The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, November 04, 1897, Image 4

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i y
Reorganization Committee the Only
Bidder Secures It for 857564
023 Master in Chancery Cornish
Acts as Auctioneer Other Itemsi
Great Railroad Sold
The Union Pacific road proper includ
ing buildings and all that goes to operate
Sic system was on Monday morning sold
In Omaha Neb to the reorganization
committee for a total of 53528523 This
does not include the sinking fund in the
hands of the government amounting to
4036400 making the total paid for the
property 57564923 There wore no other
Just one minute after 11 oclock the
time fixed for the sale Master in Chancery
Cornish stepped to the entrance of the
-freight house and prepared to make the
sale There was n crowd of 500 present to
witness the proceedings
Cornish after taking his place displayed
a paper which proved to be the notice of
sale and proceeded to lead it Cornish
next read a protest from Managing Re
ceiver Trumbull of the Union Pacific
Denver and Gulf Road Cornish then an
nnounced ilia he was ready to receive bids
bid 39SS32S187 in the name of
himself and A W Krech purchasing
trustees There were no other bids so
-Cornish next put up the bonds and Fitz
gerald bid for them 1814525089 After a
Cornish asked if there were any
-more bids and getting none he declared
the property sold to Fitzgerald and Krech
That was all there was to It and the crowd
As to the future management of the road
it is practically certain that for the time
being it will be left in the hands of the
receivers When the committee has per
fected arrangements it will retire them
The future head of the road will be S H
Clark former president if his health
will permit The sale Monday was under
a mortgage held by the government Tues
day another sale will be held under the
foreclosure trust deed securing the con
struction bonds which constitute a first
lien on the road
Issnes Two Proclamations as Soon
as He Takes the Oath
On the arrival in Havana of Blanco the
aew captain general of Cuba in accord
ance with the ritual and ceremonies cus
tomary on such occasions he took an oath
the following proclamation to the inhab
itants of Cuba
I am again among you with good will
and a sincere desire to serve the general
welfare and establish lasting peace I
shall follow a broad policy and endeavor
to restore peace among all of Cubas in
habitants I am sincere in my intention
to inaugurate a newr governmental policy
the object of which is to secure and pre
eerve peace Clemency awaits all who
observe the laws but however regrettable
it may be I shall rigorously fight those
who obstinately or ungratefully continue
to carrr on the war
Following is Blancos proclamation to
the armed forces in the island
I desire to express my admiration for
you who in two years of hard campaign
have always bravely fought the infamous
revolution This I soon expect to suppress
Let there be war therefore on the stub
born enemies of the Spanish people and
protection for those who seek the clemency
of Spain and let this war which dishonors
lis and is making us penniless end
There is no reference to autonomy in
any proclamation
Will Reserve No Rights in Treat
ment for Consumption
A San Francisco dispatch says that per
sons convinced of the efficacy or Dr
Hirschfelders oxytuberculin treatment for
consumption propose to secure the com
pound for free distribution No definite
plans have been decided upon but it is
thought the best channels for the distribu
tion will be the health departments of the
-cities and public hospitals Dr Hirseh
f elder has given his sanction to the move
xnent and will reserve no proprietary
Would Abandon Two Ports
Brig Gen Wade of St Paul command
ing the department of Dakota recom
mends the abandonment of Fort Custer
Mont as a military post In his annual
report he says it is in the worst condition
of any occupied post lie has seen in the
last twenty years Gen Wade also sug
gests the abandonment of Fort Assina
1xine Mont as the necessity for it has
now passed away
May Courtmurtial Covering
Jen Miles in the capacity of acting
ecretary of war has received from Gen
Brooks commanding the department of
the Missouri the report ofthe court which
investigated the charges against Capt
Covering of Illinois He was accused of
-maltreating Private Hammond at Fort
Sheridan It is believed the court found
sufficient grounds for courtmarlialing
Cant Lovering
Austria Criftis
Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria re
turned from Budapest Sunday and granted
