The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 09, 1897, Image 8

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A Stanton business
4 v r
7rrr r 5
EOBEBT GOOD Editor and Publisher
Official Paper of Cherry
ty Nebraska
100 Per Year in Advance
Entered attbe Post offlce at Valentine Cherry
county weurasica as Becona ciass matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Adverting rates 50 cents per inch
per month Itetes per column or for
long time ads made known on appli
cation to this office
tlging that ho sells Bifiles greaily
reduced prices We look for a great
wave of religious enthusiasm in Stau
nton this winter as a result of this
The recent snow storm was one of
the most peculiar that ever visited
this section of the country For three
days it showed almost continuously
but no wind accompanied the snow
and comparatively no drifting occur
On the Becondand third pages of
this paper will be found the Presidents
message to congress Tt is one of the
1most disappointing documents ever
sent from the executive mansion the
recommenriationsVegarding Cuba be-
ing especially weak We leave it with
onr readers to digest Comment is
uselesR just now
Congress is now in session and the 1
lawmakers will from this time forth
occupy the attention of the public to
the exclusion of Thorn Luetgert Dur
rant efcal If the reverend seignoirs
in Washington will only hurry along
-and adjourn before spring the public
will be grateful These latter day
sessions of the national lawmakers
have almost come to be a bvword
Last Thursday Douglas county sold
two batches of bonds one of the issues
being for 100000 and the other for
180000 The 100000 lot brought a
premium of 6850 from the state
board of educational lands and funds
and H Toledo man offered 7225 pre
mium The180jCK0 lot were sold to
Chicago firm for a premium of 15
327 Twenty bidders were present at
thesale This doesnt look as though
the demo pop administration had
destroyed the credit of the state as we
were told it would do
The republican party placed protec
tive tariffs on iron and steel and
other materials needed in the building
of ships in order that a few mon
opolists might be benefited this kill
ed the ship building industry in this
country by increasing the cost of
inaterial andmaking it impossible for
bur artisans to compete with foreign-
era Now it is proposed to give a
bounty to all merchants who will ey
port goods in these ships And for
all this the people of this country pay
taxes Where is the benefit
Some writers of newspaper uspec
ials ought to he taken out and treated
u a good coat of tar and feathers or in
somerother way be given as a gentle re
kiihder that it is their province to tel
egraph facts not fancies to their pa
pers Duringthe recent snow storm
some of these infamous scoundrels
telegraphed broadcast over the country
that Nebraska was in the midst of a
great blizzard that stock was dying
etc when a3 a matter of fact the
storm was a comparatively gentle one
It is things of ttut sort puts newspa
pers in bad repute with the reading
One of the rankest fakes ever per
petrated on an innocent and confiding
public is the missing letter or jum
bled cities or missing word con
tests which for some time have occu
pied much valuable space in the lead
ing newspapers and magazines of the
nation The government recently is
sued fraud orders against a num
ber of the concerns which were en
gaged in the business and it is to be
hoped that this action will be a warn
ing to those who answer the advertise
ments We know of one family in the
r west part of the county that is almost
crazy ori the subject and never lose
im opportunity to- swell the purses of
IhQ fakirs though they are in actual
od tf tlid evtle of lite
jfti ftB ru
i J
- - - - T
It is as we thought Georgie could
not withstand the temptation and
despite his promise to his readers let
drive a few shafts of Glth at the ed
itor of this paper last week He says
we belched forth a gusto of vitu
buration and abuse on him We
deny the charge and anyone who reads
the two papers will admit that we
never vituburated Georgie in the
