The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, January 06, 1898, Image 7

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3f 4 q Vv3
Mrs Pinlrimm Counsels Young Wives to Keeep Their Attractivenesa
A Letter From a Young Wife
Seven eighths of the men
in this world marry a woman
because she is beautiful
in their eyes
What a disappoint-
ment then to soe the
fair young wifes beauty
fading away before a year
passes over ner neaa l
1 feel as if I would like
to say to every young woman
who is about to be married
Strengthen yourself in ad
vance so that you will not
i s
break down under the new
strain on your powers Keep your beauty
it is a precious possession 1 Your husband loves
your beauty he is proud to be seen in public
with you try to keep it for his sake and your
The pale cheeks the dark shadows under
the eyes- the general drooping of the young
i V7
wifes form what do they mean They mean
that her nerves are failing that her strength is going and that something
must be done to help her through the coming trials of maternity
Build her up at once by a course of some tonic with specific powers Such aa
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound You can get it at any druggists
Following we publish by request a letter from a young wife of her own ac
cord she addresses it to her suffering sisters and while from modesty she
asks to withhold her name she gives her initials and street number in
Chambersburg Pa so she can easily be found personally or by letter
To my Suffering Sisters Let me write this for jour benefit telling you
what L3dia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has done for me I am but
nineteen and suffered with painful menstruation leucorrhoea dizziness burn
ing sensation back of ears and on top of my head nervousness pain and
soreness of muscles bearing down pains could not sleep well was unable
to stand without pain and oh how I longed to be well
One day I wrote to Mrs Pinkham telling her all knowing I could do so
in perfect confidence
She wrote me a lovely letter in reply telling me exactly what to do
After taking nine bottles of the Compound one box of Liver pills and using
one half package of Sanative wash I can say I am cured I am so happy
and owe my happiness to none other than Mrs Pinkham
Why will women suffer when help is near Let me as one who has had
some experience urge all suffering women especially young wives to seek
Mrs Pinkhams advice Mrs R S R 113 ECatherine St Chambersburg Pa
Prom Small Beginnings to Wealth
New York has two remarkable Al
bany boys Anthony Brady may be
6aid to have no official residence and
no legal home I do not know where
his washing is done but he pays taxes
neither in Albany nor New York says
a New York exchange His interests
here however are enormous and his
wealth is estimated at betwen 25
000000 and 30000000 He used to be
a bar man in the Delavan House Al
bany John A McCall president of
the New York Life Insurance Com
pany a handsome and dignified execu
tive practically controls the disposi
tion of 150000000 In other words
he could lend that amount of money
to the Government His salary is said
to be now 100000 a year McCall in
his salad days was janitor of the State
House at Albany
Do You Dance To Nijjht
Shake in your shoes Allens Foot
Ease a powder for the feet It makes
tiht or New Shoes feel Easy Cures
Corns Bunions Chilblains Frost Bites
and Sweating Feet At all druggists and
shoe stores 25c Sample sent FREE
Address Allen S Olmsted Le RoyNY
Taking Things Easy
Reporter Anybody injured in the
practice game to day
Foot ball Captain No the boys
went real easy to day They are sav
ing themselves up for the champion
ship game to morrow Robinson got
his nose broken Smith lost an ear Dob
son got a few teeth kicked out Jacock
dislocated his jaw and broke a few
fingers but nobody got what you real
ly call hurt
Donfnoss Cant Be Cured
By local applications as they cannot reach tho
diseased portion of the ear Thoro is only ona
way to cure DeafueBS and that is by constitu
tional lemedios Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube When this tubo gets inflamed
vou havo a rumbling sound or inrperfect hear
ing and when it is entirely closed Deafness is
the result and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its normal
condition hearing will be destroyed forever
nine cases oui oi ten aie causea Dy catarrh
which is nothing but an inflamed condition of
the mucous surfaces
We will pive One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness caused by Catarrh that wo
