r s V 1 1 V V OFFICIAL DIRECTORY feXrrer vJn m2SS Bupt Public Instruction w It Jackson fKAITadley Scotfa I C W IvaleymRed Cloud Regents University shos Rawlins Wakef Id I Chas Weston Hay Spgs I II L Goold Ograialla ICH Morrill Lincoln CONGRESSIONAL Senators Win V Allen Madison John M Tlnirston Omaha Rspresentatives First District Jesse H Strode Lincoln Second D fl Mercer Omaha Third iion DMciklejolin Fiillcrton Fourth EJ Hai iinr Aurora Fifth Wm K Andrews Hastings blth O M Kem Broken Bow JFDICIAL Supreme Conrt T Xorval Chief Justice UairiMiu and Folk associates rlfe1h lcia District M F KInkald ONeill V II Westovcr ltuslivllltf LEGISLATIVE Representative Fifty second District -OF ftllllncs Nordeu Senator Fourteenth District Otto Mutz Bprliijjvlew LAND OFFICE Register O It Glover Longpine Receiver J A Fikc Newport COUNTY Treasurer o 1 Orahb lcrlj Geo Elliott lnti Amos Strong Judge W R Towne County Attorney F M Walcott County Superintendent Lillian Stoncr Surveyor Chas Talt Coroner A Lewis Max vlertel Commissioners i w ATaiker i P Sullivan PltECINCT Overseers ol Highways R Hansen and J Ra Coiibtahle R Towne Justices of the Peace John Dunn and J M Cumin Assessor- John Dunn VILLAGE Town Board E Sparks prosldent C H Cor nell treasurer T C Hornby clerk D S Ludwlg unci V F Simons Marshal and Water Commissioner Henry Ra7ey chool District No 1 F M Walcott president M V Nicholson treasurer J C Pettljohn secre tary W S Jackson G P Crubb and J T Kcoley SOCIETIES Imp 0 RM fitting Bull Tribe No 22 Improved Order of Red Men meets every second and fourth Friday evening of each month at DavenportsJ Half Visiting brethren are fraternally Invited to be present at the councils of the tiibc J H Seahs F M March Chief of Records Sachem A F A M Minnekadusa Lodge No 192 A F A M meets in regular communication Saturday even ing on or before the full moon in each month members of the order in good and regular stand ing cordially and fraternally invited to attend JT Kkelby W M W W Thompson Secv 0 E S Northern Star Chapter No 59 Order of the Eastern Star meets on second and fourth dav evenings of eah month tn Hornbys hall W W JUlOMfSOX MagoiWaloott Secretary Worthy Matron a oTtl w Valentine Lodge No 70 A O U W meets on l si and 3rd Mondays of each month J C Peitijohx Rec O W Habit M W D OF II Valentine Lodge No Degree of Honor holds regular meetings first and third Wednes day evenings of each month M Christexsen Mrs J C Pkttijobn Recorder Chief of Honor Js I O O F Valentine Lode No 205 I O O F meets very Thursday evening Visiting brothers cord iv nvuea toauena our meetings D H TlIUnSTON Frakk Bratton Secretary Noble Grand G A H Col Wood Past No 20S Department of Ne braska i egular meeting 2d and 4th Saturdays of each month at 2 d m sharp Comrads from other Posts are cordially Invited to attend J WTccKKit Jobk Dunn Adjutant Commander MwT A Valentine Camp No 1751 Modern Woodmen of Ameiica meets second and fourth -Wednesday evenings of each month at Davenports Hall Visiting neighbors cordially Invited to hi tend W S Jacksov W E HaZBy Clerk Venerable Counsel K of P Cherry Lodge No l69Knlchts of Pythias meet every Tuesday evening at Davennotts Hall W S Jackfox E P Bqberts K of R and S Chancellor Commander Arrival and Departure of Malls MhII east and west closes at 8 p m Rosebud leaves at 800 a m dallj except 8un dav and arrives at 500 p m Simoon Kennedy and OrsIs leaves at 7 00 a m Mondays Wednesdays and Frl dav8 and arrives at 700 p m Tuesdays Thurri das and Saturdays Ft Niobrara leaves daily at700 a m and 500 p m arrives at 930a mand 730 pm - Kewanee and Sparks arrives Mondays Wednesdavs and Fridays at 609 p m and leaves Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at 7a ti m General delivery open from 760 a m to 00 p m General delivery open on Sundays from 8 to 10 a m Lock boxes opcndally form 8 a to 800 p ra W EHALEY Postmaster PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS TTD CLARKE Attorney-at-Law AUklnds of legal business promptly attended to VAbExiiXE Nebraska - - -T C DWYER Physician and Surgeon Olhce at C R Watsons Drug Store Prompt attention given to all professional call- Valentine - Nebraska Teachers Examination The regular monthly Teachers Examination will be held the third Saturday of each month at my office in the Court House LILLIAN STONER Supt of Schools PFSIMONS PROPRITOR OF DRAY LINE NO I Satisfaction guaranteed Seasonable charges 3t A JELS PROUD TEAR rHE ORGANIZATION IS THIRTY ONE YEARS OLD rirBt Conceived in Illinois the Order Has Had 8000 Posts witli a Mem bership of Over Half a Million Death Making Inroads A Famous Society iS I i 73 If J HI ILLINOIS is the birthplace of tlie Grand Army of the Republic was the home of tlie first post organiz ed writes J A Watrous in tlie Chicago Times Herald but Wis consin bears an honor equal to it in Uie fact that thirty one years ago the first State or department encampment of the rder assembled within her borders at Madison But few posts were represent ed One each at Milwaukee Madison and Berlin and less than a half dozen others t was a small body of young men who roinposed this first lepartment encamp ment Among them were the late Gen Lucius Fairchild Col Tom Reynolds tlie Irishman who refused to have his leg amputated becanse it was imported the ate Gen Jerry Rusk Gen lames K Vroudfit Gen George E Bryant Private 9enry Sanford Private George Baker Private Nelson Bowernian Col Henry k Starr Capt Edward Ferguson and a Jew others Gen Tames K Proudfit ivho had served as adjutant of the Twelfth and later as its colonel and was the high station when the order was first Hurlbut Surgeon on earth are Gens Logan geon Grimshaw Gen Cal Wagner and Gen Hartranft Gen Devens of Massa chusetts was in at the new birth National encampments have been held twice at Indianapolis one each in Phila delphia New York Washington Boston Providence Portland Me San Fran cisco St Louis Columbus O Pittsburg Milwaukee Louisville St Paul The next session will be held at Buffalo the last week in August At the thirty first department encamp ment of the order in Wisconsin at Eau Claire recently probably not to exceed a dozen of the men who belonged to the Grand Army in 1SGG when tlie first de partment encampment was held were present Among the men who have held the office of department commander in that State still living are James K Proudfit Thomas S Allen Edward Fer guson George A Ilannaford nenry G Rogers S F Hammond G J Thomas II M Enos Phil Cheek Henry P Fisch er Michael Griffen A G Weissert L Ferguson Benjamin F Bryant W H Upham C B Welton E A Shores J A Watrous W D Hoard and D Lloyd Jones Messrs Welton Upham Bryant L Ferguson Watrous Weissert Griffen Cheek and Rogers are tlie only ones who were present The department has had as high as 14000 members Its present membership is between eight and nine thousand It was the department of Wisconsin that first moved to establish a State home for the veteran soldiers their wives and the widows of soldiers It has been in operation near Waupaca for ten years and has proved a great success The example set by Wisconsin has been imitated by a number of States and several others are contemplating the step HELD FOR SMUGGLING Millionaire Dry Goods Merchant of St Louis Is Accused Richard M Scruggs the millionaire dry goods merchant who was arrested in New York Saturday for smuggling jewelry and fine laces is one of the most eminent and respected citizens of St Louis He and Edward G Langhorn general manager of the American Arithmometer Company who were passengers on the American t LEADING ASPIRANTS FOR THE OHIO GOVERNORSHIP A t JOIIX R MiEAX rAUL J SOrG rJo4ow arevetted a brigadier was made depart ment commander The work of organiz ing in 1SG7 and 1SGS went forward with great enthusiasm By the end of 1SG8 there were about 100 posts in the State The fame of the new order in Illinois and Wisconsin attracted the attention of Pennsylvania New York and several oth er Eastern States and it was extended to heir borders charters being given by the lepartment of Wisconsin The chief post ii Philadelphia is working under a char ier signed by Department Commander James K Proudfit This is true of posts in other State There are now over forty Grand Army aepartments nnd there have been as high is S000 posts with