The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, February 03, 1898, Image 5

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p o ffi
licNiit Bros
ElJt or left side
Horses same on
loft shoulder
Earmafck Swal
low toll blp right
or left ear
BangoSJlg Creek
Horses S on left
found is small
Karmark Quarter
clip behind half ar
ch forward on left ear
llauge Lone T ie
Thomas Farren
Rosebud S D
ID 1183 either left
side or hip
RnwF on left
Range head of
y ar a
TTmiHt iwri nr rW if
Rosebud S D
Cattle nolo In
each ear
Ranee Bie and
Little White Rivers
lCUfy B
John II Harnaii
Brownlee Neb
AloAI7and bQ
3fe9 Horses on left
cl shoulder
laigeowio Creek
and 2orth Loup
Marshall Wolfcnden
Kennedy Neb
Some s on the Ieft7S5S
Loui F Richards
Meiriman Neb
Charles Richard
lueuimaii Neb
W R Kissel
f mB
Brownlee Neb
Also some below
lelt hin
Range Kissels
Wheeler Bros
Cody Neb
Ranee on the Snake
River and Chamber
lain flat
Louis J Richards
Merrlman Neb j
Charles H Faulhaber
Brownlee Nebr
Either rightor left
side on cattle
Horses sama on
left shoulder
Left ear cut off of
Range Loup river
Paul Didier
Charles C Tackett
Rosebud 3 D
Range head of An-
telope near it Marys
Horses branded
on left thigh
William FSchmidt
Rosebud 3 D
On left side
Horses branded
6ame on left hip or
Range on Horse
John DeCory
Rosebud S D
Some branded ID
417 on left side
Horses JD on left
Range in Meyer Co
on Antelope Creek
S H Kimmel
Rosebud S D
Also B4U on left
Cattle undercut on
both ears
Horses branded 4
on left shoulder
Range on Antelope
and Spring Creeks
Forty seven Senators Go on Record for
the Measure While Only Thirty two
Oppose It Debate Is Lively Amend
ments Lost
Majority a Surprise
The United States Senate has put its
veto on currency legislation by the Fifty
fifth Congress After a debate animat
ed at all times and occasionally acrimo
nious which occupied the greater part o
the week the Senate Friday evening- by
the decisive vote of 47 to J2 passed the
Teller concurrent resolution The resolu
tion is a practical reallirmation of that
of Stanley Matthews in 1878 and is as
That all the bonds of the United Staffs ls
hiicd or authorized to be issued under the
said acts of Congress hereinbefore recited
are payable principal and Interest at the
option of the Government of the United
States in sliver dollars of the coinage of
the United States containing 412y grains
each of standard silver and that to restore
to Its coinage such silver coins as a legal
tender In payment of said bonds principal
and interest Is not in violation of the public
faith nor in derogation of the rights of the
public creditor
All efforts to amend the resolution were
voted down by majorities ranging from o
to 29 Mr Lodges gold standard substi
tute being defeated by the latter ma
jority The vote on the Lodge amend
ment was Ayes 24 nays oi
The events of the day leading up to the
final vote were full of interest and impor
tance It was a field day for the orators
of the Senate no less than twenty five
Senators embracing the opportunity to
speak upon the subject under discussion
That the debate was interesting was at
tested by the attendance in the galleries
which were crowded throughout the day
and that it was important was evidenced
by the statements of several of the speak
ers that the discussion was but the pre
liminary alignment of the great political
parties for the contest of 1900
From 10 oclock in the morning until 7
in the evening the contest was continued
When the voting began it was evident
that party lines were being broken on
both sides of the chamber but it was on
the substitute offered by Mr Lodge
Mass that the most decided break oc
curred On the Republican side Mr Al
lison Iowa and Mr Burrows Mich did
not answer to their names on that roll
call and many of the Republicans voted
directly against it Upon the final pas
sage of the resolution some Republicans
who supported McKinley and the St
Louis platform in 1S9G like Carter
Mont Chandler X H Clark Wyo
Pritchard N C Shoup Idaho Warren
Wyo and Wolcott Colo voted for the
Mr Stewart Nev opened the discus
sion In supporting the resolution he
maintained that money whether it be sil
ver or gold or paper was a creature of
law the creation of money being inherent
in all independent nations lie said that
this statement had been upheld by the
highest tribunals and cited historical in
stances of such creation of money
Dollar Wanted by Silver Men
Mr Cannon Utah followed in support
of the resolution lie firmly denied that
the advocates of free coinage were in
favor of anything but a 100 cent dollar
We do not believe however said Mr
Cannon in the deified dollar of G rover
Cleveland which is worshiped by the
present administration
Mr Jones Ark said he made the
broad statement that no Democrat silver
Republican or Populist had ever declared
in favor of paying Government obliga
tions in a depreciated currency Mr
Jones continuing said I believe that
the peoples conviction upon this question
is more firmly fixed than ever before
They are determined to restore silver to
its status before 1S73 and Ave shall do all
we can to accomplish that result
