-4 l V f V J 4 v f - Four months 4S990S49 S34474321 This presents a balance of over 14 000000 in favor of the Wilson bill It should also be remembered that the revenue secured by the Wilson bill for the time in question was collected when business was paralyzed by the panic of 1S03 while the Dingley bill was operating under the glorious influ ence of the McKinley prosperity which is so much vaunted by the Republican press Truly as Mrs Malaprop would say comparisons are odorous to Chairman Dingley Chicago Dispatch Silver in India It is said that a dear rupee will ruin the export trade of India If a dear rupee will ruin the export trade of that country it follows inexorably that a cheai rupee must foster and stimulate it This is exactly what the silver men in the United States have steadily claimed wind what the gold men have just as steadily denied Upon this point we will now simply remind our gold idolaters that the export trade referred to is one that has been built up very largely at the expense of gold standard countries and particu larly at the expense of the United States It is a rather late day though for the government of that country to be- i gin to whimper about its export trade lAs has been sufficiently shown in other mint which forced the rupee artificial ly above the level of the coins of other silver using countries the export trade of India to those countries received a terrible blow In fact it was almost ruined In trade with China Japan the Straits and other silver countries India is now at a great disadvantage by reason of the rising value of the rupee But as that rupee is still away lelow par in gold -which is 24 pence he has a corresponding advantage in trade with gold standard countries Still upon the whole the government of India plants itself upon narrow ground The restoration of the par value of the rupee would it is true deprive that country of a bounty on exports to those loing business upon a gold basis But this bounty is already lessened by the rise of the rupee and the more it rises the smaller the bounty becomes On the other hand though it would de prive silver using countries of a like bounty over her so that as a mere mat ter of commerce it is doubtful if India would lose anything It is to be grave ly feared that the money lender has got in his deadly work on the government of tiiat country j Puttinjr Pins iii McKinlcys Chair Reed like Caesar is ambitious He has desired to be President for many yearst He is conscious that he -was cheated out of the nomination to which he was by merit entitled on account of the wholesale purchase by money and promises of patronage employed Ty the political syndicate directed by Mark Ha una Mr Reed can have lin ger the circumstances no conscientious scruples about throwing obstructions in the pathway of the McKinley second term boom Evidence is already com ing to the surface that the speaker is taking time by the forelock with onfc hand and putting bent pins on the chair -whereon sits the administration -with the other Kansas City Times Organ Predicts Defeat The Republican party in Congress is ax present divided on every important proposition upon which action is ex pected by the country No recommen dation by the President is unanimously indorsed Does this argue a do-nothing session or only such results as carry with them the scats of bitter factional lighting A do nothing session of Con gress and demoralized Republican or ganizations in important States -will inevitably lead to defeat next year Washington Star Honest and Bogus Pensioners In the process of purging tlie pension rolls -which 1ms become so imperative there would be nothing to be feared by those -who rightfully belong on the lists The enormous amount which is now expended in pensions would be cheerfully paid by the people -without one word of complaint if it were in discharge of an honest and patriotic obligation No retrenchment is asked -which interferes -with the relief of any f -A gl COMPARING TARIFF BILLS Defenders of the Dhigley tariff rise to tlie dignity of the occasion with as sertion for lack of argument Chair man Dingley asserts that In time his famous deficit producer will bring in sufficient revenue to meet the expenses of the Government and he defiantly adds that tliose who criticise the tariff do not dare to make comparisons be tween the iirst months of the Wilson act and the first months of the present net This assertion was made in the face of the fact that comparisons have been made right along showing the failure of the Dingley bill to secure as much revenue as the Wilson measure which was so roundly condemned by Repub licans As an example of the comparisons which have been made Chairman IMngleys attention is called to the fol lowing figures showing the revenue which was secured by the two tariffs during the initial four months of their operation Wilson act Dingley act First month S15rG4090 S9S7702 Second month 11102118 7043100 Third month 10JCO02 9713404 Fourth month 11203049 9830025 J veteran who was disabled in the ser vice and who needs the assistance of the government All that is demanded is the abandonment of a policy which encourages a spirit of mendicancy and a disposition to work the governraeiyt I Kansas City Star Mr Howells Misapprehension A statement is put forth by Assistant Secretary Howell of tlie Treasury De partment apparently designed to miti gate tlie