The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, January 13, 1898, Image 8

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jRQBEBT GOOD Editor and Publisher
Official JParf Cherry
ty Nebraska
J00 ier Jear in iidtafineft
Entered at t he Fwit ofllce at ValeBtme Chen
OouMty Nebraska as Second class matter
Thia paper will be mailed regularly
to ila subooribera until a definite ordei
o discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in f ulL
Advertising rates 50 cents per inch
per month Kates per column or fur
long time ads made known i appli
cation to this office
This mornings papers say that
Hanna was elected aenator yesterday
n a close vote
Fort Smith Ark was visited by a
Urnado Tuesday night 50 killed
Seminole Indians are on the warpath
1b Oklahoma
Tho Ghadron Journal has been sold
and will henceforth he run by The
Journal Publishing Co Ernest Julian
mauagtjr The Atkinson Graphic has
also changed bauds S Eves leasing
the paper to Jud Woods
A newspaper may print column
after column eulogistic of its town
but its brightest sayings will be receiv
ed by the outfaide world with duubt if
its advertising columns do not bear
the impress of enterprise Ex
On tbo same day in Boston recently
rtwo very eloqueut sermons were
preached by two eminent- divines on
two different subjects One preached
against Sensationalism in Newspa
pers and the other preached for less
Sensationalism in the Pulpit
Commissioner Parker has great faith
jin the future greatness of our sister
town Woodlake lie says the town
bas doubled in size since he iocated
there about two years ago This is an
evidence of Cherry county prosperity
tof which this paper is justly proud
The Hawaiin annexation treaty now
holda the boardt on the great stage ot
American politics audihe adinimstra
tion is try lag to force the treaty
through Use senate Executive ses
sions of that body are now being held
daily aad this program will coutiuue
unttithe matter is disposed of
We understand that the revival
meetings at the Methodist church are
not as well attended as they ought to
be These nights are too line for
skating perhaps or the sermHiis are
too long or people are so hard at work
that they are too tired to go out
evenings or something of that sort
Plenty of excuses can be found but
certainly this lack of attendance is
not due to the lack of need fr
A representative of the government
Interior department was i ere for a
couple of days last week He gave it
out that his business was to mvesti
gate into the matter ot the enclosing
of government land iu large pastures
thus devoting it exclusively to the use
of one individual lie stated that the
department would prosecute all such
cases of violation of the law as fast as
they were discovered and had alr ead
made a number of prosecutions iu
other counties of the state--Kimball
Theodore Durrant was hanged at
San Quentin prison California last
Tridaj January 7 for the murder of
Blanche Lamont on April 5 1895
This closes one of the most
ble criminal trials m the history of the
country and in spite of the laws de-
lays which extended over a period of
twenty months from the time of his
conviction a most inhuman monster
baa gone to meet his God Durrant
protested his innocence to the last
auddiedashe had livtd ever since
bis imprisonment apparently without
One of the most iniquitous measures
ever proposed is the Loud bill increas
ing the rates of postage ou newspa
pers and periodicals The effect ot
the bill will be to exclude from the
mails a large class of very desirable
literature which the p ople now re
ceive very cheaply The bill is intro
duced wholly inthe interests of thex
presB companies which desire to cur
tail the usefulness of the postal de
partmenta6 much as possible At
Mnson Plain Dealer
With this The Democrat wishes
to take exceptions The Loud bill is