n audience to Count Badenivthe premier
- y on the crisis lif the Austrian reichsrath
-It is reported that Count Badeni tendered
fcis resignation
Body Recovered
The body of John Foyle of Paughkepsic
tf Ya wreck victim was brought up
Sumday with a grappling iron from the big
made by the engine when it plunged
into the mu4 3lthe bottom of the JIudsM
t Garrisons
Freight and Stock Trains Collide
Two Killed Several Hurt
Three miles east of Hinsdale Mont on
the Great Northern Railroad a double
header freight train hauling sixty empty
cars telescoped into a stock train running
east Two men are dead and several were
seriously injured The dead are
Harry Neal of Glasgow engineer on
stock train
John Garton of Beatrice Neb fireman
on the double header
The injured are
John Hayfield Glasgow engineer
John Owens Glasgow head brakemau
Alphonse Landonette fireman on Neals
Immediately after the collision fire
broke out and twenty cars were totally
destroyed It is impossible to learn who
is responsible for the collision
Walter Houghton Charged with
Stealing that 14000 Package
Postofiice inspectors arrested in Chey
enne Wyoon Saturday last Walter
Hough tou a postal clerk running from
Cheyenne to Ogden on a charge of steal
ing the registered package containing 14
000 which mysteriously missed its desti
nation about a month ago A telegram
states that Houghton confessed the theft
The package which Honghton is alleged
to have stolen was mailed by a Chicago
bank to a correspondent in Sacramento
Cal about September 26
Missouri Boy Murderer found Guil
ty in the First Degree
The jury in the Hez Rasco case at
Maryville Mo brought in a verdict of
guilty of murder in the first degree after
deliberating almost five hours The pun
ishment was fixed by the jury at ten years
in the penitentiary The crime for which
Rasco is convicted was the murder of Mrs
Kate Baumle near Akroe one year ago
He was sixteen years old on the day after
he was arrested charged with the crime
and his youth operated very strongly in
his favor
Exnedition to Start at Once to
vestigate Latest Reports
Dr Otto Nordenskjold the well known
Antarctic explorer wil 1 superintend an ex
pedition to be fitted out at the joint ex
pense of Norway and Sweden to ascertain
whether anv trace of Prof Audrees bal
loon can be
found near Prince Charles
Coal Traffic Is Heavy
Freight officials of the Alton road report
that the coal traffic over their lines is un
usually heavy at the present time Since
the cessation of the late strike they have
been greatly pressed for cars to take care
of it At the present time the demand is
far beyond their capacity to supply west
bound freight business which is unusually
heavy just now Its tendency is to increase
uvuullj imuCI limn rtllvxi nloW ThoOO
eials consider that -the indications are ex
ceedingly promising for the future of the
road There is strong probability that an
8 per cent dividend will be speedily re
Loaded Box Car on the Track
A dastardly attempt at train wrecking
was made by some unknown persons at
Milan Mo Sunday The north switch on
the Burlington and Kansas City Railroad
was thrown and a loaded box car run onto
the main line so that a train going north
would plunge down a twenty foot em
bankment and one going south would be
derailed by striking the loaded car It
was discovered in time to save the south
bound train
Failure at Ottawa 111
The sheriff has closed the dry goods house
of the Leader Company at Ottawa 111 on
executions aggregating i8000 Judg
ments have been entered as follows Na
tional City Bank of Ottawa 8100 Escaro
Ankey 13000 Howell Paschel 2800
Florence A Russell 2000 Valley Na
tional Bank 22800 All the creditors but
the National City Bank live in Des Moines
Iowa where the firm as Israel Bros con
ducted another store
No Devil Divine Roughly Used
A report from Mintonville Ohio states
that Rev Mr Gilliam of the Christian
Church preached a sermon there in which
he affirmed there is no devil The congre
gation took offense and when the reverend
gentleman attempted to sneak again he
was ejected from the house and about
twenty pistol shots fired after him
150000 Blaze in Pittsburg
The Stock Exchange building at Pilts
fiurg Pa was gutted by fire Saturday
morning The loss is 150000 It was oc
cupied by the Stock Exchange Union
Trust Company and a large number of
stock brokers
Exports of Specie
The exports of specie from the port of
New York for last week were 19690 in
gold and 965915 in silver Imports were
Gold 1S9829 silver 89669 dry goods
and general merchandise Bllt5171
Big Tannery Burns
A dispatch from Ludlow Pa says the
