h u Ml r K r i ii 1 R lv K WOODMEN IN 1 FIGHT jFJOT FOLLOWS AN ATTEMPT TO MOVE RECORDS One Man Fatully Hurt and Several Injured Rock Islanders Repelled by Citizens of Pulton History of the Trouble in the Order A Spirited Battle In an attempt 1y people of Koclr Island Fridsiy afternoon lo secure possession oC the books and belongings at the head quarters of the Modern Woodmen of America in Fulton 111 a general riot eu sued The Jist of injured is lSd Bare head and arms injured AVill Bennet city marshal head cut -wound believed to be fatalelauMs Carrier head out P J Casey badly injured on head W II Flanagan head badly cut Chris Miller bead cuti L D Plank cut about the bead J cut alwut the bead Start from Rock Island JudgcGesi of Hock Island liad rendered Jus decision dissolving the injunction which retrained the officials of the Mod ern Woodmen of America from removing the books and other belongings of the lusad otlice from Fulton 111 to Hock Island A special train was -started from Jtock Island over the Burlington road for Fulton carrying about GOO men well -sinned They reached Fulton about G oclock Mid inarched up to the Woodman building in military style The Fulton people bad been apprised of ihe move by telephone and were ready 1o defend the books and papers of the bead olHce They wwe assisted by a large force from Cliu f oif and Lyons their neighboring cities just across the Mississippi General Fijjht Knsues A general lire alann was sounded and 3iose laid to repel the invaders When the train arrived the track was torn up on both sides to prevent their escape A Hock Island man cut the hose This was ihe signal for hostilities Many shots were lirod and clubs rocks and missiles of all kinds used Quite a number of Hock Islanders are nvore or less hurt none very severely They secured a few books be fore they were stopped but wore penned in their train by armed deputies Head Attorney Toluisou of the Modern Wood men Engineer Mitchell of the special train and a number of others are under surest Another Injunction Secured T D Andrews iof Chicago attorney for the city of Fulton went to Sterling on a special train and secured an injunction from T F Mefiieran master in chan cery which was accompanied by a re straining order It was served immedi ately and the records will now remain un til it can be tried in the courts t HISTORY OF TROUBLE Fisht Centered Around J C Root Founder of the Order iThe great light prolonged for so long to remove the headquarters of the Modern Woodmen of America from Fulton III to othCT points has u very intimate bear ing on Omaha sinethat city is now the home of one 7 C Jtoot nvho established that order and started the long fight by making an effort lodiave the records of the organization removed to Omaha It was in 1ST that the Modern Wood- Jiieji of America was organized under the rVfff Illinois ILhe charter expressly stipulated that the headquarters should be located in the State of Illinois As Fulton was the home of Hoot he selected that place as the headquarters of the or ganization It was in lSDO eleven years later that the idea of a change entered Hoots head Omaha was n the boom and he selected that place as the future home of his com pany when he suddenly discovered that the people of Fulton proposed to have a word to say about the matter When Boot attempted to remove the records from the town he was interrupted by an lion The case was determined in favor of Fulton Boot appealed and the Supreme Court continued the decision This light had provoked much bitterness in the or ganization and there aniuiy who were not satisfied to have Boot at the head of the order whu h was essentially an Illi nois institution and which lie was anx ious to remove to some other State Then a personal fight was started on Boot to oust him as sovereign eommander -or supreme bead of the Modern Woodmen The matter went through all the State courts and Boot was finally defeated iJe at once went to Omaha and started a rival older known as the Woodmen of -the World In the past year be has had some trouble with the Omaha contingent of this order and some of the members seceded and formed a new order claiming that Boot had perpetuated himself as sov ereign commander and was degenerating1 it into a one man affair The light to Iceqp the headquarters at 1 -Fulton as not reopened until two years ago when during the Milwaukee conven tion tlie city of Bock Island 111 offered to fsUKiiish the order a permanent building at thax place if ilie Mdquarters were brought there It was accepted and iiie records oidered removed Told in a Few Lines While A rossing the river at St Louis Frank jGullins and Joseph Kelly were drowned by the capsizing of their skiff George 3L Stuart property clerk in the department of charities New York City is short in his accounts G000 and missing lit- lost on the races John Gowlou alias Lewis jSelson the eegro who wardered William Allen at Brunswick Miw on July 