The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 02, 1897, Image 4

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1 lliiiftMilmiiJHi 11- infirm - i
Siih t n -
Amounts to Almost a Cyclone
Many Ships Founder Scores of
Bodies Are Washed Ashore Sea
Walls Washed Away
Swept by a Storm
The gale which swept the English coasts
Sunday raged all night when it amounted
almost to a cyclone iu many places ac
companied by snow and hail A long list
of fatalities wrecks and damage to prop
erty has already been reported All the
coast towns have suffered and a score of
bodies have been washed ashore while
falling walls and flying debris have added
to the loss of life Vessels are
reported ashore on every part of the coa3t
and many ships are known to have found
ered with probable loss of all hands At
Xiowestoft Larmouth and elsewhere the
sea has flooded the quays doing much
damage The sea wall at Scarborough
lias been washed away and passenger and
mail service across the channel was mostly
lekin Government Will Establish
Schools in This Country
The new Chinese minister Wu Ting
3Tang has consummated a project which
contemplates the erection of a school
tmilding in San Francisco the bringing
tof teachers from China and the education
of the Chinese youth of Frisco and coast
in both English and Chinese branches
The Chinese government will expend not
less than 40000 in carrying out this
rproject Tuition will be strictly free If
the experiment proves a success similar
schools will be established by the govern
ment in other sections of the United States
St Louis Labor Unions Favor Keep
ing Gates of Castle Garden Open
By a vote of 41 to 5 the delegates to the
central trades and labor unions at St Louis
placed themselves on record as being op
posed to the further restriction of immi
gration The question was discussed foi
over three hours A resolution -was
passed which sets forth that the restriction
of immigration is in direct contradiction to
the progressive spirit of the age and is re
actionary and an attempt to check the pro
gressive movements of wage earners of all
Three Men Lose Their Lives on the
Grand Trunk Railroad
Asphyxiation caused the death of three
nnen in the Grand Trunk tunnel at Pbft
Huron Mich Sunday night A train
jbeing hauled through to the Canadianside
tbroke in two The engineer backed down
to get the detached portion but for hours
toothing was heard of the crew Finally
a searching party found them dead hav
ing been asphyxiated by tunnel gas aris
ing from hard coal used by locomotives
Drops from a Hotel Window
Mrs R 0 Campbell of Peoria 111
either accidentally fell or jumped from a
jsecond stor3 window of the Oakland
Hotel Chicago Monday sustaining serious
injuries Owing to the reticence of the
ihotel employes and the absolute refusal of
fthe womans husband to talk concerning
jthe matter the facts leading up to the ac
cident could not be learned
Midget Michaels Defl
Jimmie Michael the famous midget
bicycle rider announces that he is willing
to meet any two American riders for thirty
miles these two riders to be privileged to
change off every mile every two miles or
to each ride one half the distance Michael
Ito go the entire distance On such a con
ftest Michael is willing to wager 5000
Reduction in Postage
At a political meeting held in Toronto
Knt William Patterson minister of cus
Itoms stated that on and after the first ol
January next the rate of postage on letters
from Canada to all parts of the British em
pire would be 3 cents for one ounce At
present the rate on letters to Great Britain
lis 5 cents per half ounce
Big Seizure of Gunpowder
Eight barges loaded with cases of gun
powder falsely labeled arms have been
seized by the customs officers in the
Thames They emanated from Russia
land were about to be transferred to the
jsteamer Belichistan for Persia It is sug
gested that the ammunition was destined
xor the Afridis
Will Break an Ocean Record
The North German Lloyd steamer
Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse of New York
kor Bremen via Southhampton passed
Lizard at 9 Monday morning Should she
inake the run from Lizard to Southhamp
ton in seven and one half hours as usual
the will lower the eastward record about
two hours
Australias Wheat Surplus
Unofficial estimates place the wheat
taeld in New South Wales at 11000000
MufielB It is indicated the exportable sur
plus of wheat from Australia will be
000000 brahcis r
Robbers JUsft Sulphuric Acid
i Two Kansas Ci7 footpads stopped Mrs
Richard A Hoe wife of a Chicago and
