4 - II l J Mb sb kt fzlmtim enocrHt ROBERT OOD Kflltor and Prop VALENTINE - NEBRASKA Ghainloss bicycles are to be the next fad but the chainless scorcher must So1 There is too much hair trigger in the whole labor and capital situation Neither guus nor mouths should go off so easily If as some scientist has recently claimed kissiug is a cure for dyspep sia the disease may be expected to be come epidemic The people of Klondike are discov ering that though gold may be good for ihc drinking habit it wont do much for the eating habit A Colorado steer threw a kodak lienrl ver the fence before the picture was taken The kodak man says it w a very bad exposure A Kentucky man taking down Ins jhotgun blew holes through the fellow Appointed to succeed him thereby dis counting the injunction process A St Louis schoolmaam is very angry because the Board of Education insisted that flowers on the teachers flesk were the only kind of bloomers to be allowed there Rev Alfred W Wishart of Trenton N J is a man of sense He says that the trouble with the better element n politics is that the better element is too lazy to go to the polls The reported ignorance of the Klondike-crazy people of England is no more dense than that of many Americans who arc rushing into the gold country with neither sup plies nor knowledge in regard to min ing Many a young man has come to grief ind ruin through fear of being thought stingy and mean many a young mar fled couple have wrecked their peace of mind on the same rock While we can pot absolve them for their weakness tve certainly cannot hold those blame less who have put stumbling blocks in the way of honorable economy In the play written by the German Emperor to be performed in honor of the King of Italy the rising sun ap peared in one of the tableaux of Rome but it was found that the orb came up over St Peters leaving the royal pal Jtce in the shadow The Emperor therefore as a matter of international courtesy has ordered the sun to be left ftilt Londoners cultivate what is called week end holidays They comprise starting away with a grip on Friday to some congenial spot on the coast end remaining until the following Mon day or Tuesday Every Englishman takes in addition a three weeks vaca tion every year It must be confessed chat the Briton is better versed than the American In the art of resting It is the unguarded word which of tenest proves a root of bitterness in married life the want of a proper dis cipline of speech which thrusts thorns and needles into family happiness Young married people cannot be too careful in the exercise of a wholesome restraint over their tongues and inter course with each other if they would preserve mutual respect and lay a solid basis for domestic tranquillity Cultivation implies something to cul tivate We plant the seed in favor able soil if we would reap a harvest We train the muscle that already has Bomestrength if we would make an tthlete We foster an aptitude for using lools if we would make a good mechan ic In like manner If we would culti vate the moral nature we must seek for the best instincts that are already Ictive and nourish and develop them A Parasian who suspects that the Tood or drink -which he has purchased Js adulterated can have the article Analyzed free of cost at the municipal laboratory If impurities are found the pity undertakes the prosecution of the tradesman and after conviction the of fender is not only liable to fine and im brisonment but may be obliged to dis play in his window a sign reading Convicted of Adulteration There is room for a similar law in this country Students of labor strikes of whon the most assiduous should be the la- jorers themselves should not fail to lote the following important facts namely That most strikes are fol lowed by an influx of workmen eager lo take the places of the strikers that the determination of the strikers to keep the newcomers from working re sults frequently in disorder and that fcvery infraction of the law puts the strikers at a disadvantage and decreas es their chances of winning The plain truth is that the supply of labor in most f the industries is in excess of the de jnand Under normal conditions this would give employers opportunity to discriminate in favor of fidelity and Efficiency a right which every em ploye if he employed workmen would feel that he could consistently claim a rlghttoo as advantageous and import ant to workmen as a class as to employ ers because its tendency would be tc keep up a high and proportionately remunerative standard of workman ship The Chinese have subjugated Thibet and the subjugation beyond question constitutes the most momentous errcat hm3w sass - In oriental history since the operations of Lord Clive in India Thibet is the home of the occult the cradle of eso teric Buddhism the nursery of theoso phy China is the birthplace and great ancestral stronghod of the laundry j or centuries China and Thibet have stood opposed to each other the central fact in