-A FrfZrJTJfiisii THERELL tHE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT E0BEET GOOD Editor and Snbliater Official Paper otf Cleery fjaan 100 Per Yetsv in JLtfemcf -- j i - PUBLIbHED EVERY XII OESIAr Entered at the Post olflbe at Valentino Cherry coumy Nebraska as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly toils subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid In full Dcmociatic Ticket For Supreme Judge t J J SULLIVAN For Eegents State University E FORRELL GEORGE F KKNOWEE esnocratac Convenicn The democrats of Cherry county are requested to seud delegates from then -several precincts to meet in conventional in Valentine on Tuesday Oct 5 1807 at 2 oclock p rn for the purpose oi placing in nomination candidates for the following county offices Clerk treasurer sheriff judge superintendent surveyor and coroner Precincts are entitled to tion as loiiows One delegate at large and one delegate for each ten votes or maior fraction thereof cast for C J Smyth candidate for attorney general in 1896 This entitles precincts to del egates as below -Buffalo Lake 3 Boiling Spgs 5 Cleveland 3 Dewey Lake 3 Enlow 2 Eli 2 Gillaspie 4 -German 2 The subject of postal savings baniks Is at the present time engrossing the attention of ail the leading thinkers of the United States and it isvery prob able that lihe next congress -will pass a bill provid ing for these banks Fol lowing will be found a few interesting facts in coi meciisn with this matter All the h jading nations of the world with the exception of two or three have postal savings banks and all have better facili ties for the accommodation of savings depositors than has the United Statt is While savings depos its in this co untrj have shown a grad ual increase i iuriog the last quarter of a century tl ie savings deposits and number of dei positors in countries-having postal savi ingsibanks h ris grown by leaps and bo unds In the united States 80 per c entofthe savings banks and savings dei oosits are in the New England state s and New York Throughout the west and south ex cept in the great centers of population it is impossible i or private enterprise to furnish saving B facilities sufficient to meet the needs of -the people Be sides the deposit or of small means jfrequently is not a ble io pick outfrom private banks those that are safe and consequently will tr ust none whereas all could have confidence in an institu tion controlled by th e national govern meat Eli E E Devlne and Cess Nichols made a business trip to Cooper last week John Selzer wentjUp theountry last weekafter a bunch qf horses The cepublicans of Eli precinct held iheircucus last Saturday and nomi nated a full precinct ticket beaded by Chet Goodrich for assessor Mrs Gmton Jotes was verv ill hist week Isis IJacoln spsnt Saturday and Sunday on the river Chas liieketts and Mamie Jeffries attended church at ike Garner -school house last Sunday Heurv Heefcel sold some yearling steers last week for 2800 per head Obe Church and family are incr itie Gordon fair this week Wi - - Tl ClBffiCTgftWSiLtMagSyjfctM HIHifcJ3agdiH jf igjgglL 1 mj 1 ft - I nt T n rniii itotaKrwrmtttTMmn n7itTKmtltTTrirwn In n t jaTTTirftrJMTiMflWftf rffirMTMltTirrTrMJtflg3BriWr1ffWrtiTnKWiBii j tm T j r br V v t - - r - - - - - j - Lavaca 6 Merriman 3 Minnechaduza4 Mother Lake 2 Xenzel 3 Pleasant Hill 3 Sparks 4 Steen 2 Georgia 3 Schlegel 3 Irwin 4 Sharps Kanch 3 Kewanee 3 Table 3 Kennedy 3 Valentine 10 Loup 4 Woodlake 7 Delegates from the 1st commissioner district will place in nomination can didate for commissioner It is -recommended that primaries be held Saturday Oct 2 Members of county central committee should be elected at primaries and candidates for precinct offices nominated jXo proxies will be admitted to the Convention Robert Good iM CmtiSTEKSEX Chairman Secretary Tn the old town when we o et our stock moved into our own quarters again and ho mistake At present we are not in position to display our goods very well but everything we