The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, June 24, 1897, Image 4

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lrof Andrce the Arctic Balloonist
Will During the Corning AVeek
Start for the North Pole in His
Airship Other Items oi Interest
City Destroyed in Old Mexico
Continued earthquake shocks and heavy
rains have seriously interrupted telegraph io
communication with the Isthmus of Te
huantepec Late advices received are that
It he official commission sent to the city of
Tehuantepec by President Diaz of Mexico
to investigate the reported formation
volcano and the extent of the earthi
damages arrived at its destination i
found the condition of affairs much worse
than it had expected
The town oi Tehuantepec contained 15
000 inhabitants and is completely de
stroyed so far as houses and buildings are
concerned not one remaining standing
People are living in tents and in the open
air on the outskirts of the place
Explorer I iiltely to Launch His Bal
loon Next AVeek
According to the program mapped out
by Prof Andrce the Arctic balloonist at
the time he left Gothenburg for Spitzber
gen in the latter part of May he will some
time during the coming week launch his
airship upon the perilous voyage to the
north pole A number of carrier pigeons
were taken by the party from Gothenburg
and the return of one of the birds with a
message is looked for daily
According to the opinions of many who
have participated in previous polar
the present venture is the i
reckless and perilous ever undertaken
and it is generally considered that noth
ing but the merest accident can bear the
party to the pnie and back in safety
Circulars have been issued by the Rus
sian government to the inhabitants of
northern Siberia and have also been dis
tributed among the people of Alaslra and
Mother northern regions directing them to
vextenn all possible assistance to the ex j
plorers in case they should land among
Agitation Begun in Kansas to Se
cure Antagonistic Legislation
Agitation has been begun in Kansas
looking to the passage by the next legisla
ture of a strong anti butterine bill This
comes as the result of the recent announce
ment by local Kansas City Kan packers
that they will immediately begin the man
ufacture on a large scale of butterine for
shipment to all states where the laws do
not conflict with the sale of that article
Already Kansa City Kan produces a
great amount of butterine and by June 1
at leaat three linns having charters will
take their forces there from Chicago to
manufacture the stuff Blanks soliciting
aid from farmer m the anti butterine
movement and which have been sent out
by the National Dairy Union have already
oeen signed by many Kansas farmers
Shooting Caused by Whisky
A dispatch from Gadsden Ala says
Late Monday afternoon Henry Thomas a
negro excursionist from Birmingham
ifired into a party of Gadsden negroes just
as the train was leaving and wounded Will
Garner a local cabman A general riot
ensued Thomas was shot in the back
and neck and was stabbed twice in the
shoulder and will die Two other Bir
mingham negroes were shot and another
was stabbed Mean whisky was the cause
of the trouble
Plight of Homing Pigeons
The Hudson District Federation Club
vhich is composed of the leading fanciers
of homing pigeons in New York held its
fifth ally of the season on Saturday The
thirds were liberated at Staresville N
at 5 a in II Schmidts Lightning was
the first bird io reach its loft and won the
Iprize band covering slightly over 500
miles The distance traveled by the
pigeons ranged from 497 to 502 miles
Policeman Badly Beaten
Four drunken Italian laborers partici
pated in a savage fight in South Farming
ton Mass Monday morning Officers
Robert Trace and David Bastion tried to
arrest one of the ringleaders but all the
Italians set upon them and Officer Bas
tion was clubbed with a beer bottle his
skull being fractured He will die
Texas Legislature Adjourns
The Texas legislature after being in ses
sion nearly six months has adjourned It
passed a law to prevent mob violence pro
viding the same penalty as for murder in
the first degree The legislature also
passed a fellow servant bill
rIcKinleys Birthplace Sold
The story and a half building in Niles
Ohio where President McKmley was bom
has been sold to W C Allison of Warren
Ohio for SG0 Mr Allison is a relative of
the president
Gone to tho Cariboo District
Sixty four teams with 530 horses have
gone this spring from Clinton B C to
ihe Cariboo district
Two Thousand Quarryinen Quit
Nearly 2000 men employed in the Joliet
111 quarry fields have gone out on a