a membership of near y half a million The birth of that order resulted in bringing into existence the Womans Relief Corps which has a mem bership of nearly 200000 The two or ders have expended for charity many mill ions of dollars They have led in patri otic education and demonstration they have led in suggesting and in agitating for the establishment of several of the national homes and the establishment of all of the State homes they have exer cised much influence in pension legisla tion sometimes unwisely but in the main wisely and justly and they have given us Memorial Day with its beautiful and inspiring cereinoiile Wisconsin is the possessor of the post that has been in existence without inter ruption the greatest length of time Wil liams No 4 of Berlin From 1SGS to 1S75 nearly all of the Grand Army posts in the country died of an overdose of politics It was along in 1S79 that tlie order began its resurrection on a new foundation rigidly excluding pol itics and demanding utter non-interference with religious beliefs On that foun dation it grew more rapidly than it had at first It sprang forward like a fright ened fawn under Commanders-in-chief Major Merrill of Massachusetts Paul Yandervoort of Nebraska Col R B Beath of Pennsylvania the one legged drummer boy Johnny Kountz of Ohio Gen S S Burdett of Washington Gen Fairchild of Wisconsin Capt Rea of Minneapolis Major William Warper of Kansas City Gen R A Alger of Michi gan Judge Yeazey of Yenuont Adjutant John Talnier pf New York and Col A G Weissert of Wisconsin Since then the order from natural causes lias ceased tp increase It hijs been growing smaller rapidly it wil con tinue to speedijy grow smaller A fair sized army corps 14000 will have died by Sept 1 next Ten years from now there will not be one third as many posts and members as there are tq day Fif teen years from now there yil scarcely be more than one post in a county Twen ty years from now one or twp posts in the State will answer Twenty five years from now the Grand Army of the Repub lic will be only a memory Since Weissert ip S9l2 there haye been at the head of the national organization Capt Jack Adams of Massachusetts Col Tom Lasvler of Rock ford 111 Col Walk er of Indianapolis and Major Clarkson Illinois has the honor of baying had at the head Gen John A Logan two or three years Gen Stephen A Hurlbut two years Lawler one While 01ftrkson is now a resident of Nebraska he was an Illinois soldier thus giving the State four commanders-in-chief Pennsylvania has had three Wagner Beaih Hartranft Among those who held Line steamer St Paul were taken into custody by theUnited States customs officials when they landed Jewelry val ued at about 2000 was seized and a charge of attempting to defraud the Unit ed States revenues was made against them Mr Scruggs is the senior partner of ond of the largest dry goods houses in the west lie is 7G years old and is the pres ident of one of the leading charitable or ganizations of St Louis When there was great suffering among the poor of that city last winter G0000 was raised and distributed mainly through his efforts lie had been in business in St Louis for nearly half a century He had never been abroad uutil he took the trip which ended so unfortunately From hia own explanation Scrugga brought over presents for relatives and friends and neglected to declare them It seems a case of inexperience and bad counselors and the old gentleman said he would gladly write his check for 10- It CHARD jr SCKUOGS 000 if he could wipe the whk affair off the slate Scruggs and Langhorn went to London to dispose of the European rights for the manufacture of the arithmometer a cal culating machine The sale was made to English capitalists and Scruggs as pres ident and treasurer of the company sign ed the contracts and received 200000 Having completed his business hq bought a few watches rings and pins to present to relatives and employes He was told that it is customary for Ameri i cans tp bring in articles for their own use or intended for presents without de i claring them and paring duty as on arti cles intended for sale Tlie penalty fon smuggling