The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, June 03, 1897, Image 8

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gliVWVWitfViM HfiHr1
ROBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher
Official Paper of Cherry Coun
ty Nebraska
jfO0 Per Yettr in Advance
Entered at the Post office at Valentine Cherry
i county Nebraska as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Mother -Lake May 25 1897
-Editor Valentine Democrat
I wish to reply through the columns
of The Democrat to your article of
-May 13th in regard the court house
bonds You say if a contest ensues
facts like the following will be brought
out and the vote from each precinct
named will undoubtedly be cast out
by the district court In Mother Lake
you say the board was sworn by G S
Johnson as assessor but an assessor
has no power to admister oaths only in
regard to property In legard to
Mother Lake you have misrepresented
the facts either by error or purposely
According to ynur own statement C
S Johnson was the proper person to
swear in the board He was one of
the judges If the bond carried legally
I will willingly pav my share of the
tax But if carried by a fraudulent
count I for one say contest the elec
tion to a finish I venture to say the
poll books of the last election will tally
up with any previous election as far as
correctness is concerned To my
knowledge the canvassing board never
threw out any precincts before
Yours Respectfully
L L Morrill
We very gladly publish the fore
going communication and express the
wishsfihat our subscribers would avail
themselves more readily of our
columns when they think we are in
error or when they have a grievance
of any kind
Our correspondent takes us to task
because we said C S Johnson assessor
was not the proper person to adminis
ter the oath to the election board but
we maintain that our proposition
wascorrect notwithstanding the fact
that C S Johnson was a judge on the
election board The depositions taken
by him were signed by C S Johnson
Assessor not C S Johnson Judge of
Election Had he signed as a judge
he depositions would have been legal
Suppose Geo Elliott county clerk
would take a deposition simply as Geo
Elliott without adding the words
-County Clerk Would it be legal
The lactates very few things for
granted For instance it has been
held thatihe signature John Doe J P
does net necessarily mean John Doe
Justice of the Peace although among
laymen the abbreviation will always
pass Does this make our meaning
We believe that most of our people
think with Mr Morrill that if the
count of the votes cast was fair they
are willing to abide by the decision of
the canvassing board if not they wish
to contest and we agree with them
when they take this position If The
Democrat thought for one minute
that all was not right it would be in
the front ranks of those who wish a
-contest but under the circumstances
it seems to us that a contest would be
sheer folly and a useless expenditure
of time money and energy
As this is only the second election
held in the county since we came here
it is impossible for us to know whether
the books at preceding elections were
as full of errors as those sent in last
month tjut judging from the fact that
the various canvassing boards have
never thrown out the vote of any pre
cinct we presume the books have been
correct If they were not the can
vasing boards failed to do their duty
Of one thing though we feel certain
In the future more care will be taken
in making out returns
Differences of opinion will exist be
tween men as long as the world lasts
but we are sorry there should be so
much evident difference over the court
house question We believe that if it
were only a question of what is best
for the county at large every man
wpjild favor the bonds
f jy
The Valentine Democrat says
the democrats should carry every thing
in the state a year from next fall and
have a regular walkaway It says
that the republicans stole every thing
in sight and that the pops used
traud in the amendment recount
Bro Good evidently is not aware in
his attempt to create a split in the sil
ver forces that the last legislature was
the effort of the combined reform
forces in Nebraska and were the first
legislative body in this state that have
not succumbed to the sublime argu
ment of corporate boodle for the past