Alton engineer at an outlying point and
robbed her of 50 Mrs House made a
show of resistance when one of the men
poured the contents of a bottle of sulphuric
ncid on her hands
Steamer Sunk in a Collision
A London dispatch says The steamer
Baron Afldrossan and the steamer Tokio
The Tokio was so
collided off Dungenis
badly damaged she sank Four of her
crew were drowned
Attempt to Kill a Sheriff Ends Dis
astrously for the Chief Mutineer
Nineteen prisoners confined in the
jon County jail at Princeton Ind de
clared themselves in open revolt against
Sheriff Murphy Saturday declared they
fvould have more food or kill the sheriff
A posse of deputies was placed outside the
Jail while Sheriff Murphy entered alone
As soon as he closed the door all the
orisoners headed by John Boger a
notorious criminal rushed tipon him and
were about to carry out their threats when
the posse rescued the sheriff A fierce
fight then occurred between Boger and
Murphy and Hoger was beat almost into
insensibility and thrown into a cell When
rhe prisoners saw their leader worsted
they were suppressed without further
Sixty Quarts of Nitroglycerine Ex
plode Near Chesterfield Ind
An explosion of nitroglycerine occurred
one half mile west of Chesterfield Ind
Friday Sixty quarts of nitroglycerin
were hauled there for the purpose of shoot
ing a gas well The explosive was placed
in a large zinc tub located at the end of
the steam exhaust pipe for the purpose of
thawing out the mixture It is the theory
that the tub became overheated causing
an explosion with disastrous results A
hole ten feet long aud several in depth was
torn in the earth The engine was blown
to pieces
Persons one mile away were lifted from
their feet by the concussion and the jar
was felt for ten miles Fire followed the
explosion but the ilames were quickly ex
Reported Conflict Between African
Forces of tho Two Nations
A Rome dispatch says A sanguinary
conflict has occurred between French and
British troops at Nikki in Lagos Hinter
The British colonial office on Friday
afternoon received a cable from Lagos that
a rumor was current among the natives of
a collision between 400 British and French
M Lebon the minister of the colonies for
France has received no information of a
collision between the British and French
troops at Nikki the Niger region and
discredits the report
Republican Fusionists Decide to
Support the Caucus Nominee
At the recent election the fusion ticket
Which carried the county in which Cin
cinnati is situated contained nine Dem
ocratic and five Republican members of
the legislature There has been some
doubt as to how the Republican fusionists
would vote on joint ballot for United
States senators At a meeting of these
fusionists in Cincinnati Saturday it was
decided to vote for the Republican caucus
nominee which will make the legislature
stand 80 Republican to 05 Democrats on
joint ballot for senator
Are Led by a Bad Man
A story comes from Honolulu that has
that has caused much anxiety among the
friends of the sixteen young men who re
cently sailed from San Francisco on the
schooner Sophia Sutherland in search of
treasure on the Solomon Islands The
trading master of the little craft now pre
sumably cruising the south seas is Capt
Sorrenson who according to ex Consul
Churchill of Apia has a black record
as a pirate and despoiler of the natives in
the islunds of the central Pacific In 1884
he was captured by the British man of war
5art and sent to prison for ten years
Since then he had not been heard of but
now he is in virtual command of a com
pany of Californians who put faith in his
stories of the fabulous wealth of the Solo
mon Islands
Flour Output Breaks Record
The flour out put of Minneapolis mills
last week was the largest on record The
trade was complained of as being dull
but foreigners bought surprisingly well
some concerns disposing in that direction
of half they sold Exports were 109000
barrels against 68000 for the same time
last year and 66000 two years ago
Wages Increased lO Per Cent
Jones Laughl in of Pittsburg Pa on
Saturday notified their three thousand iron
workers known as day men that com
mencing December I their wages would
be increased 10 per cent This restores the
reduction made some months ago as
promised by the firm as soon as improved
conditions would warrant
Illinois Strike Over
The coal mining strike in the northern
Illinois district ended Saturday Twelve
thousand men have gone back to work in
the Coal City Braidwood Charbon Hill
Spring Valley Lodi Seatonville La Salle