columns of this paper or out of it for
that matter By the way that word
vituburation is a good one but we
are at a loss to explain it since we
cannot find it in the dictionary
As we remarked before we deny
having abused or vituperated him but
in Jiis comments on the editor of this
paper we find the following choice
samples of language which he uses in
stead of argument The little self
ish thing a thing bursting of a
hnhhlft formed bv inactivity of his
-brain This paper is not given to
I nkitinn oi iff nt Mint- Tinfiirr Wft
said that Reinert was a liar and we
metiat it more than that he was a
wilful liar when he reported that we
attended the goldbug democratic
convention We have not made a
single cbargo against him which we
cannot substantiate while HE the
infctflible has not made a charge
he CAN substantiate
Niobrara Falls
Plorence Hamer Sundayed in
When overcome by bodily fatigue or
exhausted by brain labor no stimulant
so called serves so well the purpose of
lefreshment and rest both bodily and
mentally as milk When heated as
hot as one can readily take it ii may
be sipped slowly from a tumbler and
as it is easily digested one feels ven
soon its beneficial results Few per
sons realize the stimnlating qualities
of this simple beverage Decembei
Ladies Heme Jouanal
The Dingley bill still keeps up its
record as a deficit producer The
comparative statement of the receipts
aud expenditures of the government
for the month of Xovember shows a
deficit of 8092483 The deficit foi
the last live months is 46101494
The corn buskers have had quite a
rest lately
Ernest -Bowden has finished corn
husking He has over a thousand
bushels as the reward of his labor
Will Archer is the proud owner of a
thoroughbred Hereford which he late
ly bought to head his fiue hera ot
We hear that Fowlers are to have a
family Christmas tree at their placp
assisted by a tew near neighbors
Such thinas give pleasure to the child
ren and those of larger growth also
While some of our farmer sportsmen-were
out hunting jack rabbits
Saturday Fowlers hound started one
and Will Archer gave chase on a fine
horse which ran iuto a buffalo wallow
filled with snow and fell and broke his
ueck pitching Will off and hurting his
hip quite badly Aside from the ac
cident the hunters had a successful
hunt bagging 12 rabbits AVe learn
that the horse killed was one that Will
used to win all the races with It is
bad business running over unfamiliar
ground when covered with snow
Miss Emma Bartlett is visiting with
Mrs B Reece
Hunting seems to be the leading
sport at present
Lon Mosher has been sojourning on
the river since Thanksgiving
Walter Johnson and Wm Grooms
spent the latter part of last week at
the Falls
Some of our citizens are expecting
to spend Christmas at Crookston Its
a long time off but there is nothing
like being ready
Well Ive been watching the col
umtis of our paper and find that I am
not the only one that has not dropped
a line these weeks Come lets all do
better in the future
John Adamson and Richard Grooms
the two members of whom our Crooks
ton correspondent spoke ot being
afraid of the goat went over last
Friday night and were initiated m
proper style in the M W A lodge of
that place and are now full Hedged
Bad Boy
Hon C R Glover took oreakfast in
Longpine one day this week on his
way to join the party at Omaha who
so to Galveston in the interest of a
deep harbor for the Gulf If they will
listed to C It we will gamble that he
will have them not only in dep water
but in hot water in a reasonably short
time We remember the balloon es
capade Longpine Journal
Pearly- the year old son of Wm
Ackley died at Chas Massingales
Tuesday night of blood poisoning
caused last summer by coming in con
tact with poison ivy while nursing a
btfea aria - i
ru ft rv --
where he will feed them
Mrs D A Piercy and daughter
Agnes departed on the 27th of Nov
ember on a visit to relatives in Lin
Lon Avers and family moved into
their iiew residence on the 27 Mr
Avers thoroughly understands making
a fine sod house
School began on the 29th Mrs John
Gee teacher This is the third term
