tSl 11 i ri m i a 1 6 n i 1t y Jrfii X i i 4 IX r - -- Many eastern newspapers seem to take delight in reporting that Nebras ka is being rapidly depopulated that nobody wants to own property here land such stuff A glance at the fol lowing figures will convince the most January February 3arch April May June July August September October November December TIE No t 4i 7 13 9 15 9 4 5 17 14i 10 Proofs Acres 1078 640 1120 1875 1438 2297 1439 5581 799 2711 2176 1590 Totals I 114 17721 Farm Mortgages Filed j Released 1800 00 5496 88 1790 00 466 78 2437 00 505 00 7438 00 610 75 780 00 1824 38 5290 00 3806 50 36745 29 748 78 1633 90 1575 oo 3678 23 1113 60 2009 72 6837 00 1288 96 2050 Oo 2575 00 3250 53 3845 65 30606 37 RAILROAD BUSINESS Lmongall the fignres presenter our Iders this week none will be found fcre interesting than those which lW the amount of freight received rand forwarded from this station Siring 1897 Thanks are due to J C py iry L -- t V 1 It 6750 36 95i3 11 3895 07 7284 60 13323 77 9391 74 9062 99 i X iii mmi ii rVmn in THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT XOBERT GOOD Editor and FiAMer fMBcial Paper of Cherry Coun ty Nebraska lOQ JPer Year in Advance FUBUbHED EYERK THURSDAY Enured at X be Post office at Valentine Cherry county Nebraska as SecondClass matter This paper will bo mailed regularly to its subrjoribers until a definite order o discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in fulL WORK OF 1897 CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAGE WATER USED Many people think that because val ontine has four saloons the people here Co not use much water but this ia a miBtake as the following table furnish ed This Democrats readers through the courtesy Of city engineer Frank Hunter will show A comparison with the Ggures for 1896 shows an in crease in consumption of 234001 gal lons for the year Figures are for gal lons 3896 J897 January 667000 969000 February 700000 1184000 March 778000 45000 April 897U00 718000 May 1314000 1022000 Jne 1106000 1178000 July 1124000 1254000 August 1365000 1228000 September 1113000 1468000 October 806000 525000 November 942000 387000 December 1100000 768000 Total 11912000 12046000 pally Average 32636 33003 t INDIAN FREIGHT The poor Indian has no kick com ing judging from the amount ol freight sent to the reservation during the year The figures are pounds oi freight handled by the receiving and shipping clerk fcere January 222941 February 29990 -March 5072 AP1 104723 7 103337 June 26463 J uiy o Joe1 August 464000 September 414330 October 2351 73 November 398S50 December 104172 - City Mtus Fid Hel 1000 1300 625 lSOO 1000 475 1200 6574 1200 900 300 250 850 1000 200 900 2000 600 3000 I 1900 i 575 tatmJMobl VXt j r isr J i elected m 1885 serving four years Tn 1RR4 he established The liaik m Valentine and it is now one of the most stable institutions of us kind in ihe northwest During his last term as treasurer in 1886 he retired from the mercantile business It seems however that Mr Cornell even in those das was a well known man and it 1888 he was honoied with the republican nomination foi state senator and was elected The 12th district was then the second largest in the state and Mr Cornell had the honor of representing more people than any other senator in the legisla ture at that time Shortly after tin ad jonmment of the legislature in 1889 he was appointed by President Harrison to sneered S F Bunch as renter of the local laud ofhee and ii that petition he remained until reliev ed by the present register 0 li Glover in 1894 During all this tknp and in all thes varolii positions Senator Cornell ha never lost faith in Valentine and is n much an enthusiast on the subject the towns future