The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, November 18, 1897, Image 4

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Marines Uanded in the Southern
Part of China With a View of
Forcing the Government to Sat
isfy Their Demands
German Marines Land
A Berlin dispatch Monday afternoon
pays The sailors and marines belonging
to the German cruiser Division off the
coast of China have mado a landing in
force at Kiacon Bay the nearest port to
jTang Chu Fu in the southern part of the
Chinese province of Shan Tun where
German missionaries were recently mur
dered -with the view of forcing the gov
ernment of China to completely satisfy
the demands of Germany
Quadruplets and Twins Cause a Tex
as Nasby to Be Retained
PostmrsUr E T Page of Bed water
Texas wilt be retained by this adminis
4ra1ion Eleven years agolfe was given
ktio postofflce but when Gen Clarlrson
became assistant postmaster general au
-effort was made to replace the postmaster
with a candidate of the republican party
Page appealed for retention citing that
Iris wife had just presented him with
-quadruplets and that twice before twins
3uad been born to them This settled the
case Gen Clarkson decided not to remove
the incumbent The case has now come
ip again Page has again protested that
the successful raising of three of the
quadruplets and two sets of twins entitled
him to some consideration and sent
surviving quad
ruplets now almost young ladies As
eistant Postmaster General Bristow con-
ferred with Postmaster General Gary and
the two decided that there should be no
change in that office
yew Spanish Soldiers Pit for Ser
vice in Cuba
Blancos investigations into the condi
tion of Spains arm3r in Cuba have already
revealed a deplorable condition of affairs
Not only are frauds in connection with
the payment of troops being brought to
light but proof is being obtained that of
the 200000 men sent Weyler only a small
percentage are now fit for actual service
Towns are garrisoned principally by sick
soldiers too weak in many instances to
offer more than a feeble resistance to the
attacks of the rebels One of the first
army surgeons says that one of the most
difficult tasks of the new administration
will be to care for Spains ill troops
South Dakotan Shoots Himself at
TTcstfield Ind
Manager Spencer of the Postal Tele
graph Company at Dead wood S D fa
tally shot himself Sunday evening in the
3Ielhodist Church at Westville Ind
where until recently he was manager of
the Postal Company The deed was com
tmitted while the congregation was sing
ing Spencer is still alive but cannot re
cover It is alleged financial trouble was
the cause
Woman Buys 6000 Steers
Probably the largest cattle deal ever
made by a woman was closed recently at
San Antonio Texas The transaction was
the purchase of 6000 3-year-old steers of
Charles Schieuer of Kerr County by Mrs
Anna Martin of Mason County The con
sideration was 150000 for the lot She
will feed the 6000 head just purchased and
expects to make a profit of 30000 on them
within three months
Unearth Smuggling Operations
Customs officers have unearthed what
promises to prove extensive operations in
pbonacetine smuggling Nearly 500 ounces
of the drug were confiscated at Port
Buron Mich Monday It was found at
the home of Mrs Frazer The woman is
under arrest A new York firm receives
royalty on all the phenacetine brought to
this country The smugglers avoid this
besides the duty of 60 per cent
Sells the Illustrated American
Lorillard Spencer of New York for
eight years proprietor of the Illustrated
American has sold the entire property
including the plant and good will to a
syndicate of capitalists The editorship
will remain with Francis Bellamy the
present editor and A B Deguerville will
take the business management
May Hasten Durrants Hanging
The United States supreme1 court on
Monday decided to immediately issue a
mandamus in the case of Theodore Dur
rant the murderer of San Francisco
This will probably hasten Durrants exe
Famous Dentist Dead
Dr Thomas W Evans the famous
American dentist who facilitated the
iiight of ex Empress Eugenie from Paris
in 1870 died suddenly Sunday in Paris
Marietta Glass Works Burn
The Marietta glass works at Red Key
Ind burned Monday morning Loss
Ban Oft Mexican Ships
The president has issued a proclamation
suspending the eollection of discriminat
ing Wiilies upon Mexican ships upon a sat
factory showing that no discrimination is
being practiced against American ships in
Mexican ports
Mail Carrier Held Up
The mail carrier was held up at Warren
Idaho by a lone highwayman and ordered