the civilization of the one ap parently at eternal and irreconcilable variance with the basic idea of the Cill er There stood Thibet deriding the material declaring that only the things unseen were real and there lay China affirming the verity and importance of the body offering to wash its shirts at 40 cents a dozen bundles left Saturday to be ready the next Tuesday Exalt the body said Thibet warning and you cloud the spirit Carry this nir vana business to its logical conclusion China retorted and you destroy my laundry industry The hTugerle be tween China and Thibet therefore was not a mere corporeal conflict between brute forces It was a clash of ideas a war for supremacy between Karma and clean shirts The first effect of Chinas victory will be a new law de creeing that whoso pretends to having an astral body must also confess to having astral shirts and pay double prices at the laundry Among the traditions likely never to be proved or disproved is one that yel low fever originated in the holds of slave ships where hundreds of poor wretches stolen from their homes were fastened down for weeks without a breath of fresh air or the priviege of seeing the light When the slaver dis charged her terrible cargo of misery aud filth an effort was made to cleanse her and in this way tropical ports caught an infection that has lasted ever since In a similar maimer though with more certainty cholera is traced to the unspeakably unclean pI grimages to Asia Botli cholera and yellow fever seem to have originated In conditions so unwholesome as to be appalling Once generated and set in motion their distinctive poisons are in some way conveyed from person to per son with different degrees of virulence modified or averted by good sanitation and at length driven out by a freezing cemperature It is but lately that the microbe of yellow fever has been found and identified Its discoverer an Ital ian physician named Sanarelli now one of the faculty in a South American college gives an account of his inves tigations in the Loudon Lancet It was while searching for the germ at Monte video that he caught the disease in a severe form On recovering he pursued his germ studies in the yellow fever hospitals of Rio Janeiro and Flores It was at the latter place that he first dis tinguished the yellow fever microbe but not as he expected in the alimen tary canal He found it in the blood and tissues It is a rod shaped micro scopic creature wih rounded extremi ties generally combining in pairs or groups After experimenting with it on 2000 animals Dr Sanarelli believes that it affected the most of them though birds less than others It was fatal in a few days to mice and rab bits The doctor believes that it is a blood poison and transmitted bythe air as well as by water With the fact of contagion established the proper way to deal with the disease is to keep it out LORD BERESFORD To Be Raised to the Rank of Rear Ad miral in Britains Navy Lord Charles Beresford who is to be raised to the rank of rear admiral in the British navy has been associated with the British blue jacket since he was 11 years of age That was in 1S59 The young nobleman was advanced JBSiltilMrOOFljQ MWSMWaLBMM ri E 30RD CHAKLKS BEKESFORD rapidly He became a lieutenant in 186S and a commander in 1875 He served In a dozen or so of the big war ships of the Queen It is not too much to say Lord Beresford is the most pop plar man in the navy His personal bravery has challenged admiration from all hands He has the gold medal of the Royal Humane Society for hav ing on three occasions jumped into the sea to save the lives of others at the risk of his own At the bombardment of Alexandria Beresford distinguished himself by the most gallant conduct This engagement required the taking of tremendous odds but the com mander never hesitated to plunge into the danger and his splendid com mandership carried him safely and honorably through His work in the Egyptian expedition as naval aid to Wolseley was of the first order For some years in the past Lord Bererford has devoted his spare time to a cam paign in favor of the navy His work here lay in the reformation of the red tape system of the admiralty which had gone so far as to seriously cripple the service A woman is almost as proud of her mourning clothes as she is of her wed ding clothes P SHALL SILVER BE DESTROYED Advocates of gold have pinned their faith to wheat and all their argumonts against silver are now based on the famine price of that cereal Because many of the nations of the world have been visited by the calam ity of bad crops and because the Uni ted States has been blessed with abundance these Republican logicians draw the conclusion that the silver cause is dead But suppose that in 1S98 Argentina and Russia and the wheat producing countries of the world Including the United States produce large crops of wheat The price per bushel will go down Where then will the advocates of gold stand on the wheat question The discussion