The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 29, 1897, Image 5

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Grand Demonstration in Honor of
Americas Greatest Volunteer Sol
dier Ceremonies Marked by a Great
Parade of Veterans
Locan in Bronze
Chicago correspondence
Illinois luis liuid tribute to the last of
the groit triumvirate she gave to the na
tion when the nations life was at stake
A shaft at Springfield marks the grave of
Lincoln the martyred President A
magnificent monument at Galena tolls
that from that city went forth Grant the
silent tanner who became the great mili
tary chieftain Now in enduring bronze
the figure of Logan the greatest of Amer
ican volunteer soldiers stands on the lake
front in Chicago With a great demon
stration which like the recent Grant com
memoration in New York was one not of
sorrow and mourning but of glory and
joy the monument to Logan was unveiled
Thursday This was the anniversary of
the battlo of Atlanta fought in 18G4 at
which Logan reached the summit of his
military fame
The ceremony was accomplished in the
presence of a multitude notable in its fac
tors and with a magnificence of detail
quite unprecedented On the platform at
the foot of the statue was grouped a com
pany that no event of less importance
could have ailed together The widow
of the dead general army ollieers who
served with him through the war Govern
ors of States members of President Mc-
Kinleys cabinet and United States Sen
ators sat in the shadow of St Gaudeus
Leroic statue and took part in the exer
cises lu the throng that listened to Mr
jPecks oration were many of the leading
citizens of the nation and in those greater
multitudes along the lino of march were
thousands of Chicago residents together
with other thousands from every quarter
of the country
The ct has rarely been so profusely
decora bid It was not alone from public
buildings that bunting had been thing to
the breeze but business houses and pri
vate residences in every section of the
city shared in the general display Presi
dent IMcKinlcy could not attend in per
son his duties in Washington during the
closing hours of Congress rendered such
a step impracticable
It was well on to 2 oclock when a boy
ish figure a lose out of a forest of serried
Tow on row of people The sun was fan
cied in his hair and on his face almost
glrlish in its youthful beauty there resi
ded such an expression as might be expect
ed upon the countenance of a lad of
ijlv j
years entiusted with a great responsibil
ity One moment he stood there out
lined against the placid background of
lake and sky and then made a sudden
gesture with his right arm Ip the silken
cord tint hid the rugged features of the
warrior statesman from thousands of ex
pectant tnos there went a thrill and a
quiver a cloth fell to the base of the
monument and there was no longer a un
reason for the immense throng to refrain
from feasting its eyes on the surpassing
beauties of the apotheosis in bronze of
all that wa martial all that was heroic
J0sf W WM
in the inspiiing nresenee of the Black
The uncovering of the statue was the
signal for a chorus of thirteen guns to
growl forth approbative thunder and as
the windows round about raitled in their
easements a castanet accompaniment
smaller pieces of ordnance took up the
warlike strain and grizzled veterans
burned bj unsparing suns almost to the
color of the bronze counterfeit of their
nce resistless lederj recalled his valor
ous attitude before Atlanta on another
July day thirty three years ago when
with tears in his eyes he saw his men
mowed down by desperate Southrons like
ripened wheat before the reapers and a
hundred times at deaths portals a hun
dred times eluded on his black charger the
pale equestrian of the fates Or they may
have been reminded of that other day at
bloody Kclmonl when his horse shot be
neath him he carved his way through a
seemingly impenetrable wall of bone and
sinew to a decisive victory but at a fear
ful cost to his own boys not less brave
than their fierce antagonists Be these
things as they may tears stood in the eyes
A MmrWMm vi
v y
of some whose lids had for years remained
unwetted and on the faces of others a
faraway expression glorifying and illu
minating them rested
The pando Avas reviewed by Mrs Lo
gan Captain John A Logan and wife
John A Logan III Avhose tiny hand
loosed the di apery and unveiled Ihe figure
in bronze by Major and Mrs William F
Tucker the latter a daughter of the hero
of Atlanta by members of President Mc
Kinleys cabinet and other distinguished
guests of the city Besides these ihe re
viewers included Gov Tanner of Illi
nois Gov llolcomb of Nebraska Gov
Drake of Iowa Gov James A Mount of
Indiana Gov Atkinson of West Virginia
Gov Scofield of Wisconsin Secretary of
War It A Alger and Mrs Alger ex
Senator D M Sabin of Minnesota Arch
bishop John Ireland of St Paul Lord
Brendalbnne of England Gov Barnes
of Oklahoma The two brothers of Gen
Logan Thomas M Logan of Murphys
boro 111 John A Logans birthplace and
James V Logan of Olney 111 occupied
places of honor There were besides hun
dreds of men and vromen who had known
the general in life and who had come to
pay their tribute of honor to his momery
twenty Thousand Soldiers
In the column which swept away from