discouraging figures of his chief as regards the operation of the Dingley tariff The point made by Mr Howell is that the responsibility for the future of the Republican tariff to pro duce revenue lies with the public not with the law If we had the imports that we had in 1892 or 189G he says it would be all right But the purpose of the Dingley bill is to shut out im portations If the people do not import as much under the Dingley law as they did under the Democratic tariff is not that according to Republican logic a great and glorious triumph of the pro tective principle Boston Post Speaker Reed Able lo Dictate The silence of Speaker Reed on all the material points of President Mc Kinleys message is pregnant Mr Reeds mastery of the House promises to be as complete through the regular session as it was over the session called by the President before the most valu able part of the patronage had been dispensed This being the case he will be in a position to dictate terms to the administration on nearly every proposition affecting domestic as well as foreign affairs St Louis Republic As the Republican Reason Wonderful is the logic of Republican ism According to this system the Wil son bill brought about a deficit of 70 000000 fourteen months before it was passed and now it has brought about a deficit of 40000000 five months after it has been repealed Memphis Com mercial Appeal Only One Thing More Needed The Illinois Republican leaders pro pose to gerrymander the State again in order to secure if possible a few more legislative and congressional seats If they could only deprive the minority of representation absolutely they would rest content Manchester X H Un ion An Administration of Deficits The biggest visible thing the McKin ley administration has developed is the deficit in the treasury but that is noth ing compared to the deficit in the pock ets of the people through the protection afforded to trusts under the Dingley law Louisville Dispatch The Presidents Message It is fortunate for the country that President McKinleys peculiar financial views as expressed in his message stand no chance of being enacted into law Knoxville Tribune Late but a Republican Pres ident acknowledges that the Republi can financial legislation of the last thirty-five years is unsound unsafe and ought to be reformed altogether New York Times The President closes a remarkably weak and meaningless message with a good word for the civil service laws which his officials just now are so in dustriously engaged in trying to evade Wheeling Register A collection of words and not bril liant ones at that Of positive expres sion of individuality of pith and mar row there is none The eiessage is hardly warm enough to melt a hole in the snow on the Fourth of July Quin cy 111 Herald He has missed a golden opportunity for writing a great and patriotic mes sage and has given the country instead a tedious discourse filled with excuses for inaction on some important sub jects and making tentative and indefi nite recommendations with regard to others Buffalo Courier The whole message is pitifully weak Abstract where it should be concrete wavering where it should be steadjT and evasive where it should be frank cautious where it should be bold and disappointing where it should be in spiring Minneapolis Times That is a highly humorous paragraph in the Presidents message which would make our ships familiar visitors at every commercial port of the world The object of the high tariff being to restrict commerce what use have we for ships in foreign ports St Louis Post Dispatch Mediocrity apologizing for bad faith and incompetency epitomizes the quali ty of the Presidents message Charac terized mildly President McKinley s latest state paper is a tissue of unsound and vacillating policies tediously pre sented and feebly defended Kansas City Times It is les r markable in what it says than in what it omits to say So far from showing jggrpsve qualities it is conservative to the verge of the com monplace Not even the stock market alert to extract a sensataon from any public event reacts to anything the President has to say to Congress Bos ton Post President McKinley seems to have entirely overlooked that 9000000 a month treasury deficit Only nine months ago he insisted that an excess of expenditures over receipts was a dangerous condition which must be stopped at once if confidence and pros perity were to be restored Indianapo lis News HUNGRY IN LONDON One of the Most Striking Peculiarities of the English City Americans who have penetrated as far away from home as London re mark as one of the more striking pe culiarities of that metropolis the ex traordinary difficulty of getting some thing to eat there after midnight There are perhaps fifty open-all-night restaurants in New York and in all considerable American cities provision is made for people who have occasion for food when most people are asleep The restaurant wagons which during the last two or three years have come to be familiar in most American cities do business from sunset to sunrise or later and in themselves form a suffi cient safeguard against nocturnal fam ine London seems not to have devel oped even these itinerant havens Ju lian Ralph lately communicated to the London Mail a distressing narrative though happy in its ending of the an guish of an American gentleman who left Paris with nothing more than a cup