i i F x THIS WIDE WORLD INTELLIGENCE FROM PARTS ALL KILLED IN THE HOUSE DECLARES FOR GOLD BY VOTE OF 182 TO 132 Reported Adversely Early in the Session by Ways and Means Com mitteeDebate Lasted All Day Vote Taken Late in Afternoon Teller Resolution Defeated There was great activity among the leaders on both sides of the house of con gress before it met Monday in anticipation of a very exciting debate over the Teller resolution declaring bonds of the United States payable in gold or silver at the option of the government which those in control had decided to knock out before sundown The members had been noti fied in advance and the attendance on both side3 was very large Immediately after the reading of the journal Dingly Repub lican of Maine chairman of the ways and means committee reported back the reso lution with the recommendation that it be not passed Mr Henderson Republican of Iowa one of the leaders of the majority then presented a special order agreed upon by the committee on rules providing for a vote on the resolution at 5 p m without an intervening motion He said that in order to satisfy many who desired to speak on the resolution for whom the brief time allowed would not furnish opportunity a rule provided general leave to print re marks on the subject tor five days from date The limited time allowed for debate and the pressure of members for an opportun ity to be heard was so great that the lead ers on both sides were compelled to farm out the time by minutes The speaker announced that the vote would be directly on the resolution not on the reverse report It was soon evident that the ranks were being held intact There were only three breaks Messrs Elliott Democrat of South Carolina and McAIeer Democrat of Pennsylvania voted against the resolution and Mr Lin ney Republican of North Carolina voted for it Mr White Republican of North Carolina did not vote After the roll call was completed the speaker asked that his name becaheu and on the call responded with a vigorous no He then announced the result yeas 132 nays 182 The Republicans cheered long and loud over their victory and then at 535 p m the house adjourned ONE BANDIT KILLED Three Robbers Come to Grief EkjKtV at Watertown S D Three men undoubtedly belonging to a ting- in South Dakota all winter were captured in Watertown Sunday night In effecting their arrest one of them was killed by the officers His name is unknown They had stolen goods in their possession Two of the robbers are strangers The other is Ira Thompson a notorious charac ter of Watertown The strangers came from the west having attempted to sell cloth ing at Clark on Thursday Saturday night they robbed Warrens harness shop effecting an entrance with a skeleton key They were arrested a mile from town having hired a team to convey the stolen goods including fur coats and robes into the country The dead man has been identified as a former inmate of the state penitentiary by one who served time with him but his name is unknown His com panion gives the name of Tom Lewis The man was killed by Officer Kuckman WARSHIP TO GO TO SAMOA Natives Will Be Made to Show Re spect for American Flag The American flag will soon be dis played in Samoan waters by a man of war The vessel will be the Mohican which has been converted into a training ship Since the arrival in Washington of former Con sul General Churchill the president and Assistant Secretary of State Day have be come convinced that American interests demand that a man of war should soon visit Samoa Churchill told them that the natives have no respect for the American government because it has never sent a man of war to support any steps for the protection of American interests which its representatives might take Great Dynamite Blast Historic Indian Head on the Palisades opposite One Hundred and Forty fifth Street New York will be disintegrated by simultaneous blasts of a number of dy namite mines containing in all 14000 pounds of the terrible explosive The amount of rock that will be loosened by the explosion is estimated at 300000 tons which is the biggest blast on record Well Known Authoress Very 111 Mrs Julia C R Dorr the well known author and poet is reported to be critically ill at her home in Rutland Vt The mem bers of her family have been summoned from all secVons of the country and are now at her bedside Threatened Riots in Madrid The students reassembled Monday with the object of making a demonstration againt the Progresso office in Madrid but the precautions of the police prevented them Coa Prices Go Up The Chicago Tribune says the coal