concerning silver is not losing interest among the nations It can never be cast out of the way un iil silver as money is utterly destroyed or triumphantly remonetized The world possesses over 3500000000 of legal tender silver Can the people af ford to ignore a matter of such tremen dous importance Mulileman in his Monetary Systems of the World gives the following sta tistics as to the supply of silver money now in circulation excluding from his estimate all subsidiary coin Coined value United States 350000000 Mexico 40000000 South America 10200000 Prance O3000000 Spain 141000000 Germany 101000000 Austria 81000000 Other Europe 180000000 Asia 1800000000 The greed folly and crime of gold monometallists in proposing to destroy over three billion six hundred million of money need no stronger arraignment than the plain statement contained in these figures If the plots of the gold clique shall at last prevail the world will be reduced to a position of abject slavery Gold will be appreciated to the extent of untold millions silver will cease to be money the United States will lose 530000000 of value at one stroke and the climax of misery pover ty and distress will have been reached Disinterested Friendship It is remarkable how disinterestedly the Republican press is laboring these days to bring about harmony between the national and the gold Democrats Seldom in the history of political war fare has such a spectacle of unadulter ted friendship been displayed on the part of an enemy Hardly a day passes that does not bring forth some kindly suggestion developing a magnificent plan upon which amity and union may be secured between the Democrats who cast G300000 votes for bimetal lism last year and the Democrats who cast 1H5000 ballots for gold monomet allism Recently these generous efforts have been redoubled and Chairman lones has been reported by his kind friends of the Republican newspapers as not almost but altogether persuaded to be a goldbug It is a little bit curious that all these peace pacts proposed by the Republicans contemplate the absorp tion of the body of Democracy by its tail which is not according to natural phenomena for the tadpole never be comes all tail on the contrary the tail becomes all tadpole Is it the desire of these Republican strategists to so consolidate the Demo cratic party as to make it invincible That does not seem good generalship and yet there is no explanation offered for this generosity other than an appar ently altruistic desire to be real good It is barely possible that the Republi cans wish to destroy the bimetallic sentiment which they know is the deadly menace to their own supremacy but of this there is no hint in all their arsruineuls Towa Democrats United In spite of all the claims to the con trary that are being made by the oppo sition the Democrats of Iowa are uni ted in support of Fred AVhite There has been no vigor in the third party movement The Democrats who voted for McKinley last year did not join the Republican party national or Slate They owe no allegiance to it and they will not forsake their own organization lo follow such a tinsel idol as Shaw of Denjson The Republicans are leaning upon a broken reed if they hope to poll any portion of the Democratic vote for their ticket Whatever may have been the divisions among Democrats upon na tional issues whatever they may be now there is no difference of opiniou among Iowa Democrats as to the dan ger of putting another Republican ad ministration in power at Des Moines Democratic votes aided McKinley in carrying Iowa last fall but Democratic votes will not help Shaw to carry it this fall There are no national issues in volved There is no possible ground for affiliation of Democrats and Republi cans The one dominant question is that of decency and honest government against a repetition of the malodorous Drake administration White repre sents the former Shaw stands for the latter and on such anissue the Democ racy of Iowa never divides If Shaws election depends upon his receiving any part of the Democratic vote no matter how it may be labeled his defeat is al ready assured Chicago Chronicle The Example of Disorder Out in Colorado yesterday two rail roads got into a difference oyer a puted right of way They orgauized cousiderable forces of employes and each one tried to gain possession of the right of way of main strength The consequence was a riot Yet the rail road officials who order their employes to resort to these methods of disorder over the possession of property or priv ileges worth a few thousand dollars are aghast when the same men apply the lesson taught them by appealing to force in disputes over wages which may involve the earning of a fair living for their families Pittsburg Dispatch Campaign Lies The Cincinnati Enquirer has lost pa tience with the Republican campaign liars and reads them a lesson which they are not likely to forget very soon The first lie nailed by our esteemed contemporary is the assertion