may be anything from alight fine to a fine of 3000 and imprisonment for two years 1 i merchant of Lincale Tex was recently enticed from his home by a negro and murdered Edward Jones a negro was arrested and in a confession implicated Will Jones a white man Jonea yas placed in jail Shortly after 1 oclock in the morning a mob appeared at the county jail at Tyler broke in the doors and shot Jones to death They refused to kill the negro who killed Stewart John Wolff who had been scolded by the foreman drowned himself in a vat of beer at the Moerlein brewery in Cin cinnati Ohio NATIONAL SOLONS REVIEW OF THEIR WORK AT WASHINGTON Detailed Proceedings of Seriate and House Bills Passed or Introduced in Either Branch Questions of Mo ment to the Country at Large The Leirislative Grind Representative McMillin Monday in troduced in the House a resolution pro viding for the consideration of a Senate resolution recognizing the belligerency of the Cuban insurgents from day to day until disposed of The resolution was referred to the Committee on Rules The resolution appropriating 50000 for the relief of distressed American citizens in Cuba reached the White House at 1220 oclock just as soon as it could be sent up after being signed by both houses while they were in open session The President signed the resolution imme diately The conferees on the sundry civil appropriation bill have agreed The most Important amendment to the bill was that revoking the order of President Cleveland of Feb 22 1S97 setting apart 21000000 acres of lands as forest res ervations The appropriation for Pearl harbor Hawaii is reduced to 10000 The Senate amendment for improving Salmon bay Washington is stricken out The appropriation for a Government ex hibit at the Omaha exposition is left at 200000 the 75000 increase of the Senate being stricken out The amend ment for investigation of sugar produc tion remains in the bill The appropria tion for the improvement of the lower Mississippi River is increased to 2933 333 The net reduction from the Sen ate amendments is 500000 The Mobile bay improvement is made 25000 in stead of 40000 inserted by the Senate The total of the bill as agreed to is 53 G22G51 The debate on the tariff bill began in the Senate Tuesday with crowded gal leries ami a large attendance of Sena tors and the tariff leaders of the House Mr Aldrich Mr Vest and Mr Cannon were the speakers Early in the day Mr Mallory the new Senator from Florida was sworn in and took his seat Senator Cullom introduced by request a bill to amend the interstate commerce law The bill prescribes relations for pooling re quiring that pooling contracts shall not extenu beyond five years and that they shall name the maximum and minimum rates to be charged requiring the approv al of the interstate commerce commission before tlie agreements can become ef fective The bill provides for a com plete revision of the interstate commerce law The House was not in session The Senate Wednesday resumed con sideration of tlie tariff Mr Vest oppo sition leader moved a reduction in the duties upon boracie acid and was de feated 34 to 20 The debate was par ticipated in by Senators Vest Jones of Arkansas Aldrich Perkins White Caf fery Gray and Stewart Mr White a Democratic member of the Finance Committee opposed Mr Vests amend ment urging that the California industry required the rate allowed by the com mittee Seven paragraphs of the bil were considered during the day tho com mittee being sustained in each instance The resolution was agreed to authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to employ any suitable ship in foywarding relief supplies to India Tho House was not in ses sion The Cuban resolution was brought be fore the House Thursday A motion to refer to committee none of which are yet appointed was declared by Speaker Reed to be out of order Mr Lewis ap pealed from the Tuling and the appeal was tabled- to 57 Adjourned Th Senate made good progress on the tariff bill disposing of ten pages Several votes were taken the Finance Committee be ing sustained In each case by majorities varying from six to fifteen The dru schedule