to cut the mail sack open which he did
and the robber took all the registered mail
and letters There was about 4000 in
Thirty People Perish in a Russian
Railway Accident
A terrible accident has occurred near
Bielostock Russia resulting in the death
of thirty persons A wedding party was
returning from the church to the home of
the bride All were in one wagon a huge
vehicle drawn by eight horses The road
along which they drove crosses the rail
way track on the level and the driver
either through carelessness or ignorance
of the train schedule pushed his swiftly
moving horses upon the crossing just as
the express was coming up The locomo
tive struck the vehicle squarely killing
many members of the party out right and
maiming others so that they soon expired
in frightful agony Not a member of the
party escaped
W J Bryan Contributes a ilundred
Dollars to the Fund
A New York dispatch says that Will
iam Jennings Bryan has contributed
100 to the Henry George memorial fund
He telegraphed that it gave him great
pleasure to add his name to the subscrip
tion roll Many of the subscriptions have
come from children It has been decided
to make the Henry George memorial fund
a popular one That all may do so a pop
ular subscription of 10 cents has been fixed
Larger amounts will be just as acceptable
but the managers of the fund feel that
Henry Georges memory would be more
appropriately honored by a fund that was
within reach of the multitude
Miss Oglesby Announces the Break
ing of Her Engagement
Formal announcement is made of the
breaking of the engagement of George M
Pullman son of the late George M Pull
anan the palace car magnate and Miss
Felicite Oglesby daughter of ex Gov
Richard J Oglesby of Illinois The
Oglesby family stoutly deny the disinherit
ance of young Pullman by his father had
anything whatever to do with the break
ing of the engagement
Spain Will Grant Amnesty to
Crew of the Competitor
Dispatches from Madrid confirm the re
iport that the prisoners captured on the
American schooner Competitor April
1896 will be included in the amnesty de
cree soon to be issued
Alabama Rapist Lynched
A report from Eustis Ala is that the
rapist Bud Beard was lynched at Carroll
ton The mob succeeded in getting Beard
out of jail before the arrival of the state
troops from Tuscaloosa Beard outraged
ithe 7-year-old daughter of Farmer Crock
er at Reform A mob had been after him
for a week following him from place to
place in a most determined manner
Beard was finally captured and the sheriff
took him to Carrollton for trial
St Louis Man Goes Wrong
Edgar W Woods one of the best known
real estate men in St Louis has suddenly
disappeared and it is said that ho has em
bezzled 14000 from the Prosperity Build
ing and Loan Association of which he
Was secretary Expert accountants found
that the books were in a muddle Woods
explained away much of it until it grew
deeper and he disappeared His wile
fears he has committed suicide
Bubonic Plague in China
Bubonic plague has broken out in
southern China The plague first made its
appearance at Shi Hing Fu where the
large monastery Ting U Tez is situated
among monks formerly residing there
Between twenty and thirty died within a
week after the plague appeared The
others fled to the mountains Chinese
died in that vicinity by hundreds
Darragh Found Guiljy
President J C Darragh who has been
on trial at Independence Mo charged
With wrecking the Kansas City Safe De
posit and Savings Bank has been found
guilty and sentenced to two years in the
state penitentiary The bank had 2000
000 in deposits nearly all from poor peo
ple and when it failed only 11000 in cash
was in its vaults
The Austrian Muddle
Dr Abrahamovics first vice president of
the lower house of the reichsrath of Aus
tria has been elected president to succeed
Dr Kathrein resigned October 26 Abra
hamovics has acted as president ever since
but has been unable to keep order in the
Mission Work in China
The special order of business before the
general missionary committee of the
Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadel
phia Saturday was the consideration of
missionary work in China The sum of
214 10 was appropriated for that work
80000 Hotel at Knnknkcc Burns
The Riverview Hotel burned at Kanka
kee 111 Saturday with a loss of 85000
The guests barely escaped with their lives
losing most of their clothing and val
uables The cause of the fire is unknown
Artesian Wells in Australia
The official report of irrigation by
artesian wells in the Bourke district in
Australia shows great success and has
