A THE MH DOINGS SUMMARY OF LATE NEWS BY WIRE ORDERED TO HAVANA A BATTLE SHIP TO MAKE A FRIENDLY CALL Secretary L ong Say Action Is Not Due to Disturbing News De Lome Sees no Harm in Maine Going to Cuban Waters Warship Ordered To Cuba The battleship Maine has beenorcierei to Havana It was said at the navy de partment Monday that no disturbing uowa has been received fioin theie but that the movement is rather in the line of the resumption of the free intercourse of our naval vessels in Cuban waters tho same as prevailed prior to their with drawal on account of the outbreak of hostilities Secretary of the Navy Long said So fatrfrom there being any foundation for the rumors Sunday of trouble at Ha vana matters are now in such a condition That our vessels are going to resume friendly calls at Cuban ports and go in and out just as the vessels of other nations do The Maine will go in a day or two on just such a visit The department lias issued orders for the vessels to attendants celebrations at Mobile and Now Orleans and for the topedo boat flotilla to visit Galveston The members of the senate foreign re lations committee have expressed their ap proval of the administrations action DeLome says the Maines orders pro tended nothing serious It was perfectly in accord with usage for warships of friendly powers to enter each others ports The only contingency which might lead to unpleasant consequences would be some overt act by insurgent sympathizers in the hope of embroiling Spain with the United States as happened with the Balti more crew during the insurrection in Chili GREAT RUSH FOR ALASKA Every Steamer that Sails Compelled to Refuse Passengers The steamer Portland has sailed for Alaska with 450 passengers and 1250 tons of general merchandise and baggage Twenty bead of live stock was also a part of the cargo Crowds of people swarmed about the steamers docks in Portland Ore and so great was the crush that ten policemen were detailed to handle the crowd No less than 300 people who ap plied for passage were refused and hun dreds of tons of freight are lying on the docks awaiting transportation to the gold fields The rush to the Yukon from every port in the northwest has begun earlier than was anticipated by the transporta tion companies and every steamer that leaves is compelled to refuse both passen gers and freight CIGARETTE LAW UPHELD Court Holds that Five Cent Pack ages Are Not the Original The supremo cour of Iowa on Monday decided the cigarette case from Cedar Rapids sustaining the Phelps law The su perior court of Cedar Kapids fined a dealer for selling fi cent packages The defense was that these were the original pack ages The lower court held that the large box or basket in which they came into the state was the original and the least pack age in which they could be sold Tho supreme court sustains this Two Sections of a Train Meet A rear end collision between two sec tions of a Rock Island freight train occur red at Clay Center Kan Monday result ing in fatal injuries to three men Brake man Willinm Griffith had both legs cut off and died four hours later W S Brough ton had bis skull and jaw frctured and one leg broken and will probably die Rod ney Seintoenig had his skull fractured The first section of the train stopped at a railroad crossing and the rear section crashed into It Golden Jubilee Begins The splendor of the celebration of the golden jubilee of California which began Monday in San Francisco is not likely to be surpassed for many a year to come The entire state has responded to the appeals of miners pioneers and native sons and daughters and from now until the close of carnival week San Francisco will be the Mecca toward which all travel west of the Sierras will be turned Corbett and Pltz to Fight A close friend of Dan Stewart in New York says Corbett and Fitzsimmons will fight in July in Carson City This is a certainty I have it straight and you can depend on what I say as you can on the gospel Stuart got Bradys and Corbetts signature before he went west At Min neapolis he secured those of Julian and Fitzsimmons American Meats in Scotland An effort has been made in Scotland looking to the adoption of some steps to check or regulate the sale of foreign meats in the Scotch markets The fact is re ported to the state department that butch ers buy American beef at 9 to 12 cents a ponnd and sell it at the same price as Scotch beef for which they pay 12 cents a pound Signs of Trouble in Armenia There is great uneasiness at Van Tur key where the police are making a house to house search for a man named Daroyan a revolutionist from the Caucasus Many Armenians have been arrested and several thousand of them have been expelled Killed His Mother The jury