andOgelsbie field Victory is with the
miners although they have not won all
they asked
Christmas Holiday Rates
The lines of the Central Passenger As
sociation committee have decided to make
a fare for the round trip of one and ohe
third between all points in their territory
for Christmas and New Years holidays
The Western Passenger Association road
will probablymake the same rates
Nevada Stage Robbery
The stage running between Bishop
Nev and Independence was robbed of
the Wells Fargo Express box containing
about 1000 Saturday The holdup oc
curred in an exposed part of the road only
two miles from a railway station
Troops for Fort Townsend
A telegram received in Port Townsend
Wash from Washington states thatMaj
GenerafNelson A Miles has submitted to
the secretary of war a letter in which he
recommends that Fort Townsend be occu
pied by troops immediately
Maxims New Gun
Hiram Maxims new quick firing gun
was tried at Portsmouth Eng with re
markable results With twenty five
pounds of cordite it showed an effective
T5TSS of 15000 yards
Fatherland to Send a Squadron of
Eight Cruisers to Chinese Waters
at Once Expect to Do Some Fight
ingOther Items of Interest
Russia and Austria Back Germany
The presence of Emperor William at
Kiel upon the occasion of swearing the
naval recruits has had the expected effect
of clearing the situation so far as Ger
manys attitude toward China and Hayti is
concerned Within two months a squad
ion of eight fine cruisers having on board
3500 men will be assembled in Chinese
waters and the fact that Prince Henry of
Prussia brother of his majesty is to com
mand half this force lends probability to
the reports current in government
circles that bot work is expected
Within three days of the receipt of the
news of the murder of the German
missionaries the emperor through the
German ambassadors at Vienna kand St
Petersburg made confidential inqniries as
to whether Germany would be opposed in
Chinese waters in case circumstances
should render the seizure of territory nec
essary The replies were wholly satis
factory It was because of Kussias
assurance that a free hand would be given
Germany that Emperor William was
so extraordinarily attentive to Prince
Nosky the commander of the Russian
cruiser Vladimir Monarch which vessel
was at Kiel upon the occasion of his
majestys visit to that port
It is believed there is a virtual agree
ment between Russia and Germany under
which Germany is to retain possession of
Kaio Chow and the bay while Russia is
to become the dominant power in Corea
which is tantamount to annexation
Trio Who Held Up the Santa Fe
Passenger Captured in Arizona
District Attorney Finical of Albu
querque N M has received a telegram
from Dalm Graham the constable at
Brisbee A T saying that he had ap
prehended the three train robbers who
held up the Santa Fe Pacific passenger
train at Grant three weeks ago The
prisoners are Jesse Williams Tom Ander
son and an unknown man While the
exact amount of booty secured by these
robbers is not known it has been estimated
at between 25000 and 100000 Train
robbery is a capital offense in New Mexico
so that if the men now arrested be proved
guilty they will have to answer with their
Attornay Phalen Also Withdraws
from the Case
Attorney Albert Phalen of Chicago who
became prominent through his connection
with the defense of Adolph Luetgert and
who was to have been chief counsel for the
sausagemaker in his second trial withdrew
from the case Sunday His withdrawal
was due to the retention of Attorneys
Harmon and Riese as assistants in the case
contrary to his advice
Attorneys Harmon and Riese will an
nounce the retirement of Mr Phalen and
ask for a further continuance on the
ground that they are not familiar with the
Gautsch Intrusted with the Task of
Forming New Ministry
The members of the Austrian ministry
Sunday tendered their resignations to Em
peror Francis Joseph who accepted them
and entrusted Baron Gautsch who holds
the portfolio of public instruction of the
retiring ministry with the task of forming
a new cabinet
Sunday morning Emperor Francis Joseph
addressed an autograph letter to Count
Badeni decreeing the adjournment of the
reichsrath until further orders
Official Announcement of Cuban and
Porto Rican Reform
The Official Gazette of Spain published
on Saturday morning the royal decrees
granting autonomy to Cuba and Porto
Rico thus removing the anxiety that had
begun to be expressed on all sides as the
result of the governments reticence and
unexplained delay
Mrs Adrian Iselin Dead