designed primarily to make the post
office self supporting and in order to
do this successfully it proposes to limit
the amount of matter that can be car
ried through the mails at the cent a
pound rate barring out those publica
tions of the Comfort Womans
Priend -Farmers Helper and Bui
ly Boys class This we contend will
be a help rather than a hindrance to
tbe country eewspaper as the -law in
no way interferes with that class oi
publications ezeept in the curtailment
of tbe sample copy privelege and tha
portion of tbe Jaw tyill ver probably
fceameoaTtojktxraieaupin v-
- 4
fjzr ijTjw wwriirniifiii iy iM irtiMinnaajM iroini nr i iirfsa
Commissioners Proceedings
keeping of county funds was accepted i
and approved
On motion the bond of the Bank of
Valentine for 3500 fr the safe keep
iug of county tuuds was accepted and
Whereupon the board adjourned to
January 7 1898
January 7
Board met pursuant to adjournment
Members preseut P Sullivan chair
man W A Parker and T P pratt
Ou motion the county clerk was
authorized to fuiploy a dcput at 7ll
per annum to he paid out of ihe fees
of the onice alos an assistant lor hive
dajs at each term of the district court
at not to exceed 8 00 per day
On motion -the petition ot F W
Stukup et al for a bridge across the
Niobrara rivet on the southeast qr sec
lion 33 township 34 range 25 was re
On motion the petition of J A
Brewer et al for a road commencing
at Keya Paha county line on the nurih
side of the river and running westerly
following the present road as traveled
to a poiht where a bridge petition calls
for a bridge on southeast quarter sec
tlon 83 township 34 range 25 was re
On motion the following appoint
ment of precinct officers were made
Herman Schultz assessor Sharps Ranch pre
W A Wilson justice of the peace German
jr C Recce justice of tho peace Deweylake
On motion the application of jSHfe
Auderson for a refund of taxes was
Quarterly report of county superin
tendeiit for third quarter 1897 exam
ined and approved
An examination of the fee books of
the various county officers whs made
and upon motion the report of fees re
ceived by George Elliott county clerk
Q P Crabb county treasurer W R
iCAne count udge and Amos
Strong sheriff was approved
On motion the bond of J Petti
John deputy couuty clerk waa ap
On motion the following claims weie
allowed on county road fund
G Polsom overseer d 1st 10 27 00
J E Wheeler chainman county road 1 50
John H shore eh unman couity ro td 1 50
Nels Roralev chainman county road 3 on
has Tate surveying couuty road 25 00
claimed 23 00
On motion the following amounts
were deducted from the claims allowed
above and ordered applied on delin
quent personal taxes
Charles Tate 25 oo
G ILFolsom 19 29
On motion the comity attorney was
instructed to bring suit against Dr J
C Dwyer to recover all loss sustained
by the county caused by him failing
to fulti 1 his contract as county physi
Whereupon th6 board adjourned to
January 8 1898
January 8
Board met pursuant to adjourn
mciit Membeis present P Sullivan
chairman and T P Spratt
Board spent the day in overseeing
the counting of the money turnea over
by the outgoing treasurer
On motion the county clerk was or
dered to draw a cash warrant in favor
of W R Towne couuty judge for
15 amount of his costs in the settle
ruent of the estate of Ferdinand Neid
ert ii p to Jan 8 1898
Whereupon the board adjourned
sine die
Attest George Elliott
County Clerk
AG Arms of Ainsworth spent
Sunday ot lat week iu tins cay the
guest of U Jr Stevenson
George Parker and Joseph Leader
both of Uiadron were in this city a
few das of lust week
Mrs Josephine Lewis of Blair ar
rived iu our city the fore part of last
C A Johnson sold 260 tons of ha
to tho Comstock outfit last week
Mrs Allspaugh oi Johnstown vis
ited with Mrs C A Johnson Monda