sixteen years and that criticism of the
Hedland stripe will fall rather flat
upon the ears of -the people at this
tiuae Atkinson Plain Dealer
The above is good very good and
coming from the source it does will be
considered authentic and reliable It
almost deserves publication without
comment The last legislature was a
fusion body and according to Bro
Eves was the only one whicu lias mu
succumbed to the sublime argument
of corporate boodle forthejiast sixteei
years That shows the influence ot
democracy which leavened the muss
but we would not dare to say such a
thing in face of the fact that the legis
latures of 1891 and 1893 were com
posed of populists How can the Plain
Dealer accuse those bodies of having
succumbed to the sublime argument
One other thing The Plain Dealer
refers to this papers attempt to cre
ate a split in the silver forces It has
become quite a fad among some people
to use this expression whenever a per
son or paper criticises the acts of pop
ulists or democrats and the practice
ought to be discouraged by all liberal
minded men Those who make use oi
the expression to kill off opposition to
fraud or use it as a stop thief cry to
cover up rottenness in themselves or
party place a premium upon dishon
esty and though the ruse may succeed
for a time discovery is certain to come
sooner or later When it does come
those who have used the cry will be
among the first to receive censure
This paper is democratic in principle
but it has an independent spirit which
will not allow it to meekly submit to
wrongdoing or fraud simply because
they have the sanction of part- This
paper is not engaged in an attempt to
create a split in any movement The
incompetency of populists and dishon
esty of republican officials compels us
to say that democrats should have a
walkaway at the next state election
Whether they will or not is another
question Democrats have become al
most confirmed in the habit ot taking
back seats in Nebraska and they may
be slow to take advantage of their op
When congress passed the bill ap
propriating 50000 for the aid of
American citizens in Cuba it ac
knowledged that they were in need of
assistance and if they need assistance
now it is surely because of some in
justice and the United States dare no
longer delay interference with Spains
course in the Queen of the Antilles
This is the first time this government
has recognized the fact that American
citizens in Cuba needed aid but hav
ing done so we fail to see how the ad
ministration can be content with dis
tributing a few thousand dollars for
the relief of distress If Americans
have been deprived of their rights or
property it is justice from Spain not
money from the United States that
they want How can the government
honorably do otherwise than to com
mand Spain tD change her tactics
An English woman recently dropped
a sovereign 500 into a church col
lection plate thinking it was a shilling
25 cents When she discovered her
mistake she sued the church wardens
for 475 The judge held that as
soon as the money touched the plate it
became an accepted offeiing to the
Lord and no one had authority to re
turn it or any portion thereof Here
after we will be very caretul when
contributing our mite and will closely
examine the donation if that is to be
the rule An editor dare not run any
Senator Mutz came up rrom Lincoln
Monday to attend court returning
Wednesday The investigating com
mittee have given out nothing for
publication yet- Keya Paha Call
Geo Cyphers has the contract for
building five wings to the quarters at
Fort Niobrara Holsclaw Bros have
the contract for laying the founda
tions Jas Galloway will do the
plastering and build the chimneys D
S Ludwig will furnish the lumber
delivery of same having commenced
yesterday The contracts for building
the new schooJ house have not yet
been leL
G ood things wlien you see them and when yon see a good
thing yon want it thats why we want you to call and examine our
linft of goods theyre all good things and youll want them
Ur Stock of Shirt Waists is unexcelled our Shoes are unequalled
The Democrat has been accusing
the recount commission of fraud and
a few weeks ago indignantly denied
that the election boards of Cherry
county -had made a mistake in count
ing the constitional amendment bal
lots If no mistakes were made hen
was there any made at the bond elec
