v ih U J r Poor Tjo Behind the Plow William Sliakspcnre m Arapahoe In dian on the lower Shoshone agency re ports to he Indian guide of Fort Wash akie that the Indians on the subageney are working on their farms more in dustriously this year than ever before Tliey are breaking up a large ainountof new land and where last year the sage brush was thick there are now good farms He says The old Indians al ways used to talk of going to war and now they talk different they tell us about farming and how to farm and they tell us young men to work hard at farming I have in about twelve of wheat live of oats one of po tatoes and a big garden of water melons squash and other vegetables 1 have twenty two acres this year in stead of -en last and all the otrer In v ans are the same way plowing much more land this yfar than last Lan der Wvo letter to Denver Republican Coo GentlcncBS 75c Kiitlc In stimulating the kidneys oth rrwisu yon will icite and weaken them Tlieliapplet results follow the use of IIos tetters Stomaeh Hitters lo overcome renal inactivity Aolil the unmedli atetl tiery Minujlants of coinmcice The kidneys hae i delicate membrane easily irritated anil upon this the action of Mich excitants is per nicious Malarial complaints indigestion rheumatism neuralgia and biliousness suc cumb to the corrective inllueuco of the lilt lets A Busy Lawyer Tord Chief Justice Russell recently surprised the English lawyers by go ing to London on finding that he had linished up his assize caj es a couple of - - days sooner than he expected takiim a number of cases lrom the other judges lists and winding up live o them in one day Shako Into Your Shoes Allens Font Ease a powder for the feet It cm ps painful swollen smarting feet and instantly takes the sting out of orns and bunions Its the greatest i oiu fori liscoery of the age Allens Foot -Ease makes tight lilting or new shoes feel easy It is a ceitain cure for sweating callous and hot tiled achinsr feet Tiy it to day Sold by all druggists ami shoe stores Uy mail for 2 rents in stamps Trial pucka tie FltFF Address Allen S Olmsted Lelfov X V Kilisis Churchgoers Tk avciatie attendance at places ot worship in Ens land atid Wales is com putet to be between lOJOOUUl and 11 OOOmo persons There is a place of -worship for every 100 individuals tak ing the eo mlry all through anil a stat ed minslcr for every TOO About SO 000 sermons are preached every Suiir day Halls Catarrh Ctsre Is taken internallv Price 7f cents Olucost mav be manufactured bv theiction of sulphuric acid on starch tlip acids being afterwards removed by the action of powdered chalk or some other form of lime s A HEALTHY WIFE Is a Husbands Inspiration A sickly half-dead-and-alive woman especially when she is the mother of a family is a damper to all joj ousnesf m the home fc 1 sometimes marvel at the patience of some hus bands If a worn an finds that her energies are flagging and that everything- tires her tier sleep is disturbed by horrible dreams and that she often wakes sud denly in the night with a it- The Best Saddle ioat lGKlTa - rfe ytj 1 -V I y A M I JamSmMsSk feeling of suffocation and alarm slie must at once -regain her strength It matters not where she lives she can write a letter Mrs Pinkham of Lynn Mass will reply promptly and without charge The following shows the power of Lydia E Pink hams Vegetable Compound accom panied with a letter of advice Dear Mrs Pinkham I have suf fered for over two years with falling enlargement and ulceration of the womb and this spring being in sucli a weakened condition caused me follow for nearly six months Some time ago urged by friends I wrote to you for advice After using the treatment which you ad vised for a short time that ter rible flow Stopped 1 am now gaining strength 3 rJ W TS SMt and flesh and have better health than 1 have had for the A past ten years I wish to say If to all distressed suffering women do not suffer longer when there is one so kind and willing to aid you Mrs F S Bennett West phalia Karis mAprvX m L rar i SLICKER stjjajjih mtiuavx SSMi hi fcTfens both riJir inJ snUIn isSBfcttiy dryin the hardest storms 3Qb5iihstitutPSWilldLiTMi mt As fnr B3 CK tKt Pisll Brand Inmmcl hrliir H c1 HLh lb entirely new If not fcr sale in R S5j37 B your town write tor catalogue to Hxi PS A J TOWER Boston Mass gi 3ZS nfl r Ci T T O said Tom Moran tures dont seem to come my -- way My experiences in that line would hardly be worthy of men tion but somehow Brother Bob has a genuine talent for tumbling into all manner of adventures Brother Bob has had quite a number of pretty close calls in the wild regions in which we have traveled but he has plenty of grit and has always been able to pull through Tom Moran