strike for an increase oi pay from 125 to
5150 a day The majority of tho operators
declare they will not concede the demands
of the men as the state of business does
Jiot justify any increase in pay
Millionaire Must Go to Jail
W B Bradbury the millionaire will
have to servo the sentence of twenty four
hours imprisonment in the county jal atj
San Francisco c6n4cted for tie second
time Saturday for spitting in street cars
Four Killed and Five Injured Near
s Lincoln III
The tornado which passed over the cen
tral and southern portions of Logan
County Illinois Friday afternoon de
stroyed thousands of dollars worth of
property and completely demolished the
immense cow barn on the farm of the
state institution for the feeble minded
Twenty six persons seeking refuge from
the storm were buried in the debris Four
of the refugees boy pupils from Chicag o
were taken out dead Five others were
severely injured one of whom the farm
superintendent will probably die The
tornado passed on to the northeast doing
no great damage
A small cyclone passed over Rose Hill a
small village in Keokuk County Iowa
Friday The damage done was confined
to trees and outbuildings Another cyclone
of somewhat greater violence passed six
miles east of Oskaloosa The damage
however was slight being confined to
fences trees and outbuildings
A terrific wind and rain storm struck
Norfolk Neb Thursday night Asa K
Leonard and Loomis McKim were caught
on a hundred foot section of elevated side
walk when it gave way and was hurled
with them upon it clear across the street
A severe windstorm passed over Louis
ville Ky Friday Considerable damage
was done to property but no lives were
lost In several cases houses were blown
down and unroofed
A severe windstorm visited eastern In
diana at noon Friday Dispatches from
Muncie and other points report damage to
factories and houses aggregating JO000
or 10000 but no loss of life v
Temporary Platform Falls at Otta
wa HI Several Hurt No Deaths
A poorly constructed scaffold broke
down in front of the Baptist church at
Ottawa 111 Saturday and nearly 200 per
sons fell in a confused mass among the
broken timbers They were pupils of
county schools from all parts of La Salle
County and had just received diplomas
from Assistant State Superintendent of
Public Instruction Freeman when
a rural photographer invited them to the
platform erected for the purpose of taking
a group photograph The rudely con
structed affair was built up against the
church in step fashion the highest point
being fourteen feet above the ground
Many parents of pupils were present to
gether with the teachers and directors of
the township schools who were standing
in the background awaiting the comple
tion of arrangements and when the scaf
fold fell great confusion followed A
dozen persons were found to be injured
three of them severely
Sacrifices His Life in Vain in Try
ing to Save Two Girls
T n King cashier of the First National
Bank of Greenville Texas was drowned
in a pool six miles west of that city under
circumstances of a most sensational char
acter Kitt and Fred Norsworthy book
keeper in the bank Kate Austin of Kan
sas City Mo and Miss Ida Schenk of
Sherman Texas formerly of Greenville
drove out to the pool on Kings ranch after
nightfall At 1 oclock in the morning
Norsworthy came into the city with the
information that King and the two girls
were drowned It is believed that the girls
ventured beyond their depth and King in
attempting to save them went down with
them King was perhaps the wealthiest
man in north Texas being estimated to
have been worth more than 1000000 He
started out as a cowboy with no backing
and amassed his great fortune in a few
Remains of the Money King Arrive
at Southampton England
On the arrival of the British steamship
Scott at Southampton Saturday with the
body of the late Barney Barnato the coro
ners officers went aboard to ascertain as
to the necessity of holding an inquest An
inquest was held and the jury returned a
verdict of death from drowning while tem
porarily insane
The arrival of the remains confirms the
details already sent out to the press as to
the circumstances under which Barney
Barnato met his death He was feeling
very poorly when the vessel left Cape
Town and often talked quite irrationally
The passengers subscribed 100 as a re
ward for Mr Clifford the officer who tried
to rescue him
To Pray for Victoria
Bishop Huntington lias authorized the
clergymen and laymen readers of the
Episcopal diocese of central New York to
include in their services on the first Sun
day after Trinity a prayer a copy of which
he has issued for Queen Victoria and the