oper ators will shortly advance the price of their product 25 cents a ton as the result of the recent interstate jr nt conference of operators and miners who conceded to tho lalc st advance of JL0 cents a ton for min ing Bank in Receivers Hands The comptroller of the currency went to Philadelphia Saturdayand failing to n with the managers for the voluntary daton of the Chestnut Street National Bank selected G S Earle jr as receiver fessaf irajBstwEsaseseswsaas pawn UCyOD START FOR NEW YEAR Tho Volume of Trade for January Unusually Large R G Dun Cos Weekly Review of Trade says The first month of the new year has brought rather more increase in business but less improvement in prices than was expected The competition of manufacturers seeking orders alone pre vents a rise in prices Most of them have all they can manage many of them work ing night and day and one great steel con cern running on Sunday but the works not yet filled with orders are seeking con tracts at as low prices as have ever been made indicating that even these are not entirely unprofitable Wheat has been conspicuous rising 5 cents for the week The woolen manufacturer is doing well fine worsted goods having opened at an advance of 3 per cent on last year and the large mills are constantly buying wool even at current high prices Failures for the week have been 342 in the United States against 831 last year and 84 in Can ada against 57 last year GERMAN SAILORS MURDERED Killing of Four Seamen By Chinese May Cause Trouble It is announced in a special dispatch from Shanghai received Saturday that four German sailors have been murdered by the Chinese The dispatch says the German admiral threatens to take measures against the sailors murderers A Chee Foo dispatch gives details of the killing of a number of German sailors by the Chinese A sailor named Schulz belong ing to the cruiser Kaiser was assassinated by Chinese rabble while on outpost duty at Tsmo When the crime was discovered by the relieving corporals guard they were also attacked by 100 natives The guard defended themselves as best they could but it is reported all were killed after they had killed twelve Chinese ST PAUL MAN LOSES HOUSE Has No Title to It Upon Erecting It on Another Mans liot The supreme court of Minnesota has de cided that a man who builds a house on anothers lot has no claim to the house nor can he enforce a lien against the lot for its value This affirms the decision of the lower court in the case of Coleman Bridge man who erected a house on what he thought was his lot but which belonged to a neighbor He was refused permission to move his house to his own property and the lower court which adjudicated the case declared he had no right or title to the house as it became a part of his neighbors lot when erected on it v Republican Seated An unusually severe arraignment of al leged election frauds is made in the report filed in congress by the house committee on elections No 1 in the case of William F Aldrich against Thomas S Plowman from the fourth district of Alabama Mr Plowman is a sitting member but the com mittee submits a recount of the vote giving Aldrich Republican and Populist candi date the seat Earth Shakes in Mexico A dozen shocks of earthquake some of them quite sharp were experienced at Tehuantepec Mexico Saturday causing consternation among the people who have come to regard the city as standing over the seat of a violent seismatic disturbance Subterranean noises like the distant rum bling of artillery wagons were heard ad ding to the panic No one was harmed however - U S Minister Reported Recalled A dispatch from Port au Prince Hayti says It is rumored here that the United States minister to nayti William F Powell has been recalled at the request of the German government on account of his connection with the Lueders incident which resulted in Germany sending war ships here to collect indemnity Spokane Fire Victims The charred aud mangled remains of five of the victims of the Great Eastern Block fire at Spokane Wash were taken from the ruins Saturday They are W B Gordon and Mrs Cora Peters and there is little doubt that the others were Mrs Peters three children Charles Alma and Ethel Telegraphers Chief Suspended S T M Pearson president of the order Df Railway Telegraphers of the United States and Canada has been suspended by the executive committee for conduct unbe coming an official of the order The matter will be passed on at the next meeting of the grand lodge Rush of Immigrants In anticipation of the new immigration law going into effect the rush of immigra tion