Vf - - h 3 r V i jLjfcy wjj 1 1 BRYANS QUESTIONS Ik 1S9G the Republican parly prom ised to promote international bimetal lism and Mr McKiuley in his letter of acceptance pledged himself to carry out that promise If the gold standard has been a benefit to the United States why should the Republican party try 10 abaudon it and substitute the double standard by international agreement As soon as Mr McKinley was elected Jie asked Congress for authority to ap Moint a commission to visit Europe and secure the aid of the leading commer cial nations of Europe in abandoning he gold standard If the gold stand ard is a blessing why did Mr McKin iy send a commission to Europe to get rid of it A Republican Congress by an almost unanimous vote appropriated 100000 io pay the expenses of the monetary -commission If the gold standard is the standard of civilization why did The Republican parly spend 100000 in Iryiujfto get rid of it The French government expressed a willingness to restore bimetallism by international agreement and joined our commissioners in asking Englands co operation If the gold standard has been a blessing to France why is France willing to abandon its gold standard and substitute international bimetallism Within three years the German reichstag has adopted a resolution de claring in favor of international bimet allism If the gold standard has been a blessing to Germany why was the popular branch of the German assem bly willing to abandon fcheold stand ard and substitute international bimet allism The gold standard has been indorsed by bankers financiers and chambers J of commerce but it had never been in dorsed bj the producers of wealth in any nation in the world Wall the Re publicans say that the producers of wealth do not know what is good for hem or should only financiers be con sulted in monetary legislation The monetary commission remained in England for three months and the press dispatches reported that the com missioners were confident of obtaining some concession from England On the 22d day of last September the bank ers of London joined in unanimous pro test against bimetallism and the En glish government has now refused to make the concession for which our commissioners asked Does this not upport our contention that the gold yfeiidard is advocated by the capital istic classes of the world The Republican part- in its plat form of 1S9G after pledging itself to international bimetallism declared that the gold standard mut be maintained until the leading commercial nations joined in international bimetallism Is t well to thus allow the leading com mercial nations of Europe to dictate the financial policy of the United States That Vote of Confidence If the Republican administration an- j tiftJnn 4 ii o xr4rt r rtrtifi rnTl rt li lr wviiunu l uiv ui uimmvit lut JC cunt election must have proved a se vere disappointment Last year McKinley had the magnifi cent plurality of 2G8574 votes in the State of New York This year the Em pire State went Democratic by a plu xality of 5324S A change of 175000 votes shows what the people of the State of New York think of the Repub lican administration New York City has reversed a plurality of 57000 for JJcKinley to a Democratic plurality of JWOfiOO Republican measures are evi dently not popular in the State of New York nor are they approved by the citizens of the greater city of New York However Ohio ought to have proved loyal to the party which sent her hon ored son McKinley to Washington -as President of the United States But alas for the hopes of the grand old par ty the Buckeye State has reduced her Republican majority from 50000 in 1S9G to 20000 in 1S97 and Hanua who stands as the representative of McKin ley has an excellent chance of remain ing at home as a private citizen instead of re entering the United States Sen ate There is no necessity of referring to Kentucky Virginia or Nebraska It would be cruel to harrow up the feel ings of Republicans by calling atten tion to the disasters which have be fallen their party in those States Tar iff reform monetary reform Un ion Pacific reform Cuban reform have been weighed in the balance and found wanting The Republican party is doomed to inevitable defeat in 1900 Chicago Dispatch Victory for Silver One fact has been clearly demon strated by the elections and that is the I enlarged growth of silver sentiment However much the Republican editors may strive to ignore the conclusion theie remains no doubt that the dissat isfaction of the people with gold mono metallism was at the bottom of Repub lican defeat Henry Watterson frank ly admits the victory of bimetallism at the polls in Kentucky and withdraws from party leadership In New York the outcome is found to be practically the same In Ohio while the Republi cans have won by a narrow margin their victory is really a defeat and the Buckeye State is now in the doubtful column It is not at all sure that Ban na will go to the Senate even though the Legislature may prove to