welfare of England The prayer is to fol
low that for the president of the United
Civil Service Hearings
The senate civil service committee re
sumed its hearings Saturday A letter
from W E Prescott president of the In
ternational Typographical Union stated
that that body did not favor the applica
tion of civil service rules to the govern
ment printing office as the best results
were not attained under it
Four Suicides
Four more bpdies supposed to be sui
ides have been found in the river Thames
in London making twenty one bodies
found in the river during the last three
Rainy Season On in India
The monsoon has fully burst in India
and it is raining continuously and heavily
Germanys Cotton and Wool Import
Germany imported cotton last year to
the value of 217000000 marks The
total value of the wool imports reached
2SG0000000 marks
According to liie most delicate ex
periments of the most famous scien
tists the heat of the lunar rays which
reach the earth is scarcely the twelve
millionth part of a degree
The Imperial Library in Paris has
thirty six books printed on white silk or less
Great Damage Done in California
by Earthquake Shocks The Worst
Since 1808 Xo Casualties as Yet
Queens Jubilee Begins
Queen Victoria began the celebration of
her jubilee Sunday as was befitting her
entire career before the altar of her faith
Throughout London the United Kingdom
and the empire in every cathedral church
or chapel or the established cnurcn oi
England were held services similar to
those at St Georges chapel Windsor
where her majesty paid her devotions and
offered solemn thanks to God
The announcement that the services at
St Georges chapel would be private and
for the members of the royal family pre
vented the gathering of a large crowd
The scene was most impressive and the
services were very simple Her majesty
sat in the chair of state immediately in
front of the communion rail and just be
side the brass plate whose inscription desig
nates the spot which was the temporary
place of interment of the prince consort
The ladies and gentlemen who are the
grand officers of the queens household
entered first followed by the military
Knights of Windsor in the full costume of
cocked hats and scarlet coats
The Duke of Devonshire and Lord Bose
bery occupied their stalls as Knights of
the Garter The rest of tho church was
empty the seats of the royal family being
near the queens
The Dean of Windsor wearing the in
signia of chaplain of the Order of the Gar
ter officiated assisted by the Lord Bishop
of Barry and several canons
Well This Is a Surprise the Ex
clamation of Defendant
Charles W Spaulding ex president of
the defunct Globe Savings Bank of Chi
cago and treasurer of the state university
was on Friday acquitted of the charge of
embezzlement The first words uttered by
Mr Spaulding after the verdict had been
read in court were Well this is a sur
prise The specific charges against him
was the converting of 7000 worth of the
bonds of Pittsfield school and Lincoln
school in Pike County The bonds were
hypothecated with the Metropolitan Na
tional Bank of Chicago to secure a loan
of 6750
Spaulding owes his acquittal to a single
word in the statute That word is in
tent The jurors could not become
reconciled to the proposition that the ex
treasurer of the University of Illinois in
tentionally embezzled the bonds of that in
There are still twenty seven indictments
hanging over him and he will be tried
The Worst Earthquake Shock Since
1808 Great Damage Done
Shortly after noon Saturday the most
severe earthquake shock since 186S did
many thousand dollars damage to build
ings and their contents at Ilollister Cal
No casualties occurred though several
narrow escapes are reported Every brick
building in town has suffered and in the
court house the walls and ceiling have lost
most of their plastering Immediately
after the earthquake a fire wall of the Mc
Mahon House fell upon the adjoining
buildings Hundreds of window panes
were cracked or broken and in some in
stances the entire window sashes were
thrown into the street from the second
story of the building
Cantrill Declares 500000
Bonds for State Purposes Aroid
Judge Cantrill at Frankfort has decided
illegal and void the Kentucky state statute
for the issue of 500000 of bonds for state
purposes The decision was rendered in a
case brought for the purpose of testing the
validity of the issue The decision will be
appealed at once to the court of appeals
which will pass upon the matter Should
Judge Cantrill be sustained the entire
revenue legislation of the late general as
sembly for 1898 will be defective
