The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 23, 1897, Image 5

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licNitt Bros
PO Brownlee Neb
Eight or left side
Horses same on
left shoulder
Earmark Swal
low tall clip right
or left ear
Range Big Creek
I a j
Rosebud S D
Cattle hole tn
each ear
Ranee Bin and
John H Ham an
Brownlee Neb
Also and
AE be
Charles Richards
Meiriman Neb
Rosebud S D
ID 1183 either left
side or hip
F on left
Range head of
V- L if
Paul Didier
LUtle White Rivers
Horses on left
Itauge Goose Creek
aud Is or til Louo
Marshall Wblfenden
Kennedy Neb
Some a on the left
Horses K on left
Brand is small
Karmark Quarter
clip behind half cir
cle forward on left ear
Itauge Lone Tree
Louis F Richards
afctjr mm
Meiriman Neb
W R Kissel
Brownlee Neb
Also some below
lelt hln
Range Kissels
Thomas Farren
Wheeler Bros
Cody Neb
Range on the Snake
River and Chamber
lain flat
Louis J Richards
Merrlman Neb
Charles H Faulhaber
Brownlee Nebr
Either right or left
side on cattle
Horses same on
left shoulder
teft ear cut off of
Range Loup river
i DG
Charles C Tackett
PtiiTr T i m gyf3
Rosebud 3 D
Uange head of An
telope near 5tIars
Horses branded
on left thigh
Rosebud SD
On leftside
Horses branded
same on left hip or
Range on Horse
1 I
John DeCory
Rosebud S D
Some branded ID
417 on left side
Horses JD on left
Range in Meyer Co
ou Antelope Creek
S H Kimmel
Rosebud S D
Also B4TJ on left
Cattle undercut on
both ears
Horses branded 4
on left shoulder
Range on Antelope
And Hpriug Creeks-
7 U4U
Our National Law Maters and Whai
They Are Doing br the Good of the
Country Various Measures Pro
posed Discussed and Acted Upon
Daily Report
Senate Thursday Dec 10 Senator
Wolcott of Colorado chairman of the com
mission appointed by President MeKinley
to secure if possible the co operation of
foreign countries in an international con
ference upon the silver question said in
the senate that the commission had not
yet made a report to the president and
it vas uncertain when a report would be
made A resolution directing the secre
taiy of war to send supplies to Americ n
and other sufferers in the Klondike region
-vas passed Senator Frye of the com
merce committee favorably reported and
ie senate passed a bill directing the sec
retary of the treasury to purchase or con
struct a suitable vessel for revenue cutter
service on the Yukon River Alaska
to cost not to exceed 40010 Sen
ator Allison of the appropriations com
mittee reported favorably the house joint
resolution providing for a recess of con
gress from December 18 1897 to January
5 1898 The resolution was adopted
Senator Pettigrew secured the adoption of
a resolution directing the secretary of the
interior to furnish the senate an itemized
statement of the receipts and expenditures
of the Central Pacific Railroad for each
year from 1871 to 1897 the statement also
to show the subsidies paid to steamboat
companies Senator Allens resolution
calling upon the president for information
about the instructions given to the inter
national monetary commission and the re
port made to him by the commission came
up and went over till the 15th of next
month by agreement
Sexate Friday Dec 17 A debate
was precipitated in the senate by the sub
mission of Senator Piatt of Connecticut of
the report of the sub joint committee of
the seuate and house of representatives
appointed to investigate the use of alcohol
in the arts It developed that a wide
divergence of opinion exists among sena
tors as to the practicability from the point
of government revenue of reducing the
present tax on alcohol used in the arts
A joint resolution accepting the invita
tion of Norway to participate in the inter
national fisheries exposition next year was
passed Under a special order 138 private
pension bills were adopted At the sug
gestion of Senator Hawley chairman of
the military affairs committee the bill
passed by the house for the relief of the
miners in the Klondike region was taken
up at once The senate bill was substi
tuted for that of the house and a confer
ence ordered with Messrs Hawley Car
ter and Cockrell as conferees
House Friday Dec 17 The house
completed the consideration of the execu
tive legislative and judicial appropriation
bill excepting the paragraph relating to
the civil service By agreement debate on
this latter paragraph went over until
after the holidays Two amendments
were adopted The bill as reported abol
ishes the assay office abDeadwood S D
and the mints at Carson City Nov and
New Orleans Representatives from the
two former states made a vigorous
and successful fight to continue appro
priations for Deadwood and Carson
City The appropriation committee
wus beaten in each instance
The house then went into committee of the
whole and resumed the consideration of
the legislative executive and judicial bill
On motion of Mr Mercer Republican of
Nebraska a bill was passed to increase the
cost of the government building at the
Trans Mississippi Exposition 12500 and
the cost of the government exhibit a like
Senate Saturday Dec 18 The Klon
dike relief bill was put throught its final
stage before adjournment The measure
us agreed to in conference makes the