tion If the errors were made at the
bond election is it not probable that
just as grave errors were made when
the amendment ballots were counted
At any rate consistency doesnt lay
around The Democrat office in
chunks Eeya Paha Call
The Call man evidently doesnt Know
the meaning of the word consistent
or he would not have written that ar
ticle It is this papers consistency
that hurts its opponents There isno
comparison between the bond election
and the electiou last fall There was
no error in the count of the votes cast
at the special election The only er
rors made were in the certificates at
tached to the poll books Five pre
cincts failed to make legal returns and
so far as the canvassing board was
concerned these five precincts made no
returns at all Then where has this
paper shown any inconsistency in sup
porting the decision of the canvassing
board and antagonizing the report ot
the recount commission The Call is
unfair in seeking to convey the im
pression that the two boards arrived
at a decision by the same means they
were entirely different The canvass
ing board said that jive election boards
failed to make a proper return of the
votes cast in their precincts the re
count commission said that twenty six
election boards and the county can
vassing board did not correctly count
the votes cast Do you see the differ
ence If the Call man thinks the re
count of the amend meht votes was
right and the local count was wrong
why doesnt he say so We have not
seen a single paper which has taken
tbat position and dont expect to
There will be a scramble among
holders of Dawes county mortgages
and a general rush to release those
that have been on file for years after
having been paid should the new sys
tem inaugurated by the county attor
ney be held good Acting under the
direction of County Attorney Fisher
the assessors of the various precincts
began last week to add to the assess
ment rolls of their precincts the
amounts of the real and chattel mort
gages and deficiency judgements re
corded against the property in each
precinct Heretofore these securities
were supposed to have been given in
by the mortgagees to the assessor of
the preciuct in which the investor re
sides but Mr Fisher is of the opinion
that there has been a good deal of tax
shirking and proposes to get the taxss
on the mortgages if it can be done
Chadron Recorder
Trouble has been commenced at
Pine Eidge The Indians have not
broken out again and no fear of their
doing so is anticipated in the least
but the Indian Agent Maj Clapp has
per police broken out and rounded up
and peunded at the Agency about
750 head of range cattle that belong to
parties other than members of the
Sioux nation It is reported to us that
what started this trouble was the fact
of certain white men who really had
no right to graze their stock upon the
reservation lands got smart as the
saying goes and interfered with the
natives cattle Rushmlle Standard
The state printing law the passage
of which was secured by Hon A E
Sheldon of Chadron has been found
to be impracticable and the state
printing board has becided to ignore it
entirely Thus the only part of the
bill which is effective is the part which
Mr Sheldon was surprised to learn
was there Its a pity some way can
not be devised to nullify the whole
Mrs Conner Is on the sick lit most
time this spring
George Iraceftell has about roo cattle in his
nerd ana as line a range as one could wish for
Mrs Carrie Fowler came home last week
from Mr Ifoopeis wueieshe had been work
Matt Jelly seems to be a hustler he having
nearly completed putting in the crops on the
Johnstoue farms
We did not suppose our efforts weie missed
but thank those who welcomed us back in these
columns once more
Myron Cogswell is seen in these parts quite
often Wonder if there is not some other a-
traction beside low priced corn
Rev Hutchison intends moving south as soon
as he can arrange his affairs We have not
heard what locality he expects to go to
Dave Archer is dividing his time betwe
corn tending and training a horse for the races
Hope his time will not be spent in vain in either
The surveyors who had some horses wintered
in this neighborhood have commenced work
againbuthadthebadlucktolQse two head of
horses Strayed or stolen
Mrs Leola Grange and baby and sister Dora
