The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 21, 1897, Image 4

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I i
Cf Forced to Give Up Possessions and
Government Will Place No Fur-
tber Dependence fn Anything the
Tfiilted States May Agree to no
Indians May Go to Mexico
A Chelsea I T dispatch says Much
tBceitement has been caused by the pro -I
ysed emigration of Indians to Mexico
Mext spring when the proposed United
fitstes laws are to put into effect in the
territory It seems that a -colony is organ
feed and is only awaiting the time to go
A E Ivry a leading full blood who is
esretary of the association said
You may say it is on foot It is a big
fmove I have all the plans -and details
ut cannot give them out There are
Oferokee Choctaw representatives in
texlco now It is hoped though that our
People will never be driven from their
tomes here by a harsh action of congress
This country is dear to our people They
bought and paid for it The United States
pledged its solemn vow that it should Tie
the home of our people for all time but it
Tegins to look -as if that pledge will be
broken If Ave are forced to give up our
lands and government you may be sure we
-will place no further dependence iu any
thing the United States may agree to do
ufewill place ourselves under the pro
iection of a government that has some re
gard for its treaty promises
Ijargcst Rink m the World to Bo
Opened in Chicago
Sailer skating under a new term foot
idling is to be revived in Chicago The
revival will be celebrated on agrand scalo
mt Tattersalls Thursday November 4
tinder the auspices of the Olympian Club
tee largest skating rink in the world will
tie inaugurated on that day A large
force of workmen is now engaged in build
fng the lloor and refitting the premises
When the artisans -will have finished their
jrork the building will be completely
transformed into an immense cycle skating
academy complete in all departments and
containing an area of more than 40001
f quare feet
Warship Ordered to Eastern Coast
of Guatemala
The state depaitment has received a tele
gram from the United States representa
tive at Guatemala City stating that owing
to an extension of the revolutionary move
ment into the eastern portion Guatemala
American interests and American citizens
fire endangered and the presence of a war
jrtiip is desirable The secretary of the
navy has sent orders to the United States
steamship Detroit now in Florida waters
to proceed at once to Livingstone on the
gulf coast of Guatemala
Jjeprosy Conference
The session of the international leprosy
conference closed in -Berlin last week
with the recording of the conclusions
unanimously reached They are as fol
lows The leprosy bacillus -is the true
cause of the disease Man is the only an
imal in which this bacillus exists Lep
rosy is contagious but not hereditary The
isolation of patients is desirable and under
-circumstances such as exist in Norway
should be compulsory
Pennsylvania Forest Tires
Destructive forest fires are raging in the
vicinity of Austin Pa with a heavy loss
In logs and bark About twenty camps
have been burned the occupants having
barely time to escape with their stock
leaving all household goods and working
outfits behind There are other fires
which unless checked by rain will soon
cause additional loss
Swims Across the Golden Gate
John Coughlau the long distance swim
mer of the Dolphin Swimming and Boat
ing Club San Francisco Cal accomp
lished the remarkable feat of crossing the
-Golden Gate from Port point to Lime point
He swam against a flood tide and made the
distance in 52 minutes
McKinleys Doctor Dead
Surgeon Gen Bates of the navy the
presidents family physician died Monday
morning of renal trouble He was ap
ipointed surgeon general two weeks ago
-and was obliged on account of the illness
which resulted in his death to take the
zath of ofnee in bed
Chicago Alderman Shot
Alderman J A Haberkorn of Chieago
was shot aud perhaps mortally wounded
4yGeorge Jensen in a saloon quarreL
Jensen who is under arrest claims that
ine alderman attempted to bile off his nose
Another Opera House Victim
Mrs A Scudder of Covington Ky one
f the victims of the opera iiouse disaster
t Cincinnati died at the hospital This
makes four fatallies thus far in all
Arnold Weds a Japanese Lady
Sir -Edwin Arnold the poet and journal
ist author of The Light of Asia mar
ried Japanese lady in London the ISili
Fatal California Fire
Early Sunday morning fire started in
the Central Hotel at Iowa Hill Cal aud
-within a few minutes the hotel was a mass
of flames the walls soon falling in Two