cannot cure by taking Halls Catarrh Cure Send
for circulars free
F J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio
6old by Druggists 75c
Whats the price of these gloves
she asked
A dollar and seventy five cens
said the clerk but Im afraid we
havent any small enough for you We
can order an extra small size how
Oh these will do Ill take three
School Teachers
Can hear of steady employment all the
time that pays well or even during your
spare time while teaching For further
particulars address F P Dhan Employ
ment Office Sioux City Iowa
The Dear Girls
First Girl Did you meet Miss Cute
Second Girl Oh yes Do you like
First Girl Yes Shes rather nice
but do you
Second Girl Er yes pleasant com
pany but Philadelphia North
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All Dragglsts
refund the monej If It fills to cure 25c
No Necessity for It
Visitor I presume your daughter
lays the piano
Mrs Neuvoriche proudly No in
deed Dear Ethel doesnt have to Her
pa is rich enough to buy one of those
pianos which plays Itself Harpers
Two bottles of Pisos Cure for Consump
tion cured me of a bad lung trouble Mrs
J Nichols Princeton Ind Mar 26 95
The Merry Huntsman
So you were out hunting with Jones
yesterday Did either of you hit any
S1K m
I saw him hit a bottle several
Why He Struck Her
Mamma Why did you strike little
Elsie you naughty boy you 7
Dick Well what did she want to
cheat for then
Mamma How did she cheat
Dick Why we were playing at
Adam and Eve and she had the apple
Jo tempt me with and she never tempt
ed me but went and ate it all up
Parmers Handy Peed Cooker
We desire to call our readers atten
tion to the Farmers Handy Feed Cook
er which is sold at the low price of
1250 for 50 gallon capacity
WnW filirmiTi iiiiMrTTiw i TTTSrfi3M
By feeding poultry and stock with
cooked food during the winter months
at least one third of the food is saved
also having stock in a healthy condi
tion preventing hog cholera among
your hogs and insuring the hens laying
freely during the winter months when
eggs are always wanted at high prices
This Cooker will pay for itself in one
weeks time and is without doubt the
best and cheapest on the market just
what its name implies a Farmers
Handy Feed Cooker Upon application
to the Empire Manufacturing Co Gl i
EI street Quincy III a catalogue giv
iug a full description may be obtained
They are made in all sizes
Han Away with the Spoon
Gimme a ham sandwich and a cup
of coffee yelled an excited customer
who dashed into a South Thirteenth
street lunch house at 118 yesterday
morning as he laid 10 cents on the
counter and nervously ganced at his
watch Hurry up for I want to make
the 120 night car up Thirteenth As
he planted himself on the nearest stool
the cry of wheat bread ham draw
one was passed along a line of wait
ers to the kitchen below and in one
minute the order was served
The customer had absorbed half the
sandwich when the ringing of the trol
ley car gong was heard outside but the
coffee was still too hot to drink With
out pausing to reflect he jammed the
remainder of the sandwich in his coat
pocket and grabbing the coffee cup
rushed for the street reaching it just
in time to hop on the car
Then he stood on the step and fin
ished the coffee while the cashier of
the restaurant who had just recovered
from his astonishment ran after the
car yelling The spoon The spoon
Bring back that spoon Three police
men two cab drivers and a dozen other
customers joined in the chase and had
almost overtaken the ear when the man
threw the spoon out into the street
He was going to follow suit with the
cup but the cashier shouted to him to
bring it back some other time Spoon
and cup together were worth about 13
cents Philadelphia Record
i i
Has Heard the Expert Evidence
You say said the president of the
university to the applicant that you
wish to be engaged as professor of
anatomy chemistry and osteology
les doctor
Yet you admit that you are not a
university bred man and have no di
That also is true
This is most extraordinary I wish
you would tell me on what you base
your belief that you could fill that chaii
I was a juryman in the Lroetgert
trial at Chicago doctor I
As far as calculations can decide the
temperature of comets is believed to
be 2000 times fiercer than that of red
hot iron
In a millogram of bacteria there is a
population five times as large as that
of the earth provided they are of pure
culture There are evidently other
worlds than ours
At a recent conference of engineers
Jn London the advantages of nickel
