The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 28, 1897, Image 3

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In an unguarded moment he shot Ins rival
Wonderful Power of a Man Wlio Is
Sorely Afflicted
pne of the most remarkable newspa
per men iu the world and perhaps the
most remarkable is Aaron Smith edi
tor of the Mount Pleasant Times-Re-
v I If if iiSHSf
view of Texas He writes his articles
with his toes or with the pen held in
liis mouth nor does lie consider this
achievement as at all extraordinary
Mr Smith is a native of Miller Cousi
1 Arkansas aud was born without
arms He acquired the gift of using
ris feet for hands early and as nmir
zlly as other children learn tD use
CTieir hands When quite small he
loarncd to feed himself with his feet
and at the age of 7 had learned to
write About this time he entered
school standing at the head of his
classes ne was no less at home on
the playground where he engaged in
games of marbles croquet and ball
becoming an expert in marbles and
At an early age he began to map out
a course of life and to realize the im
portance of a thorough education
Want of funds however prevented
more than a high school education but
ie afterwards finished the courses of
philosophy and logic and others at
home To this fund of knowledge he
has added by extensive reading
Mr Smiths boyhood days were spent
In Cass County Texas He moved to
Mount Fleasant Texas in November
ZSSS where he studied law and was ad
mltted to the bar the following spring
at the age of 20 Success attended his
nfforos from the first He built up a
good law practice and his ability as a
lawyer attracted immediate
tion He was particularly strong in his
arguments before a jury In Septem
ber 1S93 he formed the idea that the
newspaper business offered a more in
viting field to one of his phjSical disa
bilities and finding the Mount Pleas
ant Times Herald for sale purchased
it He has managed it with great suc
cess making it one of the best county
papers in Texas All this time he has
taken an active interest in politic In
ISOi he was the Democratic nominee
for county judge and was a member
from Titus County of the State Demo
cratic convention in 1S9G which elect
ed delegates to the Chicago conven
tion ne is also a member of the Tee
ns Press Association
Fad of Climbing Mountains
Then newest fad among Parisiennes
at the moment is mountain climbing
for women and there is so much oppo
sition made ito the bold and even reck
less manner in which they go about it
that the authorities have taken steps
to have the matter well considered and
the safely of such undertakings pro-
of the striking features of the base ball
ONE during the past season was the play
ing of a team composed exclusively of In
dians from the Indian Territory One of them at
tracted more than usual attention by his unusual
skill in playing and many came to the conclusion
that he was the equal of some crack players Hie
name was Walla Tonka Ho had a peculiar his
tory It was as true as it was romantic An In
diaps verbal promise is said to be as good as the
white mans written contract This has certainly
been verified in the case of Walla Tonka Three
years ago Walla Tonka attended a green corn
dance at Ultima Thule in the Choctaw Nation
near the Arkansas line There the met a beautiful
Indian maiden named Tookah Ingamore who
completely captured tine affections of the young
brave He fell madly in love with her He deter
mined to claim her for his own But he learned
that he had a rival He bore the euphonious name
of Eagle Eye It appears that he was more favor
ably received by the dusky maiden than Walla
Tonka But this did not deter him in his resolve
He offered Tookhs father thirty five ponies for
his daughter To his consternation ho found out
that his rival had been there ahead of him and
the deal had been closed This was too much for
poor Walla Tonka He determined on revenge
through the heart The excitement was intense
At I
nounced upon The fair ones are con
testing the honor of becoming the
Bride of Mont Blanc as the daring
climber is called TJiis is not the first
time that the ascent has been attempt
ed by women Early in this century
Mile dAngeville opposed by all who
knew her and even by the citizens of
Geneva ventured upon this then whol
ly unheard of enterprise She accom
plished it after groat fatigue and in
tense suffering
In tills age said a summer traveler
recently most people are content to
go up Vesuvius and the Rigi on the
comfortable fuuicular since the view
from the summit is the object and that
remains the same whatever the means
of ascent But since Mont Blanc has
no funicular and the ascent is an in
teresting feat to perform naturally J
women arc ready to endure anything
to accomplish it
A man with a bicycle has the sme
feeling toward a professional bicycle
thief that a mother has toward kid
In en ongunn
through the
the program The majority of those
who have driven in these races have
been married women driving to light
road wagons or to carts no special
style of dress being demanded for the
So far as the writer knows Mrs I
F Crosby who is the owner of Cape
Cod farm was the first woman to
mount the sulky just like a man and
drive in races which she did some two
or three years ago She proved her
self a handy driver and possessed of
a cool and level head under excite
ment which is an essential requisite to
one who aspires to drive in a race
Mrs Crosby is not at all bold or ag
gressive but on the contrary is a re
tiring modest little woman who loves
horses Last year Mrs Harriet Winch
nt Middlebury Yt drove to cart at
many of the large fairs throughout
New England the fast pacer Major
Wonder and it was an easy task for
Mrs Winch to drive the steady-going
fellow miles around 212
It has remained for the season of
1SQ7 however and tho ttftte of Maine
