I1 I I u ht fakntim tnQttnt HOliEIiT GOOD Editor and Prop VALENTINE - NEBRASKA Four thousand united states pension ers now live in foreign countries They -draw 600000 annually A New York exchange reports the case of a man who was stabbed In the Tenderloin No miss steak about that A new species of white birds with long slender legs has been discovered by gunners in New Jersey Can they be albino mosquitoes The man who made 10000000 out of cigarettes is finally going to join the army that his cigarettes have sent head of him to the house boat on the Styx Mrs Ella Wheeler Wilcox writes en tertainingly on the subject Are Amer ican Husbands Henpecked Of course they are but Mrs Wilcox should not row over it The heir presumptive of the throne of Austria Hungary lias wedded a do mestic It is more than likely that in this mesalliance the domestic has the worst of the bargain In Pennsylvania the other day a poet committed suicide because he was hun gry If that were a valid excuse for elf destruction American poetry of the present day would be practically wiped out It is estimated that there are twenty lour buffaloes now in the Yellowstone Park the only ones running wild in the United States And to think of the thousands that were roaming the plains less than a score of years ago The latest sign of the precautions be ing taken by the United States govern ment to save its men for war is the Joint order issued by Secretaries Alger And Long forbidding foot ball games between the cadets of Annapolis and West Point A little more taffy while a man lives nd not so much epitaffy when he is dead is the admonition of a Kansas minister concerning an oft discussed theme One of Speaker Reeds happiest lilts was his definition was his defini tion of a statesman A politician who Is dead Classical Boston speaks of her under ground railway system as the subway Jtfay we not expect to hear the elevated road line called the superway L jroao L and Elevated are terms which msy serre for the ordinary but euperway seems to belong to the realm -of high classics The sultan of Morocco has been offer--ed a bicycle as a present but the poor monarch dare not accept it At any fcehind the throne in Morocco wouldnt let the sultan ride a bike because he was afraid he would fall off and get and the chances are that he would have done so The new public library at Great Bar rlngton Mass was admirably equip ped with one exception it had no Bi Jble An eminent jurist discovered this emission and sent a volume of the Scriptures to the librarian with a slightly sarcastic note But didnt all the trouble arise from the fact that there was no demand for the precious volume Wastf t the fault the patrons rather than the librarians It Is not well to let a misguided spirit of compassion interfere with the proper disciplining of the hobo In the great majority of cases the tramp is a tramp Ijccause be prefers tramping to work ing Mendicancy and theft are more congenial to him than labor He must Je dealt -with accordingly The best thing to do with the hobo is to keep moving If he is willing to work that is a different thing If he wont -work he should be driven out of town and kept out There is no more remarkable feature in the development of the new South than the rapid growth of cotton manu facturing Before the war there was scarcely a cotton mill in the South now there are 4S2 and they use more than a million bales of cotton a year During the last ten years the South 3has made much more rapid progress in cotton manufacturing relatively than he North has In 1SS7 Southern mills used 401452 bales of cotton and North ern mills 1710080 -while in the year -ended Aug 31 1S97 Southern mills used 1042671 bales and Northern mills J1804GS0 At this rate cotton manu facturing in the South will soon sur pass that of the North Penny-in-the-slot facilities are multi plying in London Thousands of poor iSamilies obtain their supply of gas in penny installments and will soon have the same opportunity with hot water and electric light It is intended to place side by side with the hot water pipes connected with the street lamps Automatic machines for the delivery of half penny and penny packets of tea eoffee cocoa sugar and meat extracts Xhe first hot water lamp in London will Jje placed in Trafalgar Square where tiie unemployed congregate In the lamps will be but little changed The heating chamber is in a dome and in no way interferes with the effectiveness of the light The adulteration of foods has reach ed alarmSng proportions in the United States It is said by those who have investigated the subject that scarcely any article of food or any drug is not imjjatea or adulterated by some manu - - fgrrtTr T TTJISZ irtii irvtximmnwmt facturers The prevention erf Mich frauds is a matter of grave concern Certainly if the government takes pains to see that weights and measures shall be correct much more should it thwart attempts to deceive as to the quality of the goods sold when that affects the health and life of its citizens The De partment of Agriculture by direction