given great stimulation to agriculture
Current Condensations
Glasgow has a population of nearly
1000000 and has only 494 doctors
Many English accident insurance
companies charge an extra premium
when their policy holders travel hi
Canada or the United States
State Treasurer Koerner of Minne
sota reports that more mortgages have
been paid oft in ihat State this year
than in any two years preceding
According to official returns the stamp
fluty in Mexico during July last yielded
1900363 against 1655391 in the cor
responding mouth last year
Russia is said to own 30000000
horses or nearly one half of the whole
number in existence Most of them be
long to the peasants of that vast em
Killed the Splcer Family in North
Dakota Last February Had Been
Granted a New Trial by the Su
preme Court Other items
Three Indians Lynched
Alex Coudet a half breed and Paul
Holytrack and Phillip Ireland full blood
Indians the first of whom was sentenced
to death for the murder of six members of
the Spicer family last February and had
just been granted a new trial by the su
preme court and the latter two self con
fessed accessories to the murder were
taken from the county jail at Williams
port N D Saturday night and lynched
by a mob The men had been under the
custody of Deputy Sheriff Kelly and they
were taken from his control by the mob
and hanged to a beef windlass several
hundred yards from the jail There were
about forty men concerned in the lynching
At about 2 oclock in the morning there
was a rap at the door of the jail and Kcl
ley arose and quickly turned the key in
the lock whereupon he was quickly over
powered The prisoners had been aroused
from sleep by the entrance of the mob and
sat up half awake and trembling with ter
ror Holytrack and Ireland were dragged
from their beds ropes fastened about their
necks and they were dragged out on the
ground after being told to prepare for
death Coudet w as the first man to be
hanged Holytrack and Ireland were so
nearly unconscious from the effects of the
dragging that they did not realize what
was about to happen when the ropes about
their necks were tossed over the cross
beam They were unable to stand and
were slowly raised from the ground on
which they lay until their bodies swung
into the air and dangled from the wind
lass with that of Coudet The mob then
Big Snake Kills a Pony and Nearly
Kills Its Keeper
A huge anaconda on exhibition in a mu
seum at Philadelphia severely injured
Samuel Masher the museum watchman
and crushed to death a valuable trick pony
Sunday The pony was tied to a feed box
alongside the anacondas cage The rep
tile had worked one of the boards of its
cage loose and while Masher was attempt
ing to replace the board the snake wiggled
out and wrapped itself several times about
Masher The latter screamed for help and
the pony frightened by the big reptile
began jumping about This probably
saved Mashers life for the reptile un
wound itself from him and completely en
circled the pony Masher fell to the iloor
unconscious with several ribs broken
while the big snake continued to crush the
pony until life was extinct A lasso was
secured and the anaconda finally captured
Austria Demands Satisfaction for
Indignity to a Subject
Baron de Galice the Austrian-Hungarian
ambassador to the pbrte of Turkey
has demanded the dismissal of the Yail of
Adauu Asia Minor and of the Muttesraff
of Merzina the porte of Adana and the
two officials responsible for the recent in
dignity to the Austrian merchant Braz
zafolli agent at Merzina of the Austrian
Lloyd Steamship Company He has also
demanded a salute to the Austrian flag In
the event of a failure to comply with both
demands Baron de Calice will quit Con
stantinople on Thursday next
i - i
Carney Still Champion
William Carney successfully defended
his title as handball champion of the
world against Fireman Louis Keegan in
Chicago Sunday It was the second series
of the contest which began November 7
On that occasion Carney won six games
out of eight and in Jthe second meeting he
had only to win two games to get the
necessary eight in fifteen
Favors Fiat Money
The Sentinel published at Boise Idaho
the official organ of the Peoples party of
the state announces that henceforth it
will advocate fiat money instead of free
silver at 16 to 1 the attainment of the lat
ter being considered too remote Senator
Heitfeld has secured a controlling interest
in the Sentinel
Ohio Body Snatoher Confesses
Dr E P Drummond is in jail at Chilli
cotlie Ohio having confessed to stealing
the body of C W Kelley from the ceme
tery at Londonderry The body was