amount 200000 provides for the securing
of the consent of Canada in extending re
lief to the Canadian side and authorizes
Hie use of the army to carry out the relief
measure It also provides that supplies
must be purchased instead of being do
nated The open session of the senate was
orief the time being consumed in the in
troduction of bills and resolutions sev
ual of the latter calling for information
Irom various departments being passed
Dne of the resolutions agreed to increase
Irom 50000 to 62000 the amount tube ex
pended by the government on the build
ings at the Trans Mississippi Inter
national Exposition to be held at Omaha
and reduce by 12000 the sum to be
Bxpended upon the governments display
Senator Cullom of Illinois secured the
adoption of a resolution directing the
heads of the executive departments of the
government to inform the senate what po
sitions in their deparments ought
in their opinion to be exempted
from the operation of the civil ser
vice law uiiil what changes or modi IK
nations in the law ought to be made Sen
ator Allen of Nebraska introduced a reso
lution which was passed directing the
postmaster general to inform the senate of
all railway and steamship mail contracts
made by tiie United States now in force
he names of persons or companies with
whom they are made the services to be
performed and the sum to be paid by the
United States Senator Kyle of South Da
kota introduced a bill and had passed a
resolution calling upon the secretary of
state for all papers from the Uaytian
government relating to Bernard Camp
bell At 2 p m the senate adjourned
until Wednesday January 5 1898
House Saturday Dec 18 Mr Boutell
of Illinois offered resolutions of profound
regret on the death of Mr Cooke of Illinois
Those who paid tribute to the deceased
member were Messrs B mtell Foss Hend
erson Belknap Roycc Mann Brosius
Hopkins Dinsmore Graff Moody Prince
and Peters At 210 the eulogies being
concluded the house adjourned to January
Men do lots of childs tricks at forty
that the wornn quit dolnjr sip twenty
Smothered Fires
When smothered fire will burn and
smolder a long time without giving
signs of its existence Considerably
over a year ago the Masonic temple in
Providence was burned to the ground
On a recent afternoon the workmen
while tearing down a portion of the
wall which was left standing on one
side found quite a fire in progress
They first saw the smoke and when
they had pulled down the walL the
smoldering embers were- fanned to life
by the wind
National Doard of Trade Warmly Dia
ensscs tlie Proposition
The first matter which came before the
NationalBoard of Trade at its session in
Washington Wednesday was a resolution
favoring the establishment of postal sav
ings banks which wus introduced by the
Chicago Board of Trade It was stated in
the resolution that the people should be
encouraged to deposit their savings in a
department of the national government
The passage of the resolution was advo
cated by Mr Lyon of Chicago who said
that the secret of saving lies in beginning
An objection was that it would concen
trate money in the cities and would inter
fere with the business of building associa
tions etc After some discussion the
question was referred to a committee to
report at the next meeting
The question of artificial irrigation was
next discussed tihe basis being a resolu
tion offered by the Pittsburg Chamber of
Commerce which recommended that Con
gress enact laws to place the supervision
of all irrigation enterprises in the hands
of the United States authorities where
such work is undertaken upon waterways
affecting interstate navigation
Mr Pence of Cincinnati presented the
report of the committee on international
waterways The report urges Congress
to continue such legislation and to make
such appropriations as will provide for
deepening the channel of the Mississippi
river so that at least six feet be perma
7ieatly maintained from the mouth of the
Missouri southward The report was
The afternoon session was chiefly de
voted to currency discussion The gist of
the resolutions adopted was an indorse
ment of the single gold standard the grad
ual retirement of United States notes the
enlargement of the national bank circula
tion with a gradual reduction in the tax
on the same and finally the establish
ment of national banks with a capital of
25000 or over in towns of over 2000
population A motion to locate a perma
nent headquarters for the National Board
of Trade in Washington met with general
approval but vas referred to a special
committee for final action The active
prosecution of the Nicaraguan canal pro
ject was heartily indorsed
Vessel la Wrecked ou the Coast of
Vancouver Island
Uncertainty as to the fate of the over
due steamer Cleveland which sailed from
San Francisco Dec 4 for Seattle was
cleared away by the receipt of a telegram
from Captain Hall master of the ship
addressed to the owner From the rather
indefinite details so far received it ap
pears that the steamer is a total wreck on
the west coast of Vancouver island in
Barclay sound twelve miles north of
Cape Beale The captain and six others
are safe but twenty two are still missing
