PJ4d 2sel J wa - r v y i v - P V if jj Vol xii telephone Tuesday SOCIETIES Masonic ft A I MinnechaUuza Lodge No 1S2 AF Ancient Free and Accepted Masons inoel It regular communication Saturday evening or bIonj the lull me on in each iiiomli Members of the order in gsod and reg ular standing are cor iially and fraternally in vited to attend WT Ktncaiu W 11 W IS TiioauOX Seey Eastern Stsv S ortheru Star Chapter No CO OE Order of the Eastern Star meets on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each uiotftli at Hornbys hall W VV THOMJSOJ Ejika L Ybast Socretiiy Worthy Matron Odd Fellows 0 F Valentine Lodae No 205 Independent 10 pendent Order of Odd Fellows meets every evening Visiting brothers cordial sly invited lo attend our meetings -I T Kkblbv J Davexpout Secretary Nobie Grand Workmen AOU W Valentine Lodge No 70 Ancient Order of United Workmen ineels on the first and third Mondays of each month J C Fm rrTonx O W H ns Itecorder Master Workman D ofH Decree of lion or Valentine Lodge No Degree of Honor holds regular nieetinjis first and third Wednesday evenings of each mouth T G 1jtrnToiix Liuliax U Stoxkii Kecoruer Chief of lienor Protection S IX of P Valentine Lodge No G Sons and Daughters of Protection meets first and third Friday evenings of eicli month in Horn bys hall Ma icy GwjVisn President Lovjk Vachon Secretary Red Men Imv 0 K M Sitting Buil Tribe No 22 Ttn proved Order oi Ited Men nnet every second and fourth Friday even ngot each month -at Davenports Hail Vbi ing brethren are fraternally Invited tobe resent at the council of the tribe O A SnUIS A II FKHCUTSOX Chief of Kecords Sachem Grand Army GA II Col Wood Post No 203 Department ol Nebraska regular meeting second and Jourtb Saturday of each mouth at 2 p m sharp Comrades from other posts are cordially invited U attend loiiN Dunx Commander J W Adjutant Woodmen A Valentine Camp No 17l Modern MAV Woodman of America m -et second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month at Davenports Hall Visiting neighbors cordially invited to attend W 3 Jackson W E Halky Jlerk Venerable Counsel Xniglits of Pythias Kof P Cherrr Lodge No 169 Knights of Pythias meets every Tuesday evening at Davenports Hall 31 Ch in lt kns n jt E P Roberts K of II and S Chancellor Commander THIS AND THAT Cotnina Events Kepublleau Convention Oct 1 Democratic Caucus October 2 Populist Convention Oct 2 -Democratic Convention Oct 5 Teachers Association Oct 0 BNtrict Court Oct IS School meeting Octotier 10 Election Day November 2 Hernember the democratic conven tion Sam nudson -was in town Monday on business Wm Franckc lias returned from his trip to Iowa Geo Uakewell of Woodlafce was in town Mondav Hugh Bovill -of Merrimaa was in town this week Mrs T C Hornby is the proud pos sessor of a new oicycle Mrs Democrat returnedhome from her visit in Longpine Sunday II W Dunbar of Crow Creek S D was in town the first of the week Prof H B Clapp of Simeon made this ofiice a pleasant call while in town Tuesday Several weddings are about to occur in this vicinity and the boys are pre paring for charivaris Davenport Thacher have installed a new heating apparatus in the base ment of their building G E Watson and A T White spent si few days of the- past wesk hunting chickens southwest of town Mrs K W Welch was in town from Omaha Saturdav looking after her property interests in this county The 1st battalion Twelfth Infantry ireturned to Fort Niobrara Tuesday from their annual practice -march Wes Holsclaw is over Ironi the re servation spending the week at home -on account of the illness of his wife Charley Strickland came up from the south country a couple of 4ays ago and will report at Rosebud for duty today The Donoher is now connected with the depot and Minnechaduza Mill by C R Watson did the work A competitive rifle drill will be held fit Fort 2s iobrara the first of the month between members of the Eighth and Twelfth If antra - i y t vvr5 W H B Clapp sold five cars of cattle to a couple of Hastings buyers and the stock was shipped from this place on Tuesday A special sehcol meeting will be held at the school house Tuesday October 19 at 730 p m for the purpose of authorizing the board to sell lots 1 and 2 in block 7 the school house and all buildings thereon Burt Hammond started the first of the week for Kansas City where he will visit his relatives for a month Burt hasnt seen his mother for four teen years