to this country has started The Tartar Prince has arrived at New York from Italian ports with 720 persons in the steerage Famous Surgeon Dead Jules Emile Pean the eminent surgeon of France is dead He became famous for his success in the delicate operation of ovariotomy Calls on Lindsay to Resign The Kentucky senate has passed a reso lution asking Senator Lindsay to resign because he is opposed to free silver Bids Against Brittain The report that Russia has offered China a loan on the same terms as Great Britain has been confirmed in Pekin 100000 Fire at Somerset Ky Four stoies and half a dozen offices in Somerset Ky burned Saturday morning The loss is 100000 Pretty Tough on the Girls Fileen Rowena Victoria Diamond Jubilee Vagg and Queen Victoria Will iams are the names to which two little English girls are condemned till mai riage on account of the recent celebra tion in England Violent Administration Miss Fryte Do I understand that you fare badly as a rule at the hands of women Jaded Jerry Yes kind lady hut its frum de feet of men dat -we expeery ance de roughest deals Judge JCPT jpWH I II Ll BAD WfiECK IN MAINE FOUR KILLED AND THIRTY JURED NEAR ORONO IN- Six Coaches Leave the Track and Roll Down a High Embankment Result of Seventy Two Hour Bike I Race at Pittsburg Other Items Four Killed in a Wreck The St John train known as cial express was wrecked in the cut at Orona Basin Mills Me Saturday after noon and six cars including the smoker were turned topsy turvy into the ditch One of the passenger cars in which were a large number of persons was almost en tirely demolished Four persons were killed and thirty injured The train was running over the Maine Central tracks and left Bangor a little late at the time of the derailment which was due to spreading rails the train was run ning about thirty five miles per hour The train is not scheduled to stop at Orono but the conductor found that a number of university students held tickets for that station so he signaled to the engineer to make a stop It was just after his signal that the accident came No worse spot for a derailment can be found on this stretch of railroad There is a high embankment for miles and every car save President Wilsons car was over turned at the same time rolling down into the ditch DIES A MANIAC AND PAUPER Tragic End of Edward Ohrnstiel Heir to an Austrian Fortune In a paupers grave at Dunning 111 lies the body of Edward W Ohrnsteil heir 1000000 florins 480000 He was the son of Budapests greatest banker and a mem ber of one of the most honorable houses in Austro Hungary The story of the closing years of his life reads like a chap ter from a romantic novel Although Ohrnstiel died on November 26 his identity has just been discovered While his family was searching for him Ohrnstiel was locked in a padded cell in the Cook County insane asylum for months until finally he died and was buried with the other pauper dead His grief over the heartless desertion of his wife caused him to leave his country and start on a down ward career that only stopped at the grave in the trench at Dunning ELKES WINS THE RACE Waller Loses the Six Day Race by Two Yards Tho finish of the big 72 hour bike race at Pittsburg was exciting and was a desper ate effort of the two leaders Waller and Elkes to carry off the big end of the purse Five minutes before the finish all the other riders left the track giving the two high men clear way to light for the honor and money The score was Miles Laps Elkes 1822 Waller 1322 Schinneer 1314 Hall iSll Walter 1139 Dench 1129 Gannon 1115 Ruckel 1101 Ilenshaw 878 Yds t GO B 58 6 8 1 5 MCALL ACQUITTED The Jury Declares Him Not Guilty of Murder The case of Phil McCall charged with murder was given to the jury at Pipestone Minn Saturday afternoon After four hours deliberation the jury returned a ver dict of acquittal Cost of Free Deliveiy A table has been prepared by chief Ma chen of the free delivery division of the postoffice department comparing the cost of the free delivery service at fifty of the largest postoffices for the fiscal year of 1896 7 with that of the fiscal year of 1890 1 It shows that the percentage of increase in the cost of free delivery during the six years covered by the table has been 246 per cent while the population has in creased 3562 and the gross receipts have increased 2848 per cent Barred from Practice in Courts Ex Attorney General Hendrick of Frankfort Ky has been disbarred for failing to comply with a rule of the court requiring him to pay into the court 31300 collected by him while attorney general Hendrick claims