The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, June 24, 1897, Image 8

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ROBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher
TT 1 - I II I
Official Paper of Cherry Coun
ty Nebraska
100 JPer Year in Advance
Enlercckit the Post offloe at Valentine Cherry
county NtTiraska as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and -all ar
rears are paid in full
Advertising rates 50 cents per inch
per month Kates per column or for
long time ads made known on appli
cation to this office
-The task of securing exhibits for
the Trans Mississippi Exposition is be
ing vigorously proscecu ted by the De
partment of Exhibitsand the prospects
continue to brighten It is stated that
more exhibits are already contracted
uor and in process of preparation than
are to found at the Tennessee exposi
tion and the indications are that the
Trans Mississippi Exposition will de
velop in astonishing proportions
A man can use a wart on the back
of his neck for a collar button ride on
the back coach of a train to save inter
est on his money until the conductor
comes around stop his watch nights
save wear and tear leave his i or
t without a dot or cross to save ink
pasture his mothers grave to save corn
but a man of this kind is a gentleman
compared to a fellow who will take a
newspaper and when asked to pay for
it puts it in lite ofiice and has it
marked refussd
The tariff on cotton is a howling
farce Tho cotton raisers know it
the republican managers know it and
the trusts know it but a few congress
men posing democrats were caught
by the bait They bit like fish The
cotton import ad is of the long staple
variety which cannot be grown in this
country in sufficient -mount to supply
ths demand despite tho belief on the
part of some that tariff legislation can
reverst the laws of nature It will not
benefit he cotton planters a penny
but it will afford the manufacturers an
opportunity lo gougs the consumer a
little nKrs The mullet is considered
the most foplish fish Its brain is
smaller than any other member of the
fish family And the mullet is the
only fish thai will bite at a bare hook
There was no bait on the cotton duty
hook- - World Herald
It pains The Democrat exceeding
ly to think it is once more compelled
to refer to the -untruthfulness of the
Omaha World Heralds news reports
Look at its accounts of the races here
n the issues of June 19 and 20 One
would think the reports were made
up in Omaha when he knows the facts
ertainly the correspondent is a stran
ger in Valentine and dul not try to
ascertain facts In the first place the
telegram is not a report at all A few
generalities is all it speaks of the
beautiful aud picturesque fair
grounds when Valentine never had
puch a thing The thousands of
people should be hundreds
The W H says these are the first
June races ever held here when there
are annual meetings It says the
ball game score was 30
to 15 when it was 30 to 10 and so on
Its a pity that so great a paper as tbe
World Herald cannot give facts for
news instead of fakes Three differ
ent times now this paper has called
attention to the falsity of reports sent
from here When the Omaha ball
team was here a few weeks ago the
World Herald published a fake report
of the game It is these little things
that hurts a papers reputation for ve
racity People think that if a paper
is untruthful about a small thing it
will surely lie about something in
which It is interested It is but fair
So say ttiat the regular local correspon
dent of the W H did not send in these
-fakes The paper will do well to pub
lish nothing from here unless it is sent
v ocl
Tiie 3euate Friday voted to take
not less than532Al000 out of the
pocKets of -the American people aud
present it to the Sugar Trust The
republicans were able to force the
bounty through only with the aid of
the democrat McEnery of Louisiana
1 and Jones and Stewart the two an
cient Nevada friends of the Sugar
The republicans felt that they did
not dare pass this schedule in silence
So in the absence of Aldrich Senator
Allison undertook to defend the inde
fensible and excuse the inexcusable
Uut he made a sad mess of it
When Mr Gorman proved that the
trust was getting double the protec
tion of the present Tariff Jaw Mr
Allison could not deny it When Mr
Jones of Arkansas showed that the
schedule was based upon raise figures
furnished by the trust Mr Allison
could not get around it When Mr
White showed that the bounty to tbe