of Congress is investigating the char acter and extent of adulteration Many of the States have enacted laws to pre vent such practices and it is very de sirable to know how these laws have been enforced and with what results The department desires information as to specific cases of adulteration fraud ulent labeling imitation etc of foods and drugs Much surprise has been expressed that while the price of first class bi cycles has fallen from 100 to G5 or 75 the price of typewriters remains the same In first hands a 100 type writer still costs 100 The question possesses practical interest because there ought to be a corresponding de crease in the price of articles manu factured under similar circumstances Actually the same machinery is used is producing a large portion of the framework the wire parts and some of the movements of both machines Within a year or two typewriter man ufaeturies have been turned into bi cycle factories with but little expense As the bicycle demand fell off and the typewriter demand increased the fac tories were changed back to the origi nal plan The same might be said of the price of watch movements the cost of which constitutes the principal cost of a watch The machinery in a watch factory can be adapted at little cost to the manufacture of either bi cycles or typewriters The cost of watch movements has decreased so that one of the best of watches can be bought now for one half what it would have cost ten years ago An intelli gent person explains why the price of the writing machines is as high now as ever if not higher as to equal grades It is the everlasting trust and combination of interests among manu facturers that keeps up the price of typewriters The trust markets all the standard machines and controls the trade The trust must pay enormous dividends That is why the cost of typewriters is maintained at the top notch of prices notwithstanding the great- reduction in the cost of manu facture The rest of the world is in very bad humor just now Europe Is in a bad way Great Britain is growling at the United States on account of those tire some seals and Secretary Sherman also because she holds us in some way re sponsible for the proposition to have the Bank of England cany one fifth of its reserve in silver The continent of Europe has not yet recovered from the adjustment of the treaty between Tur key and Greece which is now supposed to be finally settled That treaty is as frankly commercial as was the agree ment under which Egypt is now con rrollpd Theu overwhelming debt of Greece was the important thing in the settlement national rights Turkish in justice former treaties had little to do with the matter For an indefinite time to come Greece will be largely ruled by a debt commission As for France and Russia they are certainly in a good temper towards each other and the visit of M Faure to his imperial ally has had more than a spectacular importance But whether the alliance is one that makes for peace is another question Spain is in a turmoil with the change of administration and no one can tell what a week may bring forth In Asia the seriousness of the uprising on the northwestern borders of the Indian empire appears not to have been exaggerated In Africa stories of the cruelties connected with the administration of the Congo Free State and the outrages on liberated slaves continue to come in In the Pa cific Hawaii is the center of interest Reports from Americans living in the islands indicate that unless the United States takes the present opportunity for annexation it will never have an other Altogether the American na tion seems to be better off than any other if we can stand the abuse which is just now falling upon us from all quarters A Fatherly Assurance Mrs Cui son was studying his Latin lessor There was the tremolo of discouragement in his voice as he remarked I dont seem to get along with this lesson very well father Cant you say any of it Yes I can say amo ainas a mat and then I always forget what comes next What does those words mean John ny asked Mr Cumrox who deserves credit for being always ready to add to a somewhat deficient early educa tion They mean I love thou lovest he loves It does seem too bad to see you starting in so soon the old gentleman mused with the difficulties that has always surrounded that verb But you might as well commence young to learn that them words in one way or another causes two thirds of the both eration that occurs In this life Please can I quit school then No it wouldnt be any use You couldnt dodge era and you might as well go right along and get as familiar with them as possible Youll find that leamin enr aint half the worry that handlin em is after ye know em Cheer up Johnny and remeniler that most of your trouble is still ahead of you Washington Star Technical Terms May I print a kiss on your cheek he asked She nodded her sweet permission So he went to press and I rater yue I printed a large edition JSu lion Advertiser 3JjEjsJJTv nty n jaaag3angjWffrrUjidiasanmtntri iifaMatew PwyTp7 BICYCLES CURE