The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 12, 1897, Image 3

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For Wcisrhinjr Hay
xTo weigh hay on bam scales place
rSeaies a on the scaffold 1 over the
ibam floor Across thein lay a plank e
several inches longer than the width of
Stlie scales to -which suspend a rope or
chain like a swing d under the scales
Spread the ropes under them so they
will not touch their frame Ixi this
Iswing hang an iron bent like the letter
IS e To a joist f on one side of tihe
scales fasten one end of a rope passing
Vue other end down under the scales
ifuid up to a windlass g on the other
side of them but first slip on this rope
ia hay fork pulley To pile the hay on
make a frame h six feet square light
4 X
J sn tn I
y I ll 1 I - - y
and strong enough ro support 700
pounds of bay On tAvo sides of this
frame are ropes each 14 feet long with
the ends passed down through holes
bored in the corners of the frame and
knotted Pile the hay on the frame
bring the ropes together over it and at
tach them to the pulley by another S
shaped iron Wind Tip until you can
bang it on the rope attached to scales
letting the weight hang on them A
ton of hay can be weighed at three
draughts on SOO pouna scales I have
found the above very convenient for
that i
i into it
-it ation
purpose in a barn Deduct weight
anie Ani or i can A griculturis t
Comliinetl Stackyard and Manjrer
With good prices for hay many con
sider good bright oat and barley straw
to be worth for feeding purposes quite
as much as overripe clover or timothy
bay and pound for pound worth fully
Iialf as much as any good hay Hence
instead of wasting the straw by build
ing flat topped stacks and allowing cat
tle and other stock to have free access
to them a yard is built around the
staclcs and the straw fed out as regu
larly as ha j or grain A log pen has
leen made as illustrated that serves
the purpose admirably The logs rest
mpon a foundation of stone or wood
the lower log being 1 foot from the
ground and three logs on each side the
extreme height of fence being not less
han 4i feet On the leeward side of
the stack pen a permanent and durable
ananger can be easily made from small
poles This may extend the entire
length of the pen and be built upon one
or mare siues ine straw is tnrown
directly from the stack and if
of hay or straw be fed at noon
it will prove equally as valuable the
only objection being that it is located
2rr iS
out of doors It is far more economical
than to throw the food 111011 the ground
or in the nearest fence corner Farm
and Home
Apples for Profit
Farmers frequently speculate as to
whether or not there is -more money in
raising fruit than in the old time farm
ing of the cereals As an example can
be given the product of the fruit farm
of William F Fisher of Unionville
Center County Fa Exclusive of what
Jie sold during apple season Mr Fisher
put away for shipment to Eastern mar
kets during this winter 0000 bushels of
prime apples From the poorer grades
be made 00000 gallons of cider and 2u0
barrels of vinegar Mr Fisher for a
number of years maintained a choice
vineyard but of late he has devoted his
energies more exclusively to apples as
a sj er crop and a better money maker
A Farm Income
A gross income averaging 12000 an
nually for several years is the record
of a New England farm we are ac
quainted with This large return from
sl farm of less than 100 acres is due to
retailing its milk direct to the con
sumer that being the principal source
of Income We do not know what the
met profit has been but imagine that
i T W S
at the close of each year than at the
beginning He is one of the men who
are satisfied with farming but unlike
many a farmer who complains that his
business does not pay this man keeps
only the best cows He is no fancy
farmer with a bank account to draw
on but has worked his way without
assistance Men of his kind usually
get there be it In farming or any
other business They find plenty of
room at the top an old saying but
never more true than to day The
Can Such Thinca Be
That the tools are dull
That no tool shed is on the farm
That there are no gates but bars
That the slock is nc t salted regu
That the -harrow is out doors
That the plow is left standing in the
That crops are still planted in the
That gullies are left to increase each
That the same breed of sheep has
been on the farm from one generation
to another
That line fences are not kept in good
That noxious weeds are allowed to
go to seed