of the Republican press to the effect that sil ver sentiment is dying out The at tention of these campaign liars is call ed to the manner in which silver senti ment died in the late Presidential election In spite of intimidation fraud bribeiy and falsehood of thir teen and a half million votes cast the silver sentiment polled over six million and a half A few of the lies now in circulation are quoted verbatim by the Enquirer as follows The real fact is that the Democrat ic party in Ohio is on the point of abandoning free silver as an issue in the campaign altogether It is said that John R McLean lias come to the conclusion that under the circum stances free silver as campaign capi tal would be a losing investment The statement is -made that the abandon ment of the cause of free silver by the Democratic managers in Ohio will bring about a very big split in the par ty in the Buckeye State It is known that the bimetallic lead ers are exceedingly indignant at the proposed intention of the Democratic managers in Ohio Avith respect to the free silver plank It goes without saying that every one of these statements is absolutely and unqualifiedly false Most of them have been exposed and denounced but the industry of the campaign liar is only equaled by his lack of honesty and therefore his crop of falsehoods is always flourishing The Enquirer does not waste many words in dealing with the matter but settles the question in the vigorous words which follow It would be difficult to conceive of any baser work than the invention of these lies except the work of employing the creature who does the lying and the publication of his lies Mexican Prosperity Mexico seems to be doing business at the old stand just the same as if there were no such things in the world as MO cent dollars This fact lias had the effect of caus ing the gold clique in the United States to cease filling the editorial and news columns of the subsidized press with hypocritical wails over the fate of poor Mexico The farmers of our sister republic have discovered that they can ship flour to the United States at a profit and the manufacturers have been quick to learn that they have a good market for their products in this country Under these conditions it is not to be wondered at that President Diaz will decline to commend to the Mexican Congress any radical changes in finan cial policy Why should he Money from Europe and the United States is flowing into Mexico every day because it finds there profitable fields for invest ment In the face of facts such as these how can the members of the gold clique have the effrontery to talk about the horrors which would follow the adoption of bimetallism by the United States These gold advocates care nothing for national prosperity They are working in their own individual interest and are straining every nerve to keep up the appreciation of gold in order that they may fill their pockets at the ex pense of the people Dangerous Phase of Prosperity The bankers of Wall street are mak ing a great cry over the present gold imports from Europe They want the people to believe that this is unmistak able evidence that the prosperity wave promised by the McKinleyites is com ing at last They claim that the foreign money lenders are satisfied with the way the Republicans havOirun things in Washington and that they are con sequently ready to do business again with this country at so much per cept of course If this explanation of the gold ship ments from the other side is the true one what does it prove Merely that our Government is run in the interest of European financiers and not for the benefit of the people that the monop olies are being favored so as to induce foreign capitalists to send over more money and create more trusts to suck on the life blood of the masses If the explanation is the correct one we may as well prepare ourselves for a rapid increase of the evils against which we are fighting the monopoliz ing of the necessaries of life by the money sharks who aim to make every Government and every nation tribu tary to their greed New York News Another Job to Be Slipped In According to Senator Lodge Hawaii is to be annexed by trick and device The Constitution provides that the treaty of annexation must be ratified by two thirds of the Senate before it can become effective But Senator Lodge suggests that if serious oppo sition arises the job can be accom plished by passing a joint resolution already pending which requires only a majority vote That is to say the jobbers and speculators who want to annex leprosy ignorance and deprav ity purpose to set aside the Constitu tion itself in order to do it New Yorlr World Money and Freedom Cant you realize that under this I1015 monetary S3stem of ours the industries of the land are being swallowed up by this yellow god whose temple is in Lombard street London England Cant you see that every fresh invest ment of English gold in America gives them greater control over us Cant