The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 28, 1897, Image 2

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    JtOKEIlT 5001 Editor and Prop
The latest Niearaguan revolution
juit at the end of the first round
Theres a growing feeling in Indiana
-that lynchers hereafter must skip the
ope or skip the State
The next embezzler instead of start
peg for Canada will probably make
backs for the Klondike
A judge at Stockton Cal wept on the
bench because a lawyer had accused
ilm of bias and prejudice
The Greeks in Athens are now
iSamorous for war It is too bad that
they didnt think o that sooner
England may call a fourth rate pow
r if shewants to but we have the best
amphibious navy in the world just the
Lieut Peary is entitled to some credit
for having at least succeeded in bring
ing something more merchantable than
One deaf mute has sued another for
500000 damages for alleged breach of
promise of marriage and now they do
not speak as they pass by
The author of the song A Lesson In
-Kissing was shot at the other night
but not hit Both the song -writer and
the marksman made a bad score
In Switzerland a milkmaid gets bet
ter wages if gifted with a good voice
because a cow will yield more milk if
soothed by song Ambitious amateurs
please note
The French courts have held that
titles are family property just like fin
ger rings and other jewelry But they
are not so useful because they cannot
be hawked
An Atchison woman was kept busy
all summer putting up fruit and enter
taining company and she reports that
scalding tomatoes is easier work than
smiling at guests
Uncle Sams fleet of five torpedo
boats is called a mosquito squadron
and if it lives up to its name the dis
comfort of the enemy will be all that
could be desired
The Brooklyn printer with a family
who has successfully -jumped from the
Brooklyn bridge says he did so just
for the fun of it Luckily he was not
tickled to death
In considering the advisability of
stationing a naval vessel in Alaska the
department should not overlook the
chance to send one4 of those shore
climbers to hold Chilkoot pass
Advices from India state that 1131
persons in that country died from snake
bites last year The Hindu is forbid
den to use alcohol hence the sovereign
remedy of Kentucky is unknown
Even the nuggets of gold which leave
Alaska worth millions of dollars are so
contracted by the intense cold that
when they are unpacked and counted
at Seattle they are found to be worth
only a few thousands
Somebody dropped 3000 in a Niag
ara Falls Hotel the other day and for
got to return for It Dont worry some
hackman if he notices his loss will
stroll in and claim the money one of
these days when he isnt busy
The scientific man who asserts that
-people can live 100 years it they choose
-to take the means prescribes a regi
men which will make people satisfied to
leave this life even if the full term
specified in the contract should not be
A newly discovered letter of Benja
min Franklin to the British authorities
s being published under -date of 1774
in which in speaking of the famous
tea party in Boston he declares that
the Clamour against the Proceeding
1s high and general There were tories
In those days
An unusually wise young woman of
Boston has discovered- an unfailing
cure for insomnia All one has to do
she says is to shut out of the mind
very thought excepting that of sleep
just before retiring How simple to
be sure Does she favor chloroform or
a club
Machine shops are the last places in
which female labor has appeared a
bicycle company in Toledo having put
women at work on milling machines
drill presses -and other machines used
on bicycle parts The Iron Age
protests against this and with good
reason In the long run nothing will
be gained by this and the next genera
tion will suffer
There is nothing so exacting in its
demands nor so serious in Its obliga
tions as perfect freedom It has a joy
of its own but not of the giddy and
careless kind There are continual
choices to be made decisions to accept
or refuse actions to perform or leave
undone all fraught with consequences
snore or less Important and far-reaching
Wherever authority is absent re
ponsibility is present and in the same
Theavs is something appalling in the
thought of the vast Increase of fears
on the earth as the race progresses
anxiety of parents of rulers of the
lustodlnss ol treasure ot the owners
of paintings and costly treasures the
shudder of the possessor of pilod up in
vestments at every little social outcry
the moral apprehension of the good
who realize the growing evils of the
times What a trembling noes round
the world with the fall of night what
worry and pang of dread as mans be
ing ripens and he can be more hurt or
The London press or rather an impor
tant segment of it is still harping on
Cuba and the United States The Even
ing News the Globe and the St Tames
Gazette are merely the tail of the kite
which is composed of the big London
dailies such as the Times the Tele
graph the Standard and the Chronicle
What they say or do not say therefore