Frank Ferguson son oi J N Fer
guson fell from his horse recently dih
locating one of his arms The yunng
man is improving under the doctors
J Lurzand wife old settlers of this
section who removed to Missouri dur
ing theory spell have moved back to
ihe sand hills We are glad to see
them ouee again in our midst
There seems to be a small boom iD
real estate at this place several dea Is
for good hay land being in hand
Cherry countys hayland is unexcelled
anywhere Woodlake hay took the
premium at thest ite fair Woodlake
Woodlake correspondence too late
for publication Ed Democrat
Miss Childe formerly of Lincoln
and late of Valentine arrived in town
last Saturday with a commission from
Bishop Graves to look after the Epis
copal church hre until a minister ina
be secured She conducted soviet s
lust Sunday evening Miss Childe it
a very cultured and intelligent lidy
Alliance Pioneer Grip
Postmaster Sherman is getting or
ders every week concerning the change
in the office here from fourth to third
class The change gives the postmas
ter a salary of 1100 per year and an
allowance of 196 for rent fuel and
lights Noullowr nce has been made
as yet for clerks salary
Miss E M Davisson county attor
ney received word this morning -that
she had won the case of Rock county
vs Brown county commissioners in
tbe snpreme court It now remains to
be seen what Rock county will do
ttexLLongpim Repubtioan Journal
it iMHnHTiafcrC1 it-
Mk a j
U S Land Office Valentine Neb
Dec 1897
Complaint No 3r25 having been entered at
this office by fchsha Edwards against llham
A Wiiitakor for abandoning his Homestead En
try No 98 10 dated June 20 1894 upon the lots
2 3 and 4 section 19 and lot t section 30 town
ship 28 range 37 in Cherry county Nebr with
a view to the cancellation of said ei try said
patties are her by suniiuoied to appear at this
office on the 27th day of January 1898 at 11 o
clock am to respond and furnish testimony
concerning said alleged abandonment
iS 51 C It GLOEK Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb i
Dec 22 ii7 f
Complaint No 3431 having been enlen d at this
office by Egbert ilouuen against John I Kirrli
ner lor abandoning his Homestead Entrv No
9840 dated June 26 1894 upon ihe nncVi and
swHnel4 sehnwv section 14 township 25 lange
38 iu Cherry county Neb with a viewy to the
cancellation oi said entry the said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at this office n the
C7th d yif J unary 118 at lOoVfoun am to
respond and furnish testimony conccrnwg said
alleged abandonment
48 51 P K GLOVKR Registrr
InL 5 2
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in thG W II Moses buildipg
r n - mmMXl
Before purchasing your warm footwear you should sec our line of
Mishawaka knit snow excluding boot and Banigau overs
Boys Pants 25 30 and 50 cents per pair Boys Suits 75c 100 and
150 per suit A few mens 800 units for 6X0
10 suit 750 1200 suit 900
Eli Precinct
Henry Meckel is still conflud to
hia room
J oh u Selder has gone to Rushville
on a visit
Miss Jessie Bowring and niece were
down iu these parts one day last
I B Nichols went up to Mills Bros
ranch last week and did a job of plast
Miss Mamie Jeffries is finishing the
sch ol in district 49 school that Cbas
Wellford resigned
The last t hi eft weeks of fine weather
has bten a fine thing ou stock and a
great saving on hay
t Arthur lloltz of Gordon came
down last week with hi sister Mrs
Yanish He returned home on Sat
We see by the Republican we have
a brother at Eli although we were
not aware of the tct we are glad
just the same Will call ou the dear
boy one uf there das -
Wm Nichols and Inez Selder were
married on December 28 Squire
Sullivan officiating Their many
friends will join with us in wishing
them long Hie and happiness
Arthur She man will move into his
new house on North Cherry stieet the
