The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 14, 1897, Image 1

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ontltia Events
Tifcitrict Conrt Oct is
School mecUus October iu
3iarridton October Si
Kitttliou Day Novembers
Teachers Association XovcmlKr is
Pearl Ray returned home to Chad
Ton last week
J J Steen and wife were Valentine
visitors this week
A C Jteiraenschneider as down
from Cody on business Tuesday
Frank Moyer of Mt Vernon Illinois
registered at The Donoher Sunday
m M Harnan of Xewtcn was a
business visitor in town this weet
Wavted Girl for general work
Good wages AI S Wllch
L DKarnes of Detroit Michigan
registered at The Donoher Tuesday
Election day November 2 Be sure
to make an X mark under the roister
J A Kitt Is building a bif addition
on the wedt end of his livery and feed
Evelyn Hilsmgbi a
Bltion as clerk in Jackscn Bray tons
John T Keeley sold his resid ence in
the west part of town this week to G
P Crabb
Jarvis Richards was down from
Tuesday looking aftsr school
land leases
Sheriff Strong went west Tuesday
night for the purpose of posting elec
tion notices
J M Carpenter has sold his interest
in the store of Carpenter- Vincent to
G P Crabb
Henry Iloenig has been nn Liucoln
this week attending the Knights of
Pythias grand lodge
County superintendent Slower is vis
iting the schools in the west part of
the county this week
The Donoher was improved this
weeK by a new floor in the office and a
fresh coat of calsomine
There isnt a man in town who is
able and willing to wort that is out of
a job Thats prosperity
Mrs Ilarmou of Bermosa S D
has opened a milliner store in the room
in the rear of the postdfBce
J B Owen claim agent for the F
E and M V is in town this week in
the interests of his company
The Valentine Teachers Association
Saturday was well attended and a
very profitable meeting vas had
Profs Frank Hook and G Seager of
Cody were among the -pleasant visit
ors at these headquarters Tuesday
John and Frank Peters two stock
buyers from Clarkson this stae are
in town this week looking up feeders
N J W Hollo way came up from Etv
iug Saturday night and will remain
Jnere this winter with liis family
The foundation of the new Sparks
building is now above the ground and
lit is a very pretty piece of work
Johnny Iveyes the first sheriff
Cherry county ever had is in town
this week talking over old times with
Ye editor had his mustache cut off
Saturday and now even the small boy
-on the street feels it his duty to poke
Ian at him
While in town Wm Steadman and
fohn Bachelor of Pass bought 300
-bead of calves and 150 yearling steers
tof J K Moore
The Y P S C E of this place con
template sending a delegate to the
atate convention of the society at Be
atrice October 22 24
Stockmen generally seem pleased at
the warm dry weather we have been
having Grass is curing nicely and
range will be good this winter
Sportsmenshould remember that it
is a violation of the game law to shoot
quail this month The open season
extends ironi November 1 until
ary 1
At the regular meeting of the village
board last week L N Layporte was
appointed marshal and water commis
siouer to succeed Henrv Razey re
The secretary of state has decided
that the National Democrats and
Silver Republicans are entitled to
places on the ballot this year
J 3v Moore of Fort Washakie Wy
oming unloaded 1500 head of steers
and calves at this point Sunday and
has been stilling to local stock men
this week
The populist precircb ticket is as
follows Fur assessor Jas Ray jus
tices of the peace U G Dunn jnd Z
V Vachon constables F M Hackier
and J A Hitt
Carl Freeman has entered the
Art Sherman and John
Lewlns in his History of Savings
Banks says of he postal savings
bank of Great Britain Xext per
haps to the repeal of corn law this is
the greatest boon ever conferred on
the working classes of the country
and next to the scheme of penny post-
In looking over the candidates for
county offices at the crmiug flection
the voter is respectful refer ed to
those on tin democratic ticket and if
the fitness for nosition honostv audi
At the head of the ticket is the
name jf Wiiliam A Metzjjar and we
place should be a man of ability Mr
Metzgar did not run after the nomina
tion it came to him by virtue of his
friends not his own exertions He
does not seek the office for lhe money
there is in it theiefore he will not be
tempted to indulge in dishonest prac
tices for private gain he is a stock
raiser m business hence will be in
smpathy with the best interests of
the count he is a heavy taxpayer so
will seek to keep down the expenses ot