Fears America
The Paris correspondent of the London
Times reports a conversation affecting to
represent the views of Emperor William
in the course of which speaking of his
anxiety as to the future of Europe he said
that he does not fear Chinese ambition or
the anarchists but he does fear the ex
pansion of one of the great powers and the
intervention of the United States in the
affairs of the old world
AVelded Together
A consolidation of the interests engaged
in manufacturing weldless steel tubing for
bicycles has been formed in London with
II A Losier of Cleveland Ohio as the
head A number of wealthy Englishmen
with Arthur Pitkmgton at their head have
invested 3000000 in the new corporation
Three large factories at Toledo 0 Ell
wood City Pa and Greenville Fa are
AVindow Glass Factory Burns
The window glass factory at Orestec
eighteen miles west of Muncie Ind
burned Sunday The factory is owned by
the United Glass Company together with
like plants at Ottawa and Streator 111
The factory employed 400 people and the
total loss will be 100000 The town has
no fire protection
Terrible Loss of Liife
It is announced that over 0000 lives were
lost in the earthquake disturbances which
recently visited the province of Assam A
message of condolence has been received
from Queen Victoria
Big Fire in Texas
At 2 oclock Sunday morning fire de
stroyed five brick buildings at White
AVright Texas loss 37000 insurance
Sovoi TIPrsniTI ivnro ininrnil I
Increased Orders for Staple Goods
an Encouraging Feature
Bradstreets Weekly Review says There
are encouraging features in the general
trade situation the most conspicuous o
which is increased orders for staple goods
for fall delivery in a few lines notably
clothing which at Chicago Baltimore and
a few other centers promises to exceed the
movement of a year ago
The more cheerful feeling among the
manufacturers of iron and steel is based in
part upon expectations of a revival in de
mand Encouragement is also derived
from the advance in raw cotton and of 1 16
per cent in print cloths which marks a
close relation to the best price ever had
A decided increase in the demand for cot
ton is the speculative outcome of the in
creased possibility of an early settlement
of the tariff Prices this week do not
carry out last weeks promise of a general
advance There are lower quotations for
tea and coffee flour wheat and oats Bes
seiner pig and steel billets
Prince of Wales Proposes
Health of Her Majesty
The Prince of AVales as president of the
imperial institute presided at a banquet
given in London by the institute Friday
evening to the colonial premiers After
dinner the Prince of Wales proposed The
Health of the Queen In a felicitous
speech he referred to the approaching
jubileecelebration adding that he had no
doubt they would receive the familiar
toast with more acclamation than was
usually the case This was followed by
prolonged cheering waving of handker
chiefs and cries of God bless you the
entire company standing
Dynamite Is Used with Good FfTecl
by the Cubans
A train carrying 250000 was blown up
by dynamite by Cuban insurgents near
Jaruco in Havana province The money
was intended to pay the Spanish soldiers
in Matanzas province but the insurgents
captured the train and took all the money
away with them The loss is felt severely
by the Spaniards as the government is
hard pressed for funds It is said that
hen Gen Weyler was informed of the
affair he declared that if 200 soldiers had
been killed itwould have been better than
to lose that amount of money
Many People Injured at River Falls
During the street parade by the Lemen
Bros circus at River Falls Wis Friday
a balcony over a sidewalk occupied by
about twenty people gave way and the
party was hurled about eighteen feet to
the walk below Main people were in
jured Several children who occupied the
walk were also injured Carrie Anson is
believed to be badly hurt Several In
dians received dangerous injuries by fall
ing timbers
Transvaal Not Bumptious
The reply of the Boer Government to
the dispatch of Mr Chamberlain the
British secretary of state for the colonies
which dealt with the recent alien immi
gration act and and other measures which
have raised issues affecting the foreign
population of the Transvaal was read in
the volksraad Saturday It is conciliatory
in tone and shows that the repuic de
sires peace The government will ask for
arbitration on certain points in the contro
AYeylor Getting- Good
Capt Gen Weyler of Cuba informed
Consul Gen Lee that on the 10th he gave
orders to the military commander at Car
denas revoking the previous instructions