of the lodgers in the hotel William Golden
and WilliamOwens perished in the flames
The origin of the fire is believed to have
been incendiary
Registration in New York
Friday was the third day of registration
of voters in Greater New York The total
registration in the live boroughs for the
three dayg is 462318
Golf Club Attacked by a Big Mob
and Its Property Demolished
The English newspapers which are
ond of preaching unctuous sermons on
the subject of the Lawlessness of Ameri
cans have food for reflection in an event
mLondon Sunday The Honor Oak Golf
Club possessed One Three Hill for three
years Finding the property was being
wantonly destroyed or stolen the club
caused the ground to be fenced in thus
phuttingout the general public to the
great delight of the neighboring residents
wbgse life had been made hideous because
ii the congregating there of drunken dog
fighting ruffians from the slums of Dept
ford Thereupon it was claimed that the
publics sights were being encroached
upon aud the agitation against the golf
srs assiduously fomented culminated on
Sunday last when a mob of about 1000
persons armed with clubs and stones
tore down the fenoe and demolished every
thing in sight They destroyed the golf
links and reinforced by over 2000 other
rioters the mob advanced upon the club
house drivingthe golfers within Bricks
and logs flew until the club house was
Editor of -the New York Sun Dies
After a Protracted Illness
Charles A Dana editor of the New
York Sun died at his home in Glencove
Long Island at 120 oclock Sunday after
Mr Danas death had been expected for
several hours and his family and phy
sicians were at his bedside when the end
came His condition had been such for
several months that the members of his
family had kept themselves in constant
readiness to go to his bedside at any mo
ment On Saturday morning he had a
relapse and it was apparent that recovery
was impossible
Several times however he rallied but
toward night began to sink During the
night there were feeble rallies but they
did not last long and his attendants re
mained almost constantly at his bedside
The end came quietly
The cause of Mr Danas death was
cirrhosis of the liver On June 9 he was
at his office apparently strong and healthy
The next -day he was taken ill and he
never afterward visited New York He
was 78 years old
Subject Discussed by the Civic Phil
anthropic Congress
One day of the session of the civic phil
anthropic congress held last week at Bat
tle Creek Mich was devoted to the sub
ject of university settlements a paper
being read by Prof nenry Wade Rogers
of Evanston 111 Northwestern Univer
The exclusiveness of universities has
brought them into disrepute with the com
mon people he said If they had been
dn times past more in touch with the peo
ple they would have been more of a suc
cess The companionship of books is
good but the companionship of men must
also be considered The scholar should
go among the people and bring the un
iversity and the masses in sympathetic re
lations The gospel of university settle
ment is Thou shalt love thy neighbor as
A general discussion of the question fol
lowed in which emphasis was given to
the central idea that the strength of set
tlements lies in the love and self sacrifice
of those doing the work
Large Increase Shown by the Treas
ury Statement for September
The treasury statement of the merchan
dise and currency imports and exports of
the United States during September
shows the exports of domestic merchan
dise to have aggregated 103300669 as
compared with 83746362 for September
last year Tins brings the increase of such
exports for the last nine months over the
same period last year up to over SO000
000 The imports of merchandise during
September amounted to 4241001S of
which over 50 per cent was free of duty a
loss in total exports as compared with
September 1896 of 8400000 For the
nine months an increase is shown of 66
The gold exports during September
amounted to 51787 and the imports to
4244883 The exports of silver aggre
gated 4572594 and the imports 616348
Hangs Douglas Bolt for Run
ning the Quarantine
Bolt a negro leader was
lynched at a small settlement on Bayou
Barataria about fifteen miles from New
Orleans Saturday His offense was run
ning the quarantine gauntlet
Durrant Is Breaking Down
Theodore Durrant the convicted mur
derer of Minnie Williams and Blanche
Lamont at San Francisco Cal whose
fate depends upon the action of the su
preme court of the United States is re
ported to be breaking down Within the
past few days he has betiayed signs of