have IS GOING AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRfOES And will continue going nntft all our present stock is cleaned up wQfck wafcra serious thSng for us but it will be a blessi ag to the bargain hunters RemembeE everything goes j Sandy Kennedy J ITaeber was doing business in town the lirst ufthe week 0 Pote and S Q Spain brought out two loads of freight for Haeber and Grange JohnHeeber had a load of lumbei wi da sht th of Do brc home Johnson has given up his idea tinji south returned to his old and will build again on the south side o E the Kiobiara oue mile--west of the Fj ills Tomitny Tester former yi a resident in this vicinity passed through on his way to South rDakota last Thursday He has resided in Frontier county for -some time On oi Uncle Sams six -mule teams T rith n mMiiv Tn and tuinp ps srijinv Bad Boy Gallop The hum of the threshing machine was heurd in our locality last week Mrs A D Gallop Visited in Merri man Saturday last Myra Cass is spending a few days with Miss Truax Kev Smith preached at Center school house Sunday evening There is a rumor of a surprise party in thb near future the surprise to be upon one of our popular young ranch men Mrs Ryan of Merriaian departs this week for north westpru Missouri on a visit to her parents Lnella MoGuire and Fanny Webster of the Webster Ranch attended Sun day School ui Center Maud Johnson of Harlan Ms re sumed her studies Jn the Gordwn school The populists in this part of the OQunty held their caucus by lamplight on the 25th instead of by dayligkt biti it qounts just the same As Kellys Ps relations have ali deserted him Good Boy a brother to Baa Boy hs taked his place Good Boy JXillJPiiiiesfar Feed Bran buk h 40c -per cwt 700ton Shorts bulk creenings Chop Feed Corn Uats 50c Br cwt 900 ton 35c 70c DOC 90c a i 600 13ft0 Ml The fire in our store last HORNBY Notice to Creditors Itountv court within nd for Chorry county Nebraska in he -matter of the estate of Ferdenand Nr jdertxlecpased To the creditors ol aid estate You are here bv notified That T vill sit at the countv curt r ooni In Valentine In said county on the 9tii da r of oober 1897 tuTecr lve and ex amine all claims against said estate with a view tn tliilrsiilirstmput Mini allowisice The time limltufl fnr Mio tiivMiAtitnt in nf elaims L JD r r Vkt ij B2gtx K QOJjS wnn uuftii me iivei mm iiuiusb v tc to the Gordon Thursday I Lon losher and John Lansing came ever from the its last Friday Chas Maxwell and family of Val entine called on friends in this vicin ity a week ago Sunday We understand that Sunday school and church was to have been -held at Rev Johnsons last Sunday Mesdaraes Tropy and Carey were over from Crookston Tuesday Chas Mosher wenfrdown Wednesday to camp wilh the boys aAVhile Emhard Grooms returned Sunday from the State Pair lie reports hav ing b ad a grand time Sg JZSgb i s V V K k r Kv Ltr UI I lJ0 tijl U d qgjgSS Lett ears tagge U against Ch Pte transacted business at the- saUl cstltc js tfoht months from rhe30th Jay of lanuary A- I 1867 and the time nmiieu lor me land ofliKe wliileto town 1 iduu uuiLf uua m lu w u j vniPiTt nr rirht mifi vfiai from sad zoth dav ReceiVad tos late for last week M Ilale and -wife are the proud par ents of a Qh poand boy who arrivad on the lQUiT Mrs John Gee and daughter Marian returned Irom tSheltou last t5atufay where they had been visiting fornix weekswith relatives Mra WmJWilkinson is quite ill B S 13 - Kennedy arrived on last Friiiays mail -on a visit to his son Wno knows when our new thhool hoiiB completed by the party wh o accepted contract for same firs Frank Marshall and daughter dej Darted on the 9th for their home in Ml ivwood J6 Grange now owus a fino new civ rriage and Bill Stead roan ha ve twtt cf the most commodious In itne barc in Cherry county We Usi1hat Lulta has sold out to 13 akeweii That means another new Ik use in tr vn There been more stock shipped th lis fattthsn ever before C Ad oiinson is looking after busi ni J3S interests in Fairfax this