is a miner who was grad uated in the Comstoek school of mining years ago and who has since had much -experience in Mexico Australia India and other gold producing countries It is singular that you should have been able to travel through so many strange countries without a few hair breadth escapes or some other experi ences worthy of being related said one of the old Comstoek friends who were questioning Tom in regard to his trav els in foreign lands Did you never run against a tiger while in India Tiger said Tom with a laugh Well ytcs Ive run against the tigers of nearly every country on the two sides of the globe I am speaking now of the real roar in ir ramping Bengal tiger the striped boast of the jangle said the Com stocker I saw quite a number while in India and went animals on regular hunts of tigers after the I killed a few while I was there in order to get some good skins Never got into close quarters with one Well not vory but Brother Bob had rather a bad bout with a big hill tiger up in Xepaul Did Bob get away with the tiger Yes 1 rot her Bob is true grit the tiger was killed As you had no adventures of your own during your travels Tom said a Conustocker suppose you give us the story of Bobs tiger fight I am sorry Brother Bob is not here to tell you about his battle with Mad- hunting at that season business was very slack with him lie offered for a very reasonable price to bring out his people and beat through a piece of jun gle which he knew to be alive with all kinds of game As a part of the bargain Brother Bob and I were to kill as many wild hogs deer and the like as Ave could knock over the shekarry saying his people v ere all very hungry for meat The particular piece of jungle se lected by the old game expert to be beaten through lay between the forks of two large streams with high and steep banks A more favorably situ ated jungle for sport could not have been found As Bob and I would sta tion ourselves near the junction of the two streams nothing could pass Unit way without being seen We took sta tions about fifty yards apart at a point where the jungle became somewhat thin and open each thrusting into the ground a leafy branch of parass to serve as a screen or blind After a long wait we heard Jaintly in the distance the sound of the torn toins and the shouts of the beaters as they advanced into 4he jungle Presently we heard a rustling upon the stray leaves in front and a troop of monkeys loudly chattering their qlarm came hopping out of the dense jungle As yet we had seen no deer or other desirable game but the beaters were still far away Taking a peep froin be hind my screen I Avas somewhat sur prised to see a large female tiger come gliding out of the thick jungle crouch ing clo e to the ground as she passed into the open She was on Brother Bobs side of the jungle and Aas straight toward him apparently more concerned about the commotion behind her than afraid of danger in front Bob had also seen the tiger and had dropped to one knee behind his screen and leveled his rifie EA cry mo ment I expected to hear the report of Bobs gun as the tiger avs Avithin ten yards of his blind and was moving slowly TJIE TIGER SPRANG UPOX BROTHER BOB nine Stripes but as he is not with us this evening I Avill give you a little sketch of the affair as I saAV it Brother Bob and I Avere up on the Xepaul frontier headed for the loAver slopes of the Himalayas In place of the ducks cranes coots and pelicans of the lagoons along the lowland course of the Koosee Ave now began to see quail partridges pea foAVl llorican and other upland birds In places hidden in patches of dense jungle and overgrown Avith Aines and creepers Avere dilapidated temples indicating that the Avhole country had at some time been inhabited though in the pres ent age only a feAV scattered villages are to be found Outside of the Aillages there are here and there huts inhabited by the gwalla or cowherd caste and these huts of the men of the cattle sta tions are often in the heart of almost impenetrable stretches of jungle While in this beautiful region our tins kept us Avell supplied AAith all kinds of game and Ave first and last killed many Avolves jackals leopards and about a dozen tigers great and small The British and Avealthy na tives almost always use elephants in hunting tigers sometimes having lifty or more of the huge beasts in line but as Ave were not in a position to com mand a supply of elephants Ave did our work on foot hiring a score or more of coolies Avith torn toms firecrackers and horns to beat through small patches of jungle At first Ave mounted ourselves on mychans bamboo platforms at the point Avhere Ave expected the game to appear but after AAe had