you see that by reason of this gold stand ard and its inevitable companion fall ing prices we are sending to England 250000000 worth of products annual ly for which we get absolutely noth ing Cant you understand that inter est on money is premium for money and that before there can be a premium on any article the demand for its use must be greater than the supply or in other words be scarce Dont you know that labor must pay the premium caused by such scarcity Dont you know that steel iron sugar oil whisky and all other trusts are formed for the purpose of raising the price of those articles by regulating production Dont you know that the men who deal in money are just as shrewd just as patriotic but just as eager for profit as are the men who deal in iron steel etc Dont you know that it is to the interest and profit of those who deal in iron and steel to increase the price by limiting produc tion so to have greater command over all other commodities Chicago Dis patch State Aid to Corporate Greed Trouble is brewing at the coal mines in Edwardsville 111 The mine own ers there refuse to pay the wages which operators generally throughout the country have agreed to and the State is called to their aid The plain proposition is this The Edwardsville miners refuse to pay decent wages They propose to depress the standard of living of American citizens to the level of the brute and ask the taxpay ers to aid them Evansville Ind Cou rier Bragging on Small Capital When President McKinley in the ex piring hours of the extra session sent in an insincere message suggesting that the Republican Congress had bet ter do something to redeem this prom ise the Senate contemptuously thrust the message aside and refused to con sider it And now the Republican party of Massachusetts brags of what has been done by the Republican Govern ment for the currency Boston Post Workmen Asking Their Share The woolen spinners of Philadelphia have commenced striking for higher wages and it is to be hoped they will persevere The operators lobbied through Congress an extortionate tar iff under which they are robbing con sumers of Avoolen goods They have also had the advantage of anticipatory importations of a two years supply of free wool Let them increase wages Thev are well able to do it On the Side of the Masses A Republican sheriff and seventy lce publican deputies murder twenty one miners with Winchesters and wound forty others and a Republican Gover nor orders out 2500 State troops to pro tect this murderous sheriff and his murderous deputies against the un armed friends of their victims The Republican party national State and county is always on the side of the downtrodden masses Republican Condemnation of Shaw Mr Shaw Republican candidate for Governor of Iowa declares that as a choice between the election of Bryan to the Presidency and the disruption of the government he would unhesi tatingly prefer the latter Mr Shaw is wrong There may be few worse things that the election of Bryan to the Presidency but disruption of the gov ernment is one of them Kansas City Journal Hani u j Love for Workingmen The love of Jonathan and David was a weak and sickly affair compared to the affection Mark Hanna now feels for the laboring men of Ohio Nothing but death can chill this disease of the heart unless it is the November election Co lumbus Ohio Press Real Civil Service Reform It may be well to have it understood that civil service reform provides for the removal of Government employes who do not attend to business just as much as it provides for the retention of the painstaking and valuable Pitts burg Dispatch Prosperity for the Trusts As another evidence of the prosper ity inducing powers of the Dingley law it may be noted that since its passage twenty five trusts have increased their capital stock by 147il9825 Lafay ette Indj Journal Among the Romans for a few hun dred years people were temperate wine was scarce and poor and was reserved exelusivety for the men over 30 years of age Women were forbidden to use it under pain of death for the alleged reason that it was an incentive to high living Women were obliged to greet all their male relatives with a kiss on the mouth so that it could be told if they had been to the wine cellar Pliny quotes the case of one who cudgeled his wife to death for having sampled his wine and was pardoned by Romulus Four hundred years later a Roman dame was starved to death by her rela tives for a similar offense SEEING WITHOUT EYES A German Says These Organs Are Not Actually Necessary to Virion Eyes are popularly considered to be quite necessary to sight but this is an error if we are to believe Dr Nagel a recent German experimenter Many creatures without eyes can see at least they can distinguish between light an darkness and even between different degrees of light This Is the lowest degree of seeing to be sure but still it is really sight and differs scarcely more from the vision of some insects that possess eyes than