9 he fxlmtine eniocrit ROBERT GOOD Editor and Prop VALENTINE NEBRASKA Curfew bells are based or the IH72 clple that children must not keep lata hours when they are tolled not to Even if annexed Hawaii could never be even a sister to Uncle Sam It could not help feeling more or less distant Lynchings and attempted lynchings continue to show that while ropes are used in parts of this country life really hangs by a thread An Oklahoma young man shot a girl four times because she didnt love him It seems queer that she didnt love so lovable a character An alleged liberal association of San Francisco wants In God We trust erased from the face of our coins This Is doubtless subsidiary to their wan Ing it struck off the face of the earth The bills audited for the Philadelphia celebration of the unveiling of the Washington monument include 202 for ice water This of course includes that which was distributed in the form of chasers Three Christian scientists in Rhode Island have been adjudged probably guilty of illegally practicing medicine and bound over What they mean to find out is how such conduct comports with soul liberty in the land of Roger Williams The only yearly in the world is the subtitle of a little newspaper published by Eskimo schoolboys Under date of March 25 the latest issue contains this informing announcement Bryan elected the United States at war with Spain Special dog sled despatch word comes by way of the Yukon It seems to be the opinion of Con gress that the motives of these young women who marry pensioned veterans old enough to be their grandpas are not above the suspicion of sordidness There are only three survivors of the war of lSl2 ut 3000 widows of dead soldiers of that war draw pensions A contemporary propounds a ques tion both of language and of morals when it asks Why is it that intelli gent writers will not cease using the superfluous adjective trusted when speaking of a bank defaulter or embez zler How would such men ever got the opportunity to steal and defraud if they were not trusted The unpleasant incidents and acci dents of the indoor bicycle race in New York degraded a sport and added noth ing whatever to our knowledge of phy sical prowess nor does such an exhi bition in any way encourage a whole some development of an outdoor sport which is doing so much to improve the health and raise the vitality of the American people The whole mighty host of male pen sioners will rise up and howl down the proposition to discourage the Infant In dustry of young women marrying old soldiers and sailors for the purpose of becoming their widows and drawing a pension from the government No old male fool was ever convinced except by actual experience that a young fe male fool married him for anything but love It is easy to believe the rumor that Germany apprehends a conflict with Russia and that this is the cause of the preparations for putting improved can non in the German forts on the Russian border immediately Germany has shown a spirit in the Chinese and Hay tian episodes which is calculated to bring her into trouble with more than one of the big nations The Kaiser of course is responsible It is a great advantage to a person to be trustworthy in the midst of a popu lace which nobody can trust When Korea was lately torn by contention and the Queen was assassinated the King shouted for the American mis sionaries and when one was admitted threw his arms about his neck clung to him like a child and kept him all night by his side To affirm that the missionary is without political influ ence is erroneous He may have the best sort of influence This is an age of progress and the church cannot afford to stagnate The clergyman of to day takes advantage of modern improvements He pays pastoral calls on a bicycle he lights his church by electricity and he is ex perimenting with the plan of giving his sermons a wider circulation by trans mitting them to his parishioners by telephone The newspaper is by far the most effective aid he can employ t is the ultimate manifestation of mod ern progress and energy The church cannot do without it The Audubon Society of New York City in a jubilee meeting recently en tered a vigorous protest against the use of feathers and even whole birds as millinery adornments Several em inent gentlemen took part in the exer cises but no women of equal promi nence appear to have been present Df course no particular result will fol low the meeting or the protest The rromen will argue that a bird on a bon net has as much to do with the promo tion of human happiness as a bird in a glass case in a museum to wnose mas sacre nobody objects The story may or may not be true that England refuses to interfere with Germanys free hand in China on the MJ condition that Germany does not coerce England in Egypt but it is a reflection on the position of England tnat such a story should even be told Time was when England was not suspected ca pable of such trades and agreements England in an earlier age would have asked neither advice assistance nor toleration in holding Egypt There is nothing more remarkable in modem histqry than the self abandonment of Great Britain of the position of a first class power A few weeks ago the United States court of appeals at St Louis held that a boycott by labor against capital is a criminal conspiracy Later an Illinois State court at Chicago decided that a blacklisting by capital against labor is equally unlawful and has awarded a blacklisted laborer 2100033 dam ages If the boycott were sound in law then the blacklist would also be sound But these courts dealing out even jus tice have declared the truth that blacklist ami boycott are equally odious equalty hostile to democratic institutions and ideas It is fortunate that these two decisions came so close ly together The object lesson they present will not be lost