The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 21, 1897, Image 8

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ROBERT GOQD Editor and Publisher
iOftiqaa Paper of Cherry
ty Xfski
fi3Nf Per iwr in Advnnc
f7 ll iii
- - - -
7EM sred at the Post dltlce at Valentine Cherry
jOcuuly Nebraska -us Seeond clari matter
bispaper7illue mailed regularly
via its subscribsrs until a definite orer
discontinne is received and aliar
ars are pakLfin full
j For Judge
IFor Regcstfij Stato University
GGoiuLty ticket
Clerk- W A33ifetzgar
Treasurer JV GBallard
Sheriff Jas Ohilders
Superintendent L XL Stoner
Jndge W It Towne
Coroner Dr D wyer
Surveyor Jos Estabrook
vCoranasEioner J A Adamson
Biir HBallard is making a splendid
run forcoanty treasurer iWlien the
votes are counted itwiUvbe -found that
his namoIsads all the rest
The sE2ocrat8 of Cherry county are
accusedOf having no strength Will
i they adsait the accusation by voting
-against -their nominees this fall
The first postoffice savingfaank was
established in Great Britain in 186i
-The act putting the system tin opera
tion thece was championed by Mr
Gladstone then- chancellor of the ex
One of the arguments used to de
feat Metzger for clerk is that he dont
need itad the other fellow does
Ve will let the socalled argument go
for what ifc i3 worth but cant resist
the temptation to ask when it was that
county offices were turned into char
itable institutions
The court house bond question is
the same now that it always has been
except that fee need of a newtbuilding
is more imperative than ever before
IA new courthouse -will save -the tax
payers 120 ayear rent and 190fuel
Vesides affording the county ample
protection for its records A Jook at
ttthe present butMing is a lirstelass ar
ggument for thebonds
Ordinarily thisipaper would fee loth
JtQ advise its readecs to vote any ticket
straight in a county election but upon
tbiE occasion we feel it a duty weowe
thegpublic to advise the voters of this
cousty to make btct -one cross upon
ttheic tickets 2soveinier 2 and make
ithatoue under the emblem qf the
democratic party the rooster Every
maai the ticket is fconest capable
md deserving
The Xews says that the tight is be
trveea the populist and republican cau
didates atone yet its generally admit
ted that tbe contest for clerk is between
for treasurer
tween andBurleigh
urer between Ballard and Thaekery
for sheriff between Jim Childers and
Strong Burleigh is the only man the
ipopulist want or expect to elect and to
attain end ail other candidates
sfill if Ptceswrv be sacrlfieed
Good and the land oflce ran the
democratic convention but we will not
lckumvledge that they can dictate to
ths countrv voters wuo have a mind
of their own -Western News
The same old cry of stop thk
fcsed by the culprifto attract attention
from hinissif The fact of the matter
is that neither Good nor tne land of-
tice ran tfhe democrat convention nor
did they try to Neither Goodeor the
laud offise had anything to say about
the delegates even That was left to
Judge Towne ss the minutes of the
democrat caucas held Oct 2 will show
Thus does Rercert again put his foot
in ifc Good -end the land office ran
the aemocratjc convention ln This is
anattempt to show that it was not a
free silver hence not a democratic con
vention Wonder how Uncle Dick
Towne the chairman likes that or J
I A Horn back the secretary or Fred
Miller or P Sullivan orStetter or the
oters who made the nominations like
that IJov7 do the committees on- cre
dentials and resolutions like it Oh
n Georgie the people wont stand it
They know better But how different
it was in your convention
Some time ago an address was sent
out fromLincolu by the chairmen ot
the three silver parties containing this
significant paragraph explaining one
of the republicans campaign plans
populists and free silver republicans
