The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 23, 1897, Image 8

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I i
ROBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher
Official JPaper of Cherry
ty Nebraska
11W Per Year in Avanc
Entered at th Post office it Valentine Cherry
county Nebraska as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite ordei
to discentmue is received and all ar
rears arj paid in full
Adrovmiog rates 50 cents per inch
per ELonth Itates per column or for
longtime ads mado known o i appli
catiun to thi3 otlice
Congress adjourned on the 18th
last Saturday until -the first of next
Although it is almost a year yet un
til the next election we have heard of
half a dozen candidates for county
legislative and congressional places
There isnt much being said about
tbo alleged shortage of G000 in the
accounts of J H Mallalieu ex super
intendent of the state reform school at
Koarney It is presumed that a Neb
raska state oificial who cant get away
with 25000 to 100000 of the public
funds during his oQicial career is not
worthy of newspaper mention Por
tion Journal
The editor of the Gordon Journal is
taking a two weeks vacation and in
the meanwhile his two sons are run
ning the paper and we must confess
that the sheet gives no evidence ol
-deterioration under their youthful
management If we were not afraid
of shocking some of our readers we
-might give expression to the wish that
we had a couple of sons with whom
we might leave the paper when we
took a lavoff
Hon Samuel Maxwell the venera
able judge from Nebraska and who
Represents the 3rd District says that
during Ms vacation e was very busi
ly engaged in some legal matters aod
had but little time to go through the
country llo is of the opinion how
ever that times in his state are grad
ually improving Judge Maxwell is in
excellent health and will be heard
from later on in the session -He is
one of the ablest men in the 55th Con
gress News Letter
Some two months ago we received a
proposition from a firm in Omaha
known as The American Business
College ofQmaha but not as we
supposed the Omaha Business College
which is a sound institution This
confused a great mauy editors jn jSeb
craaka and misery likes company so
wo are not alone Well to return to
our story we accepted the proposition
as it seemed to bo a fair one and be
gan the advertising Our readers
no doubt have noticed it in our col
umns and if any have bit they hold
no edge over us Last week the
founder of this institution was arrested
by Uncle Sam for carrying on a
fraudulent business through the mails
The government now has the gentle
man Vanderberg by name in tow
and will endeavor to land him where
he belongs nis Tribune
There is no necessity for georgie to
use up a lot of his valuable space
to give his few readers our political
hiBtory or record Everybody can
learn it right at home This is the
first town in which we ever ran a
newspaper and we were never actively
engaged in but one campaign before
coming here and our efforts were at
that time put forth in behalf of a
democratic candidate for the legisla
ture in the 50tb district composed of
the counties of Rock and Brown
The candidate was J A Fike the
time was the fall of 1892 the scpne
was Longpine and we were working
on a republican paper at the time
We are thus minute because this fact
will destroy his carefully constructed
Story that we had always been a re
publican prior to coming to Valentine
The letter which he published some
time ago ostensibly from an Ains
worth citizen was written in his own
office several Ainsworth people whom
he approached refusing to become par
ties to such an infamous He George
cannot produce a single reputable cit
izen of Ainsworth who will verify the
statements contained in that letter
This is not the only time he has writ
ten letters to himself since coming to
Vql cntitje
ntacr -
The Chicago Records postal savings