ASTHMA Views of Physicians Who Have Studicu the Subject The value of bicycle riding for that portion of humanity suffering from divers ailments that may be benefited by exercise is no longer disputed very largely An English physician who has made the study of bicycle riding as it pertains to asthmatic persons the ob ject of special research has come out unqualifiedly in favor of the use of the wheel Asthma according to the generally accepted idea may be cured or at least relieved by exercising the res piratory organs Asthma is known by a great many as shortness of breath The slightest exertion out of the or dinary causes palpitation of the heart and a choking half suffocated feeling The face and head become extremely warm and Hushed and the sensation of extreme discomfort has a depressing effect upon the system Nearly all first beginners on the bicy cle find hill climbing decidedly annoy ing The heart throbs with each effort of the limbs and the blood surges in heat waves over the body Perspiration is greatly accelerated and hill climb ing is voted a nuisance Constant practice however if the heart is sound soon enables cyclists to climb ordinary hills with a comparative degree of comfort It was the resemblance of the symp toms of asthma to the trials of the hill climber that induced the physician who investigated the subject to experi ment with cycle riding upon asthmatic patients He found first of all that bicycle rid ing whether by invalids or by well per sons increased the depth of breathing without fatigue More air was taken into the lungs to aerate the blood Chest expansion increased slightly The patient with asthma could not ride very far at first without wheezing and coughing At night he choked up about as badly as ever Little by little day after day this wore off and at length after a year of moderate riding it dawned upon him one day that he was so much improved that a ride of thirty or forty miles did not fatigue him in the least Furthermore all that disagreeable tightness over the chest at night from which he had suffered for years was gone In another year he could ride fifty miles where he had been able to ride twenty five and without any discom fort During the winter he rode in doors To day he is practically well Amer ican physicians who have studied the subject are inclined to agree with the theory of the bicycle cure for asthma At least half a dozen instances ore cited in New York of men wbo seem to be partially cured by the judicious use of the wheel In Too Much of a Hurry It is almost as dangerous to be too clever as to be stupid According to Short Stories that is -what a student of Yale College found out one day He belonged to a chemistry class before the members of which Prof Silliman was going to experiment with laughing gas This student knew a little about the effects of laughing gas and he explain ed to his companions that since under its influence no one was responsible for his words he was going to take the op portunity to tell Prof Silliman what he thought of him The scheme might have worked well but for one seen circumstance Prof Silliman overheard the conversation Wlien the Professor remarked that for the purpose of illustration he should like to administer ithe gas to some mem ber of the class the plotter of mischief at once volunteered The leather bag was connected with his mouth and he soon appeared much excited He began to abuse the Pro fessor and to say many things Avlrich he -would not have dared to say except under cover of the peculiar circum stances Prof Silliman allowed him to go on for a time and then casually remarked that his young friend had become pre maturely irresponsible for the gas had not yet been turned on Only those who have been to college and who know how a chemistry class can ap plaud can imagine the uproar that fol lowed One on the Grocer They are telling a good story on my friend the grocer next door The oth er day a woman came in and said I want two dozen hens eggs They must all be eggs laid by black hens The grocer said Madam I am will ing to accommodate you but you have got the best of me this time I dont vknow how to tell the eggs of a black hen from those of a speckled or white one Said she I can tell the difference mighty quick If that is so madam will you kind ly pick out the eggs for yourself She did so and when the two dozen were counted into her basket the gro cer looked at them and said suggest ively Well madaan it seems as though the black hens laid all the big eggs Yes said she thats the way you tell them Hardware Journalism The most northern newspaper in th world is published at Hammprstein Russia The editorial work is Jone in a small wooden house roofed wifclxiurf The paper is called the Nordkap and is published weekly The news fre quently a fortnight old before it reach es the subscribers Most subscripnoirj are paid in fish Use of Glass Brnshen Glass brushes are used by Hit tttte wbo decorate china J Wflf jfotlr r 5Z cfy GENERAL PROSPERITY During all the Hurry over the high price of wheat and amid all the Re