trust was at least 53241000 Mr
Allison could only wave it aside
New York World
Assessor Townsend otFt Robinson
precinct has been in town for several
days completing his assessments He
reports that the officers in charge at
Ft ilobiuson would not schedule their
personal property iu this county and
would not accord him assistance in
procuring schedules from persons on
the Fort reservation or in the post
canteen County Attorney Fisher
tiled complaint against Mrs Capt
Stead man residing there who is re
puted to be worth more than a million
dollars with the view of requiring her
under the law to make a return of her
personal property All commissioned
officers at the fort have been assessed
practically the same way and its safe
to say that County Attorney Fisher
will 4eal with them in a like manner
if he finds that their personal belong
ings have not been scheduled CJiad
ron Recorder
Joseph SBartley hasbeenVcoritfctevd
of the charge of embezzlement of
state funds while state treasurer of the
state of Nebraska
The verdict convicted Bartley of the
embezzlement of 15188475 instead
of 20188575 with which he was
charged the jury allowing Bartley cre
dit for the check for 50000 drawn on
his personal account in the Omaha Na
tional bank June 4 1895 and payable
to his account as state treasurerin the
same bank and which the defense
traced through that bank to tlie First
National bank of Lincoln and thence
to six state depositories
Did Good Work
Street Commissioner Layporte in
forms this office that he has built elev
en alley and street crossings with poll
tax labor so far this spring besides
putting about 100 loads of cinders and
asUes on the streets About 114 poll
tax receipts have been issued and but
two persons have refused to work or
pay Their names will appear in next
weeks paper if they fail to comply
with the law by that time Nobody
should refuse to pay his poll tax As
an American citizen nobodv can afford-
1 te ej use
- L
i - inn Mwmm
- i
R raised L lowered Figures are per cent of increase on decrease
Horses Cattle Mules Sheep Laud Lots Luds Pers Total
PRECINCTS R 1 R I L R L R L It L Valtn Valtn Valtn Valtn
Boning Springs 30 13 30 4G 1120 17838 19314 38272
ButlaloLake 3 8 14 s 17 n0 4sis2 42 ibS
Cleveland 12 19 32 7 11577 144G8 2G045
WftweyLake 19 n c 45 13502 20799 343G1
f 41 9 G3 12 35 9342 11410 20752
EnlOW 1G 8 33 12 18 S9G5 29G84 3S049
Georgia CO 31 90 12 42 107G 3182 1895 0153
German - 4 6 14 7 8179 3248 11427
Gillaspie 18 12 19 12 21 1 80G7 43094 nil Gl
Irwin 22 21 7 U 40 244 13G29 1908G 32959
Kennedv g 2 14 17 49 9070 10S99 199G9
Kewauee 12 8 5 12 92 17744 320 20970
Lavaca 80 S 35 7 35 22294 9931 32225
Loup 19 8 20 25 33 2877G 2G198 54974
Minnechaduza 1 G5 G77 259S4 8S12 35503
Merrimatl 28 13 14 14 1GS17 2S023 44840
Mother Lake 3 10 4 2 I 9740 23173 32913
Nciizel 21 8 14 15 73 4300 335S 7731
ricnsant Hill S 0 15 40 2 189SG 11177 30163
Schlegel 18 7 14 20 13 1448G 542G 19912
Sharps Ranch 34 5 25 70 2 15002 42G2 192G4
Sparks 30 28 43 7 181 23398 G3G7 29946
Steen 13 G 30 7000 125G3 195G8
Table 5 S 10 21 24U9 5999 3018
Valentine 12 13 12 44 4 14453 G912 21 305
Wood Lake 5 8 23 12 18 3090 4441G 23392 70S98
Valentine Village 29 20 90 12 40292 39411 85703
F E MV Railroad 304485 394185
Western Union Telegraph G7G2 G7G2
Wagner Palace Car no 1710 1710
Totals 52753 4127G4 820101
fraud to tal valuation oftfhe county as equalized 128501 8
I5arcl of JEqraraliza Ion
Valentine Nebr June 15 1897
County board met in regular session
as a Hoard of Equalization Paesent
Max E Viertel chairman P Sullivan
and W A Parker Continued in the
business of equalization until the
evening of the 19th and adjourned to
June 21st 1897
Board met as per adjournment
Members all present Continued x ii
the business of equalization until 23rd
having adopted the following schedule
of percentages in order to adjust
equalization between precencts see
Whereupon the following levies were
County General fund 9 raiils
Brdge g 31-
Road 2 J
Sinking VJ2
Vltn Prct bond 2
VilGen 5
Snkng 7
School District Bond levies in mills
No 1 7 No 4- 3 No 7- 5
8 4 12 8 20 5
23 15 25 4 26 15
28 10 30 2 33 io
41 15 47 2 48 15
49 5 65 5 70 5
71 10
Whereupon ths board adjourned
sine die
Attest Geo Elliott
- Clerk
Siiterestiuy figures
Below will be found the total num
ber of horses cattle- mules sheep and
acres of deeded land in the county as
returned by the assessors together
with their average value
8 f P
BoHing Springs 5G2 24 2211 17183
Luiialo Lake 458 1G 4003 - 1G723