upon either la bor or capital The order of the Secretary of War promulgating the reprimand to Capt Loveririg is couched in terrns severe enough to achieve the end desired that of putting a stop to official brutality in the regular army Captain Lover ing escapes without loss of rank or pay but from a civilian stand point his position is a most tm enviable one He has been censured by the commander-in-chief of the army and he has been told that his punish ment is not adequate for bis offense In other walks of life a subordinate thus censured by a superior would re sign at once Captain Lovering prob ably will not do so because it is evident that he has and will continue to have the sympathy of a certain proportion of his fellow officers It is safe to saj however that their sympathy for him will not lead them to share his fate by following his example From New York comes a story of the collapse of a gigantic corporation or ganized to develop mineral claims in the Klondike regions It is said that fully 3000000 had been drawn into ithe scheme in question a large pant of j the stock having been sold to poor per sons who were eager to get rich quick ly The exact condition of the affairs of the company referred to is not known at this time but it is hoped a large portion of the money can be re claimed It is significant however that when this Eastern concern collapsed the names of several well known busi ness men in various sections of the country were involved and they have hastened to disclaim all connection real or implied with the scheme It seems almost a certainty that the names of these men have been used without their knowledge or consent to bolster up a doubtful enterprise This is regrettable to say the least The Klondike region undoubtedly offers an inviting field for legitimate investment and many of the companies recently organized for such purposes unques tionably are reliable But under fever ish conditions mushroom concerns of ten are organized whose highest mo tive is to fleece the unwary Unusual care should be taken to invetate Alaskan enterprises before investing in them Men of wealth and standing in the business world cannot be too care ful about lending their names to min ing and development schemes with which they are not thoroughly familiar Charles H Cramp contributes to the North American Review a brief state ment of what has been accomplished by Japan in creating a navy and points out the significance of the movement to the United States He shows us that there is rapidly building up a great sea power on the Pacific Ocean and that the United States will be foolish if it continues to regard the Japanese as a people too far behind in power and civilization to be thought of as a possible rival in trade or war Without going into the details given by Mr Camp of the naval construction now being carried on by the Japanese Government it suffices to say that at present among the nations of the world Japan is second only to England in naval activity being ahead of France much in advance of Germany and vast ly in the lead of Russia and the United States It is added that Japan is not only building more ships than any na tion except England but she is pro curing from British shipyards better ships than England is building for her own navy The activity of the Japanese in naval affairs does not in the opinion of Mr Cramp imply any direct men ace to the United States It is prol able her government designs primarily to put itself in a position to hold the seas in opposition to Russia when that nation completes the Siberian Railroad and becomes a great power on the Pa- cific Ocean It is none the less ant for us to be watchful of the in- crease of naval strength of a foreign power on these western seas where we have such great interests at stake The days when the United States was safe in her isolation from the great powers of other continents have passed Steam and improved machinery have brought us into close relations with the rest of the world We carry on an exten sive commerce with arI parts of the globe and sooner or later will have a merchant marine sufficient to carry American goods under the American flag so that we shall not have to pay tribute to foreign nation for transpor tation The Exception The Slangy Youth Everything goes The Sleepy GirlYes ifrything else Somerville Jourawf 1 u iBfLV pr - r ECONOMY IN GOVERNMENT Economy in the government of the Dnited States appears to have become a lost art There Avas a time Avhen the expendi tures of the United States bore some just relation to the revenues but that time antedates the present by at least fifteen years In the last fifteen years the expenditures of the government have increased 40 per cent but it is not to be discovered that the revenue has increased in anything like a due pro portion As a matter of fact the revenue has absolutely decreased since 18S2 The New York Journal of Commerce pub lishes a table showing the comparative expenditures in 1SS2 and 1897 which is suggestive The table is as follows 1882 1S97 Civil establish ment 57219749 00401207 Military estab lishment in cluding river and harbor Avorks 43570484 48950257 Naval estab lishment 1503204G 34501540 Indians 9730747- 13010802 Pensions 01345193 141053104 Interest 71077200 37791110 Total 257891435 35077415G This shows an increase in expendi tures in 1897 over those of 1882 amount ing to 9SS82721 But this increase might be all right if there Avere a pro portionate increase in revenue Un fortunately such is not the fact as is shown by the folloAving table of rev enue receipts 18S2 1897 Customs 220410730 170554120 Internal reve nue 140497595 140088574 All other 3GG1G925 24479005 Total reve nue 403525250 347721705 There has been a falling off of over 50000000 in revenue during the last fifteen years What is the cause of this decrease The