week Hiich Hartung Alcta Lik etis and C harles Xrvey came in from jQnisen bi Jiys lanci dunday the lirst -two vis iti mg with H E Dewey ui itil Monday evening Ethel Hcrtung of Bassett visited th Sadie and Oilie Devey ceveral ys the p3t week W A Pikers lather is hsrs for a Drt visit Tesse West and wife will eelebrate iir 20tb wedding anniversary tct 2 i jadie Deivey went to Ainswrb this mo rning for a few days visit j da Leach visited in town a few da s lastiWeeK J Irs Chandler and Mrs Lewis are on i the sick list this week J dhn IDaTjiels and wife are Visiting at I I E Devey this week M s Jack Crouiu and daughter are visit ing fr iends a tew days D inceatPi Quisenberys Oct 1 K AXILS it jf WanuarylRDT lines my nami aim me suai ui uie ouniy Court Hits 10th dav of September 1897 SEAL W R TOWNE -v 34 37 County Judue TJ S Land Office Valentine Nfib Seiteniber7i 197 Complaint having beeo entered ai this otnee by Othie Lovelett agarnst Elisha Eirleston for failure to comply wiili lavr as to timber culture entry No 7051 dated MA 17 18R7 upon the sV nwand slneM section- township 31 range 27 in Cherrv count Nebraska with a view to the cancellation of said entry contestant allepnui tliat Ehsha Egleston has failed to pl mt or cause to be planted to trees tree seeds or cuttings during Hie year 1SQ0 llicsecond acres of ground broken on above described laud and since the voar 1890 he has not cultivated nor causHfifcfce same to be done nor rees tree seeds nor cut tings lias been planted on the land described since the year 1890 and he has Jailed to cure his laches uptot lie lilins of this contest the said parlies are lierebv suirmoned to appear atthis oflice on tlie lGtb dsi ol October 1897 at 10 oclock a- in to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged faihne art J A FIKE IJecerer U h Land Ofiiue Valentine Xebr Sepi 1897 f Complaint having been entered at ibwtifliev bv Hei ben C Dye aga ust buries A WilKer for failure to rompl wth lav - to timber eil tureentr No 7CG21 iJed Inly fiT 1SR7 upon tbr lot l tni t3 irtwifefJtion 5 towrslur 27 range rG in Cherry eonniv Nebraska with a view to the eaiuvllatfon of said entry contest ant allcg ng rliit fiaiiiiaiit Has lancu ui nreaK ot cause to be broken toe liiNt acres iluringTuM year alter eniii and has failed to cure In laches up to he na of this conttst the sal patties arelverebv sumniiied io appear at th1 ofiice on the BUY dav ot mv r IMiZ at oclock a m to respond and ftiinMi letnnon conceiningsaid rIlegcn lailurc 3G 30 C 11 GLUVEK Kegi 1er US LamiOiiice Valentine Nebr I Seit 20 1337 Complaint ftvhip been entered at this ofiice bv Etta E Wiltse airamst William II Blankm ship for ab uulon ng his homestead entry No 0520 dated February 1 1802 upon the lot G sec tion 21 township 34 range 2G in Cherry ount Nebraska with a view to the cancellation oi said entry the Mii parties are herebvt sjuRiinni ef t appear at tuis olfii e on the Stb iy No veinner 1807 at oclock a m to r sponc and furnish teaUmooy concerning said aht gcd aban donment ao 39 C R GJ OVElt Uegjster rf mSz William M Dunbar Lessee from Heine Kroeger F O address Memnian Neor n - TDun W anJrT I ml Wu MA Cody Neb Either ilde ttv glow Al KisSl o pPC3l2 lss ight Left ear of cattle piit Range head oi clay reek -Joseph W Bownet i 1 1 m wJ ss rPfty T w u Charles JBenard Rosebuil S D Range Pig VlMle and Had Rivers Sam Hudson Simeon Neb s Left hip on eaftle K lif it slioulder on l horses i Some horses L azi s on rett snoiuoer Llenj3 Pratt Rosebud S D Left side Horses same oa left shoulder Deerhorn clip on some cattle csSHHW y Ilfie between wrtitt 1111 JlTr rj 111 uwu iiliu lllltc River and Niobrara Tlti wr AU catile delioriied iVKTW V ij uv I William Slisngn X irj ft Neb Ujyundei sideof xjdL O M SAGKfflga ADTIOT nU S hj 13 Hair cutting and shaving Siiop in the WHiioses build HOI AND COLO flATIJS - l FINAL PROOF NOTICES Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases notice of which appear in The Democrat will receive a marker copy of the paper