the state owes him more than that amount Uncle Anson Is Dropped A G Spaulding formerly of the Chicago Baseball Club makes the announcement that the Chicago club will not renew its contract with Adrian C Anson and that Tom Burns formerly a member of the Chicago team would be the new manager of the colts Big New York Factory Fire The cardboard factory of S Trier Son Brooklyn was entirely destroyed by fire Sunday In the same building Samuel Schindelman -had a knitting mill and Schneider Eros a cut glass factory Their total loss is placed at more than 100000 Col Ruizs Body Found The forces of Gen Valderamma it is re ported have found the body of Lieut Col Ruiz who was execnted by the late Gen Aranguren in Cuba Further investiga tion will be necessary before the report will be finally accepted Runner Kilpatrick Beaten George Tincier the Irish runner de feated Charles Kilpatrick the American Saturday in the second of their series of races in London Multiplying Polypi A single polypus has been cut into 124 parts and each in time became a perfect animal Of the 12000 miles which form the laud girdle of China G000 touch Rus sian territory 4S00 British territory and only 400 French whileSOO may be described as doubtful The pleasantest things in the world are pleasant thoughts and the great est art in life is to have as many ot them as possible ESSIES - V 5Ci BRITISH BACKDOWN CLAIMED Lato Reports from China Says Rus sian Diplomacy Has Triumphed The London Daily Mail Sunday morn ing says it learns from a source hitherto correct that China is inclined to make the best possible bargain with Russia whoso diplomacy appears to have triumphed at Pekin England having resolved not to force a conflict by further opposition to Russias claim to Port Arthur and in the Liao Tung peninsula Japan has been thrown into a state of consternation by the British backdown and has adopted a more friendly attitude toward Russia This statement however the Daily Mail admits is incredible and probably a bluff in forcing England to take decided steps The Daily Mail counsels its readers not to be alarmed A dispatch to the Daily Mail from Shanghai says a secret dispatch has been issued by the to certain high officials informing them that Russia had warned China that if Kaio Chow Bay were granted to Germany Russia would demand cither Talien Wan or Port Arthur According to the same dispatch it is as serted at Shanghai on good authority that China consents to have Russia at the head of her custom service aiid railways BIG LOTTERY FRAUDS Secret Service Officers Arrest Cleve land Ticket Counterfeiters Government secret service agents ac Cleveland have succeeded in unearthing a gang of lottery ticket counterfeiters whose operations during the last five years have extended through nearly every large city in the country As lotteries are outlawed the forging of the tickets cannot be pun ished but the postal agents want them for sending lottery tickets through the mail The officers made a descent on the home of Thomas Dolan 35 years old and arrested him on the charge of sending lottery tick ets through the mail In the basement of the house was found a complete parapher nalia for altering lottery tickets and it was confiscated and taken to the United States marshals office The gangs method of operation was to buy lottery tickets wait for the announce ment of the winning numbers and change the numbers on the tickets to correspond Greek Peasants Fight Turks Seyfullah Pasha with 2000 soldiers and 25 guns recently went to the village of Lazarina near Trikhela Greece to en force the payment of taxes The peasants met the troups with a strong fire and a regular engagement ensued Next day the attack was renewed with results not yet known King Charles Memory Honored The anniversary of the execution of King Charles I was commemorated Sat urday The statue of King Charles in Trafalgar Square London was decorated - with wreaths etc bearing the usual in scriptions which owing to the disloyal inscriptions of 1897 had this year to bo first submitted to the board of works Famous Stallion Noval Sold The famous stallion Noval 214 sire of Countess Eve 209J has been sold to J L Linneman of Lima Ohio lie was owned by the late R P Pepper of Frank fort Ky The price is not known Col Pepper paid 515000 to the late Senator Stanford for the stallion Killed t Postmaster J O Manrangue county surveyor of Nez Perce County Idaho shot and in stantly killed D A Kippen postmaster at ICippen Sunday The trouble origi nated over some land the parties had leased together McKinleys 53th Birthday Saturday was