and means are used to eucite populists
against other divisions of the refoim
forces Altercations over countv tick
ets are planned and both sides ai e en
couraged to light it out to the bitter
Wonder if the populist ring had not
been seen Doesnt it look like it
Were not means used to incite popu
lists against other divisions of the re
form forces Did not the ring report
that of rthe votes demo
crats wanted one half the otlices whev
m fact they asKed one third the places
for three seventh alranst one half the
votes Did not the ring report that
the onlv democratic -organization in
the county was a goid organization
Did not the ring up- to the last day loi
tiling nominations light against the
endorsement of Miss Stoner by the
democrats and Judge Towne by the
populists Has not this rinc at every
opportunity tried to prevent a coalition
of the silver forces in Cherry county
Why have they done so On the oth
er handrdid not the democrats try by
every honorable means to effect fusion
of the forces Did they not ask for
one of the three principal oilices leav
ing the choice to the populists Did
thev not iabortfaithfullv for the fusion
so far as it was perfected Does it
not seem certain that the ring has been
The YLEXTisi2DEiocitAris a foe
to populism and tries hard to belittle
such men as Crabb by intimating they
are sulking etc
So -says the Xews There it goes
again that same old cry stop thief
After worteiag hard to accomplish Mr
Crabbs death politically George turns
around -and blames us We dont be
lieve Crabb is sulking he is too good a
populist it is such men as he that
have made the populist party Hein
ert is different He wants to rule or
ruin and at present he is doing both
He is ruling the ring and ruining the
party Crabb is made of better -stuff
Let us see A few vears ago our
democratic friends told us that it was
adsurd tolry to establish the tin in
dustry in America But the McKin
ley tariff law was passed and the in
dustry begun Tiiat was only a half
decade ago Already these plants are
supplying the American maiket and
at the same time snarking a strong
bidfor the tin trade in other lands
But this is in line with republcan pre
dictions Ord Quiz
Lets see It was only a few years
ago that our republican -friends told us
that if the law was repealed
the tin industry xwould die But the
McKinSey law was repealed and the
tin industry still lived and rmado after
its repeal the gxeat advancement spo
ken of by the Quiz But this is in lino
with demoeratic predictions
even from Boiliug Suringa uuto Loup
and from Sparks unto the uttermost
parts of Mother LVike
- -
wiiwii 1 iwiupt yimMiii
And Cloaks were so badly damaged in tlis recent fire that
they were not fit to sell and consequently we ordered
And they are now on sale Everything new and up-to-date
At the old stand stone building
John UsTeiss Sundayed at Valentine
L Hardin returned Sunday from
a trip to Hot Springs
Atrcnt McChesncv made a busines
trip to Valentine Tuesday
C P Jordan is just completing a
fine new cellar under his store
ICews comes of the deatli of Louis
GaSMneaux at his home on White river
Sunday last
Wm Ward was ip from Valentin0
Wednesday with a load of lumber ad
time for O P Jordan
We understand that local talent is
being pressed for the vacancy caused
by Mrs Comings resignation
Rosa Bav of iron wood spent the
Sabbath in Valentine Other Valen
tine visitors Sunday were J G Gibson
and wife
M E Bradford J B Tripp John
Sullivan and Mr Kidney of Black Pi it
district were registered at the Ballot
hostelrv Saturdrv
Beubeu Quick Bear Blue Hair norl
and Bull Walks Behind made up i
merry party who left Sunday for a vi
it to Crow Agency Mont
Will Caton returned Msnday from
his bicycle tour of eastern Dakota He
came a la uicyelist on the train to Val
entine Says he was afraid of rain
IT L Blair and family departed Y r
