A tii iBaai8feteaa8gaialtg m ROBERT GOOD Editor and Prop VALENTINE - NEBRASKA If Keuicky has begun to give lynch ing bees on general principles she should reform her principles There are no courts in the Klondyke region but perhaps they are not neces sary -where everyone observes the gold en rule A fashion paper anxiously inquires Will the pneumatic corset stay Probably not it didnt come to stay lut to float Since the Alaska gold craze began the snake and fish liar has had no earthly chance to show what he can do in the line of picturesque prevarica tion Another important gold discovery was made in New Orleans A saloon keeper discovered that he hart paid 7 000 for two gold bricks worth about 7 cents a pound Those who are in a position to spean -with authority concerning Alaskan af fairs say that it would be folly for a poor man to start for the Klondyke now without a few thousand dollars The Cleveland Leader reports that a West Side woman wants u000 for sev eral kisses Before closing such a deal ive should insist on having a positive understanding as to how many sev eral are in Cleveland A cablegram announces that the Prussian under secretary for foreign affairs has been compelled to take a long vacation in order to regain his liealth Probably the hot weather had something to do with his retirement Ins name is Baron von Rotenhain Up in St Paul the other night a young woman hastily left a spiritualistic seance because when she jabbed a hat pin into the leg of a spirit she dis tinctly heard a ghostly swear word enunciated with great fervency Well there are some things that no ghost will tolerate A woman of Chicago has taken a very good way to put down the practice of scorching so common with a certain class of wheelmen She was run down by one of these felows and alleges that she sustained severe bodily injuries Instead of having him arrested and fined 5 she has brought suit against 3iim for 10000 damages Vanity Fair of London sweetly re marks that the American eagle is a noisy bragging would be bullying bird the Americans themselves are of stupid mind and the Yankee reminds us of a toy terrier snapping at ourselves in the person of a mastiff Oh dear dear Really this is too bad What a change from 1770 and 1S12 After the contumely of years has Tbeen heaped upon the women of Chi cago because of the supposed abnormal size of their feet revenge has come in the statement by a St Louis physician that the greater portion of the women in that city arc in danger of death from lockjaw by r son of tight shoes As they say in the play It is for Chicago to laugh A German publication revives the Idea of restoring Metz to France This -was advocated by Bismarck in 1S71 tout the advice of Yon Moltke prevailed lie holding that it was necessary for military reasons The newspaper says that the presence of Germans in Merc is a constant menace to the French Tvho will never forget their thirst for revenge so long as the Germans retain the city It thinks that the Germans should take this first step toward recon ciliation The new minister from Bolivia the first by the way ever accredited by hat country to this in speaking of the iesources of Bolivia said that there was more gold there than there is in IQondyke and that one iM not have to freeze or starve to death to get it There is not a stream in Bolivia where gold cannot be washed out All that is needed he says is capital and modern machinery There is a great deal of truth in this but up to tle present lime few Americans have found it profitablo iito put very much capital in South American enterprises owing to the uu stability of the governments Let the gentle art of revenge be left to women They understand better than men how to insert the metaphori cal poignard under the fifth rib of their enemies and to drive the iron into the bouIs of those who have injured them Speaking of revenge that was a neat turn which Mrs Smythe of Atlanta gave to her dagger Her husband had been a candidate for the collectorship -of Georgia but had been turned down by the President who appointed a ne gro barber to the position Finding that all her neighbors had indorsed the ne gro in preference to Ma jor Smythe she lias thrown them into consternation by -offering to rent her mansion to the ne gro at a nominal sum No one but a twooian v ould have thought of that Kansas City has an ordinance impos ing a fine of two dollars and a half on every elector who fails to vote at a general election But the Supreme -Court of Missoori has just declared the ordinance invalid on the ground so it is stated that it is degrading to asso ciate the franchise with a money value Jt might be well to experiment with a suggestion made some time ago that liiiiiiyiMiiwjMMirfiiTfflffiHWTifffTOTq IPfiTWiTiinfflrrTrnffiirinm i capitation tax of say five dollars per annum be laid upon every voter to be remitted if he casts his ballot on elec tion day and rigorously collected if he iloes not Put in tliis form the propo sition might pass the ordeal of tho courts The Review of Reviews Tue close of