publican shouting over the return of prosperity no word was uttered about the condition of cotton and cotton used to be king General prosperity is what the people want and general prosperity is what the Republican orators promised the people during the last Presidential cam paign After McKiuleys election there was a more or less patient period of waiting for the return of prosperity For six mouths the people waited and then for six months through the aid of famine in India and short crops abroad wheat went to a dollar a bushel and the Republican press went crazy over the return of prosperity But wheat has dropped and cotton has never risen Recently this great staple of the South reached the lowest price on record in London six and a third cents per pound There is some thing wrong with the prosperity that affects but one of the great agricultural products of the United States The planters of the South are anxious to know why Hanna and MeKinley and Dingley do not send a little of their vaunted prosperity below Mason and Dixons line They consider such neg lect rank favoritism But the farmers of the North are be ginning to inquire when the greait Re publican party will send them good prices for corn and oats These prod ucts linger at a beggarly price and even wheat at 75 cents a bushel on the farm cannot convince the agriculturists that the promises of the spellbinders are being redeemed The explanation of the whole matter is that the appreciating price of gold the money which measures the value of all products makes a constantly de preciating price for those products Corn and oats and cotton and every thing but wheat are suffering from this injustice this year just as they have suffered in other years and wheat has escaped the infliction because of special conditions existing abroad over which the Republican party had not and could not have the slightest con trol Chicago Dispatch Taxing the Plain People The widespread injury inflicted by the Dingley tariff in the single instance of the sugar trust steal is not yet fully appreciated by the people England is the great center of the fruit canning industry because there is no government protected sugar trust there In the United States taxes are levied on sugar glass and tin the re sult being that millions of bushels of fruit grown by the farmers of this country lie rotting on the ground while the people of the United States eat Imported preserves jams and jel lies and send the money to pay for them across the sea to England The sugar interest in the United conies out of the pockets of the people In discussing this phase of the question Byron W Holt an expert in regard to tariff says When you invest a dollar for sugar you pay about 55 cents for sugar and 45 cents for tariff At present out of this tax of 45 cents the government is getting about 20 cents the refiners monopoly 20 cents and the sugar growei s and wholesale grocers the remaining 5 cents Next year when refined is made from raw sugar upon -which pres ent duties have been paid the govern ment will get about 25 cents and the sugar trust 15 of the 45 cents The result of all this is that the sugar trust secures a bonus of 30000000 which is just that much added to the Durden of taxes placed upon the people and out of which they secure not the slightest benefit Republican legisla tion inflicts the greatest injury upon the masses and recognizing tiiis fact the people should exercise their power mil sweep the Republican party out of existence Loic of the Gold Clique Republicans rejoice oer the ry of gold in the Klondike and talk tbout the vast benefit the increase in he currency from ten to fifteen million dollars a year will produce These astute logicians fail to recog nize the fact that in making these state ments they admit in full the eonten ions of bimetallists If in a small de cree prosperity is brought about by his insignificant increase in the supply f money would not the benefits b proportionately enlarged by the res toration of some five billion dollars worth of silver to its just estate as standard money Again the Republicans have gone wild over the temporary restoration of wheat to the price of a dollar a bushel -a restoration brought about by spe cial and sporadic causes which have al ready In a certain degree ceased to sperafe If dollar wheat for a few months of the year 1S97 is such a good thing why would it not be a still bel ter thing to have dollar wheat every jiearV Bimetallists argue the necessity of enlarging the supply of primary money Gold monomfftullists admit the wisdom if this claim when they rejoice over the Klondike discoveries Bimetallists claim that there can be no general prosperity on a falling mar ket and urge a reform that will bring about a rise in the price of agricultural products The gold clique has accept ed Mae truth of this proposition in its exploitations of dollar wheat Truly the logic of a gold monometallist iy fearfully and wonderfully made Silver in India The strongest gold advocates in En gland are not prepared to say that the mints of