bank bill was introduced in the house
of representatives on the opening day
of the congressional fession by Repre
sentative Lorimer the Chicago member
of the house committee on postolPcs
and postroads The bill was referred
at once to the postolfice committee ac
cording to the usual custom It was
introduced into the senate a day or
two later by Senator Mason who is a
member of the senate postotnee com
mittee It is upon these committees
that attention must center for the
present of those interested in the pas
sage of a law for the establishment ol
the postal savings bank system The
earnest agitation among the people
has forced upon U the members of
congress consideration of this subject
with the result that it is discussed in
Washington to an extent tat it never
has been before The chairman of the
house committee is au opponent of the
postal bank idea but other leading
members are friendly to the plan
The first ind indeed tke severest test
of strength therefore must come in
the postolfice committee If a postal
savings bank bill is reported favorably
by that committee and brought to a
vote in the house there can be but lit
tle doubt of the outcome on the lloer
Fortunately as the result of popular
agitation and because of the aggress
ive spirit which the friends of the
measure in congress are manifesting
tlve subject is one that cannot be ignor
ed or pigeonholed Never before has
the number of members actively inter
ested in the success of this project
beeu so great
Wben Georgie comes
To take our liide
And Iiang it on the fence
HeiI cry Enough
Hands off MeDuiT
Ive learn d a little sen30 I
Our grit is great
A3 Goorgle knows
And iiO we must refuse
Te give onr hide
To the man who lied
Wben he said he tried to fuse
And -later on
He lied again
To this we call attention
Without a blu h
He said Hush hush
Goods at the gold convention
This Is the worst
Lie he has told
It hasnt the least foundation
For we were home
And did not roam
With the gfddbugs of tlietiayon
Now Georgie dear
Youd better stop
Thisblained infernal lying
For Its a crime
Andweeno time
To save jour soul from frying
The license board of Omaha recently
passed a resolution designating the
World Herald as the official paper of
the board and Kosewater of the Bee
secured an injunction against the Her
aid issued by Judge Keysor the in
junction prohibiting the latter paper
from publishing or referring to the
resolution or solicting advertisements
for liquor license And they call this
free America and we are supposed to
have a free press Is it any wonder
that men become anarchists when
such things are allowed The injunc
tion has its uses but when it is used
to prevent a man from pursuing his
legitimate business it is going too far
To the World Heralds credit be it
said that it published the resolution
despite the injunction
When a stockman places his brand
in this paper he knows that he pays
the same price as his neighbor no
more no less We do notjpublish one
brand for 500 a year and another for
100 and another for 2 00 and an
other for whatever we can get We
publish these brands for the monpy
there is in them and for the benefit
the publication is to the stockmen nut
for the purpose of making advertisers
think we control the stock trade of
the country thus enabling us to solicit
advertisements at good rates
The Valentine Democrat charges
the Newport Republican with pub
lishing Hanna syndicate matter as or
iginal If not why not We edit a
paper and will beg as a favor of the
erudite editor of the Democrat that
we be not considered original in any
sense of the word We believe one of
the inspired writers has said rhere is
nothing new under the sun But
what is the matter with Hania We
thought be was engaged in editing the
Klondike fever Neurport Republican
In speaking of this paper last week
the Clinton 111 Public said
The Democrat is the official dem
ocratic and leading newspaper of
Cherry county The editor of the