The first speech of the day in opposition
was delivered by Mr Burrows Mich
He said that the Republican party was
pledged to secure if possible internation
al bimetallism and the President would do
everything in his power to carry out that
pledge Meantime the existing gold stand
ard would be maintained Mr Fairbanks
Ind followed against the resolution lie
said the purpose of the resolution was not
frankly expressed on its face and it was
only in the course of the debate that it
developed that the essential purpose was
to give an expression of the United States
Senate favorable to -the free and unlimit
ed coinage of silver at the ratio of 1G to 1
Mr VVolcott Colo thought that any
Senator whatever his financial views
could vote for the Teller resolution as it
involved nothing except the carrying into
effect of the Governments plain obliga
Mr Foraker O was opposed to the
resolution The enforcement of its terms
in his opinion would not bring about bi
metallism but would force the Govern
ment to a silver basis
Mr Allison spoke of the circumstances
attending the passage of the Stanley Mat
thews resolution in 1S78 To him it had
not meant at that time a declaration in
favor of the free and unlimited coinage
of silver Other coinage measures were
pending at that time and when one of
these came over from the house the Sen
ator from Colorado Teller voted to
strike out the provision for the free coin
age of silver and voted for a limited coin
age agreement Mr Allison declared that
the clear purpose of the pending resolu
tion was to commit the country to the
free and unlimited coinage of silver at 1G
to 1 when it was almost axiomatic the
Senator declared that such a course with
out concurrence of other nations will lead
us inevitably to the silver standard alone
and to silver monometallism
Mr Tillman S G thought this discus
sion was simply the maneuvering of the
great political parties for position in the
great contest that Avas to be fought in
1900 The people he said would win in
that contest Mr Culloni 111 announc
ed briefly that he would vote against the
resolution because it was a step toward
free silver Mr Aldrich closed just as
the clock marked G the hour set for vot
ing and the vice president promptly anr
nounced that the voting would proceed
The trunk murder mystery Avhich for
nearly a fortnight had been baffling the
police of New Orleans has been cleared
up The murdered man was Rosarip Cu
imano and he Avas murdered in that city
The police are hunting for Vincento Az
zarilla his godfather who is accused by
the dead mans brother of having killed
Passengers and Crew Saved Afte a
Terrible Experience
The steamer City of Dulutli owned by
the Lake Michigan and Lake Superior
Transportation Company and chartered
by the Graham Morton Transporta
tion Company to run on the winter route
between St Joseph Mich and Chicago
is a total wreck The City of Duluth ar
rived off St Joseph from South Chicago
Wednesday night at 830 oclock and at
tempted to enter the harbor There Avas
a tremendous wind from the northwest
and a heavy sea was rolling The Duluth
kept on her course into the harbor and at
the puth of the river struck a bar and
was thrown heavily against the north
The engineer says that when the boat
struck the engine jumped a foot and Avas
immediately torn to pieces The water
rushed in put out the fires and the fire
men barely escaped up the ladders in
time to save themselves The floor of the
cabin deck gave a mighty heave upward
and the passengers were throAvn into the
Avildest confusion The mammoth steel
arches on either side of the boat gave
AA ny immediately and the bow of the boat
dropped two or three feet A large hole
was stove in the port side of the boat as
she SAViing around and she Avent to the
bottom in an hour leaving only her cab
in and part of her buhvarks above water
The life saving creAV Avas summoned
and reached the scene of the disaster in
quick time At midnight the creAV shot
a mortar line to the boat and the rescue
began The passengers and crew Averej
taken ashore in the breeches buoy one at
a time Most of the passengers and all
the creAV recovered quickly from the ex
As the steamer struck the bar her bow
went deep into the sand Another sea
turned her stern to port and she re
mained in this position until the constant
pounding of the hull on the bar broke
her in two amidships The City of Du
luth cost 50000 tAventy four years ago
and was considered by marine men to be
a first class boat The cargo consisted
of 29000 bushels of corn the deckload
being merchandise and loO tons of flour
The loss AA ill be 05000
Xong Conference in Chicago Results in
Advancing Wage Jcale
The interstate joint convention in Chi
cago of the bituminous coal operators and
miners came to an end The miners are
jubilant over the results of their ten days
session for it means to nearly 200000
soft coal miners an advance of ten cents
per ton and a uniform day of eight hours
at a uniform day wage and the operators
congratulated one another with the vic
tory over themselves The following res
olutions Avere adopted Avith but two dis
