j L Vr i j i iff m iu nf nA K if T I gysjjgGs ONB 39KJ07S Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys Liver and Bowels cleanses the sys tem effectually dispels colds head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the Btomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects jjrepared only from the most healthy and agreeable Raatances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO SAN FRANCISCO CAL LOUISVILLE KY NEW YORK UY Worlds Richest Gold Mine The richest gold mine in the world is located under the thriving town of Ballarat Victoria Australia The town has about 25000 inhabitants nearly all of whom are employed in the mine There are more than 100 miles of tunnels under the city some of them being at a depth of 2000 feet The en trance to the mine is outside the city limits and from this mine in 30 years nore than SWOOOOOOO has been taken THE HOSTETTER CO WINS AN OTHER CASE Infringements on Their Bitters Not Tolerated by United States Court The United States Circuit Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Townsend presiding handed down an opinion Dec 23 1SD7 granting in junction and accounting in the suit of The Hostetter Company against Isaac Sommers and Louis Joseph for infringe ment of its Trade Mark The jurist states in bold and clear language the rights accruing to the Hostetter Com pany and the liability incurred by all who would rob them by fraud or mis representation of the well earned repu tation and profits of a business built up by the efforts of half a century The Judge says is part The complainant is entitled to protec tion against the appropriation of its trade mark by any and all unfair and dishon orable means and a court of equity has power to grant such protection when ever it is satisfied that an attempt has been made by ingenious subterfuges to invade the rights of an owner of a trade mark In the sharp contest be tween the individual manufacturer who strives to acquire and retain the fruits of industry and honesty and the field of keen rivals seeking to wrest from him the prize of the public good will the in ventive ingenuity of the infringer has conceived a great variety of devices for -evading tie established rules of fair deal ing Courts of equity finding that their ultimate object and effect were to enable and induce the retail seller of a fraudulent imitation to palm it off on an unsuspecting public for the genuine arti cle and thus to contribute to the in fringement upon the rights of the orig inal owner have not hesitated to apply the remedy Cat and Dog The Instinctive fear which cats have of dogs is illustrated very amusingly by stroking a dog and then caressing a blind and new born kitten with the same hand that has touched the dog At once the kitten will spit and fluff itself up in the most absurd way dis tinguishing the smell of the beast which experience for thousands of gen erations has taught it most to dread It Keeps the Feet Dry and Warm And is the only cure for Chilblains Frost Bites Damp Sweating Feet Corns and Bunions Ask for Allens Foot Ease a powder to be shaken into the shoes At all druggists and shoe stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y Just a Wcijrli He Has Purchaser Did your boss weigh that toad of coal on ambuscade scales Driver Whats ambuscade scales rurchaser Those that lie in weight A STORY 01r tiNrr GEORGE Ilia Answer Was Sufficient to Brine Down the House The late Henry George had a special gift in the rejoinder as a weapon in argument After his addresses on his land tax theory he always invited his hearers to ask questions which he de lighted in answering Jn 18SS after a lecture at Howard University in Wash ington a Western Congressman ac cepting the invitation said After all Mr George you advocate a system of confiscation of property If I should take wild land and culti vate and beautify it I would have won undisputed title to the land itself and you should recognize my proprie torship in it This sally won loud applause from the audience but the applause was deafening when Mr George had flung back this reply I thought I had explained that all improvements ought by right to belong to the improver On that we agree I go farther All that you produce out of the land by your labor should belong to you If I should see you sitting on the seashore fishing and should see you catch a large fish or in other words bring forth or produce that fish I should maintain your right to it as your property to use to sell to give or bequeath but Ill be hanged sir if Ill agree that you own the ocean from which you prodace that fish Land stands in the same relation to man BAD DIGESTION BAD HEAET Poor digestion often causes irregularity of the hearts action This irregularity may be mistaken for real organic heart disease The symptoms are much the same There is a vast difference between the two organic heart