for Mrs Gee in the Kennedy school
Everything is moving along like clock
Jim Wilson was seen on our streets
llev Bates will hold services here
Kev Garner preached to quite an
ludienee sundtv niglu
John Snnser from Valentine tran
s ctcted business in Woodiake one day
this week
The Episcopal supper was well at
tended 32 50 was taken in for the
Baled hay baled hay is all the crj
now days the tiiore tbey get the more
they want
C A Johnson and wire went to Val
Kiitlue on Monday taking their daugn
cer to see the doctor
Mr Good editor of The Democrat
was with us Saturday evening shuk
ing hands with old friends aud seem
ing to have a good time
If you want Christmas goods of all
Kinds call on C M Bailey The best
on the market at the lowest prices
If you don t believe it come and see
W A Parker just received a largf
supply of nuts candy etc they are
the best he could get the are simply
fine Come everybody and lay in a
supply for Christmas
We hear the ladies of Woodiake
dont choose to have strangers come in
and help entertain They would
rather they would look on and what
ever they do dont sing
MUlJPvicest for JFeed N
Br in hulk 40c per cwt 700ton
Shorts bulk 50c per cwt 9 00 ton
Screenings 35c 600
Chop Feed 70c 1300
vOrn Dot
Oats 90c
In the County Court before W E Towne Coun
ty JihIrc
J CDwyerntf i
vs V-
IMarthaWenzel Deft J
Martha Wenzel will take notice that on the
20tU day of November 1897 W R Towne
County Judge in and for Cherry County Nebr
Issued an order of attachment for the sum ol
thirty tw i dollars and fifty cents 53250 in an
action pending before him wherein 1 C Dwver
is pi intiff and Martha Wenzel defendant that
property of the 3efendaut consisting of oi e red
cow one red and white cow one stock cow one
black yearling heifer one red cow one olck
and -white cow one hi own heifer calf about sx
months old and one brown and white steer calf
about three months old has been attached un
der said order Said cause was continued to the
6th day of January 1893 at 10 a in
J C Dwvkk Plaintiff
45 47 By E D Clakk his Attorney
U S Land Office Broken Row Neb i
Nov 4 1897 i
Complaint having been entered at this office
b Preston Hinksou against William Long for
abandoning his homestead entry No 775 dated
Dec 10 1895 upon the wViSah Seq
swsw i xec 9 Tp 2Gn R 25w m Cherry county
Nebras ka with a view to the cancellation of
said entry the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this office on the 20th day of
December 1S97 at 10 oclock a in to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said alleged
abandonment 6 CHAS H ADAMS Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr i
Dec 8 1697 f
Complaint having been entered atthis office by
H arrv L Beckwith against Benjamin S Moose
for failure to comply with law as to timber nul
tuie entry No 610 dated March 25 1S 7 upon
the lot 4 and eh s and w4 sej i section 3on
township 30 range 38w G p in in Cherry county
Nebraska with a view to the cancellation of
said entry contestant alleging that said Benja
min S Moose has failed at any time within the
eight years last proceeding to bttsaK or cultivate
any ot said laud or to p anr any of said trat to
trees tmj seeds or cuttings on Stid irauY -and
no trees are now growing on said tract and
said tract lias all grown up to grass and weeds
aud none of said laches haw been cured up to
thePresent time The said party is hereby sum
moned to appear at this office on the 2d day ol
January 189S at 10 oclock k m to respond
and furnish testimony concerning saia aliened
Deposition of witnesses will b taken before
Robert Lucas a U S Commissioner at his
office in Lavaca Neb on the 17th day of Janu
ary IS98 at 12 oclock m
16 Lli J A Fike Receiver
A iirst claFS Tailor who will make you
a suit of clothes to please you or
no pay Clothing cleaned pressed
and repaired on shortest notice
Call and see him at 3lavexpqbt
S Q Spain moved iuto his residence
one day last week
Cyrus Wolfenden on the 29th took
200 head or cattle to May wood where
he will corn feed them
Before purehating your warm footwear you should see our line of
Mishawaka knit snow excluding boot and Bantean overs