under which Jos Duenas an American
planter near Quinlina had been ordered
to abandon his estate
10000 Blackberry Pickers
Fully 10000 blackberry pickers have
already arrived at Liberty Mo The crop
is estimated at 00000 crates thp largest
ever known there Never in the history
of blackberry picking in that section has
there been such a crush of humanity there
Favors State Ownership of Railroads
The state council has declared in favor
of acquiring the railroads of Switzerland
Chicago Cattle common to prime
350 to 550 hogs shipping grades
300 to 375 sheep fair to choice 200
to 400 wheat No 2 red 6Sc to 70c
corn No 2 24c to 26c oats No 2 17c
to 19c rye No 2 33c to 34c butter
choice creamery 14c to 16c eggs fresh
Sc to 9c potatoes per bushel 25c to 35c
broom corn common growth to choice
green hurl 25 to 70 per ton
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
525 hogs choice light 300 to 375
sheep common to choice 300 to 425
wheat No 2 75c to 77c corn No 2
white 2Gc to 2Sc oats No 2 white 20c
to 22c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 525 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 300 to 425
wheat No 2 S2c to 85c corn No 2
yellow 22c to 24c oats No 2 white 17c
to ISc rye No 2 31c to 33c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 500 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 250 to 400
wheat No 2 Sic to S3c corn No 2
mixed 25c to 27c oats No 2 mixed 19c
to 20c rye No 2 36c to 3Sc
Detroit Cattle 250 to 500 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 200 to 425
wheat No 2 red 82c to S4c corn No 2
yellow 24c to 26c oats No 2 white 22c
to 23c rye 34c to 36c
Toledo Wheat No 2 red S4c to S5c
corn No 2 mixed 25c to 26c oats No
2 white ISc to 20c rye No 2 34c to 36c
clover seed 420 to 425
Milwaukee AArheat No 2 spring 71t
to 73c corn No 3 24c to 26c oats No
2 white 22c to 24c barley No 2 2Sc to
34c rye No 1 34c to 36c pork mess
725 to 7 75
Buffalo Cattle 250 to o2o hogs
300 to 400 sheep 300 to 450
wheat No 2 red S6c to S7c corn No 2
yellow 2Sc o 29c oats No 2 white 24c
to 25c
New York Cattle 300 to 525 hogs
350 to 450 sheep 300 to 450
wheat No 2 red 75c to 76c corn No 2
toSOc oats No 2 white 22c to 23c
M UIWl butter creamery
I era 10 t to 12c
11 to 16c eggs
The Red Willow County Fish and
Game Association will Prosecute
All Violations of the IFish and
Game Laws Other News Notes
Fish and Game Association
The Pved Willow County Fish and Game
Associatson has been organized at
McCook The association has authorized
the paying of a suitable reward for infor
mation sufficient to convict for seining or
killing fish by danamite or killing game
out of season Monthly meetings will be
held An effort will be made to stock the
lakes along the Meeker ditch with game
fish from the state hatchery The associa
tion is open to every citizen of Red Willow
County and it is expected in time to in
clude in its membership every lover of the
rod and gun It is the determined pur
pose of the organization to prosecute all
violations of the fish and game laws
Drive the Women Out of Town
A committee appointed by the citizens
of Weeping Water has waited upon the
proprietors of disorderly houses to the
number of six and invited them to leave
town Two boys Lorn Gilmore and Pvu
ben Straub were escorted to the limits of
the city and warned not to return Young
Gilmore has been led into evil by one of
the women and when she had his father
and mother arrested for assault and defa
mation of character the boy testified
against his parents The testimony was
false and a verdict was rendered for Mr
and Mrs Gilmore but the boys action so
incensed the people that they determined
to drive the woman out of the town More
trouble is looked for
Crushed by a Traction Engine
While attempting to cross a bridge in
the west part of Herman with a traction
engine Frank Wickizer of Blair was
seriously if not fatally injured by the giv
ing way of the bridge He was caught
between the engine and supply wagon and
horribly scalded and bruised Several
pien were in the vicinity and by their aid
lie was extricated from his perilous posi
Refuses an Appropriation
The board of equalization refused to
jnake an appropriation for the Buffalo
County Agricultural Society as provided
by statute and the society has commenced
mandamus proceedings against the board
The appropriation amounts to 02325 and
why the board refuses to make it is not
known as it has been made for years
without question
Carrolls Scv Creamery
Contractor Jones has completed the
creamery building for the Helm Building
and supply Company which after a prac
tical test was turned over to the Carroll