That the boys never get a day off for
That the orchard was not trimmed
last spring
That the harness is rarely cleaned
and oiled
That a small patch of berries is not
on the fnrm
That the garden is seen to only after
the crops are in
That your initials are not on your
grain sacks
That the outbuildings have not been
painted for years
That nothing is done at the proper
time always behind
That sheep are not tagged every
spring before turning on grass
That the same seed oats have been
on the farm for fifteen years
That the horse stables are cleaned
out only once a fortnight
Bajjsrinj Grapes
Mr R H Reeves Buncombe County
X C has for several years practiced
successfully a new method of bagging
grapes as shown in the accompanying
sketch reproduced from Orange Judd
Farmer The bag is of the
T - - liiit v 1 vwwk
OC S W ft
- M
U Jffll rA
the owner is 1500 to 2500 better off harder job at churning
1 5r v
Tfl r
cheapest kind white cotton cloth of
two sizes to hold grapes having small
or large clusters Two clusters are put
in each bag which is pulled up over
the vine then turned over and pinned
as shown Birds cannot pick through
such bags water will not stand in
them nor can wind or driving rain
beat them to pieces as is the ease with
paper bags A hundred cloth bags can
be run up on a sewing machine in
half an hour and they wiU then last for
years There are a feV varieties of
grapes that do not need bagging and a
few that will not bear this confine
ment but most of the grapes now
grown can only be raised in perfection
by some protection of this sort
With the Busy Bees
In hiving a swarm make sure that
the queen is inside the hive
A worker grub can be transformed
into a queen when it is five or six days
In breeding queens artificially it is
important to get good cells for brood
of the right age
An absolute requisite of successful
bee keeping is a prompt attention to
all of its varied ditties
If a colony has a young queen and is
strong in numbers it will curry out
the eggs and moths as fast as hatched
Bees when building comb begin at
the top and hang in heavy clusters to
the comb until they complete it
Never allow a swarm of bees to re
main out long after settling Hive
them as soon as possible and lessen the
risk of loss
In each family of bees there are thre
distinct kinds which differ in form
color structure size habits and func
tionRural World
Salting Cows Reuularly
Salt is an important aid to digestion
and especially so to all ruminant ani
mals If cows are not salted frequent
ly they will eat more than is good for
them when the- do get access to salt
In large quantities salt is laxative It
being an irritant to the bowels which
are therefore purged to get rid of it
Failure to salt regularly will make the
cream more difficult to turn into butter
thus repaying the farmer for his care
lessness by giving him a longer and
Christmas Revels Before Her Majesty
in Greenwich House
In St Nicholas chere is an account
of Christinas revels before Queen
EliziDeth the description occurring in
John Bennets serial Master Sky
lark The following is the passage
The palace corridors were lined with
guards Gentlemen pensioners under
amr went flashing to and fro Now
and then through tlie inner throng
some handsome page with wind blown
hair and rainbow colored cloak pushed
to the great door calling Way sirs
way for my Lord way for my Lady
of llderstone and one by one or in
blithe groups the courtiers clad in
silks and satins velvets jewels and
lace of gold came up through the lofty
folding doors to their place in the hall
There where the Usher of the Black
Rod stooc and the gentlemen of the
chamber came and went with golden
chains about their necks was bowing
and scraping without stint and rever
ent civility for men that were wise
and noble were passing by men that
wore handsome and brave and Ladies
sweet as 1 summer day and as fair to
see as spring laughed by their sides
and chatted behind their fans or
daintily nibbled comfits lacking any
thing to say
The windows were all curtained in
makng a night time in middaj and
from the walls and galleries flaring
links and great bouquets of candles
threw aai eddying flood of yellow light
across the stirrng scene From clump
to clump of banner staves and burn
ashed arms soiked above the waist
coat garlands of red berried holly
spruce and mistletoe were twined
across the tapestry till all the room
was bound about with a chain of living
There were sweet odors floating
through the air and hazy threads of
fragrant smoke from perfumes burn