Bulletin of the Ameri can Iron and Steel Association ansAvers as folloAs Prices for most manufactured pro ducts have fallen in this country so low that even moderately protected duties AAill suffice to preATent any considerable influx of foreign manufactures in oth er words that a tariff which affords adequate protection to American indus tries can no longer be relied upon to supply sufficient revenue for the sup port of the government unless duties for reATenue only be also proAided Republicans are forced to admit that a tariff for protection is a failure as a tariff for revenue What are they go ing to do about it Hope of the Republic The Democratic party in power in 1900 controlled by the common people will without doubt experiment boldly It will lead our government into new and untried ways as our enemies Arery clearly and very truthfully predict It will make many improvements and it may make some blunders The one thing that above all and in spite of all it is pledged to do is to arouse the Uni ted States government from its paraly sis stupor and corpse like state of be ing experimented on and declare that whatever the experiments of the fu ture instead of being made on the Uni ted States they shall be made by the United States Walter Vrooman in New Democracy Further Proof Unnecessary If the United States treasury deficit of almost 40000000 for the fiscal year to date does not convince Congress of the necessity of either rigorous re trenchment and economy in the matter of government expenditures or of pro viding additional revenue to meet ex travagant appropriations it is unlikely that anything aa 111 do so Or if Con gress should not promptly recognize that the Dingley tariff is a disastrous failure as a revenue measure or as a measure for the protection of domestic labor it Avill fail to recognize a clearly demonstrated fact Philadelphia Led ger Republican Notes Coining Due The Republican party is in trouble 6ecause its own notes are coming due vand it has no way of meeting them It promised that its tariff Avould give employment at good Avages and put a surplus into the treasury It has had its OAvn Avay about the tariff and Avages are going doAAn AAhile the deficit in the treasury is piling up If the Republican party had taken the ground that commercial and industrial conditions Avere independent of the ac tion of governments it might be less disturbed by a trade depression NeAV York Journal Acknowledging the Truth Senator Aldrich has let the cat out of the bag In a recent discussion of the dingley bill he said that in future we must look less to duties on imports for revenue and rely more upon an in crease of internal revenue taxes to raise the necessary revenue for the government This tears the mask from the whole Republican scheme of taxa tion and reveals it as a system devised solely for the purpose of bestowing benefits upon one class of the people at the expense of -another A Logical Result The Dingley tariff law is directly re sponsible for the situation in the Fall River district By erecting unparalleled barriers to trade it has enraged the best consumers America has had for iifilgdiiW ifcN her products and they are buying else Avhere Home consumption Avill not take all the products of American cot ton mills Other countries Avhich have been liberal purchasers finding our ports shut against the products they haveto sell are buying their cotton in more friendly districts and American workmen suffer in consequence Des Moines Leader Monetary Reform Run Mad At last the self appointed monetary commission lias given out the conclu sions arrived at by its combined Avis dom and Avhile striving to abolish the endless chain has succeeded in putting another link in it AVith that Avise school of finance which teaches the theory that a non-interest-bearing debt is more heavy to cany than an interest bearing debt the self appointed monetary commis sion advises the refunding of the green backs and other demand obligations of the government by the issuing of gold bonds It recommends that the secretary of the treasury be author ized to issue bonds Avhenever the gold reserves are to be replaced There is nothing neAV in this plan it having been fully covered in the propo sition submitted to Congress by Secre tary Gage It is the old scheme to break the endless chain by bonding this country to the extent of nearly a thousand million dollars to escape a dilemma created by the gold clique and which has no legal cause for ex istence But the most remarkable proposition made by the monetary commission the most short sighted and inconsistent recommendation is to the effect that the treasury be authorized to give a gold for a silver dollar on demand Having in its own estimation de stroyed the endless chain in destroy ing the greenbacks this sapient mone tary commission creates another end less chain by creating the silver dol lars and silver certificates a means by Avhich gold shall be drained from the treasury In an attempt to strike silver money a death blOAV the blade has turned and pierced the side of the assailant If the endless chain is such a mon strous eAil why do these self chosen monetary reformers set about the creation of another endless chain more extensive than the one which they have attempted to destroy Silver is declared by this suggestion of the commission not to be money but a demand obligation of the gOA ernment payable in gold This is in deed gold monometallism run mad It is fortunate that the commission is self created for othenvise its parents could not fail to le very much ashamed of their offspring Chicago Dispatch Great Opportunity for Congress The expenditures of the government are enormously in excess of the actual need because a very great proportion of the appropriations is made simply to serve party purposes or in plain Avords to buy votes with