is comparatively unimportant as re
specting their influence on English
opinion But a straw may show in
what direction the wind is blowing and
these London straws -indicate that at
present England is feeling somewhat
sore as regards this country The Ven
ezuelan incident and the Sherman let-
ter still rankle and the undignified por
tion of the press is undiplomatic enough
to disclose where the shoe pinches Thej
St James Gazette after discussing a
schoolboy hypothesis in a schoolboy
manner as to what the United States i
may might would or could do in re
gard to Jamaica hints of a possible co
alition of England France Spain and
Holland to protect their West Indian
possessions and then concludes very
satisfactorily to itself We rather fan l
cy that for a time at least the United
States will be content with bullying
poor little Spain Possibly the United
States would if it were in the bullying
business but when it does go into that
sort of thing it usually takes one of its
size as in that little Venezuelan mat j
ter The United States has not bullied
Spain and has no thought of bullying it
In the meantime the London Chronicle
commenting upon the outcome of the
Greco Turkish treaty holds England
responsible for what it says will be thej
disappearance of an independent civ
ilized Christian nation whose one
crime was that she set herself single-
handed to do Europes dirty work and
failed England has not made such a
i success of her interference in Crete
that she should seek to interfere in
I Cuba
Clark Geare the Only Man Ever Known
to Do Such a Tiling
Clark Geare the only man that was
ever known to return a pension to the
United States is a citizen of Monrovia
Morgan County Indiana He astound
ed the officials of the pension bureau
recently by sending back his certificate
and 350 in back pensions which had
been paid him Geare carried a mus
ket in the war of the rebellion and be
came afflicted with rheumatism owing
to exposure After leaving the army
he grew worse and applied for a pen
slon At first he was given 6 a month
and this was afterward increased to
10 He drew his pension for a time
but as he recovered from his trouble
he began to take care of himself and
neglected to apply for the money
when it came due Of late his term of
nonapplication approached its end and
had he not appeared his name would
have been scratched from the list But
Geare turned up on the very last day
at rthe pension office in Indianapolis
and received his arrears As his disa
bility had now totally disappeared he
felt that he was no longer entitled to
the pension and accordingly returned
the money and the certificate to Wash
ington Mr is a quiet unassum
ing man of 57 with silver gray beard
And hair is well to do and has a fam
ily of four interesting sons
Mrs Rorcrs Cafe Parfait
In mating cafe parfait the cream
fiaay be flavored with chocolate vanilla
or strawberry the parfait taking the
name of the flavoring Use good thick
cream very eold add to it half a pound
of powdered sugar and a gill of black
coffee mix thoroughly stand the basin
in a pan of cracked ice and with a wire
egg beater beat to a froth This will
take about five minutes Put the mix
ture into a mold put on the lid cover
the joint with a piece of waxed paper
pack it in coarse salt and lee and stand
aside for two hours Or it may be
packed in the freezer and served in
tumblers Ladies Home Journal
Talking It Over
Myrtle They say that you made a
regular fool of Algy Piersons at the isL
snds last week
Maud No they are wrong I mighi
have done it bui for one thing
Myrtle What was that
Maud Somebody had finished the
Job before I got hold of him Cleve
land Leader
The louger we remain in business
the greater admiration we have for tha
people who an say a great deal in a
few words
p570 sga8a
Marion County in which Indianap
olis is situated looked last fall on Mark
Hanuas scarecrow and said it was a
veritable menace Marion County gave
McKinley a majority of 7000 votes At
the recent municipal election Mayor
Taggart a Democrat was chosen by a
plurality of over 3500 votes
Chattanooga Temi looked with aw
ful apprehension upon the bogy man
that Mark Hanna had set up last fall
and gave a larger than its normal He
publican majority to McKinley This
year Chattanooga elects a Democratic
Mayor by a good plurality and in
creases the Democratic strength in the
Last fall New York viewed with aw
ful alarm the man of straw Hanna had
put up before the eyes of the people
and in the metropolis gave McKinley
a swinging majority the first time
within living memory that the Demo
crats of that city had been beaten The
canvass now on for the election of a
Mayor in New York discloses that
whereas there is the usual strife for the
first place the Republicans are no
where Van Wyck will be handsomely
elected Tracy and his boss Piatt Mc
Kinleys manager in New York will be
buried under so adverse a majority that
democratic Unity
The Indianapolis election carries
with it a lesson for Democrats as Avell
as Republicans It teaches the value
of party unity The Democracy Avas