first of the week Arthur has put up
a very neat and comfortable little
dwelling ot which hv in jusiiv proud
Jas Louglaud did the carpenter woik
and the skill tiaed iu building the cup
boards wardrobes etc with which Hie
house is bountifully supplied is evi
dence of the fact that be is a work
man of more than ordinary ability
j Grettl Sunday Paper Free
The Semi WeeKly Mate Journal
wants to get 5000 ivew subscribers
during the next Unity aysand a
special offer one that is bound to
bring new subscribers will send The
Semi Weekly State Journal every
Tuesday and Friday for a whole year
forjOue Dollar and as a special pre
mium will also send the Gieat Sunday
State Journal sixteen pages every
Sunday for three months free Re
member you will get The Semi
Week l Journal a whole vear and
the Great Sunday naper for three
months all for One Dollar To get
the advantage of this greatest of all
offers you muit scud your dollar di
rect to The state Journal Lincoln
Xeb and not through an agent
Never before has so much good read
ing matter been -offered for One Dol
lar Tue Sunriav Journal contaitw
more reading matter alone than many
magazines If you want to keep up
with the worlds doings here is a
chance such as has never been offerer
before This offer nmv be withdiawn
soon so do not put off sending your
dolluT for fear yon may he disappoint
ed One Dollar does it all
U S Land Office al Valentine Nob i
Tan 13 1898 i
Tomp aint havintr heen entered at this oflicp
byClurlesA Schrandr againt John W T Mc
nellan for failure to comply with law as tottim
lier culture entry o S07G dated fune2Sll ISS9
upon lots 1 and and sncH s etion l township
3411 range 0w 6th p m in Cherry county Nel
raka witli h view to the cancellation of said
entry contestant alleging that said John T
McClellan ah ve named claiinanr has failed
during the Gth 7th and 8th years of his said en
try to in any manner cultivate any part of said
tract or caused same in any manner to bo cnlti
vated and nas failed to plant any parr of said
tract to tiee tree seeds or cuttings or caused
any part ol said tract to be pained to trees
tree seeds or cuttings that there is no appear
ance of any breaking or cultivating ever having
been -done said ir ict that claimant has tailed
to mcid his said laches to fiis dite the said
parties are hereby summoned to appeal at this
office oh the 1st daj of March 103 at 10 oclock
a m to lespond and fuinisn testimony con
cerning said a lege J failure
The deposition- of witnesses will be taken ne
foie Robert Lucas U S Court CommisMoiier
at his office in Cooper ebr on the id day of
February 1898 al 1 oclock p in of said day
51 2 C K GLOVER Register
31 ill Prices or feed
Bran bulk 40c per cwt 7 OOton
Shorts bulk 50c per cwt 9 00 ton
Screenings 85c 610
Chop Feed 70c 1300
Corn 55c
Oats 90c
Appointment Administrator
fn the Count Court of Cherry Count v Nobras
Iu the matter of the estate of Edward Dalil
grin deceased
Rachel I MhgHn liavin filed in my office a
petition praying for the appointment of herself
as Administrator of tl e estate o Kdward Dalil
giin deceas d all persons interested iu said es
tate will take notice that I have fixefl
January 22d 1898 at 10 oclock a in as the
time and my office in Valentine Cherry county
Nebr as the place for hearing of said petition
at uliiph time and place all persons Interested
in said estate may appear and show cause if
any there be why such Administrator 3hould
hot be appointed
Witness my hand and the seal of the County
- Court this 3d day of lanmrv 189S
SEAL W It Townk
50 52 County Judge
U Land Otlice Valentine Nebr i
Pec 3ni hi 897 f
Complaint No 353S having been entered at
thisofllceln John D Sttser Christian
olesen for abandoning his homestead entry No
9 39 dated June 20th 1891 upon tbe esw5
and sw3 4sp4 section 34 township 33 ranga 20