have a Republican majority on joint ballot A few dissatisfied Republicans can by the aid of the Democrats defeat the aspirations of the boss and elect some less objectionable Republican As for Nebraska AY J Bryan says Nebras ka increases her majority for silver Returns from other States vindicate the Chicago platform I rejoice over the outlook What Brought It About That this is a Democratic year nas become a trite expression but as the election returns from the eontesUl States all over the Union show it is a true one In New York the McKinley majority of nearly 270000 has been wiped out In Ohio if Mark Hanna s Senatorial aspirations have not been obliterated entirely they certainly have received such a setback that they can only be realized through the mag nanimityor the purchase of his ene mies in his own party New York and Ohio were the two im portant States in this years political contest The same agencies were at work in New York State and in Ohio and to about the same extent as the returns show They were disgusted with the bunco game the Republicans in Congress played on tne dupes who were caught by their sound money cry last year the unblushing hypocrisy and only too transparent impotence of the McKinley administration in hand ling the nations affairs and the favor shown by every official in Washington to the monopolies and trusts all over the country The result shows that the people are angry and that they will remain angry for some time to come is all too clear They put the Republican parly in pow er because that party made promises which it had no intention of keeping It has been found out and unless the Democracy is unusually stupid between now and November of next year it will elect a Congress of its own way of thinking New York News Still a Deficit The Dingley tariff for deficit keeps right on in its merry work and the re turns for October leave a neat little balance of about 10000000 on the wrong side of the ledger An analysis of the receipts and ex penditures of the United States shows that the total receipts for the month of October were 24391415 and the ex penditures 33701512 making the ex cess of expenditures over receipts for the month 9310097 and for the four months of the present fiscal year 3S 009010 The receipts for customs dur ing October amounted to 9713494 as compared Avith 11105493 for October 1S9G and the receipts from internal revenue sources 13014872 a gain of 251710 over October last year For a measure which was passed with the avowed purpose of furnish ing sufficient revenue to meet the ex penses of the Government the Dingley tariff is certainly falling far behind the expectations of its promoters and unless some unexpected change for the better takes place the contingency anticipated by Senator Aldrich will face the Republican party This con tingency will be the settled fact of a deficiency of revenue chargeable to Republican legislation which will re sult in the downfall of the party re sponsible Bond Issue in the Near Future At the present monthly rate of excess of expenditures over receipts it is evi dent that the treasury deficit before the end of the year will be so heavy that some unusual means will have to be adopted to meet the requirements Only one of two ways is open Senator Alison has pointed out one of them This is to take from the appropriations for the river and harbor improvement and coast defenses a sufficient sum to balance the deficit It is hardly prob able that the administration would care to establish so unpopular a prece dent The only other recourse is a bond issue That it will be taken there is scarcely any room for doubt St Louis Republic Pharisaical Talk About Tammany The spasms which some Eastern and European reformers are attempting to have over the election of Judge Van Wyck are due principally to the inno cence of the holier-than-thou element in believing all the wild stories about Tammany As a fact it is simply the only Democratic organization in the country that has the skill and disci pline of the Republican machines And Piatts gang is a great deal worse mor ally than Tammany ever was Kansas City Times Rebuked by Ohio Voters The voters of Ohio made a brave er fort to rebuke Mr McKinleys pitiful lowering of the dignity that attaches to the Presidential office in his mad ness of desire to make a United States Senator by popular suffrage of the slush fund syndicate organizer who made him President They have voiced ashamed and indignant protest against Hanunisni the threat of which may not be wisely disregarded in future St Louis Republic Iowas High Opinion of White In the returns Mr White can reaa the answer the people of the State made to the charge that he was an an archist a dangerous man unfitted to be intrusted with the execution of the laws of the State No man not even Horace Boies ever had a more magnificent indorsement from the peo ple of Iowa than Mr White received yesterday Des Moines Leader GOTHAM ABLAZE WITH FERVOR Sixty Thousand Persons