the anniversary of tne presidents birthday There was no spe cial observance of the day at the White House save the presentation to the presi dent of a large bunch of cut lowers Declared Invalid The Ohio law which says the sum of 5000 may be collected from a county by friends of a person lynched therein has been declared unconstitutional Charles Draper Gets Life Charles L Draper was found guilty of the murder of Charles L Hastings at Jacksonville 111 and given a life sen tence 3IAEET QUOTATIONS Chicago Cattle common to prime 300 to 575 hogs shipping grades iOO to 400 sheep fair to choice J200 to 500 wheat No 2 red 94c to 9oc corn No 2 2Uc to 28c oats No 2 21c to 23c rye No 2 44c to 4Gc butter choice creamery ISc to 19c eggs fresh luc to 17c potatoes common to choice 52c to 05c per bushel Indianapolis Cuttle shipping 300 to 525 hogs choice light 300 to 400 sheep common to choice 300 to 450 wheat No 2 91c to 93c corn No 2 white 27c to 29c oats No 2 white 24c to 2Gc St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 400 sheep 300 to 475 wheat No 2 94c to 9Gc corn No 2 yellow 25c to 27c oats No 2 white 23c to 25c rye No 2 44c to 4Gc Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs 300 to 400 sheep 250 to 475 wheat No 2 95c to 9Gc corn No 2 mixed 2Sc to 30c oats No 2 mixed 24c to 2Gc rye No 2 4Uc to 48c Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hogs 300 to 400 sheep 250 to 450 wheat No 2 94c to 95c corn No 2 yellow 28c to 29c oats No 2 white 27c to 2Sc rye 47c to 49c Toledo Wheat No 2 red 94c to 95c corn No 2 mixed 29c to 31c oats No 2 white 22c to 24c rye No 2 4Gc to 4Se clover seed 315 to 325 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring Sbc to 91c corn No 3 2oc to 2Sc oats No 2 white 24c to 25c rye No 2 to 48c barley No 2 40c to 43c pork mess 900 to 950 Buffalo Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 425 sheep 300 to 500 wheat No 2 red 95c to 97c corn No 2 yellow 31c to 33c oats No 2 white 27c to 29c New York Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 450 sheep 300 to 500 wheat No 2 red 104 to 106 corn No 2 35c to 3Gc oats No 2 white 2Sc to 29c butter creamery 15c to 21c eggs Western ITc to 19c vt V STATE OF NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM Th Twenty Second Annual Conven tion of the State G A R Will Be Held in Norfolk Commencing Feb ruary 9 Great Time Anticipated Nebraska Vets to Meet General orders No 9 issued January 12 by John A Erhardt department com mander of the Grand Army of the Repub lic in Nebraska calls upon all old soldiers to assemble for their twenty second an nual encampment at Norfolk on February 9 at 4 oclock p m The fifteenth annua convention of the Womans Relief Corps is also called to meet on the same date This means the entertainment of from 500 to 1000 delegates The headquarters of the G A R will be at the Pacific Hotel and the Womans Relief Corps with Mrs W R Bowen in attendance will hold forth at the Oxford Hotels and hoarding houses have made rates from 1 to 2 per day to delegates No fixed programme can be announced but it is expected to have a campfire on Wednesday evening February 9 which will be addressed by Gen Lew Wallace Maj T S Clarkson and Gen John M Th iyer will also be in attendance A feature of the encampment will be the Pemberlou Baby Drum Corps of York This unique drum corps consists of Com rade Pemberfon and his three small boys every one of whom is an arlist in his line The election of officers will take place on the 10th and it is expected that changes will be made all around in accordance with custom INSURANCE CASE Jnry Decides A jinst the Wife of Banker Geo D Stevens The jury in the case in the federal court at Lincoln in which Mrs Georne D Stevens sued tho Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company for the amount of a policy on her husbands life returned a verdict for the defendant This is a re verse of a former verdict in the same court Geo D Stevens was a Crete banker who disappeared six years ago His wife be lieves him dead but the insurance com pany maintains he is alive and the jury concurred with the defendant Must Pay Their Notes A number of the merchants of Nebraska City were induced about a 3 ear ago to join a collection agency They gave their notes in various sums from 25 to 50 to the traveling representative These notes were to be payable after the agency had collected 2fl0 of bad debts for each sub scriber The notes have now turned up 11 a local bank and although nocollections nave been made by the concern they will aave to be paid by the makers Attacked by a Hoy William