were down to visit their parents Mr and Mrs
T Fowler for a few tlays last week Miss Dora
will come home tostay when school in Harmony
District is closed
John Foster Jhad a party at their place a few
evenings since It seoms that every body and
his best girl was invited but some of the boys
were bashful and did not go after their best
girls so staid out of doors until refreshments
were served We were sorry for their girls
John Shelbourn has put in about 100 aeres of
small grain and same acreage in corn He has
just finished sowing 20 of millet This
shows his renewed faith in Nebraska He
started Friday morningfor a trip to Gordon
combining business with pleasure He will
drive through
Kiobrara KTalls
Crops are in line condition
J A Adamson has bought the Uriggs
Mr Marks Is the proud father of a bouncing
baby boy
We are looking forward to the picnic in II ig
gins grove
It seems that 4U and I is either a bachelor or
an old maid
Richard and Henry Grooms returned
Sparks last i riday
Perry King went to Valentine Sunday and has
not returned at this writing
It is evident the we were all asleep last week
as there wasnt an item from any of us
Little Eda Adamson is expected home this
week She has been attending school in Valen
The storm of Wednesday night was
very se
vere Some of the Kccce property was blown
Frank Reece moved his house last week
Frank is full of notions for when the moon
changes he moves his house
Bad Bov
Crops look well considering the cold weather
The frost Saturday night was rather hard on
Mrs Sears has been quite ill with measles but
is better now
The grasshoppers have done soma damage to
wheat and oats
Elder J H Begele from the North Table visit
ed old friends here the other day
N J Gresins and Tom Hudson report having
had poor luck on their fihing trip
I N Ncwland lias returned irom South Dako
to for a few days isit with his parents
The ball game Saturday was line The Valen
tine boys played the Sparks nine and the score
stood 67 to 12 in favor of Spark-
Win Hughes and several others went to Val
entine Monday to attend Decoration Day exer
cises and Tuesday went to the lakes on a fishing
Weather is rather cool for the time of year
Chas Roberts has sold his place to Rev
Bert Nichols went to Gordon Sunday to spend
a day or two
James Dennison and family left last week for
Minnesota to spend the summer
I B Nichols bought the Hotchkiss place join
ing him on the west of P Sullivan
Henry Heckels brother of Holt county was up
and spent a couple of weeks with Henry return
ing home last week
Geo Monmer was arrested last Saturday lor
branding a Spade steer At the trial before
Squire FoJsom at Mcrriman Tuesday he was
bound over to the district court
Sax dy
Clarence Walcott was up from Red Deer Lake
buying cattle
Alfred Mrris of Johnstown is visiting his
sister Mrs W E Waite
Miss Laura Tillson of Valentine is visiting
Miss Gertrude Grange at Kennedy
F M Marshall of Maywood Neb is back
again and intends to mahe this place his future
School Report
The second monthly report
tnct JNo 3d
No of days taught 20
No enrolled for the month 19
Average attendance 10
Those who were not absent are Mary Anna
Lydia and Henry Becker Charley Fowler Ehas
Nollette Walter Shelbourn
Those who were not absent more than one dav
are Glads Fowler Charley Shelbouru
None were tardy during the month
S E A FowiiEK Teacher
T B Irwin foreman of the Spade
Cattle company of Chadron Neb is
here Julesburg Colo with an out
fit consisting of about twenty men
and 100 head of saddle horses receiv
ing cattle that are coming in from
Texas and Montana They have re
ceived four train loads up to this time
and are expecting two more this even
ing In all there will be 150 cars of
cattle From here they will drive
their cattle north to their range on the
Niobrara river in Nebraska Omaha
World Herald
or ho a i
H fir
fl MS WZitim I B
wiiiy -x i7 1 rs
U yU8fL
i 9 3 n B
Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases
notice of which appear in Tiik Democrat will
receive a marked copy of the paper Should any
errors in description of land or spelling of names
be discovered notice should be sent to the land
office and this office so correction can be made
U S Land Office Valentine Neb
May 13 lsur t
Notice is hereby given that Frank II Zanyck j
of Oakculc Mr nas Men notice ot infiitinn
to make final proof betore the Hotter or Re