at Moody and Sankeys First Revivals Writing of When Moody and San key Stirred the Nation in the Ladies Home Journal Nathaniel P Babcock thus recalls the first revivals held by the well known evangelists in New York City To the Hippodrome was the cry of the Protestant religious world of New York during the early months of the year 187G Twenty one years ago and yet the strangeness of those days when over the great me tropolis hung an atmosphere charged with the electricity of religious zeal is fresh in my memory To the Hippo drome The words were uttered from the pulpits of scores of churches first as advice then as a command by min isters to congregations To the Hippo drome You heard the phrase in the street cars in the hotels sometimes up on the busy avenues On early morn ing trains steaming in from suburban points you saw women by hundreds with luncheons in baskets drawn to the city not by the spring millinery of the stores but by that shibboleth which echoed in myriad Christian hearts To the Hippodrome Moody and Sankey aided by a mul titude of local clergymen and bands of volunteer Christian workers had undertaken the task of setting New York on fire with enthusiasm for the cause of Christ How great was the measure of their success may be judged by the fact that there were days be tween Feb 7 the beginning of the re vival and April 19 its close when as many as sixty thousand persons found their way into the presence of the evangelists one meeting following an other from noon till late in the evening with almost constantly assembling au diences of seven or eight thousand at each What was the record of conversions during those ten weeks of daily relig ious services Somebody asked this question of Moody midway in the re vivals course Record he repeated Why that is kept only in heaven Well so for there at least it is im mutable whereas the walls which rang -with the glad cries of converted sinners have long since been razed tc the ground and not a stone nor brick nor joist nor girder remains to tell the story of what went on in that vast auditorium in the early dawn of our great centennial year A Trying Husband It is possible to carry even ones vir tues to excess Mrs K lelt this to oe true in the case of her husbands gen erosity He was a very studious man who lived in the clouds much of the time and was quite lacking in prac tical common sense A man of this kind good and true though he may be is likely to cause his wife more or less anxiety and annoyance One fall Mrs K purchased a hand some cape for herself It was to be her best wrap that winter and she put it away in her closet with great care Some days later she wanted it for a special occasion but It was not to be found After searching high and low for it she went up to her husbands study and said to him v Have you seen anything of my ncA caper Capecape said Mr K dreamily Have I seen anything of your cape Why no I guess not Are you sure AYhy yes what should I be doing with your capo I let me see Wait a minute It seems to me that I yes I did give a cape away to a poor Avoman I met at the door one day She said she Avanted a wrap of some kind and I is it possible that I gave her your new cape I meant to give her your old one My old one is in my closet and you must have giA en away that handsome neAV one that I had never Avorn Why cant you keep your Avits about you It is too bad said the contrite pro fessor Ill try to be more careful hereafter A feAV days later Mr K was out on his lawn Avhen a ragged and evil-looking tramp came doAvn the road and with the usual tale about having just come from the hospital begged for the price of a meal o victuals Mrs K who Avas sitting by a win doAv saA her husband give the man what seemed to be a bill which the tramp took and departed with such alacrity that he AAas out of sight be fore Mrs K could go out and say to her husband You didnt give that creature a bill did you Why yes I did I didnt have any thing but a 5 bill and I told him he might get a good meal out of it and bring back the change The tramp must have dined sumptu ously for not a penny of change ever came back to Mr K War Gave the South a Flower A Southern man tells the Washington Post that the daisy was never known ic the South until after the war Now every part of the South visited by the Union army is covered by daisies Sherman brought them to us he said and the march to the sea can be fol loAved in the summer time by keeping where the daisy grows The seed seems to have been transported in the hay that was brought along to feed the horses This is the only explanation that has ever been made of it New York Herald pbstacles to a Royal Match Princess Feodora of Saxe Meiningen Queen Victorias eldest great-grandchild the Pall Mall Gazette states Is to be betrothed soon to Prince Rupert of Bavaria The Princess is 18 years of age and the daughter of Kaiser Wil helms eldest sister Apart from the difference in religion there are Uffi OTlties in th way of the match THE