united and won as it ahvays wins
Avhen it shows a solid front to the en
The victory is an augury of success
in Ohio and Iowa if the Democrats of
those States will be as true to the party
faith as wtiv their brethren of Indiana
Nothing ever does nothing ever can
the Dirrnoi ratic party save a
SVii in re- TIj - need e no fear
of Republican success either in Iowa
or in Ohio if Democrats lay aside
minor differences and work together to
defeat the common enemy
If there are wrongs to be righted or
questions of policy to be settled the
time to adjust them is after the battle
has been won There should be no dis
putes in the face of the enemy Demo
crats have it within their power to re
deem two States from Republican mis
rule Will they avail themselves of the
opportunity Chicago Chronicle
Raising False Issues
However much the gold clique may
contend that the free silver sentiment
is dying it misses no opportunity to
combat the arguments presented by the
advocates of bimetallism
An organized attempt is now being
made to embarrass and annoy William
J Bryan by interrupting his speeches
and propounding questions which are
carefully prepared for the purpose of
confusing the speaker Bryan treats
his questioners with more courtesy
than they deserve and invariably turns
the laugh on the smart Alecs avIio in
terrupt him
Recently a man who was doubtless
in the employ of the honest money
propaganda interrupted Bryan with the
following question Do you favor un
should be bestowed not to match de
serts but to relieve necessities And it
is a matter of common notoriety that
in i Jmost eA ery neighborhood there are
men who Avere inefficient soldiers but
avIio are now rich who are receiving
pensions from the government Avhile j
men who were good soldiers but who
are hoav poor receive nothing St
Paul Pioneer Press
Party Fealty Needs Action
The spirit of party fealty is best
maintained by vigorous and constant
action Organization cannot sleep
They must be vigilant alert and
nous Battle is the food on Avliich esprit
de corps is fed Effort emulation
strife are the ingredients of vitality
PassiAHHiess means languor and enerva
tion Armies must have exercise The
rank and file must be inspired by inter
est and employment Washington
Favoring the Foreign Buyer
The tariff tax on steel rails is 7S4
per ton And Avithin a comparatively
short time Ave liaA e seen our manufac
turers nUing contracts on the other
side rt the world at 21 per ton while
charging 28 per ton to purchasers in
the United States Is it not apparent
that the only effect of the tariff rates
is to impose a needless tax upon our
own people not for revenue but for
the profit of a favored few Boston
Gold and Greenbacks
The self appointed monetary coinini
sion now at work in Washington has
struck a snag The object of this com
mission is to formulate a scheme which
will take the currency entirely out of
the control of the government and
place it in the hands of the bankers
The retirement of the greenbacks is
therefore a necessary step toward ac
complishing this design but that would
not settle the question for the silver
certificate would still be in existence
According to the gold cliques ideas
these certificates must be redeemed in
gold and the United States treasury
wovd still be forced to keep a large re-
serve of gold on hand for that purpose
A member of the commission in dis
cussing this feature of the case say
This would involve the issue of bonds
to maintain the reserve in case of its
exhaustion and the presentation of
great masses of notes by the banks in
order to keep intact their own gold re
sources The government might retal
iate by presenting bank notes for re
demption in gold if such redemption
was required by law but the endless
chain could be put in operation against
the treasury if the necessary paper
notes could be withdrawn of the circu
lating medium
The fact is the commission lias taken
a contract on its hands Avhich it will
find itself entirety unable to carry out
It is easy enough to talk about retiring
Chicago Chronicle
they will have difficulty in extricating
Last year believing after investiga
tion of Mark Hanuas anarchistic fig
ure for that campaign only that the re
public would die in convulsions if Mc
Kinley Avas not chosen Iowa gave him
a majority of 05000 The neAVS from
Iowa in November will be like unto the
news from Indianapolis and Chatta
nooga As for Ohio Mark Hanna has
plenty to live upon Avithout a United
States Senatorship A termination Avill
be placed upon his brief and meteoric
career as a political boss
There is nothing dearer lo the heart
of a gold advocate than confidence
and yet there is nothing he is so ready
to destroy WhencAer a bimetallist
makes an argument in the interests of
monetary reform the gold advocate be
gins to rave over Avhat he calls this
attempt to break doAvn confidence but
he never hesitates to agitate Avhen he
Avishes to accomplish some set purpose
of his own
When the Bland Allison act Avas
passed and became a law over the
Presidents veto the gold clique at
once began to destroy confidence The