Valentine he having completed a suc
cessful canvass of the reserve in the
interest of the Union Savings Associa
tion of Sioux Palls
C A Shempp having completed his
labors among us departed Satuuhn
for his heme in Williamsport Pa
While here Mr Shempp made man
warm friends and he will be great
missed especially by lovers of the pho
tographic art
As yet Uncle Sam has furnished no
coal for the new boarding School and
it has become necessary during the re
cent cold spell to dismiss recitation
that the poor shivering pupils might
co outside and bask in ihe little sun
hine that tbe elements have afforded
in order to keep frrm cnnjiealiij uiiti
such timeiis they could crawl into be
and warm up for the night Verih
large bodies move slowly and the gov
eminent is no r xceptiou Unless step1
are taken to supply fuel soon it wil
become almost necessary to send th
pupils to their homes for shelter
2LVKPA Tanka
A little rain fell in this locality Sal
urday night
Chas Isicbois took a trip over soutl
last Saturday We wonder what the
attraction is
Mrs 1Z A Nichols was called to th
Missouri fiats to nure Mrs Alex Aide
who is very ill
Jennie Bennett niece of Jessie Bow
ring visited with the latter Saturda
night and Sunday
Alex xIcrse was rounding up hi
beetsteers the last ci the week IB
will ship or sell them this week
A Steele and wife drove down to
Valentine Monday night Mr Steelt
is one of the jurors from this precinct
I B Nichols came home from Cod
Sunday and returned Monday Xick
says the democratic candidate for slier
iff is all right
Chas Xeison John Young and 0 hei
Goodrich each took a load of
Merriman last Saturday They re
ceived 5c per bushel for them
Xorman Dickinson who has spent
the last six or seven months on tin
range in Wyoming returned last wggk
to spend the wimerjn the sand hills
Ifc is rumored that Phillip Nelson
was marriedflast Sunday week to a sis
ter of MrS Cnas Nelson Here is oui
hand Phiilip may you live long ana
prosper well with few sorrows and lots
of little joys Sash v
For a Conit IZoxti a lioril Et action
Notice is hereby giver to the pialilied elect
ors of Cherry county in the state of Nebraska
that an election will be held in the various pre
eiuctsof said Cherry county on the 2d day ol
November lJi7 for the purpose of voiing upon
the following proposition towit
Shall til county Hoard of Chen county in
the state of Nebraska issue the coupon bonds of
said county in the sum of S1200O of the denomi
nation of S1000 each for the purpose of building
and furnishing court house cud bonds to take
effect January 1 150S and to become due and
payable January lultf and bear in t interest at
the rate of five per cent per annum payable
semi annually on the first dys of July and Jan
uary in each year until the principal and inter
est thereon has been fully paid the principal
-and interest thereof bemg payable at the ollice
ot the County treasurer of said countv
Provided That the County Hoaul of said
county may at its option pay off any or all of
saul bonds at any time after the eiintion of
ten years from the datQ of their taking effect
Autl shall the County Board of Cherry county
aforesaid annually levy upon the fjxaole prop
crtyotCherry county a tax sufficient to par Cue
interest and principal ol sai 1 bonds as tbeV be
come due and shall the said County Board at
the last annual tax levy provided by law- preced
jnc tfie Maturity of said bonds levy upon the
taxable property of said county a tax sutticienf
topay the interest and principal not otherwise
provided for and then unpaid upon said bonds
And shall said Countv Board negotiate said
tuids at not less than their par value the
Tim rhi1rpr fnr shrifi id tru nrv amount reancen irom tne sale ot siiu minus to
J be used m the building and furmxidmr v county
that is ffoiu tin all over the county court house lor the use of said Cherry county
