u It - s I 4 9 H OFFICIAL DIRECTORY STATE PoTeroor Sllajj A Holcomb lieutenant Governor JameSEflarrli A gtcretafy of State WF Porter treasurer JNMcserve Auditor John F Cornell Com Landsand Bulldlngij Jacob V Wolfe Attorney General Constantino TSmvth Bupt Public Instruction W It Jackson fEAIladley Scfifla rZ2M A Regents University h y I u w jvaieymKeq uiotid Shos Rawlins WalcefId cnas weston nay spss IHLOoold cWlla ICH Morrill Lincoln CONGRESSIONAL Senators Win V Allen Madison John M Thurston Omaha Representatives First District Jesse R Strode Lincoln Second D II Mercer Omaha Third Geo I Meiklejohn Ftillerton Fourth K J Ilal ner Aurora Fifth Win K Andrews Hastings Sixth O M Kern Broken Row JUDICIAL Supreme Court T L Norval Chief Justice Harrison and Polk associates Fifteenth Judicial District M P Klnkald ONeill W II Wcstover Rushvlllc LEGISLATIVE Representative Fifty second District OP Billiims Norden Senator Fourteenth District Otto Mutz Bpringvlew LAND OFFICE RpRister C R Glover Longpine Receiver J A Fiko Newport COUNTY Treasurer G P Crabb gcrk Geo Elliott Sheriff Amos Strong Judge w R Towne County Attorney FM Walcott County Superintendent Lillian Stonrr Surveyor Chas Talt Coroner A Lewis Max vlertel Commissioners W A Paiker I P Sullivan PRECINCT Overseers of Highways R Hansen and J Raj Constable It Towne Justices of the Peace John Dunn and J M Cainin Assessor- John Dunn VILLAGE Town Board E Sparks president C H Cor nell treasurer T C Hornby clerk D S Ludwlg aiuiPP Simons Marshal and Water Commissioner Henry Razey chool District No 1 F M Walcott president M V Nicholson treasurer J C Pettljolin secre tary W S Jackson G P Crabb and J T Keeley SOCIETIES Imp 0 RM sitting Bull Tribe No 22 Improved Order of Red Men meets every sneond and fourth Friday evening of each month at Davenports Half Visiting brethren are fraternally invited to be present at the councils of the tribe J H Skaks F M Marcii Chief of Records Sachem A F A M Minnekadusa Lodge No 192 A F A M meets In regular communication Saturday even ing on or before the full moon In each month members of the orderin good and regularstand lng cordially and fraternally invited to attend J T KEELEr W M W W Thompson Secv 0 E S 4 Northern Star Chapter No 59 Order of the Eastern Stai meets on second and fourth Tues day evenings of eaoh month In Hornbys hall W W Thompson Mago ie Walcott Secretary Worthy Matron a oTjj W Valentine Lodge No 70 A O U W meets on l si and 3rd Mondays of each month J C Pettijohn Rec O W Hxhx M W D OF H Valentine Lodge No Degree of Honor holds regular meetings first and third Wednes day evenings of each month M Christensen Mrs J C Pettijobn Recorder Chief of Honor I 0 O P Valentine Lode No 205 I O O F meets Pverv Thtirsdav oveimi Vlsltlnc hrothra rord lallv nvlted to attend our meetings D H Thuiistox Frank Brattov Secretary Koble Grand G A E Col Wood Pest No 20R Department of Ne braska legular meeting2d and 4th Saturdays of each month at 2 d m sharp Comrads from other Posts are cordially lnvjted to attend J W Tucker Dunk Adjutant Commander Mw7 A Valentine Camp No 1761 Modern Woodmen of America meets second and fourth vefluesflay evenings of each month at Davenports Half Visiting neighbors cordially Invited to attend W S Jacksox W E HaBt Clerk Venerable Counsel K of P Cherry Lodge No 160 Knights of Pvthlaa meet every Tuesday evening at Davenpqi ts Hall W s Jackbon R P Roberts K of R and S Chancellor Commander Arrival and Departure of Malls Mall east and west closes at 8 pm Rosebud leaves at 8i00 a m dalljj except Sun day and arrives at 500 p m Simeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves at 700 a m Mondays Wednesdays and Frl davs and arrives at 700 p m Tuesdays Thurs days and Saturdays Ft Niobrara leaves daily at7 00 a m and 500 p m arrives at 830a m and 730 pm1 Kewanee and Sparka arrives Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at 609 pm and leaves Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at 7a m General delivery open from 769 a m to 700 p m General delivery open on Sundays from 8 to 10 a m Lock boxes opendally form 0 a to 800 p m W EHALEY Postmaster PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS nVD CLARKE Attorney-at-Law Allkinds of legal business promptly attended tc Valentine Nebraska i - - ii i T C DWYER Physician and Surgeon pmce at C R Watsons Drug Store Prompt attention given to all professional calls Valextixe - Nebraska Teachers Examination The regular monthly Teachers Examination -will be held the third Saturday of each month at my office in the Court House LILLIAN STONER Supt of Schools P FSIMONS PROPRITOR OF DRAY LINE NO I Satisfaction guaranteed Reasonable charges SECRETARY 0E STATE HOW SHERMAN DISPOSES OF A DAYS BUSINESS He Ib Methodical at All Times Saves Himself by Relying Upon His As sistantsMeeting Office Seekers and Dealing -with Diplomats Mr Shermans Day Washington corresponaence II ii mSulsr 1 Suite Jonn