The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, January 20, 1898, Image 5

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McNiit Bros
PO Brownlee Neb
Rlgbt or left sldo
Horses same on
left shoulder
Earmark Swal
low tell clip right
or left ear
Range Big Creek
jzZm -T yy5p
John H Harnan
-- Brownlee Neb
Also and
AE be
Horses on left
Range Goose Creek
and -North Loud
Marshall Wblfcnden
Kennedy Neb
Some s on the left
Horses - on left
rninrt is small
Earmark Quarter
clip behind half cir
cle forward on lclt ear
Itange Lone Trt
rTwutouj r
f Ml
Loui F Richards
Meiriman Neb
Charles Richards
Uierrlmaii Neb
TV R Kissel
Brownlee Neb
Also some below
left bin
Jfcinge Kissels
Thomas Farren
Rosebud S D
ID 1183 either left
side or hip
FrorpF on left
Range bead of
TcF j
Wheeler Bros
Wtsa I
Cody Neb
Range on the Snake
River and Chamber
lain flat
Louis J Richards
Merrlman Neb
Charles H Faulhaber
Paul Didier
Rosebud S D
Horses P
Cattle bole in
each ear
Range Big and
Little White Rivers
Brownlee Nebr
Either right or left
side on cattle
Horses samo on
left shoulder
Left ear cut off of
Range Loup river
I DG j
Charles C Tackett
Rosebud 3 D
7S I
Range head of An
telope near 3t Marys
Horses brandpd
on left thigh
William FSchmidt
Rosebud S D
On left side
Horses branded
same on left hip or
Range on Horse
John DeCory
Rosebud S D
Some branded ID
417 on left side
Horses JD on left
Range in Meyer Co
on Antelope Creek
S H Kimmel
Rosebud S D
Also B4TJ on left
Cattle undercut on
both ears
Horses branded 4
dii left shoulder
Range on Antelope
and Spring Creeks
Jfc rrt
T U4U j
The Metropolitan Police Law Has
Been Declared Unconstitutional
By Judge Scott of Omaha Ore
ates a Sensation
Omaha Sensation
The metropolitan police law was de
clared unconstitutiqnal by District Judge
Scott of Omaha on January 11 The de
cision is on the theory that the prin
ciple involved is contrary to the spirit of
the constitution in that it volates the sa
cred elements of home rule The courtsaid
if the governor could appoint police com
missioners for Omaha legally he could ap
point the citys mayor and other officers
The power of selecting a police commis
sion is declared to be vested in the city
council The case has created a great po
litical sensation Under the metropolitan
police law the Populists controlled the po
lice commission The case will be ap
Nebraska City School Board Stands
by a Teacher
The board of education of Nebraska
City met the other day to investigate
the charges preferred by Harrison brothers
against E A Morgan principal of the
Sixth Street school The complainants
alleged that their sister Xellie was com
pelled by Mr Morgan to go up and down
stairs an excessive number of times as a
punishment for some infraction of rules
The little girl was taken sick a few days
afterward and died two or three days later
of inflammation of thd bowels
The evidence was conflicting but devel
oped the fact that the child made ten or
fifteen trips up and down the stairs The
board rendered its decision as follows
The board recognizes the ability and
faithful services of Prof Morgan in the
past and does not consider that a single
mistake in judgement is sufficient to justify
a withdrawal of confidence in him We
find from the evidence that the punish
ment inflicted Avas not the cause of Nellie
Harrisons death though it was more than
necessary in degree
Breaks a Licg
A strange accident happened to a young
son of Charles Davis a farmer living a
few miles north of Kearney The little
fellow ws pulling off his shoe in the usual
manner when a distinct snap was heard
audible to all in the room The little fel
low gave a cry and said his leg was bro
ken Upon examination it was found that
the left thigh bone was broken off in the
middle and the physician who attended
the unfortunate boy says it is the most com
plete fracture he ever saw to occur from
so slight a cause
Has An Arm Torn Off
Jlon J R Manning of Carroll one of
the most prominent and well to do men of
that section met with a terrible accident
the other day nis right arm was cut off
inch by inch to the shoulder in a cornstalk
cutter All but one artery was seveied
and the flesh was lorn some down his right
side Fie is in a critical condition Mr
Manning was a member of the Nobraska
state legislature in 1889 and served the
Eleventh senatorial district with distinc
tion winning many friends throughout
the state
Burned to Death
Anna Vrana the 4-year-old daughter
of John Vrana was burned to death at her
home six miles south of Morse Bluff The
little girl was left alone in the house while
her father went out to do some chores He
was only away from the house about five
minutes When he returned lie found the
room full of smoke and the little girl
burned so badly that she never spoke It
is supposed she was trying to start a fire
in the stove for her father
Receives Fatal Injuries
While picking coal off a B M car at
Grand Island Mrs Guth was throown or
fell under the wheels of a car just as an
engin pulled it away and one leg was cut