in the case of Virgil Galhiher charged with killing his mother last Au gust in Galvestou Texas returned aver jdict ofguilty and assessed the death pen yalty Gallaher is a medical student 20 yarsoi HURRICANE IN THE EAST Terrific Windstorm in Ohio Penn sylvania and Other States A fierce gale raged in Cleveland Ohio all day Sunday At noon the wind had reached a velocity of seventy one miles an hour No damage has been done aside from the blowing down of shade trees The car ferry Shcnango No 1 from Port Dover Ont for Cincinnati Ohio was caught in a gale and drifted helpless for half an hour The captain said that it was the worst gale he ever saw on Lake Erie AtMt Vernon the roof was blown from the Raymond building and the steeple of the Disciple Church fell crushing a hole in the roof At Bucyrus flat cars were car ried from sidetracks onto the main line and blown several miles Trees were up rooted and roofs of several buildings carried away at Coshocton Reports received from various parts of eastern Pennsylvania and south Jersey in dicate that a windstorm of more than ordi nary velocity passed over those sections Sunday but no great damage resulted the principal damage consisting of the up rooting of trees and blowing down of tele graph and telephone poles A severe storm attended by unusual phenomena also passed over New Eng land causing heavy rains in the southern portion ten to twelve inches of snow in Maine and New Hampshire thunder and lightning in the extreme northeast and practically a tidal wave on the coast from Cape Cod to Portland MAY PRECIPITATE A CRISIS De Lome Fears Trouble Will Gome from the Cuban Debates Senor Dupuy de Lome the Spanish min ister fears the recent Cuban debate in the house of representatives may cause acrisis He called at the state department Friday and for over an hour was closited with Judge Day the assistant secretary He expressed extreme regret over the speeches made by congressmen and es pecially that of Mr Hitt which he said might inflame the Spanish populace to some overt act such as driving Minister Woodford and the United States consuls from Spain before such demonstrations could be checked by the Spanish govern ment Expressing extreme regret is the dip lomatic mode of making a protest without bringing about an international complica tion The Spanish minister was appre hensive particularly of the effect of Mr Hitts speech because of the prominent position ho occupied as chairman of the committee on foreign affairs He pointed out to Judge Day that because of the ex citement in Spain over the Cubans the re ports of such utterances as that of Mr Hitt would have the effect of further stir ring up the people He also regretted ex tremely the unusual activity in the navy yards CONFIRMATION OF MKENNA His Elevation to the Supremo Bench Approved by the Senate The nomination of Joseph McKenna attorney general to be associate justice of the United Stales supreme court lias been confirmed by tho senate Senator Allen of Nebraska strongly -opposed confirma tion on the ground of incompetency He had before him the charges filed with the committee on judiciary which he read at length This comprised a large number of letters some resolutions and the protest of lawyers and judges of the Pacific coast charging that Mr McKenna is unfitted for the high office of supreme court justice on the ground of a want of legal attainments GROVERS GAME PRESERVE Ex President Purchases a Tract of Land Naar Princeton Grover Cleveland has purchased a tract of land near Princeton N J to be used as a game preserve This tract consists of eighty five acres for which 900 was paid It is full of rabbits and quail but Cleve land intends to stock it with good game and put a pretty little lodge house upon it Cleveland will have his preserve ready by next fall and he is already preparing to purchase quail pheasants partridges snipe rabbits foxes squirrels and English hares Indiana Floods One of the most disastrous floods ever known to English Ind was felt Saturday night when three of the five bridges over Little Blue River were washed away Fifty persons on Court Street bridge when the bridge went down were saved with difficulty by other citizens Many horses and cattle were drowned Many of the houses in the low grounds were four and five feet deep in water The loss to loggers will amount to many thousand dollars Ex Justice John M Scott Dead John M Scott ex justice of the su preme court of Illinois died at Bloqmieg ton Friday morning of a carbuncle on the back of his neck aged 75 He had lived in Bloomington nearly sixty years He was twenty five years on the supreme bench He was an associate and intimate friend of Abraham Lincoln Two Killed and a Number Hurt A train on the