The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 28, 1897, Image 8

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mitygF icket
j Clerk lW
ttfteiitll per f Cherry Ctam
lQO Jer Jkretrr in Advance
Entered at the Post office at Valentine Cherry
ouaty Neurotica asecond rlsssficatteT
ThiB paper will be mailed regularly
to its subseribersttmtil a defiiiiteprder
discontinue is received and all
rears are paifiiin full
Ad7ernirigrates 50 cents per inch
perrnonth Hates per celumnor for
long time add made known ou appli
1 cation to this office
Demectatlc Ticket
ForSupreiae Judge
For Beitnraite Cntrerslty
Treaaurec W G Ballard
Sheriff Jas Childers
Supefijrtesdent L U Stoner
Judge TT R Towne
Coroner Dr B wyer
Surveyor- Estarook
Commisioijer J A Adamson
Our citncUdateuOT -surveyor Jos S
Istabrook Lavcaihas been res
ident of thla county since 1885 and
2um been aavirveyor for the last 25
years F crix years foe was deputy
atirteyor of Sullivan county Inddana
and could have been surveyor -had he
stayed in thafc county We are confi
ideiit that he will give -the best of satis
faction if ihe is electedrto the office to
which he aspires
One otlb campaign2ie8 being eir
culated is toJbe effect that W G Bal-
lard democratic candidate for treasur
er is a Jgoldbug democrat and voted
4for MclCinley Mr Ballard while an
town Saturday told us torand the
sertion as va falsehood This is a por
way to make votes for Fritz Every
day shows more andjnore plainly that
Fritz is out of the race atd the above
us only oneqcftthe many things used to
The Tribune thinks it not improper
nor out of plaoe since the Valentine
-papers are silent regarding tfce annex
ing proposition -to give its readers a
ferief word of explanatiopin behalf qf
this move The jetiton hafeeen sub
mittedto a vote which wiil take place
ln the coming election anpl dt must
mot be forgotten by our voters that it
tit ery important to vote for this for
dn so doing youahow your willingness
to accept these pesple as citizens in
rantcounty even should the ques
tion be defeated in Cherry county
And to our readers dn Cherry county
wewishto sayj Stsy with em STou
ace boaad to win but dont let the
berid people blind you by promising
kto assist you if you will return tke
compliment They have been treaek
ieroue before lookout for them J
tfnfc Tribune
Wonder what is the matter with the
Tribuoe man Heeef3sto have a
grudge against Valetine and never
rltses a Chance lo slander ur citizens
When Jiidttie ubijnd people ever
prove treacherous to anysqe Why
doMhttbe Tribune print a lew
mentis in favor of the annexation
This paper offered its columosto the
advocates e he ropositidn by they
haW nofmidduiseof the offef The
Tribune not satisfied with the silence
of Valotioe pipters slanders iiiem
Aifiaer ifhat it wouia have done bad
the Valetine paper opposed
position -
The court house question is not a
poltcal question fey any means and
nobody should attempt to make it in
any way a political one Witness the
Senator Allen on tbe occasion at his
visit last reek remarked that the
is a dis
grace to Cherry county and thought
it strange that our people ahoald op
pose tne Donas juage weseover a
populist presented a number of good
arguments for the bonds while sitting
on the bench Monday He says this
county bfgthe nnst inconvenient and
illy equipped court house m the fif
teenth judicial district J A Hict a
leading populist of this county4 was at
the last election one of theraqt active
workers for the bonds George Eei
nert was in faror of the bonds until
last spring and only refoainpd from
advocating them last spring because
he wanted a bribe The vote of Val
entine and other precincts showed the
populists favored the proposition W
A Parker populistoommissioner vot
ed to submit the proposition
J W Tucker republican is one ol
the bonds most earnest advocates E
J Davenport J C Pettijohn Geo El
liott iF M Walcott anfi W S Barker
editor of The Republican are among
f those whose names are on the roll of
honor Max Viertelipublicau com
missioner voted to submit the ques
A S Thacher national democrat
circulated tbe petition which caused
the question to be submitted WS
iJackaon Frank Fischer M Christen-
sen secretary of thedemocrat county
central committee and Robert Good