now as he wa whei he owned -all the property t ere Our readers will please excuse an errors of omission in our write up oi the work of 1897 Several sheets o data disappeared during the week anc we may have unconsciously overlook ed a number of improvements LAND OFFICE BUSINESS skeptical that such is not the case During the past year 345 residents oi this land ofiice district have marie Una1 proof on 53792 acres of land and 232 persons have made homestead entrie on tracts vaning 40 to 160 acres Cash Proofs No j Acres 1 160 2 246- 2 240 3 480 1 63 3 360 2 318 2 320 5 790 4 597 6 960 31 4537 MORTGAGE RECORD The mortf age record for the past year does not show up so well ae it might but there are reasons for it to wit The largest increase in mortga ges is on chatties generally cattle and in Shis couutry that ia a alirn of prosperity more than anything else as most of our ranchmen buy on time cJanuarv February March Liitl Jlj m June July August September October November December- Totals T C Proofs No Acres 10 6 12 20 26 21 19 111 15 31 171 12 1599 6o 1919 3156 3999 3271 3031 1680 2392 4944 2702 1880 200 31533 9535- 6975 18030 85629 68271 62714 159211 76193 92272 82685 115508 9 1589 Hd Entries No I Acre- 32 69 36 87 95 69 87 30 78 01 17 oo 30 21 25 26 25 15 15 1S 13 Chattel Mortgages Filer I Released 14611 44 3 27 46 20773 74 1S546 30 9503 SO 37669 64 10109 27 8737 55 17832 It 538O0 21 87144869 11 79 106321 02 971625 50 446001 64 Northrop the gentlemanly statim agent of the F E for these figures Cat loads are not includtd in the weights given the latter being fur bus iness handled on the platform The i December figures were unobtainable Freight H OLa MdPefi 1047234077 79 235397 71 278137 77 32169S 100 3i9043 68 889628 38 283843 48 342161 208 543666 100 615841 94 303421 eceived i Charge 7031 54 60oO 48 6241 10 6883 2 Freight Forwarded PLd Mriselb Charges 23 61300 717 74 29 27652 979 43 7 105686 863 79 30 96096 1119 16 21 99550 1083 7o 23 143228 1133 79 34 106329 2190 0 24 118144 1723 80 54 101917 2340 56 32 115267 1287 53 33 8555 5 186i 91 MaOWalUkbaKWMWUMMMMiaUWMM vALEiraNts foukoer GIDTH1NG HATS -SHOES-MID S A Brief Rketch of c K CorncllV Career Since H30 Every western lown has its pioneer or old settler or something of that sort but it is not all of them that still retain as a resident ancT business man die person who laid out the town The founders are often mere specula tors who dispose of their property as soon as uossible and emigrate This is not the case in Valentine and it ia the purpose of this article to give a short sketch of the towns fouuder 0 K Cornell president ot The Bank of Valeniiue mi uuruell came to this section of the country in d nnection wuh the post traderslnpat tt moorara ana as sisted in establishing the post in April 1830 At that time the end of the railroad was at Neligh 160 miles east nf hPiw Hr remained at the Dost un- til the sping of 1883 when he pur chased the pre euiptions or janies Hay and Dave Mears the latter is now in Oiadrou and proccdnd t lay ou a townsite He bought the old building now standing on Main siit ei near im depot and engaged in the mercautilt business under the firm name oi Ihaeher J M Cornell Co lm ing the same ear he assisted in organ izing Cherry county and in the fall was elected treasurer and was re 960 2686 3352 4S2S 3316 3789 4039 3920 239 2 15- 2180 2012 232 35631 again there are thousands of dollars worth of mortgages that have been paid but have not been so recorded Ifallwhoown mortgages that have been paid would come in and have them can elled the record would show a balance on the other side HIR CUTS JUID MACINTOSHES- Before purchasing your warm footwear you fhould see our line of Mishawaka knit snow