Mrs Adrian Iselin sr died Saturday
night at her home in New York aged 77
Mrs Iselin was Miss Adrian ODonnell
the daughter of Columbus ODonnell of
Baltimore The Iselin family is known
for its liberal gifts to the Catholic Church
Four years ago Mrs Iselin built St Ga
briels Roman Catholic Church one of the
most picturesque church buildings on
Long Island at a cost of 300000
To Be Used as a Gold Steamer
The steamship South Portland formerly
the Caroline Miller which was once seized
as a fiilibuster has been purchased by a
syndicate and is to be put in commission
for service between Seattle and St Mich
aels Alaska after being fitted out in
Brooklyn N Y
Named by the Pope
The pope has appointed Rev H L
Chapelle bishop of Santa Fe N M to be
archbishop of New Orleans Rev Father
FitzMaurice rector of the Church of the
Annunciation of Williamsport Pa has
been appointed coadjutor of thebishop of
ErietPa v
Wall Street Operator Fails
A receiver has been appointed for Geo
H Pell of New York many years well
known as a Wall Street operator Pell
has 500000 in judgments against him with
very little property to meet them
Mine Blauvelle Granted a Divorce
Judge Winchester of the district court
at Bismarck N D has granted an abso
lute divorce to Mme Blauvelle from her
husband Royal Stone Smith on the ground
of non support
- r -
Horrible Fate v Two Americans in
Congo Free State
A startling and horrible story of tne
killing of two Washingtonians Lindsay
G Burke and Mr Mellen and the muti
lation of their bodies by the natives of
the Congo Free State has been received in
a letter to Leo Harmon of Washington
D C The men were members of a party
who during November and December 1894
and January 1895 went to enlist in the
Belgian army for service in the Congo
state The information received by Mr
Harmon is that last December Burke and
a part- of fifty natives who were sent out
to dislodge a band of dwarfs who had re
volted were ambushed and killed An Arab
who was with the command slates that
the most hideous looking little man he
ever saw walked up and cut Burkes head
off with one blow of a knife The chief
then began to slice pieces off his legs and
arms and to distribute them among his
Mr Mellen was killed on March 1 when
the troups under the command of Baron
Dhanic revolted near Kabanarre and as
sassinated a number of officers of there
regiments His body was mutilated al
most beyond recognition his heart having
been cut out and burned so that his courage
could not again be used against the rebels
by the whites
Uncle Sam Gives the Fatherland a
Tip in Regard to Hayti
Tho state department at Washington
has icquested United States Ambassador
White to ascertain exactly the intentions
of Germany with respect to the claims of
Herr Lueders whose recent imprisonment
in Hayti lias caused friction between the
German and Haytian governments Mr
White has also been instructed if any
schemes of annexation exist or if there is
an intention to make an excessive demon
stration with a view of unduly punishing
Hayti to intimate to the German govern
ment that the United States could not tol
erate either of the courses before men
tioned though in principle having no ob
jection to Germany obtaining satisfaction
Judge Day May Resign
Persons close to the president say they
would not be suprised if the assistant sec
retary of state Day should shortly tender
his resignation to the president Judge
Day is said to be anxious to return to Can
ton He fears that if he remains in Wash
ington very much longer his law practice
which nets him about 30000 a year will
be destroyed
Big- Works to Resume
Monday morning work at the blacksmith
and machine department of the J I Case
Manufacturing company at Racine Wis
resumed It is expected that the entire
plant will be in operation by the second
week in December
Big Cloakniakers Strike Threatened
Two hundred cloakniakers struck in
New York Saturday on an alleged threat
of employers to reduce wages The con
tracts made between 800 contractors and
9000 striking employes three months ago
has expired
Believed He Has Been Murdered
Col George A Bute a prominent mining
man of Telluride Colo is missing and
his friends- in Telluride believe he has
been murdered He had a large sum of
money when he left that camp
Wants a Treaty Terminated
A dispatch from Tunis says that tne
Depeche Tunisienne intimates thatFrance
will shortly ask for the denunciation of
the treaty of 1797 between the United
States and Tunis -
Fire in Philadelphia
The millinery and hat furnishing stores
of Apt Brothers Philadelphia were dam