the bairraan favor the proposition
P Sullivan democrat commissioner
voted to submit the question
Keapithe question out of politics it
deserves and will receive votes from
all parties It is a business question
and could be stated ihus Shall the
county of Cherry rent a better huildipg
formless -money than it now pas
The Republican of last week under
the heading Populists Charge Extrav
agance makes a violent attack upon
Miss Stener and claims that she ie
extravagant in her charge foe
services aa county superintendent
The Republicans article was not asur
prise and proves what this paper has
often said about the ring The ar
ticle says that Miss Soaers bills for
salary anexpenses last year were 200
more than were Kings bills in 1893
Well accept tbe figures though they
include 25jO0 for institute expenses
not chargeable to Miss Stoner
last year 1893 there were
78 schools in the county sand ibout
1400 school children he was in the
east two months April and May yet
he claimed salary for 249 days work
The institute was poorly attendednd
teachersa88oeifitions were held - spas
modically In 1896 the county had 86
schools and about J500 school child
xen Miss Stoner filed bills for277 days
salary only 28 days more than King
fend in the discharge of her duty trav
eled over 1600 miles The institute
as attended by a jbut two of the
teachers in the county and there were
and are three working associations of
teachers Compare tb6 work and the
salaries if you wish and then talk of
Miss Stpners extravagance if you can
Doesnt it seem odd though that so
little as sajd for Stevenson while these
attacks are made upon Miss Stoner
Voters areaskiBg Who as Stevenson
Wbatgualifcation has he for the of
fice When has he shown any inter
est in educational work Why does
henotidentify himself with the work
We know Stevenson went to school
inhhimjnow him to be honest and
abodimao and we like hicQ hut is
tb3tny reason why we should oust
MissStPner who for four years has
given gobd satisfaction as superintend-
Acood superintendent isast be
a good ierrftod organizer
The office o commissioner needs a
goodbusitiess man therein John Ad
ainson is such a ioaa He is a map of
the pedple and J will york in the ior
eBts of the people if elected
Vote ior he coaMja8c vozlsl
Anl Qloaks were so badly damaged in the recent fire that
they were not fit to sell and consequently we ordered
Aa tlieyare now on sale Everything new and up-to-date
it theold stand stone building u Q HORNBY
EQKT GOOD Editor and PuhEsaer
The jiitor of the News will please
hear in mint the fact fat Good the
editor of tbra paper is not running for
office One would rcaturally suppose
he wasafter reading that sheet
Why -in the name of all that is good
and -decent cannot Iteinert tell the
truth or something lemotely resem
bling it Last week he published the
following as one of the planks in the
demjssratic platfsrm
We condemn the populists
for their devotion to the cause of re
form and free silver which they use
merely as a clock to secure official po
There are only six words of the fore
going which appear consecutively in
the democratic platform and -some of
-them do not appear at all Treating
populist platform in a still more hon
est manner we get this resufe
Resolved that vre compliment
the practices of the republican county
eiepk etc
One is as honest as the other the
difference if aoy exists being in favor
of our translation Compare the sen
tence printed by Georgie with the gen
uine article sod see
We condemn as strongly the action
of the late populist convention in com
pletely ignoring the efforts of the
ocrat to secure a fusion of the reform
forces at the coming election and
charge them with the grossest insin
cerity inspeaking platitudes regarding
their devotion to the cause of reform
and silver1 using these as a cloak un
der whichthey may secure official po
sition and we further condemn their
action in attempting to secure votes by
inconsistently denouncing a canvassing
boards acts under the plea that it was
a republican board when it was com
posed of members of three parties
Editor qfF7ie Democrat As it has
been stated by populists that I favor
the election of their candidates for
county offices please oblige me by
giving space to the following