nervousness and irritability and even the
visits of his parents to which he formerly
looked forward to with almost childlike
eagerness have been received with an in
difference which shocked his visitors It
is thr impression of the jail officials that
he ill collapse completely if the decision
of the supreme court should prove averse
tc him
Dauntless Sails Agufn
A Savanna Ga dispatch bays The
famous filibustering steamer Dauntless
steamed away from Tybeo in a southerly
direction Saturday and has not returned
It is supposed it is on another filibustering
expedition and will meet a vessel at sea
whirli will transfer to it a cargo of muni
tions of war for ihe Cuban insurgents
Greenbacks Refused for Gold
The Hank of British North America at
Now York imported 300000 in gold a
few ds ago and ent the gold to the sub
treasury asking for greenbacks in ex
change The sublrfflsiir cfftcials decided
Loss is Nearly 3000000 Hardly
a House Left in the City Three
Thousand People Homeless Hal
ifax Caring for the Destitute
Great Nova Scotia Fire
Historic Windsor one of the most beau
tiful towns in the province was devas
tated by fire Sunday morning For six
hours beginning shortly before 3 am
the fire fanned by a violent northwest
gale raged so fiercely that the local fire
department was absolutely helpless to
cope with it and within half an hour after
its discovery the mayor began to call for
outside assistance Long before noon the
town had been eaten up almost completely
the area covered by the flames being
nearly a mile square and of the 400 or
more buildings occupying the section
barely half a dozen scorched structures re
main Of the 8500 people that inhabited
the place few now have homes of their
own Over 3000 have been taken in by
the residents of the surrounding country
and neighboring towns while the re
mainder of the sufferers have gone to
Halifax or are sheltered in army tents
Indian Territory Farmer Kills Two
A Muskogee I T dispatch says A
bloody tragedy in which three men lost
their lives occurred on Spaniel Creek
twelve miles southeast of here The killed
are J B Jordan a farmer Moses Miller
a noted desperado and Bill Watson a
Cherokee outlaw Jordan a well known
farmer was returning home late at night
He noticed two rough looking strangers
lying by the roadside His suspicions were
aroused and he went to his brother for as
sistance The Jordans returned to where
the men were lying and asked them who
they were The desperadoes replied with
a shot and Jordan fell back dead shot
through the heart John Jordan then
opened fire on the desperadoes and killed
them both
Subtreasury at Chicago Has a Big
Demand from the West
The shipments of silver from the sub
treasury at Chicago to country banks in
the central west have been for the past
four weeks greater than in the recollection
of the employes A half million dollars a
week has been shipped on orders from
banks and despite large shipments of new
coins to the subtreasury the stock of silver
in the vaults is 3000000 being 1000000
less than the average amount carried The
ordinary demand for silver coin has
averaged 80000 a day but during the past
month or more the shipments have been as
large as 125000 Assistant Treasurer
Phelps attributes the demand to the big
wheat crop in the western states and the
previous lack of silver for the making or
Prominent Young Ohio Man Shot
While Duck Hunting
Warren Reynolds aged 18 the son of
Ira Reynolds treasurer of the Wade Park
Banking Company and a sophomore at
Case School of applied Sciences Cleveland
Ohio was shot while duck hunting and
died Monday morning He was with
Leslie Stair and William McClure two
fellow students Stair attempted to change
the guns from one side of the boat to the
other when one of them was discharged
the load of shot tearing off one of Rey
nolds hands and striking him in the ab
domen Stair and McClure are so badly
prostrated that they are under the care of
Cold Blooded Murder
John Beaman aged 50 proprietor of the
Beaman House Fond du Lac Wis was
murdered early Sunday morning by Will
iam Payne colored in the presence of
several white men in the hotel bar Payne
was drunk and talking loud and flourish
ing a razor He said he was going to kill
someone He followed Beaman behind
the bar forced him against the wall
caught him by the whiskers and with the
words This is the way Ill do it brand
ished his razor and before anyone sus
pected any serious intention cut Beamans
throat from ear to ear Payne escaped
during the excitement
Question Pullmans Whisky
Just as a Baltimore and Ohio train
crossed the bridge into Ohio the other day