fenerman M9i t ECRETARY O F K works at ms uesK from 9 oclock in the morning until 4 oclock in tihe after noon then he goes home and reads nov els He is an omniv orous consumer of novels of all degrees of merit of all colors of binding yellow preferred He says they rest his mind He considers that at the age of seventy four he has earned a rest from the heavy literature of finance of economics of statesmanship and Mr Babcock his secretary says that he fol lows the woes of the latter day heroine the truly good stiltings of tihe modern hero and the sulphurous ejaculations of the fin de siecle villain with a really re markable interest even if he does smile a good deal through his spectacles over what he reads But all this happens after 4 oclock in the afternoon when Mr Sherman is Mr Sherman and not the Secretary of State and it is with his man ner of putting in his time as Secretary of State that this article is concerned When Mr Sherman became the Secre tary of the Treasury a matter of twenty odd years ago he was confronted by one of the most herculean tasks that ever r vmf1 lm hnfnr mi American statesman within the compass of sijety seconfls and then either send for proper official or else slioot it out by messenger to the place it belongs The only occasions upon which ait Sherman feels called upon to grow ittle expansive are the diplomatic days Thurs day This is the especial day that he sets aside for the reception of the diplomats to talk over things with them confidential ly and on this day other visitors have a very slight chance of being received by him The Secretary of State receives the diplomats in a room adjoining his office and called the diplomatic room by all odds the most gorgeously furnished gov ernmental chamber in Washington Run ning its entire length is a carved ebony table and it is at the head of this table seated in a tall revolving chair that Mr Sherman receives the diplomats one by one They string int othe anteroom for their audience with the Secretary of State all the way from 10 to 1 oclock and in receiving them no matter of precedence js observed The first to arrive is the first to be received The Secretary of State gives these audiences for a general re sume of each diplomats business and it is for tiliis reason that he only receives them one at a time He leans back in his revolving chair with his spectacles push ed up on his forehead taking in what each of them has to say and occasionally jot ting down a note on a scratch pad in front of him Mr Sherman is not a linguist The only language he can speak is Eng lish But as there is not now in Wash ington a single representative of another nation who cannot also speak English th Secretary of State has no trouble in car rying on these conversations NEW UNITED STATESTREASURER Ellis H Roberts a New York Banker Recently Appointed Ellis H Roberts of New York who has just been appointed treasurer of the Unit ed States by President McKinley is th president of the Franklin National Bani iiilMyrHlifi SECRETARY OF STATE SHERMAN the resumption of specie paymentsand Mr Sherman worked away at that job and accomplished it from 9 oclock in the momaug until 4 oclock in the afternoon no more no less I first became connected with Mr Sherman at that time said Mr Babeock his secretary and I never knew him to work longer than the office hours of his clerks Mr Folger permitted the secre tarvship of the treasury to kill him prob ably Mr Manning did also Neither of these gentlemen was generous to himself A whole generation of political experi ence taught Mr Sherman that lesson be fore he assumed the reins of the treas ury and accomplishing more work in that capacity than did Hamilton he emerged from the ordeal with his health and strength The secret of it He trusted his assistant secretaries he allowed his subordinates to do the work they were ap pointed to do lie never permitted a pa per to lie on his desk for ten minutes and made disposition ot ins anairs as mey came up His desk was clean down to the blotting pad when he put on his hat aud quit his office at 4 oclock in the af ternoon The Secretaries of the Treas ury who allowed the position to give them nervous prostration attempted to do the whole thing themselves and no secretary of any government department can do that and live through his term As was his rule when Secretary of the Treasury so is Mr Shermans rule as Sec retary of State When he came here he frm ml n he exnectcd he would that the State Department is fdled with men who have been here a long time and who have every detail of the departments routine at their fingers ends Mr Sher man perfectly appreciates the fact that these men know more about the practical workings of their respective branches of the department than he himself could hope to acquire in a period of service here twice as long as tnat lor winch he was appointed and he is a strong believer in the value of routine So he