off between the hip and knee and the other
foot badly crushed She was at once taken
to the St Francis Hospital where the
necssary amputation was done but the
woman died as the the result of her in
Auction Auditorium Buttons
The governing committee of the Young
Mens Board of Trade held a meeting at
Lincoln and decided to hold a promenade
and ball at the capitol building on the
evening of January 28 The first ten
auditorium buttons will then be sold at
auction Many buttons have been sold
but those numbering from one to ten were
reserved for this auction
Seriously Hurt
Erick Bergman a farmer living eight
miles south of Inavale was returning to
his home from town in a somewhat intoxi
cated condition his wagon overturned and
the old man fell out and a barrel of salt
rolled across him in such a way that he
could not moye He remained in that
condition for some tirne and was seriously
State Agricultural College
There are 325 students in actual attend
at the agriculural college in Brook
ings New students are still arriving
Every department is giving good satis
taction and the improvements njade during
last summer have been found necessary to
accommodate the increase in attendance
Home for the Friendless Trouble
Briefs have been filed by the Society of
the Home for the Friendless in both the
cases which are now before the supreme
court and which grew out of the passage
of the act by the last legislature taking the
home out of the control of foe society
Accidental Shooting
While climbing a fence near Union A
R Eikenberry accidentally discharged a
load of rabbit shot into his right foot in
flicting a wound which will probably
necessitate amputation
Stock Feeding
A careful canvas of the country adjacent
to Inadale shows 2600 head of cattle being
fed and 6000 head of hogs All of these
will be shipped within jthe next five or six
months most of them going early as they
are in prime condition now
Safeblowers at Roseland
Safeblowers visited Roseland the other
night They blew open the safe at J H
Popes grain office but only succeeded in
getting a few cents in stamp3 Duncan
Brothers office was also enteerd but nothr
ing was taken as their safe is not closed
Morton Re Elected President
The State Historical Society concluded a
two days session at Lincoln January 18
Hon J Sterling Morton was re elected
president The other officers are
First Vice President Robort W Furnas
Second Vice President G M Lambert
Treasurer C H Gere
Secretary II W Caldwell
The feature of the meeting was a history
of territorial journalism in Xebraska by
Mr Morton and Dr George L Miller of
Appeal for Starving Cubans
The Cuban Relief Commission recently
appointed by the governor has issued an
address to the state in which there is a re
minder that when the people of the state
were suffering from drouth other states and
countries came to their aid and now the
people of Cuba are famine stricken JNe
braskans are called upon to make liberal
contribution The address is signed by II
O Rowland president P H Bary secre
tary W N Nason treasurer J E Utt
and M D Welch
Holcomb Scores Scott
Gov Holcomb in a communication last
week warmly criticised the opinion ren
dered by District Judge Scott in the Oma
ha metropolitan police board controversy
The findings of Judge Scott he says
makes every person municipality and
court a law unto themselves and that this
is nothing more than anarchy Gov Hol
comb maintains that law giving the gov
ernor the power to appoint the police board
is a good law Judge Scott holds it uncon
Jtooted a Store
Burglars made a great haul in Clem
Zieglers store at St James a small town
about fifteen miles northeast of Harring
ton They stole the entire line of fine
clothing every bolt of fine dress goods and
completely gutted two large show cases
which were tilled with notions trinkets and
jewelry The loss amounts to several
hundred dollars
Nebraska Short Notes
Xew steel cages are being placed in the
Scotts Bluff county jail at Gering
The Union Pacific has completed filling
its large ice house at North Platte
Dr Jack of Brownville holds the offices
of coroner county physician pension ex
aminer and mayor of Brownville
An agent of the general land office is
investigating complaints that stockmen in
the vicinity of Lodge Pole have fenced in
government land
Simeon Beardsley has bought the Clarks
Leader of Mr Hutt and will continue the
paper under the same name and with un
changed politics
Horse buyers in Seward County are pay
ing very much better prices for horses now
than they have at any time for severai
years and they are taking lots of good
horses out of the country
The test of the ICenesaw creamery was
not successful on account of some defect
in the machinery The manager says this
will be remedied and that the creamery
will be in operation in another week
Starns Mclninch of Brownville who
started for the Klondike last summer has
returned lie went as far as Seattle and
after carefully weighing all that he could
see and hear about the Klondike country