large tannery of John J Curtis together
with a large quantity of bark was totally
destroyed by fire Sunday afternoon The
loss wilrnot be lesstlian 150000
Mexican Mine Disaster
A large quantity of giant powder ex
ploded in the fourth level of the Grand
Central mine at Minas Priestas Mexiro
f Thirteen were killed and three probably
fatally injured
General Hernandez Arrested
General Hernandez an unsuccessful
candidate for the presidency and four
sthec leading men in Veheueahavfi been
irrested on a charge of cdrispfraey against
the government
Failure in Ohio
The Peerless Refining Company of Find
lay Ohio assigned Saturday No assets
pr liabilities are given The company
which in a large one has been in bad shape
for two months
Had Ample Opportunity to Escape
But Returned of His Own Accord
that the Sentence of Death Might
Be Carried Out
Indian Baseball Player Executed
A dispatch from Chelsea I T says
Sunday John Watka the Creek Indian
who shot Jonas Deer another member of
his own tribe was legally executed for
the crime
The men were rivals for the hand of the
same girl and fought at a dance at which
she was present to decide who should gain
her Watka killed deer and afterwards
married the Indian maiden
Several days prior to the time prepara
tions for his wifes future welfare were
completed and the pain of parting over
Watka set out alone to the public
execution grounds In duo time
he arrived the crowd was waiting The
prisoner assumed his position on bended
knees with arms tied behind and a blind
fold over the eyes The rifle was placed
in the hands of a good marksman there
was a sharp crack and the white spot
marked for the heart was discolored with
the spurting blood caused by the deadly
Late this summer Watka went to Kansas
City with a baseball nine of his fellow reds
and played a game at one of the parks
He had ample opportunity to escape but
returned to the territory of his own ac
cord that his sentence might becarried out
All Greater New York Pays Homage
to Henry George
The body of Henry George lay in state
Sunday in the Grand Central Palace New
York and 30000 person reverently passed
the casket and looked upon the face of the
dead philosopher From 9 oclock in the
morning till 3 in the afternoon a stream of
men women and children poured into the
The eulogies uttered the clay gone the
streets became filled with people who
wished to see the funeral cortege as it
passed in solemn procession down New
Yorks great streets thence across Brook
lyn bridge and through Brooklyns streets
to the Brooklyn city hall
There the public gave over the body to
the family and the casket was taken to the
modest home in Fort Hamilton from
which they were borne to their final est
ing place in Greenwood Monday morning
At the lowest estimate 125000 people
saw the casket as it wended its way to that
point where the public was compelled to
stand aside in reverence and sympathy
while the family claimed its own
Re Embarks for Madrid Without
Making Any Trouble
Gen Weyler just prior to his embarka
tion from Cuba for Spain addressed the
assembled crowds gathered in his honor
In the course of his acknowledgments of
their sympathetic reference to his ap
proaching withdrawal he said he fully
understood their praise was for his policy
and not for himself He declared he had
always done his duty in accordance with
his sense of patriotism and he would leave
Cuba with a serene conscience He had
never cared he said for the criticism of
sympathizers of the rebellion because he
had always felt assurred real kindness
and wisdom were his policy
Fatality in a Georgia Game May
Cause a Law Against It
Von Gammon one of the players of the
University of Georgia football team died
Sunday morning from injuries received in
a game between that team and the team
from the University of Virginia in At
lanta Saturday afternoon His death has
stirred prejudice against the game among
the members of the state legislature which
is now in session It is probable that a
bill will be passed in a few days making it
a misdemeanor to eugage in a game of
football in the state of Georgia
Ready to Sail For Hawaii
The Cruiser Baltimore is expected to
sail from San Francisco for Honolulu
Supplies were taken on Saturday and a
number of the crew who had deserted re
turned to the vessel and were placed on a
bread and water diet In accordance
with an order from Washington some
twenty Japanese cooks- and servants were
discharged and Chinese taken in their
places This was done as a precautionary
measure in case of possible trouble with
the Japanese in Hawaii
Chilian Monetary Reforms