the count he comes from a section
of the county which is too often ig
nored the southwest a section which
has no other candidate When Gen
Elliott leaves the clerks office Cherry
county will lose a good olficial see to
it that she does not retrograde biit ad
vances by voting for Metzgar
Lf there is one office in the county
which more than auy other needs a
good clean honest business man it is
the office of treasurer For this place
the democrats have a man who an-
awers eveiy requirement and that man
is W G Ballard of Dewey Lae pre
cinct Mr Ballard is not a stranger
to Cherry county or her people being
one of the countys oldest lesidents
and has grown with the county until
now he is one of our most prominent
and prosperous stockmen Who is
there in the county uhr has not at one
time or another heard of Bill Ballard
The name is a synonym for honesty
integrity firmness and good business
management and without these quali
ties no man is a good tieasurer We
ask ycur support and vote for Mr
Ballard not on account of sectional
prejudice not alone on account of
party but because he is a man of the
people in sympathy with the best in
terests of the county and is the best
man for the office He is before the
people as the unanimous choice of his
party not as a compromise candidate
Treasurer Crabb has filled his office in
a vary acceptable manner tor the last
four years and if elected we promise
the people as satisfactory an adminis
tration from Treasurer Ballard
For sheriff the democrats olfer the
name ot James A Childers of Cody
Boiling Springs precinct A thorough
democrat a gentleman full of pluck
uge usen uo suuerae or posroince and eergy an uncompromising foe of
bankc is the greatest nd most impor 1 evil doers vet gentle md unprejudiced
tant work ever uiuer aken by the
in his deHhj gs with hi3 feUow men
Published for Four Xeara as
government for the hen fit of the weiI aCqajnted with the county of now he is one of our most substantial
tion The success of the postofiice wnich be has been a resident for the
banks has been of the most complete
Again we wish to call attention to
our society for homeless children
Our local board meets once every
raonth that it may be ready for any
work in its line If any one knowing
of children in need of homes or of a
good Christian family wiilling to
provide a home for one of the society
children will kindly write us we will
bo pleased to offer our services We
quote the following from our Society
To seek homeless neglected and
destitute children and became their
friend and protector
To find homes for them in intelligent
Christian familes piace them there
wisely with the least possible delay
To supervise each placement with
discretion so as to guard against
abuse or neglect
To replace when necessary in a new
last thirteen years a stock buyer iu
business a better man for cur next
sheriff could not bt found We have
nothing to say against the administra
tion of Sheriff Strong He is a repub
lican and a candidate for re election
but if our people desire a change in
the office they can do no better than
to vote for Childers To the best of
our knowledge Jim hasnt an enemy
iu the county Sober honest and in
dustrious he makes a friend of every
one who meets him When vou go in-
a O
to the voting 1ooth on election day
place an X after the name of James
A Childers for sheriff
It is with positive pleasure that we
this week put the name of Miss Lillian
U Stoner on the demoer itic ticket as
a candidate for the office of county
superintendent Miss Stoner is the
present county superintendent of this
county and her administration of the
oihee for the last four years has been
such as to leave little room for
cistn She va first nominated by the
pqpulists and her endorsement by the
democrats is but a fining tribute to
her ability During her two tprms of
office she has placed the schools of the
county upon a higher basis than they
ever before occupied and has made
tr n the pride of every friend of edn
cition Tnat her work has been good
is evidenced by the fact that the state
teachers association twice elected her
tothe of and thouch
position recretary
gunr rU qualifications are taken into
she mude no CinvaPb for Hip place was
oiiflidiraton U pra mnn i minnf fail tn
receieve vmr support
second in the race for the nomination
for state superintendent on the popu
list ticket last ear The voters of the
ploy of The Democrat as an a pi ten- couPl3 Wl11 do wel1 l0 retain her in the
uv iroltd 0f n m young man well
tice Ie will woik in the office two qtmUjed for lhe nogitloII of cJuntv position she now occupies