Miss Elliott Champion of Her Sex as
a Woman Jockey in u Race
While it has been of common occur
rence for women to participate in
races here and there over the country
during the last few years it usually
has been their practice to drive either
to wagon a four wheeled vehicle or to
cart At the Taunton fair in the fall
of 1870 Miss Julia Woodard a young
lady of twenty drove in competition
with several gentlemen for prizes to
be given to the best family horse Miss
Woodard drove a top buggy and was
awarded a prize In Kansas some three
years ago a woman campaigned a
stable of seyeral trotters but although
she was the active manager and often
drove the hordes in their work she
did not drive in the races At South
Farmington for several years past
the management of the fair annually
held there has given a purse for which
only women drivers were eligible to
compete and the race has always beon
one of the most interesting of any on
ast Ih day orrived rhpn Watfo sboujtf be shot His wife f
wog mconsooHe
Walla Tonka was brought before a judge selected from among the
tribe tried and sentenced to be shot While the trial was speedy the execution of the sentence was delayed The condemned man was given three years in
which to make his arrangements for death He was not cast into prison but was Jet go on his parole of honor that he would return to receive the sentence impos
m by the court No one who knew the young brave doubted that he would return to be executed Not long after the killing of his rival Walla Tonka went again
l the father of the maiden and renewed his suit The old warrior was willing and agreed that the wedding should take place His daughter was beginning to
forget -her dead lover and to admire the bravery of Walla Tonka Walla and Tookah lived together happily for three years During this time Walla had become a
proficient base ball player and was earning a handsome salary He was a faithful -husband and provided liberally for his companion They lived in a little cottage
in the heart of the Indian country and while they must have often thought of the coming doom for Walla there was no visible sign of anything but happiness At
last the day arrived when Walla should be shot His wife was inconsolable Having arranged as well as he could for the future he bade her an affectionate
farewell and started for the place of execution No guards accompanied him He went alone A great crowd had assembled IILs approach was the signal for
many manifestations of approval After blindfolding him his hands were tied behind him His breast was bared and a small piece of white paper placed over
the heart The next instant there was the sharp crack of a rifle and the murder of Eagle Eye -was avenged St Louis Republic
to give the full fledged horse race
where all the drivers were women the
horses hitched to sulkies and the fair
sex barred from no right extended tc
men under the rules of racing It was
at Pittsfield Me that these women
drove their initial race and here as at
the state fair at Lewiston Miss Leola
Elliott the twenty-two-years-old
daughter of a farmer who lives in
Orient Aroostock county was the win
ner although Mrs Crosby who won
second money drove the fastest mile
of the race which was in 22oy Of
the four women drivers all but Miss
Elliott are married Mrs Mary Wood
cock winner of third money lives at
Ripley Mrs Henry Mender drove
Pilot Morrill who is owned by her
husband Miss Elliott has always
lived upon a farm and has devoted a
great deal of her time to caring for
domestic animals of all kinds but the
colts and horses have been her hobby
She is little of form rather delicate on
the whole in appearance yet what she
lacks in physical powess is more than
made up in tact and an ingenious use
of her limited muscular strength She
wood and has given her a record of
It Is Dangerous and the Government
AVill Remove It
Arch rock one of the sights of San
Francisco bay will be removed by the
government It is the most conspicu
ous of the twenty four dangers to navi
gation which have been located and
charted in the bay The rock is
feet long at low water and rises
to a height about equal to its length
It is of soft rock and the waves beat
ing upon its base during uncounted
years have worn a hole twelve feet in
diameter entirely through the mass
Small boats can pass under the arch
thus formed
Owing to the formation of the rock
under water an area of 30000 square
feet will have to be included in the op
erations in order that a uniform depth
of thirty feet may be obtained Tun
nels such as were used in clearing Hell
Gate will not be necessary since the
rock is so soft as to admit of attack by
drills operated from boats The work
will require about two years for Its
completion the climax being one tre
mendous explosion by which if the
calculations are correct the great ledge
will be instantly demolished Th6
spectacle will be grand In the extreme
Chicago News
When They Are Nicest
She Are you fond of babies
He Ys girl babies of the reciprocal
She Whats the reciprocal agel
HenSwwt 1
Pretty Stage Trick Recently Devised
in 10 ii rope
Of the many new illusions now being
presented in Europe an ingenious one
is that of the appearing lady On the
stage is seen a plain round top four
leg table which the magician has been
using as a resting place for part of the
apparatus used in his magic perform
ance Eventually the performer re
moves all articles from the table ail
covers it with a cloth that does not
reach the floor The part of the first
cut marked A represents the table
in this condition On command the
cloth gradually rises from the center of
the table as though something were
pushing it up In a few moments it be
comes very evident that some one or
something is on the table covered by
tho cloth The magician now removes
the cloth and a ladj is seen standing
on the table as in the second illustra