Shoald any error in description of land or spelling of names be discovered notice slnmld be sent to the land office awl this office se correction can be made TT s Tnifl OTilfip Valftntine Neb V K V -- -- ww - ZZT Sept 29 1897 Notice is hereby given that Joseph Culberson of Nekton Neb lias Died notice of Intention to makMlnal proof before Register and Receiver at theirofiice in Valentine Neb on Friday the 5th day of November 1897 on timber culture appli cation No 814forthejieM of section No 2 in township No 28n range No 34 He names as witnesses Charles M Kihie Isaac N Russell Robert Finiayson George W i a3ely all of ewton Nebraska Also Robert FinUuson of Newton Nebr H E 9524 for the sse and s4sWJ4 section 10 town hip 29n ranee 35 w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence on and cultivation of said landviz diaries M Kime Isaac N EusBel Joseph Culberson George W Ladely all of Newton Neb Also Charles M Kime of Newton Neb n E 9288 for the sw section It townshio 29 rango S5w lie names tne toilowlng witnesses to prove nis continuous residence uuon and cultivation of imid land viz Joseph CulberSn Isaac N Russell Robert Finiayson Gorge W Ladely all of Newton Neb Also Isaac N Russell of Newton Neb H E 9323 for the lots 1 and2vind eJ4nw4 sec tion 18 township 29n range 34vr He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Charles M Kime Joseph Culberson Robert Finiayson George W Iylelv all of Newton Neb 3G 41 C It GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Vebr Sept 27 1807 Notice is hereby sivsn that the following nitned settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof m siirjptrt of bis claim and tliat said proof will beifrtade i efore the Register or Receiver at Valentine Neb on Nov G 1897 viz Abram Johnson Valentine Nebr IT E No 0012 for the nwh section 21 town sliip 33ii range 20 w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence tipon and cultivation of said land viz John Adamson Jacob J Antes Daniel W Hilsinger A00 P Zarr all of Nalentine Neb Also Abram Johnson of Valentine Neb T 0 No 747S for the weJi section 21 township 33ii rane 20w He names as witnesses John Adamson Jacob Antes IX imel W Hilsinger and George li Zarr all r f Valomine Neb 3G 41 O K GLOVER Register TJ SLand Ofiice Vaientin3 Neb I Sept 27 1807 f Notice is hereby given that Ernest M Snook if Fairfield Iowa has filed notice of intention to make final prom belore Register and Receiver at their otsce 111 Vaeuthu Nebraska on Saturday the nth dav of November X on timbpr culture tpplication No 7709 for thr hH and swVi section No 13 in lownsh p N 3 in range 23w lie names a- vitnescs Elv i Valentine lames li Day Will L hrvsler and Edgar Levee all of Woodlake Nebraska 30 41 C R Gl OVER Register US Land Ofiice Valentine Vebr September 20 1807 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of intention to make final proof in support of bis claim and tliatbaid j roof will be made before the Rettistsr or Receiver atValentinc Neb on October M 1897 viz Sarah A Hobbs of Simeon Neb TI E No 9164 for he wVSnwJi and wsw See 13 To 3I R 29w He names the following witnesses to prove his continui us residence upon and cultivation of said land vis Samuel Himsen John B Lord Cliarles W Hennett and Reciumin F Felch all of Simeon Neb 3540 C R GLOVER Register U S -Land Oilice Valentine Neb I Sept 15 1S97 f Notice is hereby given tliat Amos b Childer of Ncuzel filed notice of intention to make final prooi bef ire Register and Receiver at their ofiice 111 Val ntint Neb on Friday the 22d uay of ctliberlH7 on timper culture appli cation No 77S7 tre4 Sec 29 Tp 35 n R 32 w He names as witness George li Mass of Ncuzel Nebr and Anson Vewoerry Charles L Morgn and IrviagC Stotts ot Cody Nebr 3 39 CR GLOER Register Land Otliceat -valentine Nebr 1 Sept 15 1897 1 Notice is hereby given that Sylvester Rental v of Jolnhtown Nebr heirvjf hiizabelh Remalv deceased has filed notice ot intention to make liu 1 proof before Register and Receiver at their ofiice in Valentine