Nichols a farmer living five miVs southweslof Fail mount while dong lus chores found a small pig fast in the fence and while trying to release it the pig squealed and called the mother who proceeded to throw Mr Nichols to the ground and tear the heavy overcoat en tirely oil him It was a close call Fire at Scribner Frank Otradovskys grocery store at Scribner was seen to be in flames the other night having caught fire in a wareroom at the 1 ear The fire had made great head way before the firemen arrived but the Qams were quickly extinguished dani aire to the amount of 25J having resulted Fully insured Foot Crushed Robert E Moon while working with the M bridge gang on the east side of the Platte River bridge near Ashland fell a distance of twelve feet from the bridge severely crushing his left foot lie was removed to his home the wound rfrcssed and at last reports was resting comfortably Fatally Injured Patrick Kelly a prominent farmer liv ug about ten miles north of North Bend wniie out in his feed yards fell and received injuries that will likely prove fatal in falling he struck his side against some ob ject causing an obstruction to his kidneys which has terminated in blood poisoning Blooded Hogs Sold Mrs A M Edwards held her annual Auction sale of blooded Poland China hoys at her farm east of Fremont last week There were quite a number of out-of-town ouyers in attendance Some of the best hied stock in the state was put up and Drought fair prices Slot Machines Go Mayor Fried of Fremont has ordered the machines removed and he merchants have obeyed his orders Jlost of them did so willingly and ap jeared anxious to get rid of them There vere twenty eight machines in the various tores there Work on Irrigation Canal New work is being opened up all the while along the line of the Gering irriga tion district canal although the wet work is practically at a standstill on account of the frost There are from seventy five to 150 teams at work now Lincoln Doctor in Trouble Dr Julius McLeod demonstrator at the Lincoln Medical College was arrested and fined in police court for maintaining a nuisance The nuisance consisted of a dissecting room in a small buildin in the heart of the city Sudden Death of a Doctor Dr G B Richards an old and respected citizen of Norfolk fell dead in his office one evening last week of apoplexy lie had just entered with a patient and fell while in the act of hanging up his hat Shot in the Arm Daniel Muirhead of York got in front of the loaded end of a rifle while he and his orother were hunting and surgeons were called to search for the ball in his riht arm Charged with Burglary A young man going under the name of Charles Brown but whose real name is Frank Rice was arrested on the farm nf Y F Ilauptman near Swan ton where he tno vM1r II Iff Ho - nrA1 1 3 uiwup 11c 1a1va1ncu iy answer a charge of burglary at Galesburg 111 Difficult Operation Performed The operation known to the profession as abdominal hysterectomy was cessfully performed upon Mrs Perrv Losnbaugh at Columbus The natipnt quickly rallied and is in a very fair way to fuilyrio i tssa Hartley Files His Answer Ex State Treusurer Joseph S Bartlej has filed his answer in the case brought by the attorney general on behalf of the state of Nebraska to recover the sum ol 335000 that Bartley is accused of having embezzled Bartley denies in general terms all of the charges of embezzlement and conversion and asks that the petition be dismissed for the reason that a suit in volving the same issues and the same charges is on file in the district cflurt oi Douglas County undetermined This suit is a civil action directed more especially against Bartleys bondsmenand in no way affects the criminal charge on which he was convicted Has a Bad Fall Emmit Bath a carpenter living at Blair slipped and fell striking the back of his head on the frozen ground He was picked up unconscious He weighs over 2C0 pounds and the doctor is afraid of serious injuries internally Nebraska Short Notes The third annual meeting of the North west Nebraska Horticultural Society was held at Leigh last week Information was filed against Salmon McCart of Palmyra charging him witt insanity He will be examined by the board of insanity F Brodfeuhrer a jeweler of Columbus has broughtsuit against William Schreiber a well-to-do farmer living about ninp miles from town in which he asks dam ages in the sum of 1500 for slander Mrs Johnson wife of Amil Johnson who resides at Clarkson swore out a war rant for the arrest of her husband whom she said had attempted to kill her Inves tigation disclosed