excluding boot nl Banigan overs Boys Pants 25 30 and 50 cents per pair Boys Suits 75c S100 and 150 per suit A few men- 00 suits for GU0 10 suit 750 8120 J suit 900 OVERCOATS FROM 125 UP STINARD 1 CLOTH Jack ons Day i Saturday Jsmuary 8th and ali god democrats ih ob serve the occasion Mrs J E Thackrey came up from Kansas Wednesday and will be num bered with Valentines people in the future Kennedy D A Fiercy is on th 1 k list Miss DoOe visited with Aunes Piercj one day last week - Handford Dunham is now enrolled as one of the Kennedy school pupils George Sedlaseck is slowly recover ing from a serious attack of gripp Mr and Mrs Win Kime entertained a number of friends on New Years day Anna Sears and Edna WallingforcT entertained several youug friends on Xraas Mr and Mrs T Johns of Pass spent New Years with Mr and Mrs J A Gee Mrs I A Piercy and daughter Agnes returned on the 17th fiotn their visit with friends and relatives in Grafton and Lincoln A number of friends met at the res idence of A C Avers last Monday evening for the i urpose of celebrat ing Delis 20t b thday All had an enjoyable Mr and Mrs Robert F iddis ot Pass are the proud parents of a little daughter IJib isnot only proud of the new acquisition but is a3 happ as a clam at high tide U S Niobrara Falls Lon Mosher went over to the Flats last week The dance at Reeces Xmas night was a success John Ormesrer way over from Shlaeglo Sunday Samuel Fasson is sojourning at the Falls at present Eddie llackler called on relatives at the Falls Wednesday John Adannon and R Grooms with their families spent Xmas with rela tives in town Henry Grooms wears abroad smile now a days Its a girl Mother and babe doing well M Underwood of Codv was clown Tuesday looking after cattle belonging to I N Humphrey John Ormesher has tiled on a home stead John sas he is going to settle down so look uut for the cook Mr Reed and wif of Vaipnli e were out looking for a location We are not able to state their suroHo5 K Boy m he Wop u Encyclopfioin miammm PRIGE i M1M 0 isiaipwi mn Answer Any Question You may Ask It Standard American Annual i GENTS af uwjrtjf On All News Stands Larger Better More Complete Than Ever KSTfo most widely sold Aitmuil Rtfer ettcs Book and Political Manual published THE WORLD Pulilasp Building Hsw ER 31 if 1 1ricesjor Feed Bran bulk 40c per cwt 7 OOton Shorts bulk 50c per ewt 9 00 ton greenings 35c 600 hop Feed 70c 1300 Corn 55c Oats 90c Appointment ol Administrator tn the Count Court of Cherry lountv Nebras ka in the matter of the estate of Edward Dahl grin leueased Ifachel Drihgrn having lllerl In my office a petition praying for the appointment of htielf as Administrator oftke eitteo Htward Dahl grln dutcas il all persons interested in said es laU will take notice that 1 have llxed Jamiary22d 1893 at 10 oclock a m as tlie and my office in aleiitiue Cherry count Nehr as the place for hearing of said petition at which lime and place all persons interested in said estate may appear and show cause if any there he why such Administrator should not he appointed Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court this od dav of January 1S98 SKAL W It Townk 50 52 Comity Judge u Lanu Olliee Valeniiue Nebr t iec mux inn i Complaint No 35 having been eitered at this olliee u John D Silser airalnst Christian Olesesi for abandoiiiug his homestead entrv No 939 dated June aotli lfeOl upon the eisw1 and 9Whse section 34 towiiinp rang 2 lot 2 section 4 tuwnshi 32 lange 2ij in Cherry countj MlimMot with a viewio the canceda l ion of said entry the said parlies are hereby Munitioned to appear at ths office on the fcth da ol February 18Js at 10 oclock a in to re spond and fumi di testimony concerning said al leged abandonment 