The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 26, 1897, Image 8

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-- scsr iaia4ir
EOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher
Official Paper of Clierry Coun
ty Nebraska
100 Jer Yetir in Advance
Entered at t be Post office at Valentino Chen
eouaty Nebraska as Second class matter
tt i iii m
This paper will be mailed regular y
to its subscribers until a definite ord er
to discontinue is received and all j Ar
rears arepid in full
Democratic Convention
A mass convention of the demo
crats of- Cherry county is hereby c ailed
r moot- in tho nfliia nf tVin rrmnfn
judge at 2 oclock pm on Saturday
Angust28 1897 for the purpo je of
electing five delegates to attend the
state convention
A full turnout is requested Con
vention for nominating Candida tes for
county officers will be called lat er
Robert Good
M Christenskn Chai iman
There are in Liucoln the of
this glorious commonwealth two corre
spondents lor country papers who for
the good of their respective parlies
should be choked off Tb first of
these is J W Johnson who writes for
the republican papers J ohnson de
votes most of the space al lotted him
to the- most rotten stuff imaginable
Trivial occurrences are m rgnitied ua
til they assume vast prop- ortions and
Over these he fumes and f rets and gets
himself into a fine fury His sarcasm
is wonderful and is aim ed at every
thing populistic Doubt less there is
many times a small foun elation for his
wrath but as a whole hi s productions
are worthless being vatuable neither
for their English nor reliable as to
The correspnndent -for the populist
papers 48 T II Tibbles and he is prob
ably worse than Johnson because the
latter apparently tries to tell the truth
but Tibbies stoops to downright de
ception and hasnt the wit to conceal
the fact asthe following contradictory
remarks f ram one pa ragraph of a re
cent letter oer his signature proves
There is no way or arriving at the
amount of mortgages satisfied except
a man went u each county seat and
spent several days in each county ex
amining the books It would take a
year to do Uie work In the audi t
iOrs ottice there are the annual reports
from the county clerks up -to January
1 giving the amount of mortgages
filecLaad released during last year
Mortgages filed during 1897 On
farm property 2203344719 On city
propertv 444115959 On chattels
f 20i92922S2
And there the record ends Tibbies
evidently failed to find the record of
mortgages released but he says it was
there even ttter asserting there was
no record to fee found His statement
that several days would be required to
search the record is a wilful falsehood
This paper publishes a monthly report
of mortgages led aud released and it
never requires more than ten minutes
to get the figures
Again we say these two men should
be choked off Strangers reading J
W Js letters vrould think our state
officers a lot of who concerned
themselves about nothing but childish
bickerings and quarrels Strangers
-reading T W TVs lotters would sup
pose there was not an honest man in
the state outside the populist party
and after readinglris mortgage records
would conclude that Nebraska is a
good place to stay away from
The Omaha Labor Bulletin after a
brief existence offourteen weeks an
nounces that unless it receives more
substantial support from the retail
dealers it will cease to exist The
-Bulletin from its birth -engaged in an
active crusade against th -Bee Torld
Herald and those enemies of the one
line retailers the department stores
The Bulletin was a 4 page 6 column
paper and carried 8 full columns of
advertising in its last igsse but that
was not enough The Bulletin was
radiCl too radical for its own good
and it falls Thus goes another friend
of labr killed by lack of support from
those vrJiom it befriended
From tfiis time forth iTJncle Sams
wards the Indians will be fed upon
German not Americau sugar The
members of the sugar trust pufiin sep
arate bids on this contract but each
bid was the same to a fraction of a
cent Whilo the trust was figuringup
the profits it would make on the deal
an insignificant German stepped in
and gobbled the contract It may bo
un American to glory over the fact
that a foreigner should get a govern