bounties What a monument the present congress could build for itself if it had the cour age to deal Avith this matter rationally and honestly cutting off all unjust ap propriations and levying taxes with sole reference to the replenishment of the treasury New York World Prosperity at Fall River In the favored and much protected United States within six months after the introduction of the Dingley duties Avhich represent the complete and final sysem of protection the Avages of the 28000 Fall River cotton spinners are reduced 10 per cent without notice and Avithout concern for the consequences As a lesson on the results of protection the deficit in the pockets of the Fall River cotton spinners is even more in structive than the deficit in the rev enue Republican Opportunity Lost The hue and cry about prosperity based on an accidental and temporary advance in wheat evoke merely taunts and jeers from millions avIio haAe been still further exploited by legislative job bing schemes and protected monopo lies The Republican opportunity has been lost The tide of popular indigna tion and discontent with irresistible SAveep is bearing doAvn upon the perni cious and guilty crew avIio betrayed a peoples trust Dallas Texas NeAvs Sparing Appropriations Advisable Bearing in mind that the present time is particularly inauspicious for al loAving any but the most necessary ex penditures it is unquestionably the policy of wisdom to deal A ery sparing ly with appropriations for public build ings The nation can Avell afford to be liberal in this direction when its reA enue is greater than its expenditures which is likely to be the case by the next session of Congress Until that time thce appropriations should wait Bright Outlook for Trouble Indications have cropped out thus early in the session that Republican brethren in Congress are inclined not to dwell in harmony together Their rowing Is a comforting spectacle for the Democrats who as a solace for being a minority party will be treated to the luxury of observing the rascals fight against the honest incompetents in the ranks of their political adver saries Hanna Meets -with Ingratitude Just think of it Here is the man who discovered William McKinley elected him to the Presidency mortgaged his vadministraSion to Wall street fired John Sherman from the Senate to make a place for himself and dragooned a Governor into appointing hi m now having to make a desperate struggle to get the vote of the Republican mem bers of the General Assembly And all this in a little more than a little year Cincinnati Enquirer Specimen Pension Fraud It appears that a Avoman Avho was once the Avife of a regular army officer avIio died years ago Avithout a pension has married twice since the death of her first husband but as the Avife of the third is dnnving a pension AA hich has already yielded her over 3000 Cases like this afford the opponents of a lib eral system of pensions ready Aveapons forattack Indianapolis Journal How ProtectionAids Trusts It Avould not be half so hard to frame and enforce anti trust Liavs if combina tions Avere not protected against for eign competition Protection gives them power to manipulate the market and the fact ought to have become sear ed on the brain of every man in the United States that protection is never used by faAored interests for any oth er purpose Sioux City Tribune The Tariff Question AVill Not Down With a yaAvning chasm betAveen re ceipts and expenditures with protec tion in abundance and revenue a neg ative quantity the Republicans say they AA ant the tariff let alone for ten years No doubt but the people who pay these taxes do not propose to let it alone Maw make Bill keep quiet every time I hit him Avith the hammer he hollers Louisville Post Secretary Gage and His Hopes The very best that the Secretary of the Treasury hopes for will leave an enormous deficit in the affairs of the United States treasury at the end of the fiscal year July 1 at the rate things are noAV going And it is highly proba ble that what Mr Gage hopes for will not be realized Cincinnati Enquirer Only One Thing More Needed The Illinois Republican leaders pro pose to gerrymander the State again in order to secure if possible a few more legislative and congressional seats If they could only deprive the minority of representation absolutely they would rest content Work Both Ways Civil service laAvs Avork both ways They not only protect the Qmploye from partisan attack but are designed to protect the service from partisan pro tection of the employe Pittsburg Dis patch Republican Reform in Wisconsin They haAe increased the state debt in time of peace till it has swung a hundred thousand beyond the tAvo and a half million mark and are noAV sell ing the state lands to throw into the hole Sweet birds of reform arent they Political Pith Nebraska has 35000 silver Republi cans and less than 100 gold Democrats Minesota has 00000 silver Republi cans Minnesota has no gold Demo crats There are 75000 silver Republicans in Ohio There are less than 1500 gold Democrats in Ohio Wisconsin has 40000 silver Republi cans There are less than 800 gold Dem ocrats in the State Indiana has 100000 silver Republican voters W D Bynum is the only gold Democrat in the State Illinois has 115000 silver Republi cans John P Hopkins and sixty others comprise the gold Democracy of the State There are 120000 silver Republicans in Michigan Don M Dickinson and eight others comprise the gold Democ racy of the State x Every voting precinct ought to have its vigilance committee to preserve the purity of the ballot from the acts of the holier than thou rascals Our precinct clubs must see to it thai the purity of the ballot is preserved We may educate to doomsday Avithout good results if Ave are not vigilant for honest suffrage In these halcyon days of MeKinlej prosperity when