Cleveland 403 15IBC7230 10970
Dewey Lake 795 23 275 H 12918
Eh 338 4 13G6 270 8955
Enlow 597 25 4G70 2 8505
Georgia 79 2 228 12 30GG
German 105 3 359 349 7789
Gillaspie 880 12 G592 032 7729
Irwin 350 11 2810 69S 13079
Kennedy 390 12 1310 G8G 8718
Kewauee 1G4 4 279 20 17140
Loup 379 8 4105 4 27777
Lavaca 370 4 629 410 21475
Mmnechadwza 403 - 787 24901
Merriman 1392 10 3198 2202 15877
Mother Lake 401 20 3775 9 9304
Nenzel 97 2 324 431G
PleasantHill 240 14 1553 103G 1833S
Sphlegel 199 4 G07 417 140G4
fellilJPS Ranch - 252 7 440 3 143G9
299 6 m 22GK2
pteen 027 -2014 G721
xTaVIe 3S4 8 517 I 23370
Valentine 152 G 128 5 9905
Vyoociake 415 23 2GG1 1590 42092
alentine Village 222 2 SS 2 129
Ttal 105G5 2G5 49772 12143 38S261
Average Value S512 571 541 S 50 Sl04
W G Mason was the victim of a
very painful and what might easily
have proved a dangerous accident at
Cody last week Jt seems that a
lamp was in some way overturned in
the boarding car andjust as jtfr Ma
son was coming up to the car door
some Dne kicked the lamp out and the
burning fluid struck him squarely in
the breast and face his clothing be
coming at once a sheet of flame His
presence of mind in covering up his
fice with his hat and tbe prompt and
efficient assistance rendered by those
present in smothering out the fire no
doubt saved his MfeRefyibUcan
r e
Mol lenbeCK Everet
At the residence of Martin Christen
sen in this city Monday evening James
33 Hollenbeck andf Elsie Evpret were
united in marriage by Judge Town e
The bride is a sister of Mrs Christen -
Xiiv 5 ui 11
jTuesdav morning work commenced
onW E Efners new Main street
building It will be a one story frame
22xG0 feet located just nortli of the
primary school building and will be
used for millinery aud residence pur
poses We understand that Mr Morey
has purchased the Efner property on
TJall street
To Citizens of Pullman 1
L am in receipt ot an anonymous
letter from Pullman directing me to
do my duty as prosecuting attorney
and prosecute certain unnamed parties
for running a saloon at Pullman with
out a license If the writer has cour
age of his convictions and will give
me his name 1 will prepare an inform
ation for him or any other reputable
citizen to sign and I shall endeavor to
discharge my duty as prosecuting at
torney F M Walcott
County Attorney
Pleasant Picnic Party
A party of young folks consisting of
Frank Brayton and Evelyn Hilsinger
W S Jackson and Edna Fischer C
M Sageser and Delia Sawyer W T
Kincaid and Fannie Clark M V
Nicholson aud Mae OSullivan John
Smyser and wife enjoyed a pleasant
outing down the Minnechaduza Sun
day The young folks left town in
tne morning ana remained on tne pic
nic grounds for dinner and supper
The stock men living in the northern
part of the county have been notified
by Agent Clapp of Pine Ridge that if
any stock was found on the ten mile
strip in this state known as the reserve
that they would be taken care of by
the agent and held for trepass At a
meeting of about fifty stockmen held
in White Clay precinct a few days ago
It was decided to test the legality of
the matter in the courts The Record
A Kazilc ShoTi
Prescctt Torrnys Comedy Co was
in town last Friday and Saturday
evenings Friday night the companj
did fairly well playing -For a Million
but the Saturday night show was a
rank fake There was simply nothing
to it In the first place they adver
tised both by bills and word of mouth
that they would play The False
Face and that there would be spe
cialties by every member of the com
pany but neither The False Face
nor the specialties materialized The
spectators were regaled with Finne
gans Troubles and the comedian
sang oue lonesome littie song which
originated some years before the
deluge Considering the fact
Valentine gave this company bettcer
houses than any other town on the
road where they h ve stopped the
action of the manager in breaking his
word is still more leprehensibis The
people of Valentine know a good thing
when they see it and henceforth a
company must be first class if it is
seen here at all Our citizens will re
fuse to give 50 cents to see a 10 cent
show Companies traveling this way
will please take notice
Mr Swearengen is putting up a new wind mill
Mr Clarkson proved up on his claim last Mon
We have Sunday Schoo 1 every Sunday at the
M E church
Aaron Grooms and family from on the river
are visiting John Grooms
Mrs nornback has just closed a very success
ful term of sehool at Sparks
M G House and family from the North Table
were down to visit their parents