silver dollar was abused and carica
tured its advocates Avere called
thieves repudiators and anarchists
and the cry Avas raised that the coin
age of 2000000 worth of silver a
month would drive all the gold out of
the country This was the contribu
tion of the gold advocates to the sum
of confidence
When the Sherman law was passed
enlarging the purchase of silver to 4
500000 ounces of silver a month the
agitation against ii soon began Loud
and persistent demand for a repeal of
the purchase act Avas made on the
ground that continued purchase would
threaten our monetary stability Thus
the gold clique aided in maintaining
After the Sherman law was repealed
the agitation continued and the coun
try Avas told that the treasury was in
danger and gold purchasing bonds
must be issued Prosperity failed to
follow the bonding of this country for
202000000 and hoav the cry is going
up that unless the greenbacks are re
tired the country Avill be ruined
Thus it is that the advocates of gold
set an example to the bimetallists as to
the proper method of maintaining
tional ownership of railroads and tele
graphs and their operation by the gov
ernment in the interest of the people
or leaving them in the hands of private
The interrogation was irrelevant and
impertinent but Bryan declined to
aAail himself of the opportunity to
ignore the question and promptly re
plied I am going to fight the battles
in front of me before I fight the battles
beyond that As I heard a Topulist say
last fall I am not in favor of the gOA
ernment ownership of railroads Avliile
the Rothschilds own the government
Nothing could be neater and more epi
grammatic than this
Not Good Business
For a business administration the
results for the fiscal year are not what
Avould naturally be expected The
deficit to date amounts to 29939
59485 If these were not facts con
cerning the conduct of affairs under
Republican rule what a shout of indig
nant protest Avould go up from the sub
sidized press But as McKinley hap
pens to be President and as the benefi
cent Dingley bill happens to be in force
the administration organs are as silent
as the grave and satisfy themselves
by saying that more time must be giv
en before any criticisms Avill be in
A tariff that started out Avith the
avoAved purpose of producing sufficient
revenue to carry the expenses of the
goAernment and Avhich has succeeded
in creating a deficit of nearly 30000
000 cannot be regarded as a good busi
ness scheme
Republican Condemnation
There is no doubt that the larger
portion of the men uoav receiving pen
sions were good soldiers We are glad
to admit that all of them have de
served Avell of the government But
i the popular sentiment is that pensions
the greenbacks but it is not so easy to
evolve a plan by which to effect this re
tirement Chicago Dispatch
Republican Brand of Patriotism
What is to be said of a party that de
liberately refrains from the attempt to
correct the evils in the currencj sys
tem because by leaving them uncor
rected many Aoters may be scared into
voting the Republican ticket in na
tional State and municipal elections
Is that the kind of statesmanship we
are getting from scholars in politics
The country is to be held in jeopardy
of a debased currency to promote the
well being of the Republican party
What elevated patriotism controls the
Republican party to be sure Utica
N Y Observer
Battle Against the Bosses
The realty remarkable feature of the
municipal contest in New York is the
recognition on all hands that the main
issue is Avhether city government shall
be made a matter of party politics a
mere annex of the national and State
party machines or be conducted on
the broadest principles of good citizen
ship aiming only to serve the true
local interests of all the people of the
city with party lines entirely ignored
Baltimore Sun
Inevitable Result of Protection
It is ineAitable that legislation Avhich
inures to the profit of private interests
should result in the attempt to control
political action in order to secure con
tinued and greater profits Out of this
condition grow trusts combines and
political syndicates organized for the
control of legislation for private end
The political corruption fund is essen
tial to this purpose St Louis Post
What Democracy Stands For
The Democracy of to day stands or
the protection of the people against the
usurpation of public functions by
individuals It stands by the Jef
fersonian declaration that it is as much
the duty of government to protect the
indiAidual from injury by another in
dividual as it is to protect the Ameri
can citizen from insult or injury by a
foreign poAver Louisville Dispatch
Offspring of a Giant Mind
Horses and mules coming into this
country from Canada must be accom
panied by their family records show
ing American origin Fish must be ac
companied the family record of the
man who caught them showing Ameri
can origin All hail the genius who
slipped the family record into the Ding
ley laAv Detroit Free Press
Canadians May Strike Sack
It is little Avonder that Canadian