taken by mistake for that of Sam Jones
who killed himself by drinking three bot
tles of peppermint
Warships to Be Used
It is semi oflicially announced that the
German squadron in Chinese waters has
been ordered to the coast of Shang Tong
to anchor in the vicinity of the recent mur
der of German missionaries It has in
structions to obtain immediate satisfaction
Murders for Ten Dollars
Jack Dodds a white farmer across the
river in Kansas from Kansas Cityshotand
killed Edward Carter an aged negro and
fatally wounded Carters 18-year-old son
lie gives as his reason that he was unable
to realize on a claim for 10
Triple GeorgiR Tragedy
The dead bodies of Henry Turner and
those of Iris Yjfji and sister were found in
a potato patch1 in Campbell County
Georgia Monday They had been shot to
death and brained There is no clue what
ever as to the perpetrator
Filibustering Expedition
Three passengers on the steamer Mas
cottc just in at Port Tampa Fla from
Cuba reports the successful landing cf the
last filibustering expedition They were
of the filibustering party but refuse to
give any details
Arthur May Order a Strike
It is understood Chief Arthur will order
a strike on the Ohio River Railroad this
week unless a number of engineers re
cently discharged are reinstated
President Satisfied It Will Be Rati
fied at Coming Session
Theratification of the Hawaiian annexa
tion treaty by the United States senate is
assured The administration has made a
poll of that body and President McKinley
is satisfied that more thufl two thirds of
the senators will vote for ratification
When the treaty was submitted to the sen
ate June 16 last fifty seven senators could
be depended upon to vote in favor of the
instrument Eleven senators were given
as doubtful and twenty one as opposed to
The administration has ascertained the
views of the men who were then in doubt
and McKinley is now depending on sixty
one senators for the treaty with the pros
pects of the addition of several votes to
this number The treaty is in shape for
prompt action In his message to congress
the president will present as strongly as
possible the arguments for annexation
He will show the treaty has already been
ratified by the Hawaiian senate and only
the action of the United States senate is
required to add the island The president
does not expect annexation to result in
complications with any foreign power
Henry A Hicks of New York Elected
K of Ij Master AVorkman
James It Sovereign who has been
general master workman of the Knights
of Labor for the past four vars or more
was on Friday afternoon eiieved of his
office by the general assembly in session
at Lou Ky Under ordinary con
ditionN Mr Sovereigns term of office
vi ould not expire until the next meeting
This however it is said makes no differ
ence with the order whose geneial officers
during a meeting are always in the hands
of the assembly and can be
chosen and deposed at the will of the ma
jority Along with Mr Sovereign there
were three other officers retired viz T
B McGuire general worthy foreman and
Daniel Brown of Montana and II B Mar
tin of Minnesota members of the execu
tive committee Henry A Hicks of New
York district 253 New York city was
chosen to fill Mr Sovereigns place and L
D Chamberlain of Pueblo Colo was se
lected as geneial worthy foreman
Rival High School Clubs of Cincin
nati Have an Encounter
The Cincinnati Tribune of Sunday con
tained a story of a football game between
the two high school clubs of that city
those of the Hughs high school and Wal
nut Hills high school in which there was
a riotous free fight Each school had its
high school banner Some one fired the
Walnut Hills banner and held the blazing
flag aloft Then followed a competition in
burning banners and this diversion
ripened into a contest with fists and clubs
in which the votaries of each school par
ticipated In the fisticuff before the gamo
Hughs won but in the game the Walnut
nills were victorious by 10 to 1
An Edifice Costing 100000 Ded
icated in Chicago
The first Scientist Church of Chicago
and the largest house of that denomina
tion in the world was dedicated Sunday
Four services attended by SOOO people
were held visiting Christian Scientists
from all over the country being present
The building alone cost over 100000 It
has a seating capacity of 2000
Xew Alaskan Steamship Line
The States Steamship Company has
been formed under the laws of New Jer
sey with a capital of 7000000 and with
Charles H Cramp president of the Cramp
Shipbuilding Company as its president
Five steamers will be sent around to the