Public Is a man of discernment
The Democrat i per year
j SS
IT E Dewey is in Valentine for a
few days
llobt Qnisenberry was seen on the
streets on Wednesday
Rev Garner pieached to a large
audience Sunday night
Mr and Mrs Chas Harris of Oasis
are visitors at Mr Dewevs
C M Baileys is the place to go for
i11 kinds of Christmas goods
Several loads of corn were brought
-up from JohnstojwiLon 1uesday
The Christmas entertainment is go
ing to be a grand success Come
W G Ballard arrived here on Toes
day night from Iowa where he has
oen tin bumetiiue
Mr and Mrs Hal Bakewell have
rented moms in the front part of II
E Deweys house They expect to re
main with the people of Wuodlafce a
tew mouths longer
S Q Spain went to Valentine on the
Bill Stead man of Pass was in
Kennedy on the 11th
Mrs Grange and children returner
last week from their visit at Grd
Tom Johns of Pass was m LoMe
tree Valley on theLkh doing buMiiess
Edna Wallingford Anna and Loitie
-tears are attending trie Kennedy
E Comstoek has a bunch of cattle at
Frank Kimes feeding the hay he
bought of -Frank
Mr and Mrs Grant Spain of Chest
ei field passed through Kennedy on
their way to the county capital
A C Avers will give a dance on
Xmas Eve All who enjoy good mn
sic and a pleasant evening should be
Gim Steadman put down a well
last week for William Kime and is
busy now putting down one for the
Bardsou Bios on their sheep ranch
Niobrara FalSs
Doc Johnson visited the flats one
day last week
John Adamson and family went
over to Crookston Friday and return
ed Saturday
Jack Frest carries the day at presen
and a natural bridge will soon put in
appearance on the Niobrara
John Grooms and Ora Ogle of
Sparks were visiting relatives in thm
vicinity the latter part of last week
A T White and F A Yearnshaw
were in quest of the feathered inhabi
tants of this locality one day last
There is a man in these parts who
stands guard ovpr his field with a shot
gun He is not -watching for birds
but for hunters
Bad Boy
Eli Irci5ict
Rev Hunt was over south one day
last week
Mrs Hugh Bnvillecame home from
Chadron with her new girl
happy in consequence
Mrs Chas Good ich came over from
the Churn Ranch last week and spent
a few days on the river
Mrs Selders I B Nichols and son
William and W D Ricketts went to
Valentine Monday on a laud contest
Lewis Adams and family returned
from Chadron last week Their son
is ahle to get around with the aid of
I JLove Her Stilt
We have just received a copy of thp
abovfd named beautiful ballad com
posed by M Durham The music is
remarkably pretty and in polka time
very catchy
fikst vrsk
I love her still I love her still
Tho hard it is to say
I saw her go with Jim last night
To see the last new play
She gave me just a frozen bow
As she walked by his sde
Cut Ah I oared to hope she would
Een yet be my sweet bride
Price 40 cents per cony All readers
of our paper will receive a copv b
sending 25 cents in silvpr or postage
stamps to The Union Mutual Music
Co 265 Sixth Avenue Xew York
A first claps Tailor who will make yon
a suit of clothes to please yon or
no pay ClSthing cleaned pressed
and repaired on shortest notice
Gall and see biro at Dvyetokt
4 4
i iii mm iiiiwirnni ill mi inn nim n m iinniwini inmiiin mr
Before purchasing your warm footwear you should Bee our line of
Mishawaka knit snow excluding boot and Banigan overs
Coys Pants 25 30 and 50 cents per pair Boys Suits T5e 8100 and
8150 per suit A few mens SS00 suits for 600
10 suit 8750 81200 suit 8000
4 Mr
The railroad company is bui ding a
switch and chute at the mill prepara
tory to laying in their supply of ice
The entire Elkhom system will be sup
plied with ice from this point and the
work will give employment to 25 or 30
men and teams
31111 Iricpsjav XTeett
Bran bulk 4f per cwt 7 OOton
Shorts bulk 5e per cwt 9 00 ton
Screenings 35c 600
Chop Feed 7Uc 1300
Corn 55c
Oats 9Uc
Public Land Sale
U S Laud Office ai Valentine Neb I
fov 14 1S97 f
