The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 21, 1897, Image 7

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Scrofula Cured
Face and Head Covered with Sores
but Hoods Has Cured Them
My face and head were a mass of
sores but since talcing Hoods Sarsapa
rilla these sores have all disappeared I
believe Hoods Sarsaparilla has no equal
for scrofula IDA A WEAVER Pa
lermo 111
Get only Hoods because
HOOClS Manila
Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier
Hnnrf c Pel f c cure liver Ills easy to take
easy to operate 25 cents
A Wonder of Science
There has been much interest In the
German medical world over a new
remedy for fever which has been an
nounced to the faculty by a medical
journal of Berlin the Klinische Woche
There is also interest outside the med
ical world at least in the name of the
new remedy which is as follows and
an entire paragraph is required to give
One of the advantages of this medi
cine to the pharmaceutical pro
fession is said to be that if you spell
the name a hnlf dozen times you will
need the medicine
Left Destitute
Not of worldly goods but of all earthly com
fort is the poor wretch tormented by ma
laria The fell scourge is however shorn
of its thong iu advance by Hostetters Stom
ach Bitters its only sure preventive and
remedy Dyspepsia biliousness constipa
tion rheumatism nervousness and kidney
complaints are also among the bodily afflic
tions which this beneficent medicine over
comes with certainty Use it systematically
How He Got Even
Two dusky small boys were quarrel
ing one was pouring forth a torrent of
vituperative epithets while the other
leaned against a fence and calmly con
templated him When the flow of lan
guage was exhausted he said
Are you troo
You aint got nuffin more to say
Well all dem tings what you called
me you is
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allens Foot Ease a powder for the
feet It cures painful swollen smart
ing feet and instantly takes the sting
out of corns and bunions Its the
greatest comfort discovery of the age
Allens Foot Ease makes tight fitting
or new shoes feel easy It is a certain
cure for sweating callous and hot
tired aching feet Try it to day Sold
by all druggists and shoe stores By
mail for 25 cents In stamps Trial
package FREE Address Allen S
Olmsted Le Roy N Y
Couldnt Do It
Mr Figg You should not have told
Jimmy Briggs he was a liar
Tommy Yes paw but he was a liar
Probably But you should have told
him he was mistaken
And then I would have been a liar
Indianapolis Journal
If youre going to California before
making your arrangements write for all
information as to rates etc to II C
Cheyney General Agent Sioux City
Iowa One way or round trip tickets via
Hiiy route
Very Clever
Ill get the best of that confounded
personal baggage clause
If I want to bring over 500 worth
of new clothes Ill make five trips
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Expelled by Lydia E Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound
Interview With Mrs B A Lombard
1 have reason to think that I would
not be here now if it had not been for
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com
pound It cured me of a fibroid tumor
in my womb
Doctors could do nothing forme and
they could not cure me at the hospital
I will tell you about it
I had been in my usual health but
had worked quite hard When my
monthly period came on I flowed very
badly The doctor gave me medicine
but it did me no good He said the
flow must be stopped if possible and
he must find the cause of my trouble
Upon examination he found there
was a Fibroid Tumor in my womb and
gave me treatment without any benefit
whatever About that time a lady
called on me and recommended Lydia
E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
said she owed her life to it I
said I would try it and did Soon
after the flow became more natural and
regular I still continued taking the
Compound for some time Then the
doctor made an examination again
and found everything all right The
tumor had passed away and that dull
ache was gone Mrs B A Lombabd
Box 71 Westdale Mass
The Best
Saddle Coat
Keeps both rider and siddle per
fectly dry in the hardest storms
Substitutes will disappoint Ask for
x8g7 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker
it is entirely new If not for sale in
your town write for catalogue to
A J TOWER Boston Mass
ETTTf2TTT T A TTI on orders of 2000 sq
X XjXlXXL X rxLLXf 0r HooBnsr or Wal1
nrt CciUns Manilla Write for stunples and prices