a constable boarded the dining car and ar
retted C T Duval the steward of the car
on a warrant from the Ohio food inspector
charging him with selling adulterated
whisky There are three brands of
liquors handled on Duvalls car which are
alleged to be adulterated He was held
for trial
Gold Steamer Springs a Leak
The schooner W S Phelps which
sailed from San Francisco Wednesday
afternoon last with forty prospectors and
a cargo of supplies for Copper River
Alaska sprung a leak about eighty miles
southwest of the Farallones and was com
pelled to put back She will be placed
upon dry dock and thoroughly recalked
New and Deadly Mitrailleuse
An Austrian newspaper announces
that Mauser the well known manufac
turer of firearms and the inventor of
the mitrailleuse which bears his name
h just invented a new mitrailleuse
which loads and discharges itself auto
matically There are three models of
this and experiments with them are
said to have been highly successful
Seeiuir and Feelinar
West Side urchin My pops a scorch
er Youd ought to see his wheel
East Side urchin Huh My pops a
scorcher Youd ought to sec his slip
per Truth
A wise man ought to hope for the
best be prepared for the worst aud
bear with equanimity whatever may
Statistics of Value Given Out by the
Pootofflce Department
The report of W S Shallenberger sec
ond assistant postmaster general gives an
interesting review of the principal de
velopments in the entire postal transpor
tation service of the United States and
connecting foreign mails
It shows an aggregate of appropriations
for the postal servic for the current year of
51141288 The probable deficiency is
500000 making the estimated expendi
tures this year 51641288 This will be
1623045 or Zi per cent more than for
the fiscal year just closed The estimate
for the fiscal year 1899 is 53337260 which
is 1790021 more than the estimated ex
penditure for the current year The an
nual rate of expenditure for the inland
mail service in the year just closed was
49862074 and for foreign mail service
1791170 after deducting 258029 for in
termediary service to foreign countries
Coasting Steamer Goes Down with
Several Officers and 77 Privates
Havana advices of the 18th says The
coasting steamer Triton was wrecked on
1 the north coast of Pinar del Rio province
She went ashore in heavy weather ground
ing eight miles from shore The gunboat
Christina was sent to the rescue at once
but owing to the heavy sea that was run
ning found it impossible to reach the
scene of the disaster until night Only thej
purser of the ship and one passenger werej
saved Among those who were lost were
two navy and two army officers a com
missary official and seventy seven privates
On board the Triton was 31660 in silver
to be used for the payment of the Spanish
military and naval forces The Triton it
is stated was overloaded She carried a
large quantity of groceries and
tion and had on board ninety three rifles
for the government troops
Andrus Merritt of Duluth Assigns
for the Benefit of Creditors
Andrus R Merritt of Duluth Minr
has made a voluntary assignment
for the benefit of his creditors to Charles
A Christopherson The action has oc
casioned considerable surprise Mr Mer
ritt and his brothers were among the
earliest developers of the Mesaba iron
range and were once rated worth millions
He was one of the plaintiffs in the suit
against J D Rockefeller which wa
fought for years and which was finally
ended by Rockefeller settling for 500000
He is also the man that recently was in
dicted for the alleged fraudulent coal land
transactions in Kentucky and for whom
Gov Clough of Minnesota refused to
honor a requisition from the governor of
New York
Illinois Woman Regains Her Senses
During Her Funeral
A Champaign 111 special says Mrs
A L Hannah living near Mahomet was
reported dead the other evening When
the funeral was in progress it was discov
ered that she was breathing Restoratives
were applied Five hours later she ex
pressed a desire to eat and has been gain
ing ever since The attending physician
says he sees no reason why she should not
make a complete recovery
Big South Carolina Failure
C C Pinckney jr of Charleston S C
manager and the holder of controlling in
terests in the Farmers Mining Company
the Wappoo mills the horseshoe mills and
Magnolia Mining Company suspended
payment on Saturday According to best
information obtainable the liabilities are
in the neighborhood of 200000 Mr
Pinckney has as yet made no statement of
assets He has considerable property
Woodmen OiIicial Suicides
The body of Albert Hammers the offi
cial of the Modern Woodmen who disap