13 by clubbing bini with a gun barrel and who was cap tured in Louisiana was hanged bj lynch ers1 Michael Devine fatally shot Alexander Gowry at Colon au Oskaloosa la sub urb Devines wife was also slightly wounded Devine charged Gowry wiiii breaking up his home lie surrendered to the slieriff All gambling resorts at Joplin Mof have been closed and Marshal Morgan pays they smll not be opened during his erni lie also proposes to strictly eaforce tJit Sunday salooii law If Japan and Spain ever decide to unite for the purpose of thrashing Uncle Sam the rest of creation will witness a per formance which will beat Don Quixote and The Mikado combined m A nnst to which n hammock swum broke and fell across the stomach of Les lie Fults the S-year-old son of A J Fults Fedalia Iojnflictiug niternal injuraes from -which ho djed in a few minutes 1 - A NEW REPUBLIC I South American States Have Formed a Federation Quietly and unostentatiously the greater republic of Central America has become an accomplished fact The first step was taken a year or more ago -when Salvador Honduras and Nicaragua united in a confederation for mutual defense Now Costa Bica and Guatemala have joined and the new republic is complete It would have been still better had the confed eration been established half a century ago and thereby developed the re sources of the five countries as they should have been and also prevented a score of miserable civil wars and revolutions brought about bj ambi tious and corrupt military adventur ers They naturally should be under one authority so far as their national policy is concerned and now that this has been accomplished there is little doubt it will tend toward conditions ot peace and order in domestic affairs The new republic will possess con sderable strength Its population will be a little over three millions of which Guatemala has nearly one half The area will be 18582 square miles di vided as follows Guatemala 63400 Costa Bica 23000 Salvador 722o Honduras 43000 and Nicaragua 49 200 As compared with South Ameri can State Chile has 2JKJ470 square miles of area Peru 403747 and the Argentine Bepublic 177S105 though the population of the latter is only sVbout 917000 larger than that of the new republic Compared with Illi nois its area is about three times as large while its population is about a million and a half less The Central American population is largely made up of native Indians and mixed races but the Europeans and those of European-descent are steadily increasing The arrangement of the new federa tion is both wise and sensible The in dividual States retain complete auton omy and absolute control of their do mestic affairs Outside relations trea ties commercial and industrial rela tions with other nations are managed ly a -sort of congress winch meets in the various capitals at stated times and wbicb is regularly elected Repre sentation to foreign governments also pioceeds from the authority of this body In a word the relations of the greater republic to the outside world are practically managed as ours are and the rights of the States to control their own affairs remain untouched Undoubtedly one of the Impelling mo fives to this union was the fact or the fear that Mexico hatl its covetous eyes on those States adjoining her own southern boundary which lias had the effect to -expedite this fusion of the five States The union -will give the republic an army of about 175000 men regulars and militia which will be sufficient for all ordinary purposes of defense As to the commercial and industrial resources of the new re public they should be greatly devel oped under the new management If it have no other result than to put an end to the interminable revolutions and civil wars in that section it will be a blessing A Forgotten Author The oldest American man of letters Is Theodore S Fay now living abroad at Berlin at the age of 90 He is most ly forgotten and bis books are all out of print Xet be was a man of some note in the literature of his day Ilis novels Norman Leslie and Hobo ken -were in -ever circulating library and were widely rend fifty years and more ago He was a contemporary of Irving Willis Bryant JInlleck Ferci val and others of that period He bad a position in the diplomatic ferviee being given the place of Minister to Switzerland by President Van Buren wbo was very kind toward literary men Irving wts appointed Minister to Japan by him Huwlhorue had his position in the Boston custom house during bis administration Bancroft -was made collector of the port of Bos ton -and Tames K Spaulding who had written at least one novel was a mem ber of his Cabinet It was noted as a curious fact at that time that the liter ary men of the country were generally Democrats Mr Fay has never resided at home since he lost his foreign mis sion The charms of European life were too much for him -Boston Heir Ijife Snould Be Longer It was the naturalist Buffon who as serted