learned some thing of the nature and ways of the tiger Ave did not bother Avith platforms but took our chances on the ground The gAAallas of the region Avere al Avays ready to bring us iicavs of a tiger having killed one of their cattle and Avhen Ave got iicavs of a kill Ave Avere soon out after the killer Often the gAallas would be able to point out the patch of jungle to Avhich the tiger had retired after making the kill and feast ing his fill It Avas here in this foothill region that Brother Bob had his adventure with a big hill tiger - shekarry a native expert hunter avIio keeps him self Avell posted in regard to the move ments of game and manages hunts for both British and rich natives one day came to our camp and proposed to give us some sport lie said that as neither the English nor the native princes Avere Some noise in the jungle frightened the skulking beast and after a quick backward glance it blindly bounded forward At the second bound the tiger landed almost on top of Bob as he crouched behind hiis fragile screen In stantly he fired thrusting his rifle at the beast without aim Wounded by the shot the tiger uttered a 1ioaa1 of rage clashed aside the screen and struck Bob a blow with a fore paAv that sent his gun flying and left him stretched sense less on his back I rushed forward at once to Bobs assistance As I ran the infuriated beast threAV herself upon Bob and be gan tearing at him Avith her teeth Hearing a sound as of cracking bones I thought every rib in poor Bobs body Avas being crushed As I feared to use my rifie I threw it dowii and droAV my revolver My yells as I rushed on the tiger caused her to cease tearing at Bob and fix her eyes upon me But she still retained her position across Bobs breast Avhile shoAving her teeth and snarling at me I thought it probable that she Avas so badly wounded as not to be able to rise upon her legs and so decided to take tier at close quarters and make sure of her With my pistol in my right hand and in my left a long bladed knife sharp as a razor I crept forwa I advanced crouched almost upon my knees as the tigers position across poor Bob was such that I feared to lire Avith a dowii Avard range I had got up Avithin ten feet of the tiger Avhen she suddenly left Bob and leaped at me The charge of the beast Avas a surprise but by a luckAvard move I avoided her leap and as she passed fired my pistol into her neck at the same moment plunging the knife into her side up to the hilt She fell and did not move from where she land ed the pistol shot having broken her neck Seeing the tiger Avas in Its death struggles I turned my attention to Brother Bob who was still stretched uueonscious upon the ground The beaters Avere fast approaching through the jungle with great uproar and thumping of torn tome Avild hogs in droves both black and grav were rushing by spotted deer were charging past and the Avhole jungle seemed aliAv Avith game of all kinds some droves of wiki pigs almost running over me I was just stooping over Bob when a huge male tiger bounded out o the jungle and halted within tn reet or Avhere I stood I had my pistol upon him in an ins taut and as his hpad Avas so held that a bullet Avould not glance from his skull I took good aim and gave him a shot between the vyo i that brought him down as dead as though he had been a sheep or an ox Seeing that the shot had killed the tiger I ran down to the river filled my hat Avith water and went to Avork to try to re store Bobs senses He had been badly stunned and Avas breathing heavily but I saw he had no bad wounds and soon had the satisfaction to see hiin open his eyes Avhen it Avas not long before his Avits returned and he Avas able to sit up The paAV of the tiger had struck him on the side of the head and knocked him senseless but had only slightly wound ed his scalp The Aveight of the tiger on his chest had almost stopped his breath and he felt some internal soreness We found that his life had been saved by a lucky chance In a game bag he had slung to his side Avere some quail and a pea fowl or two and it Avas these the tiger had seized upon and crunched in her blind rage not Bobs ribs Bob Avas much astonished and bc Avildered Avhen he saAV tAvo dead tigers stretched out alongside of him I told him that he had gone into a sort of de lirium of rage and killed them both and far a time he believed my story He said he had an indistinct recollection of haAing done a good deal of fighting We found that his shot had ploAved through the muscles of the female tig ers left shoulder only slightly avouiuI ing her but probably paralyzing her left fore leg When the old shekarry came up Avith his croAvd of beaters he Avas at first much disappointed that Ave