The crops look fine Wheat is good if we get
rain in a few days Corn is growing nicely
Mr and Mrs Clarkson have just returned
from Valentine where they went to see the races
and visit their children
GThe base ball team from Norden played the
Sparks nine at Sparks Saturday The score was
33 to 70 in favor of Nordeu
Will Clarkson and
Harry Presho were over
from tho Hay Flats and spent two or three days
with friends and old neighbors
Will we have a picnic at Sparks the fourth
You bet Valentine has failed to have one and
Wood Lake is too far oil so come to Sparks and
have a good time
Uxci k Joe
Georgia i
Excitement ran high on the morning of the
lSth when it was discovered that the store of
Frank Routhleutner had been burglarized on the
previous night and Frank lost no time insecur
Ing help and searching for the party who had
done the deed He was found after a few hours
and taken before Esqr Davis who after the usu
al proceedings in such cases committed him to
the county jail
Today we saw the Indian Police driving home
a number of horses and cattle that had strayed
fiom the reserve All wore the braud I D
For Sale Will sel instpad of rent
the Payton ranch also 75 cows
Terms I down balance in two years
at 10 per cent interest with good se
curity Can have immediate possess
Sam Hudson Selling Agent
22 Simeon
-ire Iof Mutticai
Will sell at a great sacrifice a mando
lin guitar violin banjo and trombone
all first class instruments Address
J A Foster Band Quarters Fort
Niobrara 21
fcf v
VU s
m in ciiuxhx
B eL iLfi I O U 8 1 4- uUuvblU
Claimants and wilfcesses in final proof cases
notice of which appear in The Democrat will
receive a marked copy of the paper Should any
errors in description of land or spelling of names
be discovered notice should be sent to the land
office and this office so correction can be made
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr I
Jtne 21 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof m support of his claim and
that said proof will be made I efore the Uegistor
or Keceiver at Valentine Neb on Aug 0 1897
Joseph Birl of Georgia Neb
II E 9395 for the eUneH and nelisei Sec 19
and nwKiSW Sec 20 Tp 3 1 it 31 w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Sebastian Scaboldt Michael ISoltz Richard
Hainsford and Joseph Stosch all of Nenzel Neb
22 27 It GLOVEli Register
U S Land Office Valentino Neb I
June 15th 197 1
Notice is hereby pven that the following
named settler has hied notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on July 27
1897 viz
Alonzo II Ferguson Valentine Neb
II K o 9155 for the swHsw i Sec 34 Tp 34
and lot 3 and s j swVt Sec 3 Tp 33 R 2Pw
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence on and cultivation of
said andviz
V illiam Hunter Martin S Welch John B
Jones and Wesley Massengale all of Valen
tine Nobr
21 20 C R GLOVER Kegister
U S Land Ollice Valentine Neb
June 10 1S97 f
Notice is hereby given that John Dale of
AVood Lake Nebr has filed notice of intention
to make final proof before the Register or Re
ceiver at nis omce in valentine aeor on lues
day the 27tn dav of Julv 1S37 on timber culture
application No 8055 for the lots 1 2
HiC 5 Tp 2Sn II 2CV
He names as witnesses Charles
Daniel of Johnstown Neb James M
U S Land Ollice Valentine Nebr I
May 17 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that Jason Garwood of
Pullman Neb has tiled notice of intention to
make final proif before the Rcigster and Re
ceiver at their ofiice in Valentine Neb on Mon
day the 28th day of June 1897 on timber culture
application No 7930 for the nse4 sejase i and
neswii Sec 22 Tp 2Sn R 37w
He names as witnesses Joseph E Cotton
Charles earner Joseph A Saults and William
Pullman all of Pullman Neb
Notice is also hereby given that Norman D
Stoner of Pullman Nebr has tiled notice of In
tention to make final proor on timber culture
application No 7MW for the ne4swJ 4 senwii
and nisc1 ec 7 Tp 2Sn R 3Gw
He names as witnesses Joseph E Cotton
Joseph A Saults William Pullman and Charles
earner ail 01 Pullman eor also
Jason Garwood of Pullman Nebr
II E No 10219 for the n Sueii Sec 32 and nV2
u Sec 33 Tp 29n R M w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of
said land
Joseph E Cotton Norman D Stoner Joseph
Saults and William Pullman all of Pullman
Neb 17 22 CR GLOVER Register
U S LaudOfliee Valentine Nebr 1
May 15th 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that -barley O Good
rich of Co ly Nebr has Med notice of intention