aged by fire Sunday to the extent of about
75000 on which the firm carried 50000
Shot by His Divorced Wife
Edward Moore Farley of Pittsburg Pu
was shot Sunday afternoon by his wife
Sarah from whom he had separated
Jealousy was the cause
One War Averted
The differences between Nicaragua and
Costa Rica which threatened to involve the
two republics in war have it is reported
been amicably settled
Chicago Cattle common to prime
300 to 375 hogs shipping grades
300 to 375 sheep fair to choice 200
to 500 wheat No 2 red 99c to 101
corn No 2 2Gc to 27c oats No 2 20c
to 21c rye No 2 47c to 49c butter
choice creamery 20c to 22c eggs fresh
17c to 19c new potatoes 45c to 00c per
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
525 hogs choice light 300 to 375
sheep common to choice 300 to 450
wheat No 2 92c to 94c corn No 2
white 2Gc to 28c oats No 2 white 22c
to 24c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 300 to 450
wheat No 2 98c to 100 corn No 2
yellow 25c to 26c oats No 2 white 21c
to 23c rye No 2 46c to 47c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 250 to 450
wheat No 2 94c to 96c corn No 2
I mixed 27c to 28c oats No 2 mixed 23c
to 24c rye No 2 46c to 48c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 250 to 425
wheat No 2 93c to 94c corn No 2
yellow 27c to 28c oats No 2 white 24c
to 26c rye 48c to 49c
Toledo Wheat No 2 red 95c to 97c
corn No 2 mixed 27c to 28c oats No
2 white 21c to 22c rye No 2 48c to 49c
clover seed 385 to 390
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 92c
foOicj corn No 3 26c to 2Sc oats No
2 white 23c to 25c rye No 2 47c to 49c
barley No 2 40c to 43c pork mess
700 to 750
Buffalo Cattle 300 to 525 hogs
300 to 400 sheep 300 to 500
Avheat No 2 red 98c to 101 corn No
2 yellow 30c to 32c olats No 2 white
26c to 2Sc
New York Cattle 300 to 525 hogs
350 to 425 sheep 300 to 475
wheat No 2 red 101 to 102 corn No
2 33c to 35c oats No 2 white 26c to
27c butter creamery 15c to 24c eggs
Western 21c to 23c
Secretary Sizer of the Republican
State Committee and Others Ac
cuse Secretary of State Porter of
Violating the Election Law
- - H
Was Flection Law Violated
When the state canvassing board met it
was served with a protest signed by E R
Sizer secretary of the Republican state
central committee and other citizens
against a canvass of the state returns on
the ground that the law had been violated
by Secretary of State Porter who is
charged with opening and tampering with
county leturns The allegation was made
that the secretary had broken the seal of
the ballots from a number of counties and
this -was admitted by the board but the
charge of tampering with or changing the
votes was denied
Attorney General Smith acting for the
board insisted that the simple breaking of
the seals while contrary to the letter of
the law did not constitute an offense and
demanded that the protestors furnish proof
of tampering
Secretary Porter and his two deputies
were sworn and testified to having opened
returns and sending some back for correc
tion but entered a general denial of any
change in figures
At the suggestion of Gov Holcomb the
protest was overruled and the board will
at an early date tabulate the vole
Obiections of Republicans to
regularity of Returns Useless
When the state canvassing board met
on November 23 Frank J Kelley and Ed
R Sizer appeared and asked for a formal
ruling on the protest filed The board
overruled the protest by unanimous vote
and proceeded with the canvass The
members of the boaid admitted
that a grave mistake had been
made by thesecretary and his deputies
but they did not think any of the abstracts
had been tampered with in a manner that
would change any votes and proceeded
with the work under the impression that
they were acting legally They held that
unless there was direct evidence that the
abstracts had been changed it was not
their duty to inquire into the actions of
the secretary
The total vote of the state was 200047
It was distributed as follows on supreme
judge Post 89009 Sullivan 10282S
Switzler 713 Strong 1625 Wilson 82
scattering 18 On regents the vote was
Kaley 89863 Dryden S8696 Forell 9s
741 Kenower 97967 Spurlock lo
Leas 632 scattering 214
Corpse of a Farm Hand Found Near
Deerinjr Warehouse
Bud Scott who was found dead at
Omaha on Friday November 20 was
murdered At least that is the ver
tlict rendered by the coroners jury after
an extended investigation of the case
The body was discovered about 9150 by
Pat Sullivan a section hand for the Bur