India should remain closed against silver There is however a determined op position to any concessions on the part of the British Government to the de mands of those desirous of securing in ternational bimetallism The United States will do well to note the attitude of England and to take a hint for guid ance Great Britain asks no odds of America and will do nothing by way of courtesy If gold is considered good for England and silver good for India then England will maintain her gold standard and India will resume the coinage of silver This country should manifest an equally independent spirit International bimetallism can never be secured by pleading Its adoption must be made a necessity While London newspapers are at tacking the Government for paltering with the bimetallic commission the Standard confesses that the scarcity of currency in India since the mints closed has been a serious matter but it says that a small committee of business men might be appointed to settle the question without reference to the wish es of America or other silver mine owners If silver says the Standard is the best currency for India let her have it but no rash decision ought to be taken without ample discussion With like confidence the people of the United States should say If bimet allism is the best thing for this coun try let us have it The time for truck ling to the money powers of Europe has passed The battle should be fought to a finish here at home The hosts of the gold clique should be vanquished and the money of the Constitution restored to its rightful place in the currency Tom Needles Displacing a Good Man Tom Needles whose sole occupation during the life of the present genera tion of Illinoisans lias been either to hold office or stir up political agitation when he and his party have been swept out of place and power by the besom of reform lias just obtained a position on the Dawes commission made vacant by the enforced resignation of Mont gomery a stalwart Democrat of Ala bama Needles will cany to the Im portant work no experience or special information on the important involved in the final settlement of Indian Territory affairs The work of the commission will thus be ham pered and its conclusions further post poned And all because President Me Kinley wanted to satisfy the demands for office of a very clamorous Illinos claimant St Louis Republic Games Plan of Currency Reform In the scheme for the rearrangement btates neeus no protection ami every i f the currency attributed to Secretary cent of tax levied to foster this trust Gage there is one feature of prominence a W IV lO VV- Jlllllt V Wi ii which may well cause surprise This is the proposed issue of 200000000 new bonds not for the purpose of re funding but to be sold for cash in aid of the treasury reserve If the Gov ernment really needs the money on ac count of the dismal failure of the new tariff to bring in revenue to anyone ex cept the millionaire monopolists of the trusts it must have it and the only way Mr Gage can get it is to sell bonds But does it not smack of humbug to call this currency reform Boston Press Trade Diverted by Hijjh Tariff Recently public attention has been turned toward the Argentine Republic In the matter of shipping cattle to En gland and German the little republic is becoming a serious competitor of this country and the English are aid ing her all they can to build up com mercial prosperity But in spite of this the United States continue to discour age trade and to put impediments in the way of commercial intercourse with the Argentine Indianapolis News lieiurn for Campaign Contributions The tariff on steel rails is 720 a ton American manufacturers are selling rails to Japan for 20 a ton but are charging Americans 2750 for them The 750 represents the principal rea son why American railway building is not equal to that of Japan and it also represents the amount per ton contrib uted to Mr Ilanuas campaign fund by the rolling mill magnate World Herald Omaha Chief teaon for Aujiexaeon Ex Hawaiian Minister Thurston fail ed to include in his reasons why Hawaii shotdd be annexed the dominating one that New England holders of the se curities representing Hawaiis 3000 000 national indebtedness want Uncle Sam to assume that debt St Louis Republic Jobs Wanted for Republican Some of the Republican organs mani fest much hostility to the admission of New Mexico and Arizonaiiuto the Union as States these same organs are filled with zeal for the annexation of Hawaii with its swarms of Asiatics and leprous natives Qnincy Herald Savinu at the Spigot The chink in the treasury through which a Government employe has been drawing silver dollars with a wire is to be closed but the doors are to be thrnwn open for Pierpont Morgan and hi rake St Louis Poit Dispatch t2GMt rHdawaiUitr t -- BABES CAST ADRjfT three Thousand Picked Up itx Sct York City Annually About b000 babies are each year cas adrift in Now York City to be carec J for by the various charities Accord ing to the records an average df 12 of them are found each year