During the last six years it has been
my pleasure to act in the capacity of
either chairman or secretary of your
county organization During chis
time I have considered it my duty on
several occasions to advise democrats
to vote the populist ticket having been
s asked to o by our state aud nation
al orgaizatiens The result of the
democratic voters support of th pop
ulist ticket io county anxUstate is well
rknown we are proud of the results ob
tained and our hope is that the reform
forces will remain intact runtil a com
plete victory shall have vbeen won in
The democrats of this county have
held the balance of power in Gherry
county for the last six years and by
their earnest efforts have carried the
county for the populists without ever
receiving the slightest recognition or
reward for their labor in fact it
Lseem3 as if the populists rhave came to
theeonclusion that the -democrats are
part of the populist party of this coun
ty It is therefore time I believe to
convince them of their error and for
democrats to vote their ticket straight
without personal regard for any candidates-on
other tickets
The failure of fusion on county of
ficers should be placed entirely on the
populist party and particularly on the
delegation from Valentine precinct
who although knowing that the dem
ocrats desired fusion and hadjmade a
proposition tothem asking for the of
fice of county judge and either the of
fices of clerk or treasurer did not lay
the matter before the convention but
hurriedly disposed of a motion made
by a delegate Crom the west ciad of
the county in favor of fusion on clerk
The democrats thereupon placed a
ticket in the field and it is generally
acknowledged thet our ticket is the
bestQi the three in the field Jt de
serves the support of the citizens of
this county irrespective of party -on
account of the particular fitness tof
each candidate for the respective of
fices jBemacrats let us give our tick
et an active support The populists
in their argument against fusion stat
ed they had ten votes to our one Let
them prove it They stated that we
had 4io organization Let us prove we
have and if we do our duty this fall I
predict that the democrats of Cherry
coanty will not ask for fusion on the
eouDjy ticket again
hi CvT7 9
Everv democrat in Valentine but
Good acknowledges that a vote for
their ticket is half a vote for the re
pnblieantiiominees This is in har
mony with the workings of the editor
of The JJteMOCRAT who secreted Bry
an free silver literature last fall only
to be unearthed by local populist3 and
sent out over the county We dare
this professing democrat to deny the
accusation and we will prove it by sev
eral of the best men in Valentine
Good is anything to defeat populists
Westarp News
More untruths were never crowded
into so few sentences The article
quoted contains four sentences and the J
same number of untruths The first
statement needs no words the state
ment is so false the second and third
we explicitly deny aud the fourth is
shown to be false by our support of at
least two populi3ts
Its preposterous to suppose that Mc
Kinley and Ilanna did not -know of
the plan of the Unwn Pacific syndi
that road for 20000000 less than it
is worth The Governments perpara
tions for the sacrifice could not have
been made blindly espicially with an
ex government director of Mark Han
nas shrewdness watching thegame
New York World
Vote for Childers for sheriff
For a Court Hottne Jionil Election
Notice Is hereby given to the qualified elect
ors of Cherry county in the state of Nebraska
that an election will be held in the variolic pre
cincts of said Cherry county on the 2d day of
November 1897 tor the purpose of voting upon
the following proposition towit
Shall the county Board of Cherr emmtv in
the state of Nebraska issue the coupon bonds of
said county in the sun of 12000 of the tie-nomination
of 1000 each for the purpose of building
and furnishing a courthouse said boudstto takp
effect January 1 18HS ucl to become due and
payable January 1 191S and beariue interest at
the rate f live per cent per annum payable
semi annually on the first days of July and Jan
uary in each year until the principal and inter
est thereon has been fully paid the principal