days each week attending school the WJe Walcott resigned his position
clerk t0 wnilh he a8preSf educated a
balance of the time I l3 v JudB liist fn rr the
gof Fehman ppa8lint and cfnl
The republicans nominated the fol datinji he will make an ideal official l0LVf S the more Irative
otiic of it became the
low ins orecinct ticket For ass s or one of w hom Cherrv count can be raid C0UntJT
tions of his friends in the performance
of his duties Upright and conscien
tious knowing neither friend nor foe
when silting as judge his decisions
have always been promptly and im
partially given He has been a terror
to evil doers Out the innocent need
not tear him In recognition of his
ability the populisc county central
committee has endorsed his candidacy
and his name will appear on the ballot
as their nominee as well as ours A
vote for Towne is a vote for justice
Dr J CJwytr is the democratic
nominee for coroner and is endorsed
ako by the populists This office is
usually regarded as one of little irn
portance -but it sometimes happens
that the position is one of great mo
ment and it is well that at such time
a good man is installed therein The
coroner in certain cases exorcises the
power of a sheriff and when a death
occurs under suspicious circumstances
it is his duty to clear away the mys
tery Dr Dwyer stands high in his
pfoFpaii arid is
needed in the coroners office
For surveyor the democrats have en
dorsed Joseph Estabrook of Lavaca
who was nominated by the populists
Mr Estabrook is no neophyte in the
use of the compass chain avid level
and though a stranger to us has been a
resident of the county for some time
We have no hesitancy in asking your
vole and influence for his election
When Max Viertel bids adieu to the
board of county commissioners Cheiry
count will lose a capable official one
who can be replaced by but one man
now in the field John A Adamson
People have a habit of looking upon
the office of commissioner as one of
but little importance but it is a seri
ous mistake to do so True the posi
tion is one little to be desired but to
thp people it is of vast importance It
is the commissioners who make the
contracts for the county and it is they
who pass upon all bills against the
county Here is where a business man
is needed and it is an old axiom that
he who has made a success of his own
affairs will make a success of the af
fairs of the county John Adamson
is such a man Twelve year3 ago he
located on the Xiobrara in what is
now German piecinct with practically
nothing By hard work and honest
dealing he has built himself up until
citizens Well liked by his neighbors
honored by his friends and respected
by all with whom he has had dealings
he is the very man wanted for commis
sioner Vote for him work for him
elect him and you will never regret it
Voters the foregoing are our candi
dates Have you better The words
spoken of each are not woHs of flat
tery nor words intended to deceive
they are words of praise honestly and
justly deserved If you doubt them
inquire of those who are most inti
mately acquainted with them theyi
will all stand the closest scrutiny On
election day mark your ballot with a
X under the rooster bird and you will
never regret it
Among those in town Tuesday from
various parts of the county we saw D
C Nelson of Cody M L Walker and
II S Lock weed of Simeon P C
Chandler of Woodlake Barney McXitt
of Brownlee and F H Baumgartel of
duv of th board of commissioners to the neatest tlimo s in that line this side of Omaha
n r Watsnn inatiRPs of the hpu p will be nrmid If electpd he will eninr
w 7 J I T -- - - 4 - - - i
John Dunn and A II Ferguson con j upon his duties unhampered bv anv
stables L X Lay port e and Geo Ham
Senator M cGann of Boone county
spoke here Monday night on state is
sues He proved very clearly the su
periority of the present state govern
ment over the former republican re
Among those who had business at
the land office this week were Elmer
E Orr and George Larielv of Newton
this county Robert Gillaspie Daniel
Adamson and Ira Richardson of dies
Chas Well ford visited at home Sat
nrday and Sunday returning to his
school Monday morning He reports
having nineteen pupils in his school
and eems to like his new vocation
very much
Ira Richardson and Bob Gillaspip
left this morning for a visit to their
old home in Arkansas The boys have
not seen their old home for a number
of years and look forward to a very
pleasant months visit
One of Edisons latest improved Vi
tascopes will be here Wednesday Oct
20 The scope will reproduce the 14
round contest between Corbett and