ruj a Manilla Kooilng Co Cuaitleu r
into the ward of the whitewashed walls
Where the dead and dying lay
Wounded hy bayonets shells and bills
Somebodys darling was borne one day
Somebodys darling so young and so
Wearing still on his pale swept face
Socn to be hid by the dust of the grave
The lingering light of his boyhoods
Matted and damp are the etuis of gold
Kisr jng the snow of that fair young
Pale are the lips of delicate mold
Somebodys darling is dying now
Back from the beautiful blue veined face
Brush every wandering silken thread
Cross his hands as a sign of grace
Somebodys darling is still and dead
Kiss him once more for somebodys sake
Murmur a prayer soft and low
One bright curl from the cluster take
They were somebodys pride you icnow
Somebodys hand hath rested there
Was it a mothers soft and white
And have the lips of a sister fair
Been baptised in those waves of light
God knows best He was somebodys
Somebodys heart eishriued him near
Somebody wafted his name above
Night and morn on the wings of prayer
Somebody wept when he marched away
Looking so handsome brave and grand
Somebodys kiss on his forehead lay
Somebody clung to his parting hand
Somebodys watching and waiting for
Yearning lo hold him again to her heart
There he lies with the blue eyes dim
And smiling child like lips apirt
Tenderly bury the fair young detd
Pausing to drop on his grave a tear
Carve on the wooden slab at his head
Somebodys darling lies buried here
New York Ledger
HE scholar sat in
his study before
his writing table
but he did not
write He leaned
his elbow on the ta
ble and his head on
his hand and he
was thinking of Phyllis far away in
Ral Pindi with her husband The ta
ble was piled with books several stood
open invitingly and a fair white sheet
of paper lay on his blotting pad but
he did not write
Presently Jakes opened tho door and
said Theres a young woman sir
asking to see you shall 1 say youre en
A young woman Takes queried
the scholar What sort of a woman
and from whence
Well sir and Jakes closed the door
behind him I do think shes from the
circus as is on the village green
From the circus repeated the
scholar What can she want
She wont give no name nor yet no
message sir Shall I say that youre
engaged sir
Jakes considered it the height of im
pudence that a hussy from the circus
should dare to ask to see his master
and longed to send her about her busi
ness Fine doings indeed for such as
she to be asking for gentlemen as bold
as brass
The scholar pondered then he iid
to himself -Phyllis would like me to
see ht r she was always kind Jakes
you can show her in
Jakes departed much displeased and
presently ushered a young woman into
the room and shut the door after her
carefully and in a fashion that said as
plainly as possible Well I wash
my hands of this foolhardy proceed
The young woman advanced into The
middle of the room and then stood awk
Avardly and said nothing She was a
tall slight girl attired in a varieiy of
garmeits startling in hue and having
apparently no connection with one an
other Her hair was brushed about her
forehead and stuck out in a scries of
large rolls behind The hair was
crowned by a hat of portentous size
adornc d by several rather dejected
looking feathers But under tht furze
bush of hair the face was oval and al
most beautiful in its regularity of fea
ture and pure color
The scholar rose find bowed then
with old fashioned courtesy he set a
chair for her and having seen her seat
ed murmured something shyly as to
what he was indebted for the pleasure
of this visit
The girl stared at him with wide blue
eyes then said abruptly I say
youre a knowin old cove arent you
The scholar started a little at this de
scription of himself and waved his
hands in deprecating wise The girl
went ou Ive card in the village as
you aic always a studying old books
and knows all sorts of heathenish lingo
now do you know ow to make a love
The scholar gazed at her in speech
less astonishment then he grasped the
edge of his writing table for support
am stammered Do I understand you
to ask me if I know anything about
love philters
Yes thats the ticket said the girl
genially I want a love poshin to give
my young man Es been and took up
with Madselle Leouore what does the
trials of strength and I wants to bring
im back to me You give me the per
skiption and Ill ask the galipot to
make it up I was sure as youd
The scholar felt quite sorry for her
when he realized the disappointment
he was about to inflict she smiied so
prettily and looked so pleased He