n r j i Theballots used an voting upon iiid pronajr
tion shall have printed thereon
For Court JIouso Bonds aud jVgaiiid
Court House lionds - f
lUtdd Uis 7th diif Ootobar i
1 11 GQ liLLIOTx CyfiutV Clerk
z 3is7n
tsr Uc aaar
WUwiwifl firiaf
M ill 1ricvsjor feed
15ran bulk 40c per cwt 700ton
Shorts bulk 50c per cwt 9 00 toi
Screenings 35c 600
Chop Feed 70c 1300
Corn 55c
Oats 90c
We have about 5000 envelopes left
which we will print and deliver for
350 per thousand Call early and
avoid the rush
Of mi JFllcvtlon to Transfer Ccrlttin
Territory from Cherry Count to
Grant ami ttoolier Comities
Notice is heroin- jriven to the qualified electors
ffChern cnimtyis tlif state of Nehraslci tt
ll election will lie held in the various precinct
r said Cherry County on the 2d day of Novoim
er 1857 for tin1 purpose ot voiing upon tin
oliownm piiposilion towit
Transfeiriiifc from Cherry County to Gmvi
County Nlrnsk all the territory embraced in
the following linos towit Connncnoinj at the
outhwest corner of Township 2T
Itarse Fortv mo tlieuce north to the northwest
coiner or township Twenty nine 20 llunp
l oriv id ttieneeeast to the uortli east coriwi
of Township Twent nine 2J Haiifre Thirty flvc
CW tlipnce votitli t the southeast corner o
I ownslii Twenty live 2 Itance Thirty lhe 3V
thence west to the place of beginning beintr ah
ot Townships Twenty live 25 Twentv Mx2G
Twenty seven 27 Tweitv eiuht 28 and Twent
nine 2 in TIanpe Thirtv five a Thirry i
M Thirtv ieveu Thirty egfit 38 Thirty -
and Forty 40 in Cherry County Ne
the further proposition
vTTaiisferrinjrfirin Cherry County to TTnoci
County Nebraska all the territory embraced m
the loiiiwinf lines to wit Comineucinjr at tin
southeast corner of Section Thirtv one ot
Township Twenty live 20 lianiie Thirty 3
thence north to northeast corner of Section Six
0 Township Tweiity eiftht 28 Jiange fhirt
U tliif ms tv ilii ii iui i eiiiM
fowiiMiip Tweily eivht 2 hane 1 lnrt
thence south to Cue southwest enr nei
fownshii Twent ilve 25 Knfre Tliirt foi
4i iheine easi to the place of heniuiihijjboii
all of Townsldps Twentv live 25
twenty seven 27 anil Twenty eialr
Ifanpjes Thirty one 31 Tiiirty two 32 Thirt
three 33 Thirty foir 31 and i strip one nun
wide of if the west sul ol Townships Tventv
fie 20 Twentv six t2j Twenty 27 am
Tventveinht 2H in Kange Thirty 30 in Chcii
ountv Nebraska
Dated this 7th dav of October 1S07
37 40 GEO ELLl LT Countv Clerk
Claimants and witnesses in final proof ease
notice of which appear in The Dkpiockat wil
receive a marked copy of the paper Should an-error-
in cleseriplioirof lfind or spelling of nam
be discovered notice shouhi be sent to the lam
oiiiee and this ollice so correction can be niruh
U S Land Oiiiee Valentine Xebr I
October 1- 1R07 t
Notice is iierebv given that the follow in
named settler liled notice of his intentio
to make final proof ln support ef Ins ebjrn ai
that said proof wii be made liefore the Hems
and Receiver ai Valentine reb on Nov vtt
1897 viz
John Steinbrecher of Kilore Xh
T M72 for the e iseU Sect 10 and wi sw1
Section 11 tow nMjyiM ranee 31
lie names the following prove
upon utd cultivation or
-aid Intnl viz
l wd irahe lacoti Hompei ard Williani Stnj
of Kiicore eb David jeters of Valem Ni 1
3J U C 1C GJOVEil II sister
U S Land oiftce Vtlentine Neb i
Oetrber 11 IK07 f
Notice is hereby given tlinl Kmeriine L lark
wn lormerly Fmerlinc L Lilly of Lvims Pur
oiity Neb has liled notice of iiitcitioM t
make final proof before the C erk ol the Dbrrhi
our for iuit countv at his office in Tckamali
b on Saturday the 2flth dav of Novembei
397oii timbtr culture applicaiion No S18S fo
the ijiie1 and nseJ of section No 1 1 town
diip No 27n range No 7w
She name- as wifne scs tolin Liinim Kvii
i Viniegntf Oliver J Keii r ana George ISI
Keller all of Prowidee i b
Ietiniony of wifnees will be taken befr