ment contract but iu this instance we
Sffilieve its excusable
nmgw riiiTn iiWIIi
Wood Lake Neb
J B Smith
Left hip jor left side
Swallowtail iork on
both earsunderbit
on right
Horses Off on left
Range attfiooGC
7 pun 1
R web ml
John N flsa came back from White River AFon
Cbarl es Benaratnade a visit to the Alinnedha
duza S aturday agd Sundav
H J Caton acd family put up at the fcotel
8uniay night
J M CorbluVas in the first of the week from
Little Whiteiriver
F Robinsoa did business in the Ageecy Sat
John Tielfel recovered from his runaway suf
ficiently to make a business trip to -Valentine
I the last of the week
I Mr and Mrs H W Shaw returned Monday
from their sad mission
A bicyclist from Chicago enroute for the far
west was one of the attractions ut the Hotel
Balgord Sunday
MrsH F Eaton returned from the Longpinc
Chautauqua Friday and is making a weeks vis
it witUHhe family of Rev Cross
R Anderson Earl Pettycrewand sister and
JuliaRyschou were Agency visitors Sunday
JF Estes transacted business -here Monday
Jco Tripp Jr made allying trip in trom Black
Pipe Saturday
Dr McConville was called out to Black Pipe
Sunday to attend one of the children of Alex
rhe Agents residence begins to take on a met
ropolitan appearance
F K BIvenH went down to Valentine Saturday
to spend Sunday with his family
S A Squires of Flanttreau and Elmer Elton of
Brldgewator on their wa home from a bicycle
tour through the Black Hills were the guests of
the local fiend Monday and Tuesday
Chas Tackctt announces his resignation as U
S coirt interpreter
Latest reports from the Boarding School are
1 hat an efllcient corps are at w6ik and every
thing will bo in shipshape fr tile opening Sept
Chas Brcdeson did sorae artistic work in the
-iron department of the new pchce quarters
The newest thing talked of is a better water
system one that will give are protection
The chicken hunters Sunday got back Wc
did not see anything else they got
We understand R A Overman of Valentine
has takenthe contract to get out the stone for
the foundation of E T DeBells new store
The police have been prottybusv of late gath
ering up straggling travelers who are not up to
thestandard of promptness iii reporting
Niobrara Falls
A party of Indians were over from the reser
vation in quest of cherries an 5 other fruit
Frank Reece went down tothe Loup the first
otthe week
Mrs Alice Metzgar went dewn to the Fort for
a vsit with her sister Mrs Cole
J Roth Elmer Cole and fcielr better Hialves
were visiting on the river Sunday
John Elliott one of the iirv settlers in this
locality was shaking hands with old friends
here one day last week
1 A Adamson sold ohc ad of steers and
cows to parties near Georgia und delivered same
Tuesday He also sold a steer for R rooms
and W Meltcndorf
Henry Grooms took a load of watermelons to
to tlvi Fort Monday
Had Bov
Roesiid S D
Cattle lioledn
each ear
Ramie Bia and
Paul Didier
t Little White Rivers
7 SBj
William M Dunbar
Leasee from Heine Kroeger
D Either side
U -HI low
iMlt ear of cattle
liange nesa 01 nay
William F Schmidt
Rosebud 8 D
On left side
Horses branded
same on left hip or
Range on Horse
John DeCory
Rosebud S
Some branded
417 on left side
Horses JD oa left
Range in aieyer Co
on Antelope Creek
We carry at least two lines of gtods in which we exccl
Our assortment of these goods is complete none more so hi the Northwest
Groceries Dry Goods and Notions T II FTJ K I E3
Hats Gaps and Furnishings I W M J O l D 1
Simeon Neb
Lelt ears tanned j
Left hip oh cattle
Left shoulder -on
Some horses Lazy
a on left shoulder
Range between
Gordon and Snake
Kiver anuisiGurara
cattle dehorned
jfticNiit Bros
p O Brownlee Neb
Right or left side
ITorses same on
left shoulder
Earmark Swal
low tail clip right
or left ear
Range iSig Creek
I 3
Charles H Fauihaber
Brownlee Nebr
Either right or left
side on cattle
Horses same on
left shoulder
Left ear cut off on
Range Loup river
1 1 fe5yaxKftta i u aa STEAM PUMFS
1 U2
8 mJ m K B E5S Sa
S H JvhnragJ
Rosebud S D
Also B4U on left
rattle undercut on
both ears
Horses branded 4
on left shoulder
Range on Antelope
and Spring Creeks
OaEach Box
Eclipse and Fairbanks Wind
mills Towerc Tanks Irriga
tion Outfits Hose nU fr
GriudereSherersWood Sav
Drive Points Pipe Flttinps
Brass Roods nsd JFaSrlmtiKs
StandarOH Scales Prices