senting v6tes
Resolved That an advance of 10 cents per
ton for mining screened coal Is to take effect
In Western Pennsylvania nocking Valley
Ohio and the Indiana bituminous district
on the first day of April 1S9S that the rel
ative run mine price will he determined in
all districts named by the uniform Hat or
apron shaped bar screen seventy two feet
superficial area and one and one fourth Inch
space between the bars that the price of
run mine coal In Grape Creek district an 1 in
the Indiana bituminous district be 40 cents
per ton for the same district based upon GO
cents in the Pittsburg thin vein district and
that In the Hocking Valley and Indiana and
that on and after April 1 1S98 an eight
hour day shall be In effect in all districts
here represented that uniform wages for
day labor shall be paid to the different class
es of labor in the Held named that internal
differences in any States both ne to price
and conditions shall he referred to the States
affected that we further agree to use the
diamond bar screen present pattern in the
block district of Indiana Avith the privilege
of run mine as may be desired by market
Opium Joints of Chicago Systematical
ly Blackmailed
The State Senate committee investigat
ing the Chicago police force heard testi
mony tending to sIioav that there was an
irregular police system of blackmail on
the opium jpints Several Chinese were
examined most of them saying they were
afraid to testify Sing Tim proprietor of
an opium joint said if Gov Tanner or
Mayor Ilarrison would guarantee him
protection he would tell all he knew The
police recently visited all the opium joints
and warned the keepers against testify-
ing he declared and Sam Moy a promi
nent Chinaman has been locked up for
fifteen days for talking too much and
Iani Soy was compelled to leave the eity
Moy Tui said most of the opium joint pro
prietors paid ten dollars a week for po
lice protection The roan who collected
the tribute told him Alderman Coughliu
was the beneficiary
Leader of the Rebels Is Killed and
Several Soldiers Are Taken
Havana advices say that Lieut Col
Benedicto with the Spanish Eeina bat
talion surprised vthe camp of the insur
gent brigadier Nestor Aranguren killing
Aranguren and four privates capturing
five of the insurgents and wounding oth
ers who made their escape The body of
Brig Gen Aranguren was brought by
train to Havana aud delivered to the mili
tary authorities After identification it
was sent to the morgue
Accordiug to -the Spanish authorities
Brigadier Aranguren was surprised Avhile
on a visit to a young woman on the Pita
farm between Oampo Florida and Ta
piste He was wounded and on trying to
escape was shot dead Among the pris
oners is the father of the young woman
He Avas the dynamiter of Arangurens
Consignments of 100 silver certificates
are being received daily at the Treasury
Department at Washington but so far
the number tf new counterfeits is surpris
ingly small Up to this time only eighteen
have been reported from all sources
A petition protesting against the annex
ation of Hawaii signed by 100 sugar beet
raisers of Ventura County California
has been forwarded to Washington
A track association in opposition to the
National Cycle Track Association is be-
fag formed throughout the country
j S
Some bills of minor importance were
passed by the House on Saturday and
the remainder of the day was devoted to
general debate on the Indian appropria
tion bill That the Cuban question is
still uppermost iu the minds of the mem
bers was evinced during this debate much
of which was decoted to it Mr Hitt
chairman of the Foreign Affairs Commit
tee submitted a privileged report from
his committee recommending the passage
of a resolution of inquiry requesting the
State Department to transmit to the
House all information in its possession
relative to the military execution of Col
Ruiz a Spanish envoy to the insurgent
camp of Aranguren The resolution was
adopted without division In the Senate
after a speech by Mr Stewart in favor
of the Teller silver resolution considera
tion of bills on the private calendar Avas
begun and a number Avere passed
In the House on Monday a couple of
hours Avere devoted to business relating to
the District of Columbia and the remain
der of the day Avas occupied Avith the
Indian appropriation bill A lively de
bate was precipitated by an allusion made
by Mr Simpson Pop Kan to an alleg
ed intervieAV with the President on the
subject of immigration Mr Grosvenor
took occasion to express the opinion that
the President had never used some of the
language imputed to him and the debate
drifted into a general discussion of our
industrial conditions In the Senate pro
posed annexation of Hawaii Avas some
what extensively revieAved by Mr Mor
gan of Alabama while speaking to a ques
tion of personal privilege One of the
features of the session Avas an elaborate
speech by Mr Turpie of Indiana in sup
port of the Teller resolution The pension
appropriation bill AAas debated for nearly
three hours but Avas not passed the Sen
ate adjourning pending the disposal of a
point of order made against an amend