rise hegihteraul Jleceiverat then- oflicu in Vai
entme Nov 21 ij7 AIs
Fidelia A Swan of Simeon 2Ieb
II K No srm for lot 1 and ne nwi and ij
ueli ecion town hip mi range 2L w
She names the following v itnexses to prove
orcenrmuous residence upon and cnliivatioi
if said land viz
Wdim ii Stritton leorge Davis WiJInvi I
jiorg arcitige and Harvey Ilobbrf all of Simeon
3S 53 C II C LGlEK Register
Land Office at Valentine Nebra i i
Oetonrr 1 107
Notice is horcbysgiven that liob llarr o
Aoodlake eb has filed notice or intention t
make final procl befre the Begisterand Keceiv
or at their office in Valentine Nebr on I rida
the lfith diyof Nnvtmber IfeaT on timber cul
ture apjfiication No sDforlleekneM sw rei
irni neHtCJi ol section No IS in township No
31n range No 27w
He naines as witnesses Francis II Tgin
of Kort Niobrara Neb John Crorin Chalnie
A Lovejoy ami Charles Sin th of Valentine cb
3 43 U GLOVEB Kegister
U S Laud Office at Valentine Nob
Octoicr 12 1807 f
Notice is hereby given that the followimr nam
ed settlr has filed notice of his intention t
make final proof in support of his claim am
that said proof will be made before Register o
Steeeiver at Valentine Nebraska on Nov
1SD7 vii
03well IFoolc of Cody JTeb
II E No 10255 for the sei Sec 32 7p 3n
K 33w
He irunes the following witnesses to prove hi
continuous residence uion and cultivation of
-aid land viz
William Anderson Jesse West William 11
Hook and George A Barnes all of Codv Neb
58 13 C II GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valem me Nb i
Octobers 1
Notice is hereby given that tin- ftiilowint
narneti stIer has fned notice of his mteution to
make final proof in support or his claim and thai
i d proof wiir he trade bcfore xh j Boi tir or
Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Nov mil 1897
John T Kief of Arobja Neb
H E 5o021S for the sisw1 and sY shi See
sTp 32nK 2Gw
He namps the following witnesses to prov
bis confnunus residence upon and cultivatioi
of said land viz
Andrew r nvm Francis II Higgin Mieliapl J
Joidau and lhiiip IJcei m all of irabui W
37 12 C K GLOVEH Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb
c otober 2 IS07
Notice is hereby given that Cm iis W King of
RrainanNvilIc New York h file I notice or in
tention to nuiKe final proof before the Register
and Receiver at their ofiice in Valemine Nebr
on Wednesday tbe 17th dar of Noven ber 1K07 on
timber oultiiro anplicatiou No 7ji for the ei
ue1 1 and esei of section 25 tin township 30n
range 3iw
He nami as witnesses Nelson S Kowlev
John H Shore David V Piercy and Fridejuix
Saufoni all of Keniiedv Neb
Testimony of claimant will be taken liefnre the
Judge of the County Court m and trr Eranklin
county at his ofiei rvldone New YorK on Stit
urday the 13th dav of November 1S7
J7 12 CK GLOVEK Register
U S Ltnd Office Valentino Neb i
Sept 15 ififl
unvSAuvn oc tJi
iIA 5J 7finA0vAta if7
Land Office at volenti nBbr
Sr 15 tc07
Notice Is hereby given that svlvesfr Rpniav
of Johnstown Ntbr heir of Kfiyjiffh Kemaiv
lectased his filed noiicoof intention tr nwiki
Jim I proof before Register and ne piver a thcr
jificoin Valcntioe Nob on WdieiUy health
ay of October ijrj on timber culuro aroll t
ion No ai3 Iv the slwi tnvJnUwM ant t vk
lea Sec 10 Tii iri R 2v
Ie lames as witne SKs Cm is Ma v of Iur
lum Nebr Henry Miehoel of Johti twt Neb
uyrus nagen iui rli Valentine of cod
ike Nebr Also
lvester Rtmaly ot Johnstown Xeb
icir of EiizJibfth Hemaiy rlecaused
HE Noco7forTliewbswt Sec 3 and
iec 4 Tp 2Sn K a lw
tie names the loiowiug witnesses to prnve his
ontiinious residence tipoii and cultivation of
said land viz
Gyrus May of Purdnm Neb Ilt nrv jliHiri
of Jonnstown Nebr and Cyus IIgu and Eh
Valei line of Wooahike Nebr
54 CU u K GLO VER Register
C S Land Oiiiee Valentine
o pt 15 H07
Notice is hereby given that John 11 Krdj of