lot 2 section 4 townshl 32 range 2G iu Cherry
comity Nebraska with a view to the cancella
tion of said entrjs the said parties are hereby
summoned to appear at tins otll o on the 8th
da of February 1S9K itt 10 oclock a m to re
spond and furnish testimony concerning said al
leged abandonment
50 1 J A Fikk Receiver
U S Laud Office Valentine Neb t
fan 8 1898 f
Complaint having ocmi entered at ill is office
by Harry Beckwith against Beuj onto S
Morse for failure to comply with law as to tim
ber ciiliun emrv o Sid dated March 25 1887
upoijjjlot4 and s iSwH an i wjisel4 section 30
J wiiship son rag 3Sw fith p in Clierrv
county Nebr with a view to the of
sai 1 entr contestant alleging that said Uenja
mm S Morse has faib d t an time within the
eight ears last proceeding to break or cultivate
any of said land or to plant au of -aid trace to
trees trc Seeds or cuttings or at any tune to
cultivate auv trees tree needs or cuttings on said
tra l and no ties are nowgiowiug on ihe land
said tract all gi own up to mass and weeds and
none of said laches have been cured up to the
piesent time The said pai ties are lierebv sum
moned t i appear a tlu ofue on the 33 1 day of
rebruarv lt9S at 10 oclock a m to respond
and turnish testimony concerning said alleged
512 C R GLOVER Register
Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases
notice of which appear in Tiik DkmocuaI will
receive a marked copy of tit jraper Should any
eiror in description ot land or spelling of names
be discovered notice slioulo Ire sent to the land
office and this office so coirectiou can be made
U S Land Office Vaientme Nebr I
Ian 8 1898 f
Notice is hereby given that Byron C Kline of
Cnstalia S I has filed noticeof his intention
to make final priof before the Register or He-
i Tttt it lite kfTijxA lit lriloiiriia Vutxr mi Uof
111 oi ou iio I ill no iiiiii iM iri vii
I urdav the I9tli day of February 1893 on timber
I culture appbc m m Vo 7011 for the vswseH
i sw4 and swe of section No 15 in tow -
fie names as witnesses
John A Gee and James W McKec of Ken
nedy Nebr Wi nun Steadman and James N
Steadman of Pass Neb
U S Land Office Valenttne Nebr 1
Jan 10 1898 1
Notice Is her4v given that 11drew Benson
guardian of Julius and Oscar Sederstrom
minor orp an ehildien of Gustes Sederstrom
lias filed otice or intention to make final proof
before Register or Receiver at their office 111 Val
entine Vebr 011 Satunlaj the 191b day of Feb
ruary 1S98 on timber culture application No
7iJs ii lots 2 and 3 and iiftswn section N
19 in town hip No 3 In range iu Jsw
He names as witnesses
Abram Johnson Join Adatnson John Ferstl
and Edward Ormeshcr a 1 of Vaeiuine Nebr
51 4 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb
Jan llisos 1
Notice is her- by eiven that John I Iiks of
Genoa Iowa lias filed notice ot intent m to
m JKe final proof before Kegister or Receiver at
their office iu Va entine Nebr on Saturday the
19tli day -of February 1S93 on timber culture ap
plication No 775 for the swj of section No 2
In township No 34n range No 28w
He names as witnesses
William Pettvcrcw Milton E Half Mifflin 1
Brositis and Richard B Howell all of Valeuiiue
Testimony of Claimant will be taKon before
the clerk ol the district court of Franklin coun
ty at Hampton Iowa February 18 ls98
51 4 CR GLOVER hegister
U S Uixul Office Valentine Nebr 1
Jan 7 1803
Notice is hereby given that Martin S Wei h
of Valentine Nebi has Hied notice of inten
tion to make fin 1 proof In fore the Register or
Receiver at h s office in Valentine Nebr Oi
Monday the 2Sth day of February 1S9S on tim
ber culture upphcatio 1 No 2J5 tor the lots G
7 and bsstvl4 of sectioii 0 in township 31n
tang- 2Sw
He names as Witnesses
Thomas F Kelly William Kely William
Cavauaugh and John JacK un all of Valentine
fil 4 C R GLOVER Register
U S Laid Office Valentine Neb 1