he decided to return
Fred Rasmussen a young man living at
Leigh was caught in a corn sheller muti
lating his right arm between the wrist and
elbow The arteries were seveied ten
dons torn from the muscles and the wrist
bone ground in two The physicans who
dressed the wound deemed amputation
The preliminary trial of Anthony B
Starke was held before County Judge
Jones HtBurwell After a motion to
quash the complaint had been overruled
and one witness was partly examm d ihe
defendant waived further examination and
was held to the district court in the sum
of 600 whicli he furnished
The first National Bank of Alliance is
now under the control and management
of W A Hampton its former president
Under tlje new management R M Hamp
ton its former cashier leaves the bank
and Martin Brennan becomes its oashier
This bank is among the strongest institu
tlons in the western part of the state
Rushville now has a curfew ordinance in
An athletic club has been organized at
Nickerson people want a creamery
established at thatrplace
Byron Mershon filed a bill of sale on his
stock of merchandise at Geneva last week
to his wife Eva Mershon
The annual meeting of the Interstate
Swine Breeders Association at Red Cloud
has been postponed from January 11 to
February 1 and 2
The Racket store ofO C Aspiuwall at
Liberty was broken into last week by
burglars and twelve watches and much
other jewelry taken
Wiliard Baker oashier of the Albion Na
tional Bank shot himself fatally the other
day His accounts with the bank are be
lieved to be correct and his domestic life
was pleasant
A number of business changes were
made at Milford with the beginning of the
year The most important is te purchase
pf the stock of general merchandise be
longing to N T Orcuitt by C L Laune
County Judge Getts did some tall hust
ling at Osceola last week when he found
that the county commissioners had not ap
proved his bond They had failed tq ap
prqve ami had requested that more signa
tures be aiJdecU The justice hustled and
got them
W S Shoemaker of Omaha filed an ap
peal in the supreme ooiirt in the oase of
Ed Leeder and at the same time made ap
plication for a suspension of the order of
Judge Scott whereby Leeder had been sent
to jail for contempt of court which was
Juniata contributed its full share of
business to that of the country for 1897
as the following figures will show There
was shipped away from Juniata during
the year 868 carloads of grain and live
stock The value of the grain was 137
064 and of the live stock 115500 making
a grand total of grain and live stock of
The number of marriage licenses in
Dixon county during 1897 increased over
that of 1896 In 1896 there were fifty five
licenses issued by Judge Rose while in
the year just closed there were sixty four
The will of the late E H Bonesteel was
opened in the county court at Niobrara last
week He bequeathed to his sisters Mary
Perry and Fannie Bonesteel all his prop
erty both real and personal share and
share alike and names B Y High his
chief clerk for many years George Bayha
and Fannie Bonesteel as executors for
which High is to receive lQ0O and the
Others 200 each
In the House on Tuesday the civil ser
vice debate ended very tamely There
was not even a vote on the appropriation
in the legislative executive and judicial
appropriation bill for the commission up
on which the debate was based The Re
publicans who are seeking to modify or
repeal the law decided to let the debate
come to a close but it required the cast
ing vote of the speaker to accomplish this
125 to 120 Mr Bailey the Democratic
leader made a clear statement of the mi
nority position which indicates that the
minority will vote to repeal but not to
modify the law The principal speech of
the day was made by Mr Brosius chair
man of the Civil Service Committee who
defended the law in a two hours speech
In the Senate Senator Davis took the
floor and proceeded to deliver a set speech
in support of the Hawaiian annexation
treaty His speech was accepted as prac
tically the committees report upon the
treaty Mr Allen introduced and secured
the adoption of a resolution calling upon
the President for information in his pos
session relative to the boundary line be
tween Venezuela and British Guiana and
to inform the Senate whether the United
States now has any clerks or other em
ployes at work upon the Venezuelan boun
dary question
In the House on Wednesday an urgent
deficiency bill carrying 1741843 was
passed One of the items authorizing a
further expenditure of 250000 for the
Soldiers Home at Danville 111 for
which 150000 was appropriated in the
last sundry civil bill was used by Mr De
Armond Dem Mo as a basis for a bit
ter personal attack upon Chairman Can
non whose home is at Danville His
motion to strike out the item was defeat
ed without division There was a lively
debate over the provision in the bill re
quiring the owners of bullion hereafter
to pay the cost of transporting bullion
from assay offices to the mints The mo