had killed no deer or wild pigs Alas sahibs cried he no meat no meat He soon cheered up and took great credit to himseU for having said there Avere tigers in the jungle After the tigers Avere skinned Ave Avent down to the river and killed for the old f el low quite a loc of pigs We Avere Avell satis fied Avith our prizes the skins of the two tigers The male measured as he lay on the ground eleven feet two inches from tip to tip and the female ten feet four inches They Avere unusually large hill tig ers Avhich are of heavier build than the tigers of the valleys but aAerage less in length To kill tigers Avith a pis tol Avas a feat before unheard of on the frontier and obtained for us great credit for nerve but give a tiger a square shot in the head and he -will go doAA n like a bullock Many tigers are killed by single shots from rifles but the man avIio goes after tigers on foot must have a considerable amount of nerve 1 could always bet on the nerve of Brother Bob Nervousness of Hlotornieii Xouvologists are Avatcliing with grear interest a new expression of nervous malady AAhich has appeared since tilie i introduction of the Broad Avay cable cars and the Brooklyn trolley system With the exception of Chicago there are no other cities haivinig so much street traffic as- Xcav York and Avhere thee mctihods ot tran -port aVian are in operation A nervous state unlike that which is excited by great noise or sudden danger has developed in several grip imcn employed on the Broadway road and among the motornien of tho Brooklyn trolley lines The constant looko ut for collisions in the overcrowded district belOAV Canal street in BroadAvay keeps the gripman in a state of extreme ner vous tensiion from the time he goes on his car till he goes off Besides keeping an eye open for visible trouble diis mind dwells on possibilities that are under his feet lie does not lcnoAV where there is to be a pool ing of interests between the grip and a broken strand in the cable which - ill Avhisk him along the street crashing into trucks smashing wagons frightening people and exas perating the city fathers TMs nervous strain results first in wakefulness then in loss of appetite and extreme ilrritabilhy after this a tremor in the facial muscles At the end of a veek says tihe medical examiner all thes symptoms disappear and do not come for ten days but afterward the in tervals are regular about a week a ptJTt sca en days In a state of ner Aous terror and seven days in a healthy state apparently These symptom5 apply only to men of ner vous nervo xinguine and bilious tem peraments While present in otiier tempera men ts they are not pro nounced Daily Occupation It is not unusual to banish from this portion of life any idea or lippe of peace That is kept for the evening Avhen labor is over and the comforts of home and rest takes its place or it is reserved for the evening of life Avhen exertion ceases and energy droops or it is relegated to some time in the fu ture Avhen sufficient means have been secured to make work appear unneces sary It stands for the realization in some AA ay of ease com fore leisure lux ury opportunity On the other hand toil effort hardship struggle are all put in opposition to it Thus men will often live lives of labor and sacrifice hoping by this means to obtain peace and tranquility Avhen the toil is over But to unite the two to enjoy peace in toil in effort tranquility seldom oc curs to them Tet no peace worth exists Avithout power and power must have its outlet in aetivirv Uniformity of 7ize An evidence of the striking uniform ity of size among the Japanese is found in the fact that ivcent measurements taken of an infantry regiment showed no variations exceeding tAA o Inches in height or twenty pounds in AAejght A model husband lets his Avife have her own AA ay even when he kuoAVs it is not good for Iter Printing in China The art of printing according to Du lal le and h misionare Avas prac ticed in China nearly fifty years before the Christian era In the time of Con fucius B C j books wen- made of bamboo and about l0 years after Christ paper was first made The best way to avoid scalp disease- lair falling out and premature baldness is to use the hest preventive known for hat purpose Ilalls Hair Renew er A new eraser adapted to be ued on the linger does not inte fere Avith the free use of the finger in writing draw ing etc and N always on hand I never ujsod so qilick a cere as Pisos Cure for Consumption 1 B Palmer Box 1171 Seattle Wash Xov 2ri 1S0 Nothing pays smaller dividends lu spiritual results than making a spe ciality of discovering the shortcomings of others Mr Whitlows sooTiiivii sriiLr tor Children trelhlm softens the cuiim reduces In