and interest thereof being payable at the oflice
of the County Treasurer of said countv
Provided That the County Board of said
county may at its option pay off any or all of
said boads at any time after the expiration of
ten yetRs from the date of their tailing effect
Andshall the Countv Board of Cherrv countv
aforesaid annually levy upon the taxable prop-
erry 01 v nerry couuiy a tax suincient to pay tne
interest anu principal oi sairt bonds as thev be-
come due and shall the said County Board at
the last annual tax levy provided by law preced
ing the inaturity of said bonds levy upon the
favjihlft nrnraprfv nf uiil pntintva t iv I
to paysthe interest and principal not otherwise
provided for and then unpaid upon said bonds
And shall said Countv Board negotiate said
bonds at not less than their par rvalue the
araouisi realized from the sale of said bonds to
be used in the building and furnbiiing a county
couit house lor the use of said Cherry county
The ballots used in voting upon said proposi
tion shall have printed thereon
For Court House Bouds and Against
Court Iloube Bonds
Dated this 7th day of October 1S97
37 41 GEO ELLIOTT County Clerk
Of anAElectioM to Transfer Certain
Territory f ram Cherry County to
Gtrvtnt anil ttoocer CounSbicH
Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors
of Cherry county in the btate of Nebraska that
an election will be held in the various precincts
of said Cherry County on the 2d day of Novem
ber ist7 for the purpose of voting upon the
following proposition towit
Transferring from Cherry County to Grant
County Nebraska all the territory embraced in
the following lines towit Commencing at the
southwest corner of Township Tuviity llve 25
ltange Forty 40 thence north to the northwest
corner or Township Twenty nine 29 Range
Forty 40 thence cast to the north east corner
ofTownshipTwentj nine29 Range Thirty live
35 thence outh t the southeast corner of
Township Twenty live 25 Range Thirtv five 35
thence west to the place or beginning being all
of Townships Twenty five 25 Twenty si 26
Twenty seven 27 Twenty tight CS and Twentv
nine 29 in Range Thirty five Ky Thirty six
30 Thirty seven t37 Thirtv eght 38 Thirty
nine 39 and Forty 40 in Cherry County Ne
Also the furtbenproposition
Transferring from Cherry County jto Hooker
County Nebraska all thetterrltorv embraced in
the following lines to wit Commencing at the
southeast corner of Section Thirtv one 31
Township Twenty live 25 Range thirty
thence north to northeast corner of Section Six
C Township Twenty eight 28 Range Thirty
30 thence west to the northwest isomer of
Township Twenty eight 2S Range Thirty four
34 thence south to the southwest corner of
Township Twenty live 25 Range Thirty four
34 thenoe east to the place of beginning being
all of Townships Twenty live 25 Twenty six
20 twenty seven 27 aud Twenty eight 28 in
Ranges Thirty one 31 Thirty two C52 Thirty
three 33 Thirtj four 34 and a strip one mfle
wide off of the west side of Townships Twenty
live 25 Twenty six 20 Twenty seven 27 and
Twenty eight 28 in Range Thirty 30 in Cherry
County Nebraska
Dated this 7th day of October 1897
37 40 GEO ELLK TT County Clerk
The Same Man
May be made to loook entirely dif
ferent if the photographer knows how
to produce the deception and clothiers
can do the same thing If tbatf suit af
yotyrs your necktie hat or shoes liok
shabby come in and wil fit you out
with a new outfit everything good
cheap ad uptodate
Wa vw
Best Value Writing Machine
First in Improvements Honest
Construction and all High grade
Typewriter Essentials
T t t
TUa eM3t iMAMtAM ma4 rr
Just at the present time Vve in shape to
make the lowest prices ever known on
We have just received a large stock of -clothing from one of
the biggest concerns in the country and are making iome 5
hitherto unheard of prices in order to turn our money quick
All styles sizes weights and colors A good lit guaranteed
Fine line of samples from which o get tailor made clothe
Cbe Smith Premier typewriter
olttKHftt Ml
wi uiui rmniti lyytwrucr Syracuse n 5 41571
Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Street
yote for Merzger for cierk
Avotefor the democratic tidket is
in addition to a vote for good men a
vote to rebuke ring methods and cam-
paign liars