that the woman is insane and imagines someone is trying to kill her At a public sale at the farm of P F Ne now two miles southeast of Norfolk a large amount of property was sold and while nine months time was offered on all sums in excess of not a single note was given everything being paid for in cash Messrs Hudson and May ex county treasurers at nayes Center were shown by the report of the expert to have re tained money belonging to tho county They found the report correct and are making arrangements to settle with the county The tiast annual exhibit of the Elkhorn Valley Poultry and Pet Stock Association at Norfolk was a success and exceeded all expectations in interest and variety and number and quality of exhibits There were over 00 birds on exhibition includ ing nearly every variety Theannounceraent that during the first week in February Elkhorn would be recognized by the reorganized Union Pa cific Railroad Company as of more im portance than a whistling post and pass ing track was received with satisfaction by the business men and citizens in gen eral The passenger train service will be highly satisfactory While engaged hauling ice at Tecumseh Albert Chamberlain a teamster became caught between an embankment and hist heavily loaded wagon in some manner and 0110 nf lie wheels of the wacon passed over his left foot His shoulder and his hand wcr also injured Lewis Inler fell from a platform ten feet in the air to the ice covered surface below and was badly shaken up A young man by the name of Jo n Seward who has been making his lion e with a family by the name of Ferdig near Lyons was escorted to town by four of his neighbors armed with shot guns who had caught him in the act Si stealing chic kens with a two bushel sack lie was taken before Squire Clements and plead guilty to petty lar eny and was lined 10 and costs or thirty days days in the county jail Gordon people are organizing a stock company to build an opera house The new waterworks system at Have lock has been tested and found satisfac tory A band of antelope has been seen sev eral times lately in the vicinity of Lodge Pole Hunters have been after them but fortunately have killed none up to date In a friendly scullle Charles Ermels of nowells fell and broke his right leg just above the ankle A physician was called and reduced the fracture and Charles is now getting along as well as could be ex pected A dentist named G G Huber who re cently located at Neligh left a few days ago taking along with him a portion of the wardrobe of a young man who boarded at the same place ne also neglected to liquidate a number of bills Carleton people are raising money to start a creamery Eddie Milick of Neligh had his lee bro ken while coasting Orleans has most of the money sub scribed to build a creamery One Friend merchant bought 3003 pounds of poultry in one day last week Work has been commenced on the Cam bridge creamery building Frontier County warrants are again at par The treasurer will pay all warrants on the general fund on presentation Wood River is soon to have a butter and cheese factory of the most approved pat era Between L0C0 and 5000 of stock has been subscribed The county board of Yalley County for got h draw the jury for the district court at the recent term and a special session will have to be called for that purpose Albert Kohel of Western took an over dose of camphor and but for the prompt assistance of of a physician would now in all probability not be in the land of the living The filling of the railroad ice houses at North Platte has been completed The total amount put up lacked but a few tons of being 11000 tons pud took 5G0 cars be- sidfs whnf f hn ti - i i 1 Peter a farmer 1 ving south of Norfolk was a t r recently while taking articles from velifef standing on the streets A search of his premises revealed a large amount of stolen property The corncribs ot Wakefield if placed end for end would extend a mile or two and they are all full of corn Some of it has been stowed away three years for a rise in the market This spnsnn wu - ably see the most of it shelled out and the rats wid have to migrate NnrJh i6 hitzer consigned to the orth Platte Grand Army Post still re- mains at the freight house for the reason hat the post lacks the funds necessary to built- Te howitzer -weighs if0oo pounds and a carriage wTll cost 111 the neighborhood of 50 In the case of the state of Nebraska aiaplnstIGo1 Sant Richmond anclE Sler afeClarks charged with unlawful- sh0of Trm te Kiver the defend- n t l W fined i lug to 3050 Col lead m St0d lrial aoa w - V X K y fV 3TS