this does from our owr clear sight Creatures that see without eyes see by means of their skins All skins sajs Dr Nagel are potential eyes that is they are sensitive to light In animals that have eyes the sensitive ness has been highly localized and greatly increased so that man for in stance has a retina very sensitive to light and an expanse of ordinary skin which possesses a sensitiveness to light so slight that it is hardly conscious of it Yet his skin is sensitive in some de grees as is proved by the fact that it sunburns that is light may cause a disturbance in the pigment of the skin just as it does in that of the eye In the eye the disturbance is accompanied by a nervous change which sends a telegraphic message along the optic nerve to the brain In the skin too there are nerves and there are mes sages also but their tidings imprint no image on the mind they simply ex press discomfort cry out sunburn But in many eyeless creatures the lack of eyes is in part made up by in creased sensitiveness of the skin surface to light Darwin long ago no ticed that earth worms although they have no eyes will suddenly withdraw into their holes at the approach of a lighted candle Some creatures seem more sensitive to sudden increase of light others to sudden diminution If a number of oysters kept in a vessel together are found to be open they will shut all at once if a dark object comes between them and the light An other bivalve called psammodia has long whitish transparent tubes which protrude from the sand in which it lies buried If these are suddenly illumin ated they contract and the brighter the light the greater the contraction If a number of them be carried into direct sunlight they hasten to bury themselves in the sand or if there is no sand they move restlessly to and fro in the water until they are ex hausted Boston Journal The Queens Wealth Queen Victoria is the wealthiest sov ereign that has ever ruled over Great Britain All of her predecessors upon the throne bequeathed to their success ors nothing but debts which Parlia ment was called upon to pay While the Queen permitted the nation thus to settle the liabilities of her uncles King George IV and King William IV she made it a point immediately after her succession to pay off the large debts contracted by her father the Duke of Kent This the portioning of her daughters as well as some of her granddaughters who have in each case received from her a dowry of 500000 on marrying and the settlement on one occasion of some very pressing liabili ties of the Prince of Wales may be said to have constituted the only very heavy expenses which the Queen has been called upon to meet since she ascended the throne in 1837 From that time forth until the pres ent day she has been in receipt of a civil list amounting to close upon 3 00000 a year Of this the major por tion is assigned to definite heads of royal expenditure But 300000 per an- num is devoted to what is called the Queens privy purse and constitutes her pocket money of which no account is ever asked Besides this she has at her disposal the net revenues of the Duchy of Lancaster which have amounted on an average to 300000 a year more From this it will be seen that after having all the expenses of every conceivable character down to her very charities and servants wages defrayed out of the civil list she has a sum of at least 600000 each year to dispose of as she lists and which she is known to have set aside It is no exaggeration to estimate the present fortunate of Her Mjijesty from Jhese sources alone as in the neighborhood of 100000000 On Jan 1 1377 Her Majesty was proclaimed Empress of India by the Governor General at the durbar of Del hi before an Imperial assemblage of all the Governors Lieutenant-Governors heads of government princes chiefs and nobles of India Ten vears later another auspicious event delight ed the whole of the English race The jubilee of her accession to the throne was celebrated with great splendor in June 18S7 New York Ledger Why People Forget Names Many persons are especially forgetful with regard to names They are em barrassed to find that they cannot on the spur of the moment recall the name of an acquaintance or that of some familiar object although in other respects their memory is not treacher ous Dr Bastian in discussing such defects recently quoted with approval this explanation The more concrete the idea the more readily is the word used to designate it forgotten when the memory falls We easily represent persons and things to ourselves with- f out their names More abstract con- ceptions on the contrary are attained only with the aid of words which alone give them their exact shape in our minds Hence verbs adjectives pronouns adverbs prepositions and conjunctions are more intimately re lated to thought than nouns are and can be remembered wnen nouns or names slip from the mind There are more good places tisaa there are good men to fill them -I M l w - ti k V 1 r n 1 j vW 5