statesmen grow restive as they contem
plate the inequalities of the trade con
ditions between Canada and the Uni
ted States and intimate that maybe in
the future there Avill be a change which
will operate to the prejudice of Ameri
can interests Kansas City Star
British Government Not Ready o He
open the fndian Mint a
Lord Salisbury sent to Ambassador
Ilay the reply of the British Government
to the proposals of the American Bimorjdjt
lie Commission headed by Senator Wo
cott It is a diplomatically worded note
flis lordship says that the Government
of Great Britain is not able to reopen the
India mints at present Fie regrets his
inability to accede to the proposals of the
American commission Great Britain hav
ing as great an interest as the United
States and France in securiny a stable par
exchange for gold and silver and an en
larged use of silver
In these circumstawes continues Lord
Salisbury the British Government does
not see the desirability of an international
monetary conference but will be pleased
to consider any other practical fHigw
tions from the United States Lord Salis
bury incloses with the note a copy of the
statement of Sir T Westland head of the
financial department of India which avis
under discussion at the meeting of the
cabinet council last Saturday and which
takes strong grounds against the reopen
ing of the India mints
Michigan Ex Congressman Urged for
Governor of Hawaii
It is said that ex Congressman Mnrk
S Brewer of Michigan has been urced
for the governorship of Hawaii n ciu4
the islands become a part of the United
States tliis winter Brewers name was
presented to the President by Senator
Burrows of Michigan Brewer worked
on his fathers farm near Addison Mich
jl rwM mm
4W V
until 1 years of age and after getfiig
an academic education rend law with es
Governor Moses Wisner and was admit
ted to the bar iu 1SG4 Die served in the
Forty first Forty sixth Fiftieth and Fifty-first
Congresses He was consul gen
eral at Berlin during Arthurs admirs
tration and last year was one of the Mc
Kinley delegates-at-large to the St Lmus
Tlie Tears Coinage and Precsoni
Metal Production
The report of the director of the mint
for the fiscal year 1897 submitted to the
Secretary of the Treasury contains soiic
interesting figures The report covers
the operations of the mints and asviy t
offices together Avith the statistics of for j
eign countries relative to proditcrioHf
coinage and the monetary condition of
The coin executed during the year
Gold 11G4G705 silver dollars 2120
701 subsidiary silver 3124080 minor
coin 984509 Silver dollars were coin
ed from the silver bullion on hand Bal
ance of silver bullion on hand Purchas
ed under the act of July 14 1S90 11
43S461 fine ounces Cost 1040312 for
subsidiary coinage 134833 fine ounces
cost 1341090 including balance on
hand July 1 1897 net signoriage on the
coinage of silver from that date to fane
M 1S97 of 84822821
At the average price of silver for the y
year the commercial ratio between sold
and silver is 1 to 3194
Net imports of sold were 44G09S4L
against 7S904G12 net exports for the
previous fiscal year The net exports of
silver were 32G3G83G against 332t2
258 for the fiscal year 1S9G
The product of gold in the United States
for the calendar year 189G was 33088
000 and silver of a coining value of 7G
009236 The stock in the United State
of gold is G9G270542 of sUver o34
The total metallic stock and
ered paper of the Avorld is estimated for
Jan 1 1897 Gold 4359600000 full
legal tender silver 3615800000 limited
tender siher 052500000 uncovered pa
per 2569200
The Avorlds product for the calendar
vear 1896 was Gold 204396G00 silver
commercial value 109406800
The director of the mint reviews the
decline of silver since 1873 and attribute
it to the great increase in production
Sixty New Cases and Six Deat t at
New Orleans
All previous records Avere brokpn at
New Orleans Wednesday Sixty ne v
cases were entered in the books of the
board There were six deaths The most
important death of the day Avas that of
Ira T Britton manager of the General
Electric Company Owing to the preva
lence of yellow fever in Montgomery Alar
nd the fact that all of the towns and
cities of the State have quarantined
against that place the State Government
has temporarily been removed to Birmins
ham The Governor and a tie State cal
cers have located there ttn3 are transact
ing business from that point
Kansas Sheriff Is Slain
Sheriff S B Lard of Manhattan Kan
tvas shot and instantly killed at Lonards
ville by Ike Warren a boot legger -on
whom he Avas endeavoring to serTv a
warrant Warren was captured
The request of the weavers at the Na
tional Woolen Mills at Olneyville R L
for a restoration of the scale of wages
prior to the reduction of 1893 has been
granted to go into effect Dec 1 The in
crease will be 20 per cent
Gl Peter C Hames of the engineer
cois of the army has been appointed to
be fingineei commissioner on the Nicara
gujJi canal commission and has accepted
Ut ti nlairtn m Birminzham Ala ani 11 J
v r - r w -
banquet was tendered them