lets them go ahead keeping an eye on their work but in no wise interfering with it without good occasion And- I guess this is the reason that he has all the hair he had when he was twenty years old that he is as straight as a string at seventy four and that his eyes are just as good to day as they ever were Whenever any document reaches Mr Shermans desk that does not absolutely require his personal attention he sends immediately for the official to whose branch of the department the document properly belongs and turns it over to him with a few succinct instructions He does not lay it aside for future consideration and thereby accumulate a monumental pile of papers filled with possibilities of grief and labor to come It is really quite entertaining to see Mr Slwrmim cut open an official letter as it reaches him hot from the mail glance it over and grasp it of New York lie has long been promi nent n national affairs He was a dele gate to tlie Republican national conven tions of 3S04 1SGS aud 1S7S In 1SGQ he was a member of the New York Leg islature aud in 1S70 he was elected a mem ber of Congress from the Oneida district and was re elected in 1S72 Mr Blnine then Speaker of the House made Mr Roberts a new member a member of the Ways and Means Committee an unusual honor In 1SS9 President Harrison ap pointed Mr Roberts assistant United States Treasurer at New York City In 1S93 Mr Roberts was offered the presi 3 dency of the Franklin National Bank and accepted the place Mr Roberts is a wide ly known traveled man and has written ELLIS IT ROBERTS several books not only qu finance but on other subjects among them may be men tioned Greece and Beyond Planting and Growth of the Emni Sfn4 o Government Revenue Especially ttw American System He is 70 years old Francis Schlatter three years ago waa a shoe cobbler in Denver and earned a precarious Hying at his trndo He began to hear silent Yiw as he said and in obedience to their commands gave away his tools and began a pilgrimage toward the laeific coast He was several times arrested as a vagrant and throw Jwta He footed the epUre distance and re turned to New Mexico where he was heard of among the ludians as the ines siah m the eariy part of last year near Albuquerque The newspaper reporters discovered him being followed by mou3 of Indians among whom he cured the sick paralytic and blind by toucldng the af flicted with his hands The Pennsylvania road reports net earn ings as 708707 less than last year W0EK OE CONGRESS THE WEEKS DOINGS IN SENATE AND HOUSE A Comprehensive Digest of the Pro ccedinge in the Legislative Cham bers at Washington Matters that Concern the People Lawmakers at Labor When the Senate laid aside the tariff bill Saturday night it had reached the sugar schedule which lias been the sub ject of so much interest and conflict During the day many of the paragraphs of the wood schedule had been agreed to but that restoring lumber to the dutiable list at 1 per 1000 feet proved the greatest stumbling block since the debate began Mr Bacon Dem of Georgia gave his support to the committee rate saying it was essential to the lumber industry of the South He also spoke in favor of a revenue tariff so adjusted as to give equal benefit to all industries Mr Bacon and Mr Vest clashed several times on tariff doctrine Mr Vest expressing his regret that a Democratic Senator would aid in restoring to the dutiable list one of the three products lumber salt and wool which the Wilson bill put on the free list Mr Clay of Georgia also spoke at length on the tariff bill criticising the sugar schedile and other features of the bill The Senate Monday defeated the motion to put white pine on the free list and the entire lumber schedule was agreed to as reported In the House the Senate bill to amend the act to authorize the con struction of a steel bridge across the St Louis river was passed A Senate bill to authorize the construction of a bridge across Pearl river Mississippi was pass ed The House adjourned until Thurs day By ihe decisive vote of 42 to 19 the Senate Tuesday adopted an amendment to the tariff bill placing raw cotton the great jrodnct of the South on the dutia ble list at 20 per cent ad valorem It is the first time in the history of tariff legis lation that a duty on cotton has been in corporated in a bill The amendment was proposed by Mr Bacon Dem of Geor gi He said the omission of this article from the dutiable list was a violation of the principle of the Democratic platform that tariff taxation should be so imposed as to discriminate against uo section The tariff as a whole fell like a dead weight the producer of cotton raising the prices of all articles essential to his use and yet on his article of production raw cotton he was left in the lurch Sev eral other items were discussed but noth ing further was settled The Senate had a period of tariff speeches Wednesday aud as a result lit tle progress was