and it is feared they were drowned
The steamer broke down during a se
vere storm off the mouth of the Columbia
river Captain Hall tried to put into
Puget Sound but the fury of the gale and
rapidity of the current combined to make
the vessel totally unmanageable and
when she finally ran ashore on Barclay
sound the painac stricken crew rushed for
the boats
Despite the warning of Captain Hall
who advised the men to stick to the ship
she was beached None of these boats
have as yet been heard from and it is
feared that they are lost although it is
probable that they may have landed on
the coast of Vancouver island at some re
mote point The captain chief engineer
Plrser three sailors and one fireman who
remained on board the Cleveland suc
ceeded in reaching the shore through the
surf safely The vessel and cargo was
valued at 75000 on which there is little
Suspicion Jncrcases Tliat an Evacua
tion Is Actually Intended
There is a suspicion in Washington offi
cial circles which is gradually becoming
a conviction that Spain is preparing to
turn the island over to the Cubans A
correspondent says that there is no doubt
that the Spanish Government and people
are sick of the war Some of the officials
here suspect that Spain would be glad to
get rid of Cuba if she could do it grace
fully and t without seeming to acknowl
edge that she has been whipped
These views were strengthen by a dis
patch which Senor Dupuy de Lome the
Spanish minister received from Captain
General Blanco containing notice of the
granting of what appears to be an order
of amnesty to all political exiles from
Cuba This indicates that Captain Gen
eral Blanco has revoked the orders of
Weyler under which American citizens
were expelled from the island If Blanco
intends to adhere honestly to the policy
outlined in his dispatch to the Spanish
minister everybody expelled from Cuba
except common criminals may go back
to the island with assurances of their
safety as long as they obey the law
Are Asked to Assemble in Indian
apolis Jan 125
The convention of business men which
met in Indianapolis last January and au
thorized the appointment of the monetary
commission will bo called together again
for the purpose of considering the com
missions report This was decided upon
at a meeting of the executive committee
of the convention Wednesday in Wash
The now convention will be held in In
dianapolis on Tuesday Jan 25 The in
vitation will go out as before to all
boards of trade commercial clubs and
similar organizations in all cities of the
United States having a population of
8000 or more The executive committee
determined upon this course with a view
to crystallizing public opinion in support
of the report of the monetary commis
sion in case the plan presented by the
commission shall commend itself to the
buses community
Rev Father Tribyl pastor of St Johns
Catholic Church at Bridgeport Conn
from JJie altar divulged a conspiracy to
assassinate him His statement astound
ed his congregation and after the ser
vices the priest gave the police the names
of the conspirators and sufficient evidence
to warrant prosecution
For four hours a score of Georgia Stat
Senators were locked up in the capitol
girded by doorkeepers with clubs They
acked three of a quorum and had hun i
drvds of bills to act upon at once be
cause the session is about to close
It was not expected that the President
Would nominate Attorney General Mc
Kemia for the Supreme Court until after
the Pacific Railroad suits were disposed
of That was the understanding before
he went to Canton but he thinks Gov
Griggs of New Jersey will be able to look
after the railroad foreclosure with equal
zeal and ability and that perhaps it
would be us well to have a new man take
hold at this time The controversy be
tween the Attorney General and the legal
representatives of the railway companies
has become rather heated Both sides
are stubbornly fixed to their present posi
tion Somebody must yield before any
arrangement can be concluded and it is
believed that Gov Griggs can make bet
ter terms than Attorney General Mc
Kenna The Central Pacific has been a po
litical issue on the Pacific coast for many
years and everybody in California is com
mitted to or against its interest There
fore the President thought it would be
better that somebody from the East who
could not be accused of prejudice or pref
erence should undertake the settlement
of its affairs with the Government
By the last census of the executive de
partments in Wasliington there were 105
persons over 70 years of age employed as
clerks by the Government and it is prob
able thut the number has nearly doubled
since that time There are sixty superan
nuaited clerks in the Treasury Depart
ment alone and most of them are incapa
ble of performing any important duty
Some of them are drawing salaries as
high as 1S00 a year others 1200 1
400 and 1600 There is no pension list
for civil service employes In the army
and navy a man is retired on half or two
thirds pay when he reaches the age of 02
Secretary Gage has been studying the
question very carefully and has decided
that it is only fair to the Government
that clerks who axe incapacitated by age