Notice is hereby given that in nursuauce of
instructions from tin Commissioner ol the Gen
eral Lund fflce under authority vested in him
by Sec 24r5 U S Rev Sta as amended by the
congress approved Kebruarj 2G 1S95 we wdl
proceed to offer at public sale on the 8th day of
January next at lliis office the following tract
oflanu to wit the s swjti section 17 town
ship 32n raije 27v
Any and all persons cl iming adversely the
above described ltuds are advised to file their
claims in ihis ofllce on or before the dav above
designated Tor said sale otherwise their rights
will be forfeited
44 49 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb i
Dec 22 1P97 1
Complaint No 3525 having been entered at
this nlHiv by Klislia Edwards againsi William
A UhiJKer for abandoning his Homestead Kn
tty No StM dated June 20 1S34 upon ihe mts
2 3 and 4 section io and lot l section 33 tow -ship
28 iane in Chorrv county Nehr wi li
a view to the cancellation of said eetry the sai I
parties are her by summoned to appear at this
oIlii Bon the 27th day of Jan iary m at 11 o
clock a in to n spmid and furnish testimony
concerning said alleged abando meat
13 al C K G LOV UK Register
Land Oflice Valentine Neb
Dec 22 18I7 f
Complaint No 3431 having been entered at this
office bv Kgbert Ionnen against John F Kirch
ner for abandoning his Homestead Entrv No
JIS4G tilted June 26 1SC4 upon Uie nneM and
swHnc1 seViiiw section 14 township 23 range
38 in cherry county Neb with a view to the
cancellation ol said entry the said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at this office on the
27th d J unary 1898 at 10 oelocn am to
respond and furnish testimony concernirg said
alleged abandonment
48 51 C it GLOVKR Register
U S Land Office Valentine Vebr
Dec 13 1807
Complant having been entered at tins otlice
by lenjainn Roberts against George E Rart
lett for failure to comply with law as to timber
culture entry No 7ii5 dated May 4 I8ss upon
tlfe nwVi section 35 township 3 ii range 39w in
Cherry county Neb with a view to cancdla
tion of said entry contestant alleging that the
said George K Harriett the claimant did not
perform ceitain acts required by law to be done
during the years 1S9G and 1S97 in which the
failure is alleged to have occurred to wit the
claimant has failed absolutely to cultivate said
bind in any manner whatsoever during the vears
1890 and 1897 and there are no trees growing
on said land and contestant never saw anv trees
on it J he said parties- arc le rebv summoned to
appear at this otlice on he 25 h day of January
1S9S at 10 oclock a in to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged lailure
47 50 J A Fike Receiver
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr I
Dec S 1807 f
Complaint having been entered atthis office by
Hirrv L Reckwith against Benjamin S Moose
for failure to complv -with law as to timber cul
ture entry No C81cUted March 25 1S7 upon
the lot 4 anil seij sw1 and wU seH section Son
township 30 range 38w C p in in Cherrvcountv
Nebraska with a view to the cancellation of
said entry contestant aliening that said Benja
min H Moose has iailed at any time within the
einlil years last precccding to break or cultivate
any ol said land or to p ant any of said tract to
trees tree seeds or cuttings on said iract and
no trees are now growing on said tract and
said tract has all grown up to grass and weeds
and none of said laches have been cured up to
the present time The said partv is hereby sum
moned to appear at this ofiice on the 2d dav of
January 189S at 10 oclock a m to respond
and furnish testimony concerning saiu alleged
Deposition of witnesses will be taken before
Robert Lucas a U s Commissioner at his
office in Lavaca Neb on the i7th day of Janu
ary 1893 at 12 oclock m
4G 49 J A Fikk Receiver
Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases
notice of which appear in Thk Dkmocijat will
receive a marked copy of the paper Should anv