peared three weeks ago and for whom all
Woodmen camps had been searching
was found in an abandoned mill a few
miles north of Elgin 111 He had taken
his life
Fight Declared Off
Owing to Jack Everhardt having devel
oped malarial fever the fight between he
and McPartland scheduled for Monday
night at New Orleans was declaied oft
Chicago Cattle common to prime
300 to 350 hogs shipping grades
300 to 425 sheep fair to choice 200
to 450 wheat No 2 red 91c to 92c
corn No 2 25c to 2Se oats No 2 18c
to 39c rye No 2 45c to 4Gc butter
choice creamery 21c to 22c eggs fresh
14c to 15c new potatoes 38c to 50c pei
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 t
5 25 hogs choice light 300 to 425
sheep common to choice 300 to 400f
wheat No 2 91c to 93c corn No J
white 27c to 29c oats No 2 white 22c
to 23c
St Louis Cattle 300 to S525 hops
300 to 425 sheep 300 to 425
wheat No 2 95c to 97c corn No 2
yellow 25c to 26c oats No 2 white 21c
to 22c rye No 2 42c to 43c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 450 sheep 250 to 425
wheat No 2 92c to 94c corn No 2
mixed 27c to 29c oats No 2 mixed 20c
to 21c rye No 2 46c to 48c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 400 sheep 250 to 400
wheat No 2 92c to 93c corn No 2
yellow 2Sc to 29c oats No 2 unite 22c
to 24c rye 47c to 48c
Toledo Wheat No 2 red 93c to 95c
corn No 2 mixed 27c to 28c oat No
- white 1S to 19- rye No 2 47c to 48c
clover seed 335 to 345
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring Soc
to 87c com No 3 23c to 27c oats No
2 while 21c to 23c rye No 1 46c to 47c
barley No 2 40c to 45c pork mess
750 to S00
Buffalo Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
300 to 423 sheep 300 10 450
wheat No 2 winter 93c to 95c corn No
2 yelhnv 30c to 32c oats No 2 white
24c to 26c
New York Cattle 300 to 550 hog
350 to 475 sheep 300 to 450
wheat No 2 red 95c to 96c corn No
2 32c to 34c oats No 2 white 22c to
24c butter creamery 15c to 23c eggs
Western 16c to 18c
rrf 4 -
Hastings Business Man Fatally Stab
bed by a Young Woman of that
City Refuses to Reveal Her Name
He Will Probably Die
Stabbed with a Hat Pin
Herbert Crow the young man stabbed
with a hat pin in the hands of his sweet
heart at Hastings Sunday night is not
dead yet Physicians have thus far been
unable to locate the part of the pin which
broke off and remained in the victims side
No hope is given that he will recover
Mystery still surrounds the case The
fcoy for he is but 18 years old refuses to
make public the name of the girl or de
tails concerning the attack which ended
o disastrously to him To one of the
physicians he communicated the fact that
je was stabbed by a woman friend with
ivhom he was spending the evening He
ptimated that she thrust the hatpin into
lis side in an angry moment following
ome conversation about a rival The
dow was so suddenly delivered and in
men an awkward way that the steel broke
oi two
I The young man said he did not know he
was badly injured though he immediately
left the house in a rage He discovered
when the weapon was withdrawn that
part of it had been left in the wound and
concluded that he had better have a phy
sician remove the broken piece Nothing
could be done to induce him to tell the
irls name after he had discovered that
lis wound was likely to prove fatal
Five Years for Hiding Stolen Goods
Jones Reynolds found guilty by a jury
at Grand Island of concealing stolen prop
arty was sentenced to five years in the
penitentiary His attorneys say they are
20Hfident of securing a favorable decision
on their appeal to the supreme court for a
new trial Reynolds is the man who was
arrested last spring after a quantity of dry
goods had been found securely hidden in a
hole under the floor in his hotel which
goods it was shown had been stolen from
a merchant named Ziska of Exeter The
police say the hotel had long been a fence
for thieves
Falls Back Into the Well
While putting a pump into his well C
H Jipp of Fort Calhoun received a very
severe fall He was working on a rope
ladder When he had finished his work
he started to climb up He succeeded in
almost reaching the top when the ladder
broke He fell to the bottom of the well
a distance of forty feet breaking his shoul
der and cutting a fearful gash in the back
of his head He was alone when the acci
dent happened and it was some time be
fore assistance was rendered
Deserted by Her Husband
Mrs Louisa Brows called at the police
Station at Omaha accompanied by her 5-year-old
son and told Matron Ryan that
she had been abondoned by her husband
The couple came to this city from Minne