Bojb Pants 25 30 and 50 cents per pair Boys Suits 75c 100 and
150 per suit A few mens S800 suits for G00
10 suit 750 1200 suit 8900
Any rind all persons el iminc adversely the
above described lands are advised to file their
claims in this office on or hofore the day above
designated for said sale otherwise their rights
will be forfeited
44 19 C R GLOVER Register
Claimant1 and witnesses in final proof cases
notice of which appear in The Democrat will
receive a marked copy of the paper Should anv
error in description of land or spelling of names
be discovered notice should be sent to the land
office aud this office so correction can be made
Land Office Valentine Neb
Land Office Vaientme Nebr
U S Land Office Valentine Nb
Deceniiiers is7
Notice is hereby given that Minnie E Lillev
formerly Minnie E Kissel of Bmvnlee Neb
has filed notice of intenti n to make final proof
before the Register or Receiver at -his office in
Valentine Neb on Mondav the 17th day of
January 1S9S on timber culture application No
7r33 for the wj4nvS4 seHnw1 and luvtysw
of section No 5 in township No 27n range No
He names as witnesses Thomas McCIaln
Jennie M Kissel Joseph Kennedy aud Raubiii
Kisel all of Jirowalee Neb
40 51 C R JLOVER Register
1 1 187
Notice Is herebvriven that Frank Miller of
Woodlak Neb has filed notice of intention to
make final proof before the Hester and Re
reiver at his office in Valentine Nebraska on
Wednesday the 121h clay of January 1898 on
timber culture application No 744 for lots 1
and 2 si4 ne quarter or section No 1 in town
ship Np 29n range No 27w
lie names as witnesses KJv I Valentine
Cyrus llajen Charles A Johnson and Washing
ton Honey all of Woodiake Neb- also
Frank Misler of Woodlaki Xr b
FI E 9057 for the sV4 neM and uj seJi section
2G township oOii rmiire 2tw
lie names ihe following witnesses to orove hi
contiiiuous residence upon ayd cultivation of
said land viz
Ely I Valentine Cyrus ltacen Charles A
Johnson and Nashmytou llonev all of Wood
lake Neb
43 50 C R GLOVER liejjister
ud Office Valentine Neb i
October is7 l
Notice is hereby pivi n that the following
named sctiler has filed notic of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and thai
said proof will be trade before the Register or
Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Jan lth 1S9
Willam II Strattonone of the heirs
of Amy stratum deceased who mule
H E No 9203 for lot 2 and nwj section
No 18 township 31 range 2S
He names the fo J tiii witnesses t prove hi
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz Willaid I Mnrgurcidge Win
G Carson Harvey llobbs and Gilbert rSIIobbs
all of Simeon Neb
14 W G Ii G LOVER Register
Nov IS 1837 1
Notice i hereby given tint Calvin Iv Hazard
of Sloan Iowa has fibd notice of intention to
make fina proof lie ore Register and Receiver
at their office In Valentine N br on Mondav
the 3rd day of January 188 on timber culture
application No 77 for the wjiiw1 anu w4
sw4 quarter sertion No 10 in township No
30n range No 20w -
He names as witnesses John fl Dav John
M Day James II Dav and Ivan C Shaiil all of
Wood Lake Neb
Testimony of claimant will be taKen hcror
the Clerk of the District Court of Woodbiirn
county at his oltine in Sioux City Iowa on Fri
day Dec 31 1897
44 49 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Veb
Nov 23 1897
Notice is hereby given that the followmg nam
ed settler has filed notice of hs intention io
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Jan 4
1898 viz
Colo D Ainslits of Simeon Nebraska
H E No Sds tor los 1 and 2 seM nei and
neM se i section 4 tow ship 30 raueo 28
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Win Hallard and Henrv Ballard of Wood
Lake Nebr John H Lord and Willard D Mor
gareiilge of Simeon Nbb
44 49 c R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr
Nov 3 1897 f
Notic is hereby siven that the following
named settler has fild notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made the Itecister
and Receivtr at Valentine Neb on Dec 18 1837
Jacob E Devora of Woodiake b
H E No OOf7 for the wlise and eswtf Sec