error in description of land or spelling of names
be discovered notice should be sent to the land
ofllce aim this oflice so correction can be made
U S Land Otlice Valentine vPnr
Dec 17 1807
Notice is hereby given that Jmes Hudson f
Sparks Neb has filed notice of i temion io
mik final proof bef re the Register or Receiver
at his oflice in Valentine Neb on Saturday the
2fltb day or January 13 on timber cil up ap
plication No 7410 fpr the nsse n vi
No 20 in township No 35n range 3
He njimcs as witnesses Kezekbih Brown
of Spark Neb William D clarkson Nels
Polen and Hamilton McCrea of Valentine Neb
raska also
William D Clarkson of Valen
tine jNebriisfca
T C IcPr for the wisw and the s nwJ4
secton 25 townlii3rn rang1 2iv
He names the folluwincr witnesses viz He7
ekiah Brown ami James unsn sparks
Nebr i ohm ami Hamilton McCrca of Val
entine Neb also
William D Clarkson of
Valentine Neb
H E 10123 for the swHswj section 27 and
the n4nwiiseiijvj i sectijn 31 township 32n
range 27 w
tie navies the following witnesses to prove his
cnntiuuou residence upon anJ cultivation ni
unid land vi William H Dennis O car K
Hnsfhle Kdvard riiHher aud John Orinesh
er all of Valentine Neb
48 53 V 11 GLOVER Register
U S aud Office Valentin Neb i
October 5 1S07 - f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of bis intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and thai
said proof will be rradeToefore the Regifer or
Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Jan 13th 1SS3
Willara II Strattononeof the heirs
of Amy strntton deceased who made
H E No 9203 for lot s and sis nwS section
No 18 tewnsbin 31 iange 2S
I names the todiwiug wirncses f prove his
continuous residence upon
and cultivation of
aid laud viz Willaid D Morgareidgc Wm
G Carvon Harvey Hobbs and GilLert SHobbs i
all of Simeon Neb j
Ji Ji C 1 G LOVER Ifegistcr J
U S Land Office Valentine Neb
Nov IS 1897 I
Notice is hereby given th t Calvin K Hazard
of loan Iowa has filed notice of intention to
make final proof be ore Register and Receiver
at their In aientine Nebr on Mondav
the 3rd day of January 1803 on timber culture
application No 7557 for the wnw1 aim w
swVt quarter or section No 10 in township No
30n range No 26v
He names as witnesses John II Dav John
M Day James H Dav and Ivan C Shaiil all of
Wood Lake Neb
Testimony of claimant will i taken before
the Clerk of the District Court of Woodburn
county at his oiline in Sioux City Iowa on Fri-
uiiv nee ji xsa
44 40 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Veb i
Nov 23 1807 f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention jo
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Jan 4
isOS viz
Coin D Ainslie of Simeon Nebraska
H E No 055 lor Ios 1 and 2 seH ne i and
re1 siH section 4 tow ship 30 raiure 28
He iwmcs the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Wm Ballard and Ilenrv Ballard of Wood
Lake Ncbr John H Lord and Wiliard Ditor
gareulge of Simeon NVi
41 40 C R GLOVER Register
L S Lnd Oflice Valentine Nb
December 2 1S07 f
Notice is hereby given that Minnie E Lilly
formerly Minnie E Kissel of Briwulce Neb
has tiled notice of inteniiMi to make liiiai proof
bef -re the Register or Receiver at his office in
Valentine Neb on Monday the 17th day of
January 1S03 on timber culture application No
7553 for the wlmv4 bemv and nwhsWii
of section No 5 in township No 27n range No
He names as witnesses Tliomas McClain
Jennie M Kissel Joseph Kennedy and iteiibiu
Kissel all of Brow slec Neb
4G 51 C R GLOVER Register
Noticp fs hereby given that Joseph R Enslev
of Henly Nebr has tiled notice or internum to
inase uai prooi ueiore ine litgisteror receiver
at bis thee i Valentine Neb on Tu sd - the
llth day ol January ios on timbn cnUare
PlIiciitinu No 7533 for the sw qutrer of sec
tion No 34 in township No 32n range No 4w
He name- as witnesses Daniel Donx Cha
Deavcr Alexander Stager aud Warren Klouiz
all of Cody Neb
roslimony of claimant will be taken beftre the