At a joint session of Chilian congress
which was attended by the special finance
committee and minister of finance the new
conversion law was promulgated Under
this law the banks must continue the
emission of the gold standard notes until
the end of December and must redeem
government notes paying an equivalent in
gold pesos to the Chilian treasury
New Pouiuliaud Elections
New Fouudlnnd election returns con
tinue favorable to theopposition Trinity
district has furnished the greatest surprise
of the campaign With 1500 vqtes already
counted out of a probable 3000 the pre
mier Sir William Wbiteway is -350 votes
behind the opposition candidates His de
feat and that of bis colleagues is therefore
probable J
-Dr Goddnrd Jury Disagree
Saturday 4he jury in the case of Dr
Jefferson D Goddard for the killiug of
Frederick J Jackson at Kansas City with
whose wife it was alleged Goddard had
been intimate jeportetftbat they were uh
able to agree upon a verdict andweVe dis
charged The last ballot resulted in a tie
Forty One Years in Pulpit
Rev B F Taylor aged 70 forty one
years of which be was minister in Iowa
Colorado and California is dead at Napa
InU of typhoid fever
The General Trade Situation Shows
Ijittlc Change
Bradstreets Weekly Review says Gen
eral trade retains most of the features of a
week ago with a continued check to the
movement of staple merchandise At
larger eastern and central western cities
sales of seasonable goods have now
equalled expectations and at none of
these points has the volume of business
increased At Chicago St Louis Balti
more New York and Providence there
has been a decrease in the volume of bus
iness in some line3 due in part to unsea
sonable weather and in some instances to
the continued quarantine of yellow fever
districts Mercantile collections are
slower filling in orders are small and
more infrequent and business in staple
lines for the latter half of October aside
from that in wool and metals has been
somewhat disappointing
Pope Disapproves of Compositions
of Haydn Mozart and Chopin
The pope is at the present moment en
gaged upon a encyclical which deals with
the question of ecclesiastical music ex
presses disapproval of the compositions of
Haydn Mozart and Chopin and urges
that the musical portion of religious cele
bration should be confined to Hie Gregorian
chant The holy father is especially severe
on the practice of invoking the services
of ladies belonging to the operatic or con
cert stage for the singing of the various
musical features of divine services and
calls attention to the fact that the solo or
part singing by women in churches is
strictly forbidden by the council of Trent
an order which has never yet been re
pealed and to which he demands
Famous Leading Man In Haverlys
Broken in Health
Daniel Hart who has made the world
laugh by his merriment on the minstrel
stage at one time one of the highest sala
ried and best Jnown actors in his line and
who for years received 250 a week as lead
ing man in Haverlys minstrels is at a St
Louis hospital broken in health and pen
niless He is 61 years old and no man of
his age has seen more of the world in all
its gayety than he Free handed with his
money and as sunny a disposition off the
stage as on life was a continuous round of
pleasure to him Nothing that money
could buy was too good for him or his boon
companions and he made friends fast
But he went the pace that kills He has
been stranded in St Louis for some time
Dynamite Shot Too Soon
William Sullivan Knght superintend
ent of the work of driving a tunnel from
the lake under Chicago to increase the
water supply was instantly killed and
Patrick Laurence night foreman fatally
injured by an explosion of dynamite
Twenty live laborers had just left the tun
nel to make way for the day force when
the accident occurred The explosion was
caused by one of the men unaware of
their presence in the tunnel connecting
electric wires which set the dynamite off
Kills His wife
Fred C Sanchez of the firm of Sanchez
Co of Denver shot and killed his wife
Monday morning in the Colorado San
chez claims he was asleep with his wife
when some one opened the door and shot
at him ne says he pulled his revolver
from beneath his pillow and fired but in
his excitement he shot his wife The
police doubt the story When arrested
immediately after the shooting Sanchez
was attired in street cloths Sanchezs wifo
was Jenie Warren of Metropolis 111
Two Suicide Together
Two cigarmakers of St Paul Jacob
Amos married aged 4 1 years and Henry
Bergen kreugcr single aged 88 years com
mitted suicide together while both wete