should receive only a corresponding
amount of their salary Hence he has
issued an order reducing the sixty vet
erans who have passed three score and
ten to 000 a year
The two committees on Indian affairs
are working together in the preparation
of a bill to carry out the recommendations
of Secretary Bliss with regard to a new
form of government in the Indian terri
tory They are unanimous in the opinion
that prompt and radical action should be
taken to dissolve the tribes abolish the
existing tribal governments and place the
inhabitants of the several reservaitions
upon the same footing as the citizens of
other territories with equal rights priv
ileges and protection The first step to
be taken will be the organization usul ad
mission of Indian territory into the Unit
ed States the appointment of a governor
a secretary judges and other officials that
compose the ordinary territorial organisa
tion Then a census of the territory will
be taken and an election ordered for a
Legislature to frame a code of laws
Secretary Bliss is congratulating him
self that he is to be relieved of all re
sponsibility in connection with the ap
pointment of the officials to take the next
census The temper shown by Congress
on this subject is very significant It is
not proposed to allow the civil service
commission to have anything to do with
the appointments which are temporary
and will last for three or four years only
but it was originally proposed to make the
Secretary of the Interior the appointing
power Mr Bliss immediately objected
There will be several thousand persons on
the staff and he has trouble enough now
Therefore the superintendent of the cen
sus when appointed will distribute the
The bottle of 45-year-old whisky which
Major Barrack G Thomas gave to Miss
Richardson of Lexingiton Ky to send to
the secretary to baptize the battleship
Kentucky has been totally consumed It
was a perquisite of the last administra
tion and was partaken of by President
Cleveland Secretary Olney Hoke Smith
J Sterling Morton Attorney General
Harmon Postmaster General Wilson and
the faithful ThuTber Secretary Carlisle
and Secretary Lamont were not guilty
The former does not drink and Col La
mont abstains from preference
There are bills before the Committee on
Public Buildings and Grounds for the
erection of custom houses aud postoffices
in more than 200 cities of the United
States and for the extension or enlarge
ment of existing buildings in fifty other
cities During the last three or four
years while there has been a deficit in the
treasury Congress has passed very few
such bills but there is going to be a de
termined effort this session upon the part
of representatives who need buildings in
th eh- districts to secure authority for their
Commissioner Powderly finds that dur
ing the year 1S96 S0019 of the immi
grants arriving in the United States were
illiterate and 90 per cent of them came
from Italy Austria Hungary Russia and
Poland G per cent came from France
Norway Sweden Germany and the Unit
ed Kingdom In 1S97 42154 illiterates
arrived of which 9023 per cent came
from the group of countries first named
and G55 per cent from the group last
There is no serious talk of the evacua
tion of Fort Sheridan but the high of5
cials of the War Department and the
army are inclined to recommend such a
thing They take the ground that it Is
so near Chicago the men are constantly
exposed to temptations from which they
should be protected nnd that it is always
a bad thing to have a military garrison
nt large city
Speaker Reed is becoming quite a so
ciety man He has appeared at all impor
tant social functions thus far and has
been particularly conspicuous at the opera
every night where he has occupied a box
as the guest of his friend Representative
Simkins of Massachusetts
The United States Supreme Court has
reversed the sentence of death in the case
of Thomas Bram who was accused of
imirdering the captain mate and cap
tains wife of a vessel bound for South
America The ground is that Brams
testimony should not have been admitted
Notary Publi
Real Estate
Valentine Nebraska
1000000 Bond Filed
Office in F O Butldin
Has recently been refurnished and thoroughly renovated
making it now more than ever worthy of the
reputation it has always borne of being
Hot and Gold Water Excellent Bath Room Good Sample Boom
M JT DONOHEB Proprietor
Qherry Qounty Bank
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent wlthTconservativo banfclog
Exchaoge bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable
rates County depository
C H CORNELL JPrealelent 31 V NICHOLSON Jiiler
Valentine Nebraska
A General Banking Business Transacted
Buys and Sells Bomestic and Foreign Exchange
Ooxrt pondsnti Chemoal National Bank New York Mrst National Bank Oaaa
This market always keeps a supply of
In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats
Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables
At StetterBOld Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRA8KA
OJ the Choicest Brand
that thb office is fully prepared at all times to turn out
on the shortest notice in the most artistic and
workmanlike manner all kinds of
Job Printing