cb 011 Wednesday the 27th day of October 1897 on limoer cultuie applica tion No 8003 for the s osi nwhmvi aui ywM neh Sec 10 Tp LSn R 25 lie names as witnesses rus May f Pur dumJSebr Henry Miciiec 1 Joiiistown Neb and Cyrus Hagen and Eli aleuiiie ot Wood lake Ndbr Also Slvester Rwnaly ot Johnstown Xeb heir of Elizabeth Rernaly deceased HE NoSCG7forthe w4swKSec3and ese4 Sec 4 Tp 28n R 25w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud yiz Cyius May of Pitrdnm Neb Henry Micliecl of Johnstown Nebr and Cyrus Uagjn and Eli Vale tine of Woodlake Nebr 34 39 C R GLO VER Register U S Land Ofiice Valentine Nebr 1 Sept 15 1897 f Notice is hereby given that John U Bush of Valentine Nebr has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Register and Re ceiver at then office in Valentine Neb on Fri day the 22nd da of October 1897 oil limber cul tuie application No 7871 for Lots 2-3-4 and awhile1 Sec 5 l 29n R 31 w He names as witnesses SanfordQ Spain Daniel M Sears Charles A Pote and Alonzo Ayers all 01 Kennedy Nebr Also Sanford Q Spain of Kennedy Xebr H E lOGO for Lot 2 swneJ4 se34nwM and neJ4SWj4 Sec 3 Tp 29u R 31 w He names the following witnesses toprove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz tiohu tl Bush of Valentine Neb and Dante Sears Charles A Pote and Alonzo Avers of vKeuuedy Nebr 34 SSC RGLOVhR Register U S Land Office at Valentine Neb 1 Sept 13 1697 f Notice is hereby tdvan that the ed settler has filed notice of his intention to iuuke final proof in suupoit of his claim and that said proof will 6e made before Register and Receiver at Vlautiue Nebr on Oct J2S 1897 viz Lucy Cole of Woodlake Nebr fH E 1O2S0 for the Lottos and 7 Sec 5 and nne Sfi3 81p29nE27V Be names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upoa and cultivation xii sjiid land viz Keil Hanua Ernest Laatbia Ambrose Busk luyand James M Haimafell of Woodlake Neb 34 39 C R GLOVER Register TJ S Land OfhceValentine Nebr J Sept 14 1897 f NHct is hereby given that Phillip Pullman ol Pullman Nebr has filed notice of his intention to mAe final priOf before the Register and their office in alentine Neb on Tuesaiij the 2Gth day of Octoo r 1897 on timber culture application No 8JU8 frthe ssej seJ4 sw ad Lot 1 Sec 31 Tp 29a R 35w He aunes as witnesses Timothy Falbv William Pullman Jacob A aryan William Metzzar all of Pullman Neb Algb Jacob A Yaryan of Pullman Neb T C No 8U4or the nwswJn seswri and uwJise3i Sec 12 Tp 28n It 3Gv He iaraes as witnesses Tipiothv Falbv Williqai Pullman Phillip PuUaian William MetZKar UI of Pullman Nebr Als William Pullman of Pullman Nebr TC jXo 8153 fprlhe risek swkse r add se iswJi Sec 11 Tp 2p ii 3tw Up iiwiies as witnesses Timotliy Ihiltip Pnllnun Jacob Yaryaif asd Wihiaiu Atjtzgar all u Pullniau Neb - 2- C Rfster SffiS3SR5StK U S Land Office Valentine Nebr I Aug 20 1897 f Notice is hereby given that Charlotte Mc Laughlin ef Blairstown Iowa lias filed notice of ihtentiou to make final proof before liie Reg ister or Receiver at his ofiice in Valentine Neb on Tuesdavthe 12th day 01 October 1897 on tim ber culture application No 8032 for the eVineh sel4nw and nenswi ot oec 9 ip 2711 it 32w yhe names as witnesses 1 ohn J Steen Floyd W Pool Knoeh Andes and Bamev McNitt all o Brownlee Nebraska Testimony of claimant will be taken before the Cherk of the District Court for Benton county at his office 111 Vinton Iowa o October 9 1S97 32 G7 C E GLOVER Register TJ S Land Office Valentine Neb 1 Aujiust 23 18U7 f Notice is hereby fdven that Charles Hagedorn of Papillion Nebr lias filed notice of intention to mane final proof before the Register or Re ceiver at his office in Valentine Neb on Fridav theSthdayof October 1897 on timber culture apnlication No 8044 for the seU of section o 7 in township No 33n Range No 3lw He names as witnesses Henry Schultz Her man Sehultz William Danofskey and Frank Kiusikufskey all of Kilwre Neb CR GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Nebr August 25 1897 Xcitice is hereby given tiiar Lizzie