of coffee in him omitting to take food at Boulogne or on the boat I find its throwing money overboard to eat crossing the channel and who found himself In London after midnight so hungry that I was all one clamorous appetite with a hat on and a suit of clothes There was not a bite of any thing at his hotel he had not tele graphed He was recommended to consult a cabman Cabby took him to a proprietary club where he was first refused admittance and afterwards told he could got in by signing an ap plication for membership and paying an Initiation fee but as there was no food in the house except a few sand wiches he retired A house near by was said to contain food which could be had at a cost of a guinea for each edible object ordered a guinea for a chop a guinea for a potato and so on That didnt do either Then the cab by touched by the anguish of his fare and assured that the plainest food would more than satisfy a man the sides of whose stomach were knocking together like castanets drove to a lit tle green cabin stranded in the road way in Piccadilly frequented and sustained by cabmen and there the suffering American got the steak and potatoes and bread and tea that his system clamored for The food was good and the company genial and well mannered so the story ended with the return of a happy man to his hotel but he still wonders that the habits of London should be so very differeut from the habits of American cities Other Americans have been heard of whose experiences have stirred in them the same surprise One of them is Mr Ralph himself who says Why London does not demand all night res taurants I dont know except it be that the English have developed the home their love of it and its capacity for giving satisfaction as no other peo ple have And England be it remem bered is all English Harpers Weekly Lost the Subject A few days ago Rev Dr Mclntyre delivered a lecture in a new theater at Washington Iowa says the Chicago Times Herald It was a fine building and the company which built and oper ated it also owned a private electric plant which lighted it A large audi ence was present and the lecturer had his subject well in hand when sudden ly every light went out The theater was pitch dark A few words from the speaker pre vented a panic and the lecture was re sumed in tlie dark Tust at the climax of a fine period the lights suddenly flashed up again throwing the audi ence into disorder and disconcerting the lecturer After a fewminutesof blinking Dr Mclntyre settled down to work again and was -warming up nice ly when another plunge into darkness interrupted him He was n earing the pero ration and hoped to finish it in the dark without further interference Patience he said is absolutely necessary for suc cess in the daily affairs of life Never lose your temper It is foolish to dis play such a weakness Just then the lights flashed up The speaker walked to the wings and shak ing his fist at a brawny Irishman who was tampering with the wires cried out in a tone which could have been heard a block away Confound you you idiot Will you ever have sense enough to leave those wires alone That ended the lecture on Patience Fortunes Awaiting Claimants By order of Parliament a report has just been made out and published con cerning the unclaimed funds in the keeping of the various English govern ment departments at the present mo ment The chancery division of the Su preme Courtof Judicature has in its pos session over 300000000 after paying during the last two years 585000000 to successful claimants The Irish Court of Chancery holds some 50 000000 of unclaimed moneys while the unclaimed Government stocks and accumulated dividends retained by the treasury department amount to 28 000000 Unclaimed dividends in bankruptcy are figured at 50000000 while unclaimed army and navy prize money and accumulations of pay ex ceed 3000000 All these funds are used by the British Government until claims thereto have been satisfactorily proved An endeavor will be made to transfer to the state the custody of un claimed funds in the hands of bankers and others These funds are known ro amount to a colossal sum far exceed ing the total amount of unclaimed mon ey now in the keeping of the Goverii ment Boston Transcript It keeps some men busy in renting schemes to separate other men from their money A3 a successful writer of fiction the man who gets out the weather reports easily distances all competitors y IK rr HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL FOR SAN FRANCISCO fggaEsmzz3 The homeopathic hospital which the citizens of San Francisco are to build is de signed to be one of the finest institutions of its kind on the continent of North Amer ica The University of California having refused to include the homeopaths in the allied college the homeopaths and their friends set to work to get even and the result will be a magnificent medical and surgical hotel which it is hoped by the new school of treatment will make the regulars green with envy The in stitution has already been endowed by Mrs Phoebe Hearst with a ward for chil dren and some of the most prominent citizens in California are deeply interested in the enterprise COUNTS WICKED SCHEME Would Unite Europe in a Commercial War on America Count Agenor Goluchowski the Aus trian Minister of Foreign Affairs who desires to unite Europe in a commer cial war on the countries of America has