FAEM AND HOME MATTERS OF INTERESTTO FARM ER AND HOUSEWIFE Some Point9 in Favor of Shredded Fodder The Best Hog for Bacon Sell Off the Poor Stock Caring for the Machinery Shredded Fodder Best During the past few years unusual interest has been taken in shredding fodder Many haAe hesitated thinking that the shredded corn Avould not keep wel in the mow or stack When first practiced more or less fodder was shredded in a somewhat damp condi tion It invariably heated in the mow became musty and gave unsatisfactory results The fodder should not be run through the machine until it is entirely dry and well cured It would be better over dry than not dry enough In 1895 at the Indiana experiment station all of the corn fodder was shredded It kept Avell in the mow and was free from mustiness The cattle and sheep ate it freely and it Avas used well iito the spring There are several points in favor of shredded fodder It is more economical to feed than the uncut corn It is eaten up cleaner by the stock than most uct fodder there being less waste due to the absence of the hard sharp edged and short butt pieces of stalk usually found in cut fodder The re fuse makes better material for bedding than does Avhole stalks or cut pieces being finer and softer It handles far better in the manure pile than does the entire stalk It does not make the mouths of cattle sore while that of coarsely cut fodder oftentimes does It packs more economically in the mow than does uncut fodder The feeding value of shredded and cut fodder is practically the same Shredding is com ing into practice and many farmers are making use of the process Best Bacon Hog There is a rivalry between the Tam worth and the improved Yorkshire as to which is the better bacon hog The fact of the TamAvorth being a compara tively new breed in America gives it the advantage of novelty Both breeds are popular with the bacon curers The Yorkshire makes an excellent cross on the short bodied sows of any grade though the Avriter does not advise that course The farmer endeavoring to breed up a type of hogs suitable for bacon should if possible improve with Yorkshire blood on the maternal line and instead of obtaining a pure bred Yorkshire or Tamworth sire should in every case obtain the dam in prefer ence to the sire But there is a strong aArersion in the minds of farmers gen erally to breeding long sided hogs and the long snout of the Tamworth is an almost impassable barrier in the way of the introduction of this breed into America Farmers from their famil iarity with the common scrub hog ridi cule the idea of breeding 3n animal Avith so long a snout as the Tamworth Though Avhen we find the long snout associated Avith long and deep sides of the very best bacon we can afford to look upon it with at least a subdued hostility The improAred Yorkshire must not be confounded with the small York shire The improved Yorkshire is a modification of the large Yorkshire it has less of size than the former and more of smoothness Selling Off Poor Stock As Avinter approaches every farmer should look over his farm stock and consider Avhat of it Avill pay best for keeping through until spring If all that does not come up to the standard is sold to the butcher or otherwise dis posed of the money for it and the hay or grain required for its winter suste nance will leave the farmer richer in the spring than if he fed it Dont try to get high prices for the poor stock There is less loss in disposing of it than in keeping it The farmers profit in these days depend more on the kind of stock he keeps than on any other fac tor Care for the Machinery Do not leave your costly machinery out in the field or uncoAered With proper care the machinery ought to last you for years but it will not if left exposed to the Aveather and storms six or eight months in a year The indus trious and economical farmer cares for everything because he is aware that a continual outlay for new machinery each year to take the place of that which has been alloAved to rot in the field is extravagance Ashes for Sandy Soils Sandy soils are always deficient in potash Even if they had this mineral they have usually so little vegetable matter that the potash forms an insolu ble compound by uniting with the sand The potash in caustic ashes dis solves the silicate of potash and also helps itself until its caustic properties are lost But old leached ashes are often quite as beneficial to sandy soils as are the unleached They always contain some potash and some phos phate which the water used for leach ing would not dissolve But they also usually contain some ammonia taken from the air and which makes its pot ash a nitrate of potash and a very pow erful fertilizer Hiving Bees in a Tree The usual way when a bee tree has been found is to cutIt down stupefy the bees Avith smoke as well as may be and take their honey This of course destroys all future harvests of sweet from that tree or swarm Possibly Dan iei Johnson an old bee hunter of Ded ham Me