Ladely for merly Lizzte Haskins ha fileU notice of inten tion to make final proof before the Register or Receiver lt his office in Valentine Nebr on Ttitsday the 12th av of ctober 1897 on timber calture apnlication No 7993 for the sneh anil SJinw4 ot Sec 5 Tp 29u R35W He names as witnesses Benjamin Freeman George W Ladelv Eimer E Orr of Newton Nebr Levi N Layporte of Valentine Nebr Also Elmer E Orr of Newton Neb II E osn lor the neJ4swJ4 useH and seineli Sec 2 To 29 R 35 He names the following witnesses to nrovs his continuous residence upon and cultivation 01 saw lanuviz George W Ladely Benjamin Freeman Lizie Ladely of Newton Neb Levi N Layporte of Valentine Neo 31 3G C R GLOVER Register JTJ S Land Office Valentine Neb Aujnist20 1897 f Notice is hereby given that William E Bakr of Broken Bow Meb nas filed notice of inten tiou to make final proof before the Registere or Receiver at his ofiice in Valeiithie Neb on Saturday the 9th day of October 1897 on timber culture application No 8001 lor the n ne swneVi ind neiiiw1 of section No 8 in town ship No 2911 range No 2Jw He n ine as witnesses Ely D Valentine oscar W McDaniels John OEndeman ami Andrew G Ward all of Woodlake Neb Testiuvony of claimant will be taken before the Judge of the County Court ft Custer Countv at his orticeiu Broken Bow Neb on ct 7 1837 31 35 C R GLOVER Register TJ S Land Office Valentine Neb 1 August 25 1897 f Notice is hereby given that the following named setiler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that sad proof wih be made before the Register or Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Oct isth 1897 vizi Robert E Gillaspie of Chesterfield Neb H E No 9187 for the sw4neJ 4 nwseK and e1 sw1 See 2 Tp 30 R 34 He namts the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Jacob WStetter of Valentine Nebr Ira T Richardson Daniel Adamson and Thomas 31 Fitzbenry of Chesterfieli Neb also Daniel Adamson of Chesterfield Neb b E No 904C for the lots 2 and 3 Sec 19 Tp 30 R 33 senei wand nese sec 21 Tp 30 R 34 He mates the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land Robert F Gillaspie Thomas MFitzhenrvand Ira T Richardson of Cheterfied Neb Jacob W Stetter of Valentine Nebr also Ira T liichardson of Chesterfield Neb H E No1H92 for the swnwii nwiswJi Sec 25 seMieij and neHse See 2G Tp 30 R 34 names the following witiessebito orove his continuousresideiice upon aad cultivation of said land viz Robert Gillaspie Dar iel Adamsonantl Thomas M Kitzhenry of Chesterfield Neb Jacob w Stettet of Vuleutine Nebr 31 3S C R GLOVEci Register LandOffice at Valentine Nebraska August 20 1S97 f Notice is hereby given that George W Cole man one of the heirs of Abram Ouleman de ceased has rflled notice of intention to make final prnol before tlie Register and Receiver at their office in Valentine Neb on Tuesday the 5th dHj of October 1897 on timber culture ap plication No 7bSI for the sneK aaaiisseU ot section No 33 in township No 35m range 3lw He names as witnesses John H Davis isaiah Davis Charles A Hoffman and Merrick E Robinson all of Kiigore Neb 31 J Ii G LOVER Register US- and Office at Valentine Neb August 2t 1S97 f Notice is herein given that the following nam ed settler lias fifed notice of his intention to 3nake final proof in support 01 his claim and that said proof will bf made before Register or Receiver at Valentine Nebraska 011 Oetober 13 1897 viz Josephine Lewis of Vroodlake Nebr H E 1C2S7 for the se1 Sec 13 Tp so R27 She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Dlhert E Sherman and Arthur M Sherman of Valentine Nebr George H BakeweU and Clarence H wdcott of oodlakeNcbr l ZC rV GLOVER IgisrT X9UMKfiK4AA4QMaMdi9R8JMGKibta2A3ifchl Just at the present time Ave in shape to make the lowest priee3 ever known on FALL AND CLOTH WNTER ING T f We have iust received a lanje stock of clothiijs from one of the biggest concerns in the country and are making some hitherto unheard of prices in order to turn our money qnick All styles sizes weights and