low Get the best Send for
lt02 Faonam St Omaha Neb
t P Pi
a k ilS a
rtioHS MBUiiSOLSar
nfiDAHV aaftDET
American Beauties
AV JR Kissel
Brownlee N eb
Alo some below
lclt hip
Charles Richards
Merrimaii Nob
Charles C Tackett
Range Kissels
Rosebud 3 D
Range head of An
on left thigh
jf rill
telope near St Marys
Horses branded
Ttt I en iin
Notico is hereby given that on the 10th day of
May isi7 1 tookup on section 2 township 34
range S3 in Cherry county Nebraska the follow
ingdesciibed animals
One gnu horse with white left hiad fcot and
on the left hip Age about eight
years Weight about 1050 pounds
Out gray horse with white face branded
r on right shoulder Ago anout four
v veins weight about OOo pounds
Cody Neb
U S Land Oflice Valentine Nebr I
August 19 1S07 f
Complaint having been entered at this ollice
John E Walker againht Edward Dixon for aban
doning his homestead entry No 10270 dated Nov
12 105 iijion he nir6U and nnwi Sec 3a R
5u R Sw ith I M in Cherry county Nebraska
with a view to the cancellation of sakl entry
the said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at this office on the 2lst day of October 1S97 at
lOaVlock a m to respond and furnish testi
mony concerning said alleged abandonment
The testimony ot witnesses to be taken before
Robert Lucas U S C C Commissioner at his
ollice at Cooper Neb Oct Kith 1SA7 at 10 oclock
a m 31 34 C R CLOVER Register
J S Land Ollice Broken Row Neb I
July 21 1897 f
Complaint liaving been entered at this oflice
by Rmston Ilmkson against Charles S Tucas
for abandoning his Homestead Entrv No 872
dated Dec t2th is upon the sp1 Section 27
Town hip 21 N Range 25 V in Cherrv County
isefor with a view to the cancellation of said en
try the wud parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this ofdeeon the 11th davofSept is17
at 10 oclock a 111 to rcMiond and furnish testi
mony concerning said alleged abandonment
2W1 Chas II Akwis Register
US Land Office Valentine Nebr 1
Autiusto 187 f
Notice is herebv given that the following
named settler has Hied notice of intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before the Registsr
or Reoeher at Valentine Neb on September 20
1837 viz
liichard K Rainsford of Nenzil Xeb
II E JW32 for the se Sec 14 Tp 34n R 32w
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said laud viz
Edward Satterlee Michel Eoltz and Stanislaus
Krajewskl of Nenzil Neb andsfoseph BJerl of
Georgia Neb Also
Michel lioltz of Xenzil Xeb
II E nm for the eliswh nwswii Sec 14 aud
neUiwJ Sec 23 Tp 34 R 32
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of
said laud viz
Edward Satterlee Richard K Rainsford and
Stanislaus Krajewski of Nenzil Neb and Jo
seph Bierl of Georgia Neb
2934 C R GLOTER Register
L S Land Ollice Valentine Nebr 1
August 2 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that Anna M Nelson
of Burlington Arkansas has Hied notice of in
tention to make proof before the Clerk of the
District Court for Boone county at his oflice in
Harrison Arkansas on Friday the 10th day of
September 1897 on timber culture application
No 8498 for Uie wi4ne4 and niJmvJi of section
No 13 in township No 2Sn range No 37w
She names as wituesses Phillip Pullman
Charles Pullman Jason Garwood and Joseph A
Saults all of Pullman Nebraska
Testimony of witnesses will be taken before
the Register or Receiver at his oflice in Valen
tine Nebraska on September 14 1897
2S 33 C R GLOVER Register
Land Office at ValentmeNebr 1
August 4 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that Egbert Bonnen of
Pullman Neb has filed notice of intention to
make final proof before the Register or Receiver
at his office iu Valentine Neb on Wednesday
the 22ud day of September 1897 on timber cul
ture application No 8128 lor the s54se and
siswh of section No 29 in Tp 29n range 3Gw
He names as witnesses William L Enlow
Joseph A Saults William A Metzger and Will
iam Pullman al of Pullman Neb
Also Christian Metzger of Cedar Creek Neb
T C 8091 for the nViseM and nswJi section 12
Tp29n range 36w
He names as witnesses William L Enlow
Joseph A Saults William Pullman and Egbert
Bonnen all of Pullman Nepr
Testimony of claimant will betaken before the
Clerk of the District Court for Caas county at his
oflice in Plattsmouth Neb on Sept 18 1897