ceiver at his office in Valentine N br on Sat
urday the itith day of June IM7 on T No 7 Ml
fur thi s jiieVi and Sec 1 Tpoln R 2w
He name as witnesses George liter of Vtl
entme Aebr illanl I aiorgareidge William
F Morjinteidg and William Carson of Simeon
Testimony of claimant v ill be taken before
the Clerk of the District Court lor Ant lope
counlv at his oifice in Xehgh IfebrasKa on
June 1S
17- C II G IOVEK Kegister
U S Laud Ofiue Valentine Nebr
May litli isi7 s
Notice is hereby given that Cliarley O rJood
rieh of Co iy Nebr has filed notice of intention
to make final proof before the Kegister or Re
ceiver at hs office in Valentine Neb on Tues
day the oih day of July I4ioi timber culture
application No 7i 1 lor the e2swf 1 and w2se1 i
Sec Jj Tp inn It w
He names as witnesses Andrew Steele
OscurC Goodrich lames A Dcnisonami Coin
fort J Starr all or forty Nebr also
Andrew Steele of Cody Xeb
IL E C52 for thee nei and cisei See
Tp 3 1 R x
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
OscaiMJ Goodrich Charley O Goodrich John
S Newell and llenrv Heckel all of Cortv Neb
f R t LOVER Register
U S Land Olhee Valentine Nebr
2 1 ay 17 is7 f
Notice is hereby given that Jason Garwood of
Puliiniin Neb has likd noiice of intention to
make html prof before vv Rrister and Re
ceiver at their oliice ii Valentine Neii on Mon
day the Lth day of June Wr 011 timber culture
application No 7 icr the ne1 se ii ami
neisw1 Sec22Tp RJ7
He names as witnesses Joseph n f tton
Charles Canier Joseph A Snail and V illiam
jullman al ot Iullman
NoU e 1 -- ieive given that Norman
Sioucr of Pullman Nebr has filed notice of
tention tonule J1i11I piott on timber culture
application No 7uiii tor the neVi -caw
and nlsci Sec 7 Tp J u R tiw
He nKincs as Joseph E Cotton
lo eph A Saults William ulin ii and Charles
Carncr ail ol iudman Nebr also
Jason Garwood of Pullman Xebr
II E No 10J4 for the n1 zieh Sec yj and iVi
nwK Sec Tp 2n R w w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence iiiiuii and ciiltnatiou of
I said land viz
Joseph E Cotton urmnn l btoncr Joseph
A Saults and William Pullman all ot Fuiiman
Neb C R GLOVER Register
U S Itnd Otlice Valentine Neb
May 5 li 7
Notice is hereby given that Frank C Jackson
of Pacific Junction Iowa has tiled notice of his
intention to make final proof before the Register
or Receiver at his office m Valentine Neb on
Friday the isth day of June 1S7 on timber cul
ture aophcation No 7474 for the se1 Sec 1 Tp 50
11 R w
He names as witnesses John It Ballard
Henry Ballard William G Ballard and John
Cronin all of Wool Lake Nebr
Testimony of claimant wil be taken hefore the
clerk ot the District Court of Mills county at
his ottlce in Glenwood Iowa on June 15 ly7
lVJO C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb 1
April 30 IS7 1
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make hnal proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on June I4tli
1837 viz
John M Clarkson of Sparks Xebr
K E No 9121 for the nv Sec 0 Tp An R 23w
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence on and cultivation of
said and iz
Frederick Smith of Fort Niobrara Nebraska
Richard Ostium Newton J Grooms Perry
bweanngerall ol bparks rebr
15--0 C 11 GLO VER Register
Land Office at Valentine Neb
April lr
Notice is herebv given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at Valeutine Nebr on Juue
Hth 1697 viz
William C Bell ot Pullman Nebr
Hd 9301 for the sVtseH and sswU Sec 2S Tp
2S It 33
fie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence ujjoii and cultivation of
said land vi
Isaac Lomas of Mullen Nebr Herbert
Rosrers Joseph Culbertson and Saniue McCiean
of Pullman Nebr
14 19 C IL GLOVER Register
U Si Land Office Valentine Nebr
April -1st 1S97
Notice is hereby given that John G Bollong
of Fairhaven Washington has filed notice of in
tention 10 make final proof before the Register
or Receiver at his otlice in Valeutine Nebraska
on Saturday the 29th day of May 1897 011 tim
ber culture application No 7765 for the uvr i Sec
13 Tp 27n R 27 w
lie names as witnesses John Harnau waldo
K Grant George Keller aud Erans R VancJc
grift all of Rrownlee Nebr
Testimony of clainvut will be taken before
the el rk of the District court for Whatcom
countv at his otlice m whatcom wahiagton on
iuv r 107
Waned An Idea