the laboring man has run the gauntlet of the trust robbers the footpads generally let him go free because he is not Avorth holding up Retrenchment rather than revenue is the need of the hour according to the Republican mahatmas The trouble is that Ave shall have neither the one nor the other under a Republican adminis tration The Republican party has always been terribly distressed over the com petition of foreign labor but somehoAV or other it things the annexation of thousands of Japanese kanakas and Chinese coolies Avould be a blessed thins all around Noblemens Prizes More English noblemen are married to colonial than to American heiresses Since 1S00 seventy titled Englishmen haA e married American and seventy sjven chosen colonial Avomen There are nine American and eight colonial peeresses When it comes to dukes America is in the lead Wanted Authority Ethel what are you doing with r concordance Im looking through the Bs grandma to see if there is any thing in the Bible about bicycle riding on Sunday being wrong Household Words The life of Swift covered a period or eighty five years from 1600 to 1745 His works are comprised in a great number of volumes but Gullivers Travels and The Tale of a Tub by which he is remembered were aacl written in less than a vear g Tull fokl Spelling of Geographical Names The United States Board on geo graphical names has adopted for guid ance in determining the official form or rendering of geographical names the folloAving principles Avithin the United States Spelling and pronunciation sanc tioned by local usage should in general be adopted Where names have been changed or corrupted and such changes and cor ruptions have become established by local usage it is not in general advisa ble to attempt to restore to the original form In case Avhere Avhat Avas evidently originally the same Avord appear Avith various spellings sanctioned by locaL usage Avhen applied to different fea tures these various spellings should be regarded as In effect different names and as a rule it is Inadvisable to at tempt to produce uniformity Where a choice is offered between two or more names for the same place or locality all sanctioned by local usage that Avhich is most appropriate and euphonious should be adopted The possessive form should be avoid ed whenever It can be done without de stroying the euphony of the name or changing its descriptive application In all names ending in burgh the final h should be dropped In all names ending in borough this termination should be abbreviated to boro The word center as a part of the name should be spelled center not centre The use of hyphens In connecting compound names should be discontin ued The letters C H court house as a part of the names of county seats should be omitted In case of compound names consist ing of more than one word it Is desir able to simply them by uniting the compound parts It is desirable to aAoid the use of diacritical charity It is desirable to avoid the use of the AA ords city and town as a part of1 names Discipline At the Parents Congress recently held in Ncav York City considerable discussion was called out by the ad dress on Government of Children by Rev Dr McConnell of Holy Trinity Church Some of his views are set forth in this brief extract A I never kneAV a child and never want to have an intimate acquaintance AAith one that did not need punishments This punishment need not be harsh and should never be humiliating nor such as to loAver the dignity of the child I believe that a child may be spanketb with dignity It always irritates me to hear a mother say that she cannot trust her temper to punish a child when the fault is committed but Avaits until next day I do not know of any more dia bolical punishment than this fad of Aveak mothers Trifling physical punishment when the offense is committed is less trying than delayed punishment which keeps the little one on the rack and tries its nerves In closing let me say a word about the so called decay of family discipline I do not believe in it There is less of the decorous be havior of children towards their par ents than was customary a generation or two ago but there is more comrade ship and a better understanding be tAveen tne Individuals making up the- y family group and society in conse quence is better for it Teaching History Use the historical cards Encourage the pupils to read Talk familiarly do not lecture Assign topics for historical effect Pay great attention to biography Pay attention to noted days in his tory Require each pupil to keep a note- book Read extracts from books before tne class GiAe frequent exercises in written work Assign the lesson by topics not by pages Call frequent attention to causes and results Information is not the main end to be obtained Pay especial attention to the inter esting features in history Correct systematize and supplement the matter given in recitation Show how the history of a place orr country depends upon its geography Require each pupil to prepare mapsx on paper and to reproduce them quickly upon the board A love for history with some valu able methods of pursuing it is the great result of classical work Read or tell stories from history to the primary and intermediate pupils Texas School Journal Empty chool Houses A public auction of schoolhouses is a novelty AAitnessed in Western Kansas State officials decided that school- houses in depopulated districts which are not in use may be sold to the high 1 est bidder There are more than 10O of these buildings scattered over th prairies that have not been in use fox years the abode of bats and owls They are decaying and crumbling They will be sold to the highest bid der to be used for cattle sheds or cut up into kindling wood In many cases a single family runs a school from the taxes gathered from non resident land owners I V T