the reputation among European diplomats and statesmen of being a peaceful man His speech in which he almost violently advocated a concert of Europe for industrial warfare on the United States and the South American lepublics would be startling were there any possibility of the Counts plan be ing put into practice The Count is a man in the prime of life He comes from a family which has been power ful in Austrian affairs for several gen erations and he holds one of the three ministerial places within the gift of his rountry His only associates of equal power and rank are the ministers of war and finance He has been regard--d as one of the most brilliant diplomats COUNT GOLUCnOWSKI in all the countries immediately con cerned in the troubles over the Balkan States It was his calm decisive ac tion in the last engagement between Turkey and Greece that kept the small provinces in a state of peace His word s law on diplomatic matters covering She uncertain territory between his own country and the Bosporus he having served for years as head of the diplo matic corps at Bucharest the capital Df Roumania It is to him that the na lions have looked for a quiet adjust ment of the Eastern problems His ut terances against the crushing competi tion of tiie transatlantic nations is looked upon with amazement He claims all the countries of Europe must stand shoulder to shoulder against the encroachments made -hi the world across the ocean His remarks are the more serious when it is remembered that it is suspected that he made them with the full consent of the other pow ers which are trying to hold their own against the commercial activity of the Western world The Austrian authori ties declare that the Counts warning was more a desire than an expression of a program The Bicycle Woman A cycling magazine broaches the burning question Do men like wo men who cycle V The magazine de clares it to be a question that is agi tating both sexes much of late and it makes bold to answer It all de pends There are many sorts of wheelwomen too many sorts unluck ily There is the mannish inartistlcal ly garbed individual in such frequent evidence who boasts of being among the first women who ever rode the bi cycle and whose conversation is all of century runs and the records and scorching Then there is the silly weak minded little specimen of femi ninity who only rides because her friends do and because it is the fash ion Wheelwomen of these two sorts it is prettjr safe to say are not ad mired by men and what is an even sounder test neither are they by wo men Did a girl but know It there is after allr no surer test of character than the way she rides her wheel Not only the way she rides it but the way she regards it the position to which she relegates it among her other inter ests and activities Bicycling brings to the surface all sorts of undreamed of possibilities in ones nature It is a splendid gauge of personality Not fast or hard rules can be laid down concerning it of courser but this much may be said at least The girl whe behaves well dresses well and rides well because she enjoys the pastime and because she Is In need of suitable outdoor exercise may be sure of calling forth respect and admiration wherever she goes WOMANS EXPRESSION 1 Tire Peculiar Story It Tells t Those Who Take Time to Observe It The faces of women one passes in the street form a eurious story says the Family Doctor One woman purses up her lips another screws her eyes into unuaturalness while a third will wrin kle up her forehead and eyebrows until she looks absolutely ugly The trick is an unconscious oner but is none the less a trick and a bad one- There is no reason why any woman should look forbidding and bad-tempered just because she is annoyed about something Deep seated trouble has a way of writing itself upon the face whether we will or not Sickness too has its handwriting and will not be concealed by art But the frown caus ed by superficial trouble should not be entertained by the face for an instant We should strive to look as pleasant as possible for the sake of others a corresponding cheerfulness of tempera ment will inevitably result and always to the sweetening of our nature We cannot afford to go about with gloomy faces To depress others is not for us our work is to cheer to raise up to comfort but we shall never do this unless we cultivate a pleasant de meanor and the cheerful temper in separable from it This brings us to that question of worry Can we put it more strongly than to say that it is a duty to put care worry fretf tilness behind one I The habit must be learned or we shall not grow straight in the strength of our spirit and live out our life as the light as Swinburne so well puts it It is diffi cult to do that says someone We all know that it is very hard but women are not afraid of difficulties The more difficult the right thing is to do the greater reason for doing it All we need is to make the first effort strength Avill be born which will in crease at each subsequent attempt and we shall conquer it in the end Salva tion for women lies in this not to be overcome by troubles but to overcome them Information for Patrons When patrons of a small laundry in the upper part of the city failed to get their wearing apparel Saturday even ing they found the place closed and this note pinned upon the door Closed on account of sickness till Monday Im not expected