under the influence of liquor They went
across the Smith bridge to a point where
it is 200 feet above the Mississippi and
jumped over the railing
Angell and Abdul
By invitation of the Sultan of Turkey
the United States minister to Turkey
James B Angell attended the selamlik on
Saturday and was afterwards received in
private cordial audience by his majesty
Chicago Cattle common to prime
300 to 350 hogs shipping grades
300 to 400 sheep fair to choice
to 4Jj0 wheat No 2 red 9le to 97c
corn No 2 25c to 20c oats No 2 17c
to 10c rye No 2 47c to 4Sc butter
choice creamery 22c to 24c eggs fresh
14c to 15c new potatoes 35c to 50c per
Indianapolis Cattle chipping 300 to
523 hugs choice light 300 to 400
sheep common to choice 300 to 400
wheat No 2 92c to 94c corn No 2
white 24c to 23c oats No 2 white 21c
to 22c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 525 hogs
100 to 400 sheep 800 to 425
wheat No 2 100 to 101 corn No 2
yellow 24e to 23c oats No 2 white 21 e
to 22c rye No 2 4Gc to 47e
Cincinnati Cattle 230 to 325 hogs
00 to 400 sheep 230 to 450
wheat No 2 to corn No 2
mixed 23c to 2Gc oats No 2 mixed 20c
to 21c lye No 2 45c to 47c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
S00 to 423 sheep 250 to 400
wheat No 2 9fjc to 97e corn No 2
yellow 24c to 20c pats No 2 white 22c
to 23e rye 48c to 50e
Toledo Wheat No 2 red 94c to
corn No 2 mixed 23c to 2tic oats No
2 white 18c to 19e rye No 2 48c to 4c
clover sped 32i to 335
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring S7c
to SSc corn No V 25c to 2oe oats No
2 white 21c to 23c rye No 1 4Sc to 49c
barley No 2 40c to 44c pork mess
750 to 800-
to 555CJ hogs
Ht 425 sheep 300 to 500
wheat No 2 red 97c to 98c corn No
2 yellow 28c to 30c oats No 2 white
24c to 25c
New York Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
350 to 450 sheep 300 to 500
wheat No 2 red 101 to 103 corn No
2 31c to 33c oats No 2 white 23e to
25c butter creamery luc to 24c egge
Weitern 17e to 19c
failure of School Directors to Make
Necessary Reports to the State
Deprives Their Districts of a Share
of the Apportionment 3Ioneys
Loss to School Districts
The denopulation of some of the school
districts of the western part of the state
as well as the carelessness of directors in
other quarters has had the effect in many
cases of losing the apportionment to the
districts and the state superintendent has
addressed the following letter to the
various county superintendents
xThe most frequent sources through
which districts fail to receive their appor
tionment are set forth in the following
1 Failure on the part of the director to
make any report
2 Failure on the part of the director to
make a complete report
3 Failure on the part of the district to
hold the required amount of school
I know from experience that it is almost
impossible to get a report from some di
rectors If the result of this failure fell
upon the one causing it there might not
beany reason to complain but when the
children who are in no wise lesponsible
are the losers it becomes a different mat
ter and one in which we should interest
ourselves So I write this in the hope that
you will acquaint yourself with the num
ber of months of school determined upon
by each district and if you find one or
more that ought to hold more months of
chool to entitle them to the apportion
ment kindly call their attention to that
tfacr bearing in mind that the census of
1897 determines the number of months of
School to be held this current year and
that the number of months of school held
this year together with the census of 189S
determines the basis of apportionment for
the year 1S9S 99
I respectfully call your attention in this
connection to section 14 subdivision ii
section 17 subdivision iv and footnote
and section 10 subdivision xi of the school
I would suggest that you make liberal
use of the couuty papers in calling the at
tention of school boards and others inter
ested to this matter
Party of Celestials All in Bond
Pass Through Omaha
There was a very interesting party of
Chinamen directly from their native
country and bound for Cuba at Omaha
October 28 They were a dozen in number
and they were constantly watched by two
armed guards in order that they might not
be allowed to suddenly leave and take up
their residence in this country
All of the Chinamen hae promise
of work when they arrive in Cuba
Two of them are to conduct stores there
two are to assist in these stores two are to
run restaurants two are cooks and four
are mere coolies The party occupies a
tourist car of the Southern Pacific Rail