32 Tp 30n R 2t5w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Washington Honey Ely D Valentine Cyrus
Hagen and Charles A Johnson all of Woodiake
Nebraska -
42 47 - Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb i
Nov s 1397 f
Notice is hereby given that the following nam
ed settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that saii i proof will be made before Register and
aud Its reiver at Valentine Neb on Dec 20th
1897 viz
Mary McDermott of Crookston Keb
H E No 9080 for the swswi Sec 10 sVinvVi
nwMnwSec 15 Tp 34n R 23w
She names the following witnesses toprove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Daniel 1eVey Hridgett Kennealey William
Cavanaugh and Margaret Cavaoaugh all of
Crooki tou Nebraska
42 47 C K GLOVER Rejistcr
- UVSLund Office Valentino Nebr
Nov 3 1897
Notlco is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his imention
to make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register and
Recoiver at Valentine Nebraska on Dec 13
1897 viz
Lewis D Lincoln of Valentine Xeb
H E No 9214 for the s SnwH and nJiswii
See 10 Tp 32n It 27 w
Ho names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation or
gaid land viz
Charles E Sherman William D Clarit5on
William Setter and John Ormesher all of Val
entine Neb
U L3 GGL07ESJcer
Firs in Improvements Honest
Construction and ail High grade
Typewriter Essentials
T r r
Jullmau Neb
Cnerry Co
Brand on left
Raiitre on oidnii and SuaKe
and tlilirh
Earmark sqian
crop rLht ear
Miuthern branded
citth 1 ave but one
tvVMraJiti on et aide
c5M cattle have
Horses ha same brjud on left thiih
A Sltra of SKiO will be paid to any
neron for information lcnriiiu to the arrest and
final conviction of any pcrton or persons steal
iut cattle with abfve brand
Notice is herebveiveu that Joseph R Enslev
of Heniy Nebr has tiled notice of int nMon to
mak fti al prom before the tteti trror Receiver
at iiis Hice 1 1 Valentine eb on Tunsdav the I
nth day ol Janinry iris en timber cultun
application No 7ri3 for the sw quarter of sec
tion No 31 in township No3nraie No Aw
He names as witnesses lJaniil Doux Chas
Heaver Alexander Sealer and Warren Kloutz
all of Cody Neb
restimony of clairnant will betaken before the
lork of the Distrn t Court for ruruins conittv
1 at his ollle in lieaver City Nebr on Ian IKJS
U S Lind Office Valentine- Neb I
November 4 f7 f
Notice is hereby given that Nelson E Cain of
ONeill Neo has filed notice of intention to
make final proof before Begisb r aud l cevr
at their office in Valentine ob on l ntlav the
cTth day of December 1897 on timber culture ap
plication No si 17 for lots I and 2 aud sneJ iof
See G Tp 2in K3Jw
He names as witnesses James i GoJaspie
of Newton Neb Grant G Botbwell Timotbv
Falbv and William Cullman al 1iiUinai Nebr
42 17 Cjlrr LOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb
Nov 8 ln7 1
Notice is hereby given that the following
nanied settler has filed notice Ji his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim aud
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on cec 21
1897 viz
Albert F Hindnr in of Oasis Xebr
ii E No 10O78 for the sJ inwJi and nJiswJi
SecK Tp3n It29w
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence on and cultivation of
said andviz
John K Rallard Willard L Cohee Jacob
Klein Jr and Henry B Ballard all of Woodiake
42 47 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb i
Nov 11 IS97 t
Notice is her by given that John W Kauat
sher of Lim blnNeb has filed no ice of inten
tion to make final proof betore Register ami lle
cciv r at their oHn e in Valentine Neb on Mon
day the 20th day of Decemb r 1897 on timber
culture application No 7J90 for the wisw1
and swiiyVi of See 23 Tp 27o 11 23w
He names as witnesses Ieter S Roueehe
Charles J aulhabet Henry Faulhabct and John
Salzman aJ of HroTrnlee Neb
Testimony of claimant will be taken before
the lerk of the District Court I Iim aster
county at his office in Lincoln Neb Dec 18 1S97
42 47 C R GLOVER Rrgistcr
U S Land Office at Valentine Neb i
Oct 28 1697 f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of hi3 claim aud