2W 33 C R GLO VER Register
U S Land Office at Valentine Neb I
July 22 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of bis intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be mado before Register
and Receiver at Valcutine Nebr on Sept
8th 1897 viz
William G Ballard of Woodlake Neb
II E 8701 for the lots 3 4 and sijnw1 section
3 township 20 range 28
He names the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land
Coin DAinslie of Simeon Nri George R
Hoi tin Jacob Klein aud John Cromn all uf
WooiJlake Nebraska
- Oil GLOVER ltegistcr
V vA
John H Harnan JW ffl
Brownlee Neb C J g5sssfc
Also Tv aud TT T
F W WM 1 Marshall - Wolf enden
Range Goose Crock V V V I iv Kr1 a
and KortkLoup jU - y - Ba Horses K on left 5 Eflf E3 I
Earmark Quarter i J
clip behind half cir- V - -ii an M
Louis F Richards Range Lone Tree if I
Lake ggjgfeaafl
f f I Merrimaii Neb Wheeler BlOS
Henry Pratt sdSf9te5aJH
Rosebud S V fwfwJL
left Horses shoulder same on Hgr pasem 1 Tnnic T lUUiaiClb
some cattle H Mui riman Neb SS
Joseph AV Bownet aaiajEEi
tBfiS9 P t udtiitAsi
Just at the present time we in shape to
make the lowest prices ever known on
In Dry Goods Dress Goods Hats and
Caps Boots and Shoes Groceries and
Notions Come and look the oocls over
Thats what we are m iyinfr those who trv
to keep up -with oir great
Everything in o nr store is new and of
the best quality so you cannot make
a mistake by trading with us Weve
just put in a line of Shoes and Cloth
ing which you should examine
jifiSSSS StT
IU Smith Premier typewriter
Kcst Value Writing Machine
First in Improvements Honest
Construction and all High grade
Typewriter Essentials
T t t
Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases
notice of which appear in T11 k DErioriT will
receive a marked copy of the paper Should any
errors in description of land or spelling of names
be discovered notice should be sent to the land
office and this office so correction can be made
U S Laud Oflice at Valentine Neb
August 2 1837 f
Notice is herebv given that the following-named
settler has fifed notice of his Intention to
make final proof m support of his can and
that said proof will be made beioru Itegister or
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on October 13
1897 viz
Josephine Lewis of Woodlake Xebr
II E 10287 for the sei Sec 13 Tp 30 R 27
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon aud cultivation
of said land viz
Delbert E Sherman and Arthur M Sherman
of Valentine Nebr George N Bakewell ami
Clarence Al Walcott of Woodlake Nebr
31 3G CE GLOVER Hegistur
U S Land Office Valentine Neb 1
August 23US97
Notice is hereby given that Charles Hagedorn
of Papillion Nebr fr as tiled notice of intention
to niane final proof before the Register or Re
ceiver at his office in Valentine Neb on Friday
the 8th day of October tM7 on timber culture
application No 8014 for the seJ4 of section No 7
in township No3Jn Range No 31 w
He names as witnesses Henry Schultz Her
man Schultz William Danofskey and Frank
Kluslkufskey all of Kilgore Neb
31 M C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valpntine Neb 1
August 25 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and that
said proof will bo made before the Register or
Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Oct 13th 1397
Robert F Gillaspie of Chesterfield Xeb
II E No 9187 for the swJineH nwfcseJi and e54
swy Sec 2G Tp 30 R 84
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
Jacob W Stetter of Valentine Nebr Ira T
Richardson Daniel Adamson and Thomas M
Fitzhenry of Chesterfiel 1 Neb also
Daniel Adamson of Chesterfield Neb
H E No 904G for the lots 2 and 3 Sec 19 Tp 30 R
33 seJ4ne and nese Sec 24 Tp 30 R 34
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Robert F Gillaspie Thomas M Fitzhenry and
Ira T Richardson of Chesterfield Neb Jacob
W Stetter of Valentine Nebr also
Ira T Richardson of Chesterfield Neb
H E No 9192 for the sw4nw nwsw4 Sec 23
seneH and neke Sec 2G Tp 30 R 34
He names the following witnessesto provo his
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of
said land viz
Robert Gillaspie Daniel Adamson and Thomas
M Fitzhenry of Chesterfield Neb Jacob w
Stetter of ValeatineNebr
31 3G C R GLOVER Register
Land Oflice at Valentine Nebraska