steel for ship building were urged and
the necessity was pointed out of find
ing new deposits of nickel and reduc
ing the cost of its metallurgy
Many Indian mounds have been dis
covered in Southern Indiana and have
yielded valuable finds Stone axes
were formerly plentiful in the farming
aistriets of that State and were used
for door props but they have now al
most disappeared Arrow heads are
the only relics that are even fairly
Cinnamic acid the alleged new cure
for consumption is a white crystalline
odorless substance formerly obtained
from the fragrant resin storax and oil
pf cinnamon but now made from ben
zine Its German discoverer claims to
have treated 400 cases with favorable
Veneer cutting has reached such per
fection that a single elephants tusk
thirty inches long is now cut in Lon
don into a sheet of ivory 150 inches
long and 20 Inches wide and some
sheets of rosewood and mahogany are
only about a fiftieth of an inch thick
Zootherapy consists in transferring
a disease from man to some animal
and is the converse of the medical
theory that animals convey disease to
man This system of curing ills was
devised by Ferapi a Florentine He
mentions the case of a man suffering
from rheumatism who made his dog lie
across his bed The man recovered
and the dog died
Two new planets have been discover
ed between Mars and Jupiter by M
Charlois an astronomer of Nice M
Charlois probably holds the record for
the number of planets he has discover
ed in his lifetime His nearest rival is
the Austrian astronomer Herr Palisa
who has discovered eighty three but
he falls short of M Charlois record by
Electricity can travel faster than 200
000 miles in a second or in other words
go around the world once like mes
sages recently dispatched from an
American exhibition it can make the
journey eight times in one second
This would be at the rate of about 500
tfmes in about one minute or 10000
times in twenty minutes
The lightning specialist connected
with the government weather bureau
maintains that rods are no protection
and that most precautions taken by
people to keep out of the path of a pos
sible electrical discharge are useless
The recent wonderful discoveries in re
lation to the nature of electrical force
proe the worthlessness of the light
ning rod but offer nothing toward dis
arming the thunderbolt
Pulque the Mexican drink made
from the juice of the Agave America
na is recommended as an efficient pro
phylactic and remedy for scurvy Dr
Peres of the United States army is re
corded as the first to employ this bev
erage as an anti scorbutic Pulque is
an unrectified acid wine produced by
fermentation in aqua miel the juice of
the maguey or Agave Americana It
is a yellowish white liquor not easily
preserved for a long time
Many psychoneurologists advocate
the medical treatment of psychically
affected brains M de Fleury in his
new book entitled LIntroduction a la
Medeclne de lEsprit seriously com
bats the old theory that only bodily ills
are Uhe province of the practitioner
and contends that disorders of the psy
chic half of the human economy are as
numerous and important as those af
fecting the somatic half Mfoe Fleury
believes that systematic efforts should
be made to render them amenable to
Work Done in the United States Dur
ing the Year 1896
The annual report at Washington of
John J Bnce Commissioner jew Fish
and Fisheries states that 4800000
had eggs were collected andA from
these 93000000 fry were planted in
streams emptying into the Atlantic
Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico The
Increase in shad eggs collected wis 30
000000 ever the previous year aaid if
a bill now before Congress is enal ted
into a law auxiliary stations wilNbe
established on most of the impoj
rivers of the Atlantic coast and
result in immense increase in the
put of this species The output of h
ster fry was 97000000 against 721
000 for the previous year and Comm
sioner Brice says there is little doul
that the output in another year will
Increased more than 500 per cent
While the attempt to keep up t
constantly decreasing supply of mac
erel along the New England coast tw
more or less experimental 240001
eggs were collected Thirty one
ion tRutog clam eggs w sre collected
Buzzards Bay and 17000000 fry Tver
liDera ted from them Great increasi
In xwults at a large saving of cxpensd
i Ait ai
- ft
were accomplished In salmon hatching
on the Pacific coast The total take of
37000000 salmon eggs amounted to
three timer as many as were ever col
lected before in the United States In