disease is often in curable apparent heart disease is curable if good digestion be restored A case in point is quoted from the New Era of Greensburg Ind Mrs Ellen Col som Newpoint Ind a woman forty three years old had suffered for four years with distressing stomach trouble The gases generated by the indigestion press ed on the heart and caused an irregular ity of its actiou She had much pain in her stomach and heart and was subject to frequent and severe choking spells which were most severe at night Doc tors were tried in vain the patient be came worse despondent and feared im pending death ML A STITCH IN TIME SAYES NINE Heat sense of tenderness and swelling of a part are all indications tbat there is need of instant repair the stitch in time Where these symptoms exist on Hie left or the right side of the womb disease of the ovary is setting in and soon there will be if there is not already established a discharge trifling at first but later copious and irritating Soon also there will be felt dull dragging pains radiating from the ovary Do not my sister let your malady go so far but those of you who are already suffering m this way should begin at once a course of treatment with Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound It will restore the organs to their normal con dition In this connection Mrs E L Myers ake Pa says My ovaries were badly dis eased and for almost a year I suffered with se A Case of Heart Failure She was much frightened but noticed that at intervals in which her stomach did not annoy iher her hearts action be came normal Reasoning correctly that her digestion was alone at fault she pro cured the proper medicine to treat that trouble and with immediate good re sults Her appetite came back the chok ing spells became less frequent and final ly ceased Her weight which had been greatly reduced was restored and she now weighs more than for years Her blood became pure and her cheeks rosy This disease is a common one and that others may know the means of cure we give the name of the medicine used Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People Swiss Mountain Railways Only twenty six years have elapsed since the railway was built up the Rigi and to day Switzerland has forty six mountain railroads The most popular of them at present is that up the Wengern Alp from Interlaken via Lauterbrunnen or Grindelwald A few years ago there were only a few hotels near Wengern this summer seven hun dred guests jostled each other in the new hotels while some of the other resorts complained of a lack of tourists The Wengren Alp owes its present vogue not only to the wonderful view it affords of the Jungfrau snow fields and frequent avalanches but to the fact that it is the starting point of the much discussed Jungfrau railway the length of which from the Scheidegg is convenient reduced to sixthousand feet The motive power will be elec tricity and the tunneling also will be done with electric power The total expenses are estimated at 2000000 Losing o Time Arthur reading Hello I see Archi bald Grumbleson the millionaire slip ped while stepping from a car this morning and severely sprained one of his ankles Henry Well good by Arthur Where are you going in such a beastly hurry Henry To ask Grumbleson for his daughter f 4 f f i vere burning pains which were almost unendur able and a dull heavy pain ii the lower portion of my back If standing I was most relieved with my foot resting on a stool or chair The doctor told me I would have to take my bed and keep quiet I had not used half a bottle of Lydia E Pinkhams Vege table Compound before it worked wonders with me I now owe my health to the Compound To those who are suffering from diseases peculiar to wo men I would say that Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound -is just what they need - Mrs Pinkham wishes to befriend you and if you will write her at Lynn Mass telling her just how you feel she will give you the very best advice free of charge Think what a privilege it is to be able to write to a woman Who is learned in all these matters and willing- to advise yoa without charge iii 1 L n A 1 Extemporized Grain Bins It is no small job and requires not a little lumber to make a grain bin for the stables having four compart ments The cut shows an easy way of securing the same accommodations Four empty sugar barrels are set in a row and secured by a few narrow strips of board A cover is hinged either to the wall or to this frame work and the bin with four compart ments is complete It may even be made by setting the four barrels in a JDEiiJj SUGAR BARKEL GRAIN BIN row and hinging a cover to the wall behind them A sugar barrel is very commodious and easy from which to dip meal Suggestion to Buyers The obligations of the advertiser of live stock to his prospective patrons are well understood He must be hon est in describing his