Jan 3 1898 t
Notice is hereby given thai the follwin n mi
ed settler lias tiled n itic of his intention to
make final proof iu snjinort of his claim and
that said proof will be made befoie Register or
Reeeiver at Valentine Nebraska on Feb 15
ts 98 viz
John T llawley of Pullman Nebr
II E No 104C7 for the and sw
svi of section 2 a id iieVijse1 sectin 3 town
ship 2K range 37w
lie iiimes the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land vi
Ihi ip Ililman Charles Fullman Joseph A
SautN and Charles Carver all of Pullman Neb
50 3 CR GLOVER Register
U S Land Ollice Valentine Nebr 1
Dec 2S 1M7
Notice is hereby tlven that the fnllowing
uumed settler has filed notice ol his intension to
inaKe final pnof m support of bis claim and
thai said proot will be made the Reg ster
r teeei r at Valentine Nebr on leb 9 IS9S
jfharleN W I anks of Pass Xeb
jjr E tOJo for lot 5 S Mnw4 and sneh
section 0 tnwnshp27n range 31w
He names tbe following witnesses to prove
Inn ciuitmimi residence on and cultivation of
said ahdvte
litioch Andrews Floyd W Tool Charles- C
Long and Calvin F Long all of Brownlee Neb
40 2 CKCIOVEKlfJtr
U S Ltnd onice Valentine Neb
IVcember 4 ly
mqnWMTmiiiiiiW W r
Notice is hereby given lliat Mary Shore of -
Cr scent OUia lis filed notice of intention to
make final proof before the Register or Receiver -
at ins ollice in vaienc ne eoi on ltiesua
the 8th davof February 1898 on ti nlier cutnre
application No 8I2 for the seV of section No
o5 in township No 32u range tov
he rsiiiies as witnesses John Slnre am
Thomas Fnz Henrv ol K nneoy Nebr ii
liam If Carter and llearv Carter of oil v Neo
TesMivmy of claimant will tie taken before the
Clerk f the distri i court lor Louau county at
liis ollice in Gutniie Oklahoma on February 1
LSIR ilsn
U S Land Office Vsiiontlne Neb 1
D c 24 197 f
Notice is hereby given that tne lollowing nam
ed settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final pi oof in support of his claim and
that sain pi oof will be made before Register and
and Receiver at Valentine Neb on Feb 18th
1898 viz
Frank II Van Densen of Woodlake
Nebr one of the heirs of Eirlu rt
Van Densen deceased who made
H E 9000 for the sw1 stction 21 township 30n
range 2iw
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz Ely 1 Valentine Elmer I lav
Jacob Groves and Eh Devore all of Woodlake
49 2 C It GLOVER Register
U S Land Ofllce Valentine lir
Dec 17 1 97
Notice is hereby given that Jrines Huiison of
Sparks Neb lias filed notice of i teition to
make final proof bef re the Register or tweiver
at bis office in Valentine Neb on Satuiday the
29tli day of January 1898 on tnubt renin r ip
phcation No 7410 for the nse nsw o sec
tion No 20 111 township No Kii range 2
Il nimeas witneses Htekidi Brown
of Sparks Neb illinn J iarkson Nets
Pnleii and Hamilton WcCrea of aleutine Neb
raska also
William D Ctorkson of
5 tine Xehrnska
T for the wiswH and the sIjiiwH
seetion 29 township 35n range 2Tiw
He names the following wiinesses vJz ITez
ekiah Brown and James udso or Sparks
Nebr NeU I olen and Hamilton McCrea of Val
entine Neb also
William D Clarkson of
Valentine Neb
n E 10123 for the SMw1 section 7 and
the nInw 1selinw1i sectijn 51 township J2n
rane 27 w
He na ues the tolowing witnesses to prove bis
cniitiiuious resuleiwe upon an I cultivation of
said land viz William II Denms O ear E
Buschlc Edward Ormesher and John Ormcsh
er all of Valentine Neb
48 1 0 R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office at Valentine Neb 1
h c 15 tW f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final troof in suppoit of Ins claim and
that said proof will lie made before Register
and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Jan
26 1898 viz
Inhn V Morris of Sparks Neb
H E 9114 for the sw1 section 14 township
Sin range 25w