shook his head then he said gently
Im afraid I am quite unable to help
you in this matter I know nothing of
such things neither do I believe that
they can have the smallest effect
Bur I thought you wa always a
studyiu ancient days said lie girl in
an argumentative voice leaning for
ward in her chair Do think ia some
of them old books waving her hantVin
the direction of the book lined walls
Aint there something in some of them
old books
I fear not sad the scholar almost
sadly she was so eager so much iu
earnest The girl drew herself tq i
her chair and said abruptly
rm a honest girl I am
That I am sure you are and there
fore you need no love philters Believe
me you are quite pretty and good
enough to inspire love an honest love
without recourse to magic The
scholar spoke persuasively his voice
was very gentle and his manner court
ly The girl winked her wide blue eyes
and made a little swallowing motion
with her throat then she cougued and
My fathers brought us up strict a
ave E doant old with swearn for
women and if we was light ed ay
the orse wip about our shoulders e
would Es clown in our show e is
There was silence for a minute in the
big library then the scholar said gent
ly Why do you want a love philter
Is the man you are engaged to lickle
We e runs after Madselle Leon
ore and I cant stand it and I rates
im and e laughs at me and Im beast
ly miserable I am
The girls voice broke and great tears
rolled down her cheeks The scholar
was much distressed lie was a very
learned man and instructed in the best
wisdom of many lauds but he had also
studied diligently a book that it re
quires no great erudition to understand
but only what is quite as rare a hum
ble heart A certain saying in that
book which runs But thou hast mer
cy upon all and winkest at the sins of
men because they should amend
came into his mind and the trouble of
this poor circus girl was very real to
him She wiped her eyes with a gayly
bordered pocket handkerchief and
sa id
What would a lidy do
The scholar pondered for a moment
then said diffidently and with extreme
shyness I think that she would not
show that she minded That she would
try to be always sweet and good-tempered
and gracious above all to Mad
am Dont let him
think himself so precious my child We
all value what is hard to obtain Hes
too sure of you or he wouldnt tease
you If you are wise and if he is
worth having if hes worthy of you
and of your good father youll And
that all this nonsense will come to an
end as a tale that is told
It was a long speech for the scholar
to make he flushed a little as he made
it and the circus girl gazed at him ad
miringly exclaiming
You are a knowin old cove
The scholar shook his head and said
humbly I fear I am ignorant in
these matters I have only known three
Avomen intimately in life my moth
er my wife and my daughter
Is that what your daughter did
the young lidy as is just married she
asked eagerly
I dont know what she did answer
ed the scholar gently and indeed it was
true for the engagement had come up
on him as a bolt from the blue while he
was thinking of Phyllis as still in pina
Was she very ard to please per
sisted the girl
Hah Phyllis been hard to please the
scholar asked himself He did not
know It had not taken long to please
her anyhow so he said I dont
know if she was hard to please but I
know that whatever site did was right
and sweet and womanly and you can
do all that yourself my dear
I wish I was a lidy sighed the cir
cus girl but father says as one can
be as good a girl in a troupe as if one
was a scripture reader e do I see
youre a sky pilot by yer choker What
do you say
I quite agree with your father hv
must be a most seusible man aud I
wish I knew him Believe me a cir
cus lady can Jje just as useful as any
other if she will only try and I am
sure youll try
The girl rose from her seat so did
the scholar she held out her hand to
him and he took it and the old man
and the girl looked into each others
Good bye said the girl Im glad I
came though you are so ignorant about
love poshins
Im very glad you came said the
scholar heartily and believe me you
need no love poshins you are quite
charming enough without The girl
flushed up to the roots of the furze
brush Then the scholar said Would
you like some roses The girl said
Please sir in the shyest smallest
voice and the scholar held the door
open for her to pass out Then he fol
lowed her across the hall and through
the open front door He took his
from his pocket and he cut
a great bunch of the roses that were
famed throughout the county then he