ment offered by Mr Allen of Nebraska
to the pending bill
Under the parliamentary fiction of dis
cussing the Indian appropriation bill the
House devoted almost the entire day
Tuesday to a political debate in which
the main question Avas Avhether prosper
ity had come to the country as a result of
the advent of the present administration
Mr Smith the delegate from Arizona
made an attack on the system of educat
ing the Indians and Mr Walker moved
to strike out the appropriation for the
Carlisle school No vote was taken on
the motion A bil was passed granting
American register to the foreign built
steamer Navajo In the Senate the ses
sion was characterized by a heated al
most acrimonious discussion of the finan
cial question For nearly four hours the
Teller resolution Avas under consideration
the principal speeches being made by Mr
Allison Iowa Mr Berry Arkansas and
Mr noar Massachusetts
Consideration of the Indian appropria
tion bill consumed the entire day in the
House on Wednesday The debate Avas
chiefly on extraneous subjects The mo
tion to strike out the appropriation for
the Carlisle Indian school avus defeated
after considerable debate 20 to Go Ton
pages of the bill weie disposed of The
conference report on the urgent deficiency
bill was adopted In the Senate the day
was spent in a discussion of the Teller
silver resolution
The Indian appropriation bill Avas pass
ed by the nouse on Thursday and the
political debate which had been raging
since Monday was transferred to the Dis
trict of Columbia bill Avhich followed it
The only tAvo important changes made hi
the Indian bill as passed were the elimi
nation of the provisions for the leasing
ot the gilsonite mineral lands of th
Kiowa Comanche Apache and Wichita
reservations both of Avhich went out or
points of order The features of the de
bate Thursday were the speeches of Mr
Hartman silver Republican Mont ii
denunciation of the financial policy of tht
administration and of Mr Dolliver Re
publican Iowa in reply to the general at
tacks of the opposition In the Senatt
the day was spent in debate on the Tellei
The bill to pay the book publishing com
pany of the Methodist Episcopal Churcl
south 28S000 for damages sustained by
that corporation during the war after
encountering an obstinate filibuster
which staved off a vote on tAvo previous
private bill days AAas piloted to its pas
sage in the House on Friday by Mr Coop
er of Texas who Avas in charge of the
message The friends of the measure
proved themselves in an overwhelming
majority and the opposition finding it
could hold out no longer reluctantly yield
ed The vote on the bill was 18S to G7
An evening session for the consideration
of other private bills was held In the
Senate the entire day was taken up by
consideration of the Teller silver resolu
tion It was passed by a vote of 47 to
News of Minor Note
Prof Taschenberg the entomologist
is dead at Halle
Secret societies at Denver are waging
war on department stores
M B Goodman clothing merchant or
Texarkana Ark AA as attached by home
creditors Liabilities and assets not stat
The Comptroller of the Currency has
appointed William J Kennesaw receiver
of the First National Bank of Pembina
Mrs Mary Shillito widow of the late
John Shillito founder of the great mer
cantile house in Cincinnati that bears his
name died after a long illness from in
firmities of old age
The United States ambassador to Great
Britain Col John Hay and family Avill
sail from Genoa on the North German
Lloyd steamship Prinz Regent Luitpold
for Egypt for a tour up the Nile
The condition of the health o Empress
Augusta Victoria of Germany excites
comment She v go in the spring to
some Southern air cure Her physicians
still forbid her leaving her rooms
The Dominion cabinet which has had
under consideration the case of Mrs Olive
Sternaman under sentence to be hanged
at Cayuga Ont for the murder of her
husband decided to grant her a new trial
F tL
i i i memmmmmmmmmmmtmm
Notary Public
Real Estate
Valentine Nebraska
1000000 Bond Filed
Office in JP O Building
M jr DONOHEM Proprietor
i i J
Has recently been refurnished and thoroughly renovated
making it now more than ever worthy of the
reputation it has always borne of being
Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Eoom Good Sample Boom
Qherry Qounty Bank
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent withjeonservative banking
Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable
rates County depository
V H COR ELL President IS V NICHOLSON Cawhier
Valentine Nebraska
A General Banking Business Transacted
Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign JEocoJiange
Correspondents Chemical National Banfe Hew Yorit Vlrst National Sank Oasaa
This market always keeps a supply of
In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats
Smoked Hams Breakfast Eacon and Vegetables
At Stetters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA
OS the Choicest Brands
that this office is fully prepared at all times to turn oul
on the shortest notice in the most artistic and
workmanlike manner all kinds of
Job Printing