lington It was frozen and had evidently
lain on the spot where found for nmny
hours for it was covered with snow A
ragged wound on top of the head showed
that he had died from a fracture of the
Sullivan who found the body was
walking along a side track just east of the
Deering building He descried an object
beneath the viaduct which leads to the
building which he at first thought to be a
bundle of old clothing Going up to it he
found that it was the body of a dead man
lying face downward upon the ground and
immediately informed the police officials
Bandits Are Captured
The police succeeded in capturing the
two women and one man bandits three
miles east of Chadron late the other even
ing who held up and robbed Mr Kling
lesmidt of 800 They were hiding
in an old deserted barn thickly sur
rounded with brush two miles from any
house The police had some difficulty in
arresting them They were lodged in the
Sheridan County jail to await the action of
the district court They refuse to give
theirnames or any information concerning
QSues for Damages
L P Hansen of Fremont who was se
verely injured a year ago last May by fall
ing from a window in a hotel in New
York city has brought suit against the
Travelers Insurance Company of Hart
ford Conn to recover the sum of 1400
which he alleges to be due him on an acci
dent policy which he held in the company
Love Causes Suicide
Austin W Thatcher living four and
one half miles northeast of Pleasant Dale
committed suicide last week by taking a
dose of strychnine because his sweethearts
parents Mr and Mrs J M Quick forbade
him going with their daughter any longer
Had Been Dead Two Weeks
C Campbell Smith was found dead in
his house where he lived alone in
Beatrice The condition of the body indi
cated that he had been dead two weeks
Rats had mutilated the remains Smith
was well to do but eccentric and miserly
Commander Ehrhardt Recovers
Hon John A Ehrhardt of Stanton state
commander of the Grand Army of the Re
public who has been criticallyill for more
than three weeks has so far recovered as
to be able to sit up and is in a fair way to
Hand Crashed
Ben Gorham a farmer living one and a
half mileb north of Bancroft had one of
his hands badly crushed in the gearing of
a corn sheller Wednesday The index
finger was amputated at the first joint
Husking Nearly Finished
Farmers in the vicinity of Fremont re
port husking nearly finished The average
yield is fully up to the estimates and is of
a fine quality
His Back Broken
Tom Curran a farmer who lives with
his mother on a big farm four miles from
Ponca met with a serious accident the
other day Curran was engaged in haul
ing shelled corn when the top box of the
wagon slipped and Curran fell down on
the whiffietrees behind the horses The
animals became frightened and began to
run and kick -Finally one of the animals
kicked him rendering him insensible and
he fell to theground The heavily loaded
wagon passed over the small of his back
He was found in the road by friends un
conscious and with his back broken
wtrirovpo Tins bv a Scoro or
6 to
O at Council Bluffs
Three thousand -people witnessed the V
foot ball game between Iowa and
braska at Council Bluffs Thursday
and Nebraska won by a score of 6 to 0
Iowas defeat occurred when it did not
seem to be impending The Nebraskans
had the ball and were slowly forcing it
down the field but it wa3 on the 35 yard
line When the ball wa3 passed to Bene
dict not one of the spectators looked for
more than a 2 or 3 yard gain Benedict
dashed toward the left side of his line and
stopped against a stone wall of Iowa
brawn and muscle He struggled and
plunged butcpuld notgain an inch Then
right by his side there opened and
yawned a big hole between
right tackle and end From this hole to
tho goal there was an absolute clear field
All the Iowans were in front or in the rear
of him to stop his progress For an in
stant the halfback hesitated and then the
opportunity flashed upon him He was ten
yards away before his action was noticed
by his opponents and although they weni
at once in pursuit not one of them touched
him until he was behind the goal post
with the ball in his arras
The Iowans used the famous Pennsyl
vania guards back pla almostexcluslvely
Adventures of the Man Who Shot
Henry Carpenter
James Linville who on the morning or
August 28 at Goodwin in Dakota County
in a drunken row shot Henry Carpenter
who died the same day and who since
that time has eluded the officers now lies
in the county jail at Dakota City having
been brought from Spink County Sout