stock prompt and courteous in his correspondence and faithful In carrying out his part of a contract with a distant customer 3he breeder who neglects such things as these cannot meet with success no matter what advantages he may seem to have in other respects But the other party to this business the in quirer or prospective buyer is also un der obligations He should know what he wants carefully describe it and having secured a price on it from the breeder promptly accept or reject it Where catalogues are sent and prices do not suit no further correspondence of course is necessary But when a breeder quotes a price by letter he should have a prompt answer and it should be just as prompt if the offer is rejected as it would have been if ac cepted Stockman and Farmer To Keep the Heat In Many poultry houses become ex ceedingly cold on winter nights be WINDOW rKOTEC TION cause of the rad iation of heat from the interior through the win dows The best plan is to have double windows but where these are not practic able arrange a curtain as shown in the cut with a draw cord run ning straight up from the win dow then over head and down to the door or al leyway if the house has one It is then an easy matter to pull the cord tight on going the rounds at night dropping it in the morning This is an inexpensive arrangement and will greatly aid in keeping fowls warm Shrunken Wheat for Poultry There is probably no better nor cheaper food for fowls than shrunken wheat It is better for them than the plump grain as it contains all the gluten and mineral nutriment that the plump grain does the difference being that the latter has more starch which poultry has no use for except to make fat Shrunken wheat free from weed seeds ought to be the main feed for laying hens It makes condensed nu triment almost equal to the fresh bone which should be used as its supple ment and which serves not only as food but to help digest whatever else besides itself is in the fowls gizzard Soil Inoculation The -Alabama Experiment Station has made tests in soil inoculation and it is announced that the dust blOAvn from a field over another will fit the land for a leguminous crop if such a crop was grown on the field from which the dust came The result is a con firmation of the theory of German scientists that bacteria from certain crops may be0bottled for transporta tion with a view of inoculating soils and thus adapting them to the crops desired but which previously could not be grown to perfection on the land Waste of Pood To throw down twice as much food as the flock will eat may save a little time for the attendant but it is bad policy and wasteful in the end Soft food sours and even dry grain becomes filthy The birds lose their relish for food and the result is anything but satisfactory Heat for Hothouses The old fashioned coal furnace with flue is now out of date for cheap and safe production of heat for hothouses J It is almost always used by beginners because its first cost is less But the coal fire is not always reliable and the heat cannot be regulated so as to pre serve an even temperature Sooner or later pipes with hot water will be used and in this way the hothouses can be saved from either extreme Too many forget that in growing vegetables in winter under glass an excess of heat may prove as serious an evil as a frost as it is harder to recover from Hauling Loads When hauling a load it is better to have the horses draw as much as they can making the load the maximum in weight as the horses have to travel the distance whether the load is small or large and it is the time lost in travel ing that makes hauling expensive If the roads are good heavy loads can be carried If not then two trips must be made aud smaller loads carried Let any farmer estimate how much he loses as the difference in large and small loads and loss of time in the mud and he Avill make less objection to road tax in the future Quality in Pork It is difficult to convince farmers that more money can be made from a hog fed on a variety of food having a fair proportion of lean meat than on a large and excessively fat one A hog weighing lo0 pounds and selling for 7 cents a pound will bring 1050 while a two-hundred-pound hog will seldom bring more than r cents per pound or 10 Of course much de pends on the quality of the smaller hog but the saving is in the cost as the smaller hog can be produced on less food and labor and also got into market sooner Hogs with Sore Mouths Where hogs are fed corn they should not be allowed to eat apples and espe cially not those which are sour The effect of corn feeding is to cause acid ity of the stomach and this makes the hogs mouths sore When they bite a hard sour apple or an ear of hard corn this soreness is so much increased that the hogs cannot eat at all Soft corn will produqe this effect as well as hard corn FeedTiogs in this