Mill 1ricesor JFevti
Bran bulk 40c per cwt TOOton
Shorts bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton
Chop Feed 1 1 70c 1300
Corn 55c
Oats 90c
Claimants and witnesses In unal proof cases
notice of which appear m ThkOkmookat will
receive a marked copy of the paper Should any
errors in description of laixl or spelling of name
be discovered notice should be sent to the land
I office and this oflice so correction can be made
U S Land Oflice Valentine Nebr
October 22 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that the followimr nam
ea settler has filed notice of hB intention to
make final proof in support of his claim aud
that said proof will nu made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Dee
1S97 viz
Heinrich Sauerwein of Crookston Xeb
H E No 8419 for the sw4 See 29 Tp rsn R 29w
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
William F Brown Henry S Claybaugh Peter
Alt and Jacob Fonterheit all of Cvookston Neb
40 45
0 R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr i
October 15 1J7 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notiee of his intention
to make final proof in suppornof hi claim and
that said proof will be made btilore the Resist r
and Receiver atWalentinu NtJit on Nov 29th
1897 viz
John Steinhrecher of IvRgore Xeb
H E 9472 for the eJsei Sect 10 and wjbwli
section 11 townsbj 34 range 31
He names the followingwitnessesto prove hi
continuous residence upon aad cultivation of
said land viz
Fred Grane Jacob Hempel and WiRiam Story
of Kilgore Neb David Peters of Valentine Neb
39 44 C It GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb
October 11 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that Emerline Clark
son formerly Emerline L Lilly of Lyons Burt
county Neb has filed notice of intention to
make final proof beforethe Clerk of the District
Court for Burt county at his office In Tekamah
Neb on Saturday the 20th dav or November
1897 on timber culture application No 8l8 for
the sVine and nsea of section No 14 town
ship No 27n range No 27w
She names as witnesses- John Haman Evans
R Vandegrift Oliver D Keller aud George M
Keller all of Brownlee Neb
Testimony of witnesses will be taken before
the Register and Receiver at their office in Val
entine Neb Nov 24 1897 Also
Fidelia A Swan of Simeon Neb
H E No 9504 for lot 1 and iienwi asid ni
nel4 section 18 township 3tn range 28w
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
William H Stratton George Davis Willard 1
Morgareidge and Harvey Hobbs all of Simeon
38 13 C R GLOVER Register
Land Ofllce at Valentino Nebraska I
October 1 1S97 f
Notice is hereby given that Jaob Harr of
WQodlake Neb has filed notic of mtftirion to
make final proof before the Eezfererand Receiv
er their office in Valentine Nebr on Friday
theqiKh day of November 1R97 on mher cul
ture application No 8045 for thrMr reU
and neHsen of section No 18 io township 5So
31n range No 27w
He names as witnesses Francis H Hiegln
of Fort Niobrani Neb John Crorin Chalmers
A LsAffcjoy Charles H Smyth irf Aalentine Net
38 43 ORGLOVEJt Register
U S Land Office Valeatme Neb
Sept 15 I7 f
Noticeis hereby given that Am F Childers
of Ncnzei Nebr has filed notice of intention to
make finw jjroof before Register and Receiver
at llieir ottUu in Valentine Neb on Friday the
22d day of firtober 1897 on limpereultiire appli
cation No 777 t r Sec 29 Tp 35n R 32w
H name as witness Jeonje L Miss of
Nenzel Nebr and Anson Newberry Charles L
Morgan aud Inriiig C St otts of Cody Nebr
3KW C R GLOVER Eegister
U S Land Office Neb
Sept 271297
Notice is hereby clvethat Ernest JlSijook
of Fairfield Iowa his SIeI notice of julentfmi to
make final proof befnreRegisteranfJ Receive r at
their orhce in Valentine Nebraska nn Satufriy
ihe fith day of November 1837 on timber culture
implication No 7799 for the siisel and sHsrwM
pf section No 13 in township No Sin rang 2w
ue names as wimt3 j u viiwniwr
aaerfP 9
U S Land Office at Valentine Neb
October 12 lW
Notice is hereby given that the
settler has filed notice of his Intention tn
make final proof m support of his claim and
that said roof will be made before Register or
Reeeivcr at Valentine Nebraska oa Nut- 22
lbU7 vu
Koswell Hook of Coety XetiM
No 10255 for the sei Sec S- Tp 33u