Atlantic Coast line New York to Florida and a local train from Charleston S C collided Saturday eighty miles west of the latter city Two colored firemen were killed and a number of train men and passengers injured Marquette Mich Bank Assigns Wilkinsons bank at Marquette Mich closed its doors Saturday morning Wil kinson who is lying at the point of death made an assignment to protect the inter ests of his estate It is expected the cred itors will be paid in full Will Marry the King of Spain It is rumored that Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria will shortly announce the betrothal of the Archduchess Elizabeth daughter of the late Crown Prince Ru dolph to the King of Spain President of the Tariff Leauge Ex Mayor William L Strong ot New York has been elected president of the American Protective Tariff League to succeed Cornelius N Bliss Masonic Society Assigns The Masonic Mutual Benefit Society of Indianapolis Ind has assigned THE CUBANS OUSTED DRIVEN FROM THEIR CAPITAL BY SPANISH TROOPS President Dole of the Hawaiian Re public Warmly Welcomed in Chi cagoRefused to Discuss Treaty Now Before the Senate Driven from Their Capital A private dispatch from Puerto Principe Cuba confirms the report that Castellano has destroyed Esperanza at the extreme west of Sierra Cubitas the headquarters of the insurgent government which moved to Navajaz saving documents and files When the insurgents retired they left fifty seven of their number dead on the field but carried away the wounded The government troops lost twenty seven killed and eighty seven wounded Endeavors have been made to induce Dr Cabera to remain at Siguauez and to ob tain the surrender of the leaders Rego and Wonteaguado It is said that 70000 has been wired to Gen Aguirre for the sur render of Maso and his army DOLE ARRIVES IN CHICAGO Hawaiis President Warmly Wel comed in the Windy City President and Mrs Sanford B Dole of Hawaii arrived in Chicago at 805 oclock Sunday morning A distinguished party greeted the president of the little island republic on his arrival The federal gov ernment was represented by Judge Gross -cup Gen John C Black United States uitorney Thomas McMillin clerk of the United States district court and Hon Thomas W Cridler of the state depart ment at Washihgton Chicago was repre sented by Mayor Harrison and the army and navy by Maj Heiatand and Lieut Commander Phelps respectively who were resplendent in full dress uniform In addition to these gentlemen the presi dent was welcomed by Gen Brooke and his staff President Doles party consisted of himself Mrs Dole Secretary Iaukea and Dr Day his physician The following ladies were also present Mesdames Grosscup Harrison and Brooke In an interview President Dole discussed freely conditions in the republic of Hawaii of which ho is the executive head but re fused repeatedly to talk of the Hawaiian annexation question now before congress ONLY 142000 NEEDED Small Sum Asked to Prevent Crip pling Free Delivery Service The postmaster general has sent to the senate a letter in answer to Senator Hoars resolution directing him to inform the sen ate what sum would be necess ary to be ap propriated to prevent the crippling of the free delivery system Postmaster General Gary stated that the apparent deficit in this branch was 105 000 but that balances amounting to 23000 might be carried over from other divisions reducing the net deficit tc 142000 REV DR TALMAGE WEDS Famous Divine Married to an Alle gheny City Widow Rev T Dewitt Talmage the noted di vine of Washington D C and Mrs Floree McCutcheon Collier of Allegheny City Pa were united in marriage Satur day at the McCutcheon residence The wedding which came as a great surprise to tho many friends of the couple was on account of a recent death in the family an extremely quiet affair GOV GRIGGS IS APPOINTED New Jersey Executive Is Nominated for Attorney General The president sent to the senate on Sat urday the nomination of John YV Griggs of New Jersey to be attorney general vice Joseph McKenna made justice of the su preme court Griggs is at present governor of New Jersey It was unofficially an nounced several weeks ago that he would succeed McKenna Gives Himself Up C E Maher of Grand Island Neb started east Sunday in charge of a San Francisco police officer to answer to the charge of embezzling the money of his employers the Armour Company Maher walked into the police station in San Francisco asking to be locked up He said that he was a traveling salesman for Armour Co that he had been drink ing heavily and having been entrusted by his employers with a large sum of money had squandered it Was One of Morgans Men Ex Chief Justice Thomas H Hines died at his home in Frankfort Ky Sunday after a