west coast as soon as possible and will
ply regularly from San Francisco or
Seattle to St Michael The first steamer
to sail will reach Seattle about February L
Fire in Chicago
Fire in the factory of the Nutriment
Company manufacturing chemists at
Forty ninth and Halstcad Streets Chi
cago Sunday night destroyed two build
ings causing a loss of 75000 to 100000
with insurance of 50000 The Nutriment
Company is a branch of the Wyeth Com
pany of Philadelphia
Chicago Cattle common to prime
300 to 575 hogs shipping grades
300 to 375 sheep fair to choice 200
to 500 wheat No 2 red 93c to 95c
corn No 2 26c to 2Sc oats No 2 10c
to 21c rye No 2 47c to 49c butter
choice creamery 22c to 23c eggs fresh
17c to 19c new potatoes 35c to 50c per
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
525 hogs choice light 300 to 375
sheep common to choice 300 to S400
wheat No 2 91c to 93c corn No 2
white 25c to 27c oats No 2 white 21c
to 23c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 300 to 450
wheat No 2 97c to 99c corn No 2
yellow 2Gc to 27c oats No 2 white 20c
to 22c rye No 2 45c to 47c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 55 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 250 to 475
wheat No 2 92c to 93c corn s 2
mixed 26c to 27c oats No 2 mixed 21c
to 53c rye No 2 46c to 48c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 250 to 425
wheat No 2 92c to 93c corn No 2
yellow 26c to 27c oats No 2 white 23c
to 24c rye 47c to 49c
Toledo Wheat No 2 red 93c to 9oc
corn No 2 mixed 2Gc to 2Sc oats No
2 white 22c to 24c ryt No 2 48c to 4
jo3r seed 315 to 325
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring-
7c corn No 3 26c to 27c oats
- white fcSe to 24c rye No 2 4Sc to 49c
t tuly No 2 40c to 45c pork mess
ss700 to 750
Buffalo Cattle 300 to 525 hogs
tfuO to 400 sheep 300 to 500
wheat No 2 red 96c to 97c corn No
2 yellow 30c to 32c oats No 2 white
25c to 27c
New York Cattle 300 to 525 hogs
3X0 to 425 sheep 300 to 500
wheat No 2 red 99c to 101 corn No
2 34c to 35c oats No 2 white 25c to
26c butter creamery 15c to 24c eggs
Western 21c to 23c
j jn
Van Horn a Farmer Living
Unadilla Shoots His Son
and Failing to Find His Divorced
Wife Turns the Gun Upon Himself
Shoots His Son and Himself
About 730 on the evening of November
8 in the village of Unadilla Ralph Van
Horn armed with a repeating rifle and a
revolver went to the front door of John L
Abbotts residence and asked Mrs Abbott
who came to the door if his little son was
there ne was told that he was but was
denied admittance for the reason that he
was permitted to see the child only when
accompanied by an officer having been
divorced from his wife who was visiting
the Abbots and the custody of the child
given the mother lie at once pushed the
door open and entered the house at the
same- time producing the rifle from
beneath his overcoat Van Horn
shot and killed his four-year-old son
as he lay upon a sofa dressed for bed
where his mother had just put him Then
Van Horn reloaded his rifle and com
menced searching for his wife Not find
ing her he went about twenty feet from
the house and shot himself through the
head with a revolver dying almost in
stantly Van Horn was slightly deranged
Reminded by the Governor of Cosn
plnint Fi7 d Some Time Ago
Governor llolcomb has written the sec
retaries o the board of transportation the
following letter I am in receipt- of a reso
lution passed by the Western Nebraska
Stock Growers Association in relation to
the change made by the railroad com
panies in the charges of shipment of live
stock It appears that heretofore a rate
has been made by the carload but since
August IS 187the rale is made by weight
alone I understand that a copy of this
resolution has been forwarded to you and
it respectfully requests that you give it
your immediate attention and careful con
About a year ago a similar change in
rate3 was made by the railroads upon live
stock shipments but after the matter had
been considerably agitated the railroad
companies decided to return to the old
schedule under which they accepted ship
ments until August 10 last This change
in rate I am informed increases the rate
per carload from the western part of the
state to the union stock yards in South
Omaha from 10 to 15 This is an injus
tice to the farmers and stock raisers of
Western Nebraska and I hope that you
will take the proper steps looking to the
immediate re estalishraent of the old
as Recent Puts Him in a
Delicate Position
The chances seem good that as a result of
the recent election there will bo a vacancy