ing in rich braziers and under foot
was the crisp clean rustle of new
Master Gyles went to and fro twist
ing the manuscript of the Revel in Ms
hands or pousing kindly to pat some
faltenng lad upon the back Nick and
CoUy were peeping by turns through
a hole in the screen at the throng in
the audience chamber
They could see a confusion of fans
jewels and faces anl now and again
could hear a burst of subdued laughter
over the steadily increasing buzz of
voices Then from the gallery above
all at once there cam a murmur of in
struments tuning together a voice in
the corrider was heard calling Way
here way here in masterful tones
the tall folding doors at the side of the
hall swung wide aad eight dapper
pages in white and gold came in with
the Masters of Revels After them
came fifty ladies and noblemen clad in
white and gold and a guard of gentle
men pensioners with glittering hal
There was a sharp rustle Every
head in the audience chamber louted
low Nicks heart gave a great jump
for tue Queen was there
Slit came with an air that was at
once serious and royal bearing herself
haupcutily yet with a certain grace and
spiijjktluicss that b came her very
well Slio was quite tall and well
made and her quickly changing face
was long and fair though wrinkled
and uo longer young Her complexion
was dear and of an olive hue her nose
was a little hooked her firm lips were
thin and her small black eyes though
keen and bright were pleasant and
meriy withal Her hair was a cop
pery tawny red and false moreover
In h r ear hung two great pearls and
there was a fine small crown studded
with diamonds upon her head besides
a nicklace of exceeding fine gold and
jewels about her neck She was at
tired in a white silk gown bordered
with pearls the size of beans and over
it we e a mantle of black silk cunning
ly shot with silver threads Her ruff
was vast iier lartningalo vaster and
her train which was very long was
borne by a marchioness who made
more ado about it than Elizabeth did
of ruling her realm
Make Your Own Cook Book
A most valuable cook book which no
printed volume can ever supersede is
the individual work of its owner It is
-composed of recipes tested and true
collected from various places and con
taining directions which the owner un
derstands and rules that suit her indi
vidual taste This cook book may be
written on tinted and glazed writing
ipapcr leaving wide margins at the
sides It is a good plan to arrange it
in sections allowing one section for
soups one for fish and Crustacea one
for meats and fowls one for game and
one for salads and desserts A section
might also be added for preserves
candies and valuable miscellaneous re
cipes and the whole should be indexed
in another final section It will be
found most convenient to have each of
these sections in individual covers as
one can then be used without wear up
on tbe others These covers may be
made of white oilcloth celluloid or
some glazed material and may be dec
orated if the owner pleases
Every thin ir Else
Bacon I hear your friend has been
very unfortunate
Egbert Yes he failed in business
What was the cause
Expensive wife
And did he lose everything
Everything but the wife Yonkers
It doesnt amount to much if a di
vorced man has a living wife but it is
mighty important if a divorced woman
has a living husband
The reason doctors charge so much
is that only one patient in ten pays
No man is really smart until he has
invented a plan of getting rid of bores
The great tariff bill for trusts and a
ieficit has become a law
When Grosvernor of Ohio was asked
in the House if the tariff did not give
3500000 worth of protection to the
lead trust he flippantly replied I
dont know and I dont care
This was not an ingenuous reply Re
publican legislators have taken great
care that the trusts should receive the
extreme limit of protection It is prob
ably quite true that these tariff rob
bers would be glad to suppress discus
sion of their gifts to trusts but the
facts are too flagrant and the indigna
tion of the people cannot be escaped
As the tariff law stands it will en
able the one hundred and three pro
tected trusts to rob the citizens of the
United States of 250000000 annually
and all that the men elected by the peo
ple for the purpose of protecting the
people have to say about it is I dont
know and I dont care
New trusts will now begin to be
formed under the beneficent protection
of the Dingley tariff and old trusts
will be revived A syrup and jam trust
is already under consideration The