condition beets and some ground corn mixed with wheat middlings until their mouths are healed Double Walls for Warmth In building for warmth it should never be forgotten that tight double walls enclosing a dead air space are much better than a solid wall of any material These are equally useful to keep out cold in winter and the exces sive heats of summer Air is one of the poorest conductors known and when it is confined so that no current affects It there is greater uniformity of tem perature than can be secured by any other method Timber Grown in Europe Valuable as is land in France Ger many and other portions of Europe timber is grown on portions of each farm in some localities or in large tracts by the governments It Is known that tha growth of timber is beneficial to agriculture in tempering the atmos phere and regulating moisture and the lesson taught by Europe with her cen turies of enterprise should not be over looked in this country When Apples Are Best There is a particular time in the ri pening of every fruit when it is at its best for eating and that with some va rieties is very short So when you eat an apple that is highly praised for its flavor do not lose confidence in human testimony if you do not find it all that it has been cracked up to be There is great difference too in apples of the same variety grown in different locali ties Dispose of Surplus Stock Though food is cheap for feeding stock it is never worth while to win ter what even after keeping is sure to be worth little more in spring than in fall The young growing stock make a positive gain in size and weight If any other stock does not do this see to it that it produces something to pay its way or else dispose of it at once for the best price to be had Setting a Hedge In setting arbor vitae for a hedge let them be small and set them about two or three feet apart Keep them well headed and trimmed low until the bot tom is well filled or they will never look well afterward If kept free from grass and occasionally manured there is no reason why they should not last a lifetime Beardless Barley Beardless barley is not a new variety being grown to a limited extent in the East and rather common on the Pacific coast where it is used for producing hay The fact that this barley has long been grown and has as yet made little headway seems to indicate that its yield is in no way remarkable The Cow Will Repay Rest assured on one point if a cow be under fed or ill treated she will make her owner pay for it at one time or another It may not be to day nor to morrow but the day will come when her product will be decreased by just so much Remedy for Plant Mildew Flowers of sulphur dusted over plants is the best remedy for mildew It comes from dampness or when the plants are in an -unhealthy Jjtafca Something oo Learn As Mr Ruffedge sat down after hav ing elbowed his way back from a trip he happened to see some Japanese students sitting further in front A great many Japanese come over to this country to get civilized dont they he remarked I suppose it takes them a good while to get used to our ways I suppose so said Miss Cayenne And I dont think those young men have been here very long Why I havent seen one of them climbing over the people between them and the aisle every time the curtain went down Washington Star No Difference Physical troubles of a like nature coming from different causes are often a puzzle to those who suffer pain as to their treatment and cure as in the case of lumbago from cold or a strain in some way to the same muscles The treatment of such need not differ one with the other Both are bad enough and should have prompt attention as nothing disables so much as a lame back The use of St Jacobs Oil will settle the question Its efficacy is so sure in either case there is no difference in the treatment and no doubt of the cure Not Fashionable Mrs Sulloway is not a slave of fash Ion is she She always seems to be dressed in the latest style But she hasnt had nervous prostra tion yet Cleveland Leader State of Ohio City op Toledo Lucas Counts- i S3 Frank J Cheney makes oath that ho ia the senior partner of the firm of F J Cukney Co doing business in the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Halls Cataiuih Cure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my presence this Cth day of December A D 1686 A W GLEASON seal r Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cnre is taken internally and acta directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system Send for testimonials free F J CHENEY CO Toledo O 3Sold by Druggists 75 cents That Is It Has Weyler left Cuba asked Mrs Snaggs All of it which he could not carry away with him replied Mr Snaggs Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph TO CURE A CCXLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All Druggists refund the money If