apolis a week ago Recently Brows told
iis wife he was going to Fort Crook to en
list and that she would have to support
Derself hereafter The woman is anxious
o get transportation to Atlanta Ga
iv here a sister resides
farrow Escape from a Bad Wreck
As extra No 638 passed through Gothen
burg the other day running at the rate of
forty miles an hour the second pair of
trucks on the fifth car from the engine
broke After running for a couple of hun
dred feet and tearing up and breaking the
ends of about fifty ties the truck was run
into the ditch south of the track without
any other damage to the train
Arrested for Wife Beating
Edward McKenna has been arrested at
Omaha at the instance of his wife who
alleges that he heats her severely without
piovocation A few nights ago the hus
came home late and was reprimanded by
his better half He is then said to have
struck her in the face with his list and
afterwards to have used articles of
domestic economy upon her
Boy Charged with Murder
Frank Sedlacek a 17-year-old boy has
been brought to Valentine charged with
minder in the first degree By some it is
believed that Frank either purposely or by
accident shot and killed his 11-year-old
bister though the lad stoutly maintains
that she shot herself accidentally Only
the two children were at home at the time
of the terrible affair
Cracked the Safe
The safe of John Martin of Trumbull is
not so ornamental as it was Burglars
broke into his store one night and wrecked
the safe but got none of the contents J
11 Rothwell who sleeps in an adjoining
bt ore heard the explosion lit a lamp the
light from which shone out into the street
in front of Martins store frightening the
burglars away
Chappell Mil n Drowns Himself
A man named Johnson was found dead
in A B ferai ngers dam on Lodge Pole
leek near Chappell Ills clothes and hat
were found on the bank of the creek
Coroner Hudson held an inquest over his
body and the jury rendered a verdict of
death by suicide in accordance with the
evidence presented He leaves a wife and
three children
Shoots a Tramp
Some tramps got into a tight near the
depot at Kearney recently and when an
officer went to quiet iliem a large colored
man in the crowd pulled a gun and shot at
him The officer leturned the fire hitting
him twice once in each leg The wounds
are painful but not thought to be fatal
Burglars Raid a Postofnce
Thieves entered the postoffice at Pierce
and secured over 300 in casli and 300 in
stamps from the safe As yet no clew has
has been discovered as to the identity of
the thieves
Viont Have Saloon
The town boaid of Burwell has refused
to grant a license ior a saloon
Nebraska School Lauds
Commissionerof PublicLands and Build
ings Wolfe closed the leases of all Knox
Couuty school lands last week The at
tendance at the bidding was the largest of
any others in the state and the bonuses
netted the most amounting to 910 The
highest bonus was 371 on a quarter sec
Lane Children Will Recover
The Lane children who were seriously
injured in a runaway accident at Tecum
the other day are getting along nicely
nd all will recover
Horses Caught by the Legs on d
Bridge Train Is Flagged
The Union Pacific fast mail westbound
had a close call three miles east oj jrantl
Island one night last week HauNtta
train not been flagged there would prob
ably have been a bad wreck
Shortly before dark a team of big brown
horses became frightened and ran out of
town in the wildest gallop Abouttffred
miles out of town they took the thick la
this vicinity there is quite a long curve re
ferred to as the Black Hawk bridge The
horses started across the bridge but theic
legs went down between the ties and tney
were securely fastened there
Fritz Ernsimeyer a German fanner liv
ing near had noticed the approach of tho
horses and immediately set about with
two neighboring fanners to get the homes
off the track But it was a big task and
they soon realized the importance of flag
ging the fast mail which they knew would
be thundering along in a few mmutesj
Mr ErnjBtmeyer ran up the track with a
lantern and the engineer obeyed the
nal at once The work of removing the
horses was soon accomplished and the
train completed the trip to Grand Island-
Whipped the School Janitor
G W Cornell a lawyer of Auburn war
arrested at the instance of the boartl f
education for assault and battery upon L
L Alspaugh janitor of Athens Schoolv
The boys in this school had formed a con
spiracy to whip the janitor and drive hinv
off the grounds but for one reason or an
other had not been able to do anything
Recently Johnny Cornell came to school