Co operative Creamery Company which
churned the first butter the latter part of
the week The creamery is equipped with
all the latest and best of machinery
Killed in a Runaway
Hugh Dever an old Sarpy county pio
neer met a sad death in a runaway at
Papillion a few days ago His team be
came unmanageable and ran away and he
was thrown out and instantly killed
jCoroner Hamilton held an inquest and a
iverdict was returned that his death was
due to his own carelessness Dever leaves
a widow
Engine Runs Off the Track
Engine No 771 of an extra freight east
bound ran into an open switch at Schuyler
the other evening while running up to the
water tank to water and ran far enough
on the ties to carry itself and two cars off
the track which was badly torn up
Effect of the School Land Law
The new law which goes into effect July
0 repealing the purchasing clause of the
school land law has caused the appraise
ment and placing under contract for pur
chase of thousands of acres of the land in
Cherry County
A mad dog after biting three dogs and
a cow was killed at Sutton Saturday The
three bitten dogs were also killed and the
cow tied up to await the action of the
poison All dogs in the city running loose
ire being killed as fast as the marshal can
get to them
Register of ONeill Land Office
The nomination of Stephen J AVeeks to
be register of the land office at ONeill has
been confirmed by the national senate
Chautauqua Grounds Sold
The grounds of tho Fremont Chautau
qua Association have been sold at fore
closure sale for 5800
Nebraska Short Notes
The Christian Endeavor societies of
Edgar will have a picnic June 23
Jacob Mauk of Broken Bow was thrown
from his wagon and had several ribs
Oscar Wagner a Wisner boy had his
pkull fractured last week by a feed grinder
tipping over on him
The Watson ranch south of the Loup in
Nance County has been sold to AVm
Stark of Thompson 111 for 50000
The second annual convention of the
North Nebraska Conference Epworth
League will bo held at Central City the
Jatter part of July
In some sections of Nebraska cutworms
have done considerable damage to corn
Stromsburg sports indulged in a cocking
main one night last week and numerous
dollars are said to have changed hands on
the results
Mrs E R Bishop of Beaver City was
periously injured by being strnck with
pieces of a fly wheel on a corn sheller
which burst while she was standing near
A North Platte man put small pox plac
ards on his house for the purpose he
stated of keeping tramps away but the
hard hearted officers made him take them
North Platte is suffering from a potato
famine not a bushel being obtainable in
that town last week
The Langworthy canning factory at
Seward will not run this season Prices oi
canned vegetables are so low that the
proprietors do not feel like investing the
large sum that is necessary to carry on the
Kangaroo rats are doing considerable
damage to corn on the north side of the
river near North Platte and are also kill
ing trees by eating the roots These rats
are a comparatively new pest to western
Nebraska at least they have not been of
such number as to be noticeable or cause
any particular alarm
During the month of May the Neligh
SufTertip Humanity Snccumbjj to
Snna Fierce Rays
The excessively hot weather of the past
week following an unusual cold spring
period has brought no inconsiderable suf
fering Many places report tie hottest
June weather ever known Wednesdny
the South was a furnace In Kansas the
earth sizzled under shade trees which
could not keep the mercury from reaching
100 decrees Only Duluth escaped the
hot wave the thermometer registering a
minimum of -Hi degrees there 31 degrees
lower than at not far distant St Paul
The extreme East had a few degrees less
warmth This is an indication of how
the co ntry sweltered
Concordia Kan 100 Des Moines 90
umalm 98 Davennort 90
Dodge City
Jacksonville Fin 90
Abilene Texas 9 1
Kansas Citv 94
Charlotte X C 94
Amarillo Texas 9
Iarkersburg 92
St Louis 90
North Platte 90 Albany
New York
Chicago and vicinity AVednesday after
noon and night was visited by a terrific
thunderstorm Strange visitant with the
rain was hail which fell heavily in the
south end of the city Terrifying light
ning flashed and played queer freaks and
thunder roared Fatalities were supple
mented by damage to property and by
broke i and surcharged overhead wires
Persons were shocked and injured by the
electric fluid The rain fell in sheets and
choked up sewers and flooded basements
over the city
The electrical display due to the long
drought and the overcharged condition of
the air was something marvelous It had