Protect vonr Ideas thoy mny br
Who can tMnfc
of some slmpla
thins to oaten t
brinjj you wealth
Wrlta TORN WEDDEPBtJRJf CO Patent Attor
noys Washington D c for their 31S00 prize offer
and new list cf cue tiouand lnrentlcas wanted
Xotiee to Creditors
Aotiee Timber Culture
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr 1
May 15 18U7 f
Complaint having been entered at this office
by John H full against Gilbert Maxwell for
failure to comply with law as to Timber Culture
untry no jii uaieu January stn isai upon
e isei sw ise1 and sesw1 Sec 5Ti 211 11
Cherry Nebraska with i vfeutntim
09 in
ccllatioii of said entry contestant alleging that
Gilbert Maxwell has tailed to liuve hivi iYi rv
acres or said tract luring the first vear of entry
or any of said land during the second year of
entry and ha- tailed to cultivate any f said
tract at any time and has failed to plant or
cause to he plmted any trees tree seeds or
cutting on said 1 uid and said land is all growr
up to grass and weeds the said parties re here
by summoned to appear at this office on the nth
dav ot July isir at KioVIoek a in to respond
and iuniish teuuoii eoiirrrninir sml illrfnr
1 Jaiiure
Dejnsitions ot witnesses will be taken before
I Obf Lucas a l s o C C at his office in
Cooper eI on the oth dav or June IJW at 19
o dock a in
C It G LOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebraska
Complaint having been entered at this office
by W IMMvis against William A Davis for
abandoning his homestead entry No 1001 2 dated
January r 1S95 upon thi se t rtec 34 Tp R
u iii Cherry county Nebraska with a view to the
cancellation of said entry said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at Valentine Nebr
on the 1st day or September 1SD7 at a oclock p
in to respond and nirnish testimony concerning
said alleged alviidoniiicnf
w 22 CR GLOVER Register
Apjifientitm for Administrator
In the Co Mity Court of Cherry comty Nebr
In the matter or the estate of Joseph Brown
deceased 53
Lewis having tiled in mv office 1 peti
tion praying lor tin- appointment of himself as
administrator of the estate of Joseph Brown
oecciised all persons interested ini saidj estate
ill tae notice I have fixed Saturday June 19
1K as the time and my office in Valentine
Cherry county Nebraska iS the place for hair
ing of said petition at which time and place bJL
persons mtereslediu said estate mayfappear
ami showcMHe 1 any there bv why such adtnm
istraor should not e appointed
Witness my hand and the seal of the County
77 - jij line iw7
10 JJ
County Judge
In County Court within and for Cherry county
Nebraska daylisi7 in the matter or tko
estate of Emciy E Ilojues decased
To the creditors of said estate
ou are hereby notified That I will sit at the
County C ourt Room in Valentine in said Countv
on the day of May 97 to receive and examine
ah claims against said Estate with a view to
their adjustment allowanceGThe time
limited for the indentation of claims against
sain esuiie u Six months trom the JSth dav of
Noyeiuoer A D i and the time limit for pay
NovemherfS0e vr m said 38th day of
Witness my hand and the seal of the Countv
- Court this isth day of May w
JI 11 Countv Imliri
Aijtlietfiou for AtlminiHtrntor
In the jounty court of Cherry countv Nebraska
deeellied C3tale ot Sa M
William E Waite having filed in my otlice a
b W a Junistrator of the estate of Silas x
NatcVasel a Persons interested in
Ju i viii i iKe notice mat I have fivpii
sat urday June vj iso7 as the time and mv officii
WIllMlCn diniiiisfrifinii
x- - uikurauii uLsmu petition at which
KSv nce al vTms interested 11 said S
maj to show
appear cause if mv h
should mi he appoin
ts -
Witnessniy hand and the seal of the Countv
sVfr CJrt tIus da f May kit y
Mill Brirexjor feed
Bran bulk 40c per cwt 700ton
biiorts bulk 30c per cwt 900 ton
Screenings 35c 6 00
Chop Feed 70c 1300
Corn 50c
Oats SOc
Xn addition io the line of
Groceries iv7iidt I recentltj
opened at my old ataml on
JZain Street I will hereafter
carry a stock of Xotions
Jjaces Jtibhons Xeedles and
Thread liuttons Neckties
Socles Overalls Underwear
etc and I
licit i share of your trade
AOiFio Short Line
LEA v ES 100
iTrU5ih C0nnecin3 bot uav3 with Black
II1II3 trains by taking this line
vou can go to
Sioux Citv ana return the same dav
made with all tnnr ta d V 1 ch lHri
iDakot IJUV local tets to ONeUl CUtU