in the position of chaplain in the State In
dustrial School at Kearney after January
11898 The present chaplain is Rev F Von
Forell who has just been elected regent of
the University of Nebraska It seems
very probable that pressure will be brought
to bear on him to vacate this position and
thus avoid a charge of holding two state
offices at one time While there is nothing
in the constitution which says in so many
words that a regent shall not hold any
lucrative office under the state it is plain
that such is the intention of the law
As there are plenty of ministers in Kear
ney who would be glad to take the re
mainder of the money appropriated by the
legislature for the services of a chaplain it
is likely that pressure for Rev E Von
Forells resignation will bring that docu
ment to the state board of public lands and
buildings within a month or so
Henry Will Soon Be Free
George B Henry the noted bank swind
fer who is now in the York County jail
for swindling the First National bank out
of 405 has applied for a reduction in his
bond of 1500 to 1000 Henry claims
that he has a wife and three children de
pendent upon him for support that one of
his daughters is seriously ill and that some
very important business matters demand
his attention at his home in Hampton 111
He thinks he can raise 1000 as security to
his bondsmen but not the larger sum of
1500 The bank officials have agreed to
the reduction and the judge has granted it
Henry expects to secure the bond and leave
for Illinois this week
Hartleys Big Shortage
Otto Whelbig the expert who has been
Engaged for several month in examining
the books and accounts of ex State Treas
urer Bartley has submitted his report to
the legislative investigation committee
showing Bartleys shortage to be 870000
The amount of the defalcation had been
variouly estimated at from 700000 to 1
000000 Bartley is now in the Dodge
County jail under a twenty year sentence
in the penitentiary An appeal has been
taken to the supreme court and arguments
on the motion for a new trial will soon be
York Boy Missing
To escape punishment at the hands of
his father Charles Wildmen jumped
through a window at his home in North
York and has not been seen nor heard of
since The boy is about 15 years old and
was not considered very bright in mind
Of late he has been rather unruly and his
parent has not spared the rod At the
time of the lads escape he was barefooted
and wore neither hat nor coat
Polk County Mortgages
Tolk County mortgages filed for the
iionth of October were Thirteen farm
mortgages filed amount 1185999 re
leased twenty -seven amounting to 21
22750 city mortgages tiled two amount
ing to 700 released two amounting to
76050 chattel mortgages filed 117
amounting to 97854Gti released
three amounting to 065LS4
Compromise with Bondsmen
The county board of Dodge County has
decided to accept the proposition of the
bondsmen of Henry lloetfelder default
ing treasurer of Webster Township re
leasing them from liability on payment of
51200 The total amount due the county
froni Hoetfelder is 2105 No trace what
ever has been found of his whereabouts
since he left Dodge in October He was
al30 treasurer of the village of Dodge and
owed that corporation about the same
amount The village brought ait against
his bondsmen and it will probably be tried
at the present term of court
Wants to Murder His Family
Dr C M Duncan left Omaha last Week
and on the train declared his intastlon to- jl Ju
murder his wife and children on ma
irnil XT h 0Tnfo Onn nf thn train J
men wired ahead and the sheriff and two
or three assistants were on the lookout
Duncan upon arrival seized a cab wliicll
had been engaged by another person and
forced the driver at the point of a revoiror
to drive him to his former home When
the cab reached the house and the doctor
was getting out the deputy sheriff and a
constable seized him and took possession
of the two 41 caliber guns which he had
with him one in each hand In the strug
gle that ensued the doctors collar bone
was broken His wife recently procured
a divorce from him on the grounds of
Clergyman Under Arrest
The community citizens and church
members were greatly surprised at McCool
Juntion on November 11 to learn of the
arrest by Sheriff Trice of Key M E
Palmaeter Baptist minister evangelist
and lecturer Rev Palmaeter had deliv
ered three lectures on foreign travels
charging an admission a certain per cent
of which the Baptists of McCool Junction
received Thereafter he started revival
meetings and announced that he would
drive the devil out of McCool Sheriff