He names the following witnesses to pive
his continuous residence upon and cttltta ion
of said land viz
Evan Edwaids Evan Evans James Hughes
and Th muis J Jones all of Sparks Neb so
Evan Edwaids of Sparks Xeb
H E 9597 to--the sel4neli and nehsc4 sec
ti n 27 township Mn lange 25w
He the iollowing witnesses to nrove
ids continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said laud viz
Jo 11 W Mortis rarl Mori is Evan Evans
and Thomas J Jones al of Sparks Neb
47 52 C it G LO VER Register
U S Land Office Vilentme Neb
IccemberJ 1TO7
Notice Is herebv given that Minnie E Lilley
I formerly Minnie E Kissel of Briwnlee Neb
has tiled notice ol intei nn to maxe nnai prooi
before the Register or Reeeiver at his oQiep in
Valentine New on vtoiuhtv the 17th day of
JHittary lfc03 on timber application No
7553 for the WMV1 seiwSt and nwsws
of seciiou No 5 in township No 2Tu range No
-he names as witnes Tiioniaa UxCIiibj
Jennio M Kissel Joseph Keamtlj and lUtuuia
Kiv el all 01 D ywjfc Neb
40sjl O Ii M LOVES lit rlsttr
Henrv arier of Cody Nebr T C No 7751
for the nwi section is township 31n range Mw
lie names the roiiowmg witnesses kiios
Barnes and William II Caiter of Cody Neb
Tlioina Fitz Henrv iikI John Shore ot Kenne
dy N b
49 2 CR GLOVER Roister
X r
g Live 1 lis 1 j w
The time tested goosebone tlie beaver melt tho corn shncfc
the weather prophets and all other signs wo have a cold and
snowy winter before us Take time by the forelock and aave
your health and money by bnyng irood warm clothing hate
overshoes and blankets Your wife loo probably neods a
new dress and you cant do better than to have her call on Ujl
Everything new and up to date in the dry good3 lino
Fine line of samples from which to get tailor made clothes
5 5 H Z 5l i rS f jc S 1 S 2 Z S 5 S ff w
CDe SiBitb Premier CypewrWer szss g
Best Value Writing Machine
First in Improvements Honest
Construction and all IHh radc
Typewriter Essentials T t
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co
Bntud on left ide
anr thigh
Earmark sqiare
crop riirht ear
Southern branded
cattle have but one
iaud ou leftside
Native cathe have
liriinT wntf Ii
iflnii tilil stiiLi 1 VrntL u
oune brand on left lhiuli
A IteirfftI of WH will be paid to any
lersiill mi 11 IM mill 11111 hmiim 111 iiir uirni iiiu
nil conviction of any person or persons steal
ing attle with abnve brand
De Sialtb Premier typewriter go Syracuse n v u s n
Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnarn Streets
if 1 m
Hoists lta
Metzgcr Bros
Etttrau Xotice
Taken uj at mv residence on section 10 towp
ship KJ range Si sharps Ranch precinct ono
black horse about four years old weight about
1 00 pounds No marks or brands
Jack LePoint
Merrlman Neb
Citile branded Oi
left side Some on
hip also
Earmark round hole
in center of left ear
also use 13333 on
And f2de
PSid t
Ill I tlIU SliiC
Bear creeks
oam Hudson
ftremoa xb
Wi f PtftB
mi 11 I 1 ili TTW
Left ears tanged
Rosebud S D
Left side
Horses same on
left shoulder
Deerhoru clip on
some cattle
z 5
xw i
IllMYiir 1 Hi 1 1 1 rr r -
Range Lake Corn and
ltongc Big Whits
ind Bad Rivers
Ixsft hip oa eattto
Left shoulder on
Some borm Xzy
3 on leftsn6udcr
Itatlge betwu
Gordon and Snoko
River and NiObraxa
All cattle dehoruod
Henry Pratt
William Shangren
Cody Neb
Dnlap underside otl
Joseph W Bownet
P O address
Merrlman Nebr
Right ear cropped
Hole in center of left
Range Lake creek
William XL Dunbar
ISiCe from Heine Kroegvr
3 CKly Net
DLn rithcrsidu
f efSaroi cattle
iance hea of Ha7
j reelC
Earl Comstock Manager
Valentine b
Catrle branded 01
left side or hip Also
969 TG
22M s
Horses same as on
steer left hip lso
C on left ahouJder
T 135 1
Steadman Brot
Pad Neb
Brand on either
rjht or left 3ido
Horses and som
cattle bratvi
on left dcte i
and hip
Rinsro Knll Tibc
1 5i and Wauudutfe
Charles J3enard
Rosebud S D
is - -