50 53 J A Fiick Receiver US iani ihicii atfiiiiie N l nee 22 1S07 t Complaint Iso T25 lniving been euli ivd a this office by tUisiia Edwards against William A Uhitaker lor abandoning his Homestead Ki iv No ns4o dateil June 2L ISOt upon the mtf 2 3 and 4 veetiou 19 and lot 1 ection 30 town Jiiji28 raiirei7 in Cherr county Nehr wit I i view to the cancellation of said ei try the sai parties are her bv summoned to appear at on the 271 li lay of January lSiix u it o clock a in to n spond and furnish testiinouj concerning said alleged iibando nient 48 51 C li G 10 VEIL Register U S Land Jiflice Valentine Veb i Dec 22 17 f Complaint No 3431 havirgbeen entered at thN offiee bv Ighert Honnen against John V Kirch licr tor abandoning his lloinesiead Entrv 984G dated June 2G ISM upon he nue1 ami swneM se1iiiwi section 14 township -S range 33 in Cherry county Neb with a view to the cancellation oi said entry the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the C7th d yif J unary lfite at 2 oiIock am to respond and furnish testimony concerting aid allegi 1 abaidonmeut 4S 5S C It GIOVK2t IJegistr U S Land Office A aientlnc Vehr Dee 13 1S7 romjilaint having been entered at this office by Hen jnnihi Roberts against George E Rart lett lor failure to comply with law as to timber culture entry No 7C5 dated May 1 188 upon the nwVi seciii 35 lownshipTin range 39w in Cherry county Neb with a view to eancolla tiou of said entrv contestant alleging that the said George E Hart lett the claimant did not perorm ceitain acts required by law to be done during the ears 18SU and 189 in which tin failure is allege ro have occurr d to wit the I clainiam has ladtd absolutely to cultivate said land in wj manner whatsoever during the years ISOli and 1R97 and there are no trees growing on said land and contestant never saw anv trees on it he said pai ties are lierby summoned to appear at this olliee on he 25th day of January 1SI8 at 10 oclock a in to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged iailure 47 50 J A EiKE Kecetver FINAL PROOF NOTICES Chiim Mit and witnesses in final proof cases iiotJee if vhih ap tar in 1 iik Ik3Hckt v ill reci ne a ii irKct copy of t In- paper Should any in dt v npiicn ol land or spelling of names be disiovi red notice slimuo he sent to the laud office and this olhe so coirection can be made US Labd Office Valentine Nb I Jan 3 1898 Notice is hereby riven that the settler has i lett notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Uegwter or Receiver at Valentine ebraska on Feb 15 l93 viz lohn T Ilawlev nf Pnllrnm Nehr II E No 104C7 for the nswH and swJi wi of setion 2 a d neise4 sectiii 3 range 37w He in mes the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of -id land viz Ihi ip Pullman Charles Fullnian Joseph A Saulfs and Cliatles Carv r all of Pullman Xeb 5 55 C K GlOVEK Kegiater U S Land Office Valentine Nehr Dee 281897 Notice is hereby given that the followiig ntnied set tier lias fild notice oi his intention to make final jproof in support of his claim and that said ulooi will be made the Reg ster r Receivirat Valentine Nehr on Feb 91808 viz jl Clmrl ft W Hanks of Pa s Xeb IT E 10IB9 for lor 5 sinvM and sneH section c tWwiiship27ii range 31 v He nanies the following witnesses to prov hi- ciit ilfous residence on and cultivation of said andWiz EiiMclyAudrews Floyd W Pool Charles U Long aiW Calvin F Long all of Urownlee Neb 49 itt C R GLOVER Register i u S L urn ottlce alentme eb I neccnrbcr24 1897 Notice is hereby given that Alarv Hhore of rebcrfnt ia hns h ed notice of intention to make final -of befoie the Register or Receiver at liis liffice m Valent ne Nebr on Tuesday the stffl day of I ebruary 18js on timber culture apphclitioii