colors A good lit guaranteed JACKSON BRAYT iter ART BBOEfLET FREE 7hA l4 BtA14A IIUAISIUtiAX 9Ta ON Fine line -of samples from which to get tailor made clothes 3 2m2 rfriv rr Ti C V r Z rrZ r rr fl 00 0 0 tfSj ft 0 M 11 Premier Cypewr Cest Value Wrlfsn Machine 1 First n Improvements Hones Consfrciion and nil Hiih orade TvpepiJcr Essentials T T T lLi Li ii SLi ZZi e9 po - S O- 2- 2 5i imrrettMjnt llje Order 5 oftfieHge fh - w imw riKniKt cvStwi ijci v Syracuse Tl v a SJI fOmaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets - U S Land Office Valentine Nebr I Sept 22 17 Complaint No 352 1 havinc been entered at this oilice by Martin Kcnnealuy against Christian Forgeng for failure to comply with law as to timber culture entry No 825 dated March20th 190 upon the mvi section 24 township 34 range 29 in Cherry county Nebraska with a view to tn cancellation or said entry contestant alleging thai Christian Forgeng has Tailed to cultivate or cams to be cultivated any psrt of said tract iu tht 7 vear 5 of entry ending March 20 1897 and said tract basgiown up 111 weeds and grass and tiure are no living trees thereon at mis date and has failed to cure nis laches to this datethesaid parties are h reby sumxioiied to appwir at this othce on tlie 2d day of November 1897 at 10 oclock a m to respond and furnish testimody concerning said alleged failure 38 J A Fikb Receiver TJ S Lmd Ofiice Valentine Neb 1 September 22 187 i Complaint having been entered at this office bv Oliver -ii Brown against Ada V Pugh for abandpnmg her homestead entry No 9957 dated Oi toberld 1--91 upon the ii2se4 ne4sw4 and sw4ne4 section s township 31 range 2T inCherry county Nebraska with a view to tlie canceUa tiou of said entry the said parties are hereby summmeJ to appear at U S Lsmd office Valen tine Neb 01 the 28th dav of October 1837 it to Oclock a 111 to respond ami furnish testimony concerning sain aiiegeuauanuonmem j ant further alleges that said Ada V PusIitMlalT never made actual settlement upou said land as required oy law an nas laneu to cure ner acnes up 10 uaw 38 J A Fike Receiver u s Land Office Valentino Nebr I jT U S Dana Office Valeutine Neb I September 22 1877 Comolaint No 352C having been entered at fchrs ofllt e by Eiisha Edwards agaiust William A Whitaker for abandoning his homestead entry No 9840 dated June 20 194 upon the lots 2 2 ami 4 section li and lot 1 section 30 township 28 range 37 in Cnerry County Nebraska with a view to the cancellation of aaid entry tlie said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this ofllceou the 2flth day of October 1897 at 11 oclock to re spond an I furnish testimony toncernimc said al leged abandonment J A Fikk Receiver U S Laxp Offick Valentine Neb I Sept is 1897 Complaint having been entered at this office by William Bolhverk against Johann rollriess for abandoning hih Homestead Entry No338Z elated Mch 3tst 1892 upon tlie wV5ei nei ne4 Sec 19 sese Sec 18 Tp 34 R32 in Cherry county Neb with a view to he cancellation ot said entry tlie said parties are hereby surxmon ed to aopear at tbis office on the lth day oi Oct 189 at 9 oclock a in to respond and fur nish testimony concerning said alleged abandon ment 3437 J A FIKE Receiver September 2 1837 I Complaint having been entered at this office by John E Nye against Charles A Barnes for abandoning Ids homestead entry No 10032 dated April 13 1395 upon the nSsWi seswJi and swUse i section 32 township SO range 31 in Cherry county Nebraska with a view to the cancellation of said entry the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the Ilth day of October 1897 at 10 oclock a m to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment 3G J A Fike Receiver The Same Man May be made to loook entirely dif ferent if the photographer knows how to produce the deception and clothiers can do the same thing If thatsnitof youns your necktie hat or shoes 1 iok shabby come in and well fit you- oufc with a new outfit everything good cheap and uptodate 1 r Jmi J - A a J - A Yi U