The secret of this as in all good illu
sions is very simple as the part of the
first illustration marked B will
show In the stage there is a trap door
over which is placed a fancy rug that
has a piece removed from it exactly the
same size as the trap to which the
piece is fastened When the trap is
closed the trap appeals to be an ordin
ary ore The table is placed directly
over the trap Below the stage is a
box open at the top with cloth sides
and wood bottom To this box are at
tached four very fine wires that lead
up through the stage by means of small
holes where the trap and floor join
over small pulleys in frame of table
and down through table legs which
are hollow through the stage to a
windlass In the table top is a trap
that divides in the center and opens
outward The top of the table is inlaid
in such a manner as to conceal the
edges of the trap The lady takes her
place in the box in a kneeling position
the assistant stands at the windlass
and all is ready
The magician takes a large table cov
er and standing at the rear of the
table proceeds to cover it by throwing
cloth over table then slowly draws it
up over the table top The moment that
the cloth touches the floor in front of
the table the trap is opened and the
box containing tho lady is drawn up
under the table by means of the wind
lass and the trap is closed This is
done very quickly during the moments
time in which the magician is straight
ening out the cloth to draw it back
over the table All that now remains
to be done is for the lady to open the
trap in table aud slowly take her place
on top of the table and close the trap
The top and bottom of the box by
means of which the lady is placed un
der the table are collected by means of
three strong elastic cords placed inside
of the cloth covering These elastics
are for the purpose of keeping the bot
tom and top frame of the box together
except when distended by the weight
of the lady Thanks to this arrange
ment of the box it folds up as the lady
leaves it for her position on the table
top and is concealed inside of the
frame of the table after her weight is
jvmoved from it
Jncle Pam Grinds Bank and
Greenbacks Into Pulp
Every working day in the year Ln
cle Sam destroys a million dollars de
liberately tears up and grinds te pulp
one million dollars worth of paper
money genuine banknotes anrt green
backs writes Clifford Hmvartl in the
Ladies Home Journal A million dol
larv in one two five ten twenty fifty
one hundred and one thousand dollar
notes are daily punched full of holes
ut into halves and thrown into a ma
chine that rapidly reduces rhein to a
mass of mush j substance
Whenever a piece of paper money
becomes soiled or torn jt may le pre
sented to the United States treasury
and redeemed Sooner or later every
note that circulates among the people
becomes unfit for further service for it
is bound to become dirty or mutilated
by constant handling and the United
States government stands ready to
give the holder of such a new note in J
exchange for it or in other words the
government will redeem it
The majority of the clerks employ-
ed in this Important department of the
government are women many of whom
are the most expert money counters
and counterfeit detecters in the worlcL
In fact only experts can proprely per
form the work that is required for
not only must the soiled and mutilated
money be accurately and rapidly count
ed but all counterfeit notes must be
detected and thrown out When we
consider that some- counterfeiters can
so cleverly imitate genuine money that
their spurious notes will circulate
through the country without detection
and are not discovered until they are
finally turned into the treasury some
idea of the proficiency of these experts
can be gained especially Avhen we bear
in mind that these notes are often so
worn that the imprint on them can
scarcely be deciphered It not infre
quently happens that these bad notes
are detected simply by the feel of
them which in some cases is the only
way of discovering the fraud for while
a counterfeiter may occasionally suc
ceed in so perfectly imitating the de
sign of a note as to mislead even an ex
pert it is next to impossible for him to
counterfeit the paper used bj the gov
The Venerable Wooden Stavekirche aft
Borgrund Norway
The Stavekirche at Borgund Nam
way is one of the most venerable wood
en edifices in the world The- interior
of the church consists of a large square
auditorium and a smaller and narrower
cboir which latter ends in a
AmWuW n o it p ST 3ZVW J
- 1-V- il r -
cular recess within which is the altar
An open gallery surrounds the church
Light enters only through small roumj
holes under the main roof so that the
worshipers are always shrouded In thai
semi darkness so favorable to medita
Golf Is Everywhere Xoff the Game ol
the Moment
As golf is just now the game of the
moment having shouldered tennis to- a
back seat the artists have turned their
attention toward pictming and carica
turing the types to be met with on the
green golf field
There is no- denying that a mans
O q i a
L m sfTtfl
if XVW
ST v7a W T
r - fV
character is cruelly displayed byhte
actions on the golf links and the nu
merous remarkable attitudes people
strike are a cause for amusement to
lookers on Ilere are some of the posi
tions witnessed at a recent golf game-
Fewer Boiler Explosions
During the decade ending with 1S76
the average number of persons killed
in Great Britain was 63 and during the
past ten years eighteen showing the
benefits of strict governmental super
Wanted -A Man
Cholly I say Miss Ethel why aw
are you always aw gving kisses to
your aw little brother
Miss Ethel Oh I guess its because
there s vo man around to take them
We find that the reporter who writes
the obituary notices is always in first
class trim for writing a corapliraentaryi
iuttrvbge notice