another side than the spectacular At
tha Harrison street bridge the lightning
became enamored of the iron girders of
the structure and completing a circuit
with the ground wires of die trolley line
turned the bridge Into a mighty magnet
George Brown a driver urged his horse
out upon the bridge in spite of the blue
flames tfiat were playing along the iron
rods Tiie animal was hardly upon the
structure before the electric fluid leaped
through the iron calks of its shoes and
it went down in a heap stone dead The
draw was finally swung open and the
circuit broken
Lightning struck several electric street
cars one of which was thrown from the
track by the shock Lightning ran along
the cable in the power house of the Met
ropolitan elevated electric road and caus
ed a blaze in the repair shop The rainfall
lasted almost incessantly from 3 oclock
in the afternoon until midnight
Favorins Weather Conditions and
13 very tli ins Growing Rapidly
The following bulletin based on the
reports of the directors of the several
climate and crop sections is furnished
for the information of the public
The weather conditions of the week have
been generally favorable to agricultural In
terests over the greater portion of the
country There has been too much rain
however in Xew England and the northern
portions of the Middle Atlantic States
where it has also been rather cool while
over portions of the lower Ohio valley west
ern Tennessee aiul northeastern Missouri
rain Is much needed Except over limited
areas rains would also prove generally bene
ficial to growing crops in the central valleys
and Central Gulf States The latter part
of the week was particularly favorable in
the States of tho upper Mississippi and Mis
souri valleys In Nebraska the week was
the most favorable of the season Corn
while generally backward lias made
progress in the principal corn States under
the favorable weather conditions of the past i
week A marked improvement in the con-
ditlon of the crop is reported from Mis
souri Kansas and Nebraska anil generally
throughout the central valleys improvement
Is reported Cold weather and frosts of pre
vious weeks have caused serious injury in
Wisconsin Minnesota and North Dakota
and the unseasonable cool weather of the
past week in New Ensrland and the northern
portions of the middle Atlantic States and
upper Ohio valley has retarded the progress
of corn In these last named districts the
crop Is backward and the plant looks yellow
while considerable rotting in the hill Is re
ported from New England There has been
a general improvement in the condition of
cotton throughout the cotton belt the Im
provement being most marked in South Car
olina and Georgia The crop is generally
clean and insects less numerous In Texas
the crop needs warm dry weather over the
northern portions of the State where growth
has been siow and some replanting contin
ues while showers would prove beneficial In
other sections of the State Winter wheat
has except on the Pacific coast continued
to improve Harvest is now in progress In
the southern portion of Kansas Missouri
ami Illinois and Is nearing completion In
some of the more southerly States
He Has Found an Ideal Retreat a
Few Mile9 from Wahinrton
Seven miles southwest of Washington
and back of Fort Myer President McKin
ley has acquired a summer home known
as Cherry Valley though not perhaps
named after the historic incident in the
life of George Washington It is the
property of ex Senator John B Hender
son of Missouri Here President and
Mrs McKinley with Secretary and Mrs
will spend the heated summer
The house is far back from the public
raid Situated along a veritable forest of
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fruit and shade trees the small summer
cottage is as completely isolated as though
it were a thousand miles from the
capital One must have a most
intimate acquaintance with the geography
of the adjacent country in order to find
the house at all It is reached by a nar
row lane which turns in from the main
road about half a mile below the small
village of Ballston
The official program of the queens jubi
lee procession as published has given
umbrage to the Liberals owing to the
utter absence of recognition of the civil
and industrial side of the queens reign
The Oaily Chronicle is very outspoken on
the subject especially at the omitting of
Mr Gladstone
Albert Benson and Thomas Olsen got
into a friendly wrestling match at Brook
lyn Olsen lifted Benson off his feet and
threw him backward He did not rise
however and Olsen walked over and tried
to raise him Bensons neck was broken