Twelfth stuet and Michigan avenue at 15
oclock were more than twenty thousand
soldiers under anus the whole command
ed by Gimj John It Brooke The regular
service the National Guard and various
uniformed semi military organizations
were generously repiesented And no body
of marcheis has ever presented in Chi
cago a moie inspiring sight In dress in
arms in bearing and in the masterful
methods of control they were one of the
most inteiesting features of the entiie
It would be impossible to exaggerate the
interest and enthusiasm which from first
to last marked the proceedings The
bugle call of assembly with which the
formal exercises were opened struck a
keynote that expressed the military tem
per of the day and not an incident in
speech or song or action proved a discord
Thousands of heads bent low while Rev
Dr Arthur Edwards prayed When he
had finished the band played martial mu
sic that sliried the old soldiers present
to the depths of their souls The selec
tion was Battle Scenes of the War in
vvhieh the patter of musketry the scream
ing of shells the cooing of bullets and
the grumbling of cannon all were imitat
Judge Ileriy W Blodgett president of
the board of monument commissioners
presented the statue to the Stale of Illi
nois in well chosen phrases and the un
veiling followed Gov Tanner accepted
the statue on behalf of the people of the
State in a brief address and George It
Peck delivered an oration which quite
outran his already splendid reputation
Years hence when the clustering curls
of the youngest John A Logan shall have
become whitened by the rime of many
winters he no longer least in age of the
namesakes of the cyclonic general will
gather ether John A Logans about him
and toll them of that wonderful July day
in Chicago when by a movement of his
tiny hand he bared the greatest triumph
of the greatest sculptor to the eager gaze
of a patriotic multitude
In warlike bronze the man of battle an
notated with fire and smoke and the sha
dow of impending death has been an
notated with libations of praise and given
to unboin generations who are bidden to
cherish and honor the name of John A
Logan With military and civic pomp the
people of the nation united to do honor to
the hero of Atlanta The son of Illinois
who seized the fallen standard and rode
through the hail of bullets rallying the
broken troops and turning defeat to vic
tory has been praised by statesmen and
honored by the presence of a fourth of the
nations standing army
A Heroic Figure
The statue which is the tribute of the
State cost 30000 The contract for it
was made with Augustus St Gaudens
ten years ago and he was told to take his
time and make the statue his masterpiece
He selected as the scene to be depicted
that moment during the battle of Atlanta
when Logan took command of the Army
of the Tennessee Iteaders of history
know that this engagement on the banks
of Peach Tree creek was one of the
bloodiest of the war Brave Gen Mc
Pherson was in command when the battle
opened Within an hour he had fallen
The Union lines had been split the fiank
had been turned and Hoods eager legiona
were rolling up the Army of the Tennes
see like a scroll Then a wild figure burst
on the vision of the disheartened men in
blue Black Jack Logan dashed along
the lines Waving a ragged battle Hay
snatched from the hand of a color bearer
with head uncovered his long black hair
streaming in the wind with eagle like fea
tures illumined by the lire of resolve and
driving spurs into his horse he looked
the very personification of victorious war
At his word the lines were reformed
Hood was beaten back Seven thousand
men fell on either side but the victory
was with the Union That is the scene
depicted by the sculptor for this monu
ment the supreme moment when Logan
headed the Army of the Tennessee and
reining back his horse gave the order
which saved the battle The statue is of
heroic size and mounted on a base rising
2 1 feet above the level of Michigan ave
Maj Perley the well known Canadian
rifleman died of bronchitis at Bisley Ene
Crab Creek Near louncetown He-
comes a Torrent and Rushes Upon
the Residents of the City Many
May Have Perished
Swept by a Flood
Thursday niirht a terrific cloudburst
struck Yoiing town O Hooding the entire
valley and causing great damage to prop
erty bjth in the city and along the rail
way lines Many people are supposed to
be drowned The entire country east and
west for twenty miles was Hooded and
the damsge will be enormous the rail
roads being the heaviest losers The
Erie Itaiiuad west of Warren fourteen
miles and north of Sharon for the same
distance was entirely washed out and
orders were issued to discontinue all
Many residences in Youngstown were
flooded out ud the occupants were taken
away by the police and fire departments
The Mahoning Valley electric lines were
flooded out and all the bridges washed
away The Catholic church at Xiles was
struck by liuhtnnir at the same hour
and nearly destroyed by fire while busi
ness houes and manufacturing concerns
were flooded
Ilen y Mers a tailor while standing
at his residence on Mill street was struck
by Iighnhig and killed instantly Evoij
railroad hading into the city reports ex
tensive washouts and bridges swept away