and consequently looKed forward to a very pleasant visit Just out the prettiest waltz song of the season Pretty White Lily Pret ty music beautiful words Marked price 50c Send 25c in stamps to the publishers Morgan Made Co Arkan sas City -Kansas and secure a copy Miss Jean Edwards came up from Ainsworth last week and Saturday took examination for a certificate to i teach ii Cherry county She will take charge of the primary department of the Woofilake schools on Xovember 1 Ic is generally supposed that a grad uate from the Valentine schools must spend at least a year in the prepara tory department before entering the state university but a graduate of tbe class of 97 recently entered the uni versity direct This sneaks well for our schoels 1 J A W Tea a Y r j w Tm i ej Pn1lislicl for Four Tears as Teachers Association program will be given at the High School building at T30 p m Oct 9 All friends of education are cordially invited to be present Lesson in Literature R FI Watson Seat Work Mary Shaughnessy Discussion Lillian Solomon Tennessee Exposition from an Edu cational Standpoint- F F Gordon Literature in the Lower Grades - Belle Calleh Discussion Florence Hamar The First Dayof School Maggie Herring Discussion Eva Williams How has the World Been Benefited by the Writings of Charles Dick ers Fraisk Thorn Program Committee Republican Caucus The republicans of Valentine held their caucus in Judge Walcotts ofiice Tuesday afternoon and E J Davenport J W Tucker Ed Clarke M V Nicholson J A Hootan J II Yeast J C Pettijohn A Lewis Chas Sherman J M Tucker Chas Green L L Bivens were elected delegates to the county convention which meets to morrow It was announced that the delegation would divide its rote for sheriff this arrangement having been agreed to by the two candidates Lay porte and Strong Candidates for pre cinct offices will be nominated later BLit Km Hard Pedestrians on Main street Tuesday morning were somewhat shocked to see a young lady engaging in what seemed to be an attempt to rival oue of Ringlings athletes in ground tum bling and high kicking Inquiry how ever developed the fact that she was only endeavoring to recover her equil ibrium after having tripped on a nail which protruded above the walk In quisitiveness is excusable sometimes but these confounded nails are getting out of their place and we are in favor of pounding every one of them which sticks his head above the walk Surprise Party A surprise party was given to W E Pettycrew at the residence of his par ents north of town Friday evening Sept 24th the occasion being in honor of his 16th birthday The surprise was complete and the party a success in every way Fifty two people par ticipated in the festivities and partook of the bountiful supper prepared for the occasion Numerous appropriate presents were given the surprisee as tokens of the esteem in which he is i held by his neighbors aud friends Tuesday Deputy Sheriff John Car penter arrested II Schwaberow on a complaint sworn out by W L Enlow and Sam Chestnut chaiging him with stealing calves Defendant was given until Saturday morning to prepare for rthe preHniiiiar which will be held be fore Judge Towne To the People of Valentine I wish to sincerely thank each and every one of you who so heroically worked to save my building and its contents from the ravages of the fire last Thursday morning I also wish to express my appreciation of the cour tesies extended to me by ihe business men of Valentine and while willing to return the same hope that I may never have occasion to do so on account of similar misfortune befalling them T C Hornry While Cherry county did not win a prize at the State Fair she can feel proud of her display just the same Pat Murphy of Woodlake carried off the first premium on baled hay and Dick Grooms took second on cabbage and summer squashes Celery and cauliflower premiums would have come here but the boys only had a couple of bunches while six of each were needed for the competition Tne display was one of the neatest on exhibition but it was not large enough To Blemlicvs of the Reading Circle j For our next meeting on the second Saturday of October you are expected to study carefully the Introduction and the first two chapters of Skinners Studies in Literature and Composition Eajch member will be expected to pre sent to the class a written description of A Warm Summers Day and lA Cold winters Day without