walked down the drive with her and
at the lodge gate he bade her good by
She started down the road and then
looking back and seeing him still stand
ing at the gate she ran back saying
breathlessly I wish youd come and
see me ride I can jump through the
oops beautiful I cau I should like
to show yer
The scholars eyes were very kind
but he shook his head saying Im
getting an old man my dear I hardly
ever go out at night
But theres a matinee an afternoon
show she explained this afternoon
The scholar wavered then the be
seeching blue eyes caught his and held
them Phyllis would like me to he J
murmured then I will come and see
you ride this afternoon
I shall look out for you mind said
the girl dont you forget
The scholar did not forget he went
Windsor Magazine
Our idea of a good joke on a woman
is a pair of twins
Special Car for the Care of Fretful
Children While Traveling
Praise the railroad man who has in
vented the traveling nursery all ye
vjo have had journeys made hideous
by wailing babies and fretful children
Through trains have added to theii
bath rooms libraries smoking-rooms-and
the like one more convenience a
room for the babies
The traveling nursery takes up about
as much room as a private state room
The walls are heavily padded and the
floor thickly carpeted so that the ju
venile head need not indicate the miles
passed by the bumps gained Over the
floor are fastened little stools and rock
ing chairs At each end of the com
partment and firmly secured are two
cozy cots on which the smaller chil
dren lie and watch the games of the
older ones Each car containing the
nursery attachment will carry a matron
or nurse who will be selected with a
special reference to her ability to
amuse and care for her little charges
and she will have at her command sup
plies of milk cookies and other edibles
and drinkables dear to the infantile
heart She will also have charge of a
medicine chest containing a full assort-
f W7 1l
ment of the simpler remedies for child
ish ailments A miniature toy shop is
another adjunct of the traveling nurs
ery and it will contain everything from
baby rattles to picture books and fairy
General Samuel Brcck Who Succeeds
General Rugsles
Gen Samuel Brock who has been
appointed adjutant general of the army
to succeed Gen Ruggles has had a dis
tinguished career He has had forty
two years of service and his now honor
comes to him only a few months before
his retirement by operation of law
Gen Breck was born in Middleborough
Mass Feb 25 1834 He was appoint-
ed a cadet at the military academy July
1 1851 and was graduated four years
later and made second lieutenant of the
First artillery He joined his regiment
at Fort Capron Florida and fought
against the Seminoles He served at
Fort Moultrie and in 1SG0 became prin
cipal assistant professor of geography
history and ethics at the military acad
emy until the war broke out He was
assistant adjutant general of McDow
ells division Army of the Potomac in
the defenses of Washington After ac
tive service in the field he was made as
sistant in the adjutant generals office
in 1SG2 He was twice brevetted dur
ing the war first as lieutenant colonel
in 18G4 and as colonel and brigadiei
general in 1865 From 1870 to 1876 he
served as adjutant general of the divis
ion of the Pacific at San Francisco He
also served in the department of Da
kota and the department of the Platte
He returned to Washington in 1889 to
act as assistant to the adjutant gen
eral He served as adjutant general of
the department of the east from 1893
to 1895 When Gen Miles was made
commander of the army Gen Breck
was assigned to duty as adjutant gen
eral with headquarters of the army in
the nations capital
Many Visited the Yellowstone
The travel through Yellowstone Na
tional Park the past season has been
unprecedented From June 1 to August
20 S720 persons went through the
Corn as an Ornament
Our American corn which will not
mature In Germany is used in that
country as a decorative plant It is
considered a beautiful object in the
Some men make bluffs at hiding their
light under a bushel when a pint meas
ure would answer the purpose just as
Never buy steak of a butcher whe
has a horseshoe nailed up over his door
It may be all right but its too sugges
Quicn Sabe
Quien Sabe who knows is a phrase
in very common use among the Span
iards and helps over many many dif
ficulties It is expressive What the
weather may he the coming winter
who know It may be snowy wet
stormy cold freezing and full of sick