with a club which the janitor took away
from him and in the scuffle struck Johnny
over the back with a piece of buggy wlsf g
several times During the forenoon tha
Superintendent came to the school to in
vestigate the matter and Johnny ieft the
room and told his father of his whipping
by the janitor The father armed lnuiseU
with a horsewhip and went to the school
house He met the janitor at the door and
forced him into a corner and commenced
choking him when help arrived Johnnjj
Cornell has given the teachers a great deal
of trouble for some time The board of
education has taken a firm stand in the
matter and proposes to maintain tho disci
pline of the school
Blaze at Dakota City
A fine of supposed incendiary origin ns
discovered Friday morning in the Evan
Block Dakota City occupied by Paul
Pizey Dakota County Abstract Company
and District Judge Evans and before it
was gotten under control it was destroyed
with its contents together with two other
buildings adjoining The latter structures
were occupied by F A Ayres with a tin
shop and Frank Keiley painter and a
Broyhill barber The contents were
saved The total loss is placed at 3000 to
4000 but this may be raised as the safe
abstract office has not been opened and it
contained valuable records of the company
worth S000 to 10030 Judge Evans lost
a large number of court records 11 is in
surance was about 1800 The excellent
work of volunteer firemen prevented a
further spread of the flames
Hires a Buggy and Sells It
A man giving tho name of C Walburn
and professing to represent wagon manu
facturers and to be looking for a location
for a new factory was arrested at River
ton recently He passed himself off at
Franklin as a man of some importance and
responsibility and hired a buggy at the
livery stable and drove to Riverton where
he soldthe outfit The marshal teiegraphd
asking for his arrest
Injured in a Runaway
George Dechers of Rising City while
driving home to his farm five miles north
west of town was seriously perhaps
fatally injured by his team running away
and throwing him from his wagon frac
turing several ribs and otherwise injuring
Union Carpenters Win Out
The union carpenters who struck at tne
exposition grounds Omaha on Monday
have returned to work having gained a
victory at every point The men asked
eight hours a day at 30 cents an hour and
only union men to be employed
Rob the Depot at Alma
The Burlington depot was brokei into
at Alma Wednesday evening while the
agent was at supper The thief relieved
the cash diawer of 48 in currency and h
German thaler dated 17S3 No clew
Money Box 3Iissing
E E Shuler a Ilavelock merchant laid
down a box which contained his days re
ceipts about 180 while he watched a row
between several men and now the box and
money are both missing
Nebraska Short Notes
Mrs Bressler of Cuming County slipped
and fell while scrubbing the porch of her
house and broke her leg
A number of Hartington kids about the
tender age of 16 started out for California
on the bum Their folks telephoneddo
Laurel and had them headed off and
brought back
The creamery atShickley burned to the
ground recently The fire caught from
the smokestack There was no insurance
on the plant
Anson Clark of Minden purchased nino
cars of Colorado and Utah cattle the pa
week of Engaard fc Christensen and will
feed them through the winter on his farm
north of town
The town of Dodge which has suffered
severely from fire in the past has pur
chased a chemical fire engine
Burglars entered the depot at Brown
the other night and succeeded in prv
ing open the money drawer but got notfi
ing for their pains They also tried the
safe with as little success They drilled
several holes in the door in an effort to
strike the combination but failed
The 11-year-old son of Mr and Mrs
Scharwath living ten miles north of Ran
dolph accidentally shot himself with a
levolver during the absence of his parents
The ball took effect in his abdomen and
resulted in his death after causing several
hours of intense suffering
Ten ears of feeder eattle were unloaded
at Atlanta Phelps County last week
William Bligh of Antelope County had
one hand badly lacerated by acorn shelleiv
Jim Den one of the most famous live
bird shots In the state Fred Boehner
another good shot and well known all
round sportsman of Arapahoe are rapidly
completing arrangements for a grand trap
shooting tournament to take place in
Omaha November 8 4 and 5
The Bradstreet liverv barn at ONeill
burned last week and twenty four head of Lm
horses perished m the flames A number J s
of wagons Suggies and sets of harness
were also lost J