cordage trust that had to go out of ex
istence when binding twine was placed
on the free list will surely be reorgan
ized for the tariff for mists is now in
The duty on hides is going to be a
tax of 25 cents on every pair of mens
shoes Can the tariff robbers explain
how the foreigner will have to pay this
tax When the voters of this country
are forced to put down an advance of
25 cents on the accustomed price of
every pair of shoes they buy let them
reflect that this is only a small part
of the debt they owe to the Republi
can party and its robber tariff
What is the Dingley tariff going to
accomplish It is going to rob the
people of the United States it is going
to enrich the already opulent trusts it
is going to leave the treasury of the
nation without sufficient revenue it is
going to destroy competition and en
courage extortion it is going to create
foreign complications and excite re
prisals it is going to prohibit trade
and challenge commercial warfare
The bill is full of absurdities inequali
ties and crime It is vicious unfair
extravagant and oppressisve
But with all its evil and indeed be
cause of its evil it will bring about a
great reform The intelligent voters of
the United States Avill rise against the
hosts of plutocracy and in 1000 the ver
dict of iS95 will be reversed and those
who mock at the sufferings of the peo
ple will be turned out of the offices
they have prostituted and their places
will be filled by those who have the
welfare of the masses at heart
Prosperity for Trusts
A Chicago paper prints a table of
forty eight active stocks showing the
advance in the price of these stocks
and arguing that this proves that Re
publican legislation means prosperity
for the country
By this table the one who reads it
will discover that American sugar
stock common has advanced 14417
520 in the last year and American
sugar preferred has advanced 5207
940 in the stme period of time These
are the stocks which are first on the
table and will serve as typical of the
Surely the fact that 13000000 of the
advance in sugar stock has taken place
within the last month is a high trib
ute to the virtue of Republican legisla
tion The only drawback to general
rejoicing over this manifest tidal wave
of prosperity is that while speculators
in sugar stock secured 13000000 the
money to pay these millions comes out
of the pockets of the people Tariff
protection makes sugar stock valuable
and it also makes the poor man con
tribute his share of this tax with every
teaspoonful of sugar which he uses
Can it be possible that this Chicago
paper thinks that sucli transparent
foolery will deceive anybody Or is
it not more likely that it doesnt stop
to think at all having a cause to ad
vocate that is inimical to thought and
disastrous to logic
Wheat and Silver
Republican newspapers are making
merry over the decline in the price of
silver As the white metal is a prod
uct of industry by citizens of this coun
try the Republican editors are not
showing much public spirit when they
rejoice in its decline in price Accord
ing to their theory silver ranks with
iron and copper as a commoditj
Would these same facetious gentlemen
congratulate themselves and their read
ers on a slump in the price of iron and
copper On the other hand there is
much rejoicing over the rise in the
price of wheat This is a cause for
congratulatory remark and there is no
man in this country who will express
any other sentiment But the goldites
seem to think that there are those who
regret this increase
Speaking of this matter the New
York Herald says Compared with
this date three years ago wheat has
risen nearly 50 per cent while silver
is lower Yerbuni sap The implica
tion is that bimetallists are foolish
enough to believe that the law of sup
ply and demand has ceased to exist
Silver has depreciated because it has
been legislated against and dishonored
Wheat has appreciated because there is
a short crop of this cereal abroad and
the demand is proportionally increased
Wheat is not legislated against Mar-
kets are opened not closed for it
Open the mints to the free coinage of
silver abrogate the laws discrimina
ting against the white metal place it
even on the same basis with wheat and
see where the price will go
More Declinations in Iowa
Another candidate for the Republican
nomination for Governor of Iowa has
pulled out of the race Congressman J
A T Hull of Des Moines is the latest
victim of the withdrawal epidemic Mr
Hull is now serving his fourth term in
Congress and has been in office during