amiuatlon allays Vain cults wind colic J5 ccnti a bottle In proportion to its size Britain has eight times as many miles of railway as the United States Fif23 57MI sa saa a sa ct m z ta ss tu m va n vrwtM - Orofula In its- of furuiH is the most ter rible affliction yf the human rac Salt rheum sores enipiniis boils all humors swellings etc originate ii its foul fiat tad are cured by the great and only True tllood Purifier Hoods Sarsaparilia The thaiivd theory of t ilay that r coatiuptiii is curable by npor nutrition can- and pnrifjng the Mnod finds contraiatlou in the experi ence of many who haw been ur d by Hoods Sarsaparslla Mods Pills cure sick headache 25c The general postoffice St Martins-le-Grand London contains the largest telegraph office in the world Over three thousand operators one thousand of whom are Avomen are employed A complete feminine toilet service alnay Includes norms Sulphur Hill s Hair and Whisker Oje black or brown GOc All sinful life is moral insanity and a guilty act is criminal lunacy FITS rcrrnanen ly Cured No fits or nrvounel after first day- u e of Itr Kline- Ureal Nerve Ka- orer end fur IlCKi J2M trial buttle an i ireatw lR U II Klist Ltd l Aich st rhtlaurlytda Pa LE ITER To TOOTHERS AVE ARE ASSERTING IX THE COURTS OCR RIGHT TO Tlir EXCLUSIVE UaL OF THE VURD CASTORIA AND PITCHERS CASTORIA AS OUR MARK I DR SAMUEL PITCHER of By minis Massachusetts was the originator of PiTCHERo CASTORIA the samo thai has borne and docs now rA y7 z7 01V cverV bear the facsimile signature of zxTdcU wrapper This is the original PITCHERS CASTORIA which has been used iiv the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind yozo have always bought X7 r yyTZST on the aud has the oignature o f wrap per Jfo one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which- Chas II Fletcher is President w March S 1897 Qs Do Not Be Deceived Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you because he makes a few more pennies on it the ingredients of Avhich even lie does not knoAv Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought1 BEARS THE FAC S1MILE SIGNATURE OF insist on Having ihe Kind That Never Failed You TKE CCNTAUSt COMPANY TT MURIIAY STREET NEUTVORK CITV 3 O O o o o o f di F 5 My aa e JBPP yy mit 3 VI H if A ti u u sl vV v a B IIP OSMr 3 Standard of tho World 9S9S CGLumms - 1 1 897 KARTFORDS HARTFOROS Pattern 2 2 HARTFOROS Pattern fi I HARTFOROS Patterns 5 and 6 TO ALL J ALIKE Have made themsehres the leading bicycles on ac count of their quality not on account of their price liwinii9iiainiioiwiiainirainiiaiiMinU3ininniniMiinininititisiititaiisminiiiiniiitiaiiiwinioiiiiiiwii9iniiriim e E n T it POPE MFG CO Hartford Conn Catalogue free from any Columbia dealer or by mail from us for n a ccnt stamp If Columbias are not properly represented in your vicinity let us know MmW Hi UPlli sAft mvl u m vs r Va fa m w h a Sa7 t3lr ifi7 2iH ii vwfgfgrJinjrg7rzyJtT PIMPLES ERUPTIONS BLOTCHES SCALES ULCERS SORES ECZEMA ani CHROInIC SWELLINGS i ARE WONDER WORKERS in I the cure of any disease caused by bad cr 5 pure blood They eliminate all pcfsoiu build 2 up and enrich the blood enabling it to make new healthy tissue PURE BLOOD MEANS PERFECT I HEALTH and if you vid use CA3CAKETS 1 they will give you GOOD HEALTH and a PURE CLEAN SKIN izcz from i 2 pimples anu blotches 1 To TRY O AS ARSTS is to like them For never before has - there been produced in the history of the world so perfect and so harmless a I BLOOD PURIFIER LIVER and STOMACH REGULATOR To use I I them regularly for a little while means ai 3 5 i ALL DRUGGISTS 5 ioc 25c 50c I im Blosd aad Psrfeei Health iitti3itiiicittuoiifiiNiMiailtliiiaiiMieiGitiiMiitiiictiiiMiuiuisiiMiiMiiiizticiieiciiitiiiiitiininiriciiaii3iiMie He that Works Easiiy Works Suc cessfully Tis Very Easy to Ciean House With UNIVERSITY of NOTRE DARUE Xolrc Iiidmiiii 1st i Ieticri Sciruc i IawCKii Me i iniicil ami IMcitrn al Kniiieerinjr I 1io oiiIi Preparatory mI Coiiimerfial Krrkskisueal tiuient it peiil rattN rric Junior ur Senior earCKpiite Ionrt ist Kill- aril Mall li Tin 107th 1 tiii will nprU - 7th ISS7 Catalogue -cut I rep on aujiliratiou Co Uei A Mori i e s riMliiit GENERAL AGENTS aSKft -net Lyons Brothers Co mcmnati Ohio FREIGHT PAIDrorrnr0 and eitas Manilla Write for samples anl prices The iay Alaxiiilii Hooting Co Camden is J JUHKV CURE YURSELF 51 -- i ds rse laliiijat u cc o exisi2r rf I 5 THJEVASSCriUCALCD gat or pOoaoU3 iCISClMNATIO V S X s c x r SoJd by Urusrsist cr frit in pain wrapper cjiis pr pai ior 3 7 J fircular gen oa requit WmMMMMi -51 UUHtb WHtHt ALL tLbr rAlLS i o Bc3l onjh Syrup Testes Good Usa in time bold br drarista CS JiwJV s i L i iV V A1 HA V oaUS ST 9 vW 1 m n if ti F31 lip