that human beings should live to 140 years instead of merely 70 Buf fon argued that all creatures of the animal kind Jive at least six or seven times as long as it requires them to ob asln full development Thus the horse is full grown at 3 years and lives to IS atvl 20 The ox is fully developed at 4 years and tbe dog at 2 The former lives to 24 and 23 and the latter to 12 and 14 There is ao doubt that in these respects Buffon was right and if his ilieory were borne out in the case of numajsiind the period of life should o at least 120 to 140 instead of 70 New Uses for Glass Attention -was recently called to the proposed use of glass brick in building It is now said that tbe Government of Switzerland has approved the use of glass for making weights to be em ployed with balance scales A peculiar ly tough kind of glass is to be selected for this purpose From England comes the suggestion that glass would be a better and more lasting material than stone for making monuments which are exposed to the wearing action of the weather Swallows Medals to Effect Cures The Churchman reports that the daughter of the principal notary of Placinza Italy was found to have in her stomach an accumulation of medals of a Madonna locally celebrated for powers of cure in cancer She had swallowed a medal eacli day for a week on advice of her confessor HINTS ABOUT DIVING HOW TO ACQUIRE ABILITY IN THIS RECREATION Rules to Be Followed When Rescninc One Wbo Cannot Swim A Knowl edge of TJiis Art Is Essential to Iiife Saving Savinc Persons from Drowning The whole secret of making a dive at the first attempt is to have plenty of confidence Beginners as a rule are so nervous tliat they start to make a dive but change their mind before reaching the water and turn it into an awkward tumble It has often been found a good plan for two persons to hold a towel out in front of the diver to show how high he must throw his legs in order to make a clean dive The low dive is about three feet from the surface Witb the bands over the head take a deep respiration and in leaving the solid surface throw the feet above the level of the head In enter ing the water turn the hands upward and you come to the surface The prettiest high dive is made when you spring far out the body almost in a horizontal level and allow the head and anus to decline toward the water In making a very high dive the per former changes the position of his body by giving a peculiar quirk to his legs which has the effect of shooting him into the water head first Headers are taken by running and jumping off a springboard -The body is straightened out as in a high dive and there is but little splash on enter ing the water Diving feet first and the sitting jump with hands clasped over knees are also sometimes prac ticed Flippers are single or double somersaults make backwards or for wards from a board or solid surface The plunge differs from the dive in that the former is made head first from MVIXG a firm take off the body being entire ly free from spring You simply plunge into the water and rise to the surface by the guiding of the hands which are held out in front as in a dive While in the water the body is perfectly mo tionless Good plungers can glide seventy-live feet in this way with little difficulty Diving is absolutely essential in life saving it being necessary frequently to dive for a drowning person It is also essential to know just how to ap proach and grip a drowning person and how to release oneself from their oft times fatal clutch The following meth od is nearly about that adopted by the life saving service of England and the United States Experience has j ia i rrTJiBnttrsP OPECO 7t iTrt33Mi un IQWK KISING TO THE SURFACE proved it to bo most effective and it is to be regretted that the directions are not more generally known Briefly they are as follows If held by the wrists take a deep breath and turn both arms simulta neously against the drowning persons thumbs outward and attempt to bring your arms at right angles to your own body This will discolate his thumbs and compel him to let go If clutched s s i kiu wmvwA mkm rSSViM t JTm - f rH anA CV CBif AXC mjr M m 1 IiilrflM feY York World around the neck bring the knees be tween the two bodies placing them against the lower part of your oppo nents chest Then give a quick and sudden push straightening out your legs at the same time and throw the whole weight of your body backward This will press the air out of his chest as well as push him off no matter how tightly he may be holding If clutched around the body and arms lean well over your opponent and throw one arm in an upward direction at right angles to the body or draw KESCUING one arm up between your body and his Then with thumb and forefinger catch his nose and pinch the nostrils close at the same time placing the palm of the hand on his chin and push outwards This will cause him to open his mouth for breathing purposes and he -being under will swallow water Choking ensues and not only is the rescuer let go but the other is left so helpless that he is completely under control If clutched high around the body and arms lean well over and turn one arm in an outward and upward direction which move will free the arm You then proceed as in the other case About the easiest way of towing person to shore is to grasp him by the clothes or under the arm and swim on your back with a fast side stroke If you swim better with the broad stroke turn over on your face and let the drowning one lie on his back and put his arms about your neck Or if you are very strong hold him up with one arm and swim with the other Patient Endurance Many think patient endurance is a virtue that outweighs all others in val ue There never was a greater error Endurance is often so contemptible as to rank with cowardice Evil is the enemy of progress in manners and morals The endurance which tolerates evil is a defect worthy of the strongest effort to overcome it It takes courage time patience faith to take a stand and make a fight against evil whether the evil is threat ening the nations prosperity or indi vidual rights and comforts AYe have in all communities laws that exist for the protection of the law abiding citizens his protection not only of life and property but of comfort of health of morals The laws are for the whole commu nity for all ages and each sex They are constantly violated Why Because endurance not in the guise of virtue but in its common every day garb of weakness indifference and laziness permits these violations refusing to see the moral degradation that ensues Bighteous wrath that would express itself openly would put down many evils in their first stages which en dured create and strengthen them selves and allied evils compelling the expenditure of men money and years of time to overcome A Timely Rebuke A lady riding on a car on the New York Central Railway was disturbed in her reading by the conversation of two gentlemen occupying the seat just before her One of them seemed to be a student of some college on his way home for a vacation He used nnich profane language greatly to the ladys annoyance She thought she would rebuke him and on begging pardon for interrupt ing asked the young student if he had studied the languages Yes madam I have -mastered tho languages quite well Do you read and speak Hebrew Quite fluently Will you be so kind as to do mt a small favor With great pleasure I am at your service Will you be so kind as to do your swearing in Hebrew The lady was not annoyed any more by the ungentlemanly language of this would be gentleman No Inducement Castleton How few girls go in bath ing here this season Dillback Yes The grand stand back of the bathing beach has been washed away Judge When some young men fall in love they show the first symptoms by in vesting heavily in perfumery N STATES SHOWN BLACK BICYCLES ARE CARRIED AS BAGGAGE df 5v -v WM -non i fflMW v L is 11 ZX jSr - ni0 Mr i lrtl wdmsitgzzi v inMhgm ZWTTi offe nffemmWaliixx G- I I tnr a s07ya i iainnvnexmssun i i iw - wwAfo t Jismffm four 13CMk mStimlJs K frm2ZFih JmB5lMiMmAHiA I v - Kmmtcis memmeemjmr u i jiLii hois mUiowffJWSWMfMM 1 twfmiMCSi f ft tv PLAIN OR FANCY 5 p lUimiifeMrtiiiimiiW ji nt tgnfig RINTINQ PECIALTIES Mfflil QUICKLY BILL HEADS LETTER MEADS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS ENVELOPES INVITATIONS PROGRAMMES MENUS LARGE POSTERS BUSINESS CARDSf SMALL POSTERS CALUNQ CARDSr SALE BILLS ETC CHROMO CARDS Notary Publi Valentine W O 9 v- W E HALEY MEAT Ol the Choicest Brands Beal Estate ABSTRACTER Valentine Nebraska 1000000 Bond Wiled Office in P O Building r I M I The DONOHER Has recently been refurnished and thoroughly renovated making it now more than ever worthy of the reputation it has always borne of being THE MOST COMPLETE AND COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN THE NORTHWEST Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Koom Good Sample Koony M J DONOHER Proprietor Qherry Qounty Bank Valentine Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent withjconservative banfcinj Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable rates County depository E SPARKS President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier DANK OF VALENT NIEBBs C a CORNELL President M V NICELOL80X Cashier Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Eoccliange Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National Eank Omaba CITIZENS GEO G SCHWALM PROP This market always keeps a supply of FISH AND G In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables At StattersOld Stand on Main Street AME VALENTINE NEBRA8KA THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS WINES LIQUORS and CIGARS Nebraska Remember that this office is fully prepared at all times to turn out on the shortest notice in the most artistic and workmanlike manner all kinds of Job Printing PI m