No 8tS2 lor the seS of section 2o 35 intown hip No 32n range 34w hp ames as witnesses John Rfnre and Thonas Fnz Henry ol K nneoy Nebr uaiif n uaner aim ieury tarier oi oiy en Beatmony of Claimant will be taken before the J Hark f the di tri t court for Louau county at I tiiaofiice in Guthrie Oklahoma on February 4 IS also II nw arter of Cody Nebr T C No 7751 fotlie section 13 township Sin ntnge 3 lw ie names tlie loiiowiug wtuieses Jtnos Rrnes and WjlH tn H Carter of Cody Xeb Tf oma Fitz Uenrv and John Hhore ot Xtb 49 54 C It GLOVER Register SlMETHiKG NEW IN VALENTINE first clafs Taior who will make tiuit of clothed to please von 1 - on or no pv luoimng cteanea presen ayd repaired on shortest notice rail and see him at Davesdoht THiJCHERS U S Land Office Valentine Velir Dee 171P97 f Noticr is hereby given that Jmes Hudson of Ppaiks Neb has filed notice of i teittion to make final proof bef re the Register or Receiver at his office in Valentine Neb on Saturday the 2flth day of January lsys on timber culture ap plication No 7410 for tin Usi nswi of sec tion No 20 in township No in range 2w He named as witnesses Hezekiah Brown of Spark- Neb William D CJarkson Nels P iIeu and Hamilton McCrea of Valentine Neb raska also William D CiHrksnn of Valen tine Nebraska T C7S05 for the wiswVi and the snw section St township 35 range 25w He names the following witnesses viz Hez ekiah Itrowu and James udson of Sparks Nebr XeU i olen and lianulton rdcCrea of Val entine Neb also William D Clarkson of Valentine Neb IT E 10123 for the Siswx4 section 27 and tlie iiSmvh MJhiWi seetljn 34 township 32n range 27w He miiies the tollowing witnesses to prove his continuous residem e upon ani cultivation of said land viz William H Demds O car E Busclile Edward Ormesher and John Ormesh er all of Valentine Neb 4K 53 C R GLOVER Register U S Land utfice at Valentine Neb i Dec 15 1897 f Notice is hereby given that settler has tiled notice of his intention to make filial roof in suppott of his ciaim and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Jan 2G 1803 viz JmIui W Morris of Sparks JJTeb 11 E 9114 for the swJi section 14 township 31n ranue 25w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou and cultivation of said land viz Kvan Edwards Evan Evans James Hughes and Th Unas J Jones all of Sparks ISeb also Evan Etl Hards of SnarKS Neb H E 9597 fo the seMne4 and ne4sci sec ti 27 township 34n range 25w He naniks the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Johii W Morris Hirl Morris Evan Evans and Thomas J Jones all of Sparks Neb 47 52 C li GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Xebr I DC 1 1837 f Notcf is hereby given that Frank Miller of Woodlak Xeb has filed notics of intention to make final proof before the Register and Re ceiver at his office in Valentine Nebraska o Wednesday the 12th day of January 1893 oi timber culture application Xo 7134 for lots 1 and 2 s ne quarter of section No 1 in town ship Xo 29n range No 27w He names as witnesses Elv D Valentine Cyrus Hagen Charles A Johnson and Washing ton Honej all ol Woodlake Neb also I innk Millar of Wondl ike Neb II E 9057 for the s4 ne and u4 sefi section 2G township son ran re 2Gw ite names the following wltiies w to nrove hN continuous residence upon a d cultivation ot said land viz Elv D Valentine Cyrus hgen Cluirles A Johnson and Washington Honey all of Wood lake Neb 45 50 CR GLOVER Register U 5 Land Office Valentine Xsb I December 2 1S07 Notice 1 hereby given that Minnie E Lillcy formerly Minnie E Kissel of Brownlee Nub has filed notice of intend u to make Jnial jiroof bef re the Register or Receiver at his office in Valentine Neb on Moiulay the 17th day of January 1S9S on- timber culture