and the ellicials say the loss will be the
heaviest tl ey have ever known
About 10 oclock the water came dowr
the Crab creek valley into the city and
formed into a flood sweeping everything
that was not fastened down before it
The bed oi the creek was not more thai
twenty feet wide and the flood spivau
out to a width of about 2000 feet II
rose quickly and in Ie s than thirty min
utes the water vastup to the second story
of all the dwelling hou es in the floodeci
districts ami was still rising The whole
district was covered with darkness ex
cept one small place where a lonely light
Firemen police and others were on
ha ml quickly but were powerless to res
cue anybody as not a boat of any kind
was to be had in that portion of the city
The cries of the people in the houses wore
heartrending to those who stood at the
waters edge and were forced to retreat
slowly on account of the gradually rising
Many People Drowned
It is almost a certainty that many peo
ple were drowned One whole family was
heard crying for help from an upstairs
window when suddenly there was a
grinding noise as if the house was beinj
moved from its foundation and soon the
cries lvom that place ceased The in
tense darkness made it impossible to see
what was going on but it is supposed that
the lioino and its occupants went clown in
the flood
People at the waters edge heard a man
crying for help who was apparently being
carried down in the flood The voice
grew fainter and it is supposed the un
fortunate man perished Pitiful cries for
help were heard continually but the
crowd on the shore could do nothing in
the way of giving aid
Police and firemen went at once to an
other part of the city after boats It was
midnight before boats were gotten to the
flooded Crab- creek district and the work
of rescue could be started The boats
were manned by firemen who went to
work with a will but could not make
rapid progress on account of the swift
and dangerous current Nine families
were taicen out of second story windows
within a half hour and many people were
picked up clinging to debris
Our ad ice is stay at home and save
what little you have Kalamazoo Tele
Its cpiite easy to get the gold fever but
unfortunately that doesnt lessen the hard
work of getting the gold Binghamtou
When Constantinople was captured by
the Turks its walls were not battered
down with collective notes New York
Dont start for the Klondyke gold fields
without about o00 and a years supplies
omitting ice cream from the menu Far
go Argus
Peary can very easily reimburse those
who subsciibe for his polar expedition by
towing a few icebergs home Chicago
Times Herald
It costs money to go to the Klondyke
but you can get all the advice you want
about staying at home for nothing Phil
adelphia Ledger
Turkey has anticipated the powers with
an ultimatum It now remains to be seen
which ultimatum will be ultimate Bal
timore American
Unless n man has the capital to invest
in an oatfit and a large commissary he is
taking more chances on death than for
tune St Louis Post Dispatch
If Itussia had known that portions of
Alaska were principally composed of gold
she wouldnt have sold it to William H
Seward for 7000000 Minneapolis
The powers are treating the sultan with
great mildness They evidently believe
that moral suasion is much more effica
cious than brick bats Cleveland Plain
Uncle Sam has never made a mistake in
annexations and he Is not likely to go
wrong in the next one after having
thought it over for sixty years St Louis
Globe Denocrat
In view of the enormous amount of
metal some of the pans in that Klondyke
district are said to wash its very proba
ble that lots of these stories wont wash
Philadelphia Times
And now the Hawaiian volcano of Ivi
lauea is in a state of active eruption
Maybe the poor thing is trying to voice the
native opinion of the annexation scheme
St Louis Itepublic
With his abundant
opportunities for as
sociating with colossally intellectual war
correspondents the Turk is so shockingly
ignorant that he does not know the war is
really over Kansas City Times
- V I
h X X
Notary Pit bli
Real Estate
Valentine Nebraska
1000000 Bond Filed
Office in P O Building
Has recently been refurnished and thoroughly renovated
making it now more than over -worthy of the
reputation it has always borne of being
Eot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Good Sample Boom
Si t7 DONOIIEtt Proprietor
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent withjeonservative banking
Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable
rates County depository
C n COKN ELL President 31- V NICJSOLSON Cashier
Valentine Nebraska
A General BanJcing Business Transacted
Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
Correopondents Chemical National Banfc New Yorfc Klrst National Bank Omaha
This market always keep3 a supply of
In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meata
Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Yegetables
At StettersOld Stand on Main Street
Oi the ChoicesfBrandg
ZCtuSbi u 1 H jA EH 13 3q E 33 Si
H afc BC sHiHRIm ai m m m mm M
M L Jk Jab JK gift baV ia iSL lrn mx m W r m y fl
that this office is fully prepared at all times to turnou
on the shortest notice in the most artistic and
workmanlike manner all kinds of
Job Printing