made on the bill Mr Rawlins of Utah and Mr Mills of Texas discussed the Democratic attitude on the tariff from their respective standpoints Later in the day Mr Cannon of Utah pro posed an amendment placing an export bounty on agricultural products He spoke for two hours on the need of giving the fanner a share of the benefits of the tariff Mr Butler of North Carolina also spoke in favor of giving the farmer equal benefits with other classes under the bill Only half a page of the bill covering four brief and comparatively unimportant par agrapns were disposed of during tlve day The long deferred debate on the sugar schedule of the tariff bill came on Thurs day after the Senate had disposed of the cereals in the agricultural schedule Nothing definite was accomplished J unit- T Hoyd who was recently elected to succeed the late Representative Giles of the First Missouri District took the oath at the opening of the Huwsv Ml Hitt asked unanimous consent for the consid eration of a jinu resolution for the nient u the salaries of certain consuls general and consuls die names of whose posts were changed in the last consular aud diplomatic bill The resolution was parsed Mr Payne then moved an ad journment which was resisted by the minority Thu rising vote resulted in tie S7 to fc7 Speaker Keed saved the motion by voting aye and the House ad journed until Muuday The first test vote on the sugar sehethrle was taken in the Senate late Friday re sulting in the adoption of the Republican caucus amendment changing the House rate of 1 575 1000 tu 105 per pound by the close vote of yeas 82 nays 50 The affirmative Wte was made ui of nine Republicans one Democrat of Louisiana one silver Republican Jones of NVvada and one Populist Stewart of Nevada The negative vote was made up of twenty live Deuwcrats three Populists and two silver Republi cans It was ihe cIoc ote thus far taken on an issue of importaucv ami was accepted a shorng that amendments having ihe sanction of the caucus were assured of adoption The vote was taken after a day speiu in speeches on the fttecl of the sugar schedule The next time Broker Chjraau will try Mr Ilaveineyers receipt for defying Sen atorial interrogation jvoiis Washington Post Mr Baileys aspersive remarks about full diss are somehow reealled by the Logan McCook embroglio Indianapolis News An earthquake shock has shaken Greece All sorts of powers seem to be against the little kingdom Baltimore American It is to be hoped that Senator TilUnan wont swap the tinesoff his pitchfarfc by a jab on the back of the sugar octopus Nou York Press The latest society item is to the effect that Broker Chapman is passing a few weeks as the ftuest of the nation in jail Providence News Kentucky views with scorn the colonels that are being made to order iu South Carolina and Illinois In Kentucky colo 7iels are born and not made Chicane Itecord So the weather bureau is going to un dertake xo forecast the weather twelve hours earlier than usual That is cer tainly a case of hunting for trouble Bal timore News Is this a circus asked Mr JJr it the Senate In getting through with it program and folding its tets it is safe tc say that the Senate is cot a circus St Louis PLAIN OR FANCY P RINTINQ QUICKLY Bm CPECIALTIES o BILL HEADS LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS ENVELOPES INVITATIONS PROGRAMMES MENUS LARGE POSTERS BUSINESS CARDS SMALL POSTERS CALUNQ CAD SALE BILLS ETC CHROMO CARDS Notary Public W B HALEY Real Estate ABSTRACTER Valentine Nebraska 1000000 Bond Filed Office in P O Building The DONOHER Has recently been refurnished and thoroughly renovated making it now more than ever worthy of the reputation it has always borne of being THE MOST COMPLETE AND COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN THE NORTHWEST Sot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Eoom Good Sample Eoom M JT BGNOHEB Proprietor Cherry Qounty Bank Valentine Nebraska j Every facility extended customers consistent withconservati7a banking Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable rates County depository E SPARKS President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier gANK OF VALENTINE C B CORN ELL JPreaiaent M V NICHOLSON Cashier Valentine Nebraska A General BanTeinff Business Transacted Buys and Sells Bomestio and Foreign Exchange Correspondents Chemical National Bank Hew York yirat National Bank Oaaha CITIZENS - MEAT MARKET GEO G SCHWALM PROP This market always keep3 a supply of FISH AND GAME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast JBaoon and Vegetables At Stutters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEERA8KA THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS WINES LIQUORS and CIGARS Valentine Of the Choicest Brand Nebraska Remember that this office is fully prepared at all times to turn out on the shortest notice in the most artistic and workmanlike manner all kinds of 9 Job Printing