it falls to euro 25c All Depends Teacher What is the difference be tween a fixed star and any other star Pupil It depends a good deal upon the advance agent Boston Transcript Picos Cure for Consumption is the best of all cough cures George W Lotz Fa bacher La Aug 20 1895 Commendable Prudence He Sou insist on my getting my life insured before we are engaged She Yes even before you ask papa Brooklyn Life FITS Permanently Cured No fits or nervousniM after first day use of Dr KHnoV Great Nerve Send for FKEE 8200 trial bottle an i treatise De R H Kline Ltd 931 Arch fct Philadelphia Pa In trifles infinitely clearer than great deeds actual character is displayed CI Leek out for colds At this season Keep Your blood pure and Rich and your system Toned up by taking Hoods Sarsaparilla Then You will be able to Resist exposure to which A debilitated system Would quickly yield tyFor Information as to Low Rilirar Rates Maps Pamphlets etc cdclreai tho Department of tho Interi or Ottawa Canada or C J BROUGHTON 1223 Mo nadnock Building Chicafjo 111 W V BENNETT EX New York Life Raildin Omaha Neb lias to Do It Mosher What are you doing with all those bits of card in your pocket Wiswell They are seat checks at dif ferent theaters It says on each Re tain this check Its an awful bore dont you know to be obliged to carry so much pasteboard around But then whats a fellow to do Boston Tran script Destructive Storms Alonp the Coast Reports of maritime disasters along the coast come in thick and fust 1eople whe go down to the sea ia ships should bear in in i iid one thing in particular namely that it is highly desirable to take along a supply of Hostetters Stomach Bitters as a remedy for sea sickness Nausea dyspepsia biliousness constipation malaria nervousness and kid ney trouble ail succumb to its beneficent and speedy action Nothing New The saying that there is nothing new under the sun is illustrated by the fact that the design for the Indiau shawl is supposed to have been copied from one of the commonest kinds of India but terflies the desisn being almost exactlj the same Do You Danco To Night Shake in your shoes Allens Foo Ease a powder for the feet It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy Cure Corns Bunions Chilblains Frost Bites and Sweating Feet At all druggists and shoe stores 25c Sample sent FREE Address Allen S Olmsted Le RoyNY Distinction with a Diflcrence Smiles There goes a man who gets paid for loafing Giles Why how Is that Smiles He bakes bread See Purify garment and lluen used In the sick room wltl Irons Sulphur Soap Bills Hair and Whisker Bye Mack or brewn tftc An Oregon Pear Tree A single tree in an orchard near Cor vallis Ore yielded in 1807 900 pounds of Bartlett pears Mrs WlnsIoWB Sootiiino Syrup for Cblldreg teething solteus the kuiuh reduces inflammation allays rain curea wind colic 23 cent a bottle A Fair Face Cannot Atone for An Untidy House Use SAPOLIO 3l n 1f5 Hewasa retired shipbuilder and hails from Staten Island Nev York Kc was in pretty good nealth but every day when he took what he called his constitutional that is his afternoon walk ha was sure to have a sort of cramp which seized him in the alf of his leg with almost the severity of an assault by a ferocious dog He read about the case of a man whose rheumatism was cured by Ripans Tabules and laughed at the idea He thought the man a fool but realuing that his own difo he and used Tabules and of late his friends culty was a sort of rheumatic twinge finally bought some have noticed that he is more chipper than he had been for years A lady who knew him weS asked him about the dog that used to bite his leg ia the afternoons and the old man said M He i dead and PJpans Tabules killed him A new style paolcet containing rzx EIPAX3 tabclzs In a paper carton without glass is now for sale at crx Htmz sto es for fivb cents- This low priced sort is intended for the poor and the economical of te flve cent cartons OSf tannics can be had by mail by semiinsr f orty ight cents to the Kipaxs Cnsxicib Contact So 10 Spruce Strtat New York or a dcglo carton ixss tabclss wiU to aeat lor Ave ccnta lIDWA FARMS ForSaleon crop payment jF tKiiPh jiunn acrecash balance crop yearlyi jaiu iui w uuiuAiL mr dUKCgau llj f fin 1 u 5 dji I Ifmfrf Quraalecd i lbl not llrletare 11 IT MfUB ---- Igii CURE YOURSELF Use Big G unnatural discharges inflammations irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes xainiesB ana not iTHttVlNSCHEWlCALCo l gent or poisonous V v s x y y Sold rDrynlrt or sent in plain wrapper by express prepaid for 100 or 3 bottles f275 Circalar teat on request FREIGHT PAID0 and Celling Manilla Write for samples and price The Fay Manilla Rooting Co Camden X J 1IENTIOM THIS PAPER mm nnari to iimmiu S C N U fffWaiTWlMrfil CURES WHERE AIL ElSE FAILS 3 98 Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use in time sold by druggists r a A