to live Utica Observer Real Aristocratic Touch George met a duke while he was abroad A real duke He must have been George loaned him 7 Cleveland Plain Dealer There is no parting so bitter as the parting of a quinine capsule just as you are in the act of swallowing it CHASING THE FEATHER Chasing the Feather is one of the merriest of healthful parlor games A larg sheet or tablecloth is -held by the participants who sit on chairs placed in a circle A small feather from a sofa cushion is laid upon it Tje one who is to catch it mus do so standing To blow blow blow just jishard and fast and furious as possible is the bounden duty of eveiy player The ene in vir iniv the rohaZ caght is elected to d the caasimj CUTENESS OF THE COYOTE Dor lrawn Into Ambunh TricUtt to Make Away with a Badger No cuter animal Is found in the West than the coyote The coyote is to the plainsman what a fox is to an Eastern farmer only the coyote Is more In evi dence Forest and Stream tells about a dog that had its principal sport chas ing and otherwise worrying coyotes and was led into ambush by one coyote and then set upon by several other of the prairie wolves and almost done to death Abont 0 oclock one night the pa per says one of the coyotes came to the kitchen door and howled aggra vatingly at the dog which thereupon set after the coyote full tilt The coy ote fled around the house down to the corral and around the blacksmith shan ty the dog yelping after Behind the shanty were other coyotes six or seven of them and all of then made for the dog in a way that made ft feel lonely The ranchman heard the fight and the dogs howls of pain and grasping a rifle started that way on- the run yell ing as he went The coyotes- each took a farewell nip and fled a sore dog behind Since then the dog ha not been so much interested as on for mer occasions fir coyotes- It follows single coyotes vigorously but the ap pearance of another sends It back a fast as It can run The coyote likes badger flesh very much but one coyote is not equnl to- l badger In a fight consequently the coyote when It meets a badger has to resort to strategem till aid arrives The manner in which it does thisaccording to the paper Is- Interest ing A few weeks ago the writer says as I was riding along I saw a coyote and av badger The coyote seemed to be playing with the badger He wouldi prance around it first as- If to- bite it then run off a little ways the badger following evidently very angry Whens the badger saw me it ran into Its hole while the coyote went off forty or fifty yards and lay downevidently knowing X had no- gun- with me The coyotes device was evidently to tease and so keep the badger Interested till another coyote happened along when the bad ger would have- beem killed Nev Yrk Sun How She Became Noted As every one- knows Lady Audleys Secret was the novelwhlch lifted MIsst Braddon into fame It may not be so generally known that the author hadT fo little confidence in her work as to bring it out in an obscure serial Robin Goodfellow The story of the story is a romance In itself Mr Maxwell had started in more or less rivahy to Dickens first periodical the magazine called Itobin Goodfellow Dr Mackey was its ed itor and Laseelles Wraxall was his sec ond In command There had been some difficulty in regard to the opening nov el in consequence of which the new periodical was on the eve of postpone ment a serious contretemps in the facer of its extensively advertised date of publication The day before a decision was necessary Miss Braddon heard off the difficulty and offered to write the story But even if yon were strong enough i tc fill the position was the publishers reply there is no time How long could you give me5 ask ed the aspiring authoress Until to morrow morning At what time to morrow inorningVr If the first installment were on- myf breakfast table to morrow morning ho replied indicating by his tonu and manner the utter impossibility of the thing it would bo in time The next morning the publisher found upon his breakfast table the opening chapters of Lady Audleys Secret Robin Goodfellow did not hit the pub lic It did not live to finish Lady which indeed would ha vq re mained forgotten buried dead had Miss Braddon not been able to prevair upon a publisher to bring it out in three volume form rt then sprang intoan instantaneouspopularity The success of the novel was amazing and proba bly the critics did no harm to the sale by describing the work as sensation al More- than 1000000 copies have lveensolcL A Present from George XT J Here is a picture of the fire tub that George IIL presented to his loyal sub jects of Shelburne N S in 1795 This was in the days when the town was- a populous and thriving place Halfitho royalists who left Boston during the FIEE TUB OVEB ISO TEAKS OLD revolution built houses in Shelburnej and of course the king could not see such loyal subjects suffer for lack r proper protection fie TLaj tub is still in a fair itate of preserva tion Fill Teeth wth Glass The latest use for glass is instead of gold as a material for stopping decay- ing teeth It answers splendidly and is far less conspiciious than the yellow metal Of course it is not ordinary glass but is prepared by some new pat ented process which renders it safe and malleable At threescore and ten a mvj ias uso ally accumulated enough wisdom to en- able him to acknowledge hla ignoraacej -4 - t