road which company has given a bond for
the safe transportation of the Chinamen
across the country and their exportation to
This is the first time in a long while that
a party of Chinamen in bond have gone
through Omaha They usually go through
via the southern route and it is in the
neighborhood of New Orleans that they
tusually made their escape The yellow
ifever plague in the south caused them to
be shipped via Omaha this time
Wedded for a Quarter of a Century
The twenty fifth anniversary of the
wedding of Colonel and Mrs Ilerko Kos
ter was celebrated at Niobrara recently
Rev Edward Murphy of the Episcopal
Church officiated at the ceremony assisted
by Revs Joel Warner of the Presbyterian
and L D Griswold of the Methodist Epis
copal churches Colonel Koster was hos
pital steward in the legular army at the
time of his marriage and was stationed at
Fort Randall and the bride is the daughter
of one of Knox Countys well-to-do Bolie
mian farmers The colonel is at present a
member of Gov Holcombs staff
Church Wipes Out Its Debt
The members and congregation of the
Baptist Church of York have raised the
last of their church debt On October 24
the 9125 which they still owed was raised
by subscription in a short while Under
the aggressive leadership of their pastor
Rev B F Fellman this church is making
rapid strides toward buildinu itself up in a
material way as well as spiritually
Jury Awards Nominal Damages
In the case brought by Emma J and
John F Spirk or Wilber against the Bur
ington Railroad Company to recover dam
ages sustained through being ejected from
i train in the western part of the state be
fore reaching the destination named in
Jieir tickets some time ago the jury re
urued a erdict for 5 damages in favor of
the former and 5 for the latter
Omaha Exposition Strike
A strike is on at the exposition grounds
in Omaha Thirty -six carpenters work
ing for Goldie a Sons walked out The
trouble is dtie to the refusal of the con
tractors to conform to the rules of organ
ized labof
Later The contractors have acceded to
the workmens demands and the work is
progressing as usual
Petition for a Train to Omaha
An effort is being made by York citizens
to induce the officials of the Elkhorn Rail
load to put on an early morning train to
Omaha in order that people who desire to
trade there can go and return the same
day A petition has been circulated
among the more influential business men
and very liberally signed
Postpone the Kom Karnival
At a meeting of the Beatrice Kom Kar
rtival committee it was decided to postpone
the event until Friday November 5 Ow
ing to the necessary postponements efforts
will be made to make the event bigger
ilia irst contemplated
Tbrer AVells for the 3IHI
Three tubular wells are beiug put down
at Henry Jambreeth Cos mill at Bee
merThe pump will be operated by the
mill engine to force water to the tank
on the hill at the north end ofMain street
Beemer will soon have water works which
wri I be paid by individual subscriptions
Thrown From a Wagon and Hurt
While driving home from St Edwardi
O D Yincentforeman of Brainards ranch
was thrown from his wagon and one of
the small bones of his leg was fractured
The wagon ran up on an embanknent
Five Thousand Tons Cicory to Bo
Drlfid in Next Three Months
The American Chicory company started
its plant at midnight at Fremont Thursday
Some improvements have been made m
the machinery anl everything placed in
good shape The total amount of chick
ory beets dried here this year will be con
siderably less than last season the man
agement estimating it at only 5000 tons
The yield per acre is smaller than last
year but will be large enough to make the
crop a profitable one to tne tarmer xuu
company has recently shipped a large
quantity of dry root to Omaha to be pre
pared for the market The demand for
chickory is improving As it is not prac
ticable for the factory to shut down dur
ing the season two full crews are em
ployed of about fifteen men each The
factory will probably be in operation about
eighty days this season
Widow Gets the Pension Mouey
The widow of Owen Wilson of Osceola
who disappeared from Omaha about seven
years ago has just received from Wash
ington over 500 pension money WiUon
was an old soldier He disappeared July
S 1890 and it was believed at the time
that he had been robbed and thrown into
the Missouri River He had just drawn
his pension money for June amounting to
72 and was supposed to have the bulk of
this in his pocket at the time A claim
was immediately filed for a widows pen
sion but after dragging along tor six
years it was finally rejected on the ground