Ho lrimes the following witnesses to prove ht
continuous residence upon and cnltiraiton of
said land viz
William Anderson Jesso WeJ Willlaru 11
Hook aud George A Barnes all cC Cody Neb
38 43 C R GLOVEH Beuisfcer
U S I ind Oflice Valeirtlnp N
October 1 187 s
Notice is hereby given that tJjc follows
named settler lias tiled notice of hU intention ui
make final proof in support of his claim antttkt
said proof will be rrade before thf Register or
Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Nov 12th HOT
John T Kief of Arabia Neb
IT E No 9218 for the siJswH and Sr
8 Tp 32n R 2Cw
He names the following witnesses tojjrov
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land vl
Andrew Benson Francis HHifrgin Xliehaftl f
Jordan and Philip Hcelan all of Arabia Net
37 12 C R GLOVKIt Register
U S Jjurt 4fiice Valentine Neb e
notobers H37
Notice is herein- given that Cvnin V KUir or
BrainardsviIIe New Voii hns file notlw of iu
tention to make final proof before the Reuisfrr
and Keceher at their office in Valeatine NVIir
on Weduthdny the I7th dg of Novemlr IJW7 on
timber culture application No 752 fr the ei
nen and eiiie4 of section 25 in towuslilp 39i
range 3iw
HeuameH as witnesses Nelson S Kowlev
John H Share David A Ilercy and Iriaeaux
Sanford all of Kennedy feb
Testimony of claimant will he taken terorc th
Judge of the Countv Court in and for Franklin
county at his office in Ttlalone New Yoric on Sat
urday the 13th dav of November U71
7 42 U RGLOVKRK3jlter
U S Land Office ValentlneNe t
Sept 29 187 f
iiotice is hereby given Uiat Joseph Culberson
of Newton Neb has file notice of intention to
make final proor before Register and Receiver at
their office ih Valentine Xeb on Friday tbe 5th
day of November 1897 on timber cuttura ampli
cation No ami lor the neJt of jjotlou No t In
townUip No 28ii range No 34
He ntmes -as witnesses Charles 1L Kime
Isaac X Russell Robert Finlayson Geor W
Ladely all of Newton Nebraska Also
Kobert Finlayson of Newton Nebr
H E 9524 for the ssci aud Sswii tteAian
10 town hip 29n range 35w
He names the following witesM to prove
his continuous residence on andeultiTatloa of
said landviz
Charles M Kime Isaac N Busaall TospU
fulberson George W Iidelj all of Nnton
Neb Also -
Charles M Kirae of Xewton Neb
H E 9238 for the sw section ii towiuip 25
range 35w
He names the following witnesses to prove bla
continuous resWeuce upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Joseph Culberson Isaac N Russell Robert
Finlayaon George W Jdely all ofNewtcn
Neb Also
Isaac N Russell of Newton 2feb
11 E 9TJ23 for the lots 1 and 2 arid eSnwJi sec
tion IS township QOn
He muneb the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resideuce upon and cultSvaZnu
of said Und viz
Charle M Kime Joseph ulberwn Robert
Finlajson George W 1 mlely all of NeTttoD
Neb 3541 C R GLOVKR Rejir
U S Land Office Valentin Vebr r
Sept27 1W7 f
Notice is hereby given that the loRosrfns
named settler has filed notice of his intentiuz tn
make final proof in support of ha nlairu aorf
that said proof w ill be made before the ltelster
or Receiver at Valentine Neb on Nov 5 1ST
Abram Johnson of Valentine Nebr
H E No 9012 for the nwj section 24 town
ship 33n range 29w
He names the following UWums tn prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud viz
John Adamson Jacob J Antes Daalel TV
Hilsinger Jeo B Zarr all of Naleiitine Neb
Also Abram Johiisou of Valentine Nh T
C No 7478 fortlfc ne1 sectloniM towmsMpS3n
rane 29w
He names as witnesses Jba Aiamsoa
Jacob Antes Jianiel W Hilsiaffer itvltitmm
B Zarr all cf Valentine Neb
30 41 Ii GLOVKB Register
US Iind OfUce
aeptber W 17 1
i that the foltawiaft
Notice U Ijereby given
iiiiiiiL u stmrzuaa iueu noticr or irHnit9Q t
make final proof in suunort of bin cLUm anrf
thatxaid proof will be made Mam tho Rcsistcr
or Receiver at Valentine Neb on Oct cber at
J897 viz z
Sarah A Hobbs of Simeon Xeb
If E No 111 for Ui w 4nw3i mnd w4gwSi
Sec 13 Tp 31 R 2Uw
He names the following witnesses to prove
hi continuous residence upon and coltiratieii
of said Uud viz
Samuel Hudson John B Tvnl fTarb W
James 71 Dav Vill r fhn sJer and Eiisr wnnettar 5cnjann F FelcO nil of Simeen
Jjivreallof WooJahXftnika Nob -
smj R GLOVKH Regisrer 1 xnn C K GLOVER R sister