using eith er of the words cold warm winter summer or day You are also requested to read care fully Prof Shermans Studies in Lit eisaVy Internretatiop in the September number of the Northwestern Monthly especially that part referring to the Fact Way the Truth Way and the Beauty Way of expressing meaning Robert H Watson Leader of the Literary Department of Reading Circle Repairing the Dnniagc A force of seven men have been en gaged in the work of repairing Horn bys store building this week and the rocf of the structure is once more in good shape When the excitement had died away an inventory of the loss sustained was taken and Mr Hornby found that on building and stock he was out about 3500 This in addi tion to his loss of trade time and the profit on goods which though good as everhave depreciated in the estimation of customers The land office quarters will be ready for occupancy the first of next week but the rest of the building will not be fully repaired for a week or so longer In the meantime Tom is doing business at the old Cornell building near the depot The Populist CauenS The populists of Valentine precinct held their primary Saturday evening in the county judges office and elected the following delegates to the county convention Geo B Zarr Jas Eay G II Reinert Z V Vachon E Thorn J A Hitt W F A Meltendorf J TV Steele G Q smith and J J Jones Two tickets were in the field but the other fellows were caught napping and were not in it We are assured that the delegation elected is for Burleigh for clerk Fritz for treasurer aud Thorn for superintendent Lots of bd blood was stirred up and harmony is an un known article in the populist camp At this caucus a number of the old warhorses of the party were turned down among them being G P Crabb L C Spurks J H Quigley and J M Carpenter These gentlemen were virtually kicked out of the councils of tiie party yet truer populists can not i be found The deal was engineered by Reinert assisted by a number who were in ignorance of the real animus of the Oght and is doubly disgraceful because Ilahn Crabb Sparks Stoner etall were his best friends Again this caucus is said to have killed all htpes of fusion Will the country precincts stand it If so not a single pjipnlist will be elected Fusion js their only hope The democrats will btin the campaign to win DEMOO CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT VALENTINE CHERRY OCX 3STEBRASKA THURSDAY SETPEMBER 30 189 The dirt taken from the basement cf Sparks1 new bank building is being used to fill the hole in Catherine street alongside the Palace saloon AVm Caton clerk in Jordans store and J II Bratley a school teacher were over from Rosebud to attend lodge meeting Saturday night Mrs E McDonald returned Sunday from her trip to Lincoln Omaha and Blair While in Omaha she made sev eral purchases of goods for the store Beginning with Tuesday all west bound passenger trains on the Elkhorn were from one to three hours late on account of returning State Fair visit ors After this evening all boys and girls affected by the curfew ordinance must be off the streets at 7 p m The bell will ring at that hour hereafter until spring Qnigleys drugstore this week was given a new coat of paper and was in other ways cleaned and renovated If he will only repaint the outside of the building Arthur Sherman made final proof on his homestead last week and will live in town this winter Tie contemplates nuttinsr un a dwelling house in the near future Dr Wells has his dental outfit over Davenport Thachcrs store in the weather bureau ofiice while waiting for repairs on the Hornby building to be completed Jos Potmesil stopped in town Sun day aud Monday while on his way to Chadron from Omaha Joe appears to be recovering from his recent illness all right but still looks badly Bids will be received at Rosebud un til Oct 23 for furnishing 10000 lbs of cabbage 800 bushels of potatoes and 100 bushels of onions Vegetables to be delivered at the boarding school D S Ludwig went to Omaha and Gouifcil Bluffs SundaVrnorningtna will return today Dan inteuds buy ing a carload of buggies and wagons and a carload of windmills while gone Work is progressing this week on the excavation for Sparks new bank building The structure will be built of brick consist of two stories and a basement and all modern improve ments Maj McChesney came over from the Agency Saturday with a squad of In dian police