the century will have wit nessed the beginning of a profound change in the industrial conditions of China and the adjacent parts of the Orient Besides the great trunk rail roads that the Russians are to build in the north of China and the Chinese lines that will be built by the Belgian company recently chartered it is an nounced that the French government has completed important arrangements for the extension of railroads from Cochin China the Tonquin region well into the adjacent Chinese provinces On the west the transcaspian lines are ap proaching Chinese territory while rail road building under English govern mental auspices in the Malayan penin sula is progressing with much enter prise and new concessions have just been wrested from the Chinese govern ment Several million dollars is about to be spent for constructing 200 miles of road as an extension of existing lines All this work in and about China means the gradual opening up of an enormous commerce with that rich and productive empire The operation of the postal savings panic system of Great Britain is of great benefit to the people of that coun try Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of such a system in developing habits of thrift in the young Much significance attaches to the fact that so many of the depositors are chil dren If the youth of the present can be taught the value of money and in duced to save the number of spend thrifts t ill be remarkably less in the next generation and poverty and want will be far less prevalent Postal sav ings banks have done much to allay discontent in England and to render government more stable Why should this country do less to promote the wel fare of its people and increase their in terest in the maintenance and well-being of the Government In Great Britain the sums standing to the credit of depositors in the postoffice bank amount to nearly 300000000 In this country with its larger population the deposits in a few years in a postal sav ings bank doubtless would be large enough to absorb the entire national debt How much better the people of this country would feel about it if the interest on the national debt were going to the small savings depositors instead of to large money holders a considera ble proportion of whom are foreigners A special cable dispatch from Paris says that the Countess of Ancaster has publicly announced that dancing has become a lost art We are constrained to believe that Lady Ancaster is in er ror While it is true that the stately minuet and the quadrille of another generation have gone the way of all earthly things other dances which be long to a higher form of art still hold the center of the stage Who was it a few years ago that restored American diplomacy in Paris to the lofty position it once held T Jefferson Coolidge And what means did he employ to win that diplomatic triumph Loie Fuller and about a hundred yards of cheese cloth Certain forms of the dance have disappeared but others remain un changed and apparently unchangeable The dance performed before Herod when John the Baptist was beheaded was the star attraction of the Midway during the Worlds Fair To day it is keeping the dime museum circuits busy The cotillon has gone and the polka and the schottische are going But what of that The new dances make up in lati tude what the older ones have lost in longitude High art in the dance is no longer measured by gracefulness and genteel deportment It is measured with a yardstick and is entirely a mat ter of altitude The dance undoubted ly has degenerated But so long as a young woman of little grace and less modesty can earn on the stage as a dancer a larger salary than is paid to the President of this republic it is hard ly fair to classify dancing among the lost arts An Electric Hansom The new electric hansom which is now plying in New York has some advantages over the ordinary hansom as well as over the motor car The read er will see from the idea that a fare can easily step in and out while his view is unobstructed by the horse A speaking tube enables him to speak with the driver and an electric lamp to read by night There is no vibra tion and the motor is noiseless in ac tion The electricity is carried in ac cumulators under the seat of the dri ver who controls the starting stop ping and brake mechanism by hand levers The vehicle runs on pneumatic tires and a bell warns people of its ap proach It can attain a speed of twenty-five miles an hour on a level road but fifteen miles an hour is regarded as the most suitable rate New Danger to Firemen At a recent fire in the basement of a Chicago electric power house the fire men had great trouble in getting at the blaze They had to chop holes in the lloor of the dynamo room before they could get a stream on the blazing pile of waste Not waiting for the dyna mos to be shut down they crept through the black smoke and turned a stream on the flames In an instant they were flung to the ground with great violence and the hose was sent flying into the air A heavy current had passed