August 20 1397 f
Notice is hereby glyen that George W Cole
man one of the heirs of Abrain Coleman de
ceased has filed notice of Intention to make
final proof before the Register and Receiver at
their office in Valentine Neb on Tuesday the
5th day of October 1897 on timber culture ap
plication No 7884 for the sine 4 and n6seJ of
section No 33 in township No35n range Slw
He names as witnesses John if Davis
Isaiah Davis Charles A Hoffman and Merrick
E Robinson all of Kilgore Neb
31 36 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb
August 20 1697 f
Notice is hereby given that William E Baly
of Broken Bow Neb has filed noxice of inten
tion to make final proof before the Registere or
Receiver at his ofiice in Valentne Net on
Saturday the yth day of October 13V7 on ilmbur
culture application No eOOl lor the nHuH
swineJi and neiinw of section No A In towa
ship No 29n range No 2Gw
He names as witnesses Ely D Valentine
Oscar W McDaniels John O Endemau and
Andrew G Ward all of Woodlake Neb
Testimony of claimant will be taken before the
Judge of the County Court 1 r Outer County 2t
his ofiics in Brckey Bow Neb on Oct 7 lfc3t
31 30 -- t K GLO VLR Uegiotui
aieniine eo
Cfte Smith Premier typewriter Co nTTsV
Inyrwrnm tJx Oritr - WV
Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets
U S Land Office Valentino Nebr t
August 23 1397 i
Notice is hereby given that Lizzie Ladely for
merly Lizzie Haskius ha- filed notice of Inten
tion to make final proof before the- Register or
Receiver at hN office in Valentine Nebr oa
Tuesday the 12th lav of October 1R97 on timber Jy
culture application No 7993 for the s4neHasd
simvM fd Sec 5 Tp 29n R 3rw
He names as witnesses Benjamin Freeman
George W Ladely Elmer E Orr of Newton
Nebr Levi N Iayporte of Valentine Nebr
Elmer E Orr of Newton Neb
II E 9R04 for thenesw1 nlseliaudseKnei
Sec 2 Tp 29 K X
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
George W Ladely Benjamin Freeman Lizzie
Ladely of Newton Neb Levi N Layporte of
C R GLOVER Register
L S Land Office Aalentine Nebr
AugUrftli IS07 f
Notice is hereby given that Zachary T Fisk of
Hale Ore has filed notice of intention to mako
final proof before the Register or Receiver at his
omce in Valentine Neb on Vednesdaythe29
day of September 1897 on timber culture appli
cation No 742d for thesw4 of Sec 22 Tp 31n
Range 2w
He names as witnesses Abraham -Pay ten
John Daniels Samuel Hudson and Willard Mor
gareidge all of Simeon Neb
V01 JSainant wm be tatBU before
the Clerk of the Distnct Court for Lane county
at his office in Eugene City Oregon en Septem
ber 21 1897
30 35 r GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr
M Adg 19 1887 f
Notice is hereby given that the followinc
named settler has filed notice ofdiis intention to
make final nroof in mtiinnrt nf hiu iim
that said proof will be made fcofore the Register
Arthur M Sherman of Valentine Neb
W Ior the syueX and uwLi Sec 35 TP
He numrs thn fnlfnuMnrr
SJilianrtUvfsldeuccuon aud cultivation of
John fronin FK n Vnio o r
cott4Sd Wills Barnard all of Wood Lak Neb
30 35
C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb 1
Notice Is hereby given that WuKLBlkck
burnof Hatfield Green Kan haTfileJi nouSe
pf intention to make final proof before the Re
ister or receiver at his oflice In VallneNe
on Saturday the llth day of September lOTe
timber culture application No 782l7for toVwtt
seH xwJine and seHnw of dect on No 2o7in
township No 27n range No asw -
TTnM11 wte4 EvauiR Vandecrift
Harry H Keller Samuel D Monteomeryawd
Lele a ol Brownlee Nebr
Testimony of claimant will betaken before tie
fcrln0f rhe Jlstli Court for Chale eouatyit
C R GLOVER Bolster-
U S Lavd Orrxcx Valentine Nt I
Notice Is hereby eirea thfoUL
named settler has filed notlc oiMa intel
rhIieHfina1 roSf Ln support of rliTcffiiS
that aaid will
proor bemadabeioBcister Sd
KE5S at McJSf S8
Fred G Holsclaw ot Valentine Kefe
He H E No 193 1 or the saJi 8ec 23Tp jtn 8 aw
nanies the foUouWtirSra
iaidiarileDcao TiSSf
Wiiliam Cavanauih llicqael MelAuWto
Michael tnlidtMvSSSi
Thoma3Ielly of Valentine tobroSr -
tf vO
ti r glover elster
US Land OCiceValwitlne Nebr
Kouceu hereby givS ffief
iu Valentino Neb w w32SSjetg Sth S
He names as witnesses- Tnlm rtiio di
Dale Joiu OEnderm a EiS ju
all cf Wwl Lakt ane
f Is