application Xo 7553 for the wiiv4 el nrU and nwVswh of section No 5 in township No 27n range No 2Sv he naras as vitcs5 Tiionas filcCsin Jennie MKiaelJJ3Sch hetiDody and oucia Kissel ail Neb 451 CKGLOVEKRiTSlsrtfr v i ptV xtrf3pfr9 P ACCORDING- m TO THE ALMANACS The time tested goo3ebone the beaverTs melt the com shuck the weather prophets and all other signs we have a cold and snowy winter before us Take time by the forelock and sy your health and money by bnyng good warm clothing hats overshoes and blankets Your wife too probably tieeda a new dress and you cant do better than to have her call on ns Everything new and up-to-date in the dry goods line JACKSON B w b a k m fe a vi m r a k a ik v 5k t A 2stor r -- jr tr r - frzr its M 0 I Best raue Writing Machine First in fmprovements Honest 4oisiruciion and all iih rade Typewriicr Essentials T r ART BOOKLET FREB Vil ttt n trar rr d US Land Office Valentine Xen Hec 24 1SD7 t i I Notice is hereby given that the folio wing nsm settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof m support of his claim and that sain proof will he made before Register and and Receiver at Valentino Net on Feb J8tli 1S98 viz Frank II Yn Densen of Woidlak Nehr one of the heirs of Esrhert Ytn D inserr decased who m jfle tr E nroc for the sw section 21 township 30n range 2fw He names the foiiowimr witnesses tn prove his continuous residnctt upon and cultivation of said laud viz Ely I Valentine Elmer Dav Jacob Groves and Ell Devore all of Woottlake Neb 49 54 C It GLO VKK TIeglater RAYTON Fine line of samples from which to get tailor made clothee f t f 0 4 13000 m0 fA 63 OftAftftftflAM 8iAAJiniA 4IaprewBttJKOrif jS LO 3imw mmm wvvwimi tw Cfte Smf Premier typewriter go syranm n v a sjj i Omaha B ranch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets Merzger W M I Bros Pullman Xeb Itierry v o Hrnii on lett -id ih thigh Earmark sqiar rop right ar Mtuthern brand have hut oin rami on leftside Native rattle havt hmat wattle Jtane mi iito and Snake Creeks Horses ha e same brand on lett thiuh A Kctrant of 100 will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest ami linal conviction of uty person or persons steal ing eutle with abfve brand Etilray Xutice Taken ii at my residence on section 10 town ship 33 range 32 Sharps Katich precinct ooo uch muse about four years old weight aboC w iiuuiids Ho marks or brands JOHNBCHULZ Jack LePoint Merriman Neb Cattle branded on left side Sonic on hip also Earmark round hole in center of left ear Iso use fZfrJM on And KiKasido WM f5 on riiiht side Bear creeks W W9k 1 SSli I i I T l llf tMi tl SKB Eango Lake Cornndl Jam Hudson Sbanoa Neb 2ijhV9camgKiaK3rCTi 91 co S Horses same as on steer left hip Also C on left shouder Ift hip oi QbXfo Left sbouldar en horses noma horses Iaz7 2 onleftaheiLldcr Kauge between Gordon aiul Bnako River anC Itlobrara River Leit ears taggeo77 All cattle delion ed Eenry Pratt Rosebud S D Left side Horses same on Ifit shouhler Deerhorn clip on some cattle Ul William Shangren CLJU Cody Xeb sHdTT7Ji ivy 5r v - unuersieef rwmm woecsc W5W WJS J Joseph VV Bownet P O address Merriiuan Xebr Bight ear cropppd Hole in center of lelt ear Range Lake creek S D 7 TWm William M Dnnbar lessee from Heine Kroeger Cody Neb 1BSunSSaSSauBBV DUn Either aWo Alar fiia low oo right Left ear oi eattlo tpllt RanKC hesA of Ha reek Earl Comstockj Manager Valentine Neb Cattle branded oi left side or hip Also 969 TG 9jMM fT Steadman Bros I JJ j 82gSRBEa83mmt Pass Neb Brand on either right or left side Horses and som cattle brand en leftside and hip - w Range Bnll lako and Vama4oco reec Charles Benard Rosebud S D Range Bk SThite and Dad Rivers 25sr3Srwrn a V C3 - - Jrni ak J1 Bt vu iS f mM It i -V u 4 L