along the stream and had shocked them Though unconscious when rescued they quickly recovered People make themselves very miser able by telling jokes on each other fJSf HANNAS HEAVY GUNS For people who claim to have an easy victory in sight the Ohio Republicans are importing fighting men to an un precedented extent Mark Hanna an nounced that President McKinley would make speeches during the cam paign but this suggestion was met by such a storm of protests from the press of the United States tha Hanna was forced to withdraw it However judg ing from the list of speakers now made public the great statesman of Ohio is not going to lack advocates in his Sen atorial interests If there is such a thing as being talked to death the people of the Buck eye State have grave cause for appre hension as up to date the following spellbinders have Hanna this fall Senator Foraker Senator Barrows Senator Carter Senator Frye Senator Cullom Senator Fairbanks Senator Nelson Senator Wilson Senator Spooner agreed to talk for Senator Hoar Senator Gear Senator Gallinger Senator Allison Senator Lodge Senator Hawley Senator Wolcott Senator Thurston Senator Wellington In addition to the heavy artillery composed of Senators there will be a flying squadron of Representatives and all around orators as follows Reed Maine Sherman N Y Bromwell Ohio Dingley Maine Bingham Pa Babcock Wis Mahany New York Belknap Illinois Cousins Iowa Boutelle Maine Republicans are not going to spare expense in the Ohio campaign Such an array of talent will cost more than a grand opera company but Mark Hanna and the trusts know where the money is coming from Monopoly has much at stake in the outcome of the Ohio con test and never before in the history of the United States will have been pre sented such a carnival of corruption bribery and intimidation as that which will disgrace Ohio in Mark Ilannas Senatorial campaign Chicago Dis patch Advocates of Robbery Will the advocates of a gold mono metallic currency ever become honest enough to admit facts or will they al ways persist in prevarication As facts are fatal to the arguments of those who demand gold and gold only the hope that they will admit facts is not to be entertained Any policy which forces up the value of money is nothing less than stealing When silver was demonetized and the volume of the circulating medium cut in two the people were robbed of half of all they owned and the gold mono- metallists were the robbers Since the purchasing clause of the Sherman Jaw - as repealed prices have fallen 11 per cent and it has taken only four years to bring about this dis astrous result What does this fall in prices mean It means that gold has increased in purchasing power and that every debt made four years ago has grown 11 per cent through the un earned increment of an appreciating currency This is the boldest and most unblushing robbery The honest money thU is so loudly clamored for is dishonest money It is just as dishon est as a short weight pound or a de creased bushel measure There is fraud in every gold dollar there is fraud in the demand for a stable currency when it is made by a gold monometallist because gold is not a stable measure of value it is con stantly increasing and by this incre ment robs the debtor and impoverishes the hard working and honest toilers of the nation Democrats Win in Indiana Of course the silver sentiment is dying out Indiana has proved that favorite Republican claim by making big Democratic gains and paralyzing all opposition iu electing the late Will iam S Holmans successor Francis Marion Griffith has been chosen to rep resent the Democracy of Indiana in the House of Representatives and his se lection by a largely increased Demo cratic vote is a great victory for the cause of silver The Holman district was a close one and the great personal popularity of the great objector gave him on the occasion of his last election a plurality of 300 votes Griffith has a plurality of 1S00 votes Republicans are astounded at the result and can find no reasonable excuse to urge for their defeat The free silver senti ment has died out in the Holman dis trict to the extent of multiplying the Democratic plurality six times it is dying out in Ohio Iowa and Ken tucky at the same rate It will con tinue to die out until Democracy wins the conflict in ISflS and elects a Democratic President on the free silver issue in 1100 Fijrhtinjr Fpirit Has Returned Democrats need not look beyond the Fourth Indiana District for renewed courage and fresh iiope The unmis takable evidence is there of Democrat ic buoyancy and harmony which augur party unity and victory The Demo crats of the Fourth Indiana District have demonstrated that the partys old time lighting spirit has returned Now let Democrats everywhere catch step and march resolutely on to the glories of victory that await them this year next year and in 1000 St Louis Re public The Price of Hannaa Toga Mr Sherman is unfit for any office of trust and responsibilitj whatever Par ticularly is he disqualified for one which