prolonged illness He has been prominent in state politics since the war in which his reputation as one of John Morgans confreres gave him a world wide reputation It was he who planned and led the escape of Morgans men from the C6lumbus Ohio prison Warship Launched at Frisco The Japanese cruiser Chitose was launched from the Union Ironworks in San Francisco Saturday The christening of the first foreign warship ever launched on that coast was performed by a niece of Gov Budd who according to the Japanese custom liberated a dove Mafia Murder in New Orleans A Mafia murder has been revealed in New Orleans by the finding of a trunk in the open street in the rear of the city hall which contained the body of an Italian with the head almost cut from the body The only clue is the fact that the bod was brought there by a wagon at 9 oclock Friday night Merry Found Guilty The jury in the case of Chris Merry and James Smith charged with murdering the formers wife in Chicago on Friday morn ing returned a verdict finding Merry guilty and Smith not guilty Thousands Flee from the Plague The bubonic pjague is terribly ravaging Peonah Bombay and the Deccan Thou sands have fled -from Peonah and Bombay in each of which cities the mortality is 500 to 600 weekly tM AJmmMr 3r rj CmMH WHISKY DRINKING DECREASING Attributed to the Increased Use oJ Beer and Wines The people of the United States do not drink so much whisky as they did yean ago The annual average consumption per capita in 1860 was 286 gallons and notwithstanding the enormous increase in the use of whisky in manufactures the average has been reduced to 95 of a gal lon During the four years after the war from 1864 to 1808 when the whisky tax waj 2 a gallon the consumption dropped tc i less than one third of a gallon per capita out with the exception of those years there has been a steady decrease in the use ol the beverage until the average last yeai reached the low water mark This de crease is attributed to an improvement in the habits of the people and to the in creased use of beer wines and other lighter liquors BRADSTREETS REVIEW Unusual Activity in Commercial and Industrial Lines Bradstieets Weekly Review says a large measure of activity in business and industrial lines with in some instances previous records surpassed and the very general steadiness in the price of staples were perhaps the most notable features of the trade situation last week Mild weather is frequently mentioned as an influence tending to check retail distri bution of seasonable goods chiefly be cause the effect on country roads Spring trade opens slowly as usual at this time of the year but confidence is still unimpaired The industrial situation with the single exception of the cotton industry is one of exceptional strength As yet the strikes in this branch of trade however are largely confined to Massachusetts WHOLESALE PASS SWINDLE Gang Discovered in Chicago Which Has Been Reaping a Harvest While tho police of Chicago were look ing up evidence against W II Blase an alleged ticket broker they were shown in the office of the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Railroad bogus passes mostly editor ial which apparently represented 50000 that had been secured from unsuspecting strangers The discovery led to the belief that a band of swindlers in the guise of ticket brokers is in existence in Chicago reaping a harvest by the sale of bogus passes The railroad officials are said to have evidence against a number of ticket brokers who will be prosecuted Tanner Tenders Regrets Gov Tanner of Illinois received a tele gram from Secretary Sherman asking him in the name of McKinley to take part in the reception of President Dole of Ha waii Tanner replied that he had been suffering with rheumatism and before he knew of Doles arrival had arranged to take a party of ten ladies and gentlemen to Hot Springs and that to postpone or abandon the trip would result in great disappointment especially to the ladies and he asked Sherman to tender his regrets to the president May Contest Hannas Seat Mayor McKisson of Cleveland who was Senator nannas opponent in the late con test was in Columbus Saturday and met several of the leaders of the late combine A story was started that McKisson would contest Senators Ilannas seat in the sen ate He would not say that he would re fuse to make a contest Leaders of the combine say there will be a contest based upon the pending investigation of the charges of alleged attempted bribery Important Decision to Unions Judge Sheldon of the superior criminal court in Boston has decided a point of law which is of importance to labor organiza tions He ruled that the word intimida tion as used in the statutes means threats to use