that the widow had not been able to prove
her husbands death and that the money
therefore could not be paid until seveit
years had elapsed The seven years c x
pired on July 8 last and Senator Thurston
at the request of Mrs Wilsons friends
had the claim made special with the
resultthat it has been allowed to date
from May 23 1S92 at the rate of 3 a
Boys Ijife Iiost in the Storm
The son of Herman Brauer
living twelve miles southeas of Sidney lost
his life during the storm on Tuesday The
lad left the house at 10 oclock in the
morning presumably to go to the stable a
short distance away but as he failed to
return within a reasonable time a search
was instituted but no trace of him could
be found until Wednesday noon when ins
frozen body was discovered by the search
ers one half a mile away from his home
He had undoubtedly become confused and
lost his bearings in the storm and was un
able to return to the house and probably
wandered around until overcome by ex
haustion and cold He had taken off hi
coat and his iicad was lying on it
Raised Peanuts and Cotton
W W Campbell who tenants the Tsor
ney farm west of Tecumseh dug his crop
of peanuts last week and secured sonu
twenty bushels of a very fine quality Hi
expenmeuted some in cotton raising tin
season and has made two picking and
sn5 the quality is fully a good as ho
raised while living in Alabama In fact
he is of the opinion that Nebraska will be
come a cotton growing -tat if the product
will pay better than ome other crops now
laised in this slate
Jim Blackbird Wants Hi Item
Upon complaint of James Blackbird tn
Omaha Indian to Agent Meicer at Dis
catur for non payment of rent the agent
took possession of Jclm Rogers cornfield
in the name of the United Mates Rogers
was in Tekamah when the Indian nolice
tacked up the notices on the fences of hi
farm and it is not known what action lnv
will take He has been a renter of Indian
lands for a long time and up till now hw
been a good pa3er and popular among the
Suicide a Seqiiel to a Tornado
Mr Brannin committed suicide at hi
home in Falls City Thursday Ho was
alone at the time and used a 32 caiibec
revolver shooting himself through the
heart Mr Brannin lost his wife and baby
in the tornado a year ago and was injure
himself Brooding over this and other
troubles is thought to have bjon the cause
of the suicide
Temporary School Fund
It has been ascertained that tiie tempo
rary school fund now aniounts to J
SSooO which will be lined in the December
apportionment together with the amount
added to the fund between now and iht
date of apportionment
Will Build a Stone Chapi 1
A stone chapel is about to be i ccted in
the Roman Catholic cemetery south of
West Point A subscription paper is being
circulated and already several hundred
dollars have been subscribed The chape
is to cost 1000
Wrestled With a Hni
Martin Welsh of Tilden and a heavy hog
had a tussle in which the former was bad
ly hurt One ankle was dislocated and one
of the bones of the leg fractured
Irrigation Contracts Closed
Contracts have been closed with the
Gerrards of Columbus by which they will
have 800 acres of land irrigated for a period
of live years This means business
Sheep Perish in a Storm
Ned Fish a large ranchman near Sidney
lost 240 head of sheep during the storm
last Tuesday No other losses have j et
been reported
Hos Cholera in Webster County
Hog cholera has been running rampant
nuar Inavale for the last four months In
four townships the los s has been nearly
0000 head
Nebraska Short Notes
Sam T Wilson of Royal Oak Mich left
his home November 1 last year for Beemerr
this state and has not been seen since
His parents and friends supposed he was
at Beemer until a few days ago when his
mother wrote there requesting him to
come home as his father was dying He
is about thirty years of age He had
several hundred dollars with him when he
left bis home a year ago
Miss Stello Louderbach of Antelope
County had one hand so badly mashed in
a sorghum mill that amputation wae neces
The new flour mill at Hartfugton has
been completed and Is now in operation
L S Loomer has unloaded 400 Jeeders
atBradshaw which he purchased at Town
send Mont E A Wells and Dan Graves
also unloaded a carload each
Another flowing well has been made in
Erina Garfield County This time R G
Kingsland is the lucky man His well is
125 feet deep and throws an inch and a
quarter stream of pure cold water twenty
feet aboTe the surfacer of the ground the
surplus water forming a pretty little lake
Those ho have seen the well report it a
wonder and of inestimable valne to tho