has discovered a better way The bees provided against their tree being cut down and their stores de stroyed by selecting a tree which over hung a deep ravine If the tree were rat down it would fall into the ravine smashing the tree and destroying the honey So he inserted a gas pipe from a hollow near the ground running it up the tree until the honey was reached Then he built a fire at the foot of the tree So soon as the fire warmed the honey inside it began to run down where it was caught in pails It nearly filled a barrel Mr Johnson thinks he has a permanent hive of bees on that tree so long as it does not succumb to the effects of fire at its roots He thinks there is enough honey left to winter the bees and that next year they will go to work and fill the empty combs But it is very possible that heat sufficient to melt honey comb has killed the bees and that the barrel of honey this year is the last he will get from that tree Japanese Plums Those who wish to grow plums in the garden I advise the trying of a set of Japan plums as there seems to be good reason to believe that they will be the plums of the future when the black knot has wiped the older race out of existence This pest is hard to control when the hedgerows are full of native species of prunes and these trees serve for its propagation Fruit growers have considered it hopeless to be able to fight the fungus and are planting the Japanese plums in place of the native kinds In planting it should be borne in mind that a mucu greater distance is needed between the trees than between other plums at least eighteen feet when mature growth is reached by the trees The curculio seems to be quite as troublesome in these new plums as on the older ones though we had hoped much from the thicker skinned fruit But to have clear skinned plums the curculio must be fought In early summer when it is doing its work We lost but few from the stings but the fruit was disfig ured Garden and Forest How to Keep the Churn It is particularly trying during ex 1 tremely hot weather to keep a wooden churn which is used not more than twice a week from shrinking some what about the corners where the staves which compose the sides are joined to the bottom Of course the chum may be left in the cellar but that means many a wearying tug up and down on churning days unless the churning is done there In the latter case mold is apt to collect upon any wooden utensil in an ordinary cellar To keep water in the churn requires con stant care lest it be forgotten for it should be changed every day A better Avay is to hook the churn to the stand ard bottom side up where a barrel churn is used and pour Avater around the inside of the chine covering the out side of the churn bottom which will be sufficient to keep the Avood from shrink ing by reason of becoming too dry Jersey Bulletin Marketing Turnips To get the best prices for turnips the grower must calculate to sell a large part of his crop from house to house It is a vegetable that almost every householder will buy one or two bush els of and not like the potato which must be secured in sufficient quantities to supply the table twice a day through the winter It is best always to grow both the Avhite for early use and either a late yellow turnip or rutabaga for use in spring If brought to their houses the turnips can always be sold at about the price charged by the grocers per bushel If the difference between the turnips for early and late use is ex plained most households will take a bushel of each It makes extra work for the farmer to peddle his turnips but the double price he gets over what the groAver would pay makes it Avorth his Avhile It is for the consumers in terest also to buy turnips fresh from the field rather than the grocery stock that for days or perhaps weeks have been exposed to the air Improvement in Tomatoes There has been great improvement m both the shape and quality of tomatoes since AAe first kneAV and liked them The original tomato Avas very rough had little pulp and was merely a bag of seeds and water with very thick tough skin The first improvement was in se curing sound and smooth tomatoes but somewhat smaller than the fruit was originally But for many years we have had tomatoes full of pulp and having comparatively few seeds These are much the best for cooking and canning as when cooked there is something to them besides seeds Quality of Evaporated Fruit So much is said about the advantage of fruit evaporating to make a market for otherwise unsalable fruit that many may think it makes little difference what its quality may be The truth is that only the really good fruit should be used for the evaporator It may be and often is unsalable because of blem ishes which affect its looks but do not impair quality But to take green worm eaten fruit and put it through the evaporator is a mistake Its first effect is to discourage the consumer making him think that evaporated fruit is not so good as he expected Poor fruit is not