Price of York came however and arrested
Kev Palmaeter taking him to York
where it is said that a sheriff from Kansas
is waiting for requisition papers Thero
is said to be a woman in the case
Pound Dying on the Tracks
A man was found lying near the railroad
track a few miles west of Kearneyjwith
his left foot crushed off at the anklend a
long deep gash on the top of his head
Nothing was found upon his person exo t
a razor brush and piece of soap and th r
is no telling who he is where he came
from or where he was going lie is ap
parently a foreigner about 35 years of age
and as he is fairly well dressed it is
thought he may have been going through
with a load of stock and have fallen from
the train
Nebraska Grain Dealers
At the annual meeting of the Nobraska
Grain Dealers Association in Lincoln the
following officers were elected
President G W Wirt York
Vice President Thomas Critchficld Au
Secretarj Charles T Neal Lincoln
Treasurer J M Sewell Hastings
A committee was appointed to attends
the meeting of the grain dealers of Iowa
Kansas Nebraska and Oklahoma in St
Joseph November 20
Brings Sleep of Death
An overdose of chloral taken with the
intention of producing sleep resulted in
the death of A P Hale at the Deflone
Hotel Lincoln Hale was found lifeless
upon the bed Life had evidently been
extinct for several hours On the dresser
and table were found numerous bottles
which had contained morphine chloral
and chloroform The bottle which con
tained chloral was nearly empty He was
a resident of Iowa
Husband Suddenly Disappears
Richard J B Waidley a well known
young man of Nebraska City has myste
riously disappeared He was married
November S in Omaha to Miss Kittie Felt
hauser also of Nebraska City and arrived A
home with her on the afternoon tFainwA
He placed his wife in a hack remarking
that he would ride up town on the street
car There is no trace of Inm since that
time No motive can be ascribed for his
strange action
Big Church Dedicated
The dedication of one of the largest
churches in Nebraska of any-
tion occurred at St Helena last week Ik
is a Catholic institution and the cost of its
erection is 50000 Bishop Scannell had
charge of the services and was assisted by
fifty priests It is estimated 5000 peoplo
were present
Take in a Large Class
Nuckolls lodge No 7 Ancient Order of
United Workmen at Nebraska City
tiated forty six new members recently
the largest number ever taken in at one
time in the state Deputy Grand Master
Van Dyke was present and officiated as
master workman during the ceremonies
Creamery at Spauldiug
Work has been commenced on the con
struction of a large creamery at Spaulding
The plant is to be equipped for both but
ter and cheese making and the former
will be made in the winter when prices are
high and cheese will be made in the sum
Suspects Are in Custody
Two tough looking characters giving
their names as Bert White and John Brady
have been arrested at Grover Colo for
burglarizing John Biggs store at Kimball
Some of the stolen property was found on
Goes to Washington
Hon William E Andrews of Hastings
has gone to Washington to assume hiy
duties as auditor of the treasury
Nebraska Short Notes
A lodge of the tribe of Ben Hur has
been organized at Rising Ciy
Paul Sexton a Beaver City schoolboy
while playing with a companion was
thrown and had his arm broken
The business men of Stromsburg have
taken hold of the creamery question and
propose to raise to build one at that
Unknown parties stole a watch a gun
and a bicycle from C D Brown of Ames-
The Seward History and Art Club will
give a chrysanthemum show on November
19 and 20 the proceeds to be devoted to
public benefit
Furnas County farmers raise consider
able broom corn and are now receiving
good prices for it The crop is selling ai
from 40 to 70 per ton
A house occupied by several soiled doves
at McCook was burned Thursday night
Theinmate3 had all gone to a re3t aurant
for lunch just before the lire was dis
Considerable winter wheat has been put
in in Nebraska since the late rains
The Lincoln district Epwrth league
annual convention will be held at the -Methodist
church in Wahoo There will be
100 or more delegates
The management of the Furnas Countv
Agricultural society announces that all
claims or premiums held against the as
sociation will be paid in full if presented
to the proper officers
C W Derby sheriff of Butler County
has brought suit for 5000 damages agains
two prominent citizens of that eonnty H
alleges that they circulated stories thathr
had used his official position to feather hi
own nest in au unlawful manner
i i