Clerk of the District Court for Furiuas counrv
at his olfic ia Beaver City Nebr on Jan 8 issy
tH3 - C P Givjek
r K
yavjMUigj ii
While looking around for pres
ents dont overlook our line of
Metzer I3ros
w s
3iV HklfPLgy
Pullman N jb
Cherry o
Brand on loft ad
aim thigh
Earmark sqiar
crop right ear
Southern brandc
cattlH have but on
irand on left side
Native cattle have
i hroat wattle
Kaiitie -it imii ami m ake Creaks
Horses lnuc same brand on loft iluh
A Micivartt of SUM will be aid to any
person lor information leading to the and
final conviction of any person or jitrsons steal
ing cattle with above brand
U S Land Olflce at Valentine Xeb i
JJoc 15 1807 f
Notice is hereby given that the
ed settler nas bled notice of his intention to
make final iroof in support of his claim and
that said pi oof will be made before Hegister
and Keceiver at Valentine iebr on Jan
25 1893 viz
John W Morris of Sparks Nib
11 E 0414 for the sw4 section 14- townshij j
mil range zuw
lie names Win following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said laud viz
Pvan Kd wards Evan Evans James Hughes
and Th mas f Jones all of Sparks Neb also
Evan Edwards of Sparks iNeb
H E 0597 for the seKne1 and nehscH sec
ti J7 townshij Un range 2v
He namus the following witnesses to Drove
bis continuous residence upoH and cultivation
of said land viz
Joi n W Morris carl Morrh Evan Evan3
and Thomas J Jones all of Sparks Neb
47 -02 C It G LO V Elt Itcgister
US Land Ofllce Valentine Ncbr
Hue l iw f
Notice is hereby given that Frank Miller of
Woodlak Neb has tiied notice of intention to
make final proof before the Kegister and Re
ceiver at his office in Valentine Nebraska on
Wednesday the 12th dav of Januarv 13KS on
timber culture application No 7431 for lots 1
and 2 s4 ne quarter of section No 1 m town
shin No 20n range No 27w
He names as witnesses EIv D Valentine
Cyrus Kagen Charles A Johnson and Washing
ton Honey all of Woodlake Neb- also
Fiank Miller of Woodlake Neb
II E 0057 Tor the s neJ4 and n i seH section
26 township 30n range 2Gw
lie names she following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon aad cultivation of
said land viz
Elv D Valentine Cyrus Hagen Charles A
Johnson and Washington Ifonev all of Wood
lake Neb
45 50 C R G LOVER Register
They are about the neatest and
best things in town No two
alike Prices from 100 up
Fine line of samples from which to get tailor made clothes
tm Siaifl Premier typewriter rsr g
First in improvements Honest
onsructon and ell High grade
Typewriter Essentials
Ik ft
i if rf - it m r
ZU ftst Premier typewriter Co sense n v u sk
Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets
IZstray Notice
Taken u at mv residence on section 10 town
ship 3 range 32 Sharps Ranch precinct on
olack horse about four years old weight about
t 00 pounds No marJis or brands
Jack LePoinc
Merriman Neb
Citile branded on
left side Some on
hip also
harmark round hole
in center nf Wt ear
Also use pff0i
And 2 2 side
7 gf I
on rLht side Knnge Lake Cornjand
Bear creeks
oam Hudson
Slmnon Jvob
Ix rt hip on catflo
Tfcshnildfr nn
hoi ses
K on Icftsnoulder
ltangc between
Gordon and Snaa
uiver and Niobrara
Lcit ear tagged AH catile deliorned
Henry Pj att
Rosebud S D
Left side
Horses same on
left shoulder
Deerhorn clip on
some cattle
William Shangren
J re3
r O address
Aiernraau Ncbr
Right ear cropped
Hole in center of left
Range Lake creelc
Cody Neb
-ii Dulap underside of
Joseph V Bovmet
William M Dunbar
Lessee from Heine Krcwge r
Cody Ncb
DUn Either aldn
Earl Comstoek Manager
Valentino Neb
Cattle branded oil
left side or hip Also
939 TG
M co no
Horses same as on
steer left hip Also
C on left shoulder
W mi
rAWPKfeP ri if
Range Big White
and Bad Rivers
tjft car oi cattle
Range head of Hay
7 I
Steadman Bros
Pass Neb
Brand on either
right or left side
Horses and aor
cattle brand
on left side
and hip
Kanze Bull Lako
1 and Wamadcce
Charles Benard
Kosebud S D
- n