Dakota Linville is about 24 years old anN
of good appearance and is free to talk of
the crime saying the iead was committed
in self defense
He was apprehended by W W Kisser a
farm hand who forined his acquaintance
while he was tending bar at llubbard at
the time of the tragedy Kisser went up
into South Dakota to work this summer
and fell in with Linville and the latter
says he has beeji putting up for him and in
return Kisser proved a traitor and com
municated with Sheriff Borowsky his
whereabouts The stories of tho shooting
are so conflicting it will require the evi
dence to disclose the truth Linville claims
his home is Kentucky and that he has tw
sisters living there
Jail Breaking at David Ciy
The four prisoners that were confined lit
the county jail at David City made their
escape last week and no trace of them has
been found George Blackburn and Frank
Mo ran had been convicted of burglary
Harry Davis was to be tried on the same
charge John Bays was held on a charge
of larceny They were evidently assisted
by outside parties as the heavy iron frame
on the outside of a window was removed
and one bar on the inside pried out Tbe
rivets holding the socket to the bar lock
ing the cage were ut on the inside by a
cold chisel Tracks of a wagon were dis
covered in the alley back of the jail
where it had stood some time Bays is
well acquainted with all the roads in tho
county and is e idenlly piloting the party
to the south -
Miller Caught at Humboldt
H T Miller the man who is alleged to
have stolen a carload of cattle from Fair
bury parties and shipped it to St Joseph
was arrested at Humboldt Cashier Hall
of the Verdon bank has identified Miller
as the person who drew a check through
his bank on the First National Bank of
Beatrice for the proceeds of the sale
Miller has confessed that he was the man
who committed the crime and intimates
that other parties were implicated
Lynch Wants a Railroads
An enthusiastic meeting of farmers and
business men was held at Lynch recently
in the interest of a railroad Ways and
means were devised for collecting informal
tion relative to the resources and commer
cial business of Boyd County A delega
tion will lay these facts and figures before
the Commercial Club of Omaha in the hope
of securing the co operation of that or
ganization in behalf of a railroad commu
nication with Omaha
Fire at Jackson
The big general merchandise store of T
J Walsh at Jackson was totally destroyed
by fire recently The origin of the fire is
unknown A strong wind was blowing
at the time of the conflagration and the
iorts ot tne hremen were unavailing Tiu
big store burned like tinder and the flame
illuminated the skies for miles around
ine loss is estimated to be 10000 and
only partly covered by insurance
is i
Safe Blown Open
The safe at the McCandless switcn
eight miles northeast of Stella on the B
M was blown open the other night
No money was obtained
New Pastor at York
The Baptist congregation at York has a
new pastor in tho person of Rev T J
Gibbett who was called from Wisconsin
Killed an
An American
eajiie measurincr svprc
feet from tip to tip was killed a fewmiles
northeast of Stella recently
Nebraska Short Notes
Holdredge was suffering from a butier
famine recently not enough being on the
market for home consumption
Bert Berhle of Valley County wa3 ac
cidentally struck in the eye with an ear of
corn thrown by his brother and the sight
of the eye destroyed
Mrs Mumford of Valentine threw a
paper sack into the stove She supposed
the sack contained salt but after viewing
the wreck of the stove discovered it was
powder instead of salt
Some unknown persons while hunting
inthe timber on J EMarkels place a
DeSoto some days ago shot and killed one
of his finest steers and the foreman did not
make the discovery for a few days
The Methodist Church at Osceola ha
wiped out a debt of 300 that has beei
hanging over the edifice for some time --
Mr Locan Loker frnm NVrtu dih
v a itvni
i i j A T
uu3heu iuo uusneis oi corn one dav lasr
week U G
Welch ninety seven and
Oscar Nichols ninety six in ten hours on a
farm near Gothenburg This com wa
husked and unloaded in this time The
corn was irrigated and will yield abou
sixty bushels to the acre
Edward son of Postmaster V Sells
ofBartley aged about 3 years was play
ing m the yard where his brother -was
about to move a wagon loaded with corn
In starting the wagon Edward was thrown
uuu UUb ueiore tne wagon could
ua vcu uis caesc was
I crushed that he died in a few hours
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