presupposes the possession of unusual qualities of discretion and tact in its incumbent The forgetfulness and the garrulity of old age have be come Mr Shermans dominant charac teristics More than once he has brought the nation to the verge of a diplomatic crisis by his unguarded and irresponsible prattle upon subjects of grave international importance This is a heavy price to pay for the presence of Mark Hanna in the United State1 Senate New York Journal Protection and Pillace A Chicago paper engaged in booming the Dingley tariff prosperity idea the monetary reform idea and all the other plutocratic and Republican party ideas quotes the local market reports with an accompanying flourish on its prosperity trumpet It is not necessary to comment at length on this matter because it speaks for itself The gist of the ar ticle is contained in the following quo tation A cursory examination of the market discovers that during the last week there have been advances in the following articles used in the ordinary household Dried fruits of all sorts Dried and salted meats Dried and salted fish of every kind Beans Wheat Hour Rye flour Hominy Corn meal Japan rice All sorts of farinaceous foods Canned tomatoes Canned peas Canned peaches Cheese Pickles Sugar Syrups Glucose Jellies Preserves Medium and low grades of tea The declines are as follows Lamp chimneys of certain undesirable sizes Coffee All that need be said is that necessi ties of life are advancing in price and that wages are either stationary or go ing down This kind of benefit from Republican legislation will result in making the voters think seriously be fore they give their suffrages again to the party of protection and pillage Ohio Populists Bonjrht The hand is that of Coxey but the voice is that of Hanna Ohio Populists have nominated Jacob S Coxey for Governor with no hope of electing their candidate and with no object to be gained except that of em barrassing the Democracy and the cause of silver Undoubtedly Mark Hanna is back of this demonstration and positive proof of this fact was brought forth in the convention The Rev J IE Taylor a leading fusionist claimed Major Dick Republican State Chairman agreed to pay the expenses of headquarters literature etc for the anti fusionist Populists at the State convqition In spite of the most direct charges of corruption and notwith standing the fact that indisputable doc umentary evidence was produced de bate was choked off and the nominated their ticket The fight in Ohio is going to be most bitter and the Republicans will spare no money to buy votes for the purpose of returning the king of the trusts Mark Hanna to the United States Sen ate ForeAvarned is forearmed and the Democracy will go into the contest ful ly aware of the kind of tactics they will have to meet Chicago Dispatclu Growth in Pension Outlays The growth of the expenses of pen sions is attracting wide attention One third of the revenues of the Govern ment now goes to pay pensions and the number of names on the list is growing so rapidly that it is estimated that there will be a big deficit in the pension appropriation at the close of the fiscal year It is now disclosed that just prior to the commencement of the new fiscal year all allowances for new pensions were held up until the new year began because there was no money to meet them Utica Observer Claiming It Both Ways One of the Iowa Republican papers does not propose to be stumped on the prosperous times The other week the cancellations of mortgages exceeded the number of new mortgages made and it claimed that this was an evi dence of prosperity The next week the mortgages exceeded the cancella tions and the paper came out and claimed that it was positive proof of prosperity because the farmers were borrowing money to make improve ments Peoria Herald The People and Injunction Tyrnnnv If federal courts can enjoin men from talking they can extend their powers iind throttle the press Then it will be only a step further to punish men for thinking If this abuse of injunction continues the people the real source of all power will find a remedy for intol erable conditions They respect the law but they cannot be made to sub mit to tyranny even though it is clothed in the judicial ermine La fayette Iud Journal Indorsing and Condemning at Once The Kentucky Republicans in their platform indorse the national adminis tration and oppose the system of civil service which that administration up holds In other words they indorse the administration but they oppose its administration Louisville Courier Journal PUZZLED BY AN OWL Savants at the Capital Thought the Monument Was Haunted In one of the many glass cases in the Smithsonian Institution at Washing ton is a stuffed owl This particular owl is the one in the words of the late President Hayes that jarred the Washington monument and therein lies the story During centennial year Congress re solved to provide the necessary funds for the completion of the monument which up to that time had been work ed at only while the several