and returned Sunday nth about 10000 sent out by Uncle Sam for the purpose of paying off his em ployes Judee Walcott of Valentine stopped at the Osborne Tuesday morning en route to Springview whither he Went to attend a term of the district court held there thisweek Ainsworth Star Journal John Lord C W Burleigh W D Bennett J Morgareidge and Korthrop Bartley At the residence of J C Xorthrop yesterday morning at 11 oclock V A Northrop and Stella Bartley were by Judge W R Towne united in matri mony only the relatives of the bride and groom witnessing the ceremony Trie happy couple left the same after noon for Irwin where the groom hold3 the position of station agent for the F E M V This young couple are very wll known and universally liked in Valen tine and vicinity The bride is pos sessed of an exceptionally amiable dis position and has many accoraplisments not the least of which is her talent for music The groom is one cf those jol ly wholesouled fellows whom every body likes and stands high in his pro fession as an expert telegrapher To say that scores of friends wish them a ioug happy future ex presses but half a truth Individually The Democrat man wishes them the same happiness in married life that he enjoys and no one could wish more than that School jaouse Motes The partition walls of the school house are completed and the outside walls are about four feet above the grouud Next week work on the out side brick walls will be progressing at a rapid rate and then people can get an idea of what the building will be when completed The carpenter shop on the school site is a busy place and frames for the building are being rapidly turned out Walter Moseley of Ainsworth one the editors old schoolmates is work ing in the carpenter shop He wishes to locate here permanently and will probably send for his family soon J F Wyvel of Ainsworth was in town yesterday looking after the heat ing and ventilating system He says that the furnaces wiU he installed in about two weeks The democrats of Valentine precinct will meet at Judge Townes oflics Sat urday Oct 2 at 700 p m and elect 10 delegates to the county convention Robert Good ARAL JL j jljL JL 7 BOS - m ALL NO 86 LE HIT That is what our sale of those stylish Fall DRESS GOODS is and were srlad of it thats the reason we bought them Every thingnew and uptodate If you wish to keep posted on -what is newest you must see om stock Another thine were proud of is our new line of Chenille Curtains and table covers Theyre about the neatest things in that line this side of Omaha See them sure THACHER GENERAL MERCHANTS The Fruit Season With all its glories is here and as in the past the bes of tame and wild fruits plums peaches pears bananas or- lemons etc will be found for sale by NORTH OF POSTOFFICE W A PETTYOREW Highest prices for Butter Eggs and Farm Produce - - - - -- - i i i 1 JW Our Fall Goods Are now arriving and to make room for them all goods which have been in Stock this summer must go To hurry themalong we have put prices down to bedrock Everything for the home Call and see our Dry G oods K McDonald Indian goods trinkets and curios a specialty Store at Crookston also FALL MILLINERY Xcw Goods constantly arriving Also LADIES READY MADE CLOTHING FLEfiCE LINED UNDERWEAR HOSIERY RIBBONS ETC Call and see us Opposite The Donoher I EFHEB Successor to MRS O W MGEEY Everything in our store is new and of the best quality so you cannot make a mistake by trading with us Weve just put in a line of Shoes and Cloth ing which you should examine OWMOREY TVATOHMAKEE - AND - JEWELEE Eine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed aud done in the best manner Full line of sporting goods Wanted An Idea Who can thlnlr of some simple thlnetoDatent Protect your Ideas they may bring yon wealth Write JOHN WEDDEKBUPN CO Patent Attor neys Washington D C for their 1800 prize offer and new list ol one thousand Inventions wanted O A WELLS DENTIST Office over T C Hornbys Store ELKHORN RAILROAD North Western Line is to besj to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD of NORTH NEBRASKA D acifig Short Linf TIME TABLE AT OXEILL NEBRASKA PASSEXGEK LEAVES 1030 A 31 AUK IVES 030 P 31 D4ILY EXCE1T SlNDAV Through connections both ways with lllacfc Hills trains by taking this line o can jo to Sioux City and return the same lav connections made with all trains for the East and Souife Dakota Buy local tickets to ONeill