Valentine Nebr has filed of inftioi to
iake final proof before foe K ister and Re
ceiver ft their ifiiT in Va5tiiitf Neb o i Iri
lay the 22nd dy of Oclober b i07 on timber
application No 7C l for Lots 2-3-1 atl
iWiiie1 See 5 Tp 2In R 31 w
He as witne es -Sanford Q Spain
Uai iol M Sears Churl s Pole and Aloiz
yur i allot Iw neoy Vcbr A ho
rmiord Q Soain of Kcnijudy 2ibr
If ElOoO for Lot 2 svne 4 Jiisvi and
ueVsv1 See 3Tp -Jim K31w
He names the following vitnos3e5 to prove his
eontinuoMs residence ujioii and cultivation of
said land viz
John i Bikj of Valentine Neb and Ffanlc
M Seari Cmrles A lte and Alonzo Aver s of
Kennedy Nebr S4 3DC KGLOVrK Roister
U S Lain Ollice Valentine Nnr
Srjrt U 17 f
Xoticfc is hereby given teal Phillip Pullman of
Pullman Nebr ha iid uoticu of ln intention
to final prt of before the Register Re
ceiver as their office in Vaiemini Nb on
l uesday the 20th slay ot Octnnrr 16J7 on timber
culture appbatoii No J i for the ViseJi se4
svUand LotlSt e 3Tpid R 3w
He i rnes as wrnesvss Tinmihy Faiby
William Pullman Jacob a Varyau William
i Metzsrar all of Pnlim oi Nt b
j Abo Jacob A Ytiryan or PtiKinaiiNeb T C
j No xiA lor liio iiiivii mjisu and
sec l j r 25n j 3 v
Notice is hereby given that A inos F Childcrs He names - limoMiy ribv
of Nenztil Nebr has ed n3c of trJentmn to Wiinam liUi ii I iilr iiimai v ii
make final prooi befiru and Receiver jletigar ail of iiilina br
at their ollice in Van itine Neb on Friday the Abo William InKinim Pn Jjnan NVt T C
22d day of October 1S57 on Tin pereiilu i No ir 3 vj1 swsci and ses
cation no T77 t r se i sec 2a i p son n 32w 1 1 i mi h -
He names as witness George L Mjss of Vm uno at nilwesies Tinohy Falbv
Nenzcl Nebr and Ausoa Newberry Chai ler L Phillip Pinhuan Tacob Yaryaa iid iTihiara
Jiorgan rd Irving O Stotts of Cody Nebr Iet7ir ir all jLpiJtiKui Net
31 30 C S GLOVER Peghter 31 3Q - CT GLOVER Register
-ff --v-
Just at the present time we In shape to
make the lowest prices ever known on
G 1 1
V7e have just receive a large stock of clothing frora one of
the bigiesr concerns in the country and are making some
hitherto unheard of prices in order to turn our money quick
All stvles sizes weights and colors
A good fit guaranteed
r a I UH
Fine line of samples from which to get tailor made clothes
f nv f 0P fai a Vo i ai Vi 6i V t if
w - 11a
tee mm mnmt osewnter xs
ItesJ Value Viiilni Plachine
First in Umprovcmonis Honest
fconsJruciioa and all 3ii6h radc
Typcwr ISer Issenlas T t r
Tciprcvmt Ike Orttr
Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets
U S Land OHIqc Valentine Neb I
Sept 23 JfiiiT f
otice is hereby sivpii that lo eph C iboron
of Newton Neb Ins filed notice o intention t
make final pr f before PeListerand llcceiver it
their office h i Valentiie Neb on Friday theitii
div of November i07 on timber cuitiiv appli
cation No 8164 tor tiro nei of section No b in
township No 2n ransce No 34
lie names as wifiises i nnrles M Ivime
US Land Office at Valentine Neb J
Sep 13 1SU7 i
Notice is hereby nivn that thn following-named
settler has sited notico of hia intentioa to
nvke final ii sunport of his claim and
rrt stM proof will be made before
Receiver at Valentino Nbr on Oct
24 1807 viz
Lucy Pop of Woocllake Xebr
saac N BusmK Robert George W i J02 rirti Lotsind7Soc5andni5ueH
adely all of Newton Nebraska Also ioe8iJllllr
Neil ilanua k r -
- i L ndia Amhroic
iobort linlavsou of xewton f br lerund Ja ies m tr nna all of WooiLik N ph
II E rl for the ise1 i ami 2 secfon i foiwng witnesses to prove bis
lotown hipam ran3v l lS vaWv auti cultivation of
He name- the following witnesses to prove My -
4 J r GLOVBB Register
hi s contuuioits residence on and cultivation of -
said andvi J
Charles Jl Kline Isaac N Jtwssel Joseph
Cuber oi George V Ladcly all of Newton ub Laml Oluce ahntlno Nebr
Neb Also
Charles M Kirae of Xewton liJb
September 20 1897