nearly all the years of his mature life
Captain Hull came home from Wash
ington a few days ago about the time
when Governor Drakes declination had
taken effect and produced something
like a panic He immediately began to
think that the office of Governor would
suit him to be elected to rim again in
1S9J and then to succeed John n Gear
as United States Senator But it ap
pears that the more he thought of being
a candidate the more his apprehensions
increased on the subject The two
term precedent had been so completely
broken that the prospect of a re-election
even if successful this year was
exceedingly remote The only two Re
publican Governors of Iowa in recent
years Jackson and Drake were driven
out of the political field after one term
in office and finally relegated to private
life So Captain Hull abandoned the
race The shadow of the hoodoo rest
ing over the Governors chair repelled
him from the scene of competition
which an effort to get the nomination
would create He formally announces
that he is not in it
In the meantime there was an at
tempt to bring out George B Roberts
of Fort Dodge as a candidate The
delegation from Webster County was
instructed in his favor bj a unanimous
vote But he would have none of it
and declined the compliment From
Dubuque also comes the report that W
H Torbert who had been talked of as
a candidate has withdrawn His ex
cuse is not ill health like that of Drake
nor that he prefers to stay in another
office like that of Hull He says there
are too many candidates and he gets
out of the way in the interest of har
mony If the panic continues and
spreads for a few days longer and the
declinations keep coming in there will
not be too many candidates and loss
of harmony need not be feared Chi
cago Chronicle
Silver and the law
The 50 cent silver dollar of the gold
ite press is a myth The stamp of the
govjumeiit combined with the intrin
sic value of the coin makes the silver
dollar worth 100 cents
The bullion value of silver has been
depreciated by law and if gold had
been treated as silver has been treat
ed gold bullion would have a decreas
ed commercial value When the use
of any article is limited the price of
that article must fall When the use
of any article is enlarged the value
must rise
That is exactly what has been
brought about by the laws which dis
criminate against silver and in favor
of gold Remove the ban which the
government has placed on silver open
the mints to the free coinage of the
white metal enlarge the use of silver
money and the commercial value of
silver bullion will at once rise
With the enlarged use of the bicycle
there came a corresponding decrease
in the price of horses If a new use for
horses were to arise the price of these
animals would correspondingly in
So it has been with regard to silver
Hostile legislation has lowered its
bullion price friendly legislation would
send that price upward There is noth
ing more certain than the fact that
law can make value and all conten
tion to the contrary is insincere or ig
Not a Chinese Wall
Those who oppose bimetallism allege
that the free coinage of silver would
erect a Chinese wall around the United
States and deprive this nation of all
business intercourse with Europe The
Chinese wall was greatly in evidence
during the last presidential campaign
and the disasters of a commercial boy
cott were depicted in the most heart
rending terms by Republican spell
binders The argument though purely
theoretical did valiant service in the
cause of gold and won many votes for
the Republican candidate
Mexico is girdled bj this dreadful
Chinese wall of free silver coinage and
President Diaz gives statistics to show
what the result has been Within the
last four years one thousand millions
of dollars of foreign capital has been
invested in Mexico England has fur
nished 213302225 France has con
tributed 441387775 and think of it
America has supplied 345310000
These facts illustrate the difference
between theory and practice Would It
not be a good thing for the United
States to have a Chinese wall
Insolence of Gold
Narrow goldite prejudice has won at
Brown University and President An
drews has resigned Congressman J
A Walker a member of the board of
trustees attacked President Andrews
while the latter was in Europe be
cause of the presidents belief in bimet
The gold trust has grown so insolent
that men are no longer to be allowed
the privilege of free speech There is
no charge against the president of
Brown except that he advocates the
cause of silver He is moral uprlgbtj