ness and pain who knows Some of
us to day hale and hearty may lie on
beds of torture or hobble about on
crutches who knows Before the au
tumn merges into winter many may
have symptoms of approaching trouble
of the old rheumatism coming on or of
first attacks begun who knows Who
knows Thats a conundrum But
there is one thing everybody knows the
best thing to do is to be ready for the
weather coming and to take hold of
what is Everybody knows what is
best With St Jacobs Oil in the house
everybody knows they have a sure cure
for rheumatism acute or chronic It is
likewise known that in au3 stage of it
the great remedy does its work of cure
perfectly If we suffer we need not ask
who knows when it is so well knowu
what is best
By struggling with misfortune we
are sure to receive some wounds in the
conflict but a sure method to come off
victorious is by running away Gold
Mrs Wlnslowa Soothing Sirup tor Children
teetlilnsr softens the irumt reduces Inflammation allays
pain cures wind colic 25 cents a bottle
JlallG Catarrh Cnre
Is taken internally Price 75 cents
New resident You say you wish to
marry my daughter What are your
Cow puncherWell old man theres
a prospect of your being lynched if you
dont consent The boys are outside
with a rope
If afflicted with scalp diseases hair fall
ing out and premature baldness do not
use grease or alcoholic preparations but
apply Halls Hair Renewer
No man ever offended his own con
science but first or last it was re
venged upon him for it South
We will forfeit 1000 if any of our pub
lished testimonials are proven to be not
genuine THE PISO CO Warren Pa
Fire and sword are Mit slow engine
of destruction in comparison with the
babbler Steele
How Inexpensive and ret how effective Is tbe great
substitute for sulphur baths Glenns Sulphur Soap
Hills Hair and Whisker Dje black or brown Me
The same refinement that briDgs us
new pleasures exposes us to new pains
FITS Pennaneatl7 Cared No fits or nenocsnea
after first darj use of Dr Ellas Great Nexte K
s orer Send for FREE 200 trial bottle and treatise -
Dr R H Kltoz Ita 93t Arch St PhUadeUJol Pa j
I DR SAMUEL PITCHER of Ryannis Massachusetts
was the originator of PITCHERS CASTORIA the sam
that has dome and does now six yfT9 on everlJ
hear the facsimile signature of Ca ccC wrapper
This is the original PITCHERS CASTORIA which has oeen
used in tlie homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the hind you have always bought X2r sfT7 on the
and has the signature o f J G6CG1
per No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas H Fletcher is
President a
ts j
March 8 18971- Qi2yt
Do Not Be Deceived
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which some druggist may offer you because he makes a few more pennies
on it the ingredients of which even lie does not know
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You
It Was Before the Day of
They Used to Say Womans
Work Is Never Done
LMU ur Ill j f
His name is Williams It was as conductor on the Denver cable
line that I knew him He was always complaining of some trouble or
other with his stomach and bowels He seemed to be either bilious or
constipated all the time In describing his condition he used the
expression out of whack I remember if particularly because I had
never heard it before but have often heard it since Finally somebody
recommended him to use Ripans Tabules and he told rne that never in
his life did anything do him so much good Said he felt like a new
man He told me that his wife used them too but what she took
them for I dont remember
A new oactet containing ttt ripans tabctjw in a jraper rarton Trithout class U no- f or sale at sons
ArJ Ntres fob TKlTeCTSrre This lowpriceU aorl w intended fortue poor and the economical Onedoa
Snhr llTpnt onVnSuabuJs cat be ha1 by mail by ndinit rorty eisfht cents to the RIPANS CnnaCAfc
owJfolsSuw stw YurtB w rinsk canon lira tabules wilbsteaUorYeceaa
KRY and allow liberal prices lor the same iu ex
change for new Ourbtock of Cylinder Prevtes Job
Presses Paper Cutters and Ga6 Engines is complete
If von wish to trade or bny let us hear Irom you We
have birgains to offer fclOUX CITY NEWS
-- - -
in 1 tiaaji
L f Ouarsntceil
U Bie C5 unnatural
discharges iuUaiumation
irritations or ulcerations
of inacouB membranes
and not ajitrm
THrE7AH3CriEUImC0 gent or pouonons
r vcmaxMATioL A
p 3 x p
Sold by DruEzlrts
or sent in plain wrapper
by express prepaid for
8100 or 3 bottles 275
Circular sent on reqeeat
S C X u
43 07
Best Coueh Svrno Tastes Use
in time- Sold by druggists