Fitzrimmons showing life size figures
Seats now on sale Dont miss it
Several weeks ago Mrs Tom Teeters
left her home at Bartley Nebraska in
company with her husbands brother
John Teeter3 Monday morning the
couple were located at a hotel in this
city and the husband arriving on the
scene attempted to effect a reconcilia
tion with his wayward spouse She
couldnt see it that way however
A party of hunters consisting of E
P Fassett of Chicago O A Verbeck
Aurrtra Illinois A Youmans Colum
bus Ohio Wm A Mead Pataskala
Ohio and Geo T Prall of Delaware
N J guests of W B Updike banker
at Haivard Neb went uut to the
lakes vesterdav shooting Thpy were
piloted by
entaigiing alliances political or other- i w 7 uiu aim u
wisp and that fact alone should insure
i J owue received the unanimous vote of
boird f the position Uncle Dick
liim i w tP ti niv nf nnmitv
clerk is the most important one in thehs mied the uinst 9Bllno expecta
count and the man who occupies the
h 1 the vacanc thus caused by
fin l jj 3 irr i
Miss Mae OSuilivan of ONTeill and
M V Nicholson of Valentine were
married Thursday afternoon at five
oclock at the home of the brides par
ents Mr ana Mrs J V OSullivau
Very Rev M F Cassidy officiating
The bride is one of OXeills most es
timable young ladies and for the last
four yaurs hustheur assistant postmis
tress ac vaienune ine groom is
cashier of the B ink of Valentine
which position he has held for a num
ber of years Chas Cornell being its
The uewly married couple left for
their home in Valentine tne same ev
ening carrying the well wishes of
their numerous friends Holt County
The above tells the story fully as
well as we could The couple went at
once to their home on Cherry street
where they will in the future be found
It gives this paper much pleasure to
chronielp this wedding both parties
being intimate friends of the editor
and if they do not live long and hap
pily it will not be for lack of wishes to
that effect by f lends Val is one of
the most popular of Valentines busi
ness men acid Mae though claimed by
OXeill is one of our mo3t estimable
young ladies As a mutual friend re
marked Each one got a bargain in
the other
On Saturday the 2d inst during the
the absence of their parents Frank
and Jucie Sedlacek aged 15 and 11
years who live about a mile east or
Kennedy PO were handing fire arms
and from all appearences had been
shooting at a mark A barrel of one
of the guns was accidentally discharged
the entire load of shot penetrating the
body and arm of Jocie causing almost
instant death
Frank went to the PO and related
the occurence stating that Jocie had
shot herself while fooling with one of
the guns Word was sent immediately
to her parents and the coroner Dr
Lewis who arrived Sunday After
empanneling a jury and hearing the
evidence the jury brought in a ver
dicc that Jocie had met her death by
the discharge of a gun while in the
hands of brother Frank
The child was buried in the Kennedy
cemetery near the Episcopalian
Th sorrowing parents and family
have the sympathy of this community
in their sad bereavement
It is said that the democrats have
never helped the populists The men
who say that forget that but for the
democratic certificate of nomination
last year D H Thurstons iiame never
I would have appeared ou the ticket
That is what our sale of those
stylish Fall
is and were glad of it thats the
reason we bought them Every
thing new and uptodate If you
wish to keep posted on what is
newest you rnustsce our stock
Another thing were proud of ij
our new line of chonille curtains
and table covers Theyre ahoui
See them sure
9 H
Our Fall Goods
Are now arriving and to make room
for them all goods which have been in
Stock this summer must go To hurry
them along we have put prices down
to bedrock Everything for the home
Call and see our Dry Goods
K McDonald
Indian goods trinkets and curios a specialty Store a t rookston alec
Fine line of plain and fancy jew
elry constantly on hand
Itepah ing promptly
in the best manner
Full line of sporting goods
Wanted An Idea
Who can thir
of some slmpk
thing to patent
Protect vour Ideas thGT mav brlnir you wraltb
nays Washington D C for their 1800 prize offe
and new list of one thousand Inventions mated
Office over
T C Hornbys Store
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the W H Moses building
Korth Western Line is to best
to and from the
Pacific Short Line
Through connections both ways with BIar
Hills trains by taking this line you can go to
Sioux City and return thusimedav connectioa
made with all trains for the East apd SoatB
Dakota Uuy local tickets U 0ViUi