be persuaded by some outfit ter to take one of the cheap brands of baking powder it will cost just as much to transport it and then when he opens it for use after all his labor in packing it over the long and difiicult route he will find a solid caked mass or a lot of spoiled powder with no strength and useless Such a mistake might lead to the most serious results Alaska is no place in which to experi ment in food or try to economize with our stomach For use in such a cli mate and under the trying and fa tiguing conditions of life and labor in that country everything must be the best and most useful and above all it is imperative that all food supplies shall have perfect keeping qualities It is absurd to convey over such difii cult and expensive routes an article that will deteriorate in transit or that will be found when required for use to have lost a great part of its value There is no better guide to follow in these matters than the advice of those who have gone through similar expe rience Mr McQuesten who is called the father of Alaska after an expe rience of years upon the trail in the camp and in the use of every kind of supply sa3s We find in Alaska that the importance of a proper kind of bak iug powder caunot be overestimated A miner with a can of bad baking pow der is almost helpless in Alaska We have tried all sorts and have been obliged to settle down to use nothing but the Royal It is stronger and car ries further at first but above all things it is the only powder that will endure the severe climatic changes of the arctic region It is for the same reasons that the U S Government in its relief s and Peary the famous arctic traveler have carried the Royal Baking Powder exclusively The Royal Baking Powder will not cake nor lose its strength either on board ship or in damp climates and is the most highly concentrated and efficient of leavening n gents Ilence it i indispensable to every Alaskan out fit It can be had of any of the trading companies in Alaska but should the miner procure his supplies before leav n g he should resist every attempt of rne outfitter to palm off upon him any of tbo other brands of baking powder tor they will spoil and prove the cause of great disappointment and trouble Stretching the Truth Stranger in Arkansas So the poor fellow swore that he didnt steal the horse and after youd lynched him you found out hed told the truth about it Storekeeper Yes and the coroner was right smart puzzled for a spell what kind of a verdict to bring in but lie Dually called it a case of stretch ing the truth and let it go at that Judge Bible Ills Only Wcnpou Mrs E P Chapman of Hartford City W Va vouches for the truthful ness of the following story concerning Elanse Hatfield one of the widely kuovn outlaws of the Hatfield McCoy gang She was in Kanawaha County some time ago instituting a Rebekah lodge and on her way home stopped over Sunday with the family of a merchant in Charleston Hanse Hatfield was in the city at the same time and was the guest of the merchant being there on a purchasing tour On Sunday evening Hatfield asked to be shown the Meth odist Episcopal church and on being informed that there was no service in that church that evening accepted the invitation to go with the merchants family to the Presbyterian church Upon arriving at the church natfield took the merchant to one side and told him the Hatfields had such a bad impu tation that he always carried a weapon He then proceeded to open a hand grip he was carrying To the chagrin of the party he took therefrom an old and much used Bible and holding it up so those near could see it said This is the only weapon I ever carry and to get along well and live close to the feet of Jesus Christ one must carry it constantly and use it often The Bible was all there was in the grip Chicago Tribune tuitions in It Bridgeport is a useful city of 4S000 nhabitauts and many of its people are ich It is a live place and its business neu are shrewd Connecticut Yankees Near the New York New Haven and iartford Road stands a monument of Bridgeport and Wall street folly which passengers laugh at as they roll by A French name is on the side and the promoter is abroad enjoying the fruits f his humbuggery With an engine f 150 horse power he convinced a lot f fools with money that he could ope ate motors that would generate 10-00-horse power It was the most as tounding something-for-nothing prop osition ever heard of and the suck ers bit Over 200000 was gathered in and on this capital the company started The first test was a failure naturally and by way of excuse the promoter explained that his engine was too powerful If he urged an engine of 75 horse power were substituted ev erything would jog along merrily More money was harvested and presenile Mr Promoter was in Europe where he has been over since Deadly New JGullet The British Government is considei ing the adoption of a bullet invented in Birmingham This bullet is made of lead and instead of being conical the top is level and has a cup like cavity On entering the flesh this bullet acts like a punch cutting a clean rouud hole which does not close The bullet begins to expand immediately after en tering and after it has traveled six inches it produces a jagged hole three or four inches in diameter The bullet is said to make the most terrible wound producer known and it is a question whether its use would not be a breach of the international convention Incredible Poor Chollies physician said the Sympathetic Girl with a sigh told him that he had narrowly escaped an acute inflammation of the brain That medical man said the Hard hearted Girl is au ignoramus The idea of Chollies brain developing any thing acute Indianapolis Journal gaaafr v t rrursrtzsTcri w f IlllFvSjD Countersigned Jfyfvnu4 Sf 6ss ouolishcd another article about it in vhich the original reports are completely verified the cure is permanent and they publish a facsimile of the check given by tjhe Canadian Mutual Life Association for 1G5000 amount of total disability claim paid by them to Mr Petch The first account stated that the pa tient seo address below had been a par alytic for five years that there was such