to make final proof before the Register or Re
ceiver at his ofiice in Valentine Neb on Tues
day the Gth day of July 197 on timber culture
application No 7G14 for the eiswjj and wise1
Sec 35 Tp 3411 It 35 W
He names as witnesses Andrew Steele
Oscar C Goodrich James A Denison and Com
fort P Starr all of odv Nebr also
Andrew Steele of Cody Neb
II E S752fortheex2nehand elisei Sec 35
Tp 34 R 35
He mines the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Oscar i Goodrich Chariev O Goodrich John
S Newell and Henrv Heckel all Cody Neb
17 22 C R GLOVER Register
Why should you use envelopes and
paper imprinted or what is worse
poorly printed when you can get first
class job work done at this office at
reasonable prices
Ely I Valentine and William McDaniel of
Wood Lake Nebraska
21 2G C 11 GLOVER Register
US Land Office Valentine Nebr I
June 10 1S97 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler lias filed notice of intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before the Registsr
or Receiver at Valentine Neb on July 20 1S97
Michael Mone of Cody Nebr
II E for the nesj Sec 21 Tpain ItMw
lie names die following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultivation
of said laud iz
James II Quigley of Valentine Nebr John
Nolan Arthur Heath aud Hugh N Mone of
Cody Nebr also
Arthur Heath of Cody Nebr
H E 0780 for the se Sec IS Tp 33n R v
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
James H Quigley of Valentine Nebr
Michael Mone Hugh H Mone and John Nolan
of Cody Nebr also
John Nolan of Cody Nebr
TT E 9440 for the neM SeclS Tp 33n It 34w
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
James II Quigloy of Valentine Nebr Hugh
n Mone Michael Mone and Arthur Heath of
Cody Nebr
21 2G C R GLOVER Register
US Land Ofllce at Valentine Neb
June 5 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support or his claim anil
that said proof will be made before Kegister
and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on July
17th 1897 viz
George Coleman of Kilgore Nebr
H E 9030 for the sVneH and neJine Sec 2G
and seliseli See 23 Tp 35 R 31 1
He names the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon and cultivation o
said land viz
William Ueede Crookston Nebr Merrick E
Robertson Morrison Crawford and WUliaitt
Storv of Kilgore Neb
20 25 C R GLOVER Register
U S l ind Ofiice Valentine Xel
Mayi3lS97 f
Notice is hereby given that Frank H Zanuck
of Oakdale Nebr has tiled notice of intention
to make final proof before the Register or Re
ceiver at his ofiice in Valentine Nebr on Sat
urday the 20th day of June 1897 on T C No 74UL
for the ssiio and iiseki Sec 13 Tp 31n 16 23v
He names as witnesses George Beer or Val
entine Nebr Willard D iorgareidge William
F Morgareidge aud William Carson of Simeon
Testimony of claimant will be taken before
the Clerk of the District Court for Antelope
county at his ofiice in Neligh Nebraska on
June 25 1897
17 22 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebraska J
June 11897
Complaint having benn entered at this1 ofllce
by W P Davis against William A Davis for
abandoning Ins homestead entry No 10012 dated
January 25 1895 upon th rtec 34 Tp 35 It
31 in Cliorry county Nebraska with a view to tho
cancellation of said entry said parties are
hereby summoned to appear ac Valentine Nebr
on the 1st day of September 1897 at 2 oclock p
in to rexpondand furnish testimonyconcerninjc
said alleged abandonment
19-2- C 11 GLOVEli Register
U s Land Clice Valentine Nebr
June 3rd 1897 f
Complaint having been entered at this ofllce
by Charles Walker against Alfred Dalton foe
abandoning his homestead Entry No 10 2X5
dated November 12 1895 upon the W43wJi 3ee
35 and nVfc seli Sec 34 Tp 35 n It 23 w in
Cherry county Neoraska with a view to the
cancellation of said entry the said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at this ofiice on the
20th day of J uly 1S97 at 10 oclock a m to re
spond and furnish testimmy concerning said
alleged abandonment
Testimony of witnessed to be taken before
James E Thackrey Notary Public at Cooper
Nebraska July 1G 1S97 at 10 oclock a m
20 25 C R GLO VER Register
imnm SjRsns
b wa bs ip f
American Beauties
1 4
lp2f Lengths
OaEttch Bex
Davenport Thagher
Pacific Short Line
LE AV ES 10 30 A M ATiRI VES 9 30 P 31
Through connections both waj3 with Black
nills trains by taking this line you can ga to
Sioux Citv and return thesam jdav connections
made with all trains for the East and Soutu
Dakota Buy local tickets to ONeill