II E 02T3 for the svA seeticn II township 21 nJ H ihi oi m wippurt or bm claim ana
tbitMid prei iit mMlt before th Kegister
lie names tbe fcliowinr witnesses o prove hU r cver t Vieitac Neb vn October CO
ontiruous ivsidcisce upon ttPd cnltivaaou of
land vis
hwj h Culberson Tsfae N Kissell Koherf
mlayson Gorgc W Ludely all of Newtoi
Neb AlbO
Istiac X llnssell of Xcwton Xtb
xl E OW for the lots i aniiiand ofinw
lion is townsnip Lim range 34iv
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cuiUvitioi
of saitf land viz
Charles Kime Josejih Cuiberson Robert
Kiniayson George W iadetv of Nowfj
Veb 3G II O fc GLOVKK Kegister
U S Land Otllce VttlfljflKe Svhr
Sept 27 l7 f
Notice is liercbj srlven that the fnllyvirr
ifiined settler has 31i iiotice of hb int inlion to
make final proif in import hk eliuiT id
that wiid proof will bnnde tlij iJcgiscr
or Iteceivi r at Valeiftine Neb oii Km 5 18S7
Abrara Johnson of Valentine Xebr
H No CO 2 for the avk section 2i town-
ship 33u range 2nw
He niiines the foiiitwiug witnesses to prove ijs
oiitinuous residence upon and caltivalioii oi
jaid land viz
John Adamson Ji erb J Antes Panirr TV
diisieg r co J Z ot all or rtk tine Neb
Also Ahram Johnson of Valcnline Nob T
No 747Siorlie nei rictuii 2 1 ruwn hip 33it
rmve 2iw
lie names as witnesses John Adamson
Jacob J Ante Daniel YV riilsingerand George
H Zarr ail rt Valentine Xeb
5C il C It GLOVEU Kegister
Notice is Iierebv given that he followln
iinnicil settler has lild notle2 of InteKtion to
li 97 viz
anh A Ifobbs of Simeon Xeb
TL K No yirj wiiuwJi aad w54swI
ec 13 T p 3 h i
lie names he foifnvtiT wltaesses to prov
and cultivation
sirt liul z
Samuel Hudson John B 1jou Charle5 W
ivnncttand Benjamin F Pelch all of Simeon
Nob J
C K GLOVER Kegister
U S Land Office Valentin Neb
- ept27 1S7T f
lOoce is nereby given that Ernest L Snoot
eairlieirt has fii d notice of intention to
j J proftiberorHKHirNtaraiid Kociivcrac
etr utif in Valt trtitie NebrasMi on flatiirtfav
jMj iliy of November i7 on timber culture
npMfition No 770jfor ihra iseM and sSswJ
scrion No i m o vnslrp N1lu range 25vf
lie names as Ely It Valentine
James II Uay Will L Jlirysler and Edgur
luvce all of Vvojdlakr Nebrjiska
w il C It GLOVEK Kegiuter
U h Land Office Valentine Nebr
Scpt27tb li7 f
Complaint having been entercl at this office
by ilorbftf Uyu agnnwt tjharles A Walker
or f nbff to compH with law as to timber onl
isrecrrrvvo 72i dated July -ST 18S7 upon the
-of ijSmsiind se iirv1 section 5 towusbip
27 nge jk in Cl Try oouiity Nebraska with a
view to the ritcfiiTion of said entry contest
ant alleging tbit claimant has failed to break or
cii e to bebroKci ie first 5 acres dsiring IriM
yer uifor entry rmt lias railed to cure bis
SMfsufrothc tlate of this contest the said
pariir s are licrtby sumnifiieil to appear at this
rtliff on the flii dav of Novniier 17 at b
ii eic r in to resnonu anil inrnish t
MnwraJDx said aleged failure
3tl S9 c R OLOVEi Regiater
G S Land Office Valentine Nebr
Wept 20 U97 i
OmplauiT Invirgbeen entered at thb ofllce
ov Iitta S Vntsi aramst William If Klankin
jshiyfir abindiaiig his homestead entry So
1 920 dated Februxn 1 si uKn the lot sec
tion si lownsnip i ring- jo tu LUerrv comty
Nebrnlca with a view to tile canccllatiou of
satft entry the snl pnrtie are hereby summon
m o appear at tn toifl on thetli dav of No
vember 1337 at y oclock a m to respond and
fnrnisii testimony concerning said alleged aban
C P CLOVER Register
rx n
A Ti -
Vi r Rn z l
C 1 i V
X---- U n
4 faS vt A Ii
l H
t i i -
t i - v- rt - cm xri - -
The Same Man
Hay be made to ioook entirely dif
ferent if the photographer know hotv
to produce the deception and elothiera
can do the earns thing If thatsult of
j yours your necktie hat cr shoes l jok
shabby come in and weil fit yon oafc
with a nsw onri
everything good
cheap and uptodate
n qt