a total lack of feeling in his limbs and body that a pin run full length could not be felt that he could not walk or help himself at all for two years he was not dressed furthermore that he was bloat ed was for that reason almost uoreeog aiaable and could not get his clothes on Tfee paralysis was so qomploto as to affect iha face and prevented him from opening hip mouth sufficiently wide to take solid t ocxioAAaU Arauuju vC0rfV9C ftez Thp above is the substance of the first article published by the Monitor Now fol low some clippings taken from the same paper two years afterward and there is not the slightest shadow of a doubt in view of this testimony that Mr Petchs cure is permanent Here follows the ac count On being again questioned Mr Petch said You see those hands the skin is now natural and elastic Once they were hard and without sensation You could pierce them with a pin and I would not fel it and what is true of my hands is true of the rest of my body Perhaps you have observed that I have now even ceased to use a cane and can get about my business perfectly well You may say there is absolutely no doubt as tr my cure being permanent Indeeo I am 7 Always Delicate But Hoodr Snrsaparilla Hss Mado Her Scrcng apd Rusgod My little girl has always been very delicate and lias been using Hoods Sar Hnparilla She has taken several bottles of this medicine and i a rugged child now We believe Hooda Saraaparilla has done what no other medicine coald do S S CARR 131G Grand Ave Ra cine Wis Moods Sarsaparill lb 1 iO test in fact tho Ont True iJlood Purifier Hoods Pills oureallllTtr Ills 25 cents SEE1S NEW SIBERIAN MILLET EARLY P9RTUNE MILLET QER RUST PROOF OATS FARMERS SURPRISE CORN o ronr crealmt farm seed QoraltlMeTcronianiitM A sample oC ouch tnijethor vritk am of tha ahest Csta loguo err se n nil poMsalA tat two 2eat dtafflpa KLOTE hKE1 CO 81W rill South Dak 3 DX fow cooil carcfnl limr wanted In orerj Stato toraivtom Farm 8o4 8UlUes on contract Liberal prices raid Ask Tor ttrtaa WILL KEEP YOU DRY t Dont be fooled with a mackintosh tjTy ift - irjwj or ruDer coat ii vom wuuacoai DOT- fhat will Vain viMi Jrv In th ost storm buy tat Fish Brand Sucker If lot for hh In your pnTorlntormaUon as to Ion KiUtrar Ento9 lTcp Pamphlets etc adtlreu th Dapirtmaat of the Xnterl or Ottawa Canada or C J BSOGCHITO 1223M nndnock BuUdinn Ohicaso HI Vr V BENNIT 111 Now York Lit a Baildiac Omaha Xeb s FAR1 Sfilm3 Sii in IuniUJ to Product 2 IT alter ItKjtUU B uusltliel Uie world KatliIwibrzrolocltrkiui HiUerf oifl L403 atv catiaatrj hcup U i on trial 10 dollars Worth for too 71 11 pkt or rara farm itaif mt Ft Sana vetk i s mtD juea Jtcatutu uorn ae i y clulloj njr taimtitii fUtl Ciils3 KJItJi vt i asaui ia juv cwa yrizti Mr nimo icr our Letr aarreioua ctr ia4 U rroaigvs also iiavu ar itai tu uui jaa upon rfcMlpl ar kut piU poAiuyeir uu su i ii tun vJvm duu Uoea fotirttei KilabtiL J ixii tflratn TMtuua i X Ml 3w MW Mndtbii ajmVVM alone d Life Life Life OutUrSi GurboJat uiareuMa to qur VAT AtRruwZVii 15 mail i VV L UL Si CO Iedis Pooket Inbalon AUK H ana Uroncam UO Morels rzmpa Buffalo Jf Y Gel Your PefltSlor DOUBLE 5v QUICK 7ftti tept OrSBL ttikiAgtntWMibzitt SC S O N U tAtx2JStZ9 f Ir I Isrt2 f3Mi26 4fLJL PrKKfV Ct rZzaatJrtaasra G 98 The Monitor a newspaper published at Meaford Ont Canada first discov ered this case two years ago and pub lished it at length which now seems owing to the cure of it to be a miracle The facts were so remarkable that many people doubted the truth of tihem They said It is too remarkable it cannot possibly be true the paper is mis taken and the man although he may think himself cured will soon relapse into his former condition etc etc The accuracy of its report called in question the Monitor determined to find out defin itely whether the facts were as stated and whether the man would really stay cured They accordingly kept a close watch on the case for two years after the first article appeared and have just now food The doctors called the disease spinal sclerosis and all said he could not live For three years he lingered in this con dition Tiien by some friends he was ad vised to take Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People He took them and there was a slight change The first thing noted was a tendency to sweat freely This showed there was some lire left in his heljuless body Next came a little feeling in his limbs This extended fol lowed by prickling sensations until at last the blood began to course freely naturally and vigorously through his body and the helplessness gave way to returning strength the ability to walk returned and he was restored to his old time health in even better health than when I gavt you the first interview Do you still attribute your cure to the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills V asked the Monitor Unquestionably I da was the reply Doctors had failed as had also the nu merous remedies recommended by my friends Nothing I took had the sghtest pffect upon me until I began the use oi Dr Williams Pink Pills To this won derful medicine I owe my release from the living death I have since recommend ed these pills to many of my friends and the verdict is always in their favor 1 shall always bless the day I was induced to take them Such is the history of one of the most remarkable cases of modern times Can s fhffofm msttASsmsmsmiw magemZi 06yS iiSKSssk ggffii XnyRxs - e 2s 7 tmrjpmmrziy tAf iw y a Brb0Um hK orercb IffiiKS yZsls g v- any one say in the face of such testi mony that Dr Williams Pink Piiis are not entitled to the careful consideration of any suffering man woman or child V Is not the case in truth a miracle of modem medicine To make the evidence complete we pub lish above a facsimile cut of the check received by Mr Petch from the Canadian Mutual Life Association being the amount due him for total disability It is unnecessary to add that this life insur ance association did not pay this large amount of money to Mr Petch except after the most careful examination of his condition by their medical experts They must have regarded him as forever in curable Mr Petchs address is as follows Reo Petch GriersviKo QcL Caja