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Dec
22 1897 viz
Sadie Jane Sten formerly Sadie Jane
Dutilop of Hrownlee Xnb
H E No 10462 for ihe n Jse neswfcf and
seHw4 Sec 10 Tp 27n R32v
She names the following w tuesses to prove her
ciiitinuous residence upon aud cultivation of
said land viz
Benjamin B Andrews Barney McNitt Ed
moud 15 Growdeu and John J Steeu all of
Brownlee Neb
4i 4G C R G LOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb
Oct27Uj97 f
Nolice is hereby ul7n that Ernest M Snook
f U r 1 rk rT it if
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr
Nov i 1ST7
that said proof will be made before the Rgisti r
and Receiver t Valcnune Neb ouDec 11 1SU7
r j
- I w
Eilti x- Corbitt one of tlie lieirs of Lucy
11 Elliott deciised of Johnstown Xeb
II E No F72D for The seVj Sec 17 Tp27n ICCGw
She names tiie following vitnesjes to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Alfreds Hand of Woodiake Neb Mild If
Pilmore of Johnstown Neb Adelbert L Cor
oitt of Borieateel o D and Lafyetto F Coraitt
of Alnsvorth NVj
iMimi iml mraa m iimiiiiiiimiiiiiii i rn Ai i m imii V Hl JlTJijmLll
nGsViu pic TIWI AC
Pnblir Land Male
U S Land Office at Valentine Neb I
Kov 14 1S97
Notice Is hereby Given that in pursuance of
instructions from the Commissioner of tht Gen
eral Land office under authority vented in him
by See 2 155 U ri Uev Stu as amended by tins
eoucress auorovert February 1895 wll
I procetsd to offer at public sate on the StJi divy of
JtIHWr lUXt 1t Ull3 OflkU tilt llllCt
Tim UTollinnfniil fnnlr o M I following
Jim took his cattle
Wallingtord 0f land to wit the si swh section 17 town-
aown to uoose creek the zytfc siip 3211 range 27w
While looking around for pres
ents dont overlook our line of
They are about the neatest and
best things in town No two
alike Prices from 100 up
Fine line of samples from which to get tailor made clothes
i -2 -A sj o T
IU Sffiffb Premier typewriter
Bcsi Value Writing Machine
on rinht side
Hear creeks
-- s i iri
v -
TTjrweaeat ibt Qrttr
G 175
E3i k
Rosebud S D
Teft sie
Horses same
left shoulder
Deerhorn clip
some cattlu
C 5
t 5S I
Joseph W Eownet
Merrmian Nebr
Right ear cropppd
Hole in center of loft
Range Lake creek
trSatC r rn HlTWlTII
ViTtfl rr rr
in tiiiiiviti tuna ii o jiiuuiii6iii imtiiutni iw tlni
jpi mmn 11 nn
make final proof beP re IS sisteraud Uec eiver at J steer leftllio Also
ineir o nce 111 aeiiinie acuitus on
the 14th iiay o December l97 on timber culture O on left shoulder
application o 77ior me sisei ann svs
01 section No 13 in lownsh p No 31n ranjre 2Gw
He names as witne ses Ely D Valentine
James Day Will L hrslerand Kcgar
Levee all of Uoorilakc Nebraska
Testimony of claimant will be taken before
the Clerk of the District Court of Jeiler ou coun
ty t his office in Jefferson Iow on December
11 97
C R GI OVER Register
v 3 jjj
Notice is rereoy gve mat ine lonowzng mun 9 vi
ed tiler has lircfl not ce of his iuUtitiou to i 2v7wvfesftSL
inaju flnsl nrniif in simnnrt fif lii Hnsm rind
Rosebud H D
Range BigVbUe
and Bad Rivers
Rauye Lnkt Corn ti5l
Jam Hudson
Himiin Neb
Lett ears tagged
- is-
m dimv rwmiw yaviur o sywsenV u SJ
Omaha Branch Office Corner Seven teencii and Farnam Street
Herzger Bios
ICslrny Xatlrc
Taken u at my residence on section 10 town
hip 35 range 3 Sharps Ranch precinct one
duck horse about four years old weight about
l CO pounds No marks or brand
Jack LePoint
Jferrinian Neb
f itUf nrandfil on
left side Some on
hip aKo
Earmark round bobb
in center f left ear
Also use ggg on
And Kidu
Lelt hip on rattle
L it shoulder on
Some hories Luzy
on left shoulder
Kangc between
Gordon and 5nak
Hiver and Niobrara
All catile dehorned
Ilenrv Pratt
William Shanijren
WI isssg R
P O address
Cody Neb
Dulap uuderiio of
William IT Dunbar
Lessee from Heine Kroeger
43 Cody Nel
DUn Either sfds
g 7 -
Tft car ol cattle
Kangc neau oi iiaj
Earl Comstoclc Zkfanager
Valentine Neb r 5f
i iwo uiiuiucu j mZrfiKjx
left side or nip Also -
ji jLU QLra i j r
gr fff Z j ituAmS
Brand on eitbe
right or left sid
Hordes and
cattle brand
on Itll side
aud hip
ami 1
Charles Bcnard
Bull LsSk