tion to strike out the proviso was then de
feated 125 to 110 Mr Hitt from the
Foreign Affairs Committee reported the
diplomatic and consular appropriation
bill In the Senate Mr Chandler of the
Committee on Naval Affairs secured the
passage of a resolution asking the Secre
tary of the Navy to furnish a list of the
active officers of the navy in each corps
together with those who are at sea on
shore duty and on waiting orders The
Senate then went into executive session
and Mr Davis concluded his speech on
the Hawaiian treaty
On Thursday in the House considera
tion of the agricultural appropriation bill
was completed in committee of the whole
and then the House adjourned upon the
motion of those opposed to the printing
of another edition of the famous horse
book There was the annual fight over
the question of free seed distribution to
the fanners but the effort to strike out
the appropriation 110000 failed as
usual the majority against it Thursday
being 155 One of tho important amend
ments adopted provided for the inspec
tion of horse meat for export purposes
in the same way that the meat of cattle
and other animals is now inspected
Among the measures reported in the Sen
ate was the pension appropriation bill It
was placed on the calendar at the con
clusion of the morning business The
immigration bill was then taken up and
Mr Caffery was recognized for a speech
in opposition to the measure The eulo
gies in memory of the late Senator Isham
G Harris of Tennessee which were to
have been presented were postponed at
the request of Senator Bate on account
of the absence of his colleague Senator
Turley They will not be offered until
after the election of a Senator by the
Legislature of Tennessee At the con
clusion of Mr Caffreys speech the Sen
ate went into executive session
In the House on Friday it was the in
tention of the managers to proceed with
the diplomatic and consular appropriation
bill but they relinquished the day to the
Committee on Claims Before this order
was entered upon the agricultural bill was
passed When the House adjourned the
night before the amendment to the bill
providing for the publication of another
edition of the horse book was pending
On Friday tho friends of the amendment
compromised with the Appropriations
Committee by agreeing to a reduction of
the number to be printed from 150000 to
75000 As amended the amendment was
adopted Most of the day was consumed
in a filibuster against a bill to pay the
publishing house of the Methodist Epis
copal Church South at Nashville Term
288000 for the seizure and use of the
property of that corporation during the
war In the Senate Mr Hoar offered a
joint resolution proposing an amendment
to the constitution extending the term of
office of the President and Senators to
April 30 1901 at noon and making that
day instead of March 4 the commence
ment anl termination of official terms in
future It was referred to the Commit
tee on Privileges and Elections Mr
Lodge offered a resolution which was
agreed tq calling upon the Secretary of
Agriculture to supply the Senate with
information as to the amount of sugar
imported into the United States the
amount Qf beet sugar produced in the
United States with what sugar imported
or domestic the beet sugar comes into
competition and what effect the Ha
waiian sugar has or can have upon beet
sugar production in the United States
The Senate then went into executive ses
sion and considered the nomination of
Mr McKenna to be a justice ot the Su
preme Court After the executive session
consideration of bills on the pension cal
endar was begun and nineteen were
A Self Supporting City
The citizens of Glasgow Scotland
pay no taxes for the reason that the
municipality owns its lighting plant
water works and street car lines the
revenues from which pay all the ex
pense of governing and policing the
The Usual Way
Mrs Wabash Do you keep a serv
Mrs Dearborn yes and several fr
her relatives
Notary Publi
Real Estate
Valentine Nebraska
1000000 Bond Wiled
Office in J O Building
Has recently been refurnished and thoroughly renovated
making it now more than ever worthy of the
reputation it has always borne of being
Hot end Cold Water Excellent Bath Boom Good Sample Boom
- --
31 J DOltOHEn Proprietor
Qherry Qounty Bank
Valentin 3MoTrctlso
Everj facility extended customers consistent wlthcooservative banWnf
Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reaaonaWi
rates County depository
Valentine Nebraska
A General Banking Business Transacted
Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Eoochange
Corrtapondenti Chamioal National Bank Kew York Ylrat National lank Osaka
This market always keeps a supply of
In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Heals
Smoked Hams Breakfast JBaoon and Yegetables
At BtottwsOU Stand on Main Btreae VALENTINE NEBRA8KA
Ol the Choicest Brands
Valentine - Nebraska
that this office is fully prepared at all times to turn out
on the shortest notice In the most artistic and
workmanlike manner all kinds of
Job Printing