any one season It is proposed to ex
tend over the entire country a perma
nent and economical system of main
taining the central hatcheries auxili
ary egg collecting stations to be oper
ated only during tbe spawning seaaon
Another effort will be made to Intro
duce Pacific salmon in Eastern waters
Five million eggs will be transferred
from the California stations to stations
in New York Vermont and Maine and
the fry liberated in the Penobscot
Kennebec Merrimac Hudson Dela
ware and Susquehanna Rivers At
tention has also been paid to increas
ing the output of Atlantic and land
locked salmon at the Maine station
and indications point to a large In
crease over previous years Lake trout
eggs collected will aggregate 1S000OOC
or 20000000 The cod work will sur
pass all previous seasons and 225000
000 eggs are expected Eastern oysters
and lobsters were planted in Califor
nia and Oregon waters in October and
diamond back terrapin in San Francis
co bay Eggs of the steel head trout
a California game fish have been
planted In stream tributary to Lakes
Superior and Huron and the Penobscot
The Sundew One of the Moat Interest
ing Insectivora
Godeys Magazine has this to say
about plants that eat meat One of
the most interesting of the insectivora
is the sundew The five or six small
leaves lay close to the ground and
each of them bore a crown of dew
drops which sparkled in the sunshine
like rubies and diamonds A slender
scape sprang from the rosette of leaves
and from one side of it drooped some
small white flowers
Sundew is the poetic name given it
because of the gleams of the gemlike
drops on the leaf surfaces but in spite
of its beauty it Is a little savage of
vegetable life Most plants absorb
nourishment from the soil and atmos
phere but the sundew will drink milk
and eat beef and mutton and hard
boiled eggs if they are fed to it It
does not keep a cook however so it
catches its own dinner Each leaf is
covered with a number of tiny reddish
tentacles and at the end of each ten
tacle is a little gland to which ad
heies a drop of sticky fluid
While watching the sundew we saw
a gay little fly in a gauzy draw near
Hovering over the leaf he lightly pois
ed above it and prepared to sip che vis
cid drops In a moment his feet Avcro
entangled and he was a prisoner
The second the feet of the insect
press ever so lightly the glands the
motor impulse as it is called flies with
unimaginable rapidity down through
the tentacles communicating with all
upon the leaf and they at once bend
in the direction of the exciting object
the fly In this case
A soon as the feet of the fly touch
ed the tentacles that wonderful change
in them which is called aggregation
began The purplish protoplasm which
flows unceasingly in their cells separ
ated into tiny massts of purple matter
floating in a clear liquid The fly had
alighted on the leaf a little to the left
of the center and the tentacles nearest
him naturally bent first and deposited
upon the next and so on until he was
gradually rolled to the center
Meanwhile every gland secreted a
digestive fluid which is strongly acid
and is so far as can be ascertained
identical with the digestive fluid of ani
mals This fluid poured over the fly
drowning him the tentacles bent clos
er and the leaf hollowed itself like a
cup and closed when after several
days it should expand all traces of
the insect will have disappeared di
gested and absorbed into the life of
the plant
After a Chinese Wedding
On the day following a Chinese wed
ding at least in certain provinces the
brides youngest brother goes to in
quire after her and to take a present
from her mother of a bottle of hair
oil This Is a custom so ancient that
none know the origin thereof No fur
ther communications take place be
tween the bride and her family for
three months when her mother sends
a sedan chair and an invitation to visit
her If there has been neither a birth
nor a death in her husbands or in her
mothers house for 100 days she goes
and makes a short stay at her old
home This visit over she cannot see
her mother again until after her first
child is born and not then should the
child be a girl Even then if there
has been a death In either family the
visit cannot be made and there have
been many instances where a mother
and daughter living very near each
other have not met for years
Swallows and Pigeons
Some time ago the experiment was
made of letting loose at Complegne a
swallow belonging to Antwerp In com
pany with a number of pigeons The
swallow immediately made a bee line
for home and arrived there in one