worth much for the pigs but that or other stock is the best mar ket for it Late Sown Winter Grain It is not the size of fall groAvth maue but its character that decides Avhether it can stand winter freezing and thaw ing A late sown small growth if vig orous will come out all right In fact for some reasons the small top is best as it does not evaporate so much Noth ing can prevent the soil freezing on the surface lower than the grain roots reach in their fall growth If there is a great amount of leaf on winter grain it is more easily killed to the root than where the growth is small Compliments on a tombstone migb1 be properly termed epi taffy J Set Toast on Gas Stoves One of the foremost disadAantages of the gasoline or oil stove that has be come a necessity in the modern house in warm weather is that bread cannot be toasted upon it eAenly or nicely and Ibesides the toast is very apt to be smoked by it The toaster for these stoves here shown smooths away theso TOASTKIi FOlt GAS difficulties as if by magic and Avill toast four slices to perfection at one time in two minutes so that the imnlid or the breakfast table can hae as plenti ful a supply of nicely browned toast in summer as in winter Old Fasliioned Pound Cake Wash one pound of butter then cream It thoroughly Add gradually one pound of fine sugar beating it until very smooth add alternately one pound of sifted pastry Hour and ten good sized eggs Avell beaten and beat hard for jfully twenty minutes as the success iand fine grain of the cake depends wholly on the thoroughness of the beat- ing Now beat in two tablespoonfuls of brandy one quarter of a teaspoon ful of nutmeg and tAVO teaspoonfuls of vanilla add blanched and sliced al monds or sliced citron if desired pour the batter into a pan lined with paper and bake in a moderate oven Blackberry Jam Take ten quarts of blackberries Avasli and remove all pieces of leaves Put into kettles and heat mashing them to extract the juice Force through a mod erately fine sieve to extract as many seeds as possible Measure juice and pulp together after mixing thoroughly together and to each pint of material add half a pound of granulated or softv t white sugar Boil until it bubbles thick ly then put into jars or glasses and cover tightly Tomato Catsup Two quarts of skimmed tomatoes tvith seeds removed one large onion six bud peppers or tAVO red peppers chopped fine one teacup of granulated sugar two teaspoonfuls of salt Boil half an hour Just before taking from the fire add one quart of vinegar teaspoonful each of ground cloves all spice cinnamon ginger nutmeg and celery seed uuground Scald all well together not boil Bottle tight shako before using Cheese Straws Cheese straAVS are delicious at a flic To make cheese straws roll out scraps of puff i aste until very thin sprinkle with grated cheese the sharp er the better dust with a little cayenne or paprika Repeat three times then roll out one quarter of an inch thick cut into strips one half of an inch wide and four inches long Lay on an ungreased pan and bake a very pale broAvn in a moderate oAen A Pretty Luncheon Salad On individual salad dishes arrange a little nest of the inner leaves of lettuce and on thse or this narrow strips of the white of a hard bciled egg placed ray wise of a circle like petals of a big daisy Rub the yolk of the egg through a colander and heap the yel low granules in the center of the daisy crowning it with a spoonful of mayonr naise dressing Prune Meringue One half pound of prunes boiled soft and put though a sieve Do not use the water the prunes were boiled in One cupful of granulated sugar The whites of six eggs beaten light and add to the prunes Bake one half 1 our in a mod erate oven Serve with whipped cream and season with vanilla or wine Servo cold Selecting a Lamp In selecting a lamp i is Avell to choose one with a shallow reservoir for if the oil is at too great a distance from the burner it tends to make the flame drop lower as the oil diminirhes Reservoirs of metal and stout glass are advised About the House When melting glue for use it Is a good plan to add a little finely powdered chalk to it This will greatly augment its strength Linoleum is found to last better and to preserve better color if sponged with a weak solution of beeswax In spirits of urpentine 1 If milk boils over onto the stove a i very unpleasant smell is the result This may be cured by sprinkling a lit tle common salt on the stove When flower vases are stained they should be washed with vinegar mixed Avith very hot water or ammonia may be used instead of the vinegar A frying pan howevei soiled may be rendered beautifully bright if it be cleaned with ammonia Make a strong solution of ammonia and water and let the pan soak in it for several minutes Tea coffee and fruit stains when freshly made can be removed by stretching the stained article tightly and pouring boiling water through the marks until they disappear This plan Is only successful if tried immediacy 4 w