force and does not mean threats to leave work or threats to re fuse to work with others Double St Louis Tragedy Policeman Richard J Halloran of St Louis was fatally shot with his own pistol Friday night by Nellie Managan who then put a bullet in her brain Neither can live The shooting followed a quarrel Runner Kilpatick Wins Charles Kilpatrick the American run ner beat George Tinckleor the Irish run ner in the first two races in London Sat urday BIAEKJEX QUOTATIONS Chicago Cattle common to prime 300 to 575 hogs shipping grades 300 to 400 sheep fair to choice 200 to S475 wheat No 2 red Jlc to 93c corn No 2 25c to 2Gc oats No 2 21c to 23c rye No 2 44c to 40c butter choice creamery ISc to 19c eggs fresh 18c to 20c potatoes common to choice 50c to U5c per bushel Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to 525 hogs choice light 300 to 400 sheep common to choice 300 to 450 wheat JSo 2 91c to 92c corn No 2 white 27c to 29c oats No 2 white 24c to 2Ge St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 400 sheep 300 to 500 wheat No 2 93c to 95c corn No 2 yellow 25c to 2Gc oats No 2 white 22c to 24c rye No 2 43c to 45c Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs 300 to 400 sheep 250 to 475 wheat No 2 93c to 95c corn No 2 mixed 20c to 2Sc oats No 2 mixed 24c to 20c rye No 2 45c to 47c Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hogs 300 to 375 sheep 250 to 450 wheat No 2 92c to 93c corn No 2 yellow 2Sc to 29c oats No 2 white 25c to 20c rye 47c to 49c Toledo Wheat No 2 red 91c to 92c corn No 2 mixed 27c to 29c oats No 2 white 22c to 24c rye No 2 4Gc to 47c v lover seed 315 to 320 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring S7c to S9c corn No 3 2Gc to 28c oats No 2 white 24c to 25c rye No 2 45c to 47c barley No 2 40c to 43c pork mess 900 to S950 Buffalo Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 425 sheep 300 to 500 wheat No 2 red 93c to 95c corn ao 2 yellow 31c to 33c oats No 2 white 27c to 29c New York Cattle 300 to 550 hos 300 to 450 sheep 300 to 500 wheat No 2 red 102 to 103 corn No 2 34c to 3Gc oats No 2 white 28c to 30c butter creamery 15c to 21c eggs Western 23c to 25c STATE 0E NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM Nebraska Territorial Pioneers Hold a Successful Meeting at Lincoln Membership Now Numbers 573 New Badge Adopted Nebraska Territorial Pioneers The Nebraska Territorial Pioneer Asso ciation held it annual meeting at Lincoln with thirty seven members present The meeting was the best ever held by the so ciety The membership now numbers 575 and all those who came to Nebraska prior to March 1867 are eligible A new class called class B was authorized which will include the descendants of territorial pio neers The design of a new badge was also adopted which will be in the form of a horseshoe properly inscribed surround ing a buffalo head These badges may be obtained of A B Huberman of Omaha Conclusive proof was presented to show that the earliest civilized settlement in Nebraska was about six miles up the Platte River from Bellevue being a Bap tist mission and established in 1833 Up to this time it has generally been believed that the Presbyterian mission at Bellevue in the early forties was the first Alois Gramlich of Sarpy County reports that the chimneys of the old mission house are still standing and a committee consisting of A Gramlich andJ N Chase of Sarpy County and J N Clarke of Omaha was appointed to investigate and see if the chimneys can not be removed to the exposition grounds to form a part of the territorial exhibit The next meeting of the association oc curs in September on the exposition grounds STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE Officers Elected and Trans-Mississippi Exposition Endorsed The state board of agriculture held its annual session at Lincoln The following officers were elected President Milton Doolittle first vice president J N Yan Duyn second vice president L A Bechcr treasurer Edward Mclntyre secretary D W Furnas board of managers S C Bassett chairman W A Poynter J B Dinsmere W R Bowen Austin Humph reys members of the association M ftoolittle S C Bassett W R Bowen J D McFarland M L Hayward J R Cantlin E L Vance Charles Mann L A Becher E Mclntyre W P Mellor N Withrow L Morse T A McKay Peter Younger jr W A Chappel of Minden was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation R n Henry J B Dinsmore was elected delegate to attend the National Stock Breeders con vention which meets at Denver The resolutions reported by the com mittee endorsing the Trans Mississippi Exposition were unanimously adopted Her Poor Aim Saved Him Mrs F A Langhine fired two shots at Dr W C Buel as he stood on his doorstep at Bellevue the other day the