successful briiiiant scholarly and aa
ornament to the institution over whlcht
he presided but he is a bimetallists
and the money power has resolved to
crush bimetallism President Andrews
is the first victim of the new crucado
of gold against silver
Crowdinir Sherman
Republican politicians seem to net
very anxious to force Secretary Sher
man out of the Cabinet Hanna squeez
ed Sherman out of his Senatorial seat
and now Whitelaw Reid is alleged to
be anxious to crowd the venerable
statesman out of his Cabinet chair
However Sherman is pert and chip
per and saucy and doesnt propose to
give his chair to the gentleman if het
can manage to hold on to it
Whenever the aged Secretary goes to
New York he manages to get in a few
words edgewise with the reporters Its
rather curious that he never talks any
when he is in Washington In Newj
York however he is actually loqua
cious He informs the press that he
does not Intend to resign as long as
his health holds out and if failingi
health by Sherman means a Cabinet
position for Whitelaw Reid heres long
life and good health to the present Secv
rotary of State Chicago Dispatch
Bijj Uraft on Credulity
We are told that the cause of thef
present coal strike is the decreased
duty on coal imposed under the Wil j
son bill The claim is made that the
increased importation of coal fromf
Nova Scotia has driven West Virginia
coal into competition with the Contrail
and Western States causing
siou and low wages to the miners Luisb
year the total import of coal from Nova
Scotia was 100000 tons while the
product of the West Alrginia minesf
was 10000000 We are really asked
to believe then that the 100000 Nova
Scotia tons submerged and drove out
of the Eastern market the 10000000
West Virginia tons Des Moinea
McKinleys Vacation Dreams
-1 mill 1 1 1 yzm
Chicago Chronicle
How the Protectionist Plays
The Dingley bill may keep the prod
ucts of the pauper labor of Europe outi
of the country but we dont notice any
clause in that bill keeping out the pau
per labor itself Thats one thing ther
protected manufacturer doesnt want
kept out By keeping products out and
letting labor in he can shove up the
price of goods and at the same time
crowd down the price of labor Thus
the protected manufacturer plays both
ends against the middle which is th
consumer Toledo Bee
Kxchance Comment
Of course it is an absurd charge anL
unworthy investigation to say that auyr
United States Senators speculated in
sugar Everything indicates that they
made a sure thing of it and took no
chances whatever Milwaukee Sen
General Grosveuor of Ohio doesnt
care whether the lead trust gets
3500000 out of the new tariff or not
Possibly he regards it as too small a
matter compared with the sugar steali
to merit attention Springfield Mass
When hoodwinked consumers begin
to step up and pay higher prices for
food clothing furniture and carpets as
a result of the tariff they will probably
omit all but the last two syllables of
the Te Deum Laudamus now called for
by the Republican party St Louis
A f ter having made a fortune of 500
000 from his business a Tennessee to
bacco manufacturer has decided that
the selling of tobacco is incompatible
with his religious life and has disposed
of his plant to a syndicate He prob
ably reasons that the latter being 3
soulless corporation safe in sinning
St Louis Republic
Republican clap trap politicians talk
about the new tariff protecting the
farmers This is cheap talk in view of
the fact that the farmers have grain
and other farm products to sell Theyj
do not want protection they want
restricted markets and trade with the
whole world Dayton O Times
Whatever we may think of the tarifT
bill or the currency commission there
is one unmistakable benefit in which
we all share and over which all
cious people may rejoice We refer to
adjournment of Congress We have
now a respite of four months in which
the action of our federal legislature
cannot operate to disturb business audi
this is a great gain Louisville Courier-
Of recent years the cost of many
tides formerly regarded as luxuries
has fallen to a low point but the salary
of the government clerk is still main-
tained at the rate paid during the warj
in some cases the pay is considerably
greater While wages in every trader
subject to competition have fallen fan
below war rates he has enjoyed com 4
parative affluence and it is not sur
prising therefore that he should be
the subject of envy of his less fortu i
nare or harder worked brothers Phitj
adelphla Record