smaller ap propriations lasted It was discover ed however that the original founda tion was likely to prove incapable of sustaining the enormous weight of marble necessary for carrying the shaft 550 feet above terra firnia A new foundation was therefore needed and architects thought a solid concrete bed 100 feet square and nearly fourteen feet in thickness would accomplish the strengthening desired During the operation of replacing the old foundation it -was considered ex pedient to provide means for noting carefully the slightest vibration of the walls lest the monument might be in danger of collapsing Accordingly a heavy weight was suspended by a stout thread from the apex to a pan of thick sirup located in the base so that no chance drafts of air would be likely to sway the weight An ingenious con trivance was so attached to the weight that the slightest vibration of the shaft would be faithfully recorded and its in security would at once be an establish ed fact One morning a few months after these careful precautions had been taken there was a great commotion among the workmen A complete rec ord of numerous perturbations and tremblings had been written on the in dex showing conclusively that the mammoth obelisk had jarred swayed and settled during the night Scientific heads were dubiously shaken After much persuasion one of the men finally consented to go to the top and examine into the cause The astonishing report came into the midst of the anxious throng below that an owl in seeking shelter in the lofty tower had somehow managed to catch its wings in the thread and was still hanging there suspended to the interior of the monu ment and the innumerable flappings and struggles of his owlship had all been recorded by the index as testi mony against the stability of plumb laid marble blocks and solid concrete Philadelphia Record Early Opposition to Anaesthesia Every discovery has met with an tagonism Each advance in medicine has been opposed until the proofs have been so manifest that the great majority of antagonists have been over whelmed thereby The Ninteenth Cen tury has an article on The Advance of Medical Science During the Victorian Era from the pen of Malcolm Morris F R C S in which the opposition to the use of anaesthetics is described Dr Simpson was its champion Aftei depicting the attacks of the daily papers and the refusal of suffering pa tients to have chloroform administered to them it says These feelings were by no means confined to the uonscieutific public There was strong opposition from some surgeons who held that pain was a wholesome stimulus on this ground the use of chloroform was actually for bidden by the principal medical officer of our army in the Crimea The clergy naturally bettered the instructions of these enlightened professors of the art of healing I need only to quote one philanthropic divine who anathematiz ed chloroform as a decay of Satan ap parently offering itself to bless women but which will harden society and rob God of the deep earnest cries which arise in time of trouble for help Simpson answered those fools accord ing to their folly He quoted scripture to prove that the Almighty himself per formed the first operation under an aesthesia when he cast Adam into a deep sleep before removing his rib He fought the battle of common sense with such convincing logic and such an overwhelming mass of evidence chem ical physiological clinical and sta tisticalthat he finally shamed his op- ponents into silence Beat the Drum in 1812 Sunday May 16 New Hampshires only survivor of the war of 1812 Eleazer Smith of Danbury was 95 years old rounding out the century of his life in unimpaired health with acute senses and with much of the sprightliness which once filled his youth Notwithstanding a slight lame ness his carriage is erect and his shoulders squaie PI is eyesight is particularly good foe a man of his age Never has he needed medical attend ance and only once and that foin years ago has he ever suffered Elenzei Smith was born in Grafton X II May 10 179S and was one of a family of eight children All his brothers and sisters have been dead for more than twenty years one brother being killed in the civil war His grandfather was a soldier of the Revolution participat ing in man j engagements He saw General Warren fall at Bunker HilL and was himself wounded Eleazei resided on his fathers farm till 1S12 when he became imbued with a desire to go to the defense of his country but his extreme youth made him in eligible until 1S14 when at 1G years ol age he enlisted in the face of opposi tion from parents and ridicule from friends Hanover Mass Cor Boston Globe A Moving Appeal A Wabash college boy having been admitted to the same Greek society to which his father belonged introduced his next request for a remittance with Dear Father and Brother Minne apolis Journal EDUCATI0MLC0LUM NOTES ABOUT SCHOOLS AND THEIR MANAGEMENT Efforts Should Be Made to Beautify the School Gronnds Estimates of the Coat of London Schools Tornado Drills in Kansas School