by the po lice where they have been abandoned They arc picked up on doorsteps it hallways in ash cans on stairways it parks in cars and in all sorts of place where they can be deposited withon immediate observation These m mostly infants from a few hours to -few days old actually abandoned u their fate and who must be found soor after their abandonment if life is t be kept in their little bodies Besides these there are about 2001 infants of very tender age abandons every year by their parents to tl inercy of the city and the various char itable societies organized to care f them who are often taken by tin mother and frequently by other per sons interested to the various fouu dling institutions and there left in the- helplessness to be provided for hi charity This little army of foundbnu appears to be on the Increase fro it year to year and the number of in stances of the crime of infanticide is v the same time apparently decreasing Charitable provision for the care of tin baby often saves the life of the littb one When a policeman on his rounds find a bit of humanity with a lingerina spnrk of life in Its body hidden it some out of the way corner he at on sends it to Bellevue Hospital and noA lies the department of charities Tha department if no one claims the babe gives it a name which is written on card together with its sex presumct age and facts in relation to its findimr With this card about its neck or fast encd to its arm the little charge is sen to Randalls island and becomes an in mate of the Infants Hospital where i is expected to stay until 2 years old They do not usually stay there this long for the records show that 70 ou of every hundred die before the tw years are completed a large mortality but easily accounted for when we con sider the abuse neglect and exposure the infants are subjected to before they come into the care of a skilled physi cian Many of them are adopted ant some are taken by other institutions Sonic Valuable Pearls The most curious among famou pearls is that which three centurier ago the French traveler Tavernler sold to the Shah of Persia for 075000 It is still in the possession of the sov ereign of Persia Another Eastern p tentate owns a pearl of 2i karats which is quite transparent It is to In had for the sum of 200000 Princes Youssoupoff has an Oriental pear which is unique for the beauty of it color In 1520 this pearl was sold by Georgibus of Calais to Philip IV ot Spain at the price of S0000 ducats To day it is valued at 225000 Pope Lee XIII again owns a pearl left to hiir by his predecessor on the throne of St Peter which is worth 100000 and- the chain of thirty two pearls ownei by the Empress Frederick is estimates at 175000 One million dollars is the price of five chains of pearls forming a collar own ed by the Baroness Gustave tie Roth child and that of the Baroness Adolphe de Rothschild is almost as val uable But these ladies are enthusias tic collectors of pearls and their jew elers have instructions to buy for them any pearl of unusual size or beauty which they may happen to conic across The sister of Mme Thiers Mile Dosne is also the owner of a very valuable string of pearls which shf has collected during the last thirty years Pittsburg Dispatch Carlyle on Webster Thomas Carlyle who once met Dan iel Webster at a friends house at breakfast said This American Web ster I take to be one of the stiffest logic buffers and parliamentary athletes any where to be met with in our world at present a grim tall broad buttoned yellow skinned man with brows like precipitous cliffs and huge black dulL wearied yet unwearlable looking eye -under them amorous projecting nose and the angriest shut mouth I Lave anywhere seen A droop on the sides of the upper lip is quite mastiff-like-magnificent to look upon it is so quiet withal I guess I should like ill to bo that mans nigger However he Is a right clever man in his way and has a husky sort of fun in him too drawl in a handfast didactic manner about our republican institutions etc and an plays his part Authorship of the British Hyjur The authorship of the words and the music of -God Save the Queen to the air of which America is sung is na known though the most probable con jecture is that which attributes t words to John Bull made Doctor oi Music in 1591 at Oxford The music itself is much older but whether found ed on a French original is still more uncertain than the authorship of thd words Some affirm that the worde were written in the reign of James IL when William of Orange was hovering on the coast and that when the latter became king it was a treasonable song like Charlie Over the Water ac a later period Henry Careys son laid claim to it as a production of hi- fath er who died in 1743 Very Likely The Sugar Youre always taking water why dont you brace up aad show some grit The Milk I would if I only had yout sand In the country towns a man show his symptoms of love by buying every thing offered him for sale when his best girl is with him A good time is never as good as ihe recollection of it - f r J