was under discussion and the debate was largely technical Before tak ing up the tariff the final conforenee re port on the sundry civil h was agreed to including the provision suspending un til March 1 next tha executive order cre ating extensile forest reserves Aftov a long period of silence Senator Tillman of South Carolina startled the Senate Friday by a speech no less dra matic in its delivery than sensational in its allegations He declared iho w statements that Senators were speculate fc m Migur siocks pending the settle ment of the sugar tariff schedule were gotting to be so persistent and forceful that It was a national scandal He pre coded his speech by presenting a resolu tion for the appointment of n special committee of fiYi Senators to investigate he chargeS The Senate then took up the tariff WH The House did nothing The Senate Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds agreed to report favorably the bills for public buildings at Baltimore JJ cost 1500000 Durham X C Sl o000 McKeesport Pa 200000- SASfet0rnP 75i Wilkesbarre Inn 100 Bue Cy Mont 300 000 and Aberdeen D 100000 For the first time in many years a mem ber of the TJnited States Senate was Sat urdty ftfteraoon directed to take his seat as a result of statements made in lrKota The Senator who offended was Mr Mor gan of Alabama and the ma ivho called him to order was Senate JJale of Maine Mr Morgan was at 4e moment soundly berating Speaks Reed for his exercise of the onojnan power in the House The PVeidtng officer at tho time was Senatoi Gallinger of New Hampshire but aftei the spurt of indignation on th cf t Hale was over Mr Morgan continued ns speech declaring for the first tire during tho twenty years he had served in the Senate this was the only occasion on which he had been direct to cea3 debate and take his seat He wanted tb American people to know that such de mands were made at a time when tbt Senator so doaft with was defending the Constitution The whole day was con suwert in a further consideration of the fclass schedule The Senate adjoumec over Monday Current Comment Why not place a heavy tariff duty or pink teas Chicago Times Herald It will be very discourteous to Gen Miles if Europe will not get up a war foj his diversion Pittsburg Times The Senate committee having taken tht hide off the Dingley bill has evened thing up by putting hides on Portland Easter Argus Mayor Harrison is modifying Chicago civil service regulations The modifica tion is executed with an ax Washing ton iost k PLAIN OR FANCY p RINTINQ QUICKLY SUTM CPECIALTIES - BILL HEADS LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS ENVELOPES INVITATIONS PROGRAMMES MENUS LARQB POSTERS BUSINESS CARDS SMALL POSTERS CALUNQ CARDS SALE BILLS ETC CHROMO CARDS Notary Public W E HALEY Real Estate ABSTRACTER Valentine Nebraska 2000000 Bond Filed Office in P O Building The DONOHER Has recently been refurnished and thoroughly renovated making it now more than ever worthy of the reputation it has always borne of being THE MOST COMPLETE a AND COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN THE NORTHWEST Hot and Gold Water Excellent Bath Room Good Sample Boom M J ItOXOBEU Proprietor Qherry Qounty Iank Valentine Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent withconb6r7ativo banking Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable rates County depository E SPARKS President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier B ANK OF VALENTINE V a COMNBLLtJPreaident M V NICHOLSON Cttahier Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Eocoliange Correspondents Chemical National Bant New York First National Bank Omaha CITIZENS - MEAT - Valentine Ol the Choicest Brands MARKET GEO G SCHWALM PROP This market always keeps a supply of FISH AND GAME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Uleata Smoked Hams Breakfast JBacon and Vegetables At StattersOld Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS WINES LIQUORS and CIGARS Nebraska Remember that this office is fully prepared at all times to turn out on he shortest notice in the most artistic and workmanlike mannerall kinds of Job Printing