first shot be ing fired when his back was turned and the second as he quickly turned about He disarmed her and ejected her from his door yard Mr Langhine heard of the affair and rode up to the doctors premises Buel was hitching up his horse to drive to South Omaha for legal assistance iLanghinc shouted at him Ill get you Buel drew his revolver and Langhine withdrew to consult his wife Mrs Langhine who became a mother less than two weeks ago made some sen sational statements about Buel but re tracted them prior to her attempt to shoot him Mr and Mrs Langhine were both arrested Warrant Out For Ebright Information charging William Ebright with obtaining money from the stale un der false pretenses during his incumbency as superintendent of the Institution for the Blind was filed Friday morning by County Attorney Paul Jessen of Nebraska City The amount is fixed at 500 which the complaint alleges was obtained by salary vouchers made out in the name of Fred Hollingsworth as assistant teacher and employe and LenaM Truesdell as matron The complaint further alleges that these parties were students of the institution and performed no duties whatever as teacher or matron Big Deal in Contemplation A big deal in agriculture is looked for at Deeatur iu the spring Anderson Brothers will farm about 1500 acres of reservation land Representative H D Bryan is mak ing arrangements to almost double his 530 acre farm T R Ashley J G Ashley Templeton Son and other big men are going to lead out heavily in this direction Shopman Loses a Hand Juergen Klintworth employed in the Union Pacific shops at Grand Island got his left hand caught in a planer and so badly crushed that amputation at the wrist was necessary Mr Klintworth last summer received a broken leg through the falling of a heavy wheel from the shafting above Thieves Loot a Saloon Thieves broke into Ingoldsby Cos sa loon at Battle Creek the other night blew open the safe and secured 50 in cash and a madstone that had been in the Ingoldsby family for a hundred years The tools used in breaking the safe were taken from Joe Dietricks blacksmith shop No clue Alleged Indian Claim Dr C H Hamlin of Newkirk Kan is at Decatur interviewing the Omahas in re gard to a 1COJ000 claim he says the gov ernment owes them The Omahas are go ing to put up expense money and Hamlin will probably be the man who will fight it through for them Capital Stock 130000000 The reorganization committee of the United States Railway Company has filed articles of incorporation with Secretary of State Porter The capital stock is placed at 136000000 The fee for filing amounted to 51361350 3Iany Tons of Hay Burned An extensive fire swept down the hay bottoms on the north side of the river op posite Gering destroying 500 to 800 tons of bay -It is believed that on account of the extraordinarily large number of cattle be ing fed in the county the loss of even this amount will affect the price of hay The weather however continues fine and rangers are using little or no hay To Winter in California Quite a party of Fairfield people have left that place intending to spend the win ter in California g Test on Treasurers Fectt John A Pearson late treasurer of Phelps County was at the state house recently making his annual settlement with Ihc state It was agreed by the treasurers organization organized last month under a call of Examiner Fred Archard that 31 r Pearson should make his claim lor fees for the collection of state taxes a test case to see if the recent opinion handed down by the attorney general should stand In Mr Pearsons case the reduction will deprive him of about 2S0 the amount claimed by him trom the state being about 153 His plan is to refuse the warrant tendered by the auditor and bring a mandamus juit in the supreme court to compel the payment of the full amount This will bring the main question to a test Holdup in Broad Daylight A daring holdup occurred on a biisj thoroughfare near the Webster Street de pot Omaha recently in broad daylight Arthur Johnson a boy 11 years old had the experience and was robbed of 10 with which he expected to continue his journey to Boone County The robber made no at tempt at disguise On the loj s description Stafford Hutchinson was arrested by Ser geant Bebout and Patrolman Ryan and was positively identified by the boy Hn garb and general appearance tallied with the discription given by Johnson Omaha Bankers Arrested Frank B Johnson managing agent and W II Johnson cashier of the defunct Midland State Bank were arrested at Omaha on a charge of fraudulent banking The specific charge is that deposits were solicited and accepted by the accused after they knew the bank was insolvent The bank failed in 1S9J The Johnsons fur nished