Booms The School Grounds When grounds are properly leveled and drained and freed from disagree able obstructions the first effort to beautifythein in every instance should be to erect the necessary closets and to shield them from observation by a thickly planted row or clump of ever greens Next hard walks should be made from the street to the different doors of the building and from them to the closets screened by the evergreens When the school building stands a short distance from the street these walks may wind around oval plots where flowers and shrubs may be grown In various parte of the grounds beautiful trees may be planted like the maple or the elm or the oak Between these plots of ground of whatever form oval or otherwise should be sown seeds of the most beautiful and hardy grasses adapted for lawns so that there will be formed a smooth and handsome turf which must be often rolled and carefully cut In some shad ed corner native ferns should be plant ed and elsewhere some of the most elegant native shrubs should find a cherished homo The suggestion of State Superintendent Sabin of Iowa is worth adopting To teach children the kind of trees which flourish best in that section which of them are best for timber which for shade and which for fuel Specimens of each will then be found on the school grounds and re ferred to for purposes of illustration In the same connection we must teach how to plant and care for them and cultivate in each an honest respect for a thriving growing tree In the rear of the school buildings the playgrounds should be located where trees also mfiy be planted to afford shade and pleasure but not to interfere with the sports of the children If in the planting of trees in the grounds the children are permitted to take part and name them there will be a feeling of interest and ownership in the trees on the part of the children which will go far toward securing needed care for them The plots devoted to flowers and shrubs may have many varieties iu the passing years The children often have plants they would gladly place in the school grounds for the summer Others have seeds which they would sow so that each summer the ground would disclose the taste of the pupils as well as of the teachers Different plots might be assigned to different rooms or classes of pupils and a wholesome ri vally excited as to which should be most neatly kept and show the great est improvements in the summer Great variety might be given the grounds from year to year by training hardy vines and creepers over the walls o tne uuiuung ana arouna tiie winnows or by planting them beside arches and trellises over which they would grow The comparatively trifling expense needful to make the required arches and trellises would gladly be met by the parents when once the children proved their interest in such methods of beautifying the grounds Educa tional Record Queer Place for a School Miss Daisy Doud is the teacher of a school on the Farallone Islands whicb are a part of the First Ward of the city of San Francisco There are four light housekeepers on the islands which are rocky and rough and Miss- Doud teaches the children ot the keepers There are ten little ones and says the New York Tribune Mis Douds school house is probably one of the oldest in the world All kinds of sea birds live upon the rocky island coast and if Miss Douds little ones are inclined to the study of natural history they will have ample opportunity for the feathered and finned part of it at any rate Deep sea fish and shellfish are in abundance at the foot of the schoolhouse and the spray sometimes dashes angrily up the steep rocks and washes the windows of the schoolroom Cost of London iJchoos It will take nearly 515000000 to run the public schools in the control of the London School Board for the fiscal year ending Aug 1 1S98 This is the estimate tiled with the education de partment by Sir John Key chairman of the Finance Committee Superintend ents and teachers alone will draw over 0000000 in salaries Books and sta tioner which are furnished free will absorb another 100000 while 409000 is appropriated for the schools in which cooking laundry work and manual training are made a specialty The estimate which will be approved by the Government is 2000000 in ex cess of the annual outlay two yeartj ago this fact being due to the in creased number of schools and heavy additions of scholars to the old schools involving a larger force of teachers and other auxiliaries Tornado Drills in Kansas Schools A movement has been started im Kansas to have a tornado cave at tached to every schoolhouse as a refuge for the children in times of those de structive visitations Aviiich are there so frequently requiring special provis ions of refuge ad protection from them Once in the cave no matter how vio lent the storm the children are safe In some of the schools tornado drills have been instituted Miss Wilcox of the University of Melbourne has received the silver medal of the Cobden Club being the first woman to win the prize XJr -