hour while the pigeons required three
French Wine
A Paris paper says that the vine
yards of Gard and Heraultliave recov
ered from the phylloxera and that
Wine is as cheap as kt was in 1875
Nevertheless the population Is turning
more and more to alcohol
Some people win a reputation for
being good humored because they lack
the backbone to fight when they are
imposed upon
Some girls get married just to let
others know that they can
If doesnt always take the ruffles out
of a mans temper to iron him
Tremendous Kxodna to the Klondike
Debplle the wurulnga of those who havi
been on the spot and predict suffering In the
Klondike region thousands of adventurous
AiuuricatiH are wending their way thither
ward All of them should be provided with
thut medicinal safeguard Hostelters
Ultlerd which warms and nourishes thu
ajrrfteui and praventt malaxU rnetmiAtlMu
kiduay trouble beatda remedying lirr com
plaint dyspepsia a4 eeasUpatlou
Similar Experiences
Did you ever run after a ferryboat
only to And that It waa coming in
Oh yea and at the time 1 was court
ing my wife and thought I was winning
out in a hard tight uhe and all her rela
tives were combined in an effort to
make my escape impossible Phila
delphia North American
It Keeps the Feet Dry and Warm
And is the only cure for Chilblains
Frost Bites Damp Sweating Kect
Corns and Bunions Ask for Allens
Foot Ease a powder to be shaken into
the shoes At all druggists and shoe
stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ail
dress Allen S Olmsted Lelloy N Y
A toft Answer
Mrs Housekeep Wha do you mean
by coming to the front door you scala
Soiled Sammy Sure mum an I
knew I wouldnt find a true leddy like
yoreself in de kitchen New York
Evening Journal
fllra Wlnslows SooTnivo Rynup for Children
teething BOitens tliG Ktmirf reaucfM inflammation
alla8 paiu cure wind colic V5 ct ntx a bottle
K 1
Trade Mark
Chnnged Ilia Mind
Bacon I think Billys wife has got
excellent taste
Egbert I thought so too until I
smoked a cigar out of a box his wife
bad given him for a blrthiay gift
Yonkers Statesman
Is permanently cured
By Hoods Sarsaparilla
Which neutralizes the
Lactic acid in the blood
Thousands who were
Sufferers write that they
Have ielt no symptoms
Oi Rheumatism since
Taking Hoods Sarsaparilla
Life Life Life
Cutlers Curbolato or Iodine Pocket Inhaler
Jnaranteedtocure CATAKKHand DronchltU
All arugglsta By mall 100 Address
W 11 SMITH CO Prop ItufTaloN Y
FENS80NS gar
Trite Cap 0A232LL Pearicn AgeaiWojhisstsa DC
nnnriUO Tte aed Hope Roonngmrlct
EcllliMIl per o foot en ps and nails included
sUUl III U bubstitutea tor PlMter Samples free
j t nr Manilla Roofing Co Camden N J
i nRv Fjxnn worK rnsi mnrmv o vn nnin
prains and Bruises
O It coats little to cure IaaUa AH It saves time 6
g them right away with Wla dlUUS WaIB money misery g
0c 2iL4l agaiini ijaa
25c 50c SSsfeH
Walter Baker Cos
Breakfast COCOA
Pure Delicious Nutritious
Costa Less than ONE CENT a cnp
Be sure that the package bears our Trade Mark
Walter Baker Co Limited
Established 1780 DorcheStCf MqSS
Brevity Is the Soul of Wit
Good Wife You
I lUlllijlll 111 Jll I
His name is Williams It was as conductor on the Denver cable
line that I knew him He was always complaining of some trouble or
other with his stomach and bowels He seemed to be either bilious ori
constipated all the time In describing his condition he used tl
expression out of whack I remember it particularly because I hai
never heard it before but have often heard it since Finally someboj
recommended him to use Ripans Tabules and he told me that neveil
his life did anything do him so much good Said he felt like a n
man He told me that his wife used them too but what she tql
them for I dont remember
a rw ttvia nvt rtnntnintnffTKv KiTk ii TtnmEa In a rAueT paitca wlthont slats la now tor sale at so
irog storee fob wrrm cbtl Tnls low priced tort U intended fortlia poor and the economical One do I
Ct tne flTo cent cartons IX uuralm can De naa dt duu oj sensing xorcy eigat cents to uxs k umis ta
Coxust Mo 10 fipruoc Straw Htw Yufc gr single carton jot rtMSUa will to seat lor A oaU
la 1 to 5 dy I
I ff Ouncued J
10 77 u tuuiut
Use Big G for unnatural
discharges inflammations
irritations or ulcerations
of mucous membranea
x iaiesB and not
- i -
ScUTHCcTMSCheUICALCO sent or poisonous
V V vbx7 r
Sold hrHrnarzUim
or sent in plain wrapper
by express prepaid for
tl00 or 3 bottles 275
Circular sent on request
Lata Zrbiclpal Kraalag Vm I
3 jxa la last -wit 15 ubaUctla
Best Cougn syrup Taste
In time Sold bydrnj