bonds Annexation Is Favored A petition has been circulated at Grand Island and numerously signed by business men and others requesting Nebraskas two senators to support tho Hawaiian an nexation treaty The action is considered significant in as much as Grand Island is tho chief center of the sugar making in dustry in Nebraska Linville Goes Free The jury in the case of James Linville on trial for murder at Dakota City re turned a verdict of not guilty after being out four hours Two ballots were taken the first standing 9 to 3 for acquittal Nebraska Short Notes The new creamery at Binkelman is al most completed Peter Armour of Central City has sold his big dog It is to be taken to Alaska and used to haul sledges to the Klondike The bonded indebtedness of Mirrick County is now only 5000 and 3000 are lying in the bank to be applied on the debt Fred August of Brownville was struck in the eye with a key which a friend tossed to him and it is feared he will lose tho sight of the eye Jodn Donahou an Ohiowa boy stuck his finger in a cigar cutter to see how it worked One finger is now shorter than it really ought to be The stockmen held a meeting at Pine Bluff to discuss the wolf nuisance The bounty was raised to 12 which it is thought will encourage the hunters to kill off some of the pests The business of the Beaver City station of the B M showed an increase in 1897 over the previous year of 75 per cent The number of carloads dispatched was 415 and the number of carloads re ceived was 247 Present indications arc that Beaver City will really be represented in tho Klondike country next summer J T Sumny Philip French A W Kelley and F A Shilling have positively announced their intention of undertaking the journey For genuine pluck we commend the Ne braska schoolmaam Rob Knowles teaches ten miles from Culbertson and Miss Nellie two miles farther They drive every morning and return at night They leave for their schools before daylight The Central Nebraska Teachers Asso ciation will hold its spring meeting at TOarney March 30 and 31 In connection therewith the district contest will takft place JTnday evening April 1 Superin tendent B G Moulton of New York is president Superintendent Alex Stephens of Sutton secretary and Superintendent Hide of Aurora treasurer The litttle daughter of Mr and Mr3 Jacob Holey living southwest of Battle Breek got a sandburr in her throat last week and for a time she was in a critical condition her throat swelling so badly that she could scarcely breathe until the doctors inserted a tube for that purpose Up to the present time the sandburr is still in the little girls throat the opinion of the doctors being that it would finally be coughed out The little girl picked tho burr out of her mitten with her teeth which was the means of its getting intd her throat Work has commenced on the erection of a mill at Cortland The Norfolk school board has been com- pelled to rent a building to accommodate the school children jT While dressing her little baby Mre J II Chain who lives near Utica accident ally dislocated its shoulder The Elkhorn Yalley Poultry and Pet Stock Association will hold its first show at Norfolk January 26 27 and 28 The Polanders around Neligh are pre paring to devote a large acreage next season to the cultivation of beets for tho Norfolk sugar factory The Fremont Elkhorn Missouri Yal ley railroad finished the work of taking ice from the Minnechaduza mill pond at Valentino Wednesday afternoon About 200 cars were shipped this year Washington County is in good financial shape and its affairs have been econom ically managed -On January 0 there was 6107539 in cash and available resources Of this amount 6103629 was in cash A new swindle is being worked in Ne braska Parties advertise to send ten yards of the finest silk and color for 1 The victim who sends receives ten yards ot fine silk thread which is of course a3 much as is promised for the money Wood River business men are making an effort to organize a company to build and operate a butter and cheese factory D Blankraeyer of Pender has gone to the Argentine Republic to seek his fortune Two young men whose residence is un known and who give the names of Wil liam and Bryan Armstrong have been ar rested at Elgin They are charged with frightening the school children and tbo young woman teacher by a re volver and threatening to sheot them A daring street car holdup was perne trated in Omaha on the evening of Janu ary 15 Two men heavily disguised en tered the car at the end of the Thirteenth Street car line and compelled tni onrl mnfA j mwmau lo uisgorge at the pointafi of revolvers The haul amount fVo w v- T S Hki otj ij Ti24Ufc J K r - ii I 1 fi if 4 e 1 i t t t t 1 I H t i H i i 4 lie - M